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Workzilla is an exchange for affordable freelance or remote work for everyone. Workzilla - a freelance exchange for beginners, a scam or not? Remote work workzilla

(go to website)- this exchange is for beginners who have decided to exchange their gray office routine for earnings, or. The exchange has been operating since 2012 and during this time more than a thousand freelancers have managed to earn money on it. Training staff willingly cooperates with her remote employees.

IN this material I will try to touch on all the main topics related to remote work on Workzilla. And I'll do an experiment, is it really possible to make money on it and does it pay at all?

Advice! Ask your questions in the comments, we will definitely answer them and help you understand unclear situations, since the Workzilla support service cooperates with us!

Even the most uneducated beginner can cope with the tasks on this exchange. Most of the tasks are incredibly simple, but some can only be completed by a freelancer with knowledge of web programming. Mostly found the following types works:

  1. Leave reviews (video reviews);
  2. Call clients;
  3. Translate audio speech into text;
  4. Change/improve media files;
  5. Rewriting/copywriting (in this case more suitable)
  6. Post ads on Avito;
  7. Create a VK group;
  8. Create or modify a website (material on the topic,).

List of tasks on the exchange

And also a large number of other tasks. Let's get started, first of all you need to go to the exchange website and register your account.

How to pass tests on Workzilla?

The next step is to undergo testing. So that you don’t have to bother with this and waste your time, I decided to post answers to tests in Workzilla.

Attention! On this moment The Workzilla administration changed the tests to new ones that are completely delusional and have nothing to do with knowledge of the rules of the exchange. But only 4 questions! We cannot post answers to them, since each account has its own questions and it is not known how many there are in total. Search for answers on Google by simply copying the question.

1 test. This is a knowledge test general rules etiquette when communicating on the stock exchange.

Answers to 1 test

2 test. This is a test of knowledge of the rules for using the exchange.

Answers to test 2

3 test. This is the most crazy test on the stock exchange; you need to answer four short tasks.

Answers to test 3

That's all, the question “ How to pass the test on Workzilla” dispelled. However, this does not mean that you should not know the rules of working with the exchange; I advise you to read them for your own safety, because the administration punishes violations by blocking your account FOREVER!

WebMoney wallet confirmation

Probably the most difficult step for some freelancers is to confirm initial certificate of WebMoney wallet on the exchange. I don’t know why this is necessary, but there is no other choice and start making money on Workzilla necessary:

  1. If you do not have a WebMoney wallet, register his.
  2. Make it formal and then initial certificate.
  3. Confirm it on the Workzilla exchange.

UPD. Recently, confirmation of initial certificates when registering on the Workzilla website has been canceled; now it will be enough to pass the test and pay for the subscription.

By the way, an initial certificate provides advantages over a formal one; for example, if you have lost your password, it will be much easier to recover it. And it will definitely be useful to you in your future work as a freelancer, so if you decide to work remotely, you should take care of the certificate.

Paying the first installment on Workzilla

Another disadvantage of this exchange is the payment of the first installment in the amount of 250 rubles (as of 08/2015 already 390 rubles). According to the administration, this guarantees that you have seriously decided to make money on this exchange. Isn't it nonsense? We pay the fee, as I did... anyway, you will win back this money more than once!

How to take the first task on Workzilla?

So, we come to the most important part - completing tasks on Workzilla. To do this, we check the correctness and information content of the personal data you filled out and in the list “New tasks” We select the tasks you like.

As practice shows, the probability that you will get a task is 20%-30%, so I advise you to take 5-10 tasks at once, but with a duration of one day - suddenly you will be given 4 tasks out of 10 at once and you will not have time to complete them all. Although the work time depends on your knowledge, you can complete a task lasting 1 day in 1 hour.

Selecting a task on the exchange

I would like to give some tips on how to increase the likelihood of your assignment applications being approved.

  1. Communication. Communicate with the customer politely, discreetly and in his language, for example, if the customer says: “Hey guys, I need help!”, answer him “Hey dude!...” and so on.
  2. Rating. They say that freelancers on Workzilla generally have no rating, all because this is an exchange for beginners, and after gaining experience, they begin to work directly or go to other exchanges. However, the rating well increases the percentage of orders received. Therefore, I recommend using the black method - leaving reviews for yourself. If you don't know how to do this, leave your questions in the comments.
  3. Reduced payment. Again, to increase your rating, we offer to complete the first 3-4 easy tasks for free or at half the cost. That's exactly what I did, the result is positive, but it's confusing market value work, since the customer most often does not understand how much a freelancer’s work should cost.

