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Instructions for labor protection of production workers. Instructions for types of work

Instructions on labor protection for enterprise employees when performing all types of work

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Instruction establishes general labor protection (safety) requirements provided for by regulations on labor protection when employees of an enterprise perform any type of work.

1.2. When hired to work at an enterprise, an employee must undergo an introductory briefing at the labor protection service (personnel service), and upon arrival at the unit - initial instruction on labor protection issues.

1.3. Before starting to independently perform duties at the workplace, the employee must familiarize himself with the training course “Occupational Safety”, study the instructions on labor protection when performing work related to job responsibilities in the department, and pass the appropriate labor protection test.

1.4. In accordance with the Law “On Labor Protection” and the Labor Code (LC) the employee is obliged to:

  • take care of personal safety and health, as well as the safety and health of surrounding people while performing any work or while on the territory of the enterprise;
  • -know and comply with the requirements of regulations on labor protection, rules for safe handling of machines, mechanisms, equipment and other means of labor,
  • use collective and personal protection when performing work with increased danger;
  • pass in in the prescribed manner preliminary (upon hiring) and periodic medical examinations;
  • comply with labor protection obligations stipulated by the employment contract and internal rules labor regulations enterprises;
  • personally take all feasible measures to eliminate any production situation that poses a threat to the life and health of the employee or the people around him, report the danger to his immediate supervisor or other official.

1.5. Employees performing high-risk work (security of enterprise facilities, cash collection, operation, maintenance and repair of vehicles, electrical equipment, etc.) must have permission to work - a certificate in the prescribed form confirming completion of special training and annual inspection knowledge on labor protection issues and conclusion medical institution on health suitability to perform high-risk work and work where professional selection is necessary.

1.6. Workers performing high-risk work undergo periodic medical examinations (security guards, cash collectors - annually; drivers, electrical personnel- 1 time every 2 years; other employees - once every 3 years).

1.7. Employees performing high-risk work undergo quarterly repeated instruction on labor protection issues with a record of this in the instruction log. The rest of the employees undergo repeated training - once every 6 months.

1.8. Employees who are not involved in the direct maintenance of various equipment, tools and storage of materials are exempt from repeated briefings.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

Make sure that the equipment and other equipment used in the work are in good working order and safe condition. technical means labor.

3. Safety requirements during operation

3.1. When using electrical equipment, computer equipment, instruments, tools and other technical means of labor in work, it is necessary to fulfill (observe) the safety requirements set out in the relevant labor protection instructions for specific professions and types of work.

3.2. Following to enterprise facilities, institutions and organizations by official affairs rules must be followed traffic for pedestrians, and when driving - traffic rules for drivers.

When driving on slippery areas of the sidewalk (streets, roads, roadsides), you must be especially attentive, careful, and collected.

3.3. During work it is prohibited:

  • smoking in workplaces (smoking areas are designated special places, equipped with trash cans made of non-combustible materials) and marked with standard signs or inscription
  • use faulty labor tools, equipment, devices, open them in order to eliminate the malfunction, if this is not provided for by functional responsibilities;
  • turn on and off equipment, devices, work on which is not assigned;
  • leave computers and other equipment, household appliances and heating appliances connected to the power grid unattended at work places;
  • use non-standard electric heating devices for heating premises;
  • use company equipment for personal purposes;

4. Safety requirements after completion of work

Disconnect (turn off) operating equipment, computers, electric heating, lighting and other devices and return them to their original state.

5. Safety requirements in emergency situations

5.1. In case of an accident:

The employee who identified it, or the victim himself, must urgently:

  • inform the immediate supervisor or other official about this;
  • take measures to provide the necessary assistance to the victim.

The immediate supervisor of the work or other official is obliged to:

  • urgently organize the provision of first medical aid to the victim, ensure, if necessary, his delivery to a medical institution;
  • report what happened to the management of the enterprise (RP):
  • until the accident investigation commission arrives, maintain the situation at the scene of the accident in the same condition as it was at the time of the accident (if this does not threaten the life or health of other workers);
  • take measures to prevent such cases.

5.2. If a fire or signs of combustion are detected, the employee must:

  • immediately report this to your immediate supervisor or other competent official and to the security post of the enterprise facility), and if necessary, call the fire department by calling 101;
  • take possible measures to extinguish (localize) the fire, evacuate people and material assets;
  • if necessary, call an ambulance medical care, emergency rescue service.

