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Bachilo Lyudmila Timofeevna biography. “Judging by the situation, the KGB officers knew about this deal”

In the Federal Social Security Service and the National Bank. The ex-manager of the Social Protection Fund of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, Lyudmila Bachilo, was interrogated, who does not admit her guilt in exceeding official powers and receiving a bribe in the amount of 20 thousand dollars from the head of the BelAVM company Dmitry Ronin.

Photo: Olga Shukaylo, TUT.BY

Industrial Relations and Fishing Talk

According to Bachilo, FSZN’s work with the BelAVM company began “a long time ago, about 15 years ago, the company built the country’s first network and maintained it.” The smooth operation of the fund’s network is important for 7.5 million Belarusians. Lyudmila Bachilo said that she met Dmitry Ronin “somewhere in 2008”, before that she simply “heard this name.”

Bachilo and Ronin had a purely “production relationship.” As two avid fishermen, they could still talk “about hooks and tackle.” But the ex-official claims that she never went fishing with the businessman.

"Industrial relations" meant that she could call Ronin and complain about his subordinates who were not serving the network well.

Lyudmila Bachilo also denies that she forced the head of BelAVM to repair her personal car, a 2009 Mercedes ML 350. Since her “25 million salary” was enough for these purposes. According to the state prosecution, 31.5 million non-denominated rubles were spent on maintenance of Bachilo’s Mercedes.

“Given our industrial relationship, I asked Ronin if I could contact his driver to help with the repair and maintenance of my car. Ronin did not object, but asked to warn him in advance,” Bachilo said. The ex-head of the Federal Social Protection Service explained that Ronin’s driver only helped with transporting the car to the service station and back. “I left documents, keys and money in the car. Why he didn’t take the money for the repairs in 2016, but told me to contact Ronin, I don’t know,” she said. “But the next day I called Ronin and said: “Palych, I can’t do this. Please come and collect the money,” she added. According to Bachilo, after some time he arrived and took the money.

The idea to ask driver Ronin to carry out repairs on her Mercedes came about after she spent a lot of time on maintenance in 2012. Driver of a company car work time cannot be used for personal purposes. “And I constantly need to be in place. You often need to attend, for example, meetings in the Council of Ministers,” Bachilo said. Therefore, in 2013-2016, Ronin’s driver was involved in repairing the car.

However, Bachilo’s main accusations are related to the purchase of network equipment by the Federal Social Security Service and computer technology from the BelAVM company in the amount of 2.25 million rubles. For winning tenders the right company the official allegedly received bribes.

In 2015, the first tender for the purchase of network equipment for the fund was cancelled. Two companies were found to have documents that did not meet the auction requirements, and the third company had a higher price than the other two. Bachilo called Belresursy, which conducts government procurement, and asked what could be done so that it would still be possible to buy equipment, since “the fund faces many tasks.” She was told that she could either cancel the tender or reduce the price and re-tender. Shortly after this, Bachilo called Ronin and indignantly asked why they “planted such a pig.” At the same time, she said that a repeat tender could be held, but with the condition that the initial price be reduced. As a result, the fund “significantly” reduced the purchase price, but did not change technical specifications, because “this would mean that we are stretching the company.” Answering the question from the state prosecution why she called Ronin with a proposal to reduce the price, and not two other companies, Bevalex and Belsoft, which also applied for participation in the tender, Bachilo said that she “didn’t know the phone numbers and who to contact.” "

“Give back the 20 thousand dollars that Ronin brought you.”

On December 2, 2016, shortly after the BelAVM company won the tender for the supply of computer equipment for the Federal Social Security Service and received payment, Ronin thanked Bachilo and said that he was entitled to “little flowers.” “Better than berries,” answered Bachilo, explaining that there is such an “aphorism.” From this overheard dialogue, investigators concluded that the official was demanding money from the businessman. When asked by the prosecutor whether Bachilo understood that the head of BalAVM wanted to thank him for winning the tender with “flowers,” she replied: “Never.”

