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Lesson on drawing a magic bird preparatory group. Development of creative imagination in preschoolers

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 21 “Rucheek” in the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic


integrated drawing lesson

in the preparatory school group

on the topic "Firebird"

Prepared and developed:

Pavlova Z.I.

the date of the

October 2012

G. Novocheboksarsk. 2012

Theme "Firebird"

Program content:

    creating a bright artistic image of a fairy-tale bird in a picture based on the perception of various types of art (fine, arts and crafts, music, fiction);

    expanding children’s ideas about warm and cold colors, their influence on the image and mood of a pictorial composition;

    an exercise in the creative use of visual materials and drawing techniques;

    development of imagination, imaginative thinking, creative independence, emotional responsiveness, sense of beauty;

    formation of information culture, interest in works fiction and fine arts.

Materials and equipment: multimedia presentation “The Firebird”, musical fragments from I. Stravinsky’s ballet “The Firebird”, sheets of A4 paper, brushes No. 3.5, watercolors, napkins, jars of water.

Preliminary work : reading the fairy tale by P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”; watching the cartoon “Ivan Tsarevich and the Firebird”, watching excerpts from the ballet “The Firebird”.

The lesson begins with the question: “What is happiness?”(Give children the opportunity to express their opinion about this.)

Teacher's story:

“People have always wanted to be happy. Since ancient times, they believed that there was beyond the seas and forests amazing bird who carries happiness on her wings. And if you really want it, the bird of Happiness will definitely fly to them someday. It seemed to everyone that this bird must be unusually beautiful, and that a bright and warm light emanates from it, which can warm everyone - all people with its warmth. Everyone dreamed of meeting the bird of Happiness, so that it would bring joy, goodness and beauty into his home. But not everyone had a bird fly to them. She visited only that house where they loved each other, cared about others, worked with their souls and did not refuse to help the poor and sick. This is the bird of Happiness!”

Teacher . I wonder what she is like, this bird of Happiness? Let's imagine and try to imagine what it might look like.

After all, this is not a simple, but an amazing bird. This means that it must be different in some way from other birds.(Children's statements.)

Teacher. The image of the bird of Happiness and its description are found in many fairy tales. Artists and musicians have also repeatedly turned to this beautiful image. Let's go and meet this fabulously amazing bird.

Viewing the multimedia presentation “Firebird”.


Not required for showing to children

Reading the riddle about the Firebird. If the answer is correct, her image appears.

The slide show is accompanied by text that is located on them

Showing and examining various options for the image of the Firebird

Question: What real bird does the Firebird resemble?

(Peacock, swan)

If the answer is correct, an image of birds appears.

    What fairy tale is this illustration from?

(P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”)

    What is the name of the main character of the fairy tale who managed to catch the Firebird?(Ivan)

Consideration book illustrations about the Firebird.

The image of the Firebird in arts and crafts

Proverb “Happiness is like the Firebird - not for everyone”


Didactic exercise “Cold - warm colors”

Clarifying the color palette for the Firebird.

Question - a proposal to move on to artistic activity: What is she, the Firebird?

Children go to the art studio, where the teacher invites them to dream up and draw the Firebird the way they imagine it.

Independent work of children at tables (with musical accompaniment). Individual work teacher with children : help in choosing overall composition drawing(bird in flight, resting); reference to examples of various ways of depicting the beautiful plumage of the tail and wings; advice on choosing color combinations and watercolor techniques.

At the end of the lesson arrange an exhibition of paintings about the Firebird - the bird of Happiness. Look at all the pictures. Invite the children to answer the question: “What does the bird of Happiness bring to your home on its wings?” Admire all the drawings, note their beauty and uniqueness; each one has its own bird, unlike the others. If you try and really want, then happiness will definitely come to your home and family. Let us quietly wish each other, so as not to frighten away the magic bird...(happiness!)

These children's paintings will be a wonderful decoration for the interior of a group room or dressing room. Their brightness and originality will definitely attract the attention of viewers.

Subsequently, they can be issued with individual passports together with the children.(this work can be the topic of a separate lesson on frame design) and give it to loved ones at one of the family holidays.

Good luck to you!

References .

View presentation content
"Copy of Firebird"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten combined type No. 290

urban district of Samara


Additional material for GCD

drawing for children

senior preschool age

Samara 2012

  • creating a bright artistic image of a fairy-tale bird in various forms of art (painting, literature, choreography);
  • expanding children's ideas about warm and cold colors, their influence on the image in the picture;
  • development of imagination, creative independence, emotional responsiveness;
  • formation of interest in works of fiction and fine art.