6. Monitoring and updating procedure

6.1. Monitoring and updating of the Instructions is carried out by the labor protection department of the Human Resources Department.

6.2. During the monitoring process, the compliance of the Instructions with regulatory legal acts on labor protection is determined.

6.3. The Instructions are updated if necessary when new or amended legislative and regulatory acts on labor protection are introduced, requiring amendments to the Instructions, as well as on the initiative of the enterprise management.

Developed by:___________


Labor protection is the most important area of ​​work in every enterprise, especially where there is production. In order for the labor protection process to be organized correctly, first of all you need to have all the necessary documents.

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One of the first places in this list is occupied by labor safety instructions.


A labor safety instruction is a document that regulates the process of safe work with equipment, devices and mechanisms, as well as the performance of any work.

This document is somewhat similar to a job description, but if it pays more attention to what the employee must do, then the documents regulating labor protection describe how the employee should do this or that job.

For all positions that are in the staffing table of the enterprise, there must be instructions on labor protection, as well as for all work that may pose a danger to the life and health of the employee performing them.


The main purpose of occupational safety instructions is to ensure the safe work of employees.

It is the main document that describes safe work practices, safety measures that need to be ensured before starting work, as well as what measures need to be taken if force majeure circumstances arise.

Are they required?

The head of any enterprise must have a set of instructions for the labor protection unit; this is directly stated in Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Their development and approval is part of the overall set of measures to ensure occupational safety at the enterprise.

Failure to provide this document may result in a fine being imposed on the employer.

And if its absence is discovered during the investigation of a work injury, then the consequences for the director of the company and the employee appointed responsible for compliance with labor protection will be very serious.


All labor safety instructions can be divided into several types.

By positions (professions) and categories of workers

These instructions contain safe work practices for certain categories of workers in the enterprise.

For example, this could be a job description for an electrician, mechanic, cleaner, driver, etc. It describes the entire work algorithm performed by a specific employee and is applied only to employees working in this position.

If there are several units of one position in the staffing table, then the job description of this type can be either one for everyone or individual for each. This is determined by the job description.


The organization has two electricians: Ivanov and Petrov, but one of them, according to the job description, has a traveling job, and the other’s responsibilities include setting up equipment and electrical networks within the employer’s territory; accordingly, their work algorithms will be different and it is better to draw up two instructions.

Note! The legislation does not clearly state that, as in the example above, staff units of the same name must have two instructions. But the more specific and detailed the instructions are in relation to the work being performed, the more the employer will protect himself and the employee in the event of an accident at the workplace.

By type of work

This type includes instructions regulating the implementation certain works, or the use of certain mechanisms and devices.

In this document, all information relates to only one specific subject, for example:

  • computer work;
  • working on a drilling machine;
  • working with a ladder with a stepladder;
  • performing grass cutting work;
  • performing window cleaning work;
  • performing cleaning work in the charging area, etc.

These instructions can be used by any employee who is authorized and intends to perform the work specified in them.

Also, several instructions may apply to one position.


Once a month, the cleaning lady of the organization should do a general cleaning with washing windows and wiping dust on high shelving. This means that, in addition to the instructions for the premises cleaner, she must also have instructions on labor protection when handling a stepladder and when washing windows.

For office workers

In this case, office workers will include employees whose work does not require the following features:

  • storage of raw materials and materials;
  • maintenance, operation and adjustment of mechanisms and equipment;
  • working with complex tools.

That is, these are mainly employees belonging to administrative and managerial personnel, whose work functions are not associated with increased danger, but, nevertheless, they should also have instructions on labor protection.

Note! In some cases, employees in this category must also have additional instructions.


An enterprise accountant works on a computer and uses an electric machine to staple documents. This means that her work will include instructions on labor protection on a personal computer and instructions on safe work on a machine for stapling documents.

At work

According to the law, all employees of the enterprise must undergo training at the workplace; its name and frequency are established for each category individually. For this purpose, labor safety instructions collected for a particular position are used.

This package of documents must be located at the employee’s workplace.

This is especially true for job positions associated with production risk more than other categories.


For an electrician of an organization, the following list of instructions can be established at his workplace:

  • electrician's instructions;
  • instructions for working with electrified tools;
  • instructions for working with a stepladder;
  • instructions for working at height.

Labor protection instructions and their features

Who is developing this document?

The law obliges the head of the organization to ensure the creation and approval of instructions.

