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Go in for sports, only it will help you overcome the most difficult challenges.

You can often hear that opportunities for finding a job directly depend on age - it’s hardest for university graduates and people of pre-retirement age to find a job.

Indeed, conditions differ for different age groups. But what most young people aged 20–25 consider to be challenges are actually benefits.

We don’t hire – no experience

This is the formulation most often heard by yesterday’s graduates of universities and colleges when trying to get a job. However, lack of experience can be both a disadvantage and an advantage of an applicant. A 20-year-old person is like plasticine heated in his hands, from which he can mold any figure. Young people easily master the principles of work, are always on friendly terms with new technologies and, for the most part, are ready for overtime in order to build a successful career.

These qualities should be taken as the main criterion when searching for a job. Fortunately, on Russian market There are many companies that are ready to invest in improving the skills of young specialists. You have every chance of getting a job with such employers. The main thing is to demonstrate during the interview that you are ready to learn and will not run away to another company as soon as you gain some experience.

You'll have to start small

Another obstacle is insatiable ambition. These are proven specialists, for whom all enterprises in the city compete to attract them; they can discuss the size of the salary, demand a separate office and agree on other terms of cooperation. At the age of 20, you still have to become a professional in your field, so you shouldn’t be embarrassed by junior positions and small salaries.

Another thing is a career that should never be forgotten. Towards the end of the interview, be sure to inquire about opportunities for further growth within the company. Firstly, in this way you will demonstrate to the employer your desire to work for results, and secondly, you will be able to determine your prospects for the future.

Don't be afraid of failure

Walt Disney went through more than 300 banks until he found a lender who agreed to issue a loan for the construction of Disneyland. If you are rejected by one, another, or a third company, this is not a reason to despair. Take every refusal as motivation to analyze the employer's requirements, your resume, and your interview responses. And under no circumstances stop searching - sooner or later there will definitely be a company that will appreciate your skills.
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At 20 years old, you easily sleep 2 hours a day, share a bed with 2-3 strangers (after the party you were able to find only one bed), and you are constantly offended by your parents for teaching you how to live! You've been an adult for a long time, that's why you left home for your boyfriend or rented an apartment in half with your girlfriend. You catch a taxi on the street, drink a lot of coffee (and not only coffee) and don’t know where you’ll end up tomorrow. At 20, you live in impulses. But as you approach 30, you’re unlikely to be happy with a one-night stand, and your passion for fast food will diminish. What made us happy at 20 that will scare us at 30?

Fleeting relationships. At 20 there were many of them, they were different in duration and emotions. But you weren't afraid to try again and again. Did you and your girlfriend like the same guy? No questions! A friend goes out with him on a couple of dates and advises whether you should waste your time on him. Today you are unlikely to decide on such an experiment: you want a serious relationship, perhaps even with a continuation.

Lack of sleep. Lack of sleep is a common condition for an active 20-year-old body. I went to the bar on Friday and returned on Sunday. We wasted time on emotions, postponing sleep until later. But “later” seems to have arrived: after a stormy Saturday, you need to get a good night’s sleep on Sunday, and it’s better to completely forget about weekday parties, otherwise you’ll crawl to work dead.

Fast food. There was no shame at all. Dropping into McDonald's after wild dancing is already a tradition. What about the waist? At the age of 20, the body burns excess calories so quickly that one can only sympathize with those who denied themselves the pleasure of eating French fries and hamburgers at night. The older we get, the slower our body works. Therefore, if you want to maintain your waistline until at least forty, you will have to forget about poor nutrition.

Pointless chatter(on the phone and in general). We spent hours talking with girlfriends and friends, but at the same time we managed to do everything. Now we are trying to focus more on current affairs. And we talk mostly on a work phone.

Being late. Remember how you used to be constantly late. You didn’t have any plan, you were just running somewhere all the time and didn’t have time everywhere... This is forgivable when you are 20, but completely unacceptable closer to 30 - you are an adult, a serious person: learn to calculate your time.

