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That people should be valued more. What qualities should be valued in people

Every person has a period when it seems to him that no one needs him, his life is useless and that he brings only misfortunes to others. TO strong personalities these thoughts come for a short time, but with the weak, everything is much more complicated - they fall into depression, which is sometimes not so easy to get rid of.

A lot of people don't understand that life should be valued primarily for what you have. We all want to be happy, but does everyone understand what happiness is and what is its essence? But it can be everywhere if a person knows how to appreciate life and the joyful moments that it gives him.

How can you learn to appreciate life?

People who were on the verge of death, or experienced terrible moments in their lives, advise: "Rejoice in every day you live, appreciate every moment, live with pleasure." They understood all this only in those fateful seconds, before the great misfortune that overtook them. But this does not mean that you can learn to appreciate life only when you experience something like that. You can start appreciating life right now if you follow these few tips.

Look for the good everywhere and in everything.

Often people are not happy with what they have. Try for a few minutes to imagine that some people never had this at all. Here you are sitting on the couch in front of the TV, switching channels, one after another, and getting angry that there is nothing interesting, but there was a time when this was nothing, how did people live then? Your house seems small to you, and many years ago people lived in small shacks without windows or doors. Rejoice that you live in this modern world, and not many years ago, when they did not know about any amenities.

Write down everything that makes you happy

Get a notebook in which you will write down the moments of happiness that life brings you. Write down the little things that make you happy all day. For example: a flower bloomed in a flower bed, it was a bright and sunny day, they found a coin on the way home. This will be a workout for you, over time you will learn to notice and enjoy every little thing. After all, you need to appreciate life not only for buying an apartment or for a new car!

Life is not eternal

Life is given to a person only once, there will be no other chance. Use it to its fullest. Decide what is most important for you, what activity brings you pleasure, what kind of people bring you happiness. Do not sit idly by complaining about life, everything is in your hands. Live now, because time flies quickly.


Smile as often as possible. Smiling will immediately make you feel better and happier. Smile at the passers-by on the street, smile at the singing bird, little child on the court, smile even when no one is at home. After all, the world becomes kinder from a smile.

It is not always possible and not immediately possible to determine and understand what fate has brought with the person who is worth appreciating. This happens from ignorance of valuable human qualities or their incorrect assessment. Unfortunately, people often make mistakes, missing the chance to become happy precisely because they failed to see a valuable person next to them. What qualities should be valued in people?

Every person wants to have good family, a loving partner, true friends, friendly work colleagues. These are the values ​​that, along with health, self-realization, material well-being and personal freedom, are also the needs of the individual.

Everyone dreams of a wonderful close and trusting relationship, but few people realize what kind of partner such a relationship can develop with. Without the necessary knowledge, experience and a specific image of a valuable person, it is difficult to appreciate the person with whom you were lucky enough to meet.

No wonder there is a saying "What we have, we do not store, having lost - we cry." Sometimes the value of a person is realized only when it is already too late.

Value V broad sense words - the importance, significance, benefit of something. A particular personality trait becomes valuable when it is evaluated as significant and useful. A person becomes personally significant for another when a number or one of his valuable qualities is realized.

When a person's behavior corresponds to the proper and expected, he likes outwardly or has something in common with the individual himself (the similarity of appearance, interests, views, preferences always gives rise to sympathy), then he is assessed as good.

Any positive and even negative, but attractive personality traits can be perceived as valuable, but they are not always so.

Valuable are those qualities that are important and necessary for building adequate harmonious relations.

The value of another person determined the value system of a particular person and society as a whole (norms of morality and ethics). However, the value of any personality trait relative. Depending on the society, type of relationship, age, gender, social status, mentality, etc., different character traits and behaviors are valued.

For example, such a quality as extreme scrupulousness characterizes a person as a good worker, but it can harm friendship. Another example: at the age of 18, it is important for a girl that her chosen one has a sense of humor, and at the age of 28, she already considers this absolutely unimportant, and appreciates responsibility, honesty and care.

However, there are also such human qualities, which, of course, are important and valuable for everyone.

Five Human Values

What human qualities should always be valued in people, regardless of what kind of relationship you want to build? Those quality, which in themselves are universal values:

  1. Honesty. An honest, sincere, open, decent person is a reliable partner. He very rarely resorts to lies and deceit, and only in those cases when it is necessary for the good. It is difficult to meet a crystal-clear person, but honesty and decency are valued everywhere: at work, in the family, in love and friendship.

Linking your life with a dishonest, cunning, deceitful person, you can harm your psyche, physical health, material well-being, relationships with loved ones. The moral upheavals that one constantly has to endure when a lie is discovered are nothing but psychological trauma. Recall at least a phenomenon that destroys families and destinies - adultery.