But the text of the document should be directly developed by the employees responsible for a particular area of ​​work, since it is the managers and foremen of the areas who are best familiar with the specifics of a particular type of work.

The procedure for creating instructions at each enterprise is established individually.

If the enterprise is small, then the development of instructions for working personnel may be entrusted to the chief engineer or chief power engineer, but not to the person responsible for labor protection, unless, of course, he does not combine positions.

The fact is that most often, employees who are responsible for labor protection do not have a practical knowledge base in complex production processes. But they should help with methodological recommendations and indicate which normative act is best to use to write instructions.

In addition, when the text of the document is compiled, occupational safety specialists formulate all instructions in a single format, number them, collect signatures and distribute them for further use.

What is taken as a basis when compiling?

IN government documents There are many developed standard instructions for occupational safety and health for various positions and jobs.

Therefore, if there is a standard instruction, then it is this that is taken as the basis for a specific document, bringing it into line with the needs of a specific enterprise.

If there is no standard document, then you need to use industry or inter-industry Labor Safety Rules for a certain type of work, as well as operational documents (passports) of units and machines.

Design rules

In order for the safety instructions to comply with the law, it must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules.

Details required in the document:

  • full name of the organization;
  • visa approved by the head of the enterprise, certified official seal organizations;
  • approval visas for responsible employees;
  • name of the instruction;
  • date and number;
  • text with relevant sections;
  • signature of the employee who compiled the document or the specialist responsible for labor protection.

Structure and sections

Standard forms of labor protection instructions contain five sections, so when developing them at enterprises, it is recommended to adhere to the same structure.

Sections that should be in the document:

  • general safety rules for specific type jobs (positions);
  • ensuring safety before starting work;
  • safe work practices during their execution;
  • safety after completion of work;
  • safety in case of emergency situations.

Example of labor safety instructions:

What are they approved by?

Safety instructions must be approved by an order signed by the director of the company.

This is done every time a change occurs:

  • in case of approval of new instructions;
  • in case of re-approval without making changes;
  • in cases of changes in one or more instructions.

The order is drawn up in any form on the organization’s letterhead.

A sample of such an order is presented below:

Employee familiarization

The fact that company employees are familiar with labor safety instructions is recorded in a special journal. You can also familiarize employees with the instructions simply against signature, especially if the employee has just started working or the instructions are new. The issuance of these documents is recorded in.

Note! This method of introducing employees to job descriptions does not relieve the head of the enterprise from the obligation to conduct training and instructions on labor protection in a timely manner.


The direct validity period of the instruction is 5 years, then it must be reviewed for compliance with current legislation.
If no changes have occurred, the instructions can be left unchanged by approving this by order.

Thus, it will be valid for the same amount of time unless there are reasons for making changes

Modification, cancellation and modification

There are several cases to make changes to labor safety instructions:

Reason for revision Periodicity
Expiration of validity period Once every 5 years
Instructions for work involving increased danger once every 3 years
Amendments to legislative acts As needed
As ordered by higher authorities As prescribed
When changing the production process technology When introducing new equipment
In case of accidents at work Based on the results of the investigation


The first copy of all the company's labor safety instructions, without exception, is kept by the specialist responsible for labor protection.

Also package necessary instructions should be kept by the heads of sections and departments. Each employee should be given a set of his instructions, or they should be posted in the workshop (department) in a visible and accessible place.

17.06.2016 12:50:00

There are quite a few professions and jobs in which certain safety measures must be observed. And the employer must teach such measures to employees. And for this it is necessary to develop a lot of instructions, which is one of the responsibilities of employers established Labor Code. However, not all organizations have such instructions, and sometimes they exist, but were adopted, as they say, under Tsar Pea. In the article we will tell you how and by whom labor safety instructions are developed, how they are approved, what they should include and where they should be stored.

There are quite a few professions and jobs in which certain safety measures must be observed. And the employer must teach such measures to employees. And for this it is necessary to develop a lot of instructions, which is one of the responsibilities of employers established by the Labor Code. However, not all organizations have such instructions, and sometimes they exist, but were adopted, as they say, under Tsar Pea. In the article we will tell you how and by whom labor safety instructions are developed, how they are approved, what they should include and where they should be stored.