Vacation in a tent camp / in uncomfortable conditions. Spending several days in conditions that are far from what modern homes offer us is another weakness of 20-year-olds. At 20 years old, convenience doesn't matter much, so you easily accept your friends' offer to go to a 3-day bard song festival. But when you get closer to 30, even if you agree to such an experiment, you will certainly pack half an apartment into your travel suitcase.

Natural photographs. Photographing naturally means capturing the moment, not posing in front of beautiful picture in a museum, for example. At 20, you don’t care much about how well you look in a photo; you care much more about the emotions that will remain in the photo. This doesn't mean that at 20 we don't want to appear sexy and beautiful. It’s just that at 20 we are a priori like this...

Random taxi. At 20, you still trust people wholeheartedly. After the party, take a walk with a new acquaintance around the city at night, and then catch a “car” on the street? - easily! By 30, the sense of self-preservation intensifies and, having ordered a taxi, you will definitely repeat the car number to your interlocutor at the other end of the line.

Lunch on the run. Everyone is guilty of this at any age. But the result is different. It's just hard to eat right when you're 20, when you've just gotten back from a party and you have to be at class in 30 minutes. At 30, things don’t decrease, but we believe more and more in the saying “war is war, but lunch is on schedule.”

Scandals with parents. And in general with everyone around who in any way criticizes your lifestyle/clothing style/friends, etc. At 20, we know very well what we are doing. But when you get closer to 30, it’s not at all a shame to come to your parents for advice. It's great that we are starting to appreciate their care.

Living in a house with a bunch of neighbors. A good example is a student dormitory. At 20, you are not at all irritated by crowds of unfamiliar people, you feel like a person of the world. But by 30, you no longer want to share your 33 square meters with strangers. This is your home, your fortress - only those closest to you are allowed here.

Internet communication. You're bored at school or work - you download icq, and the day flies by unnoticed and fun! Why not, if those with whom you are “chatting” are on the other side of the world. By the time you turn 30, you understand that virtual communication will never replace the emotions of meeting you.

Countless waste of money. This also speaks of your freedom at 20. You don’t count how much you spent and on what. You get incredible pleasure when you use your last money to buy a train ticket to a place you haven’t been before or give a gift to a friend just because good mood. By 30, you begin to understand the value of money, because you earn it with your own labor, and do not take it from your parents.

Ridiculous clothes. Remember that orange skirt that you boldly paired with a striped shirt? Oh yes... this ensemble also included polka dot sneakers! To a 30-year-old, it seems to you that this is all just some kind of horror. But how comfortable you were in such an outfit, not like now - in this pencil skirt and tight blouse. There's nothing you can do, the dress code is the dress code. But sometimes, outside of work hours, you can remember that young rebel with green hair and throw a party in the style of the carefree 2000s!

Our lives change rapidly in the period of 20 - 30 years. We grow up, gain different experiences, find our own style and our place in life. We look back and smile at that 20-year-old girl who wore funny pants and listened to hard rock. And then we look forward, move with a confident gait to a new stage of our life and understand how great it is that after a while we still learned to appreciate what we did not know how to appreciate at 20.

Text: Shcheglova Ekaterina


Otherwise, this thought will force you to focus solely on your career, and most likely you will not care whether it makes sense or how it affects your state of mind. But if you are truly passionate about what you do, it will eventually bring you money. Your twenties are the time when you are most flexible and energetic, don't waste your energy chasing other dreams. In addition, the first 10 years of work determine the direction of your future professional path. Take your time with your choice.

2. Don't work for a startup unless it's your own.

13. Never say “this is not for me”, “I will never be able to”, etc.

Twenty years is a time of change and experimentation. Don't give up on them.