Ten days later, the businessman asked to meet with Bachilo in her office “on a personal matter.” On December 15, the head of BelAVM congratulated the then official on the New Year and placed on the table “ paper bag beige color without identification marks.” She put the bag aside, but took out a festively decorated “box” from it, “in which there could be anything,” and not just money. Bachilo claims that she was interested in looking at Ronin’s gift, but “didn’t have time.” After a short conversation “about nothing,” she decided to escort the businessman because he “was excited, his hands were shaking.”

Bachilo escorted Ronin to the elevator. Then I visited the restroom and found a lot of people in front of my office. She was told that there would be a search; a representative of the law enforcement agencies signed the prosecutor's sanction for this procedure right on her desk.

Lyudmila Bachilo writes a confession. Photo: KGB press service

According to the former head of the Federal Social Security Service, the office was searched several times, but nothing was found, including in the bag. Then a man in civilian clothes appeared and shouted: “Give back the 20 thousand dollars that Ronin brought you.” At the next inspection, a box with money was found. The same person, according to Bachilo, forced her to write an explanatory note “addressed to [KGB Chairman Valery] Vakulchik,” for which money was received. Being “in shock,” she wrote that the money was received “for some kind of consultation.”

Lyudmila Bachilo also said that the commemorative coin, which the security forces found in her bag and attributed as a present from Ronin, actually got to her at the anniversary celebrations of Belarusbank.

The former manager of the Social Protection Fund called her detention by KGB officers “a very well-prepared staging.” “Civil servant, personnel register of the head of state, 45 years of civil service... Good picture to be shown on television,” she said. Bachilo claims that she was followed and listened to for a year and a half, “not everything, of course, but it was possible to listen to other things.” According to her, the head of state “was informed that I was taking bribes, but this had to be confirmed.”

Lyudmila Bachilo asked the court to objectively look into this matter. Because in her actions “there was no malicious intent, and all the tasks that were set for the fund, including the timely payment of pensions, were fulfilled.”

At leading Belarusian factories, only workers do not take bribes. Photo by Reuters

Yesterday, the Committee of State Security (KGB) of Belarus reported that the manager of the Social Protection Fund, Lyudmila Bachilo, was detained while accepting a bribe. A day earlier, the KGB announced the discovery of corruption schemes at the largest machine-building enterprises.

The events that the KGB declassified yesterday took place on December 15th. Information about the detention of several employees of the National Bank circulated in the media and social networks at the level of rumors. In total, eight people - managers and officials - were detained in this case. Lyudmila Bachilo, local manager Pension Fund(FSZN), was detained while receiving a bribe in the amount of 20 thousand dollars from Dmitry Ronin, director of BelAVM, a supplier of computer equipment.

The bribe-giver was also detained. The head of the company paid the official for “assistance” in winning a tender for the supply of equipment to the foundation. Together with them, two more representatives of BelAVM SJSC and one employee of the foundation were detained. In addition, the chairman of the board of OJSC Non-Banking financial institution“Unified settlement and information space” Oleg Veremeychik, who received bribes from the same company earlier, and two employees of the National Bank - Anatoly Moroz and Ekaterina Pavlovskaya. The scheme was the same - the company wins the tender, supplies equipment, and officials receive “gratitude.” It is interesting that the successes of SJSC BelAVM in participating in tenders were noted back in 2015. By the way, among the government organizations to which it supplied computer equipment, not only the National Bank and the Federal Social Security Service, but also the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

A day earlier, on Monday, the KGB announced “the suppression of illegal actions of officials of OJSC MTZ, OJSC MAZ, OJSC BelAZ, OJSC Gomselmash.” They also entered into contracts with commercial enterprises for kickbacks.

