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Geolocation targeting. Hyperlocal targeting in Yandex, Google, VK and Facebook

Hello everyone!

The possibilities of online advertising are growing in step with modern technologies. Now you can no longer hide where you are, because geolocation technologies allow you to track our location, thanks to mobile devices and more. Naturally, not using such technology in contextual advertising would be a real sin.

The guys from Google were the first to think of this and provided the opportunity to target advertising to people located in some area pre-defined in the campaign settings. As always, Yandex.Direct lags a little behind its American counterpart - geolocation targeting technology in the most popular system contextual advertising appeared in Russia relatively recently.

Today we will talk about such technology as geolocation targeting, and I will also talk about the innovation – “Polygon”. Let's go!

What is Yandex.Polygon?

I hope you are familiar with a very interesting service - Yandex.Audience? If not, there is a lesson on this topic on the blog, you will find a link to it below.

So, in Yandex.Audience in November two years ago, Yandex announced hyperlocal targeting. You can find this tool in the above-mentioned service:

With its help, you can target an audience located at a specific point and nearby within a radius of up to 10 km (you can increase or decrease the coverage). Moreover, you can also select those people who work or live in a given range, and who regularly stay there.

But not everyone liked this opportunity, since there is minimal flexibility in this targeting technology.

Last year, Yandex offered polygons as an alternative to circles. They allow you to create any shapes on the map, thereby forming an audience segment:

Thus, we can create absolutely any shapes and show our advertising to people from these segments. This targeting option is as flexible as possible.

What's the big deal about geolocation advertising? Often, a person who is looking for a place where he can solve his problem (a cafe, a spare parts store, a car service center, etc.) decides to accept one or another offer based on the territorial proximity to it.

This is perfect for those who want to show people advertisements for their cafe with business lunches, and other places. And it seems to me that there is potential in such technology, but it can only be fully realized in cities with large populations.

How to set up geolocation targeting?

To do this you need to do the following:

That's it, you have set up an audience segment. All you have to do is wait until the data is processed. Also don't forget an important thing: Until the system detects at least 1000 users in a given segment, it will not work!

Once everything is ready, you can start creating an advertising campaign. You can read how this is done in the lesson on.

Well, that’s all for me, dear friends!

I hope you found it interesting.

Allows you to customize contextual advertising based on geolocation. Until today, this was one of the points on which Direct was inferior to targeting in in social networks(now there is still gender and age).

Now for small fitness clubs, restaurants and other establishments with one branch in the city, it is possible to show up to exactly those who are nearby. In this regard, we decided to “cut down” a small instructions for setting up contextual advertising based on geolocation.

How to create an audience based on geolocation?

Geotargeting in networks

Starting April 27, 2017, expanded geographic targeting works not only for search campaigns, but also for YAN, thanks to which advertisers can attract even more truly interested users.

When displayed on partner sites, the option will respond not to the inclusion of the region name in the request, but based on the last places visited by the user. A special algorithm takes into account all locations and determines where a person spends the most time (home, work). Geotargeting in networks is configured according to the same principle as for search campaigns.

Setting up Yandex Direct taking into account geotargeting

For whom will ads in Yandex Direct taking into account geolocation be useful? A lot for everyone! Taxis, food delivery, fitness clubs, restaurants and more. It is possible for each individual region, create a unique advertisement.

For example, for food delivery good option There will be an announcement: “Pizza delivery to the Mitinsky Park area is free.”

Taxi can display advertisements: “Now there are free cars in the Mitinsky Park area - order a taxi.”

In general, use your imagination, share your ideas in the comments and go ahead to conquer new heights using the new geolocation functionality in Yandex Direct called “ Hyperlocal targeting».

Almost all AdWords advertisers have encountered geographic targeting at least once. For many, this is simply an additional campaign option that allows you to advertise in a specific city, region and country, while eliminating unnecessary impressions. But not everyone knows about the existence of local geotargeting, its capabilities and how to use it.

Most advertisers do not have any difficulties with how to set a specific city or region of impressions in the settings of an advertising campaign. But what if you don’t need shows all over the city, but you need an audience in a specific location or area? In this situation, you need to use local geographic targeting in Google Adwords.

Local geotargeting in AdWords is a technology that allows you to specify individual zones (locations) where the user to whom the advertisement will be shown should be located or at least sometimes appear. This tool allows you to specify not just a region or city, but specific objects or areas on the map.

This method of targeting in AdWords is well suited specifically for local businesses, such as shops, cafes, restaurants, hairdressers, etc. These are those niches where people tend to use nearby establishments.

