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What to say at an interview on Skype. Pros and cons of a Skype interview

Dedicated interviews are becoming an increasingly popular option for hiring. You don’t have to go anywhere, you can find out everything without leaving your chair at home. But this does not mean that this type of conversation with a future boss is easier than a standard interview. Prepare and prevent characteristic errors It is very important to leave a positive impression.

Every modern employee should know how to pass a Skype interview in order to be able to get a job in an advanced company with a good salary.

An interview via Skype is an economical and convenient option, which is used when the candidate lives in another city, will work remotely, and also for an initial interview. In the latter case, it is convenient to choose from several applicants those who can be invited for a personal interview.

Most often, this type of hiring is carried out for positions related to remote business management or computer technology. In the latter case, it is assumed that the applicant for the position is so familiar and fluent in computer communication that for him a Skype interview will be an ordinary standard conversation. It is during a conversation that you can, with the help of some little things, clarify how much a person understands technology and how well he handles a computer. This is better than any resume, especially for candidates for specialized vacancies.

In order for the interview to take place and not cause negative emotions, it is necessary to have advanced equipment that will help you see and hear your interlocutor as accurately as possible. Also, such a video conference requires high-quality and fast internet. This is necessary so that the parties do not lose contact and the connection is decent.

All equipment must be configured so that you can see, hear and understand each other perfectly.

Skype interviews are a new trend, and not many people know how to pass them. You will also need a decent room, with a complete absence of strangers, including pets. The place that your future employer sees should not be filled with trash, clutter, or provocative details. You need to set up your camera, microphone, and headphones in advance.

How not to fail an interview

The most important tip for a Skype interview is not to relax. Many people think that a familiar environment will help them relax. This can have a negative impact on your image. First of all, do not meet an employee from the HR department in his underwear in front of an empty alcohol container in the background.

First of all, you must start the conference at the exact time specified. Being late for an interview via Skype cannot be explained by traffic jams, but you can give yourself a minus. The main thing is to prepare for everything in advance. You shouldn't sit in front of your boss if you're wearing nothing but the top. You never know – you’ll have to get up, it’ll be awkward.

Clothes should be businesslike and neat. If you will work in an office, then dress as you would in an office. If you are working remotely, wear a light shirt and trousers. It is important not to show up to an interview in a robe. Clean up your desk. A future employer will definitely pay attention to the mess in front of the computer, and this will not work in your favor.

Don't interrupt your interlocutor. Culture and politeness business communication are no less important in a video conference than in person.

Be sure to check the name of your Skype account. If it's too frivolous, change it. Your nickname “Bunny in Oil” can easily alienate your employer.

The most important advice is to get into a working mood and understand that you are at the same interview, only at home.

You should have all documents and questions at hand so that you can answer on time without thinking or remembering information. The employer needs to understand that you are serious, even if you are at home.

Subtleties of a remote interview

To ensure everything goes without a hitch, you need to prepare in advance. First of all, set up the equipment, then add the employer’s contact so as not to have to search for it. It is not recommended to be distracted by extraneous things, so remove all children, animals, and unnecessary photographs on the wall from the room. The ideal option would be a background in the form of a light wall and non-flashy wallpaper. Remove dishes, ashtrays, and excess papers from the table in front of the computer.

Place your resume and information about the vacancy you are interested in in front of you. Be sure to check the quality of the light. You should be clearly visible, there is no need to create excessive shadow. Adjust your Internet connection speed. If you have a modem, it should turn on quickly and efficiently when the main Internet is turned off.

You should have a ready-made presentation at hand. This will help you not lose sight of anything when you talk about yourself. The presentation should be no more than 7 minutes long.

Also close all unnecessary information, all tabs on the computer. It’s a good idea if you have the company’s website open from your tabs, because many employers turn to the company’s website during interviews. Be sure to ask everything that interests you. Firstly, it will show that you really need this job, and secondly, you will be able to find out all the details. It may happen that after the interview you yourself do not want to work in this company.