You won’t surprise Belarusians with corruption scandals - the authorities are proud that they are “fighting” this evil, willingly and regularly imprisoning officials and directors of large commercial enterprises behind bars, and then with no less pleasure releases them for big money. Not long ago, a special provision appeared in the Belarusian legislation for this “struggle”, which allows economic criminals and corrupt officials to be released if they pay off the damage caused to the state. The cost of freedom is not always announced, but not so long ago the figure of $20 million appeared in one of the cases. With such a number of criminals, a good income is obtained for the state. Statistics so far only show an increase in the number of corruption crimes. This year's account is still open, but for example last year there were 60% more of them than a year earlier. About 500 people were convicted of this type of crime.

Experts have long said that corruption in Belarus cannot be eradicated, firstly, because it is generated by the established system of power and is an integral part of it. Secondly, because it is beneficial to the authorities. “The modern Belarusian economy has a high corruption component,” opposition politician Lyudmila Gryaznova comments on the situation. “The owner of enterprises remains the impersonal state; directors are only temporary managers of no one’s property. Theft in enterprises and at all levels of the management hierarchy is an integral internal property of this artificial structure,” she writes.

The Soviet economic structure is alive in Belarus, and with it all its accompanying diseases - theft and fraud. “Everyone who could, from workers to directors, stole everything they could from Soviet enterprises and warehouses. And not because of the lack of consciousness of the personnel. But because the state, having expropriated other people’s property, underpaid for labor. Accordingly, the personnel compensated for the “under-delivery” by taking it to the left,” the politician recalls. The same thing is happening in modern Belarus, which prides itself on its low official level of income stratification, but just look at the houses of high-ranking officials who have wage does not exceed 2 thousand dollars, as it becomes clear that official statistics are very far from real life.

A high level of centralization of funds in the budget, a huge public sector, the absence of real effective owners of enterprises, low salaries directorate, despite the fact that huge amounts of money pass through their hands, all these are factors contributing to corruption.

Local observers are confident that for the authorities the source of wealth of large officials and directors is not secret, but incriminating evidence on them accumulates for the time being. “Ransoms” from corrupt officials, of course, are not enough to pay off the gas debt to Russia, but some, smaller ones financial difficulties with their help it is possible to solve the problem, Belarusians argue, commenting on the latest arrests. The economic situation in the country is getting worse, and the only and main donor of past years is Russia - a loan from the Eurasian Fund social development slows down, sells gas at an expensive price, does not make money from refining cheap oil, and even refuses to buy food. In this situation, Belarusians can only use internal resources. Corruption included.

Yesterday, hearings began in the Leninsky District Court of Minsk on the case of bribery in the Bank of Belarus and the Social Protection Fund.

The head of the BelAVM company, Dmitry Ronin, was interrogated as a defendant, who is accused of bribing some employees of the named organizations. In particular, the presentation of a bribe of $20,000 to Lyudmila Bachilo, who at that time held the position of manager of the Federal Social Security Fund.

According to Ronin, his company has been a partner of the Foundation since the late 90s, when it created for him computer network, which she then served.

The accused said that “every 2-3 years” BelAVM won tenders from the Social Protection Fund for the supply of technical equipment.

By the way, the company’s website indicated that it carried out joint projects with the Presidential Administration, the Council of Ministers, State Control bodies, the KGB and other ministries and departments of the country. This site is currently being updated.

Mr. Ronin added that his relationship with the manager of the Federal Social Protection Fund Lyudmila Bachilo “from purely official and businesslike has grown into informal.” One of the manifestations of this transformation was the “go-ahead” received by Ronin’s driver from his boss to provide technical services for Bachilo's personal car.

According to the prosecution, Ronin's driver was repairing motor vehicle manager of the Fund from 2013 to 2016. 31.5 million was spent for these purposes. non-denominated rubles. At the same time, Bachilo said that she paid for the repairs of her Mercedes herself.

Speaking about the fact that he did not pay for the repair of Bachilo's car, Ronin said that in 2016 she wanted to return the money spent on these purposes to him. However, the accused “mercifully forgot about them.” And no one else remembered about them, although Bachilo, contradicting her own testimony, claimed that she gave money for car repairs.