Example of using local geotargeting

As an example, let's take a cafe located next to the park. The owners know that the park has free wifi. People in the park often use it from their smartphones. Conventional geographic targeting will not allow you to target exactly this audience. The most you can get out of it is to indicate the city in which the park and cafe are located. And local geotargeting, in turn, allows you to more narrowly segment your audience based on geography. You can specify a park area as a target location in your ad campaign settings Google AdWords, and then the advertisement will be shown only to those people who are there or in this moment located. Well, then it all depends on your creative abilities.

Thus, you can tune in as accurately as possible to your target audience and show her unique and relevant ads tailored to your location. Returning to our example, you can advertise with an inviting headline, talking about the walking distance of the cafe (for example, “we are located directly opposite the main entrance to the park”).

This is why local targeting in Adwords is considered the most effective tool for geographic targeting.

Types of local geotargeting

In total, Google AdWords offers two types of local geotargeting. They differ in the way they specify target locations.

By radius

In this case, you need to specify the address or coordinates on the map (let's say this is your company building), and then set the radius (from 100 m to 200 km). As a result, you will get a circular area with the specified radius and your coordinates in the middle.

But you should not forget that the selected radius directly affects the coverage. The smaller it is, the smaller the audience reach will be. If the radius is too small advertisements may appear rarely or not at all. Conversely, the larger the radius, the greater the coverage, but there will be more non-targeted impressions.

This type of local geographic targeting is used most often in Google Adwords.

By location

This type of geotargeting allows you to select a specific location (country, city or geographical feature). But it is not suitable for everyone.

The fact is that to add a target location, the required object must be indicated on Google maps. It's good if there is one. Then the system will outline its boundaries on the map, and you will get a more accurate zone, and not just a circle. But if the desired object is not there (for example, your store), then you won’t be able to set exact boundaries, and you will have to use “Radius”.

Unfortunately, the boundaries cannot be adjusted. They are determined by Google itself.

Benefits of Local Geographic Targeting

Of course, geographic targeting in AdWords has its advantages, which allow it to fit well into advertising campaigns of local business projects.

Accuracy. The main advantage is the accuracy of targeting. You don't just specify a city or region, but a specific target location, the boundaries of which (if you use Radius) can be adjusted.

Coverage regulation. By adjusting the size of the specified area, you also change the coverage. By reducing the radius, you will also reduce the reach of your audience, but make it more targeted. And, conversely, as the radius increases, the audience reach also increases. At the same time it's too great importance may also reach non-target users.

Combines with other targeting options. Local geographic targeting in AdWords is just one of many ways to select an audience. Nobody forbids you to combine it with other parameters (for example, demographic, language or interest targeting), resulting in the narrowest possible focus on a particular audience segment.

Can be used in parallel with bid adjustments. GA advertisers have the option to automatically adjust bids based on location. With their help, you can increase or decrease the cost per click (from -90 to 900%) for the most and least desirable impressions in certain locations.

Possibility to exclude location. By adding a location to the map, you can customize displays in it. Setting it to "Exclude" will disable them completely.

How to setup

Setting up local geographic targeting in Google Adwords takes a few simple steps:

If you selected "Location", then you need to specify a country, city or specific geographic location. If you wish, you can add not just one, but several target locations for one campaign.

If you selected “Radius”, you must enter the name, address or coordinates and select the radius value for the area.

Impressions based on local geotargeting

By default, Google AdWords ads are shown to both people who are located in the area shown on the map, and to those who use the target location in their request (who may be in a different location). To show ads to only one category of people (for example, only those who are in a specified area), you need to use advanced geotargeting.

Local geographic targeting in AdWords is the most effective method precise audience segmentation by geography. Today I told you about how and for what purposes it can be used. I hope the article was useful to you.

Yandex help: targeting by coordinates, these are impressions to users who are located near the desired point on the map - with the ability to expand coverage to those who regularly visit nearby .

In the Yandex Auction interface it looks like this:

Test - test - test Yandex GPS

The placement took place over two weeks. We targeted five addresses: four clinics in St. Petersburg and a new residential complex on Peterhofskoye Highway. A separate advertising campaign was launched in the interface for each address, with GPS targeting with a radius of 5 km. As part of the experiment, the campaigns were divided into mobile and desktop traffic: thus, we created a total of 10 campaigns.

The customer prepared creatives with a non-standard presentation in the field of cosmetology:

Please note that Altermed used interesting creative options: “before and after”, an image of an unsightly mole that then disappears, a bright image in a banner in the Botox direction. Prices for services were indicated everywhere.

When planning, we set the same rates of 100 rubles. for CPM and the same forecasts for CTR, the budgets of each advertising company were also the same.