How much can you earn on Workzilla?

Any newbie to freelancing faces this question. It is quite possible to earn 20 - 30 thousand rubles a month on Workzilla, but this is after increasing the rating and positive reviews on the exchange. A beginner can earn 10-15 thousand rubles per month.

Only for customers! When you follow our link and register on the exchange, you will be credited with 100 rubles as a bonus, which you can use to pay for your first task.

Sometimes it happens conflict situations between the customer and the contractor (either the first has a complex character, or the second is unable to complete the task), in this case the task will go to arbitration, but as practice shows, the exchange administration is most often on the customer’s side. Therefore, try to avoid conflicts, your making money on Workzilla.

How to withdraw money from Workzilla?

To withdraw money from Workzilla, click on the current balance of your avatar, then click on the button “Withdraw”, indicate your WebMoney wallet or Lavapay account number. It is worth noting that the percentage of transfer to a WebMoney wallet is 5%, and Lavapay is only 2%, so we try the second option. Next, enter the required amount in the field and click “Withdraw”. The application will be approved within three days.

The exchange has a limit on withdrawal of funds every day - the higher the rating, the more money can be output:

  • Beginner - 300 rubles;
  • 1 star - 1000 rubles;
  • 2 stars - 1500 rubles;
  • 3 stars - 2000 rubles;
  • 4 stars - 2500 rubles;
  • 5 stars - 3000 rubles.

Is Workzilla a scam or not? Experiment results

Here we come to the most important section of this article - to our experiment related to the doubts of newcomers to freelancing that Workzilla doesn't work. To do this, I completed all the points described above and took the first task worth 150 rubles.

After delivery to the customer, I was credited 135 rubles (minus the exchange commission). Next, I created a request to withdraw funds to WebMoney, as you can see, the money is transferred only after 3 days due to the fight against some kind of fraud. Well, okay, let's wait.

As you can see in the screenshot, the money is transferred to the wallet, so the exchange Workzilla is not a scam, as it seems to some. Only again the commission was removed only from WebMoney 0.8%

Dear readers, if something is not clear to you, leave your questions in the comments, I will definitely answer them.

Good day to everyone who visited my website about working online. If you dream of starting to earn money by working at home, then this article is for you. I provide detailed information about various projects and online earning opportunities. In this article I will tell you about popular project Work-zilla, which today for many thousands of users is, if not the main, then an additional source of income. You will learn how to register on this site correctly and where to start your freelance journey. For those who are looking for, I will provide valuable and useful recommendations on working with the project.

Registration on the Work-zilla website

Workzilla is a convenient service with the help of which many performers in various areas of Internet activity can easily find themselves permanent job or one-time orders. To gain access to various tasks, you should go through the registration procedure. It is not as simple as on, since it requires you to pass small tests.

To register in the system, you must go to. At the top you will find a “Register” button that you need to click. Next, you can register using your social network accounts or in a standard way- indicating the email.

In addition, you will need to enter your name, which will be visible to other users on the site, and come up with a unique password to log in. You also need to read the terms of use of the service and the privacy policy and check the appropriate box.

When you register, to your specified email address a confirmation email will arrive. You need to read it and follow the link provided in it.

After this, you will be able to use Workzilla as a customer. To act as a performer in the project, you will need to pass simple tests. You can do this by going to the “Artist” tab. Testing consists of three parts:

  • The first part is to test your general knowledge.
  • the second part is intended to test attentiveness and ability to find necessary information online, it includes simple questions on logical thinking; 5 attempts are given to pass;
  • the third part tests your knowledge of the service rules (to do this, you need to carefully study the provisions of the system and answer a few simple questions).

You will also need to confirm your phone number and fill out a personal profile with current and accurate information. After this you can get to work.

How to get started with the project?

For those who plan to work on this site and earn money, It is recommended to subscribe. This is a guarantee that you mean business. Thus, the system filters those users who do not intend to work on the site, but register for informational or other purposes. The cost of a subscription to the Work-zilla project is 490 rubles. Payment will allow you to see all available orders and leave your requests for execution.

After purchasing a subscription, you can start working fully. First of all, you should go to the “Specialization” section and highlight those areas from which you would like to take on tasks. Newcomers to freelancing can check the boxes next to the categories “Simple Help” and “Other”. If you have experience in, choose "Texts". Programmers, designers, marketers, social media specialists, etc. can also find work here.