14. You are not going to become a model.

In fact, you are going to gain weight. Most Until the age of 30, I waited to lose weight and hoped to become the next one. “And when I lose weight, I’ll go and buy those jeans.” And guess what? I still haven't bought those jeans. You look great now and you will never look that good.

15. Happiness is a myth invented by marketers

Move from full-time to own business- everything I dreamed of at 26 years old. This happened and brought with it many other problems. A long-term relationship is also a lot of work. All life is both pleasure and pain. So choose problems for which you are willing to suffer and for which you will be happy, because this is the only way to feel alive.

16. Dance

Even if you think you are doing it badly. Dance in the morning, dance at home, on the weekend, on a yacht and at a boring wedding. As Nietzsche wrote, “We must consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once.”

17. When you feel like you're doing wrong, know that you're doing wrong.

I often realized that I was wrong about something, but I was too afraid, too insecure to trust myself. When you have this feeling, know that it is worth listening to yourself.

18. Never swear via SMS or email

Like any 20-year-old who wants to get to the bottom of things quickly, I made a lot of mistakes. But difficult issues are best discussed face to face. In correspondence it is much easier to misinterpret words. Pick up the phone and call (and please don't leave voicemails).

19. Visit an unusual festival

You will be able to feel alive, loved and free.

20. Follow your dreams

At least once a week, after work or a few hours a month. I did it again two years ago, when I took on a project about what the war taught me. I haven't written anything since I was 16. The pleasure and relief I got from it was worth all the effort and time. Perhaps you want to sing, play the guitar, run, draw... Whatever it is, find time for it.

Imagine a speck of dust next to a planet that is a billion times larger than Earth. A speck of dust represents the probability that you will be born, a planet - the opposite - that you will not. So stop complaining about nothing. Don't be like the ungrateful person who received a palace as a gift and complains about mold in the bathroom. Stop looking a gift horse in the mouth.

Nassim Taleb, American economist and trader, author of the bestseller “Black Swan. Under the sign of unpredictability"

It became so popular that I involuntarily had the desire to write exactly the same, but for those who are now 20 years old.

I remember myself at 20 years old. This was the fourth year of the institute. I just went to work at the bank with wages 60 dollars. I wouldn’t even think about looking for a job at the institute, but my girlfriend at the time, now my wife, said that it was time to start looking for a job. And she, of course, turned out to be right.

But just a few months before that, my life looked like this...

I woke up early in the morning in the hostel to the alarm clock with my girlfriend. She was getting ready for classes at the institute, and I was making her morning tea. I needed a second pair, so I took my time. Then my friend Vlad came from home. Since it was early and we didn’t want to have a couple, we turned on the Enigma album and slept safely until the third or even fourth couple. Then we woke up and went to the institute, which was only 200 meters from the hostel.

In our fourth year at university, we were fooling around. Nobody did their homework. In classes we sat on our phones.

My main hobby was watching movies in the evening with friends in the dorm or constantly running Need for speed. We are also into Far Cry, Mafia, GTA and a bunch of other games.

Writing theses, essays and printing cheat sheets provided good pocket money.

Life seemed carefree and fun.

Then it was the fifth year, several more of my classmates went to work, and the rest continued to just have fun.

What happened to me in 10 years?

  • Starting a career in a bank; moving to another bank where they paid more; an offer of promotion after just a week of work; an offer to move from Kharkov to Kyiv after six months of work, moving to Kyiv; another promotion in a year, then another in six months and another in a year; unexpected reduction.
  • Position of HR director at 24 years old.
  • Buying an apartment on credit in dollars, difficult 2008, difficult 2014. Each time the dollar exchange rate grew 1.5 times.
  • Buying a car on credit, paying off the loan, buying a car for the wife.
  • Birth of a child.
  • The first trip to Turkey for the first bonus, then a trip to Egypt for my birthday, then, after a long pause, a trip to Tunisia.
  • About 100 and daily work over yourself in order to eliminate all your psychological limitations and self-doubt.
  • Development at home personal qualities- communication, persuasion, public performance, time management.
  • Professional growth. Although I was asked to write my first article for the Computer Review magazine in 2006, it took eight years to learn how to write something really interesting so that other publications would want to re-publish the articles, and I began to be invited as a speaker to all key HR conferences.
  • Entering the TOP-20 best directors according to Ukrainian personnel at 30 years old.