By virtue of Art. Art. 212 and 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the responsibility to ensure safe conditions and labor protection lies with the employer. To this end, he must first of all provide workers with instructions on labor protection, organize training in safe methods and techniques for performing work, provide workers with protective equipment, special clothing, etc.

And of course, like any other standards, all safety and labor protection rules in a single organization must be enshrined in local regulations. The obligation to develop and approve rules and instructions on labor protection for employees, along with other responsibilities of the employer, is directly enshrined in Art. 212 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Now let's figure it out. But first, we note that the Ministry of Labor approved the Methodological Recommendations for the development of instructions on labor protection on May 13, 2004 (hereinafter referred to as the Recommendations), to which we will refer further.


What labor safety instructions should an organization have and are they needed for every employee?

Labor protection instructions are drawn up for each position, profession or type of work performed. For example, by position (profession) it could be “Occupational safety instructions for a forklift driver”, “Occupational safety instructions for a welder”; by type of work performed - “Instructions on labor protection when performing loading and unloading operations”, “Instructions on labor protection when carrying out sporting events", "Instructions for using a computer." These may not be instructions, but rules, for example, “Rules for working with copying equipment.” Such acts apply to a group of employees engaged in the same type of work.

In addition to instructions for positions (professions) and types of work, there may be instructions that apply to all employees of the organization, for example, “Fire Safety Instructions.”

The law does not require that instructions be developed for each employee. This document should be developed for each position (profession), and then it will apply to all employees holding such positions.


What can be used as a basis when developing occupational safety instructions?

Labor protection instructions for employees are developed on the basis of inter-industry or industry standard instructions or labor protection rules. For example, Order No. 213 of Rosleskhoz dated December 23, 1998 approved Standard Labor Safety Instructions for the main professions and types of work in forestry. For some industries, the Ministry of Labor has developed separate Methodological Recommendations, for example, on the development of labor protection instructions for the main professions and types of work in furniture production(from 05/11/2004), for employees employed consumer services population (from 05/18/2004).

If standard instructions is not available, the employer develops them independently, guided by the safety requirements set out in the operational and repair documentation of equipment manufacturers, technological documentation of the organization, sanitary and hygienic rules. The working conditions characteristic of the relevant position or work are also taken into account.


Which employee of the organization can the employer entrust with developing instructions? Should an occupational safety specialist do this?

According to Part 2 of Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must ensure the development and approval of labor protection instructions. But no recommendations are given regarding who exactly the employer should assign this job function to. Many people believe that this should be the responsibility of an occupational safety specialist.

However, according to Professional standard“Specialist in the field of labor protection”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 08/04/2014 No. 524n, the labor function of such a specialist, in particular, includes:

  • interaction with representative bodies of workers on issues of labor conditions and safety and coordination of local documentation on labor safety issues;
  • revision of local regulations on labor protection issues in the event of new ones entering into force or amendments to existing acts containing norms labor law;
  • providing methodological assistance to managers structural divisions in the development of training programs for workers in safe labor methods and techniques, instructions on labor protection.

If we are guided by this Professional Standard, the development of labor protection instructions for positions and types of work should be entrusted to the heads of departments (divisions), since they are the ones who have complete information about labor functions their subordinates, and the labor protection inspector assists in such development. You can also connect the legal department and human resources department to it. In addition, as a rule, official approval of the already developed draft instructions is carried out with the labor safety inspector.

Note! Whichever employee is responsible for developing instructions, this task should be included in his job responsibilities(V employment contract, job description).


What to pay attention to when developing instructions?

When drawing up labor safety instructions, it is recommended to adhere to the structure established by the Recommendations, in particular to include the following sections and paragraphs.

1. " General requirements labor protection." In this section it is recommended to reflect:

  • instructions on the need to comply with internal regulations;
  • requirements for compliance with work and rest schedules;
  • a list of dangerous and harmful production factors that can affect an employee during work;
  • a list of workwear, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment issued to employees in accordance with established rules and regulations;
  • the procedure for notifying the administration about cases of injury to an employee and malfunction of equipment, devices and tools;
  • rules of personal hygiene that an employee must know and observe when performing work.

2. “Occupational safety requirements before starting work.” In this section you can set out the order:

  • preparation of the workplace, personal protective equipment;
  • checking the serviceability of equipment, devices and tools, fences, alarms, blocking and other devices, protective grounding, ventilation, local lighting, etc.;
  • checking source materials (blanks, semi-finished products);
  • reception and transfer of shifts in case of continuous technological process and equipment operation.
  • methods and techniques for safe performance of work, use of equipment, Vehicle, lifting mechanisms, devices and tools;
  • requirements for safe handling of starting materials (raw materials, blanks, semi-finished products);
  • instructions for maintaining a safe workplace;
  • actions aimed at preventing emergency situations;
  • requirements for the use of personal protective equipment for workers.