Regarding the charges of paying a $20,000 bribe, Ronin said that the Fund manager never demanded money. However, he himself wanted to thank her for everything, including the tenders won, so he and his deputy Romanovich, discussing the amount of gratitude, decided to settle on $20,000. Because “I liked the figure.”

When Ronin took the money to her, he was nervous, feeling that he was being watched by KGB officers, with whom “our life somehow didn’t work out.” Subsequently, operatives of the State Security Committee detained him.

According to Bachilo, she was curious to see what kind of gift Ronin gave her, but she did not have time to do so. He, on the contrary, says that the official saw the money handed over in the package. She “put this package in her bag.”

Dmitry Ronin admitted his guilt, saying that he had stopped drawing the line “between personal, law and business.” He also publicly repented for his actions.

Over the past two days, the KGB has detained at least 15 people for bribes, including seven high-ranking people: officials and business leaders. Let's figure out what happened and why the schemes for which these people were detained are typical for Belarus.

December 19: at least 8 people were detained, among them the managers of MTZ, MAZ, BelAZ and Gomselmash.

On December 19, news appeared that the KGB had detained officials four main state-owned enterprises: MTZ, MAZ, BelAZ and Gomselmash. Members of management and factory workers received money from commercial structures for promoting their products. It was established that since 2013, these people have received bribes in the amount of at least 200 thousand US dollars for accepting defective raw materials and components, issuing fictitious quality reports and obtaining information about promising developments.

Cover art: Julien Pacaud

From December 5 to 7, four representatives of MTZ, MAZ and BelAZ were caught red-handed while receiving bribes worth more than 7,500 rubles. Among them is Deputy general director"MTZ" (aka financial director) Nina Primshits. In addition to them, four more employees of the design and economic planning departments of the MTZ plant were detained for previously received bribes in the amount of 40,000 rubles. Criminal cases have been initiated against all detainees under articles 430 (Receiving a bribe) and 433 (Accepting illegal remuneration) of the criminal code. All suspects are in custody.

The head of the Kosht ​​Urada project, Vladimir Kovalkin, comments on the rollback scheme:

Vladimir Kovalkin, photo:

“This corruption scheme is called “acceptance of unnecessary goods, or goods poor quality- in exchange for a kickback, of course. She looks like this. A tender is announced. To win based on price, one of the companies reduces the price to a minimum and offers the lowest quality product or even a defective product in order to earn more. Other companies cannot reduce the price so much because they offer goods of appropriate quality, the cost of which is higher. As a result, the company with the lowest price and defective product wins. And in order to ensure that no problems arise at the time of acceptance of the defective goods, representatives of the supplier and buyer agree in advance on a “rollback”.

What does “product promotion” mean? The buyer could convince his colleagues that these products were of adequate quality at an affordable price. He could also easily share the kickback with interested parties within the organization. By purchasing a defective product as a quality product, the company suffers a loss: it receives the product needed for production, and is subsequently forced to write it off as defective. The buyer’s interest is in the kickback, the supplier’s interest is that he sells goods of inadequate quality at a higher price market price. The motivation is standard: privatization of profits, nationalization of losses. The enterprise belongs to the state, it is not private - accordingly, problems with marriage will fall on the money of the state and taxpayers. And the workers will receive additional money in the form of a kickback and will live happily ever after - it’s all very simple.”

December 20: 7 people were detained, including an IT businessman and officials from the Federal Social Security Service and the National Bank

Yesterday, on December 20, similar news appeared: the KGB said that it had intercepted “large-scale corruption schemes” between employees of the BelAVM company, led by the general director Dmitry Ronin(according to the Daily Diary, he ranks 130th in the ranking of the most influential businessmen in Belarus) and representatives of government agencies: the Federal Social Security Fund, ERIP and the National Bank. The company SZAO "BelAVM" has existed for more than 20 years, is one of the leaders in the Belarusian market of system integrator companies and a partner of more than ten leading IT companies. Most Its turnover is made up of government orders.