The interview via Skype includes questions about your biography, previous places of work, and there will also definitely be a question about why you are interested in a particular company, position and profession.

When communicating, you should adhere to business style, do not wave your arms too much, do not interrupt your interlocutor. In this case, you need to look not at the screen, but at the camera. Otherwise, your recruiter will get the impression that you are not making eye contact and that you are hiding something.

During the conversation, be sure to periodically check whether the connection is normal and whether you can be heard well. Be prepared for the fact that you may be tested for mental stability and ability to withstand stressful situations. In any case, you will not be asked questions that they would not have asked if you were in the office.

Pros and cons of interviews via Skype

A remote conference via Skype has its advantages and disadvantages. And for both the applicant and the employer. Among the advantages it is worth noting:

  1. Saving Money. The applicant does not need to spend money on travel, especially from another city or town.
  2. Save time. Moreover, this applies to both sides. The boss can conduct at least 5 interviews in an hour, the same applies to the applicant. Thus, in a day you can immediately contact several companies.
  3. Convenience and ease of communication. Very often it is easier to communicate at home, and unnecessary stress is relieved.
  4. You can record the conversation. This will help evaluate and calculate your errors in the future.
  5. All information is at hand and can be provided quickly. Any file from your computer can be sent to a recruiter quickly and without problems.

But interviews via Skype also have disadvantages. This is, first of all, the technical side of the issue. If the connection is poor and the Internet is unstable, the conference can leave negative impressions on both sides. Another disadvantage is the inability to evaluate the company itself and its employees. The home environment, which should help, can play a cruel joke and make you too relaxed. If a candidate undergoes such an interview for the first time, it can become a stressful situation for him.


A Skype interview raises more questions than answers for many people. But this is only at the beginning. It is important to treat this type of hiring process the same way you would a face-to-face meeting. You will be asked the same questions, your behavior will be assessed in the same way.

The most important thing is not to relax too much and make sure that your employer understands the full extent of your professionalism and responsibility. Just dress business casual, have your resume in front of you, and set up your equipment. Consider yourself ready.

How-how... Just like a regular interview. After all, the essence is the same, only the form is different.

Not true! Anyone who has ever been interviewed via Skype will confirm this to you. Job seekers who are poorly prepared for a “meeting” with an employer will tell you a lot of interesting things:

  • how at the most crucial moment a cat jumps on the table and drops the laptop on the floor;
  • how, five minutes after the start of the conversation, the applicant notices that the employer sees his unmade bed;
  • how, due to a poor connection, it is difficult to understand an interlocutor speaking English (who is difficult to understand even with a good connection due to a monstrous accent).

But this is not a threat to you. Because in 5 minutes you will know all the nuances of the topic “How to pass an interview with an employer on Skype” and you definitely won’t end up in a puddle.



“I’ll put on a shirt, and let my feet remain in shorts and slippers, because it’s hot, and I’m too lazy to iron my trousers/skirt.” Seductive, right?

Now imagine that during an interview the employer asked you to show some diploma. And the diploma is in the locker. Which is at the other end of the room. You won’t refuse an employer, right? And you will have to parade in shorts to the locker and back. The shape of your legs is the last thing an employer is interested in, so it’s better to dress “in shape.”

This is also useful from a psychological point of view. When you wear business clothes, you feel collected and serious.

And one more nuance for the ladies. Choose your blouse with extreme caution. Let’s say there’s a nice blouse and the neckline seems to be small... Stop! Please note that the interlocutor will only see the upper part of you, that is, the ratio of the length of the neckline to the length of the body will be slightly different than if you saw you at full height. Will the neckline look too deep in this blouse? No? Then put it on.

Make up

For those with oily skin, it is better to apply a light (light!) layer of mattifying powder to your face so that your employer does not see your face as shiny as a billiard ball. For those with dry skin, it’s best to apply a little moisturizer to keep your skin looking healthy and fresh.