Sweet apple aroma

I lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And it’s as light in the night as it is during the day.

Who is this?

Firebird in fine arts

Many peoples have legends about a magical bird with extraordinary golden feathers.

In Russian fairy tales -

This Firebird .

Its name indicates a connection with fire. The heat is both the coals in the stove and the sultry time of summer.

One feather from the firebird's tail can, replacing candles, illuminate a dark room.

What real bird?

Looks like the Firebird?

From what fairy tale

this illustration?

(P. Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”)

What is the chief's name?

fairy tale hero who

managed to catch


The image of the Firebird in arts and crafts

Firebird and objects around us

The image of a fairytale bird in the theater: ballet "The Firebird"

Happiness How

Firebird -

not everyone


Warm colors

Cold colors

What colors

we will need

for drawing the Firebird?

  • http:// pictures
  • http:// riddles

In the education and upbringing of children aged 6–7 years, the priority task is to prepare children for school. Each lesson is aimed at forming and consolidating those skills, as well as developing personal qualities, which are necessary for a future first-grader to study in primary school.

Fine arts classes contribute to the comprehensive development of preschoolers: they meet the cognitive needs of children, help expand their vocabulary, and instill a sense of beauty. By drawing, children learn to predict and analyze actions, create a composition step by step, taking into account initial knowledge about perspective, perform various techniques with a pencil or brush, which prepares the hand for the most important process in the first grade - mastering writing.

For the preparatory group, one of the most interesting topics for a drawing lesson will undoubtedly be “Birds,” where both migratory and domestic birds will be considered.

Preparing for a drawing lesson in the preparatory group of a kindergarten.

Classes in visual arts (drawing, designing and modeling) are held with pupils of the preparatory group three times a week. For modeling and appliqué, classes alternate and are held once every two weeks, for drawing - two classes every week.

As a rule, drawing is one of the favorite activities creative activity in children. The process of creating a visual image using simple actions brings positive emotions. The children master basic techniques and techniques and show great independence in drawing. During development work program on drawing in preparatory group It is necessary to comply with the criteria for conducting classes with children aged 6–7 years:

  • Using the children’s existing work experience with the obligatory involvement of something new. Consolidation of drawing skills occurs with the creation of each subsequent drawing, but at the end of the lesson, students should have an answer to the question: “What have you learned today?” Various forms and methods of using existing abilities stimulate children’s interest in creative activities. For example, students in the preparatory group know basic colors and shades, have an idea of ​​color combinations, and know how to mix gouache and highlight watercolors. Based on these children's drawing skills, the teacher teaches them to see the beauty of the color diversity of the world around them and convey what is visible on a sheet of paper with smooth transitions and accents. The guys know how to hold a brush correctly and carefully draw lines and paint over contours; they know different ways of painting with a brush: the whole bristle, the tip, pokes, and applying individual strokes of different thicknesses. But they need to be taught to draw with colored pencils. In the preparatory group, children learn to carefully cover the contours of pencil shading, using varying degrees of pressure.
  • Learning to follow verbal instructions and predict actions. Direct demonstration as a method of work is not carried out by the teacher in the preparatory group (the only exception is for the first experience of drawing with new materials - pastels, sanguine, chalk, as well as individual demonstration for those who have difficulties in completing the task). An action plan for drawing an object or plot, and specific practical techniques are discussed with the students. At the age of 6–7 years, children can independently reconstruct the stages of drawing a sample of the finished work shown to them according to the assignment.
  • Developing your own idea. Older preschoolers are given maximum freedom in thinking through the image for the drawing, materials and techniques that are needed for visual implementation.
  • Play is still the main activity for children, so drawing techniques should be taught with the active use of game forms. The teacher should include surprise and game elements during the lesson based on the established topic.

IN senior group The children got acquainted with three types of drawing: subject, plot and decorative. In the preparatory group great importance is given to drawing according to idea. Pupils work with visual memory images, analyze demonstrated illustrations and other visual materials. Classes on the topic “Birds” do not involve consolidating and honing the skill of drawing from life. The guys look at images of birds on pictures and posters, the teacher pays attention to the birds during a walk - the guys highlight the features various types birds (size, shape of the head/body/beak, colors and shades of plumage) and record their characteristic movements: a bird sat on a branch, flew up, pecked berries, swam, etc. Based on their presentation, the children also drew images of fairy-tale birds (Fire- bird, Finist).

Depicting these movements in simple actions is the main task of plot drawing in the preparatory group. The children transfer their feelings from the surrounding reality onto a piece of paper and depict semantic connections between objects and objects. On the topic “Birds,” students think through the plot point, try to fill the entire area of ​​the sheet with an image, keeping in mind the perspective (near objects are drawn lower on the sheet, distant objects are drawn higher).