4. “Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations.” Need to reflect:

  • a list of the main possible emergency situations and the reasons that cause them;
  • actions of workers in the event of accidents and emergencies;
  • actions to provide first aid to victims of injury, poisoning and other health damage.

5. “Occupational safety requirements upon completion of work.” This section specifies:

  • the procedure for disconnecting, stopping, disassembling, cleaning and lubricating equipment, devices, machines, mechanisms and equipment;
  • procedure for cleaning waste generated during production activities;
  • personal hygiene requirements;
  • the procedure for notifying the work manager about deficiencies affecting labor safety discovered during work.


What is the procedure for developing and approving labor safety instructions?

The procedure for developing and approving instructions begins with the issuance by the head of the organization of an order, which determines the list of instructions, the employees responsible for the development and the deadlines for execution. Here is a sample of such an order.

(Visma LLC)


30.12.2015 № 125


“On the development of labor protection instructions”

Based on Art. 212 Labor Code of the Russian Federation


1. Head of the sales department V.M. Galkin, head of the purchasing department M.V. Sorokin, P.T. Voronin, head of the warehouse. by 02/15/2016, develop draft instructions on labor protection for workers of all positions, professions and specialties in accordance with staffing table in the relevant structural unit and the list of professions and positions (Appendix No. 1).

2. Until February 28, 2016, the employees specified in clause 1 of this order must agree on draft instructions with legal adviser S.N. Vorobyeva. and occupational safety specialist L.N. Petukhova

3. By March 4, 2016, to labor safety specialist L.N. Petukhova. send draft instructions to the trade union of employees of Visma LLC to obtain a reasoned opinion.

4. By March 17, 2016, to labor safety specialist L.N. Petukhova. submit instructions for approval.

5. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Head of Sales Department Galkin/Galkin V.M./

For your information. The procedure for developing labor protection instructions can also be established local act organizations.

The instructions should be agreed upon with a labor protection specialist, and, if necessary, with other officials, divisions.

Before approval of the instructions by the manager, it is necessary to carry out a procedure for taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization or another body authorized by employees in the manner established by Art. 372 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If such a body exists, the draft instructions are sent to it for approval. No later than five working days from the date of receipt of the draft, the trade union sends the employer a reasoned opinion on the draft in writing. If the trade union’s opinion does not contain agreement with the draft instruction or contains proposals for its improvement, the employer may agree or, within three days after receiving such an opinion, conduct additional consultations with the trade union in order to achieve a mutually acceptable solution. If agreement is not reached, disagreements are documented in a protocol, after which the employer has the right to accept the instructions. In turn, the trade union can appeal this act to the labor inspectorate or the court, or begin the procedure for a collective labor dispute in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code. If the union agrees, title page instructions, a corresponding note is made.

For your information. It is recommended that the title page of the labor protection instructions for workers be drawn up in accordance with Appendix 1 to the Recommendations.

The instructions should be numbered, stitched and sealed with the organization’s seal (if any). Although such a registration requirement has not been established, it is better to do this so that the regulatory authorities do not have unnecessary questions. Instructions are approved and put into effect by order of the manager; on their title page the manager puts the stamp “I approve”, date and signature. Here is a sample of such an order.

Society with limited liability"Visma"
(Visma LLC)


18.03.2016 № 9


“On approval and implementation of labor protection instructions for workers”

Based on Art. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and clause 4 of the Methodological recommendations for the development of instructions on labor protection, approved by the Ministry of Labor of Russia on May 13, 2004.


1. Approve labor safety instructions for workers, taking into account the reasoned opinion of the Visma LLC trade union in accordance with the list of instructions (in duplicate).

2. Enact labor safety instructions from 03/21/2016.

3. Head of the sales department V.M. Galkin, head of the purchasing department M.V. Sorokin, P.T. Voronin, head of the warehouse. no later than two working days:

- transfer instructions for registration in the logbook of instructions to labor protection specialist L.N. Petukhova, leaving one copy for storage in the labor protection service, the second for storage in the relevant structural unit;
- familiarize employees of their departments with the instructions against signature and provide employees with copies of the instructions;
- ensure proper storage of second copies of instructions in departments.