If you haven't gotten enough sleep and your face is adorned with blue circles under your eyes, use a primer and hide the signs of fatigue. It is not a fact that the employer will attribute the blue under the eyes to an indefatigable ability to work: he may decide that you are a fan of incendiary parties until the morning, or you have insomnia, or you were on vacation five years ago and were very tired. All of the above are arguments not in your favor (and who will understand that they are imaginary).


Prepare yourself as carefully as you would for a face-to-face interview. That is, five-day stubble, unwashed and tousled hair, unkempt nails - a decisive “no”.


This is important because poor lighting can play a trick on you.

If the room is dark, you will look like the hero of a mystical thriller. And if there is too much light, you will feel like you are talking from the operating room. If the light falls only from one side, the interlocutor may think that you have a flux, or that you are a one-eyed pirate.

Ideally, the lighting should be like this. Three sources of soft light (lamps, sconces); one on the right and left, and one behind you.

“Live” image

How to behave during an interview via Skype?

The employer sees a picture, and this picture is alive; you need to make sure that it reflects you most adequately.

This effect is difficult to achieve if you are constantly staring at the monitor. Remember? When communicating, eye contact is important; It is also important when interviewing on Skype.

From time to time you need to look at the camera - then the employer will think that you are looking at him. Here is advice for people who find it difficult to look into a small “eye” and portray real emotions (this happens; in fact, in fact, the interlocutor is physically absent).

If you know who you'll be communicating with, and you have a photo of this person (let's say you found him on LinkedIn), print out a small image of the person you're talking to, make a hole in it for the camera, and hang it on your monitor. This should help create an immersive effect.


It is clear that the place where you will be during the interview should be quiet and calm. Ideally, this is a work office. If you find it difficult to create a business environment at home, go to a coworking space. After all, for an important conversation, you can rent office space for an hour (or ask someone you know to host you and your laptop in the office).


It would be great and very correct if you ask someone you know to chat with you on Skype as a simulation of an interview. Record this conversation and review it. What do you look like? What does your voice sound like? What do gestures look like?

It is unlikely that you will like everything in the resulting picture. So much the better – there is room for growth! Think about what needs to be done with your voice, gestures, and surroundings to make you look as presentable as possible.

Secret trick

When meeting in person, you have the opportunity to shake the employer’s hand. There is no such option when interviewing via Skype. Or is there?..

Eat! The role of a handshake can be a nod when greeting. After the employer greets you, nod and smile. That’s it, the “handshake” has taken place, you can start the conversation.

Everything you need should be at hand

Again, so that you don’t have to run to your locker to get your diploma.

There aren't many things you need to keep on hand:

  • diplomas, certificates, diplomas, medals, Oscars and other insignia,
  • printed resume,
  • a list of questions that you plan to ask the employer,
  • notes you made when preparing for an interview and researching information about the employing company (for example, a best-selling quote from a top manager that you deftly insert during a conversation).

Force majeure

No one is immune from “pleasant” surprises during a Skype interview. Let's say a minute after the start of the meeting you realize that you can't hear your interlocutor well. Or the quality of communication deteriorates in the middle of an interview. Or some other trouble happens (for example, you hear that a cat has fallen into an aquarium, or you feel that your youngest is up to no good).

In all cases not provided for by the protocol, it is better not to remain silent, gritting your teeth and pretending that everything is fine (leave this to the superheroes of American films).

Explain that you need to take a break and that you are ready to continue communicating in 1-2-5 minutes. This is smarter than being nervous and confusedly answering questions, glancing towards the drowning cat.

We hope our tips on how to successfully pass an interview on Skype will be useful to you. We wish you as many successful interviews as possible, regardless of the form of communication, and the most tempting job offers.

How to pass a Skype interview with an employer was last modified: September 3rd, 2017 by Elena Nabatchikova

Currently, this interview method is used by about 15% Russian companies . However, every year interviews via Skype are gaining more and more popularity. In the USA, for example, almost 75% of employers have already switched to remote negotiations with job applicants.

The popularity of Skype interviews is primarily due to its convenience. All you need is a computer and good speed Internet. At the same time, there is no need to waste time and effort on getting to the employer’s organization for an interview. In addition, some people find it much easier to interview in home environment in front of the monitor than in an unfamiliar office.