It is worth noting that at first you will have access to cheaper orders. By performing them efficiently, you will be able to earn good rating, after which you will have access to expensive tasks.

In the “Task Price” section, you can indicate the minimum cost that is acceptable to you. This will allow you to filter out those tasks whose price is very low. However, if you are a beginner, it is recommended to leave the slider at the starting point in order to be able to quickly take the task to work and gain a high rating in the Work-zilla system.

To take on any task, You need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Go to the task feed and select any suitable order.
  2. Click on the name of the task and familiarize yourself with all the requirements and wishes of the customer (pay attention to the cost, time allotted for completion and other conditions).
  3. If you understand all the requirements, click on the green checkmark in the upper right corner of the task window.
  4. You will be asked to submit a request for execution and write short message to the customer. In the message, you can indicate your obvious advantages (readiness to complete the work ahead of schedule, professionalism, personal qualities, etc.), ask clarifying questions or indicate other information that will distinguish your candidacy from other performers. If you have examples of completing this type of task, you can attach them. After that, click on the “Ok” button.

You need to complete a task in the Work-zilla system only after you have been appointed as a performer. You will receive a system notification about this. So, you can leave several requests for different orders, waiting for customer decisions.

To start earning really good amounts on Workzilla, There are some important recommendations to follow:

  1. Create a portfolio and post there the most successful examples the work you have completed.
  2. Leave requests only for those orders whose terms you understand. It is important that you can complete the job 100% without making mistakes. Apply only to categories that you are familiar with. Do not pursue expensive tasks, the essence of which is not clear to you.
  3. Keep track of the time allotted for work and do not allow delays so that your rating does not decrease. Carefully study all working conditions, ask clarifying questions if necessary, so that there are no misunderstandings with the customer.
  4. After successfully completing tasks, ask the customer to leave feedback about your skills in the Work-zilla system. Positive reviews will attract the attention of other customers, after which they will give preference to you when choosing a contractor.
  5. Don't lose your enthusiasm after one or more clients refuse to complete the task and choose another contractor. Continue to submit applications, work and improve your rating.

Follow these tips and you can secure a good job on attractive terms. In addition, it will help you avoid many problems that beginners often face.

My review of the Workzilla exchange

I have been working with this project for quite a long time. At first I received very few orders, but over time their number increased significantly. I want to say that the system has established some restrictions on the withdrawal of money. The limits directly depend on the artist’s rating on the Work-zilla website. As a beginner, I was able to withdraw a maximum of 300 rubles per day. If you get one star rating, the limit increases to 1000 rubles, and 5 stars give you the opportunity to withdraw 3000 rubles every day.

The system withdraws money according to the rules within three working days, I received my first transfer in about 2-3 days. At the moment, users can transfer their earnings to wallets in the WebMoney and Yandex Money systems. For those who doubt the reliability of the project, I provide a screenshot of my payment.

As for the advantages and disadvantages, I did not notice any significant disadvantages during operation. If you fulfill all the conditions and follow the rules, then the work goes quickly and without hassle.

There is always the opportunity to communicate with the customer personally using a special chat. As in, here you cannot indicate your contact information in correspondence. The chat is intended purely to clarify some nuances regarding tasks.

If during the course of work you and the customer have disagreements, then Work-zilla suggests turning to Arbitration. I have never done this, so I can only say one thing: you should only go there in emergency cases. Many disputes are resolved in favor of the customers, since they are the ones who pay the money. Therefore, you should not waste your time if you simply misunderstood the customer’s requirements or refuse to finalize something.

Otherwise, I was pleased with the cooperation with this project. I suggest considering it as an additional source of income.

WORK-Zilla is a good service that allows you to work remotely and constantly earn money. There is a lot of work on the site, and it does not require special qualifications from the performer.
You can choose your own work schedule. Or complete 10 tasks in one day or just a couple per month. Everything depends on you. You plan your own work. Anyone can work, regardless of experience and qualifications; on the site there are many quite simple and elementary tasks, as well as more complex ones that require certain skills and qualifications from the performer, and, accordingly, are more paid.

Before starting work, follow 2 simple steps:

1. Register for the project

2. We fill out the profile form, where we indicate our specialization, one or more. In the future, orders will be received specifically for the categories you have chosen. You can also adjust the cost of tasks, determine the price range, so to speak - the minimum value.

Kinds tasks

There are quite a lot of tasks on the site. Below is a list of the most popular:
— Translations of texts
- Mailing of letters
— Polls
— Working with Excel
— Calling clients
— Article writing
— Translation of video or audio into text
- Design
— Searching for information on the Internet
— Purchasing tickets

How it works?

