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All-Russian movement volunteers of victory. "volunteers of victory"

Project stage:

The project has been implemented

Objective of the project:

Implementation of the military-patriotic direction of the RDS activities and the direction of “Civil Activity”

Project objectives:

1. Studying the history of the Second World War, realizing the significance of the great Victory.
2. Involving students in practical activities to study and preserve monuments and graves of soldiers who died during the Second World War
3. Familiarization with volunteer activities.
4. Fostering respect for veterans, women and simply older people.

Results achieved in Last year:

Studying the history of the Second World War, preserving the memory of fallen heroes, instilling respect for veterans, women and simply older people, realizing the significance of the great Victory.
The success of any team consists of the personal contribution of each team member. The personal growth of a student is also one of the significant indicators of work effectiveness. The Lyceum teachers are proud of their graduates. Many of them become cadets at military institutes. Over the past five years, 10 people have made a conscious choice to become defenders of the Motherland, including two girls. I was the commander of the Prometheus military-industrial complex for 4 years, now, while studying at the State Technical University, I returned as a teacher and continue to work in this direction. Graduates of the lyceum, members of the Prometheus military-industrial complex come to visit us, attend events, and train. This is a continuation volunteer activities has a huge educational effect for today's children and is of great importance for us - we see that the work to which you devote your strength, time, and in fact, life, is very important and necessary and we want to continue doing it.

Social significance project:

In order to improve public policy in the field of educating the younger generation, promoting the formation of personality based on the system of values ​​inherent Russian society President Russian Federation Decree “On the creation of the All-Russian public-state children’s and youth organization “Russian Schoolchildren Movement” No. 536 dated October 29, 2015 was issued.
From September 1, 2016 MAOU "Davydovsky Lyceum" is a pilot school for the implementation of the new project "Russian Schoolchildren Movement", where activities are carried out in four main areas. The name of our project, in my opinion, combines two of them: military-patriotic and civic activity (development of the volunteer movement and volunteering).
Victory volunteering is a volunteer activity aimed at patriotic education and preservation of historical memory (improvement of memorial sites and military graves, social support for veterans, participation in the organization of All-Russian actions and festive events, dedicated to the Day Victory).
A volunteer is a person who has the habit of caring for people, helping them absolutely voluntarily and without any benefit, and the reward for this is gratitude and appreciation. Working for free, he strives to contribute to the implementation socially significant projects, for example, our project “Volunteers of Victory” is aimed at preserving the memory of the Great Victory and the heroes of the Second World War.

Activities carried out within the framework of the project:

Meetings with veterans, assistance and congratulations on holidays throughout the year.
- Collecting information about WWII veterans and replenishing the exhibitions of the Lyceum Museum of Local Lore.
- Active participation in the search expedition, Valdai, Novgorod region, May 3-6, 2017.
- Participation in the “Women of the Moscow Region” campaign, congratulations on March 8, March 5-8, 2017.
- Active participation in the All-Russian cleanup on April 8 and 22, 2017, cleaning in Victory Park in the village of Davydovo.
- Active participation in the Moscow regional action “Forest of Victory” on the territory of the Orekhovo-Zuevsky municipal district, April 29, 2017
- Active participation in the motor rally in honor of Victory Day at the monument in the village of Davydovo, May 3, 2017.
- Participation in the “Give Joy to Children” campaign, assistance and support to children from low-income families throughout the year.
- Carrying out the “Memory of Generations” campaign, laying flowers in places of military glory of the Republic of Belarus, May 5-9, 2017.
- Study of monuments, monuments and obelisks to fallen soldiers installed on the territory of the Orekhovo-Zuevsky district during the year.
- Carrying out the “Soldiers’ Graves” campaign, cleaning and painting monuments with a red star on abandoned or unmarked soldier’s graves, May 2017.
- Preparation and conduct of thematic cool hours in grades 1-11 on state symbols, days of military glory of Russia, etc.
- Meetings with school graduates who have passed military service in the Armed Forces
forces, military cadets educational institutions, graduates of the military-industrial complex "Prometheus".
- Conducting demonstration performances before the game “Zarnitsa” by members of the military-industrial complex “Prometheus”, classes with junior members of the military training club “In One Line”.

Fireworks dedicated to Victory Day died down across the country. In the middle of the thousands-strong procession of the “Immortal Regiment”, at the memorial during the laying of flowers, next to the veterans, you could not help but see young people in blue and white uniforms. These are Victory volunteers.

Under the sign white dove- a symbol of peace - the All-Russian Volunteer Movement has been carrying out its activities for two years aimed at preserving the history of the Great Patriotic War. Today there are regional branches of the movement in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

“Victory Volunteers is, first of all, the personal story of everyone, whose memory of the contribution of his family and friends to the Great Victory is more than just a memory,” say the leaders of the movement in the Ivanovo region.

“It may seem to some that our activities are only assistance in organizing May 9 events and preparing for them. But in fact, we do a lot of work throughout the year,” says Anton Korotkov, head of the regional department of the volunteer corps.

The main goal of the movement is to preserve the history of the war and the names of its heroes. To achieve this, volunteers conduct youth historical quests - interactive and educational games. This year, for the first time, “Volunteers of Victory” organized the intellectual game “RISK” (Reason, Intuition, Speed, Team).

Other tasks include helping veterans. “Veterans are next to us every day,” argue members of the movement, “so one of our most important tasks is to provide them with support and assistance.” In addition, Victory volunteers participate in the improvement of memorial sites and military graves, as well as in holding the “Letter of Victory”, “Tree of Victory” and “St. George’s Ribbon” campaigns.

Of course, Victory Day is a special holiday for volunteers. Help in holding events for each of them is an opportunity to contribute to preserving the memory of the great exploits of both their ancestors and the entire Russian people. This year, activists of the movement took part in the Victory Parade in the city of Ivanovo and the “Immortal Regiment” people's procession as volunteers.

“Part of our team celebrated Victory Day in Moscow, on the main square of the country. “Victory volunteers were to assist in organizing the Victory Parade, as well as become volunteers along the route of the Immortal Regiment,” said Anton Korotkov.

Based on the results of a competitive selection, two volunteers from Ivanovo became “Ambassadors of Victory” in Sevastopol, where for seven days they participated in the preparation of the parade and events on Sapun Mountain.

One of them, Vladimir Smirnov, explained why he took part in the movement and became the “Ambassador of Victory”: “The Great Victory is not just a holiday, but something more. My family treasures the medals and orders of their grandparents with trepidation. I remember how on May 9 my grandfather put on his ceremonial suit with many military awards and led me to the parade, where he secretly cried. Then I didn’t understand why he celebrated this holiday with tears. Having matured and realized a lot, I understood everything. And now it’s my turn to remember my family with tears in my eyes. Today I am sincerely grateful to them for saving the world from fascism. That’s why it was important for me to become an “Ambassador of Victory,” that’s why I’m a Victory volunteer.”

The results of the activities of the “Victory Volunteers”, their stories and reasoning indicate only one thing - each of them is completely passionate about what they do.

“In any business, the most important thing is the people with whom we work and implement projects. In the “Volunteers of Victory” movement there are many caring people who enthusiastically help veterans free of charge, improve memorial places, and conduct all-Russian events. My task as a leader is to help them with this and provide them with everything they need,” says Anton Korotkov.

The activists of the movement have many more projects planned, which they will talk about on the official website: volunteersvictory.rf.


Today we live in Peaceful time. We have a lot of wonderful opportunities to make our life the way we want it to be. We can get an education and find a job we like. We can breathe freely and be proud of our country. All this is possible only thanks to the Great Victory, which was won by our people in the Great Patriotic War in 1945.

Fortunately, we still have a chance to say thank you for this Victory and help those who are the real custodians of the memory of the war - war veterans and home front workers.

For several years now, our organization has been cooperating with the volunteer movement “Volunteers of Victory.” The work that volunteers do is very important and makes a huge difference to all of us. We strive to ensure that veterans feel the gratitude of the younger generation and, equally important, receive the necessary help.