What do I want to advise those who are now 20 years old?

So that their life becomes truly successful, because in 10 years you can achieve truly high results.

1. Choose a career in which you want to be fulfilled

I'm sure that 9 out of 10 of your friends don't know what career they will build. They think they will do it sometime in the future, but they never do. They will end up finding themselves incompetent and earning little.

Why do I insist that you should start building a career now? Yes, because you are laying the foundation. Either your career will develop in the same way as the careers of 94% of all people, and by retirement you will, at best, earn $2,000-$3,000, or you will build a brilliant career with an income level of up to $50,000 per month (average income general director large company).

Here's a graph that shows how many dollars you can earn per month with career controls (top graph) and without career controls (bottom):

This means that over your lifetime you will earn 10 times more, or $12,000,000 more. Even if you spend half of the extra money you earn on a comfortable life, then with $6,000,000 you can buy yourself a cool house, a cool car, provide a decent old age for your parents, educate your children and take care of your health in old age.

That's why I don't talk about saving money. You need to build a career, and the money will come by itself.

How to choose your dream job?

Consider the following four career areas:

  • What do you love to do most?
  • What do you do better than others?
  • What profession is your knowledge in demand in?
  • What professions have good income?

To make a list of what you like to do, fill out the table:

You can fill out a list of your skills and talents in this table:

Question Answer
Listen to what others say about you and what your talents are. What do they say about you often, but you didn’t even pay attention?
What do you do easily that others work hard on?
What do you love most? What would you spend your free time on?
What do you like to talk about a lot? More than your friends are willing to listen to? Maybe the subject of conversation is your talent, or is it somehow related to talent?
Ask other people who will tell you the truth, what is your talent?
Remember when you lost your sense of time, forgot to eat and sleep, what did you do? What qualities did you use?
What subjects at university did you study more than was enough?

You can create a list of professions that pay well and a list of professions that use your knowledge yourself.

Now fill out the table, to do this, write down all the positions that you have chosen in the “Case” lines, and in subsequent columns write down the numbers from 1 to 10, where 10 means that the selected position best matches the column heading.

Then compare the scores in the “TOTAL” column and select the position that received the maximum number of points. Build a career in it.

2. Don’t chase wages, but constantly strive to increase them

When choosing a job, never be guided by the salary offered. Look further - what are the prospects career growth there is in this company, how much the company pays in comparison with the market.

For you, the company's potential should now be much more important than your immediate salary.

It is much more important for you to gain knowledge, experience and a good manager than a quick income. Give preference large companies with more than 2,000 employees, preferably with foreign capital.

This company must have a very good reputation, and its top manager must be included in the list of TOP 100 most successful managers.

At your age, you can afford to find such company.

But as soon as you find a job, apply all my advice from the article “”.

3. Create a detailed vision of yourself at 30 and follow it

This is the most amazing advice. Once upon a time, when I was 16 years old, I read the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Gil. I lived in Kharkov and studied at the Lyceum. One of the exercises there was to write a vision of yourself in 20 years. Then I wrote that I wanted to live in Kyiv, have my own apartment, car, director position and family. I couldn’t even imagine then that all this would come true just 14 years later.

So let's now write your vision in 10 years.

To do this, in each line, describe how you imagine your life in each area in 10 years. There must be specific measurable things.

Review your vision every year and make changes.