On December 15, while receiving a bribe of $20,000 from Ronin, the manager of the Social Protection Fund was detained red-handed. Lyudmila Bachilo. The bribe was transferred for assistance in recognizing BelAVM as the winner of the auction for the purchase of equipment for the Federal Social Protection Fund. A criminal case has been opened against Bachilo under Article 430 (taking a bribe), and against Ronin - under Article 431 (giving a bribe) of the Criminal Code.

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In addition, the KGB detained two employees of BelAVM, including the deputy general director Nikolai Romanovich– for complicity in the transfer of a bribe to the manager of the Federal Social Security Fund.

As it turned out, Romanovich is an Orthodox philanthropist and believing “dacha resident” from Minsk, who built a church on the shore of Lake Bolduk.

This is the territory of the Narochansky National Park and the Shvakshty hydrological reserve, where construction is prohibited. The situation caused protests from local residents (only Catholics live in the nearest village) and members of the public. After all, the construction of the temple and the camp around it destroyed the conservation of unique places.

The head of the informatization department of the Federal Social Security Service was also arrested. Vitaly Starovoitov– he was responsible for preparing tender documents for the purchase of computer equipment and received a bribe of $4,000 for his “help.” According to the KGB, the three of them developed the “necessary” technical specifications, which allowed BelAVM to win the auction.

In addition to officials from the Federal Social Security Service and the leaders of BelAVM, the chairman of the board of ERIP was detained for corruption. Oleg Veremeychik. In July 2016, he received $9,000 from Ronin, and in November - 6,400 euros for helping to conduct a “negotiated” tender for the supply of equipment worth about 28 billion non-denominated rubles. Also, officials from the National Bank received bribes from BelAVM: the head of the main department of monetary and financial monitoring Anatoly Moroz and his deputy Ekaterina Pavlovskaya. Moroz took money three times (the total amount was at least $13,000) for the fact that BelAVM was chosen as an equipment supplier, and was also an intermediary in giving a bribe to Pavlovskaya.

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All detainees have been charged with criminal charges and are currently in custody.

The head of Kosht ​​Urada, Vladimir Kovalkin, comments on the schemes:

“A situation typical for Belarus occurred when the buyer and supplier agree on a deal. To reduce competition, the customer creates a narrow specification that only a certain supplier's products can meet. In this case, we are talking about FSZN as a customer who purchases equipment, and about BelAVM as a supplier who has exclusive rights to supply it. Most often, in order to simulate competition and for the purchase to take place, the customer adds a controlled company to the tender or auction, which acts as an extra and sets the price higher.

As a result, the right company wins. By the way, the sensational purchase of validators took place exactly according to the same scheme.

Judging by the situation, the KGB officers knew about this deal, monitored it, and, most likely, someone from the supplier organization collaborated with them (for example, who had previously been caught in a dubious deal). Perhaps in return they promised to reduce his sentence or replace it with a suspended sentence for helping to catch “big fish.”

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Why are there so many delays now? Perhaps there is a political motive in this. Top management is trying to explain to the heads of government agencies and enterprises: the times when there was a lot of money in the budget are over, and they need to curb their appetites in terms of corruption. Most likely, the president gave sanctions to all these detentions, because officials such high level without his knowledge they are unlikely to be arrested.”

Top 8 detained officials and leaders

Deputy General Director of MTZ Nina Primshits
FSZN Manager Lyudmila Bachilo
General Director of BelAVM Dmitry Ronin
Deputy General Director of BelAVM Nikolai Romanovich
Head of the Informatization Department of the Federal Social Security Service Vitaly Starovoitov
Chairman of the Board of ERIP Oleg Veremeychik
Head of the Main Department of Monetary and Financial Monitoring of the National Bank Anatoly Moroz
Deputy Anatoly Moroz Ekaterina Pavlovskaya

However, this is not all those detained over these two days - in total there were at least 15 people (the KGB did not name the exact number of participants in all cases).

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