You enable yourself the opportunity to be notified of new tasks that will constantly come to you. Your only choice is to hire him or refuse. For each successfully completed task your rating will be increased. The higher your rating, the higher your customers' trust in you. And accordingly, there are more available tasks and a higher price for execution.

Payment for tasks.

Everything is fair on the payment project. As soon as you have accepted a task, the money in the customer’s account is blocked for the exact amount of this task. Once completed, they are transferred to your account. - indispensable assistant businessmen and busy people. The service will find a contractor in a matter of minutes for the work that you don’t have time for, can’t or don’t want to do yourself. Post your task, specify the price, and the system itself will bring you the best candidates.

The peculiarity of the service is that in addition to the traditional range of freelance services (rewriting, copywriting, design, etc.), it is ready to take on boring, routine tasks. Hardly anywhere else on the Internet will they help you with such small and specific work as:

Register 50 accounts,
- find contacts of suppliers,
- translate audio into text,
- fill the online store with goods.

At work-zilla, dozens of such orders are carried out every day.

Examples of completed tasks


The first 50 people who register using the link (see below) will receive a starting 100 rubles into their account to immediately try the service. Get a cash bonus and start delegating now!

P.S. Please note that the starting amount will not be credited immediately after registration, but within 1-2 days. The bonus is exclusive, so this process is not automated. Hope for your understanding.


You do not waste time searching for a contractor; you make payment only after accepting the completed work, thus receiving a guarantee of a safe transaction. And, of course, a pleasant opportunity to participate in the action!

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Not better times came for those who wants to earn money online through honest work, because there is less and less work, and more competition.

Professional layout designer, seasoned programmer, System Administrator– all these people can easily find remote work, but what should an ordinary online user who knows only the most basic things do?

After careful thought and searching, the answer was found, and its name is Workzilla! This is a remote work exchange, i.e. a project that allows an ordinary person to earn real money on the Internet. Yes, today you don’t even have to leave your home to earn money.

On regular freelance exchanges, the problem is that you need to have knowledge and experience, i.e. write a dozen programs, create many databases, design a lot of websites - all this is not possible for an ordinary person to do.

About the Workzilla freelance exchange

Affordable freelancing is what distinguishes this exchange from other freelance sites. What is “affordable freelancing”? Affordable freelancing is the kind of work that can be performed even by a novice PC user. Sometimes there are terribly simple tasks here.

For example, you need to download a file to check the operation of the service, and you will pay 200 rubles for this. Or there is a task with registration on social networks, which also pays well, or something simplest work with graphics like:

Of course, if you have already felt the full power and capabilities of your computer, you can create websites, make up designs, write programs, scripts, write full-fledged articles, reviews, etc., then you have much more opportunities here, because technical assignments there's a lot here too.

So no one will be left without work, and now let’s take a more detailed look at this work, what exactly Workzilla offers us.

How to make money on Workzilla? Work options

As we have already understood, remote work from home can be very different: one customer will ask you to write reviews, and the second will write an annual accounting report for him.

You can perform simple tasks here for real money or surf the site for pennies - it's up to you, as they say. And you know, this will often be more interesting than what I described in the article about that (in the projection of those methods that do not require special skills to earn money).

P.S. Above is an example of how to start completing tasks on this exchange.

Registration on the Workzilla exchange (passing the test)

On Workzilla, the registration process is divided into 4 stages. To get started, go to official site, and then to the registration page. And here we have the fields to fill out:

The registration process is complete, but we need to confirm your registration. We go to our email, which we specified during registration, and see a letter from the Workzilla website. Follow the link and get access to your account. This completes the first part, let's move on to the second.

When you first log into the service, you will be asked to choose who you want to be on this exchange ( customer or contractor):

When we click on "Executor" in hopes of finding a job, the system says that we haven't taken the test yet, so let's do it.

The test itself consists of 4 simple tasks, which, apparently, are generated differently. If you type into a search engine a phrase like: “Workzilla test answers,” then there are always different questions and different answers. So you will have to look for information yourself.

That's it, we've passed the knowledge tests, now all that remains is to pay for the subscription, confirm your phone number and fill out your profile. How to do it in detail shown in this video:

Very interesting, isn't it? We are already forced to pay in advance, although we haven’t even fully registered yet. Disputes do not subside on the Internet, and the search engine produces many answers to the phrase: “Workzilla reviews” and “Workzilla scam”.

