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Health days in dou names. Sports festival for Health Day in kindergarten

Maksimova Olga Vladimirovna,

senior teacher

MBDOU d/s OV "Golden Fish"

Target: Formation of interest, an emotionally positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, strengthening the physical and mental health of pupils,


  1. Enrich and deepen children’s understanding of how to maintain, strengthen and maintain health.
  2. Enrich children's understanding of hygienic culture.
    1. Develop motivation to preserve your health and the health of those around you.
    2. Enrich children's motor experience.
    3. To interest parents in cooperation with preschool educational institutions to preserve and improve the health of children.

Project type: short


1. Signs with aphorisms, sayings of great and famous people about health for placement in corridors, group rooms of preschool educational institutions.

2. Posters of wishes “Add health” to reception groups.

3. Personal club cards for each child, which contain information about Health Day events and an assignment for parents.

4. “Healthy, fabulous menu” for all age groups.


Fostering a value-based attitude towards health is one of the most important tasks of the preschool level of education. Federal State educational standard preschool education defines the main tasks of preschool education:

Clause 1.6, subclause 6. Formation of a common personal culture for children, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle.

Clause 1.6, subclause 9. Providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health

Clause 2.6. Contents main educational program preschool education should ensure personal development - physical development - the formation of healthy lifestyle values, mastery of its elementary norms and rules (in nutrition, motor mode, hardening, in the formation of useful habits, etc.)

Modern children have good skills and abilities and require help from adults in determining the meaning of the activities they are mastering. This meaning is the relationship to what children do. The quality and result of the activity as a whole depends on how close and understandable this meaning becomes to them, whether the activity becomes formal, conventional or meaningful and sustainable.

To develop motivation for a healthy lifestyle, you need an emotionally positive attitude and interest in the rules of health-preserving and safe behavior. Health Day is a form of organizing educational, educational, health-preserving activities that evokes an emotional response in both children and adults. Regular similar actions helps to strengthen physical and mental health, and develop a value-based attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.

Health Day at MBDOU d/s OV "Golden Fish"

under the motto “We want to be healthy.”

Health Day in kindergarten– this is not just part of educational work, it is also a holiday for children, their parents and employees.

Early in the morning everyone was greeted with wishes of health fairy tale characters, clowns Neboleyka and Zdoroveyka offered children and parents vitamins and invited them to go through an obstacle course. A fun warm-up was accompanied by music and artistic expression.

In each group, teachers organized interesting and exciting competitions.

Parents completed tasks, answered questions, and before leaving, filled out a wish poster “Add health!”

Especially for the holiday, the medical staff of the preschool educational institution developed a “Fabulously healthy menu.”

After a tasty and healthy breakfast, the older preschoolers set off on a journey along the “Health Route”.

At the beginning of the journey, we visited the fairy Veselia in the country of “Correct Speech,” where we played communication games and performed exercises to develop speech breathing.

Funny clowns entertained children and tested their strength, dexterity, and speed.

Dunno invited me to watch the cartoon “Smeshariki: The Hedgehog and Health.”

In the office of the teacher-psychologist, the travelers met the Bird of Happiness, with the help of whose magic the children visited a fabulous sensory room filled with miracles.

In the art workshop, the children had a meeting with the wizard Pencil, who invited them to express their thoughts and feelings in a drawing.

The last point on the route was the office of Dr. Pilyulkina, who talked with the children about what health is, how to maintain, strengthen, and preserve it.

While the older students were traveling, the kids visited the cinema hall, where the cartoon “Moidodyr” was presented to their attention.

In the afternoon, festive events took place in groups. Teachers conducted role-playing games, outdoor games, sketches, created problem-based games and practical situations aimed at forming ideas about healthy way life, preservation and strengthening of physical, mental, somatic health.

Parents and their children took a responsible approach to completing the task given the day before and shared their favorite recipes for healthy and tasty dishes.

All recipes were subsequently included in a cookbook called “The Book of Favorite Recipes for Tasty and Healthy Food”

The children were delighted with Health Day, parents and staff also received a charge of vivacity and good mood, then they remembered the holiday for a long time and with warmth and wished each other health!


  1. Derkunskaya V.A., Korshunova M.G. Fostering a value attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle in children preschool age// Kindergarten: theory and practice. 2011. No. 10.
  2. Myasishchev V.N. Psychology of relationships: Selected psychological works. M.: MPSI, 2011.
  3. Organization of club work in preschool educational institutions. Fish – disc “Methodological support for a senior teacher.” 2012. No. 2.
  4. Photos from the archives of the MBDOU d/s OV “Golden Fish”

Annex 1

Health Day plan

Forms of work, content



Morning exercises for parents

"Obstacle Course"

Instructors for physical culture music directors

Games, exercises to preserve and strengthen physical, mental, somatic health, formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle (senior preschool age)

"Health Route"

Speech therapists, physical education instructors, educators additional education, educational psychologists, art teacher, ecologist teacher, medical personnel, teachers of senior preparatory groups.

Cartoon session (I, II junior, middle groups)


Musical directors are teachers of primary and secondary preschoolers.

Exhibition of children's and parent's creativity products on health preservation (in group rooms)

“Innovative forms of interaction with parents to develop healthy lifestyle skills in children”, “Creating a health-preserving environment in a family and pre-school setting”

Age group educators

Games: role-playing games, sketch games, developing problem-game and practical situations (in all age groups)

Aimed at preserving and strengthening physical, mental, somatic health, forming ideas about a healthy lifestyle

Age group educators

Psychological living room for parents of preparatory groups

Features of psychological preparation for school of children of different sexes

Educational psychologist

Appendix 2

Timetable for the Health Route

pupils of senior and preparatory groups

Group number



Sensory room

Fine art studio

Winter Garden

1 subgroup

2 subgroup

1 subgroup

2 subgroup

1 subgroup

2 subgroup

1 subgroup

2 subgroup

“Certificate of publication in the media” Series A No. 0002699

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their methodological material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, methodological manuals, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scripts educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

"In a healthy body healthy mind!"

Music is playing. Children enter the assembly hall and sit on chairs. 2 teachers and an actor (actress) playing the boy Vitya act out S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Mimosa”.

"Mimosa". Sergey Mikhalkov

Vitya is sitting on a chair. Two teachers feed him with a spoon, but he resists.

1 teacher:
This is who is covered in the bed
Blankets on cotton wool?
Who lies on three pillows
In front of the food table

2nd teacher:
And, barely dressed,
Without making my bed,
Gently washes cheeks
Boiled water?

This is probably a decrepit grandfather
One hundred and fourteen years old?

Vitya: No!

Who, having stuffed his mouth with cake,

Vitya: - Where is the compote?
Give me something
Serve it up
Do the opposite!

This is probably a disabled person


1st: (2nd teacher puts a hat and scarf on Vitya)
Who is this?
They drag felt boots for him,
Fur mittens,
So that he can warm his hands,
So that he couldn't catch a cold
And die from the flu
If the sun shines from the sky,
What if there was no snow for six months?

Maybe he's going to the Pole,
Where do bears live in the ice?


(the teachers stop messing with Vitya)

Take a good look -
It's just a boy, Vitya,
Mom's Vitya,
Papin Vitya
From apartment number six.
This is him lying in bed
With blankets on cotton wool,
In addition to buns and cakes,
Doesn't want to eat anything.
And therefore,
As soon as he opens his eyes,
They put a thermometer on him,
Putting on shoes
Dress up
And always, at any hour,
Whatever he asks for, they carry it.

Vitya (with pride):
If the dream is sweet in the morning -
He's in bed all day.
If the sky is cloudy -
He wears galoshes all day.

And therefore,
That everything is forgiven to him,
And he lives in a new house,
Not ready for anything.

Not to become a pilot,
Be a brave sailor
To lie behind a machine gun,
Drive a truck.

He grows up afraid of frost,
In front of mom and dad,
Like a mimosa plant
In the botanical garden.

Vitya: And I’m no mimosa! Not true! I want to be like the guys - strong, agile, healthy! I just can't do it.

Teacher: Don’t worry, Vitya! The guys and I will help you. Today we have a special day - Health Day. Stay with us for the holiday!

Vitya: Thank you! I'll be happy to stay! (sits next to the guys)

Teacher: Guys, what do you think this means – “healthy person”? What kind of person is this? And what should you do to be healthy? (children's answers) Here, Vitya, did you hear what the guys said? You need to do exercises every day, make your own bed, wash your face, brush your teeth, eat right, exercise, walk more, and most importantly, try to have good thoughts and always be in a good mood. Well, let's start bringing all this to life! First, we need to teach Vitya how to clean his bed.
1 child (or teacher):
Wake up in the morning
Smile at mom
And rather for cleaning,
My friend, get going!

Vitya: Oh! But this is boring!
Educator: Not at all! Guys! Let's help Vita learn how to quickly, beautifully and, most importantly, have fun cleaning his bed.
Relay race.
Children place small pillows on their heads (for example, with cereal). The task is to get around the chair and not drop the cushion. Second task: run to the chair, take a handkerchief from the basket, fold it and put it on the chair. The game is played in the form of a relay race.

Vitya: But it’s true – it’s very interesting and fun! Thank you guys! Now I will always make my own bed.

Educator: And now we are doing exercises. Don't worry, Vitya, the guys will show you everything. Our charging is not simple, but fabulous.

2nd child:
The sun rose before everyone else
I was surprised: what kind of laughter?
Hey guys, hurry up!
Get ready to exercise!

(children stand in a circle or in a line, the teacher reads the verse and shows the movements)

Charging in verse.
Of smiles, laughter, colors.
(we walk in place)
We will write a lot of fairy tales.
(jump on the spot)
One two three four five!
(clap our hands)
Let's start writing!
(turn around yourself)
Oh, what a bird quarrel
It caught fire at the fence!
(we stomp loudly, raising our legs high)
Two crows got angry
(we flap our wings)
And then suddenly they made up.
(hug ourselves)

The puppy went out for a walk -
(put one foot on the heel, return to the starting position, now the other foot and again, etc.)
And he ran away.
(run in place)
Someone is very scary in the puddle!
(hand with a visor at the forehead, bend over the “puddle”, peering into it)
What if I have a dream tonight!
(“We’re afraid”, covering our face with our hands)
Oh, puppy, you made a mistake -
(hands on the belt, head tilted to the sides)
Scared of the reflection!
(same thing, tilt your head forward)

There is a flower on the windowsill,
(we show with our hands how it blooms)
And next to him is a kitten.
(hands clasp and turn away from you, stretch, back is round)
Scratch! - the claw grabbed,
(palms open in front of you, then clench your fists tightly)
And there is a pot on the floor.
(grab your head with your hands, shake your head)
You're an obnoxious child
Our dear kitten!
(shake a finger at the kitten)

Clack-clack, clink-clack -
This is how the hooves clatter.
(we hold our hands palms down, walk, raising our knees high, we need to reach them with our palms)
White foal galloping
(jumping in place)
Go to the stream to drink.
(put your feet wider than your shoulders)
Very tasty water!
(we bend towards the “stream” - legs are straight! - we collect “water” in our palms and “drink”)
I will always drink it!
(we repeat again)

So we did the exercises!
(clap our hands)
So the day will be okay.
(tilts to the sides)
Reach for the sun
(We stand on tiptoes, reach for the sun)
And share a smile.
(smile, arms to the sides)

Vitya: What a wonderful exercise! And the mood itself became good and cheerful! And why didn’t I do exercises before?

Teacher: And now - wash your face!

3rd child:
Early in the morning you and I
We wash ourselves with water.
Don't be afraid of her!
Wash yourself more thoroughly!

Vitya: Why not be afraid - she’s cold!

Dance. To the accompaniment of cheerful children's music, together with the teacher, children rhythmically depict the process of washing: open a tap with cold water, then with hot water, fill their hands with water, wash their face, turn off the water, and wipe themselves. You can also add brushing your teeth (open an imaginary tube of paste, squeeze the paste onto a brush, brush your teeth, rinse your mouth). The movements can be repeated several times, the teacher comments on all actions.

Vitya: we danced so well that I even got hungry. Maybe we can eat buns and cakes, huh?

Teacher: Buns and cakes are not the healthiest food, you don’t need to eat a lot of them. Now the guys will tell you and show you what is healthy and what is not.

Game "Useful or not."
The teacher names the products, and the children clap their hands or stomp, depending on whether the named product is healthy or not.
Orange juice
The list can be supplemented not only with products, but also with actions:
Sitting at the computer for a long time
Ride a bike and so on.

Vitya: Thanks, guys! It turns out that I ate the wrong food all the time, so I was always angry and harmful.

Teacher: But that's not all. To get sick less, you need to dress according to the weather - warm enough, but not wrap yourself up too much. Tell me, Vitya, why do you need a woolen scarf if it’s warm in our group? But in the frosty winter outside, a scarf will not be out of place at all!

4th child:
We'll look at the forecast
Is there any wind or frost?
Let scarves be out of fashion now -
Dress for the weather!

Game "Dress the doll".
Children are divided into several teams. Each team is given a cardboard doll and paper clothes. Task: find clothes of a given color (or season) and put them on the doll.

Teacher: And in order to be healthy and strong, you must play sports. There are many types of sports, there is sure to be something to your liking!

5th child:
So as not to be sick and gloomy,
Do some exercise!
Someone who loves sports very much
Maybe he's proud of himself.

Game “Understand Me” *(for older group)
The children take turns approaching the teacher. She shows the child a picture of some kind of sport. The child demonstrates this sport without words. Children guess.

With younger children, you can show everyone together the sports that the teacher or Vitya name.

Teacher: But still, the most important component of health is good mood, smile, laughter, kindness.

Vitya: I know! It's all in the circus! Let's have a circus show!

Vitya sets up an obstacle course.
"Rope walkers" You need to walk one by one along one floorboard (ribbon, board)
"Jugglers". There is a ball in the middle of the room. Children take turns approaching it, throwing it up, catching it, putting it back and moving on.
"Riders". Children jump on gymnastic balls.
"Clowns" The guys try to walk in different ways: on tiptoes, on their heels, raising their straight legs high, and so on.
"Strongmen." You need to reach the ball lying in the middle of the room, pick it up as if it were very heavy, put it back and move on.

Teacher: Wow! How surprising: it turns out that our Vitya is very dexterous, athletic, and cheerful! Miracles!

Vitya: It’s all thanks to you guys! I will always be like this now. Thank you very much for the holiday!

The children get dressed and go to the park with their parents, teacher and Vitya. There they play familiar outdoor games.

"Health Day at the preschool educational institution" - a section where you can find useful articles, recommendations, notes and scenarios for carrying out physical education and preventive activities dedicated to Health Day.

April 7 is an official holiday, dedicated to the day health. The events held on this day once again emphasize the need for integrated development children's personality, serve as a reminder to young pupils of the need to protect and maintain their health. Also provided additional opportunity give the necessary recommendations to parents in maintaining physical fitness their children.

Scenarios for "Health Day"

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 3730.
All sections | Health Day. Entertainment and event scenarios

Scenario sports festival. « Health Day» Art. Group "B" Goals and tasks: 1. Formation of culture healthy lifestyle. Expanding knowledge about healthy lifestyle, and preventive measures. 2. Promotion of physical culture and sports as the best remedy for any disease. 3....

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Health Day. Scenarios of entertainment and events - Summary of the physical education holiday “Mom, Dad, I am a healthy family!” for older children

Publication “Summary of the physical education festival “Mom, Dad, I am a healthy family!”...”
Goal:  introducing children and parents to a healthy lifestyle through joint sporting events. Program tasks: practice running at speed, performing additional tasks; develop coordination of movements; practice jumping on a ball...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Summary of entertainment for children of the middle group “We are growing healthy” in the form of a trip through the stations Goal: to create conditions for generalizing children’s basic knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: to form an idea of ​​health as one of the main values ​​of life; consolidate children's knowledge of cultural and hygienic behavior skills; develop an interest in healthy...

physical education instructor Anna Aleksandrovna Chesnokova 06/14/2019 Entertainment script. Characters: Presenter, Zakalyaykin. Goal: promotion and formation of a healthy lifestyle for kindergarten students. Objectives: ⁃ show children the irreplaceable value...

Summary of a sports festival with parents “On the path of health together” (younger preschool age)“Scenario for a sports festival with parents “On the Path of Health Together” Presenter: Hello guys! Today we have gathered in this hall to hold a sports festival. Sport is the key to good mood and excellent health. Guys, do you like sports? Children: Yes! Host: If...

Health Day. Scenarios of entertainment and events - Health Day in kindergarten (middle-preparatory age)

Health day in kindergarten. Compiled by: Dobrynina Olga Alekseevna. This event can be held in the junior, middle and preparatory groups of kindergarten. Scenario of a health holiday for kindergarten children To the “March” of V. Shainsky, children enter the hall, line up in a semicircle...

Scenario for the World Health Day event Goal: to develop children’s need for a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: creating a positive attitude and a favorable environment for teaching and raising children; stimulating children's desire to engage in physical exercise on their own. Health Day program: 1....

Compiled by the physical education instructor first qualification category Boronina Elena Vladimirovna Entertainment was provided by: Physical education instructor Boronina E.V. and teacher (Clownness Iriska) Saprykina I.E. Goals: Develop speed, agility, ability to act in a team,...

Sports festival “Healthy Childhood Day”. Tasks: Progress of the holiday: Presenter: Hello boys and girls, tell me what holiday we have today? That's right, a healthy childhood day. Today we will jump, run and play, and of course dance. V.: Look how many children...

A healthy child is a successful child" If a child does not know how to maintain his health, where and how to properly invest his energy, where to use his physical capabilities, it is quite possible that such a child faces difficulties in learning and upbringing. In this regard, in addition to the general tasks set by the preschool educational institution to create conditions in the process of training and education, the goals of maintaining the health of pupils remain mandatory.

The obligatory goal of the preschool team is to create favorable health-saving conditions for children to stay in preschool educational institutions.

The program requirements include the following tasks:

  • Formation of a healthy lifestyle among pupils.
  • Development of agility, speed, strength.
  • Training in cooperation skills with children and adults.
  • Training in valeological knowledge and its application in improving the health of the body.
  • Develop interest in physical education and games with physical activity.

To carry out these tasks, we are creating the necessary conditions and the following activities are carried out: Morning exercises, acupressure, physical education, room ventilation, finger exercises, gargling, fortification: juices, vitamins, preventive vaccinations, hardening, prevention of flat feet, prevention of children’s posture, physical education, outdoor games, walks.

Summary of a lesson on speech development - compiling a descriptive story based on a picture in the middle group.
Educator – Ershova N.S..

Compiling a descriptive story based on the painting “Dog with Puppies”.

The goal is to teach children to describe a picture in a certain sequence and name the picture.

Educational objectives:
1. Teach children how to compose a short story according to the picture;
2. Practice selecting definitions for phenomena;
3. Practice using diminutive forms of nouns in children’s speech;
4. Learn to correctly form the genitive case forms of nouns;

Educational tasks:
1. Foster a caring attitude towards animals;
2. Develop teamwork skills;

Developmental tasks:
1. To promote the development of speech when describing the plot of the picture;
2. Develop vocabulary and observation skills;
3. Develop visual-spatial orientation and imagination;

Material: painting “Dog with puppies”, soft ball for physical education

Preliminary work:
Looking at illustrations depicting domestic animals, reading poems and stories about animals, looking at the painting “Cat with Kittens”, word games “Name it affectionately”, “What’s missing?”.
The painting was pre-hung in the morning on a flannelgraph for children to examine independently.

Methodical techniques:
Questions for children, sample teacher, addition of answer, verbal didactic game, evaluation of the story, joint compilation of the story with the teacher, supporting words, use of visual aids.

Progress of the lesson:

Vl: Guys, let us say hello to the guests who came to our group.
Children: Hello
V-l: Guys, you are so beautiful and cheerful today, let's share your kindness with each other. I suggest we stand in a circle and pass the ball to our neighbor, but not just give it into his hands, but look into his eyes, smile at him and say something kind and pleasant, for example: “Dima, you are in such a good mood today.”
Children pass the ball around with compliments.
V-l: What great fellows you are, you said so many kind and pleasant things to each other. I invite everyone to sit down on their chairs.
Children take their places at their desks.
V-l: guys, I want to tell you a riddle, listen carefully
The living castle grumbled
He lay down across the door,
Two medals on the chest
Better not go into the house! (Dog)
V-l: Who is this?
Children: (in unison) Dog
V-l: Why do you think it’s a dog?
Children: prove
V-l: That's right, guys, it's a dog. Guys, where does the dog live? Only I will ask you to answer in a complete sentence, “The dog lives...”
Children: The dog lives at home, in a kennel
V-l: That’s right, what kind of animal is a dog?
Children: Homemade.
V: That's right, a dog lives next to a person.
The teacher hangs the picture “Dog with Puppies” on the board.
Vl: guys, let's look at the picture very carefully.
Children look at the picture for 1 minute.

V-l: Who do you see in the picture? Only I will ask you to answer in a complete sentence, like this, “I see in the picture...”, waiting for the children to answer in full, “I see a dog and puppies.”
Q: What else do you see in the picture besides the dog and puppies? The teacher addresses the children by name, individual answers
Children: answers
Q: What is the dog doing?
Children: The dog is lying on the grass
Vs: What dog? Please describe it in full sentences (ind. answers)
Children: Big dog
Q: What kind of fur does she have?
Children: The dog has thick, fluffy, brown, white hair.
Q: How many paws does a dog have?
Children: The dog has four legs
Vs: Who is sitting next to the dog?
Children: A puppy is sitting near the dog.
Vs: What is the other puppy doing?
Children: He looks at the sparrows
V-l: What kind of puppy, please describe him in a complete sentence.
Children: The puppy is small.
V-l: Listen to me say about him: “This is a puppy. He is small, colorful, funny. He looks like a mommy dog. His eyes are small. The tail is white. He looks at the sparrows."
V-l: Please guess who I’m going to tell you about now – a dog or puppies:
Big, shaggy, caring? (mother dog)
Small, curious, funny? (puppy)
Children's answers

V-l: What great fellows you are, everything is correct.
Vl: Guys, I suggest you leave the tables and play a game with a ball. Stand on the line of the carpet, I will tell you about what the mother dog has and throw you a ball, and you affectionately call the same thing that puppies have, for example: The mother dog has eyes, and the puppy has... eyes
The mother has paws - the puppy has... (paws)
The mother has a tail - the puppy has ... (tail)
The mother has a muzzle - the puppy has... (muzzle)
The mother has teeth - the puppy has ... (teeth)
The mother has claws - the puppy has ... (claws)
The mother has ears - the puppy has ... (ears)
The mother has a nose - the puppy has... (nose)
The mother’s back is the puppy’s…(back)
V-l: Well done, guys, you know so much about dogs! Let's sit down on the chairs again.
The children sit at the tables.

V-l: Guys, would you like to find yourself in that clearing next to the dogs?
Children: Yes
V-l: Do you think the dogs won’t bite us?
Children: No
V-l: Yes, guys, if you and I don’t tease the dogs and shout at them, then they won’t touch us.
V-l: Then let's imagine that we are next to the dogs in the clearing. Let's pet the puppy, what is he like?
Children: Soft, warm
Vs: What bowl?
Children: Iron, cold
V-l: Let's imagine that we approached the booth, what does it feel like?
Children: Wooden, rough, hard
V-l: Well done!
Vl: Great, you saw so much in the film. I'm very pleased with you. What would you call this painting?
Children: Answer options are individual.
V-l: And the artist called this painting “Dog with puppies.”
Guys, if anyone wants to tell us about the picture, don't hesitate, I will help you.
The child comes to the board and composes a story based on the picture using the teacher’s supporting words. “This is... a dog with puppies. The dog...big, shaggy, kind. The dog has two...puppies. One …. lies next to mom. The other one...stands and looks at the sparrows. Puppies... small, fluffy. Sparrows don’t fly away because... they’re not afraid of dogs.”
Call the second child to answer independently. Praise.

V-l: You turned out wonderful stories, thank you. Let's play one more game - imagine that our carpet is a clearing from a picture, I am a mother dog, and you are puppies, you really want to get to the clearing with me. I’ll ask you a question, whoever answers will rush to my clearing, Are you ready?
Children: yes
Questions are asked by name

V-l: One puppy, and if there are many of them, how do we say?
Child 1: Lots of puppies
Question: There are sparrows in the picture. How do we say that there are many of them?
Child 2: Lots of sparrows
Vs: A sparrow has feathers, but a puppy doesn’t….
Child 3: feathers
Vs: A sparrow has wings, but puppies don’t...
Child 4: Krylyev
Vs: A sparrow has a beak, but puppies don’t...
Child 5: Kluva
V-l: puppies have mustaches, but sparrows don’t...
Child 6: mustache

V-l: you guys are such great guys, you solved so many riddles today, told so many interesting things about the picture, you know that dogs are kind and live next to people. "A dog is man's friend." Let's say goodbye to the guests and thank them. That they came to visit us.

This page presents 3 scenarios for “HEALTH DAY” - autumn, winter and spring, developed by preschool teachers.

“HEALTH DAY” (autumn)

The script was compiled by the teacher of GBDOU No. 123 Shalaginova Elena Sergeevna

Scenario for health day at a preschool educational institution.

Participants: Presenter, Cold, Doctor Aibolit, kindergarten children, teachers, kindergarten staff, specialists, parents (questionnaire).

Venue of the holiday: gym

Part I


General gathering in the gym.

Children enter the hall, march along, one after another, forming a circle. Then everyone stands with their own group.

Leading: Today we guys have a holiday - “Health Day”.

What should you do to be healthy and strong?

Children: You need to do exercises, take vitamins, brush your teeth, and toughen up.

Leading: That's right, guys.

Wake up with the sun,

Get ready to exercise

We will run and walk

And improve your health.

A set of exercises.

  1. Walking one after another on toes and heels. Easy running.
  2. "Head turns." I.p.: main stand. 1 – turn your head to the right (left), 2 – i.p.
  3. "Turns to the sides." IP: standing, hands on the belt, 1 – right (left) hand to the side, turning the body, 2 – IP.
  4. “Forward bends” Reach your toes, freeze, straighten up.
  5. We rise on our tiptoes and fall down,
  6. "Let's squat." 5-10 times
  7. "Jumping on one and two legs"
  8. Breathing exercises.

Suddenly appears "Cold"

Cold: Oh, I was in such a hurry, I ran,

And I was late for exercise.

Leading: Guys, do you know who came to us?

Children: No.

Cold: How do you not know?

I'm a nasty cold

And I came to you from there.

(points to the window, starts sneezing and coughing loudly)

Cold: I'll infect everyone with my cough,

I will reward everyone with a sneeze.

Leading: And the guys and I are not afraid of you, you nasty cold.

We will always be healthy!

We are ready to toughen up

And do the exercises,

Run, jump and gallop.

Cold: How will I blow on you?

I'm coughing now,

I will infect everyone with the disease

And I will reward you with microbes.

Leading: You won’t be able to do anything “Cold.”

You see, our children do physical education every day. Guys, what else do you do to stay healthy?

Children's answers.

Cold: Will I really not be able to infect anyone?

Leading: Will not work. Guys, let's go to breakfast now and then go back to the gym and prove to the cold that we know how to be healthy and that we don't want to get sick.

Cold: Well, I’ll come and test your knowledge, and whoever doesn’t know anything, I’ll reward him with a cough (coughs and sneezes).


Venue of the holiday: gym, kindergarten premises (kitchen, medical office, psychologist's office, group rooms).


There's a knock on the door.


What kind of guest is in a hurry to celebrate?

What is his name, do you know?

And to do this, quickly guess the riddle:

Come to him for treatment

Any animal, any bird.

He will hurry to help everyone

Good doctor...

Children. Aibolit!

Doctor Aibolit enters.

Dr. Aibolit: Hello guys!

Did you call the doctor?

I am Doctor Aibolit.

Who is in pain?

Leading: Hello, Doctor Aibolit!

Nothing hurts us.

We were doing exercises this morning and “The Cold” came rushing to us.

I wanted to infect our children, so that they would get sick, so that they would have

The temperature rose, a cough and a runny nose began.

But our children always do exercises, take vitamins, drink juices.

Really guys?

Children's answer: Yes!

Cold: Oh! But I don’t believe them, Doctor Aibolit, it seems to me that they don’t know what to do to be healthy!

Dr. Aibolit: Guys, let's now show and tell the Cold what we know about health! And you will prove to the Cold that you do not want to get sick, and you will be healthy!

Leading: Our kindergarten today has turned into a country of “Health”

Now all groups will go to undergo tests at Health stations. You will visit the stations “Chistyulya”, “Appetitnaya”, “Positive”, the station “Be careful” and the station “Sportivnaya”, and then we will go for a walk outside. After all, walking is also good for health. Isn't that right guys?

Children's answer: Yes!

Cold: Well guys, look if anyone makes a mistake or doesn’t know anything, I’ll definitely catch a cold, because I have a cold! You will cough and sneeze, or even worse, lie at home with a fever!

Dr. Aibolit: Well, no, Cold, guys know everything about health, and you won’t be able to infect them, right guys?

Children's answer: Yes!

Children go through each station together with the teacher and perform various tasks, answer questions, etc. A station map is attached.

Scheme of passage of stations "Health"

Junior group

  1. "Clean"
  2. "Appetizing"
  3. "Positive"
  4. "Sports"
  5. "Be careful"

Middle group

  1. "Appetizing"
  2. "Clean"
  3. "Sports"
  4. "Positive"
  5. "Be careful"

Senior group

  1. "Positive"
  2. "Sports"
  3. "Clean"
  4. "Appetizing"
  5. "Be careful"

Preparatory group

  1. "Sports"
  2. "Positive"
  3. "Appetizing"
  4. "Clean"
  5. "Be careful"

Quizzes are held at the stations, problem situations are created, and sports competitions are held with children.

Station "Sportivnaya"— relay races, competitions, sports games according to age, conducted by a physical education instructor.

Chistyulya station- conversations about human hygiene can be conducted by a kindergarten medical employee.

Station "Appetitnaya"- conversations about proper nutrition, fruits, vegetables, healthy products at the station, the conversation is conducted by the kindergarten cook.

Station "Positive"— discussion of the emotional state, which also affects the health of children. Conducted by a kindergarten psychologist.

Station "Be careful"— discussion of situations dangerous to the life and health of children; for older children there is a quiz on fire safety or about traffic rules, at the choice of the teacher (educator).

After passing all the stations, the children go for a walk and play outdoor games according to their age.

Outdoor games for children.


"Cat and Mice"

Objectives: development of general motor skills; visual attention; optical-spatial representations; coordination of speech, movement and music; melodic ear; singing and speech breathing; prosodic components of speech; brake installations; patience and speed of reaction; switchability; development of creative abilities.

Material: cat hat.

Progress of the game: Children, with the help of the teacher, choose a cat using a counting rhyme, the rest of the children become mice. The cat “lives” in his house. The houses are located opposite each other, at a distance of 5 - 6 meters.

The cat reads a poem, performing movements according to the text:

I am a beautiful ginger cat

I have a fluffy tail

I love mice very much

I catch them, I catch them, I catch them.

Then the cat sits in the house and “falls asleep.”

The “mice,” sitting in the house, say to the cat:

Sleep, sleep, sleep, sleep.

Fluffy cat, go to sleep.

Then, the “mice” get up and, with the words “Hush, mice, the cat will hear,” move towards the cat’s house.

Suddenly, a loud bang on the tambourine sounds (the teacher), the “cat” wakes up and begins to catch up with the “mice”. The “mice” are trying to escape to their houses.

The caught child becomes the cat or is chosen as at the beginning of the game.

Outdoor game “Catch a mosquito”

Number of players: any. Additionally: 0.5 meter long rope, handkerchief. A handkerchief is tied to a string - “mosquito”. The rope with the mosquito can be attached to a twig, or you can hold it in your hand. The adult holds the string so that the “mosquito” is 5-10 cm above the child’s raised hand. The child, jumping up, tries to swat the mosquito with his palms.


"At the Bear's Forest"

The players choose a bear and determine the location of its den. Children go into the forest to pick mushrooms and berries and sing a song: A bear in the forest

I'll take mushrooms and berries!

The bear is fed up

Frozen on the stove!

The bear wakes up, leaves the den, and slowly walks across the clearing. Suddenly he quickly runs after the players and tries to catch someone. The one who is caught becomes a bear.

1. The bear leaves the den only after the children sing a song.

2. Children, depending on the behavior of the bear, may not immediately run to their house, but repeat the song and provoke it.

"Fox in the Chicken Coop"

On one side of the hall there is a chicken coop. Chickens are sitting in a chicken coop. On the opposite side of the site is a fox hole. All free space is the yard.

One of the players is assigned to be a fox, the rest are chickens. At the teacher’s signal, the chickens jump from their roost, run around the yard, flapping their wings, and pecking at grains. At the signal “fox,” the chickens run into the chicken coop and climb onto the roost, and the fox tries to catch the chicken. She takes the one who does not have time to escape into her hole. The game resumes. When the fox catches 2-3 chickens, another fox is chosen.


"Fishing rod"

To play, you need a rope 3-4 m long, at the end of which a bag filled with peas or sand is tied. Sometimes a regular jump rope is used for the game. This is a fishing rod with which the fisherman (driver) catches fish (the rest of the players). All players stand in a circle, and the driver stands in the middle of the circle with a rope in his hands.

The driver rotates the rope with the bag so that it slides along the floor, making circle after circle under the feet of the players. They carefully monitor the movement of the bag and jump so that it does not hit any of them. The one who is touched by the bag or rope stands in the middle and begins to rotate the rope, and the former driver takes his place in the circle.

The last two or three players remaining win.


Children are divided into 2 groups. One forms a mousetrap circle. The rest represent mice and are outside the circle. Children depicting a mousetrap hold hands and walk in a circle to the right (to the left, saying:

Oh, how tired the mice are,

It was just passion that separated them.

They gnawed everything, ate everything,

They're crawling everywhere, it's a disaster.

Beware, you rascals,

We'll get to you.

Let's set up mousetraps,

Let's catch everyone at once!

As the words are pronounced, the mouse children run into the circle, crawling under the clasped hands of the children walking in the circle, and run out of the circle. At the end of the words, the mousetrap closes and the children give up. Those who remain in the circle are considered caught. They stand in a circle - the mousetrap gets bigger. The game repeats itself.


"Frogs and Heron"

In one of the corners of the site a “heron’s nest” is outlined.

The teacher appoints one of the playing herons, the rest are “frogs” who stand or jump in the swamp.

When all the players are located in the designated areas of the site, the teacher gives the “heron” signal. Raising her legs high, she heads towards the swamp and steps over the rope to catch the frogs.

Frogs, fleeing from a heron, jump out of the swamp, jump over the rope in any way: pushing off with two legs, one leg, running - just to escape from the heron. Stepping over the rope, the heron catches the frogs that did not have time to jump out of the swamp. The heron takes those caught to his house, and they are temporarily eliminated from the game (until the heron changes).

If all the frogs managed to jump out of the swamp and the heron did not catch anyone, she returns to her house. A new heron is chosen after 2-3 frogs are caught.

Game duration is 6-7 minutes.

Rules of the game

1) A heron can only catch frogs in a swamp.

2) Frogs must jump over, not step over, the rope.

3) A frog that steps over the rope is considered caught.

Instructions for playing the game

1) The rope should be placed on the pegs in such a way that

so that it can easily fall if children touch it.

2) If, while jumping over a rope, the player drops it,

The rope is placed on the pegs by the teacher.

3) The teacher makes sure that the players do not crowd around one side of the square.

4) Once children have mastered the game, you can make it more difficult

introduction of the second heron.

5) If the heron cannot catch the frogs for a long time, a new heron is selected.


Progress of the game:

Players - paints - sit on a bench, log or bench. By agreement, a seller and an artist are selected from among the players. The artist steps aside so as not to hear the collusion of those playing with the seller. Each paint comes up with a color for itself and tells the seller it. After which the artist, the buyer, approaches the players.

It makes a knocking noise:

Artist: Knock-knock!

Seller: Who's there?

Artist: It's me, the artist!

Seller: Why did you come?

Artist: Behind the paint.

Seller: For what?

Artist: For red (yellow, gold, etc.).

If there is no red paint, then the seller says: “Ride along the red carpet, buy yourself red boots!” The artist must ride on one leg to a predetermined place and return to the store for new paint.

If the named paint is available, the seller brings it to the starting line, takes the artist’s hand and says the rhyme: “One - two - three - take it!” After which the paint runs to the appointed place (finish), and the artist tries to catch it. If the artist catches the paint, then the driver changes, and he himself becomes the paint.


Location: gym

(held in the afternoon after nap at 16.00)

After hardening and hygiene procedures, children, together with teachers and assistant teachers in groups, take part in the preparation and tasting of “VITAMIN SALADS” (Fruit or vegetable salads).

After a meal (afternoon snack), all participants of the Health Day gather in the music room to sum up the results)

Leading: Well guys, today was a health day in our garden.

You traveled around the country “Health”, tell us what you did at the “Appetitnaya” station?

Children's answers.

Leading: And at the Chistyulya station?

Children's answers.

Leading: What were you doing at the Be Careful station?

Children's answers.

Leading: What were you doing at the Positive station?

Children's answers.

Leading: What did you do at the Sportivnaya station?

Children's answers.

Leading: Yes, you are such a good fellow, you drove away a cold and showed how strong and brave you are.

You have passed all the tests and proven that you know how to behave so as not to get sick and to be healthy.

Leading: Guys, unfortunately, Aibolit flew to Africa, to Limpopo, to treat sick animals, but he left a letter for all of us.


"Dear Guys!!!

Love cold water, it hardens your body and mind.

From plain water and soap

Microbes are losing their strength.

To grow and harden,

We need to play sports.

Toughen up, kids,

Good afternoon: Fizkult-Hurray!”

Children. Hooray!

Leading: He also left the guys to us as a reward for passing the tests. These are gifts for groups and a cartoon for children: “Tail Exercise” from the “38 Parrots” series), Soyuzmultfilm studio, 1979. Director: Ivan Ufimtsev.

(Gift options: sports equipment, massagers, fitballs, etc.)

The presenter invites the children to watch the cartoon “Tail Exercise”


  1. Kontorovich M.M., Mikhailova L.I. “Outdoor games in kindergarten” -1961.
  2. Keneman A.V. “Children’s outdoor games of the peoples of the USSR” A manual for kindergarten teachers - M.: Prosveshchenie, 1989.
  3. Girchenko. I. “Outdoor games” - M.: Moy Mir GmbX&Co. KG, 2007
  4. Internet resources


“HEALTH DAY” (winter)

Scenario for health day at a preschool educational institution.

Goal: Formation of healthy lifestyle skills.

Preliminary work: preparation of costumes and attributes for games. Teachers and children draw emblems, and groups decorate them with posters on the topic: healthy lifestyle, sports.

When receiving children in the morning, teachers draw children's attention to each other's mood and draw a connection between good mood and health.

8.30 Children of all groups come to exercise in the hall, where morning exercises are held and the presenter announces the upcoming Health Day.

8.45 – 9.00 Before breakfast, teachers talk about healthy foods.

9.15 – 10.00 After breakfast, in the senior and preparatory groups, conversations and quizzes are held on the topics: “Winter sports”, “The benefits of sports in promoting health”, “The upcoming Olympic Games”.

9.15 — The younger and middle groups go down to the hall, where the leading characters of the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” are waiting for them.

Equipment: Attributes for the role-playing games “Polyclinic”, “Cafe”, “Family”, house (screen). (In the hall there is a screen in the corner, behind the screen Mishka is lying on a bench - he is “sick.”)

To the sound of cheerful music, children run into the hall and line up in one circle.
Leading: Guys! Today is our Health Day. All day long we will play fun games with you, play both in a group and on the street.

The game is being played "Everyone has their own charge" children recite poems, imitating the movements of animals. Game-exercise “Everyone has their own exercise”

One squat, two – jump,

And again squat,

And then jump again -

Bunny exercise!


The bird jumps as if dancing,

The bird flaps its wings

And takes off without looking back -

This is a bird exercise!

And when the puppies wake up,

They love to stretch.

They will definitely yawn

They deftly wave their tail.

How? (Children show movements.)

And the kittens' backs are arched

And you can’t even hear them jump.

Before you go for a walk,

They begin to wash themselves.

How? (Children show movements.)

Well, the bear is clubfooted

Spreads paws wide:

Either one, then both together,

He has been marking time for a long time.

And when there is little charge,

Starts all over again!

How? (Children show movements.)

Host: Ah! What great guys you all are, how well you showed all the movements, you worked hard, and now you can rest. Next, all children sit on chairs. Children are offered a fragment of the cartoon “Be Healthy” from the “Masha and the Bear” series.

After watching the cartoon, Masha appears. She greets the children.

Leading: Did you find out who it is? This is Masha from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear."

Masha: Have you seen Mishka? I came to visit him.

Leading: Where could Mishka be? The children point to the screen-house.

Masha approaches the house and knocks. Nobody opens it for her. Then she goes into the house herself.

Leading: And now we will also see what is happening in the house and opening the screen. The bear lies on a bench covered with a blanket and moans.

Masha: Bear, let's go for a walk, the guys and I came to visit you.

bear He says he feels bad and doesn’t want to go out.

Masha examines Mishka and concludes that he is ill.

Leading: Guys, our bear is sick. Look - he is lying down, he has a fever, his throat hurts. Masha invites him to go for a walk with you, but he doesn’t want to. How can I help him?

Children's answers.

A slide with equipment for medical examination and not only... (the same items are laid out on the table in Mishka’s house).

Masha: Guys, I have various objects laid out on my table. Which of them will help me cure my bear?

Leading: Look carefully at these objects (they are on the screen) and think.

Masha: And now I will invite assistants. (Masha invites children individually) Tell me how what you chose can help cure the patient.

Children's answers.

Masha suggests using selected items to treat Mishka (put on a mask, take the temperature with a thermometer, give an injection, call the phone and call a doctor, give him hot tea, offer vitamins and tablets, etc.)

Masha: We treated the bear correctly, but he has not yet fully recovered. Let's try to tell him kind and kind words. Our bear will definitely get better from such words.

bear after every thing said kind words demonstrates his recovery.

Bear: Guys, thank you. I've recovered and I want to play with you.

The p.i. “Bear under the hill” is carried out.

bear"sleeping" in the center of the circle.

Like snow on a hill, snow

(raise our hands up, show the mountain)

And under the hill there is snow, snow


And there's snow on the tree, snow

(hands down)

And under the tree there is snow, snow


And a bear sleeps under the hill

(hands under cheek)

Quiet, quiet, don't make noise

(movements with the index finger). All the children freeze, the one who moves loses. bear walks around and looks to see who is moving.

P. and "Bear".

Leading: A bear is chosen and sits on a chair. As soon as the bear falls asleep, we all go for a walk around the hall. As soon as the bear wakes up, you and I must run to the chairs. Whoever does not have time to escape, the bear will take him to his den.

Masha: Our holiday has come to an end, and now we will all go for a walk.

10.00 – 10.15 Together with their parents, all groups go to the Tauride Garden.

In the park, group teachers conduct outdoor games at the choice of teachers and according to age. After the walk, teachers talk in groups about how the children feel after the walk, whether they have an appetite, and how the walk affects their good mood and well-being.

16.00 – 16.45

After sleep in groups, the following is carried out:

Conversations in elementary and middle school groups about winter sports, the benefits of sports in promoting health, and the upcoming Olympic Games. Low mobility games are held (at the choice of teachers). Children can be offered paints, pencils and coloring books for children's creativity on this topic.

Sports leisure for older people “Fun Starts”.

Dress– sports. Older children and preparatory group Divide into teams in advance and come up with a name. Groups prepare emblems for teams. Each team contains participants from the preparatory and senior groups.

Equipment: Attributes for games, relay races, Emblems, magnetic board for summing up results, protocols for the jury, awards for participants.

Leading: Guys, what do you think is most important for any person? Health of course! This is the main value of a person. No amount of money can buy health. If you are sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams. We will now have fun starts that will strengthen your muscles and lift your spirits.

But first fun workout.(Warm up to music)

1 task.

Each team will be given riddles, for each correct answer the team receives 1 point.

1. Wooden two horses
They carry me down the mountain.
I hold two sticks in my hands,
But I don’t beat horses, I feel sorry for them.
And to speed up the run
I touch the snow with sticks... (skis)

2 .In the gym there is a shield on the left,
And on the right, like a twin, hangs
There are baskets on the rings,
And a circle in the middle.
The athletes are all racing
And they hit the poor ball on the floor.
His two groups of guys
They want to “throw it” into the trash.
They get it... and hit the floor again!
The game is called...(basketball)

3. He is the “carrier” of the backpack,
On a hiking trip,
Sit by the fire
He loves being outdoors very much.
Brushwood, last year's leaf
Throws him into his fire... (tourist)

4. The whistle sounds - a goal has been scored,

What's the name of the game? (Football)

5. Yes, the question was quite simple,

Now I'll ask it more difficult:

The game has a puck, stick, ice,

We play ... (hockey)

6. It looks like a huge bowl.
A fan can only enter with a ticket.
It's cool to cheer on it! "Spartak is a champion!
Like a hive buzzing and buzzing... (stadium)

7 .The tournament is underway. The tournament is in full swing.
Andrey and I play together.
The two of us go out onto the court.
We hit the ball with rackets.
And against us are Andre and Denis.
What do we play with them? In ... (tennis)

8. Stand on the projectile, my friend.
One is a jump, and two is a jump,
Three - jump to the ceiling,
Two somersaults in the air!
What kind of miracle mesh is here?
For jumping equipment - ... (trampoline)

2 task

Relay games

1. “Jump through hoops.” Two teams stand behind each other in a column. 3-4 hoops are laid out on the site. The participants’ task is to run to the turntable (it could be a chair, a bush, a stone, a pillar, or some object) and return back to the starting line. On the way forward, you need to overcome obstacles: pick up each hoop, thread it through yourself and put it in place.

2. “Get in the cart”

Equipment: Baskets, bags - according to the number of children.

Children take bags and line up in 2 columns. Baskets are placed two meters from the line. Children take turns throwing bags from the line into the basket from below, from the shoulder. When repeating, children throw with the other hand. When all the children throw, determine which basket has more bags.

3. “Don’t drop the pillow (bag).”

The first participant carries a pillow (bag) on ​​his head to the counter without dropping it, he runs back and passes it to the next one.

4. "Jumping between pillows."

There are 4-5 pillows on the floor. Each of the participants must jump on 2 legs between the pillows there and run back.

5.Relay race “Helpful - harmful! "

On the opposite side are healthy and harmful foods. Players of the first team, overcoming an obstacle (climbing under the arches), must bring healthy products, and the second team - harmful ones (dummies).

Jury After the teams have completed all tasks and relay races, sums up the results and determines the winning team.

At the end of the holiday, the participating teams are awarded.


  1. A.I. Fomina “Physical training and sports games in kindergarten” Moscow “Enlightenment” 1984
  2. M.F. Litvinova “Russian folk outdoor games” Moscow “Enlightenment” 1986
  3. Natalya Ivanova “Riddles for children 5 years old. About everything in the world" Publishing house: Siberian University Publishing House, 2008.
  4. M.Yu. Kartushina “Scenarios of recreational activities for children 4-5 years old” Publ.: Sfera 2007


“HEALTH DAY” (spring)

The script was compiled by teachers of GBDOU No. 123

Andreeva Anzhelika Evgenievna, Fedoruk Victoria Igorevna

Scenario for health day at a preschool educational institution.

8.30 Morning exercises outside.

8.40-9.00 Breakfast

9.00-9.15 Conversations in groups on the topic “ Safe behavior outside in summer"

9.20-9.40 Entertainment for junior group"Be careful on the road!" (part 1)

10.00 Exit to the Tauride Garden

12.00 Return.

15.30 Entertainment for the older group “Be careful on the road!” (part 2)

16.00 Watching cartoons:

  • "Smeshariki"(Series “Traffic Light”, “Pedestrian Zebra”, “Uncultured Cars”)


Health promotion

Formation of healthy lifestyle skills

— consolidation of rules traffic.

Equipment: tape recorder, audio recording of exercises, road signs, “steering wheels” for the “Cars” subset, hoops, marker rope, imitation of a road “zebra”, traffic light model, ball, magnifying glasses, badminton, jump ropes.

Morning: receiving children on the street, exercises:

1. Walking and running between objects placed in one line (the distance between them

Exercises without objects

2. I. p. - stand with feet as wide as your feet, hands below. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands up, clap your hands; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (5-6 times).

3. I. p. - stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - lean forward, clap your hands behind the knee of your right (left) leg; 3 - straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 - starting position (5-6 times).

4. I. p. - legs hip-width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - sit down, clap your hands in front of you; 2 - get up, return to the starting position (5-6 times).

5. I. p. - sitting with your arms supported behind you. 1 - raise straight legs forward and up; 2 - spread your legs to the sides; 3 - connect your legs together; 4 - return to the starting position (4-5 times).

6. I. p. - legs slightly apart, arms along the body. 1 - jump legs apart;

2 - jump legs together. Perform on a count of 1-8, then pause briefly and repeat the jumps. The pace of execution is moderate.

7. Walking in a column one at a time.

After breakfast, teachers hold group discussions on the topic: “Safe behavior on the street in the summer.”

Entertainment for children of primary preschool age according to traffic rules: “Be careful on the road.”

Part one.

Entertainment is provided in the music room.

Slide 1


Everyone knows there are no rules

You can't live without road ones.

We should all be careful on the road!

Slide 2

Leading: - Guys, today a fox named Alice will come to visit us.

She really wants to play with you. Let's clap our hands loudly so that he comes to us soon.

(Children clap. Enter fox ).

Fox Alice:- Hello guys! My name is Alice.

I walk on my own, where I want and when I want.

Leading: - Dear fox Alice, do you always follow the rules of the road on the roadway, that is, on the road?

Fox Alice:“I don’t know any rules and I don’t want to follow them.” I just love to walk.

Leading: - Oh, guys, I’m afraid for Alice, that she might get into trouble! After all, she doesn’t know the pedestrian rules.

Leading: - Alice the fox, what road signs do you know?

Fox Alice:- I don’t know the signs, why should I know them?

Slide 3


Road signs

They are guarding order.

You need to know all the rules

Observe them, of course!

We will tell you about the signs

And, of course, we will show them!

1st child.

By stripes black and white

The man walks boldly.

Knows: where he goes,


(Shows sign "Crosswalk".)

2nd child:

Neither in the yard, nor in the alley,

Not in a trivial corner

No way to get through here

This sign will not allow it.

Remember! He means

"Cars are prohibited from entering."

(Shows the sign " Entry to cars is prohibited".)

3rd child.

Hey driver, be careful!

It's impossible to go fast.

People know everything in the world

Children go to this place!

(Shows sign "Children")

Leading: - Guys, let's play a game with Alice


(children run around the hall to the music, holding the steering wheel in their hand, and the fox runs away from cars, but at some point it “collides” with the “car” and falls onto the “roadway”)

Leading urgently returns all the cars to the garage (on the chairs) and turns to the fox Alice: Alice, you violated the traffic rules! Are you all right? It's good that our cars are not real, but if they were real, you would have a very bad time!!!

Fox Alice:- Wow, I was scared. Cars were coming from all directions, I had no time for a walk, how could I stay safe.

Fox Alice:- Well, okay, I'll walk along the sidewalk.

What if I need to cross to the other side of the street, what should I do?

Leading: -You need to look for “Zebra”.

Fox Alice:-Zebra? She lives in hot countries.

Slide 4


The zebra lives in Africa and is very striped.

He drinks water, chews grass, and wants to frolic.

And on our street, here at the intersection,

Just like a zebra, just right, transitioning into stripes.

Fox Alice:-Well, why do I need it?

Slide 5

Leading: - “Zebra” is a section of the road along which pedestrians are allowed to cross the street, indicated by wide white lines:

white stripe, black stripe and white again, etc.

A game:

"Collect the Zebra"

(children make up a “zebra” from black and white stripes, every child participates).

Fox Alice:-Now I understand where the zebra is. You need to cross the road at the zebra crossing.

Leading: — And the game will help you remember the rules of transition


The game is played as in the previous case, only some of the children become “cars”, and some of the children, with teachers and the fox Alice, become “pedestrians”. At the leader’s signal, all participants imitate a traffic situation: cars drive along the roadway, and pedestrians cross the road at a pedestrian crossing. Cars must stop if pedestrians are crossing the crosswalk.

Leading at the end he sums up the game and praises the children and the fox for correctly fulfilling the conditions.

Slide 6

The presenter asks a riddle:

I'm above a noisy intersection

With lights on your chest

For cars and pedestrians

The most important commander

I've been standing here for a long time

And I look at everyone point blank.

Come on, answer together

Who am I children... (Traffic light) .

Leading: - Let's start talking about the three-eyed traffic light.

It’s not in vain that it burns with colorful lights above us!

Fox Alice:- What kind of animal is this?

Leading: — A traffic light will help you cross the road. He will tell you whether you can move on or not.

Fox Alice:- Does he still talk?

Leading: - No, he won’t tell us with words, but with his eyes.

Fox Alice:- How about it with your eyes?

Slide 7

Leading: - A traffic light has three lights - signals: red, yellow and green. (The presenter shows the colors). They are called eyes, but they do not light up immediately, but one by one.

Children read poetry:

His red eye opened

So, he wants to say:

No matter how you rush,

You must stand now!

Here he blinks his yellow eye.

Get ready, he says!

How can I close this one - at once

The third eye will be open.

The third eye glows green,

All the cars stood in a row.

Can we go guys?

Mom and dad are talking.

Leading: Fox Alice, what color do you think you can cross the road with?

Fox Alice:- I don’t know, guys, help.

Children:- Green.


- Which road should you not cross on?

Fox Alice:- I don’t know.

Children:- red.


— What if the yellow light is on?

Fox Alice:- Need to think.

Leading:- Yes, you really need to think, you need to stand and wait for the red light to light up.


Guys, I want to give you some good advice.

If there is no traffic light,

Determine your own path -

Look left first

And look to the right.

Sidewalk for pedestrians,

And the road is for cars,

We are at any time of the year

We're all in a hurry to get somewhere.

Only haste is not the reason

To break laws

Let the cars pass first,

And then we can walk.

A game of attention.

If I show a red signal, you remain silent,

if it’s yellow, clap, well

and if it’s green, you stomp. (The presenter conducts the game).

Guys, let's repeat the meaning of road signs together.

Game "Name the sign"

(the presenter reads the verse, the children guess, then shows a sign.

Here's a fork, here's a spoon,

We refueled a little,

We also fed the dog...

We say “thank you” to the sign.

(Food station) Slide 8

Hey driver, be careful

It's impossible to go fast

People know everything in the world

They go to this place

(Children) Slide 9

Everyone knows stripes

Children know, adults know,

Leads to the other side -

(Crosswalk) Slide 10.11

You didn't wash your hands on the road,

Ate fruits, vegetables,

It's good that the point is nearby

(Medical assistance) Slide 12

What should I do?

I need to call urgently

Both you and he should know

In this place (Phone) Slide 13

If you're going with a friend

To the zoo or to the cinema,

Make friends with this sign

You'll have to anyway

He will take you quickly, deftly

Sign…. (Bus stop) Slide 14

Fox Alice:“I think I understand everything.”

If you walk without following the rules, trouble can happen.

So that your hands are intact,

So that your legs are intact,

You need to know these signs

We must respect the signs!Slide 15

Thanks for telling me about them.


Please come to us next time, Lisa Alice. We'll tell you something else interesting. Today, be attentive and careful and pay attention to the traffic lights!!! Slide 16

Fox Alice: Goodbye!

Will you guys follow the rules of conduct on the roadway?

With this our holiday came to an end.

Slide 17

And at the end of the holiday, I invite you to watch cartoons from the animated series “Smeshariki”:

1. Traffic light

2. Pedestrian zebra crossing

3. Uncultivated machines

After the entertainment, all groups gather for a walk in Tauride Park. Along the way, teachers pay attention to road signs and traffic lights. In the park, teachers play outdoor games with children and examine insects with magnifying glasses. In the afternoon, teachers of preschool age groups hold conversations with children about traffic rules, games, look at pictures and, based on general impressions, draw pictures that will be included in the general exhibition display of the kindergarten on the Rules of the Road.

Entertainment for children of senior preschool age according to traffic rules: “Be careful on the road.”

Part two.


Children enter the hall to cheerful music. The presenter invites everyone to wake up and do a warm-up (material already familiar to the children is offered).


- Hello, friends! Dear children, teachers and guests! Today is a big and interesting day in our hall - HEALTH DAY! We are starting our fun game– a quiz on traffic rules. Let's welcome our jury (represents the jury members).

Listen carefully to the conditions of the game: for each correct answer, participants will receive tokens; the team that collects the most tokens wins.

Game I: “Warm-up”

— Each team introduces itself, they say the name of the team and the motto on the topic of traffic rules.

Game II: “Question and answer.”

  1. Who is a "pedestrian"? (" pedestrian" is a person walking).
  2. Who is the "passenger"?(“passenger” is a person other than the driver who is in the vehicle).
  3. Where should pedestrians walk?
  4. Where should cars go?
  5. What is a crossroads?
  6. Call the ambulance or rescue phone number.
  7. Where and how should you cross the street?
  8. How is a pedestrian crossing on the roadway marked?
  9. How is traffic regulated on the street?
  10. What traffic lights do you know?

IGame II: “Road Signs”. Each team receives a set of road signs; they must name the sign correctly and explain its meaning.

IVgame: “Build a traffic light.” Team captains participate and are given red, yellow, and green circles. The task is to assemble a traffic light faster.

Vgame: "Scooters". Each team player on a scooter must get to the cube and back faster.

VGame I: “Riddles” The team that guesses the riddle faster and correctly wins.

1.Rushes and shoots, grumbles in a patter,

The trams can't keep up with this chatter. (Motorbike)

2.Hey, don't stand in the road!

The car rushes in alarm

Why is she in such a hurry?

What do you mean why? Put out the fire! (Fire engine)

3. Does rain have four wheels?
Tell me, what are these miracles called? (Washing machine)

4. What a miracle - a blue house, bright windows all around,
Wears rubber shoes and eats gasoline? (Bus)

5. There is a stream of cars at the top, it’s pleasantly chilly here

The lights stay on here even during the day, and there are newspaper kiosks. (Underground crossing)

6. He doesn’t go, doesn’t go,

If you don't support it, it will fall,

And you will put the pedals into motion -

He will rush you forward. (Bike)

  • In the final part, the results are summed up and the winners (medals) are awarded. And at the end of the holiday, children are invited to watch the cartoon: “About the kitten Zhenya and traffic rules”

After returning to the group in the afternoon, the children draw their impressions of what they saw and heard throughout the day.

  • Internet resource: “My website”. Direct link:
  • Health Day

    entertainment for all groups of combined kindergarten No. 10

    Instructor physical education Kornilova N.Yu. (2015)

    Target: To form in children a conscious attitude towards their health and the habit of a healthy lifestyle.


    1. Continue to teach children to act cohesively as one team.

    2. Develop speed, agility, endurance, courage, and attentiveness.

    3. Foster the habit and need for a healthy lifestyle.





    Equipment: 4 pcs. - cylinder module; 2 pcs. - medium diameter hoop; 2 pcs. - large diameter hoop; 4 pcs. - baskets; 6 pieces - skittles; 2 pcs. - toothbrush; 2 pcs. - toothpaste; 2 pcs. - soap; 2 pcs. - comb; 2 pcs. - towel; 2 pcs. - shampoo; 2 pcs. - handkerchief; ribbons of different colors according to the number of children; 20 pcs. – bags of sand; 2 pcs. - rubber ball.

    Celebration progress:

    Leading: Hello, dear guys! I am very glad to welcome you to the health holiday!

    A bright smile,

    In a friendly parade

    We need to start Health Day.

    Let's all shout together

    Hurray for Health Day! Hooray! Hooray!

    Tell me, guys.

    How to be healthy from an early age?

    How to always be okay?

    Children read poems about health, author L. Grzhibovsky

    1 child:

    You guys should know

    Everyone needs to get enough sleep.

    Well, don’t be lazy in the morning -

    Get ready to exercise.

    2nd child:

    Brush your teeth, wash your face

    And smile more often,

    Temper yourself then

    You're not afraid of the blues.

    3rd child:

    So that more than one microbe

    I didn't accidentally get it in my mouth,

    Wash your hands before eating

    Need soap and water.


    Guys, do you like candies, cakes, chips, lemonade, chewing gum?(Yes)


    This is delicious!!! But listen to the advice! You need to eat sweet foods in moderation. Tasty food not always useful and here's why:

    If you drink Coke, look, you will dissolve from the inside.

    If you eat sweet Snickers, your teeth will be bad.

    If you eat hot dogs often, you'll stretch your legs in a year.

    Chupa Chups, I tell you, will only bring harm, friends.

    If you make friends with chips, you won’t be a strongman.

    So remember, friends, forever.

    To be healthy, we only need healthy food.

    Now……………….. will tell us what healthy food is.

    4th child:

    Eat vegetables and fruits

    Fish, dairy products -

    Here's some healthy food.

    Full of vitamins.

    Leading: Stand up guys

    Have fun exercising!

    To the accompaniment of music, children perform “Fun exercises”

    Music No.

    Suddenly, “Oh” in felt boots and a hat and “Ah” in sportswear run into the hall.

    Oh : Oh, how tired I am! Oh, how sick I am! Oh, how cold I am!

    Oh : Oh, how good! Ah, it seems I'm on a holiday! Oh, how fun it will be!

    Leading : Who you are? What is your name?

    Oh : I - Ah!

    Oh: Me - Oh - oh!Grabs your back : Oh, how it hurts!

    Leading : That's it! You Oh and Ah. They came to us from a cartoon.

    Oh : Oh, how good!

    Oh : Oh, I hit myself! My side hurts!

    Oh falls, Ah tries to lift him by the leg, then drags him by the hand .

    Oh : Yes, sit down, look at the children, maybe you’ll learn how to become strong and tempered.Oh sits down .

    Oh : Listen, Oh, why are you wrapped up like that? Hat, scarf. Why don't you toughen up?

    Oh : Oh, I'll catch a cold!

    Oh: Well, take off your earflaps. Do exercises with me.

    Shows movements : One-two! One-two!Oh clumsily repeats .

    Oh: You can’t do anything, let’s better play with the guys.

    Game "Dwarves and Giants"

    (Children stand near the chairs or freely around the hall. If the leader says dwarfs, everyone should squat down and stretch their arms forward; if they say giants, everyone should rise on their toes and stretch both arms up.)

    The presenter addresses Okh:

    There is no need to be afraid that they will laugh,

    Never leave your charger!

    Only those who do not cry will achieve success, easily, without difficulty!

    Oh: Exercise is useful for everyone, everyone needs exercise,

    She saves everyone from laziness and illness!

    Leading : Guys, let's play the game “Gather in a circle.” Oh and Ah will help us.

    (The children are given ribbons of different colors. While the music is playing, the children dance; when the music is interrupted, the children should gather in a circle around an adult who is holding a ribbon of the same color.)

    Leading : Attention! Attention!

    Let's start the competition!

    Guys, form two teams. Oh and Ah are at the head of the teams . (Teams of 6-7 people).

    1 relay race “Collect hygiene items”

    Children stand in 2 columns. On command, they run to the hoop, which contains: a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, comb, towel, shampoo, handkerchief, and take one item at a time. They return running back in a straight line. They reach the finish line and put them in the basket. The team that completes the tasks correctly and quickly wins.

    Music No.

    2nd relay race “Pass and roll” (children line up one after another and pass the ball over their heads, and then roll it forward along the floor between their legs).

    Music No.

    3rd relay race “Through the eye of a needle” (The participant runs, threads himself through the hoop, runs to a landmark, runs around it, comes back and threads the hoop through himself again, runs to the team and passes the baton).

    Music No.

    4th relay race “Throwing bags in a hoop”. ( Children run up to the basket with bags, take one bag and throw it into the doom at a distance of 1.5 m, return to the team).

    Music No.

    Oh: Well done! How clever and fast you are.

    Now guys, guess the riddles:

    I'll start, you finish

    Answer together:

    1. They told me a riddle:
    What kind of miracles are these?
    Steering wheel, saddle and two pedals,
    Two shiny wheels.
    The riddle has an answer -
    This is my...
    (Answer: bicycle.)

    2. Not offended, but inflated,
    They lead him across the field.
    And they’ll hit me - no matter
    Don't keep up with...
    (Answer: with a ball.)

    3. I want to become a strongman.
    I come to the strong man:
    - Tell me about this -
    How did you become a strongman?
    He smiled in response:
    - Very simple. Many years
    Every day, getting out of bed,
    I'm raising...
    (Answer: dumbbells.)

    4. Toothy, but does not bite. What is it called? (Comb)

    Leading : We are not at all discouraged,

    We're playing a new game.

    The ball rolled in a circle,

    And then he stopped.

    Look carefully

    Freeze with the ball!

    Say the right word!

    Game "Ball in a Circle" ( younger children or middle group stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other to the music, the music stops and whoever has the ball in his hand names a healthy fruit or vegetable).


    Oh : You guys are great! I saw how you play together, compete, how fast, dexterous, and resourceful you are.Now I know how to become strong and tempered. You need to play sports, toughen up and eat right.

    Ah and Oh together: Now the moment of farewell has come.

    Thank you all for your attention,

    For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

    For the fire of competition,

    Guaranteed success.

    Leading: It's time to end the holiday

    Let's shout to the holiday: Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!

    Children leave the hall to the music “Toughen Up”