The theme “Birds” is also revealed in decorative drawing by older preschoolers. These are conventional images of birds as part of a complex pattern for decorating a plate, box, cutting board, tray and other items. Children can draw birds based on Gorodets, Khokhloma and Gzhel paintings, Filimonovskaya, Dymkovo and Bogorodskaya toys.

Samples of works on the topic “Birds”, made in various drawing methods.

An example of object drawing An example of plot drawing Drawing based on the characters of a fable An example of drawing based on an idea Decorative drawing based on motives Khokhloma painting Decorative drawing based on Gzhel painting Decorative drawing based on the Dymkovo toy Decorative drawing based on the Filimonovskaya toy

Techniques and techniques of drawing in the preparatory group.

During drawing classes, older preschoolers create works not only with paints, but also with pencils. At the age of 6–7 years, a child can perform uniform bright shading with slate and wax colored pencils. It can achieve different shades of the same color in a pencil drawing (due to the intensity of pressure during the shading process). Using a simple pencil, the child learns to create a preliminary sketch: he outlines the contours of an object without drawing individual elements. To clearly highlight the contours and details of colored objects, colored felt-tip pens can be used.

When painting with paints, older preschoolers practice the skills of mixing and whitening paints on a palette to obtain the desired colors and shades. In the preparatory group, the children use the techniques of dabbing and brushstrokes in their work, painting both with the entire bristle of the brush and with the tip.

Watercolors are often used in art classes. By drawing with slate pencils or watercolors, children learn to see the beauty of light shades. Over the entire area of ​​the sheet, students paint a blurry background with watercolors.

Gouache is used in decorative drawing or in the creation of those subject and subject works in which, according to the plan, color is applied to color.

As a basis for the drawings, sets of white and colored paper, special for watercolor and gouache, and Whatman paper are used (as a rule, for creating collective works or implementing creative projects). Tinted paper is rarely used for work, mainly to create a decorative pattern based on folk painting. In subject and subject drawing classes, children learn to create a background on their own (plain or with smooth transitions).

On the topic “Birds,” classes are conducted using non-traditional drawing techniques: wax crayons with sketches in watercolor paint, cotton swabs, chalk on sandpaper, scratching techniques, monotype, etc.

Examples of bird drawings made using non-traditional techniques.

Examples of works using the finger painting technique Drawing using the scratch technique Drawing using the scratch technique Example of work using the scratch technique (colored background of the base) Drawing using the printing technique Example of blotography Example of monotype in children's drawing Work in the monotype technique Work in the pointillism technique (drawing with cotton swabs)

Drawing on the topic “Birds” in the preparatory group can be combined with other visual arts techniques - appliqué and modeling. The guys complement dried watercolor and gouache drawings with details or figures according to the plan. For example, in a drawing of a tit, you can use pencils to glue grains molded from plasticine or crumpled pieces of napkin as “bread crumbs.” It is good to complement the image of the branch on which the bullfinch sat with plasticine rowan berries. The materials for creating the applique in the drawing can be varied: cotton pads, napkin balls, natural material, cut out motifs from candy wrappers and magazines. The use of plasticineography is encouraged - an unconventional drawing technique by smearing plasticine. Plasticine strokes help to beautifully and originally design the background of the picture: the sky, a clearing, tree leaves or snow on a branch.

Examples of drawings of birds in combination with other iso-techniques.

The berries are made using the technique of crumpling paper elements. The drawing is supplemented with plasticine elements. A combination of drawing and appliqué techniques. A combination of drawing and applique techniques (team work). Complementing the picture with plasticine elements. Drawing with paints with plasticine elements. Mixed technique (drawing and applique).

Individualization of tasks on the topic “Birds” in the preparatory group.

An individual approach to learning is implemented through a personal approach to students, the development of differentiated tasks (by level of difficulty or by design) and the setting of classes not for the “average student”, but for the development of the skills of each child in the group. For drawing classes in the preparatory group, this approach is carried out through the teacher’s adherence to the following principles and methods of work:

  • Knowledge of the individual psychological characteristics of each student. The teacher must know the characteristics of attention and memory, the degree of proficiency in one or another skill, the desire to work in a group or separately for each child. Directly during the lesson, the teacher should pay attention to the emotional state of the students: enthusiastic and active children should receive a more difficult task, and those who are unsure of their abilities or are for some reason in bad mood, get what they can to complete the task. Options for tasks for high-achieving students: complete the drawing with plasticine elements (rowan berries, bird eyes, leaves on a branch); decorate the work with applique (tree trunk, grass, flowers) or natural material (leaves, twigs); work on the background in detail or using the plasticine technique (drawing grass, tree crowns, clouds, sky and sun with plasticine strokes).
  • Stimulating cognitive activity, the desire to share one’s own experiences and examples from life with others. For example, in a lesson on the topic “Titmouse,” the teacher can ask when and where the children saw these birds. Did they feed them? We made feeders for them (with their parents or in junior groups)? At the beginning of the “Poultry” lesson, it is recommended to have a conversation: which of the children is going out of town on vacation, have they seen a poultry yard, what kind of birds are kept in the villages; who has parrots, canaries or other ornamental birds at home, what features do they have (plumage, vocalizations).
  • Freedom of creative idea and its implementation. Children aged 6–7 years actively analyze the work ahead of the assignment and think through the stages of creating a drawing. The teacher should not limit the imagination of the pupils, but direct it in the right direction. Children should be given access to a rack/cabinet with brushes, paints, pencils, tools for non-traditional techniques, and materials for sculpting and appliqué.
  • Creating conditions and situations (game or problem) for students to demonstrate their abilities. In the game, children learn to correctly determine the relationships and connections between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Children aged 6–7 years play, having previously thought through the plot of the game, jointly distributing roles and the course of the game. When solving problem situations, the teacher should encourage children to actively share personal experience and examples from life, express your opinion, vision of the situation and solutions. The teacher needs to instill in children the desire to speak openly, engage in discussion and analyze the ideas of others reasonably. Examples of logic games on the topic “Birds”: find identical pictures of birds, trace the dotted outline and name the bird, draw the bird’s characteristic pose yourself, recognize the bird by its silhouette, reduce the image of the bird (draw a similar silhouette of a bird in a smaller size). In problem situations for preschool children, there should be a practical solution (give the answer and draw, show the character a bird, make a picture as a keepsake for a guest).

In drawing lessons, a person-centered approach is implemented through the teacher’s careful development of a lesson program and preparation for each lesson. By consolidating previously acquired skills in the process of creating a drawing, the child feels the significance of what he did previously. At every lesson he learns something new or learns something - the child has interest and incentive to develop. He analyzes the finished work, learns to accept constructive criticism and well-deserved praise.

The topic for a drawing lesson should be general and give each student the opportunity to dream up. For example, the topic “Poultry” can provide children with scope for creative activity based on the following criteria: what kind of bird to depict (the bird lives in an apartment or in the courtyard of a village house), perform work within the framework of subject drawing or plot drawing, choose the level of background detail, etc. For each drawing, the children independently choose color scheme in which they will draw (warm or cool colors), can use Additional materials to supplement the work with modeling or paper appliqué, if there is time left after completing the main task.

The topic “Birds” in long-term planning for drawing in the preparatory group.

In the "Drawing" section of the program educational field“Artistic and Aesthetic Development” in the preparatory group, the theme “Birds” is presented in many classes. It is revealed when learning to draw from an idea, drawing images folk tales and works of art, decorative drawing.