A liar "steals" someone else's time. Entering into a relationship with an even person, you can be sure that time with him will not be wasted, it will be sincere feelings and relationships, and not a feigned game. A sincere person will not manipulate, provoke, use another for his own selfish purposes.

  1. Kindness. Just like honesty is not a very common phenomenon these days, especially if kindness is disinterested. A kind person does not cause harm intentionally, does not hold evil, knows how to forgive.

Kind people tend to be altruistic, kind-hearted, generous, sympathetic, neither critical nor envious. Their actions show respect and love for people. They are capable of selflessness and heroism for the sake of others, as they are not selfish.

  1. Empathy. The ability to understand and non-judgmentally accept another person is an important component of any close relationship, especially love. Sensitivity, the ability to listen and hear, sympathize, support, console, give wise advice, be there in difficult times are incredibly valuable qualities and deeds.

When a person empathizes, he “lives” with another person and with him. A person capable of empathy is unlikely to betray, deceive, abandon, but will be a faithful, devoted and sympathetic assistant and support.

  1. Mind. This concept can include such personality traits as: reasonableness, prudence, education, intelligence, insight and wisdom. WITH smart person it is always interesting to communicate, next to him it is impossible not to develop as a person.

A smart person, as a rule, is well-mannered, responsible, restrained, looks at life philosophically, does not make rash decisions, does not commit insane acts, chooses peaceful ways to resolve conflicts. Besides, smart people understand the need to work on themselves and on relationships, and, most importantly, know how to appreciate what they have.

  1. Optimism. At first glance, not the most important human quality(in the end, everyone is free to choose to look at the world positively or negatively), however, pessimistic people pull themselves and their environment “to the bottom”, and optimists in any difficult situation believe in the best and do not give up, which means they are able to achieve more .

Being an optimist is not easy in difficult times, but losing faith in yourself and hoping for the best is not an option. It is easier and easier to live with people who are friendly, cheerful, cheerful. Optimism implies activity and purposefulness. Next to such a person, you will want to grow and develop as a person.

List of valuable personality traits

In addition to universal human values ​​and valuable personality traits, there are others that are important and useful, but at the same time especially expected from men, women, workers, friends, as well as those qualities that affect a person’s positive attitude towards himself.

IN female character traits such as:

  • patience,
  • modesty,
  • tenderness,
  • softness,
  • sensitivity,
  • intuitive sense,
  • femininity.

IN male character is valuable:

  • masculinity,
  • courage,
  • responsibility,
  • persistence,
  • purposefulness,
  • pragmatism,
  • self confidence,
  • intelligence.

IN worker the following qualities are valued:

  • diligence,
  • conscientiousness,
  • performance,
  • discipline,
  • punctuality,
  • responsibility,
  • persistence,
  • accuracy.

good friend there will be a person in whose character there is:

  • sociability,
  • responsiveness,
  • benevolence,
  • respect for people
  • collectivism,
  • devotion,
  • ability to support in difficult times.

And in order to realize the value self, Must have:

  • self-esteem,
  • moderate self-criticism
  • honesty towards oneself
  • self love.

It is important to be able to appreciate worthy people in order to be able to build harmonious and productive relationships, thereby making your life happier.

Can you appreciate others?

Friends, I greet you! Today I want to deal with a philosophical question - it turns out it is not at all easy. This idea prompted me to an ordinary situation, which I became a witness (or even an accomplice) while visiting friends.

We peacefully sat at the festive table exactly as long as the hero of the occasion is a child of middle age. school age, did not require parents to make a promise, attention: "for all"! purchase a new, super fancy, respectively, expensive gadget of the latest model.

Since the “old” multifunctional telephone of a prestigious company was bought by the child less than six months ago, the mother, having learned the price new toy, slightly changed in the face. The adults present immediately reacted and began to "save" the situation, emphasizing the shortcomings and unprofitability of the purchase.

The child did not give up, as an argument in favor of the device, he began to argue noisily, whine and complain that many of his classmates already have such models and even better. To which the eldest member of the family of my friends quietly commented on the situation: “This is envy, what does the old one not like? Some kids don't have any."

Dad “saved” the situation that got out of control, he stopped the showdown “in public”, threatening his little son to take away the phone for educational purposes for a week or two, or even for a month. The parent quite convincingly delivered an instructive speech, quoting proverbs and proverbs about should be appreciated what you have, so that later, having lost something by accident or through stupidity, you do not regret and do not cry.