Results and conclusions:

As a result, it was revealed that for desktop traffic the CPM is approximately 1.5 times lower. Thus, we received greater coverage, but the CTR was slightly lower. On the contrary, for mobile traffic, the CPM rate corresponded to the forecast, and CTR was higher and reached 0.35-0.37%. In all Kazakhstan regions, forecasts for impressions and clicks were exceeded. There were more impressions on the desktop version (the rate per impression is cheaper there); for mobile traffic, the CTR was higher, and the click-through rate was almost three times higher than for display traffic.

Failure rate (according to Google Analytics higher by 20% than the average for the site for the same period), for traffic from a PC, the time on the site and conversion are twice as high as from mobile devices.

The conversion rate for the “Birthmark” creative turned out to be twice as high as compared to “Botox” and “Lips”, but let’s not forget that this service is several times cheaper.

From GPS coordinates, a high conversion rate was shown by: one of the clinics (Leninsky) and a new residential complex on Peterhofskoye Highway.

We consider the experiment successful, but some difficulties arose, mainly with banner moderation. In terms of labor costs: planning, creating ten RCs, passing moderation, launching and reporting took 8 hours 45 minutes of pure time (according to our internal accounting system Bitrix24). This is a lot, considering that most of time was spent on setting up the campaign and its moderation.

Customer review

Olga Marchenko, head of the Internet marketing department of Altermed Group of Companies:
"The main advantages of this instrument We have identified demographic and geolocation targeting, as well as coverage" .

Why do you need advertising with GPS?

This targeting is suitable different types business and under different tasks. For example, you have to open a store/clinic/beauty salon/car showroom, you need to attract an audience living nearby. Nothing could be easier! Set a point on the map and indicate the coverage radius. You can advertise the promotion in a convenience store and target nearby houses with advertising with the announcement. You can discount a cocktail bar and target all mobile devices within a 2 km radius of your establishment. When organizing events (for example, the opening of a New Year's fair in the Vyborg district), you can set up local targeting for people living in the district (up to 5 km). We had a similar advertising campaign for the Summer Palace ice skating rink, which was located near Petrodvorets - using local targeting on Instagram, we showed advertising in the areas: Kirovsky, Krasnoselsky, Moskovsky. More details.

Helpful advice: you don't have to focus on the audience around you point of sale, you can go another way. For example, target the places where your target audience is most likely to be. For example, if you are advertising jewelry products and you need an audience with an average and average+ income, you can try targeting restaurants with a high average bill, areas with luxury real estate, and yacht clubs. Or suppose you have furniture center- you can set up local targeting around new buildings that have recently been completed and people have begun to move in.

What do you need to launch banner advertising in Yandex Auction with GPS targeting.

We recommend planning your placement in advance, as preparing banners, moderating and setting them up takes time. If you want to plan in advance a budget greater than the minimum, understand the forecast of impressions and reach of unique users, you need to request a media plan from your personal manager in Yandex. Information about rates and coverage is not publicly available. Next you should:

  1. Decide on the budget, the term of the contract and the rate for the construction work. The minimum budget for Yandex is 21,000 rubles.
  2. Choose which audience you want to reach, mobile users, desktop users, or both. In Yandex, you can set up banner advertising for all these device versions.
  3. Determine the goals of the advertising campaign and the target audience. The advantage of Yandex Auction is that you can do not only GPS targeting, but also targeting by audience interests, demographics, search and behavioral retargeting. Don't forget to add frequency.

Yandex Help:

  • Demographics - Yandex assigns users to a particular group by analyzing their behavior on the Internet using technology Crypt .
  • Search retargeting - Set up display of advertising to users in accordance with the subject of their queries in Yandex search.
  • Behavioral retargeting - Set up advertising to users who have achieved one or more specified goals. General goals are goals for the audience of Yandex services. Private goals are goals for the audience of a specific website that can be set in Yandex.Metrica.
  • Interests - Set up ads to be shown to audiences with specific interests.
    Users' interests are determined based on their search behavior - with the help of technology Crypt .

The total number of targeting in Yandex Auction depends on the selected product. For example, in a regular auction, geo + 1 targeting is required. In the auction on desktop and mobile - geo + 2 targeting.

Note: If you set a lot of targeting, set a low frequency of impressions and a small radius for GPS targeting, then the reach of your advertising campaign may be very small and impressions will be generated slowly.

GPS targeting is set at the banner level, that is, for each individual creative and format you can set its own point on the map (or several points).

4. Prepare banners and landing pages. Formats: 728x90, 240x400, 300x250, 300x300, 160x600, 320x50 and 320x100. Not all of these formats are required to launch, but we recommend preparing a complete list, this will allow you to get more coverage.