Lesson topicForm of organizational activityTraining and development tasksTechniques used
"Migratory birds"Individual.Teaching object drawing by representation (drawing individual species birds, an image of the characteristic features of the shape of the bird’s body, head, beak, plumage).Creating a pencil sketch: highlighting simple geometric shapes in the bird's structure.
Coloring the body and head of the bird without going beyond the contours of the sketch.
Drawing with individual strokes of plumage.
Drawing with the tip of the brush individual details of the image (bird's legs, beak, eyes, tail, crest).
“Migratory birds are flying”, “Birds are flying south”Individual/collective.Teaching plot drawing depicting the characteristic movements of birds (movements in flight).Developing the skill of creating a preliminary sketch.
Creating a background (sky; possibly drawing a horizon line).
Development of composition skills and simple perspective (the further away the bird is in design, the higher its image is located on a sheet of paper).
Strengthening the techniques of painting with paints.
Developing the ability to work in a subgroup.
Individual.Formation of the ability to choose an episode for drawing a plot scene, to create images of a work of art.Creating preliminary sketches when drawing complex figures (duck, fox, hunter).
Drawing with paints, painting over the contours of a sketch, working out small details with the tip of a brush according to plan.
"Poultry"Individual.Development of the ability to draw from imagination (image of various types of poultry with their characteristic features).Hatching with colored pencils with varying degrees of pressure.
Creating outlines with felt-tip pens.
"Poultry yard"Collective.Developing interest in collective activities.
Formation of the ability to draw plot scenes.
Development of drawing skills with pencils or paints.
Developing the ability to work in a group: jointly thinking through the plot for the image and the background for the drawing, discussing and choosing a drawing technique (possibly involving appliqué or design with natural materials), analyzing the finished work.
"Magic Bird"Individual.Formation of the ability to draw fairy-tale images.Consolidating the skill of drawing with colored pencils/Developing the skill of drawing with pastels or sanguine.
Development of compositional abilities.
"Swan"Individual.Development of drawing by representation.
Development of the ability to create images of a work of art (for the version of the theme “The Swan Princess”).
Creating a non-solid background.
Drawing with gouache on a wet background.
Working out small details with the tip of the brush.
“Illustrations for the fairy tale “Geese and Swans””Individual.Development of the ability to create fairy-tale images in drawing.Strengthening the skill of drawing with colored pencils.
Create a detailed background.
"Magpie-white-sided"Individual.Development of the ability to draw a bird in a certain pose according to an idea (a bird sitting on a branch).Drawing with colored pencils based on a preliminary sketch.
An exercise in arbitrarily pressing a pencil to obtain the desired color intensity.
"Owl Owl"Individual.Developing the ability to work in mixed media.Drawing in watercolors from a preliminary pencil sketch.
Drawing a contour line of individual parts with a black capillary pen.
“Goose”, “Titmouse”, “Swallows”, “Bullfinches on a Branch”, “Sparrows”Individual.Development of the ability to draw the figure of a bird in a constructive way (using simple geometric shapes).Creating a sketch with a simple pencil in a constructive way.
Strengthening the skill of drawing with pencils/watercolors/gouache/pastels.
In topics on drawing individual types of birds, it is recommended to teach drawing in mixed media.
"A Flock of Sparrows"Collective.Developing the ability to draw a bird in a certain pose (pecking crumbs/grains).Drawing with colored pencils with varying degrees of pressure, varied shading (imitation of plumage).
Developing the ability to work harmoniously in a subgroup.
Activation of imagination in thinking through the details of the drawing (what sparrows peck and how to depict it).
"The Golden Cockerel"Individual.Development of the ability to draw an image based on a work of art.Creating a pencil sketch in a constructive way.
Drawing with gouache.
Consolidating the skill of obtaining different shades by mixing paints.
"Kargopol Birds"Individual.Development of the ability to draw objects from life (drawing the Kargopol toy “bird”).
Development of decorative drawing skills.
Drawing with a simple pencil from life (figurine of a bird).
Creation of a decorative pattern in gouache based on Kargopol painting.

Motivating start to class

One of the tasks of learning to draw from paper is to develop motivation to work with pencils, paints, and pastels. Most effective way attracting attention to the creative process and enhancing cognitive activity - the use of motivational material at the preparatory stage of the lesson. As a motivating start to the lesson, the teacher can use a variety of techniques and use additional equipment:

  • Visual materials: thematic posters (domestic birds, migratory birds, those remaining for the winter), photographs, illustrations in books, bird figurines, bird toys of folk craftsmen.
  • Use of texts from folk tales and original literary works.
  • Reading poems, nursery rhymes, proverbs and sayings, riddles about birds.
  • Appeal to the experience and knowledge of students: conducting a conversation, tasks for reflection.
  • Usage technical means: listening to songs about birds, audio recordings of bird voices, viewing slides on a projector.
  • Conducting thematic active or logic games, creating surprise moments and problematic situations.

Examples of using motivating materials at the beginning of a lesson on the topic “Birds”.