Who is it suitable for?

This form of interview has become especially relevant with the development of remote work.

Thanks to Skype interviews, employers have the opportunity to hire employees living in another city or another country altogether. Moreover, most often such interviews are conducted for vacancies related to information technology, For example:

  • web designers;
  • content managers;
  • programmers;
  • copywriters;
  • website designers, etc.

However, today many companies use this form interviews as a tool for the initial selection and screening of candidates with more conservative professions. Usually, After a successfully completed online interview, a personal meeting with the employer follows.

Advantages and disadvantages

Undoubtedly, an online job interview has a number of significant advantages, which include:

At the same time, some disadvantages of this form of interview cannot be ignored:

  • The success of an online interview directly depends on the state of the technical device, as well as the Internet connection. If any problems arise, it simply may not take place;
  • the applicant does not have the opportunity to assess the situation in the organization, the mood of the team, as well as its leader;
  • Unforeseen circumstances such as a telephone call or the arrival of guests may interfere with the interview;
  • the home environment does not allow the applicant to fully tune into the working mood;
  • the general idea of ​​the interlocutor, both on the part of the employer and on the part of the potential employee, will be somewhat distorted.

How should it go?


In order to properly organize a remote interview, the employer must first complete the following steps:

  1. agree on the time of the interview, as well as its approximate duration;
  2. exchange contacts on Skype;
  3. prepare a sample list of questions for the applicant;
  4. if a resume was previously sent to the employer, then during the interview it should be at hand;
  5. it is necessary to check in advance the serviceability of the computer, headset, video camera, as well as the availability of an Internet connection;
  6. It is recommended that no one else be in the room during the interview.

Interview stages

In general, the scenario for conducting an interview with an applicant on Skype is no different from a standard interview. Conventionally, it can be divided into three stages:

As a rule, the results of the interview are not immediately announced. The employer needs some time to sum up the results, after which he notifies the applicant about the decision made.

What should an employer pay attention to?

During the interview The employer needs to pay attention to the following points:

  • when listening to the candidate’s answers, it is important to monitor his facial expressions, intonation, gestures, as well as the tone in which he speaks;
  • you should pay attention to it appearance, as well as the background;
  • assess how confident he is during the conversation, etc.

In order to successfully pass an interview with an employer via Skype, The applicant should adhere to the following recommendations:

Decent clothes should be worn not only on top, otherwise there is a high risk of getting into an awkward situation if you suddenly have to get up and fetch something:

  • Clean up the room in which the interview will take place. Scattered things, leftover food or an unassembled bed in the background will not create the best impression on the employer.
  • During the interview, you must turn off the telephone, intercom, doorbell, and also warn your family not to disturb them.
  • A pen, a notepad, and a list of sketched questions for the employer should be prepared at hand.
  • Questions must be answered clearly, intelligibly and completely.

If during the conversation the connection is interrupted, then according to business etiquette, the person who called should call back.

Video instructions on how to conduct an interview correctly:

An interview via Skype is a convenient interview format, especially for large international companies. Let me tell you a secret, more and more companies are gradually moving some of their functions online, saving man-hours and resources, so the practice of scheduling interviews via Skype, especially with candidates who are in another city or country, is a common practice. This type of video interview is also gaining popularity, when the candidate is asked to prepare a video about himself, but we will talk about this next time.


Like any other interview, a Skype interview requires good planning and organization. If your potential employer is a large international company, and the recruiter-interviewer is in a different time zone, it is important not to make a mistake with the appointed time. The ideal option would be to schedule a meeting through a task scheduler, for example, through Outlook, which will also show your digital approach to planning. In any case, check the meeting time according to Moscow time.

It is advisable to appear on Skype not five minutes before the start of the call, but at least 15-20 minutes in order to make sure that the equipment on your part is working and the Internet is not failing. If your Skype nickname is kotenok88, it makes sense to create a separate profile with a business nickname for interviews.