The scandal stopped, but there was no particular joy on the face of the child, who was faced with the prospect of being left without a gadget.

Gratitude for all the good and not so good is a good practice that makes you look around and notice everything beautiful around us, it helps to more easily live through the difficulties and trials that have fallen to our lot, change for the better, move forward, enjoy life, just be happy.

Imagine a father gives a child a car on the remote control, and the child says why do I need this car, I want a phone. The father saves money for a phone, buys it and gives it to his son, he says: yes, this is an old model, I want a new Iphon. The father is upset and thinks it would be better if I didn’t give anything and decides not to buy anything for his son for a whole year. No one wants to give gifts to someone who does not appreciate them, who is not happy with them.

And how do you feel about the gifts of the Universe, are you happy, grateful? Or you need to get a goat to appreciate what you have.

I have already told the story of a millionaire who goes on a trip for a month without money and things. Lives, travels in this way, one might say, like a homeless person for a whole month. For what? After all, all people dream of wealth so much and think: I wish I could become a millionaire and then I will be happy. Having received money, people are first satisfied with all the benefits, and then they come back to the same thing: the food is not tasty enough, the girls are not beautiful enough. This millionaire, most likely living in comfort and abundance, is also fed up with everything. To feel again the joy of comfort, warmth, food, he deprives himself of this for a while. So, returning home, he will be able to appreciate all the blessings, rejoice in them again, thank for them.

Blessed are those who are hungry and thirsty in righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

If only, if only ... or who will return the lost joy?

Somehow it happened that people try to get (sometimes grab) from life to the maximum. In general, the full realization of one's creative, spiritual, professional potential is wonderful and correct, unless we are talking about distortions. First of all, it concerns material goods.

We all know the saying: “the more we have, the more we want.” Many people suffer, becoming addicted to hoarding no matter what (money, clothes, lost pounds, real estate, the number of trips to the resort and other goodies).

Yes, they suffer, experiencing discontent, irritation and pity due to underearned or under-received benefits. Even worse is the sadness that someone has more of this good than they have. Agree to keep up with everyone, catch up and overtake - this is obviously an impossible task, such competitions are exhausting, negatively affect physical and mental health, plunge into a nervous state of envy, dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with oneself.

In fact, you can be happy without having a sparkling Rolls-Royce, people free from prejudices and complexes know how to enjoy much simpler and more accessible things. Here are just some individuals "lose" this innate skill in the routine of everyday life or, conversely, in the rays of fame and success.

Can you learn to appreciate what you have again?

We often we often do not appreciate things familiar to us, by the way, which for others may be the ultimate dream. How palpable and overwhelming is the discomfort when we lose something that was taken for granted, such as health, or maybe close the man, who should have always been there. It is often such serious losses that force people to radically change their attitude towards what we have. However, it is not necessary to wait for force majeure to reconsider your attitude to life.

Getting rid of the ballast

You need to be prepared for the fact that in the process of restructuring you will have to get rid of some life baggage, I would say ballast:

  • envy,
  • self-doubt,
  • complexes,
  • apathy and indifference.

Where to begin?

Psychologists advise to begin with a sensible and impartial analysis of your real situation. It is possible that some people really are in distress, in this case, too, you should not lose optimism and the taste of life - you just need to develop an optimal program for achieving success.

It is curious that for the majority of citizens it turns out to be easier to determine their benefits and advantages by producing comparative analysis with other people. As a rule, these are people whom we look up to, or those whom we quietly envy or openly envy. In this case, the presence of envy should be recognized - this is the first step towards getting rid of the negative feeling that gives rise to resentment, fear, anxiety, anger and provocation of reckless actions.

Getting rid of jealousy

Mini-training to get rid of destructive and self-destructive envy

  1. Define the object of envy. Understand yourself to understand why, for what reasons this object is inaccessible to you. Perhaps not everything is so sad, you just need to make some efforts?
  2. Get rid of the bad habit of comparing yourself to others - an empty undertaking. Every person on this planet has his own mission, have you defined yours? So follow her, freely and regardless of the assessments of others, whose opinion no one asks
  3. Increase self-esteem, get rid of the label "loser". Look for yourself! Give up useless and unpromising activities, concentrate on what you do best - it's easier to succeed, and at the same time there will be no time left to track other people's achievements.

Compare with yourself a year ago

Remember how you were a year ago, 3 years ago, what happened in your life. What have you become now, how has your worldview changed, what have you gained good, what have you parted with bad, what have you learned, whether your standard of living has risen.

The idea is not to compare yourself to someone else, but to compare yourself to your past self. Thus, you will receive a dose of dopamine, respectively, interest and motivation to develop further.

make a list

Once, putting a blank sheet in front of you, planning to write down a list of what you value in this life, think about whether such items as the smile of a loved one, your cheerful disposition, the ability to enjoy birdsong, a gentle breeze with the aromas of the sea, your virtue, the smell of a warm pillow, where did your child just sleep?

It is also worth considering that everything is relative, therefore it makes sense to immediately divide the sheet vertically in half, leaving room for recording your achievements, which may be the object of other people's dreams. After all, to be honest, we tend to “become shy”, possessing true wealth, for which we should be grateful to the people around us and the Universe.

Dear friends! Don't be discouraged know how be happy, appreciate the person who is now with you near, do not chase after what is impossible to catch up. Learn to cherish what you have - and this is a lot, because You never know, where you find and lose.

So, they started with folk wisdom, a saying and ended, which proves the power of reason and the experience of many generations, clothed in simple messages. On this, let me take my leave, I hope my article will make you look at some things differently. See you again.

We have our own opinion about what to appreciate in men. The set of characteristics varies depending on upbringing, age, life experience and other circumstances. Let's take a look at some of the things we think are important.

Ability to prioritize

Women tend to pay attention to small things, details. This is a skill that helps to perform complex, multi-component work. But there are many situations in life when a simple approach is necessary for a 100% solution to a problem. This applies to stressful situations, the need to manage people, etc. The male mindset allows you to highlight the main thing and put your energy into this particular aspect. That is why in solving many problems we resort to male help.

Sense of humor

You can say for a long time that everyone needs this quality, but a man without a sense of humor is a difficult case. The most serious, responsible and constantly working person should be able to joke and understand jokes. This will help him win the heart of a woman completely and irrevocably. But do not confuse the desire to be the soul of the company and just a sense of humor. The first option is attractive, but not suitable for permanent life. Thinking about what you need to appreciate in a man? Start with a sense of humor.

Reaction to appearance

Women often have a stereotype that men are looking for ideal companions. But this is far from the case: the strong half of humanity pays attention to some details and easily forgives a woman for something else. If he is crazy about long hair, then he easily turns a blind eye to a few extra pounds, etc. There are not so many truly picky comrades - thanks to this, we can be a little bit imperfect and happy.

Self confidence

A real man also doubts, but if he makes a decision, he does not back down from him. But women tend to worry and suffer from a choice when nothing can be changed. We should learn this ability: if the decision has already been made, we should be sure that it is the right one.

Dislike of monotony, boredom, routine

It happens that we, women, try to preserve comfort with all our might. If there is a calm in life, it is difficult to knock us out of it. And this is the first step to stopping development. But satellites do not let us relax. Today they ride motorcycles to another country, tomorrow they start building a house, and the day after tomorrow they open new business. Their dislike of monotony helps us develop as well. And these are definitely the qualities of a man that wise women appreciate.

Ability to come together in a critical situation

Non-standard and unpleasant situations happen in the life of every person. Male psychology is such that in difficult times it is optimal solution. This is especially evident when a person is responsible for the family, friends - he turns on the function of a defender, which allows him to solve any problem.

Pride in a woman

Still don't know what girls appreciate in men? There is another simple answer: the ability to see useful qualities in a companion and admire them. If you go in for sports, have an interesting hobby, cook delicious food, communicate well with his friends - nothing will go unnoticed. The heroes of our article do not always know how to express admiration in words, but they are proud of a woman and tell their friends and relatives about it.

The ability to fool around and go back to childhood

We appreciate men not only because they are strict, serious and able to solve any problems. In the hours when they want to fool around, act like a child, a lot of important things happen. We have the opportunity to get acquainted with the soul of a person, his other interesting sides. Women are afraid to lose face, look stupid, but men know how to have fun until they drop and do little stupid things. And this is only a plus.

Ability to live within your means

Even a person striving for wealth can go through periods when money is scarce. Most men calmly experience them, cut costs, begin to rationally, thoughtfully spend money. Refusing another T-shirt or a pair of new shoes is not a problem for them. We should learn this skill and be sure to review the wardrobe.

Friendship despite adversity

True male friendship lasts for decades - it does not depend on wealth, outlook on life, the presence or absence of a family, position, and many other things. Friends are ready to help each other, break away at any moment, if it is impossible to solve some problem without them.

What to appreciate in men? This list is endless and needs to be updated regularly. Women who carefully observe the representatives of the stronger sex will learn a lot of useful things for themselves, they will see endless potential where they have not seen before.