Yandex is a fairly strict contractor in terms of banner moderation if your creatives do not comply technical requirements- it will not be possible to reach an agreement. Be prepared to provide documents and licenses confirming your activities, make correct advertisements, and do not forget that the text on the banner must be legible. If you are advertising a promotion, indicate its timing. If you are advertising a loan, then provide bank details and so on.


  • Rules for advertising on Yandex. Requirements for advertising materials:
  • Some recommendations for creatives: Indicate the promotion and product image on the banner. Don’t overload the banner with text, don’t make a long animation (2/3 of a frame is enough), use action-motivating buttons on the banner: “buy”, “more details”, “learn more” and the like.

5. Having prepared all the materials and decided on the targeting, you need to set up advertising campaign in the interface The interface is simple, intuitive, and both experienced advertisers and beginners do not have any major difficulties with it.

6. Next, you analyze the progress of the campaign, change creatives and landing pages if necessary. In “Statistics” you can see: CTR for banners, demographic data, number of draws, winnings, average bet and much, much more. You make a report on what you planned and what you ended up getting.

We hope the material will be useful for launching your first successful advertising campaigns.

This article provides an overview of hyperlocal targeting capabilities for PPC platforms Yandex, Google, VKontakte and Facebook.

Why look for clients by address?

Let's say you're looking for a new book, you go to your local bookstore and find that all copies are sold out. You've already spent 10 minutes looking for a parking space and you're unlikely to want to travel further around the city because of a book, right? Most likely you will google bookstores close to you.

This is hyperlocal search. The output looks something like this:

It may contain online store sites and irrelevant results:

But always comes first Google map, on which the nearest stores are marked, and below - their rating, contacts and current status (“Closed”, “Opening in ...”, “Closing in ...”).

Note. To be included in this list based on requests from users in your area, you need to create a company page in Google My Business and keep it up to date.

Why is it worth looking for clients by address? Obviously - because they are looking for you the same way. Required condition- your offer meets their needs. By default, people choose a company that is easier to get to, preferably on foot.

How to use hyperlocal targeting

Local business (shoe repair, hairdressers, optical salons, flower shops, pharmacies)

Even if your semantics are impeccable, there is a risk of losing your budget to those who are looking for the same services, but from another area/city.

For example, we are really searching from Perm, although we do not write the city:

Competition wars (fast food establishments, fitness clubs, dance schools)

You collect competitors' addresses and identify people who visit them 1-3 times a week (but not daily, since you may accidentally include company employees).

Products for a specific audience (ultrasound services)

For the above example potential clients- patients of nearby clinics. You need to find out their addresses and establish a small presence radius. This way you will “capture” the target customers, and not the visitors of neighboring buildings. Additionally, you can filter by frequency of visits and demographics.

As you can see, hyperlocal targeting gives an advantage to local businesses and large ones with a large number of branches and retail outlets.


Yandex offers a powerful geotargeting tool - based on geolocation in the Yandex.Audience service.

There are three types of audiences:

  • Are in a certain area now;
  • Happen regularly;
  • There were so many days during the last week, one or 3 months.

Display is possible only when the system collects at least a thousand users for the given segments.

How to configure

The standard option is along the radius of the circle.

Add or find a location on the map:

Only one radius and the same visit settings can be configured for one segment.

Limit - no more than 1,000 seats per segment (for the “N days in N period” condition - no more than 100).

You can target your audience more precisely and experiment with texts and formats in areas with any configuration, not just a circle. For example, in a certain block, street, mall, university, etc. The Polygon format allows this.

How to build it (as well as other nuances on hyperlocal targeting in Yandex) see this section “Geolocation-based segment”.

Examples of advertisements:


How to configure

If the default options are not suitable, select Specify a different location:

For more detail, use the advanced search. Write your name, address or location coordinates in the search bar:

Then select the terrain radius:

You can include or exclude any number of places.

Examples of advertisements:

"TOP 10 Cheap Hotels in Foster City."

In contact with

Geotargeting features:

  • The IP address is not the main source of information. You do not pay for users who have an IP in one location, but are located in another;
  • It is more important where the audience visits regularly than where they are at the moment and where they are from on the social network. You can advertise a store near your home even to those who are currently on a business trip/vacation;
  • The system analyzes user profiles that they fill out independently and additionally checks the data;
  • Full base settlements and universities around the world eliminates duplicates.

Hyperlocal targeting is available for all current formats:

How to configure

When creating an ad, indicate or mark the location on the map:

In the second option, you can specify a radius (0.5-100 km) to cover users only within a given area:

If necessary, use exclusive geotargeting:

Examples of advertisements: