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Farming: where to start? Russian realities: how to open a peasant farm (peasant farm) from scratch? How to open a peasant farm in a year.

One of the progressive ways of farming in modern conditions became the organization of such a community as a peasant farm (peasant farm), uniting relative members who own property and work together in the field of agricultural production, processing and sales of products.

In modern conditions, farming is becoming not just a relevant business, but also a very profitable activity. This form of business, how to open a peasant farm, the features of such an enterprise, the tax regime and other subtleties will be discussed in our publication.

Where to begin? Step 1: prepare documents for registration

So, how to open a peasant farm? Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of documents for registration. Their competent preparation, taking into account all the necessary nuances, will make the procedure easier for the Federal Tax Service specialists and will save the potential farmer from reworking and making corrections. Legislators are loyal to potential representatives of agricultural business. Any capable citizen of the Russian Federation or another country, as well as a person without registered Russian citizenship, can declare a desire to organize a peasant farm. An important point The fact is that it is also not necessary to draw up a Charter when forming such an enterprise. This founding document will replace the agreement signed by all participants in farm production.

If a peasant farm is registered by one person, then there is no need to draw up an agreement. In this case, they are limited to formalizing the decision to create a farm. Note that entrepreneurship within the framework of peasant farms is carried out without education legal entity, the farm is considered established exclusively from the moment state registration, and the head of the peasant farm has the status of individual entrepreneur.

Creation of a peasant farm: list of documents

Drawing up and signing an agreement is only the first step in the process of organizing a farm. For state registration of a future enterprise, you must contact the territorial tax office and, in addition to the agreement, submit the following documents to the Federal Tax Service:

Statement by special unified form No. р21002 for business registration.

Confirmation of payment of the duty (800 rubles).

Certificate of residence of the applicant.

An agreement on the organization of a peasant farm signed by all participants and copies of documents on the presence of family ties of members of the farm or a decision on creation of peasant farms with a sole business establishment.

Original and copy of the identity card of the head of the peasant farm.

Agreement on the establishment of a farm: what is this document

The agreement is one of the most important documents provided to the Federal Tax Service for registration of the created enterprise at the state level.

In practice, it represents an agreement on the joint activities of all participants in the project, and its main provisions play a dominant role not for the registering authorities, but for the members of the farm, as determining the future activities of each. Therefore, when starting to prepare an agreement, you should think through all aspects. This will help to avoid various difficulties not only when registering a farm, but also in the process of subsequent operation of the enterprise. Thus, in the question of how to open a peasant farm, drawing up an agreement is the first and very important point.

The tax office only takes note of this peculiar agreement, but does not even make registration marks on it. The register contains only information about the head of the farm; the Federal Tax Service is not interested in other information (for example, about members of peasant farms), so there is no need to notify the tax inspectorate about changes in the composition of members over time.

What issues should be covered in the agreement?

As soon as the issue of selecting the participants is resolved, they begin to draw up an agreement on the creation of a peasant farm. This is the main document regulating the main aspects of the enterprise’s activities, so it must contain all the necessary information:

About the head of the household and his powers;

Information about members of peasant farms, their duties and rights;

Determine the algorithm for accumulating enterprise assets, establish the features of property ownership and use;

Establish a procedure for admitting new members of the farm and leaving it;

Discuss the formation system financial results and profit distribution, etc.

All of the listed points of the agreement, except for information about the participants in the farm, are also relevant for such a document as the decision to create a peasant farm with the sole establishment of the enterprise.

Agreement: features of document preparation

There are restrictions that must be taken into account when drawing up this document:

Members of peasant farms must be at least 16 years old, must be related by family ties, and take personal part in the production and sale of agricultural products.

The number of participants is not limited by law, but they can belong to no more than three separate families.

It is possible to recruit external employees into the peasant farm, but their number should not exceed 5 people.

Step 2: submitting an application and features of this procedure

The second step in solving the question “how to open a peasant farm” is submitting documents to the Federal Tax Service. An application for the creation of a peasant farm is drawn up in a unified application form No. р21002. Compiling it usually does not cause difficulties, since the document form is designed in a clear, concise form and only requires entering relevant information. We draw the reader's attention to the fact that the application for state registration must be signed in the presence of an inspector of the registration authority.

The prepared package of documents is submitted to the Federal Tax Service in person by the future head of the peasant farm or his representative. Different filing methods also imply some differences in the preparation of documents. The personal presence of the head of the household when submitting the application will relieve the applicant from notarization of identity documents. If the registration process is handled by a representative of the future head of the farm, all copies must be certified by a notary in mandatory. In addition, representing the interests of the head of a peasant farm will also require the execution of a notarized power of attorney.

There are also subtleties in the timing of receiving documents confirming registration. If registration forms are submitted personally by the applicant, then after the legally established period has passed, they can be personally received from the Federal Tax Service. When submitting an application in confidence, certified tax documents are often sent to the applicant’s address by post, which takes a sufficient period of time, which a businessman does not always have at his disposal.

A few words about the state duty

Payment of the state fee for registration actions is a procedure established by law. Currently, its amount is 800 rubles, and it is paid by the future head of the peasant farm. Importance from the start correct filling documents and the reflection of reliable facts in them is relevant: if for some reason the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate refused to register a peasant farm, the state duty will not be returned. Submitting new or edited documents from the same citizen will require you to pay the fee again.

Step 3: registration of peasant farms

The deadline for registration activities is established by law - 5 working days from the date of submission of the application to the Federal Tax Service. After this time, the farmer receives:

Certificate of state registration of the head of the peasant farm;

Certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service;

Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

The listed peasant farm documents must be supplemented with one more. This information mail regional body statistics. In some regions, the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate presents it to the farmer, in others the businessman will have to request this form on his own.

Entering information into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs is the final stage of the procedure called “registration of peasant farms”.

Selecting a tax regime

Important point! Simultaneously with submitting an application to the Federal Tax Service for registration of a peasant farm, it is necessary to fill out an application for the transition to the most acceptable taxation system for an agricultural enterprise - the Unified Agricultural Tax (USAT). The use of this regime legally will relieve the businessman from paying a number of taxes - on profit, property and added value. Unified Agricultural Tax is one of the most loyal tax regimes. It is intended for producers whose income is more than 70% from agricultural activities.

What taxes does the peasant farm pay? The main advantage of using a single agricultural tax is the ability to reduce the tax base by the amount of losses incurred in the previous 10 years of operation. The tax is 6% of revenue, and it is paid twice a year - for half a year and a year. An advance payment is made by July 25, and the final amount is transferred by January 25. The declaration is submitted to the Federal Tax Service at the end of the year - by March 31.

State support for agricultural producers

Having turned its face to agricultural producers, the state is implementing today very effective programs support for beginning farmers, subsidizes the cost of purchasing agricultural machinery and equipment. Therefore, when planning the development of your own farm and participation in government initiatives, it is worth considering such a factor as contacting the territorial department of agriculture to obtain up-to-date and more detailed information about the possibility of participation in such programs.

It is impossible to answer the question of whether it is profitable to open a peasant farm. Like any enterprise, farming must make a profit. Here it is important to think through all the nuances of production, to provide for as many obstacles, unforeseen situations and a variety of problems as possible at the stage of developing a business plan for the farm. Only a thoughtful, sober approach to creating and further development enterprises can lead to success.

On the issue of investments

Let's consider frequently asked questions about how to open a peasant farm from scratch. In the absence of serious costs, experts suggest such types of rural entrepreneurship as growing and selling products from one’s own garden, mushrooms, berries, harvesting brooms (if there are forests), etc. However, the last of these types of activities are difficult to classify as agricultural production. Livestock farming, the production of grains, oilseeds or maintaining a dairy herd is impossible without very substantial initial capital. This is why government support is so important today.


We talked about how to open a peasant farm. Step-by-step instruction, proposed in the publication, examines in detail the main aspects of this procedure. We tried to talk about all the intricacies of preparing and submitting an application, making the task easier for potential entrepreneurs. Good luck!

Almost every year, interest in farming activities increases, and exponentially. This is not at all surprising, because agricultural products are always in demand among numerous buyers. At the same time, the government Russian Federation is trying to introduce numerous innovations into legislation that help improve the functioning of peasant farming.

For those who decide to engage in agricultural work, and on a serious scale, it is best to choose a peasant farm (peasant farm) to sell their products and grow them. We will analyze further how to open a peasant farm in 2019 and what are the advantages of this type of business activity.

Advantages and disadvantages of farming entrepreneurship

Almost every citizen of the Russian Federation and even a foreign citizen interested in agricultural work will be able to receive subsidies for farming. But before opening a peasant farm, you should find out what is needed for this event and what are the pros and cons of farming.

A peasant farm is considered an agricultural enterprise where the main staff consists of close relatives of the person for whom the peasant farm is registered. That is, to the question “Is there an individual entrepreneur on the list of those persons who can register their agricultural labor for peasant farms? the answer will be unequivocal - of course, there is. Working on the type being analyzed entrepreneurial activity, all participants must take part in both the production and sale of goods that are grown on the land considered as their property.

Farming is increasingly gaining attention due to several positive factors, namely:

  • buyers always purchase food products, which means that agricultural products are considered the most in demand;
  • the cost of food products, as statistics show, is constantly growing, so the manufacturer is guaranteed to make a profit;
  • Buyers primarily consider food products grown by domestic producers, trusting the quality of the goods sold and their environmental friendliness.

Those who have not yet decided which type of business activity to choose should keep in mind that if you register a peasant farm, you can use certain features, for example, take into account the climatic conditions of the place where agricultural products will be grown in the future, and so on.

As previously noted, the legislation of our country seeks to support farmers, therefore it offers those registered for the first time to take advantage of both regional and federal programs to maintain financial position, especially in the first years of doing business. The most convenient way, as experienced farmers note, is to receive subsidies from Rosselkhozbank, since in this financial institution Flexible and acceptable conditions for receiving subsidies are provided.

How to open a peasant farm

To open a peasant farm, it is not at all necessary to have qualifications. To create farming, the following features are taken into account:

  • the citizen for whom the peasant farm will be registered must be registered as an individual entrepreneur;
  • both relatives and other persons whose return is up to 16 years can work on the farm staff;
  • all property owned by the company is considered as common property.

If it is necessary to expand the staff, then the peasant farm can hire, at the mutual desire of all participants, 5 employees who are not related to the head of the peasant farm.

What documents are required to open

Citizens who decide to start their work on peasant farming must first draw up a written agreement, which is forwarded to the registering government agencies.

A peasant farm is registered at the place of registration of the future head, by employees of the tax inspectorate. To get started, you need to provide the following documentation:

  • certificate of location permanent residence future head of farming;
  • identification document of the person in whose name the peasant farm is registered;
  • an application that must be prepared according to the sample R 21002;
  • confirming receipt of payment of the state duty, the amount of which is 800 rubles.

Good day, aspiring businessmen! Today I will continue to write about starting my own business and on my queues for registration of peasant farms. .

It is necessary to choose the form of ownership of a peasant farm if your business is related to agriculture. I myself have never opened this form of ownership, but I will try to explain to you in simpler terms how to do it.

What is a peasant farm?

A peasant farm is a peasant farm, a form of ownership in a business that is associated with agriculture, processing or transportation in it.

A peasant farm unites citizens who are related by family ties and who run a joint farm; a peasant farm can also be opened by one person. It is possible to open a peasant farm for people who do not have family ties, but the number of participants in the peasant farm in this case is limited to five.

Agreement on the establishment of peasant farms

If there are 2 or more participants in the farm, then it is necessary to prepare an agreement on the creation of a peasant farm.

This agreement is something like the charter of the organization.

The agreement specifies all members of the peasant farm, indicates the size of their shares and the policy of the peasant farm itself.

Download the agreement on the creation of a peasant farm: agreement on the creation of a peasant farm.

The tax office does not make any marks on the agreement, and therefore, if you want to make any changes, there is no need to register them with the tax office.

Photocopy of the passport of the Head of the peasant farm

Make a photocopy of all the sheets in your passport, because you can’t understand the tax office: from some people they only take sheets with records, from others they take everything.

Taxation of the economy

As for taxation, it is recommended for farms. I will discuss this taxation in detail later.

How to close a peasant farm

If suddenly for some reason you need to close your peasant farm, then details on how to do this are in my article "".

That's basically it, there is nothing complicated about registering a peasant farm. If you don’t understand something, you can ask questions in my VK group "

The main activity of a peasant farm is the processing, production, and sale of agricultural products. There is no need to create a legal entity to operate a farm. A farm is considered established once its head registers with the Federal Tax Service as an individual entrepreneur. Peasant farm - this abbreviation appears in all public documents of the farm. It is necessary to take into account that if an individual is already registered as an individual entrepreneur, then he will be denied registration of a peasant farm under his name. The activities of peasant farms are regulated in Federal Law No. 74-FZ “On Peasant (Farm) Farming” dated June 11, 2003.

It is necessary to take into account a number of nuances in the subsequent work of the peasant farm even during its organization:

  • All members of the peasant farm are individuals, relatives, capable, over 16 years of age. Hired workers are allowed (up to 5 people). There is no need to provide documents proving relationship. The tax office will check the fact of relationship on its own. There is no maximum threshold for the number of members in a peasant farm, but the law stipulates that all persons in a peasant farm must belong to a maximum of three separate families.
  • All property in the peasant farm is common, therefore, when a member leaves the peasant farm, he is provided financial compensation in proportion to his property in the farm, but the property itself remains in the peasant farm, is not divided, and is not issued.
  • All members of the peasant farm are involved in the process of sales and production of products.
  • The farm bears full financial liability with all his property for all his obligations.

Only a legally capable adult citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as foreigners who do not have Russian citizenship and even stateless persons, can register a peasant farm. To conduct agricultural activities there must be a suitable plot of land, either owned by the head or member of the farm, or rented. It doesn't have to be a piece of land. When registering a peasant farm, for example, a fishing enterprise requires a natural lake, or one artificially created on agricultural land. Only agricultural activities can be carried out on the plot chosen for the peasant farm.

In order to register a peasant farm, you need to follow a series of steps:

  1. Collect all necessary documents
  • Passport and its copy, or only a notarized copy of the passport of the future head of the peasant farm. The head of the household can be re-elected if he cannot perform his duties for more than six months or voluntarily refuses them. However, the change of head does not terminate his membership in the peasant farm. All transactions in a peasant farm are concluded by its head.
  • Certificate of registration according to the passport of the head of the peasant farm.
  • Application for state registration of a farm (P21002 form). If the original passport is not presented when submitting documents, the signature on the application must be notarized. The application form itself is similar to the application form for registration of an individual entrepreneur, so there should not be any difficulties in filling it out.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty. The amount and details are the same as for individual entrepreneurs.

2. A contract (or agreement) between members of a future peasant farm.

All activities will be carried out on the basis of this agreement. economic activity. The document describes the key and fundamental points of the future activities of peasant farms:

  • how to elect and re-elect the head of the household;
  • how and from what the property fund of the peasant farm will be formed;
  • what are the rights and responsibilities of each member of the household;
  • how to enter and leave a peasant farm;
  • how profits will be distributed among members of the peasant farm.

Therefore, all members of the peasant farm are familiarized with the agreement and signed. There are no clear and strict legal requirements for this agreement. Therefore, all issues regarding the settlement of relationships between members of peasant farms must be spelled out in order to avoid subsequent misunderstandings. However, if a peasant farm is organized by only one person, then there is no need for an agreement, but only a decision to create a peasant farm is formalized.

3. Select the Federal Tax Service for registration

Geographically, a business can be located in any convenient place, but registration of a peasant farm should be carried out only with the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration of its head, i.e. individual. If the head of the future peasant farm does not have registration in the Russian Federation. then the farm itself is registered at the place of residence.

4. Submit documents for registration to the selected tax authority

Documents can be submitted in person or remotely via Multifunctional Center. It is allowed to submit documents under a notarized power of attorney by a third party. You can also submit documents through the online service or send them by mail with a mandatory list of attached documents. In the latter versions, all documents must be certified by a notary.

5. Get documents

After a maximum of five working days, the applicant receives:

  • certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur as the head of a peasant farm;
  • certificate of registration in tax authority;
  • USRIP record sheet.

All completed documentation can be sent by mail. You can also obtain them by contacting the tax office in person or through an authorized representative using a notarized power of attorney.

After registering the farm, the head of the peasant farm needs to register with the statistical authorities. After this, Rosstat sends a letter with statistics codes to the address of the head of the economy. Letters come from the Social Insurance Fund and Pension Funds with registration numbers upon registration. All this data is necessary for further reporting and when filing declarations.

6. Open a bank account

According to the law, it is not necessary for a peasant farm to open a bank account. All payments can be made in cash both with suppliers and with the state. In practice, it is more convenient for peasant farms to open an account. Cash, according to Russian legislation, only the amount under the agreement not exceeding 100,000 rubles can be paid. In this case, if there is no bank account major transactions will have to be specified in several contracts. Reputable suppliers and clients often prefer not to deal with cash payments. Cashless payment simplifies movement tracking Money. An application to open an account is submitted personally by the head of the peasant farm or remotely. To open an account you must provide following documents to the bank office:

  • passport and TIN of the head of the peasant farm;
  • state certificate registration of an individual as the head of a peasant farm;
  • Peasant farm agreement signed by all members;

After checking the documents by the bank's security service, enter into an agreement on cash settlement services.

7. Select tax mode

For peasant farms the following are provided: Unified agricultural tax, simplified tax system, OSNO.

Upon registration, a general taxation regime is automatically established, with the highest tax burden. To change it, you need to write an application to the tax authority no later than 30 days after registering the farm to switch to another chosen regime.

Unified agricultural tax– a convenient agricultural tax developed for peasant farms. The Unified Agricultural Tax is considered a regime with a low tax burden and flexible requirements for document flow and reporting. The rate is from 4% (in some regions) to 6% (in most regions) of net profit. The tax is payable once every six months. Required condition The transition to this taxation regime is that at least 70% of the farm’s activities are related to the production or sale of agricultural products. The following benefits are provided for the unified agricultural tax: the cost of fixed assets when they are put into circulation is written off; advance payments are included in income; Property tax, VAT and personal income tax are not payable. You can reduce the tax base by the amount of losses from previous years. The statute of limitations for losses is 10 years. Farms that have chosen the Unified Agricultural Tax regime need to maintain an accounting book (KUDiR), which no longer needs to be certified by the Federal Tax Service.

The simplified tax system tax regime is also available for peasant farms. Under this regime, the economy must maintain KUDiR and, upon request, provide it to the tax service. Businesses with small expenses usually opt for the simplified tax system “income”. The tax is 6%. For businesses with significant expenses, it is often more profitable to choose the “Income minus expenses” system (15% tax). At the discretion of regional authorities The tax percentage can be reduced by 1% under the first system or by 5% under the second simplified tax system. Accounting is simplified. Declarations are submitted once a year, and taxes are paid quarterly. A peasant farm is in many ways similar to an individual entrepreneur, which means that the farm has the right to reduce the tax by the full amount of insurance premiums paid for all members of the peasant farm.

OSNO is applied to peasant farms if the head of the peasant farm has not changed the taxation regime within 30 days after registration. This general regime is complex and voluminous in terms of reporting, but it allows you to do business with suppliers and clients who work with VAT.

All members of the farm do not pay personal income tax for 5 years on income received from the activities of peasant farms. This relief is provided only once. Re-registration of peasant farms to update benefits is illegal. All income of members and heads of peasant farms not related to agricultural activities is taxed.

8. Provide reporting

The head of a peasant farm, whose farm does not have hired workers, must every year submit to the Pension Fund data on paid and accrued insurance premiums for himself and for members of his farm. If wage-earners in peasant farms there are, then in Pension Fund Personalized records are also submitted quarterly, and information about insured persons is transmitted monthly. All reporting can be submitted in paper or electronic form.

    • What can you count on
  • Peasant farm profitability

Peasant farm business plan - peasant farming from scratch

A peasant farm (peasant farm) is an association of citizens based on family ties who own property and carry out joint activities for the production, processing, storage and sale of agricultural products. A farm is registered without formation of a legal entity. Therefore, the head of the household, like individual entrepreneur are individuals. Capable citizens of the Russian Federation and stateless foreigners who are related have the right to organize a peasant farm.

Peculiarities of peasant farming

  • The farm is headed by the head of the farm;
  • All members of the household must be related and be at least 16 years old. It is possible to include no more than 5 third-party workers in the farm;
  • The property of the farm is the common property of its participants. When a member of a peasant farm leaves, its participant is paid compensation.
  • The farm produces and processes agricultural products;
  • All members of the household are personally involved in economic activities.

Legislation regulating the activities of peasant farms

The activities of peasant farms are regulated federal law RF dated June 11, 2003 N 74-FZ “On peasant (farm) farms. In accordance with the law, citizens who have expressed a desire to create a farm must enter into an agreement among themselves. If the farm is created by one citizen, then an agreement is not required. In the creation agreementA peasant farm must include the following information: 1) About the members of the created farm; 2) On the appointment of the head of the farm; 3) On the rights and responsibilities of all members of the farm; 4) On the procedure for the formation of farm property, as well as on the possession, use and disposal of this property; 5) On the procedure for becoming a member of a farm and the procedure for leaving it. 6) On the procedure for distributing products received from farm activities. For state registration of a peasant farm, you must contact the tax service at the place of registration of the individual.

Do you need permission to open a farm?

The easiest and cheapest way is to rent land plot. In some cases, for example, for an apiary, land can only be rented. However, in most situations, in the future it is possible to purchase the used plot at a price no more than 15% of the cadastral value, having a pre-emptive right to purchase. If you have a plot of land on your property, it is worth remembering that it needs to be used. If the field is empty for more than 3 years, it may be taken away. Also, agricultural land must be treated with care - environmental violations can also cause the plot to be withdrawn. Today, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation is implementing various programs support for beginning farmers, including subsidizing the costs of purchasing agricultural products. equipment and technology. Therefore, if you are planning to develop your farm and participate in support programs, then you should contact local government agriculture for more detailed advice on the conditions for participation in farm support programs.

State support for peasant farms

What can you count on

  • In the area of ​​agricultural production, peasant farms can receive funding from the state, for example, subsidies for the purchase of fuels and lubricants, a special tax regime with a 5-year holiday, government orders, regulation of prices and tariffs, anti-monopoly measures, information and consulting support, participation of representatives from farmers in policy formation.
  • Subsidies are possible through small businesses and peasant farms directly, as a rule, from the regions, in particular, leasing payments for special equipment or subsidies for the implementation of priority projects for the region (construction of greenhouses, cultivation of certain species, etc.).
  • Through rural support, there are programs for housing construction, attracting young specialists (teachers, doctors, veterinarians - important infrastructure for the life of a farming family), developing kindergartens, schools, sports complexes and so on.

What documents are required to register with the local tax office?

  • Application for registration in form No. р21002;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty (800 rubles);
  • A document confirming the place of residence of the individual applying for registration;
  • Agreement on the establishment of a peasant farm and copies of documents confirming the relationship of members peasant farm- if the number of applicants is 2 or more people.Decision to create a farm - if there is one applicant (sample);
  • Original and copy of the passport of the head of the farm.

Registration of a farm takes 5 working days from the date of submission of documents to the registration (tax) authority. After registration is completed, the farmer receives the following documents:

  • Certificate of state registration of the chapterfarming;
  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • Extract from the United state register individual entrepreneurs;
  • In some cases, an information letter from the State Statistics Committee may be issued.

Which tax system to choose

Simultaneously with submitting documents for registration, you should write an application for the transition to the single agricultural tax (USAT). This tax regime will relieve you from paying income tax, property tax and VAT. Unified agricultural tax is one of the most “humane” tax regimes, according to which the farmer pays a tax of only 6% of profit. Tax payment occurs every six months, and reporting under the Unified Agricultural Tax is submitted once a year.

Peasant farm profitability

Agricultural activities

When organizing a peasant farm, you should understand that working in agriculture you'll have to do it in person. The head of the farm is not a director; he plows, removes manure, and so on, just like everyone else. Perhaps not the best for a city dweller easy way earn a living, but for a peasant accustomed to such work, a farm can be a worthy alternative to other employment options. When choosing a direction, it is worth considering that livestock farming is less dependent on the season, but pays off longer than crop farming. To begin with, it is more profitable to grow vegetables.

How much can you earn on peasant farms?

The costs and income from farming directly depend on the field of activity. Depending on what the farmer chooses: poultry farming, livestock farming or growing plants, the payback of the activity occurs. Under acceptable conditions (no loss of livestock, drought, heavy rains), the first profit appears after 9 months.

  1. Chicken coop for 1000 heads gives a profit of up to 80-120 thousand rubles. behind full cycle between poultry placement, stocking, removal for sale. Those. six months - 80 thousand rubles.
  2. Green onions grown per 100 sq. m. will bring more than 150 thousand rubles. per season.
  3. Breeding dwarf cows for sale will bring more than 50 thousand rubles. Per head.
  4. Raising bulls for meat will bring more than 35 thousand rubles. Per head. Profits can be increased if you organize the supply of meat to restaurants, cafes, and canteens.

How much does it take to open a business?

The costs of opening a peasant farm depend on the type of activity. To raise pigs you will need:

  1. Sows - from 10,000 rubles. Per head.
  2. Feed - 1.4 tons of vegetable mixture and 500 kg of compound feed. 20,000 rub.
  3. Veterinary medicines - from 1500 rubles.
  4. Other expenses - from 5000 rubles.

In total you need from 36,500 rubles. for raising one sow. The activity becomes profitable when growing more than 10 animals. You can get from 500,000 net profit per year.

How to choose equipment for peasant farms

To raise animals, you will need special equipment: drinking bowls, milk lines, a manure cleaner, etc. When purchasing special equipment, you should give preference to companies that sell them. For wholesale purchases, companies provide individual discounts on equipment for peasant farms.

Which OKVED to choose for business registration

OKVED for growing plants:

  • 0.1 - growing annuals;
  • 2 - growing perennials;
  • 3 - growing seedlings.

OKVED for business related to raising animals:

  • 41.1 - 01.41.29 - raising animals for the sale of dairy products;
  • 42.1 - 01.42.12 - raising animals for the sale of meat products;
  • 43.1 - 01.43.3 - rearing of artiodactyls;
  • 44 - 01.46.2 - raising goats and sheep;
  • 47.1 - 01.47.3 - poultry raising and sale meat products;
  • 49.11 - 01.49.13 - raising bees and selling their products;
  • 49.21 - 01.49.22 - raising fur animals;

Do I need permission to open a peasant farm?

The opening of a peasant farm is regulated by the legislator. Every citizen of Russia can become a farmer. Its registration is similar to registration of an individual entrepreneur: an agreement on the creation of a farming enterprise, an application, a copy of the passport and a receipt for payment of the state duty are submitted to the Federal Tax Service. No special permits are required to open a peasant farm. If you want to earn money for your home and get a mortgage for favorable conditions, read free book “How to get a profitable mortgage". A few steps that you will need to take will help you purchase an apartment profitably. More business ideas for farmers:

  • Growing Chinese cabbage
  • Growing camelina
  • Growing potatoes using Dutch technology
  • Sturgeon farming