Lesson topicMotivating start
“Illustrations for the fairy tale by D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak” Gray neck”» At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher asks the children whether they remember well the fairy tale “The Gray Neck” they previously read. Held conversation according to the content of the fairy tale: for what reasons did the duck not fly away with its flock, what happened in the fairy tale before meeting the hunter, how the fox behaved, and how the duck behaved, how she met the hare, etc.
The teacher reads out excerpts from a fairy tale: with what feeling do birds prepare for a long journey to warm lands; description of an autumn day when Gray Neck was left alone, and flocks were flying in the sky migratory birds; scene at the wormwood; meeting with a hare, etc.
Carrying out logic game“Find the difference”: two pictures depicting the same illustration for the fairy tale of Mamin-Sibiryak are attached to the board, but one of them has differences. The teacher stipulates how many differences the children must find.
"Bullfinch on a Rowan Branch"Creation surprise moment: The postman brings a letter to the group. It was written by Dunno, he tells the guys that Znayka gave him a very difficult riddle, he just can’t give the correct answer. Dunno asks the child to help him solve the riddle and send him an illustration of the answer in a return letter.
Red-breasted, black-winged,
Loves to peck grains.
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again.
Next, a conversation is held to study visual material (pictures depicting bullfinches): the children determine the structural features of the bird, plumage, and posture.
Physical education minute“Look at the branches - bullfinches in red T-shirts.”
Possibly holding logic game“Find bullfinches in the same poses”: on the table there are pictures of bullfinches (in flight, pecking berries, sitting on a branch, jumping, etc.), the guys must find the same ones.
"Owl Owl"Prepares background accompaniment for the lesson - audio recordings with the singing of forest birds; visual material - illustrations to fairy tales and nursery rhymes, made by the artist Vasnetsov.
At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher takes the child to an exhibition of illustrations and talks about the artist Yuri Vasnetsov. Afterwards it is carried out conversation: what birds the guys saw in the paintings, what colors predominate in the works shown, etc.
The teacher reads nursery rhyme:
Oh, you little owl,
You're a big head
You were sitting on a tree
Turned his head,
Fell from the tree
She rolled into the hole.
He asks what bird this nursery rhyme is about and asks to find an illustration with it at the exhibition. Discussion of the image of an owl: structural features of the bird, plumage, posture, what it sits on, what colors the artist used to draw the bird. The teacher asks if they have met an owl or an eagle owl in fairy tales, poems, songs and cartoons, and perhaps they have seen this bird outside the city or in the zoo.
Outdoor game "Owl": in the middle game room The owl's nest is indicated, where the first driver stands. The teacher announces that night has fallen in the forest, the driver closes his eyes, and the rest of the children depict various inhabitants of the forest - insects, birds, animals, they run and play. When the teacher says that the day has come, the children freeze, and the owl flies out of the nest and looks to see if everyone remains motionless; those who move, the owl takes to its nest. Afterwards, it is calculated how many the owl managed to catch, and a new driver is selected.

Compilation of notes on the topic “Birds”.

The purpose of drawing classes on this topic is to create images of various types of birds in characteristic poses, plot scenes, and fairy-tale images. A drawing lesson in a preparatory group lasts no more than 30 minutes and contains the required steps:

  1. Organizational moment 1–2 minutes.
  2. Motivating start 6-7 minutes.
  3. Practical work 15–17 minutes.
  4. Demonstration and Analysis finished works 2–3 minutes.
  5. Summing up 1 minute.

The teacher must analyze the lesson conducted and outline ways to correct methods and forms of work in subsequent educational activities.

Summary of a lesson in visual arts in the preparatory group on the topic “Poultry yard.”
Expanding knowledge about poultry and their chicks. TasksStrengthening the ability to identify the characteristic features of birds.
Fostering a caring attitude towards nature.
Development of communication and speech skills. MaterialsToned sheets of paper, pictures of poultry, an image of a poultry yard. Preliminary workJoint reading of educational literature, fairy tales and poems about poultry, looking at illustrations for books. Progress of the lessonAt the beginning of the lesson, a short warm-up is carried out: the children follow the teacher and move to the lines of a poem about a goose.
Creating a playful moment: a doll comes to visit the children and invites them to look at her poultry yard; first, she asks the children riddles about birds.
The doll shows the children a picture of a poultry yard. The teacher conducts a conversation. What birds are shown on the poster? Why are these birds called domestic birds? Why do people keep and breed poultry?
Conducting a physical education session with a poem about poultry.
Practical part: the guys make drawings with colored pencils.
Demonstration of works. The guys highlight especially successful drawings.
The teacher thanks everyone for the work done and interest in the lesson.

The order of drawings on the theme “Birds”.

Pupils of the preparatory group actively develop the ability to follow the teacher’s verbal instructions. Therefore, before the children complete the practical part of the task, the teacher should discuss with them in what ways and in what sequence they will draw the figure of a bird, whether they will first create a background and how, what mixed techniques are suitable for completing the task, whether it is possible to use sculpting and appliqué techniques to design of the finished drawing. Through leading questions and hints, the teacher leads the children to the recommended course of action. You can look at examples of finished works on a given topic and invite the children to determine the techniques used to create these drawings. It is allowed to use technocards with step-by-step drawing of a bird figure for those children who have difficulty completing the task.

Schemes for step-by-step drawing of migratory and domestic birds.

Instructions for drawing with a pencil Instructions for drawing with a pencil Instructions for drawing with a pencil Instructions for drawing with colored pencils Instructions for drawing with gouache Instructions for drawing with a pencil Scheme for drawing with paints Scheme for drawing Drawing scheme Scheme for drawing Drawing scheme Scheme for drawing Drawing scheme Scheme for drawing

Hand drawing “Bird” master class with step-by-step photos.
"Bird" drawing from the palm, step-by-step instruction with photo.

Zherdeva Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher of MKDOU “Kindergarten No. 11 from Prokhladnoye, Nadezhda district”, Primorsky Territory
Children start drawing from the very beginning early age. But this can only happen if an adult gives the child a pencil, teaches him to hold it and shows him how to draw the lines. It should be remembered that creative manifestations in drawing in children 4-5 years old largely depend on the method of perception aimed at independent examination of images.
One of the possible artistic techniques is a contour drawing of a child’s palm, which serves as the basis for a graphic image. Each new image is “hidden” in the contour of the palm. You can see it with the help of several lines that will turn the contours of the fingers into an object.
Each drawing is a little game. You should not strive to ensure that the child’s drawing is a copy of the image - this is just your sample. But the original will definitely be different.
Description: The master class is intended for children of senior preschool age and teachers.

Purpose: Use in drawing classes.
Target: drawing in an unconventional way.
Tasks: maintaining the direction of movements with a pencil, timely stopping and regulating the scope of movement depending on the size of the surface being painted, changing the direction of movement depending on the direction of the contour lines of the depicted objects., drawing objects of round, oval shape, the ability to convey proportions, shape and structure of objects. Develop graphic skills.
Material: album, simple pencil, wax crayons.
Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, drawings depicting birds.

Execution sequence:

1. With your fingers spread out, place your palm on the sheet and trace with a simple pencil.

2. A circle is drawn at the wrist - the head of a bird.

3. Four spread fingers form a tail.

4. Thumb - there will be a wing.

5. The drawing is painted over and this is what the bird looks like.

Summary of an integrated lesson in fine arts in the preparatory group on the topic: Fairytale bird.


Educational- continue to teach children to independently and creatively reflect their ideas about beautiful objects using various visual and expressive means; continue to introduce various techniques for working with paints.

Developmental- develop aesthetic perception, imagination, plasticity of movements, sense of color; develop a sense of rhythm and composition; develop children’s speech and ability to express their worldview; develop the ability to create fabulous images.

Ensure the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children.

Educational- cultivate the ability to notice the beauty of the world around us and admire it; foster a culture of relationships between boys and girls. Create conditions for free creativity.

Connections with other activities and activities. Consideration of folk decorative creativity. Fostering interest in folk art.

Equipment: laptop, illustrations of birds, presentation “Fairytale birds of Russian folklore”, paints, jars of water, A4 sheets, graphite pencils, brushes of different thicknesses, napkins for wiping brushes.

Progress of the lesson:

Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations, reading fairy tales, tinting paper.

1. Organizational moment. Psychological mood: children stand in a circle.

I want to start our lesson with a smile. You will smile at me, and I will smile at you. Smile at each other. Think how good it is that we are all together today. We are kind and welcoming, affectionate and friendly. I wish you Have a good mood.

2. Motivational and driving moment: Sounds (audio recording - birds singing)

Guys, what was that? (birds singing)

Riddle: They have wings, a head,

Two legs, beak and feathers.

Everyone spawns from an egg.

Guys, what kind of birds are there? (children’s answers)

View illustrations and posters with images of birds:

I invite you to see how diverse the bird world is. During the viewing, the teacher draws the children’s attention to the plumage of birds, their colors, and patterns. Make yourself comfortable.

Are there fairy birds? (children's answers: fairy-tale birds have bright feathers, they burn like fire, you can get burned, a big beautiful tail, the bird has feathers on its head like a crown, fairy-tale birds bring happiness).

Who invented fairy birds? (storyteller, artist, writer)

You guys should know that “People began to depict birds a long time ago. Images of birds appear in fairy tales and myths different nations. There are kind birds that help people. There are birds that predict the future."

Presentation “Birds of Russian mythology”

Finger game:

Birds are sitting in nests

And they look at the street.

Everyone wanted to fly. The wind blew and they flew.

The birds have flown away.

Would you like them to stay with us? We will draw birds, but not simple ones, but fabulous ones. And our paints and brushes will help us with this.

3. Explanation of new material

The children sit at the tables. A short reminder about working with paints and brushes.

The teacher reminds the children that a fairy-tale bird, like a real one, has a head, body, tail, wings, and beak, but the feathers of this bird are unusual, they can be of a variety of colors, they can have different patterns from flowers, curls, to plants. A fairytale bird may have a crown of feathers, etc., on its head.

Children start drawing.

The teacher answers the children’s questions, prompts, and advises.

What beautiful fairytale birds you have created. You are all just great! Now, let's put your birds in a fairy meadow and admire them.

Review and analysis of children's work.

Guys, a fairytale bird carries on its wings good luck in business, joy, peace in the house - all the best. You can give it to whomever you want.