Every day, we are in a bustling world filled with both joy and trouble, but life should be valued - we have one, the one who does not value life will not achieve anything in life. Most people do not realize and do not think about their lives, 90% of people live by instinct, doing the same thing every day, going to an unloved job.

Fear overwhelms a person who is afraid of changes in his life, even if he does not like the life in which he is every day. Psychologists have sorted out this problem, and today in this article they will help you learn to appreciate life because we only have one.

Need to be a happy person

To learn appreciate life the way she is, you need to become happy. About happiness, there is a lot of talk and discussion. People cannot find their happiness for the reason that they simply do not know what it is and are looking for it where it does not exist. Some believe that someone is in well-being, health, family, but achieving one of this list, it is impossible to fully experience happiness. Happiness is the union of several life peaks that need to be achieved: health, money, success, peace of mind, joy.

Happiness lets you know that this person values ​​​​his life

Look at yourself from the side and the people who surround you, which of you is happy, of course, not who. Since only 1% out of 100%, today, are truly happy people, and this is not always associated with money and material wealth. Even the one who is not rich enough is happy, but he realized that everything in life is enough for him and began to appreciate life as it is. When you realize that life needs to be valued, since we only have one, you will definitely find happiness and begin to appreciate everything that surrounds you, including yourself.

Time is the main instrument of life

Most believe that money is the most important thing today, and that there is nowhere without it. To some extent, they are right, since money is really needed in our 21st century, but we should not forget about time, since it is much more important. For example, a person who has wealth, having lost it, can easily return it if he has sufficient knowledge. But if a person who is successful, happy or rich, it doesn't matter, loses time, he will not be able to return it in any way. First of all, value life and time, which we often spend on the wrong things that we need. Life one and time cannot be returned, even if you are the richest, most successful or happy man. Everyone is given 24 hours every day to live them in such a way that later they do not regret and do not remember the past. Everyone chooses how he will spend these 24 hours. Every day, it's a choice whether you value life today or not.

Find your favorite business or hobby

For your life to be not in vain, it must be lived happily and with joy. A favorite business and hobby that brings joy will help you begin to appreciate life, at least for the fact that we have one and we are not eternal. Doing what you love, you will always be happy and gain peace of mind. The search is best to start today, so as not to delay, because life is short. Successful and happy people advise you not to rush, since the search itself also brings joy and happiness, as you try to do a variety of things to find your spiritual work and passion.

Stop wasting time on bad habits

Most young people and adults today drink alcohol, smoke and do the wrong things. It is difficult to say that such people value life, since all their time is spent only on bad habits with which they fill their soul, which is empty due to the fact that this person does not fill it with happiness, joy and knowledge. Much has been written about the dangers of these habits and how to deal with them, but you need to realize for yourself what is more important to you. The only way out is by all means, just get rid of all your bad habits and engage in self-development. Read books, play sports, and then your life will become more joyful and happier, which will immediately make everyone think that it is you, appreciate life. Do not waste your time on something that does not bring you joy and happiness, and then you will learn to appreciate life.

Take care of your family and friends

Also, you do not need to think only about yourself, because everyone has a family, children, parents, relatives, friends. Start taking care of them, because they, like you, are not eternal. Tell them everything that you have long wanted to say, do not hide your thoughts and do not hold back your words, because at any moment it may be too late. There are many accidents in life, but you do not need to think about them, it is wiser to start taking care of your loved ones every day, expressing your love to them and telling them everything you want to say. , and not only with us, but also with relatives and friends.

Appreciate and enjoy every moment of life

We are only guests in this world, and we need not only to exist in it, but also to leave at least a memory of ourselves for many years to come. Start appreciating every day, every hour, every minute and every moment, because soon it will no longer belong to us, it will fall into the past and it will be impossible to return it. Enjoy every moment of your life, and then you will learn to appreciate life.

Rejoice and smile as often as possible

It makes no sense to walk around with a frown on your face and anger in your eyes, even if your day or even your whole life, in your opinion, has failed. Remember that there are those in the world who are much more hurt than you, and you should just be ashamed of your behavior and your gloomy face. Give the whole world a smile and it will come back to you when you feel bad. The smile effect has long been developed by psychologists and scientists, it lies in the fact that if a person gives a smile to another person, and he also passes it on, then according to such a system, your smile will go around the whole world and make people happier. So just start smiling as much as you can, and even harder when you're feeling down, because everyone can smile when they're feeling good.

Help people

Those who do not yet know and have not realized, the main thing is to help people. If you want to be happy and appreciate life, just start helping people. By helping people, all your nobility and the help that you provided to people will return to you a hundredfold. Appreciate life, enjoy life, appreciate every moment of life, help people and smile.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this topic write in the comments.

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