4. Spend a lot of money and time on your training

At the age of 20, it seems that attending trainings and reading professional books is expensive. But if you do not develop yourself, then you will pay a much higher price for your ignorance. So here's your plan for the next 10 years:

  • 1 professional (best) conference per year.
  • 1 training on the development of personal qualities per year (negotiations, public speaking, time management).
  • 2 specialized inexpensive events per year.
  • 1 book per month on a professional or business topic, I highly recommend reading:
    Tony Hsieh, Delivering Happiness;
    Sam Walton "Made in America";
    Lee Iacocca's "Manager's Career";
    Walter Isaacson "Steve Jobs";
    Howard Schultz "Pour Your Heart Into It";
    Richard Branson "Losing My Virginity";
    Max Kotin "And nerds do business" « Chichvarkin E...genius. If out of 100 times you are sent 99”;
    Jack Canfield "Chicken Soup for the Soul"
  • 1 fiction or motivational book every two months, if you haven’t read it yet, be sure to read:
    Jack London "Martin Eden", "Time Doesn't Wait";
    Theodore Dreiser "The Financier", "Titan", "Stoic";
    Erich Maria Remarque "Three Comrades";
    Benvenuto Cellini “Notes of Benvenuto Cellini, Florentine goldsmith and sculptor”;
    Philip Stanhope Chesterfield, Letters to a Son.
  • 1 audiobook or audio course per quarter.
  • 1 specialized magazine every six months.
  • Once every 2 weeks, go to different evening meetings, meetings on professional and business topics. Participation usually costs from 10 to 30 dollars.

5. Play sports, only it will help you overcome the most difficult challenges

I started playing sports in the third grade. I went to track and field athletics, then quit. In eighth grade, I went to the gym for the first time. I walked five days a week for 1.5 hours and even achieved good strength results, although I didn’t gain weight due to the fact that I spent a lot of calories and ate as usual. Then I attended ninth grade for about six months and also quit for the same reason - there was no visible result. There were also attempts to study at home on the horizontal bar and at the institute.

After college I didn't play sports. Over the course of 10 years, I gained 16 kilograms of weight, mostly fat. Then I went to the gym, but this time I read a lot of articles and advice and changed my diet. I finally gained weight and visually became bigger.

But this is nothing compared to my discovery: I have become much more resilient, more self-confident, more persistent, more creative and more productive. I can safely say that it provided me with a serious breakthrough in life. It was thanks to him that I went through the crisis in 2014 quite calmly, while in 2008 it was very difficult for me. And the point is not that this is the second crisis in my life, but the gym really helped me.

6. Find a wife/husband, then your standards will be too high

This needs to be done for a number of reasons. Indeed, the older we get, the more pragmatic we are. We are no longer ready to put up with shortcomings and know our worth. It’s hard for a guy, like a girl, to find a partner and get married after 25.

Meanwhile, family is a very strong incentive for developing and living a more conscious life.

7. Travel while the kids are away

Of course, there are exceptions, but the typical family is not very comfortable. But there are so many interesting countries where you can go while you are young and have no children, or you will go there when your children become adults -...

In addition, traveling is a powerful way to develop your horizons. When you see a fundamentally different life, you begin to think differently. Don't visit the same countries. Change your geography often. Don't think that traveling is expensive. Sometimes it’s even cheaper than a trip to Crimea.

8. Treat yourself with gifts

While you are young, you will be pleased with a brand new iPhone, a fitness bracelet, the next Macbook model, the latest Adidas sneakers and much more. It’s stupid to deny yourself all this, because then you won’t be interested in it anymore. Don't save money - think about how to earn money.

9. Get an apartment on credit

Yes, I am against loans. I think mortgages are evil. But you have no other way to buy your own home by the age of 30 except with a loan. Sometimes a loan is more profitable than renting a home. But keep in mind that you must fulfill the following conditions:

  • The loan payment should not be higher than 35% of household income (this means that when one of you loses your job, the loan will be 70% of the other's income if you earned the same).
  • For a whole year, set aside a monthly amount equal to the loan payment - you will test yourself and collect an advance.
  • Take out a loan only in national currency. Savings on interest from a foreign currency loan will always be eaten up by an increase in the exchange rate. And the national currency is subject to inflation of about 10% annually, and this works for you.
  • Get your mortgage tax credit back. This is 15% of the interest paid. How? Find out from the lawyers you know, it’s really simple.
  • If you can, instead of a bank loan, take an installment plan from the developer: he usually does not charge interest for using the loan.
  • After applying for a loan, collect a deposit in the amount of six monthly loan payments in case of a crisis.
  • Can't pay? Go to the bank and demand a temporary simplification of the loan payment terms - do not get into debt with relatives or another bank.

10. Buy a car

You will save a lot of time if you have a car. Your car can be the place where you listen. I bought a car at 23 years old. In it I listened to about 50 audiobooks and trainings. Sometimes my audiobooks were the only salvation during difficult career turns.

Nowadays a car is not that expensive. A good, solid Smart can already be found for $4,500. It will last you for five years. It is economical and does not require capital investment. And you can raise money for it with a salary of $1,000 per month.

11. Make new acquaintances and friends

At 30, you realize that your best friends are those you met before you were 25. Then.

But you can make not friends, but interesting acquaintances. Over time, you begin to understand how cool it is when you have unusual and interesting people as friends. With their help, you will be able to solve your problems, develop, and find new ways to solve problems.

How to find such people? Just pay attention to those who have been more successful in their careers than others. I'll give you a small example interesting people people I've met over the past month:

  • An artist who draws sketches during a speaker's speech at a conference. He also draws animated sales videos.
  • Chairman of the condominium association (association of apartment building owners).
  • Energy Efficiency Manager.
  • Director of a recruiting agency.
  • Head of a youth organization.
  • Director of the language school.

Imagine how many different useful tips and recommendations I can get from these people. In turn, I can be very useful to them.

12. Have a baby at 26

Earlier - it’s too early for a career, later - it will be difficult. I think this is the optimal age.

And it's not that difficult:

  • Government assistance is really quite good.
  • Maternity and sick leave amounts to approximately five salaries.
  • Finding an adequate nanny nowadays is already possible.
  • Paying a nanny is cheaper than wage a person who is building a career.
  • All other expenses for the child: food, toys, clothing - fit harmoniously into the family budget and find their place there.

13. Keep a list of your achievements

Firstly, the very fact of having achievements in life increases a person’s level of happiness.

Martin Seligman, an American psychologist and founder of positive psychology, identified five components of happiness:

  • Positive emotions (more about them below).
  • Engagement is when you build a career you love and use your talents.
  • Relationships - there was tip No. 11 about them.
  • Understanding the meaning of life (next advice).
  • Achievements - having success in life.

Keep a diary of your achievements and you will be surprised at how positively it affects you.

14. Pay attention to your philosophy

Usually between 20 and 30 years old people begin to think about their purpose and... Everyone goes through their own unique path, and giving universal advice will not work here. But usually it happens like this: you begin to be interested in issues of psychology, philosophy, religion, and some topics, or movements, or teachings attract your attention.

15. Look for positive emotions

I would like to end on a positive note, so this advice is in last place, but it is not the least important.

Positive emotions are generally the meaning of our life. But, oddly enough, they can be controlled.

Fill out the table. Look for more encounters with the first column and avoid the second.

Here you can include people, places you visit, activities you do, and so on.

I can say that I was lucky to find these tips for myself and follow them between my 20s and 30s.

The main thing I remembered: if you really want something very badly and constantly move towards it, despite all the failures, you will achieve it. Now my credo is the phrase:

If you want to succeed at something, devote 10,000 hours to it.

I have new goal: I want to become a CEO by the age of 35, and I am devoting my time to this issue. This article is my 3 hours out of 10,000 hours because I believe that the ability to develop other people is one of the main hallmarks of a CEO.

Good luck in the next 10 years!