Helping veterans is very easy! There are several areas in our organization, so each volunteer can find a way of helping that he likes.

Help for veterans

This is probably the most important area of ​​assistance today. In every city in our country there are elderly people who need your help. It may be different. Everything will be useful:

  • financial aid,
  • assistance with groceries and household goods
  • help with apartment or house renovation
  • help with cleaning,
  • walks and communication,
  • leisure organization
  • legal advice
  • health care
  • assistance in carrying out entertainment events and concerts
  • and much more

If you are ready and want to make life a little better, then contact the branch of the Victory Volunteers organization located in your city (information here). Here you will be told in detail how and who you can help.

Improvement of memorial places

It is hardly possible to find a place in our country in which there would be no traces of memory of the greatest and bloodiest war, of the feat that our soldiers and people who worked in the rear performed. Tens of thousands of Walks of Glory, military graves and memorial sites are located in different parts of our country. However, many of them are overgrown with weeds and grass, hidden from view under a layer of branches and fallen leaves, deteriorating and losing appearance. And it is within our power to make our feasible contribution to preserving the memory of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945.

Your help can be different:

  • financial;
  • physical (tidying up and caring for places of memory);
  • specialized (photo and video shooting, etc.).

All-Russian historical quests

In 2016, “Volunteers of Victory” proposed a new exciting format for studying history - all-Russian historical quests. This educational modern project not only allows you to find out interesting information and facts about the Great Patriotic War, but also to master useful practical skills, for example, orienteering, solving codes, preparing equipment for expeditions and hikes, survival skills in wildlife. In addition, you will be able to make new interesting and enthusiastic friends and like-minded people.

Quest is team game, which involves completing various interesting tasks of varying complexity, connected by a single storyline. The quest script is based on reliable historical facts and memories of veterans with the participation of professional historians.

Join us and take part in the largest quests held throughout Russia - the Victory Quests! Anyone can take part in the quests; to do this, just contact the head of the Victory Volunteers in your region.

Promotions in the “Days of United Action” format

This area of ​​assistance is necessary in order to organize and conduct various events and actions aimed at preserving historical memory; they help to pass on the memory of the Great Victory from generation to generation, and also to understand how important national unity is in today’s time, which is so difficult in terms of appearance -political issues.

Participation in All-Russian events provides invaluable experience in communicating with veterans and other Victory Volunteers, helps develop communication skills, and learn many interesting and important facts from the history of our country and the Great Patriotic War.

According to the recognition of many Victory Volunteers involved in the All-Russian actions, this activity greatly contributed to their personal growth and helped expand my circle of friends.

Annual support for events dedicated to Victory Day

Since 2015, the organization “Volunteers of Victory” with the support of the Federal State budgetary institution Rospatriottsentr and the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh) annually conduct an all-Russian campaign to select volunteers to help organize the central events of the Victory Day celebrations - the Victory Parades and the Immortal Regiment procession. This practice has become a good tradition and a very honorable mission.

Volunteer recruitment is carried out in several directions:

  • support for Victory Parades and processions of the Immortal Regiment in Russian cities,
  • All-Russian competition"Ambassadors of Victory"

Every caring person can make a personal contribution to the organization of the country's main holiday. To take part in the selection, just register on the website volunteerspobeda.rf, fill out a form and contact the regional head of Victory Volunteers in your region.

Civic-patriotic education of youth in schools and universities

Currently, in many regions based on educational institutions Public centers for civic and patriotic education of student youth are being organized.

The main activities of the Center are assistance to veterans; improvement of walks of fame, memorial sites and military graves; organization and conduct of All-Russian youth historical quests; organization and conduct of All-Russian actions, Volunteer support of Victory parades on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Method of manifestation of active civic position;
  • Personal communication with veterans and heroes, studying the history of the country “first hand”;
  • Expansion of business and friendly contacts, acquaintance with famous people;
  • Participation in major events on a nationwide scale, including specially organized training for volunteers;
  • Opportunity to gain competencies in the field of management, event organization, people management, etc.;
  • Career;
  • Opportunity to visit different cities of the country;

To become a volunteer, .