Municipal preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 3 “Firefly”

Municipal formation urban district Lyubertsy


Integrated lessons with children of the preparatory group

Theme: “Fairytale bird”

Prepared and conducted:

Preschool teacher d/s No. 3

Melentyeva E.A.

Lyubertsy 2017

Larisa Novikova
Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group “The Magic Bird of Khokhloma”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 32"

Abstract directly educational activities V preparatory group

« Magic bird Khokhloma»


Novikova L. N.

Program tasks:

Strengthen the basic techniques of brush painting, improving fluency with the tip of the brush;

Strengthen the ability to create patterns based on folk painting Khokhloma;

Develop the ability to highlight and convey colors;

Develop imagination and creative imagination;

Develop vision and hearing;

Improve hand-eye coordination;

Develop cognitive - research and productive activities;

Strengthen the ability to identify several qualities of objects in the process of perception;

Improve speech as a means of communication;

Improve the ability to accurately characterize an object, make suggestions and draw simple conclusions, and express your thoughts clearly for others.


For the teacher: recordings with music, illustrations Khokhloma painting, dishes ( Khokhloma, Heat - Bird, drawn, poster with elements of painting, patterns, souvenirs.

For children: gouache, brush No. 2 with a thin tip, a jar of water, a rag, stencils of dishes cut out of paper, stands for brushes - for each child.

GCD move

1. Organizational

V. - Visit us today lesson the Firebird flew in and brought a letter. This is a letter from the masters. And from which masters we will learn after completing their tasks.

1st task.

Reading a poem

It's a freezing winter,

Snowflakes are twisted by a violent wind,

And sunny Khokhloma

Reminds us of summer.

Trees and houses are sad,

The minus degree is gloomy,

But it saves Khokhloma

In glasses, in spoons, in bowls

Rook. Blooming tail - food,

The nose is a rooster's head.

Floats through the summer Khokhloma,

Painted very cleverly.

The barrel is very sunny,

There are flowers and strawberries on it -

Semenovskaya Khokhloma

All golden and red.

There is no twilight in the saucers,

Not darkness in vases and salt shakers, -

Reminds me Khokhloma

Dear, dear side! N. Glazkov.

V. – Girls, tell me, what folk craft is this poem about?

D. - This poem is about Khokhloma painting.

V. – So the letter is from which masters?

D. – Letter from Khokhloma masters.

V. – What does this painting remind us of?

D. - It reminds us of the Motherland, of nature.

Q - What did they describe? Khokhloma painting?

D. - Khokhloma the dishes were painted.

V. – What was it made of?

D. - The dishes were made of wood.

V. – I see that you remember everything about Khokhloma.

V. – Look at the objects painted with a pattern Khokhloma painting.

2nd task:

Q. – What are the main colors of the painting?

D. - The main colors of the painting are gold, black, red, green, yellow.

V. Well done! These are the bright colors of nature.

V. – Tell me, what is the main element of the painting?

D. - The main element of the painting is grass.

V. – Correct. The grass is dotted with large and small curls, reminiscent of narrow leaves.

V. – What elements Khokhloma Do you still know paintings?

D. – Other elements of painting – berries, leaves, flowers.

V. – You and I have learned all the secrets Khokhloma painting.

V. – But in the letter there is one more task from the masters. They offer you to create new patterns for painting dishes. And for this you need to turn into masters. Heat - The bird brought magic words for transformation.

Physical education minute.

The Khokhloma bird flapped its wings

She flapped her wings and scattered gold.

She shook her head, shook her head to the sides

Yes, I collected Russian grass from the land.

I collected herbs, decorated bowls,

She passed on her craft to us with love. Hands to the sides, swing

Swing, shake your hands

Tilt goals

Bend to the floor, collect

We collect, we draw a circle with our hands

Hands to heart, hands forward.

V. -Now you are real masters and we can go to our workshop.

(Children move to the work area)

V. – Here are the tableware templates on which you will create your own painting patterns.

V. – Let’s remember again and show the elements of the painting.

(Children name and show elements in the air)

V. – Look at the patterns I came up with.

Post samples.

V. – Your templates are of different colors, choose which one you like best and get to work.

2. Main part.

Independent activities of children

During independent work children, you can turn on soft folk music.

During the work, methodological instructions are made.

3. Summary classes.

V. - Well done! You are real today Khokhloma artists, they came up with such wonderful patterns. Once your works are dry, we will put them in an envelope and give them to Zhar _Birds. She'll take it Khokhloma masters, they will paint the dishes with your patterns. In memory of our lesson Heat - The bird gives you souvenirs.