In fact, the project really deserves attention, so (subjectively) you can easily pass this test on the official website without fear of being made a fool later (I say again, read the reviews on this topic and draw conclusions for yourself - accept the conditions or look for something else similar). True, now the cost of passage has risen to 390 rubles.

Once you've passed all these painful tests, you can get to work. Just for starters let's do a little setup:

We add all the specialties that exist. Even if you don't understand, there is still a chance of getting a very simple task for a good amount. The same thing applies to money - set any price, this way you will receive complete information, and you will also be able to perform simple tasks to improve your skills.

The registration process on the official website of the exchange has been completed, you can now submit applications and wait for a response from customers. Rest assured that your application will be considered. My only advice: describe all your strengths as fully as possible. Say that you are the king of kings in this matter, otherwise you will not see orders.

Now let's look at the shortcomings of the WorkZilla project, let's take a look at everything from the inside.

Disadvantages and reviews of the remote work from home exchange

Are there any disadvantages to work-zilla? Yes of course there is! What does it cost just one paid registration, where a newbie, not seeing orders, is obliged to pay money. This is very wrong, at least it’s worth giving out free access for review.

The second main disadvantage is the constant payment for the opportunity to use. Yes, here the Workzilla website is no different from other freelance exchanges:

This is similar to the situation on the market. You have a product, you need to sell this product in order to make a profit. You are forced to rent a space in the market and pay rent so that you can sell freely.

This, by the way, is the problem with all freelance sites; you have to pay everywhere. But again: for example, on users are given the opportunity to post 3 offers per day, but here – nothing.

A monstrous, real “jamb” is arbitration. As a rule, he stands on the customer’s side, because the customer pays the money. Yes, of course, if he is wrong, everything will be resolved in your favor, but if the conflict is controversial, then the scales will definitely tip towards the customer.

And yes: again problem with competition. But here it’s really not that global. As a rule, there is not as much competition for orders as there is on top exchanges freelancing.

Here you will definitely be given remote work, but don’t expect to snap up all the orders, because there are people just like you who also wouldn’t mind working at home and earning good money.

But let's not talk about the sad, let's talk about the objective. Let's find out what people think about the project, consider the reviews about Workzilla.

Reviews about WorkZilla

Quite contradictory. If you go to the aforementioned workers' union WorkZilla, you will understand that everything is not as rosy on the service as it seemed. However, the cries that it is impossible to make money on this site are false, because you really can make money, here is a screenshot of the “newbie”:

This amount was earned from simple tasks; for the purity of the experiment, they did not even take simple layout and creation of html websites. Simple tasks, such as: “Translate voice into text” can even bring a good income to a beginning freelancer.

Yes, the system is not without problems. For example, from each order take 10 percent, customers sometimes don’t respond for days. Here is an example of such a review about Workzilla:

Here's another one a review that is exactly close to reality:

As you can see, the reviews are extremely contradictory. Based on all the reviews about the Workzilla website, we can draw several conclusions:

  1. The site is not perfect and has several negative parts
  2. The system really pays
  3. Large commission for tasks + subscription
  4. The opportunity to work from home, fulfill orders you like and get good money

In general, think for yourself - decide for yourself. The main advice that can be given to you is this: if you hope that simple work, completing small tasks will lead you to gold mines, that you can complete one task a day for 5,000 rubles and not work for a week - all this is a lie.

You'll have to work a lot, you need to be able to communicate with people, do your job accurately, if you don’t have this in you, don’t even start.

Well, finally, let’s take a look at how to withdraw money from the system to make sure that this is not a scam.

How to withdraw money from the exchange website?

First, you need to click on your earned money on any page of the official Workzilla website, after which we will be transferred to the balance window, where we select the “Withdraw” tab.

Money is withdrawn within 3 days, you can withdraw it either to a Webmoney wallet or to Yandex (in both cases a five percent commission is charged).

There is also a limit on withdrawals, where at first you are allowed to withdraw only 300 rubles (daily limit), and then more. I now have a limit of 6,000 rubles per day.

Enter your wallet number, select a payment system and click: “Withdraw”. That's all. Money usually arrives one day after the application is created.

Now you know everything and even more about remote work on Workzilla. The main thing on it is respect for the customer and quality work, only in this case you can get real money and work in a warm, cozy home, sitting on the couch, and not in a stuffy office. By the way, this exchange recently had a successful competitor (I also advise you to get acquainted with it, because two are better than one).

Good luck to you! Before see you soon on the pages of the blog site

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