When preparing for a Skype interview, throw away the Skype box. This is an interview like any other. The interviewer will immediately pay attention to your appearance and the way you carry yourself. Choose a decent background - no smoking pots, no open cabinet doors. Check the lighting. Here, as during photography, it will be correct to install the camera so that daylight falls on your face: your appearance will become more fresh and rested.

In clothes the best option There will be a dress code, avoid casual or informal attire. Of course, you shouldn’t take it to the point of absurdity; no one expects you to wear a tie or a black bottom – a white top. Shirt, neutral knitwear, business dress, jewelry and cosmetics, hair styling - everything should be present. By the way, this will put you in the right mood, you will remain collected and will be able to talk more confidently about your achievements.

Prepare everything in advance necessary materials and files so as not to search for them in last moment. A video interview is a case when a good “cheat sheet” with a prepared answer, or even a question, will come in handy. This is one of the advantages of an online meeting.

It is extremely important that the technology does not let you down during the video interview. It’s a shame when, during a conversation with an interesting candidate, you get the impression that the candidate himself is sitting somewhere deep in the basement and, overcoming constant interruptions and crackling, is trying to get in touch with you. Check the quality of the connection and sound in advance, stock up on a good headset with a microphone. Not all laptops or computers have a high-quality built-in audio system. In addition, a good headset will provide more reliable protection from extraneous noise. Try not to conduct interviews using your unstable smartphone mobile internet. In such cases, I recommend either trying to agree to reschedule the interview, or warning the interviewer that there may be problems. In most cases, they will most likely understand you and meet you.


Pay attention to how you speak - you will be judged on the quality of your speech. There is no need to worry, rush, or interrupt your interlocutors. Try to speak clearly and to the point. Don’t look at the ceiling or interior items, look your interlocutor in the eyes. Sometimes there may be a second delay during a Skype call, so it makes sense to take short pauses and also check to see if the connection has been lost if in doubt. If this is your first experience with a video interview, it makes sense to rehearse. Ask your spouse or girlfriend to Skype with you, set up an angle in which you look presentable, try the connection and picture in different rooms, watch your gestures and facial expressions. Work on your mistakes.

Focus on what's important

Try to ensure that nothing distracts you and your interlocutors. Turn off third-party programs and instant messengers and any other sound sources. For example, if you are at home, make sure that you will not be disturbed by relatives or pets.

Try not to type on the keyboard. It's unlikely that your interviewer will appreciate the pounding in your ears. But if such a need arises, for example, to find necessary information on a computer, then be sure to use the MUTE button, this will block all extraneous sounds from your side.


Remember that there is a living person sitting on the other side of the monitor; you are separated by kilometers, so it is difficult for him to feel your energy. Give him this opportunity! Smile, answer questions openly, be friendly, and the interlocutor will not be able to help but warm up to you. Good luck with your interview!

Guzel Ismagilova, HR Director at Club Med in Russia. I travel a lot and like to do it in style. Author of the travel blog In the next article I’ll tell you how to combine business with pleasure: have time to see a country/city if a foreign business trip lasts only two days.

For those who prefer Facebook.

Skype interview ideal for primary screening and screening. It allows you to save maximum time and energy.

Such an interview is an excellent option for applicants who live geographically far away and, perhaps, are even looking for work in different cities to change their place of residence. You can conduct interviews via Skype with specialists of any profile.

Advantages and disadvantages

The pros and cons of Skype interviews are obvious.

It passes with visual contact, however not all regions have good communications, and therefore somewhere the image may be blurry and darkened.

Moreover, during the interview interference may occur, which will greatly spoil the overall impression of the interview.

Using Skype, you can interview far-flung job seekers, who, nevertheless, may turn out to be very valuable specialists.

By Skype Pre-selection can be done fairly quickly and save a huge amount of time. In addition, using this program is much more economical than a regular telephone. Job seekers will be able to save money that they would have spent on travel.

If a candidate is ready to talk with an employer via Skype, this means that he is sufficiently modern and sociable. He has no psychological resistance to new methods of selection and easily adapts to the use of technology.

The downside will be interviews with older people, some of which the computer has not yet fully mastered. However, among this part there may be very valuable employees.

The advantages also include psychological comfort, because the applicant will be at home. But at the same time, it should be noted that emotional contact and the general atmosphere on Skype will be distorted, and therefore even a subtle psychologist will find it difficult to “read” the interlocutor.

Live, it’s more the overall impression that plays a role, while on Skype, the main role will be played more by individual accents. Besides, some candidates simply cannot get into the business mindset while at home.

Using Skype, the applicant will not be able to see the office, his workplace, colleagues, and this is a definite minus.

In many Western countries in half of the cases, an interview via Skype is used for the initial selection. Currently, this trend is increasingly developing.

How to conduct an interview correctly?

In general, during an online interview, the interviewer should focus on the same criteria that he would focus on during a real interview.

However, Skype makes its own amendments.

In a home environment, the candidate will feel more relaxed, and therefore it is worth paying attention to how confidently he holds himself, thinks clearly and clearly, how he is dressed, what is in his background.

How to get?

How to do an interview on Skype? The tips are as follows: In order to successfully pass an interview, it is important First, practice using Skype with friends and acquaintances. If they don’t use such technologies, you can talk to any online store. This practice will give you confidence and will allow you not to get confused during the interview.

Clothing style is a fundamental point. Many people think that in a relaxed home environment you can dress informally, but this is not the case. Clothes should be, if not businesslike, then something like that, because it will play a huge role in the impression made.

Besides, decent clothes will help you quickly get into a business mood. Some wear business attire only on the upper half of the body. However, if you suddenly need to stand up, the interviewer will also see what you are wearing underneath.

The situation should also be taken care of in advance. In the apartment The washing machine should not hum, from the next room the TV shouldn't be heard, around you Children and pets should not run around, unpresentable things like a cartoon poster or scattered clothes should not come into view.

You should turn off your phone during the interview., just like doorbell and intercom, and next to the computer you need to put a notepad, pen, Required documents and resume. It would be ideal to notify everyone close to you about the interview in advance.

In general, to successfully pass “ Skype interview“You need to prepare as usual.

You need to answer questions clearly, clearly, and informatively.

It is better to jot down questions for the employer in a notebook in advance.

The employer should be added to your Skype contact list in advance.

The time of the interview must be agreed upon, and therefore should be ready in a few minutes to get in the right frame of mind. It's a good idea to rehearse your speech in advance.

If the call suddenly ends, according to the rules business etiquette the person who called will have to call back.

Questions for the applicant and answers to them

Given the high-tech format of the interview, it makes sense to ask the applicant only about the basics.

Here are examples of questions and answers for an interview on Skype:

1. Why did you leave previous place work?

Here it is important to pay attention to the reaction of the interlocutor. If he answers confidently, does not change his posture, does not weaken eye contact, or touches his face or ears, his answer can be trusted.

2. What is your ideal company, in what direction do you want to develop?

The answer to these questions will tell a lot about the ideals of the applicant and his needs, about whether the company can satisfy them.

3. Why should you take this position?

The answer to this question will show what the applicant can give to the company.

4. Name your strengths and weak sides.

This question will show How does the candidate evaluate himself?. He will not hesitate to name his strengths.

If the applicant is smart, then he will turn his weaknesses into advantages, for example, he will repent of workaholism.

5. Tell us about your most successful and unsuccessful projects.

The answer to the question will show how the candidate evaluates himself as a specialist, how self-critical and prone to growth and development is.

6. By what criteria do you evaluate your work?

Here you will see whether the applicant is process or result oriented.

7. How to quickly become part of the team?

Here you can see How communicative is the candidate?.

8. Do you have any hobbies or interests?

This question is deeper will reveal the identity of the candidate.

9. Why were you attracted to this position?

The question will show How suitable is this job for the applicant? how interested he is in your company.


Skype interview allows you to save a huge amount of time and quickly carry out the initial selection. It will help job seekers find work in another city or region. The main thing for them is to be able to get into a business mood in a home environment.