4. Labor protection specialist L.N. Petukhova ensure proper storage of instructions in the labor protection service.

5. Entrust control over the execution of the order to labor protection specialist L.N. Petukhova.

General Director Pavlinov /V.V. Pavlinov/

The following have been familiarized with the order:

Head of Sales Department Galkin /Galkin V.M./

Head of Purchasing Department Sorokin /Sorokin M.V./

Warehouse manager Voronin /Voronin P.T./

Labor protection specialist Petukhova /Petukhova L.N./


Where should instructions be kept?

As a rule, the employer approves several copies of instructions, which the labor protection service registers in a special log of labor protection instructions for employees (in the form of Appendix 2 to the Recommendations).

One copy is kept in the labor protection service, and the others are issued to the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise organization with their mandatory registration in the logbook for the issuance of labor protection instructions for workers (in the form of Appendix 3 to the Recommendations). If there is only one copy, department heads are given a copy.

Employees who are subject to the provisions of the instruction must be familiarized with it against signature. For this purpose, a familiarization sheet is drawn up or a special journal is started. In addition, you should make copies of the instructions and give them to employees against signature or post them in electronic or printed form in a place accessible for inspection.

Note! The employer is obliged to familiarize employees with labor safety instructions when hiring, transferring to another place of work, conducting labor safety briefings and retraining, revising or adopting new instructions.


What is the validity period of labor safety instructions?

The validity period of the labor protection instructions is five years. Rather, according to the Recommendations, after five years, the instructions should be revised. Their validity period can be extended if the working conditions of workers have not changed over the past period, inter-industry and sectoral rules and standard instructions on labor protection have not been revised. The extension of the validity of the instructions is carried out by order of the employer, which is recorded on the first page of the instructions, namely the current date, the mark “Revised” and the signature of the person responsible for revising the instructions, indicating his position and a transcript of the signature. The period for which the instruction is extended is also indicated.

If, before the expiration of the five-year validity period of the labor protection instructions, the working conditions of workers have changed or inter-sectoral and sectoral rules and standard labor protection instructions have been revised, the labor protection instructions for workers must be revised by the employer ahead of schedule and, if necessary, new ones approved. It is necessary to revise the instructions ahead of schedule during implementation new technology and technology, based on the results of the analysis of materials from the investigation of accidents, industrial accidents and occupational diseases, as well as at the request of GIT representatives. Speaking about the validity period of the instructions, we note that the Recommendations allow the development of temporary instructions on labor protection for employees of new and reconstructed production facilities. Temporary labor protection instructions for workers ensure the safe conduct of technological processes (work) and the safe operation of equipment. They are developed for the period until the specified production facilities are accepted into operation.


Let us briefly recall the procedure for developing and adopting labor safety instructions for workers. First of all, the employer should determine the list of positions (professions) and types of work for which there are no labor protection instructions or for which their revision is required. Then the workers responsible for the development and approval of instructions are identified. If the organization has a trade union, do not forget to take its opinion into account. The agreed project is approved and recorded in the instructions log. AND The final stage- familiarization with the approved instructions of workers and ensuring their storage.

We also note that since the obligation to develop labor protection instructions for workers is provided labor legislation, in case of non-compliance, the employer may be held administratively liable. Therefore, this issue should not be neglected. Without delay, check whether you have labor protection instructions for all positions (professions) - if not, they need to be developed, and if there are, they may need to be revised.

Labor protection instructionsnormative act, establishing labor protection requirements when performing work in production.

Construction and content of labor protection instructions

Labor protection instructions can be developed both for workers of individual professions and for individual species works

Instructions for workers are developed on the basis of intersectoral and sectoral labor protection rules, standard instructions, safety requirements set out in technical documentation equipment manufacturer, taking into account specific production conditions.

Labor safety instructions are developed based on the order of the head of the enterprise and the List approved by the head current instructions at the enterprise.

Labor safety instructions for workers servicing facilities under the jurisdiction of Gosgortekhnadzor (elevators, boilers, cranes, etc.) are developed on the basis of the relevant rules and approved in the manner established by these bodies.

Labor safety instructions must contain the following sections:

  1. General labor protection requirements
  2. Labor protection requirements before starting work
  3. Labor protection requirements during work
  4. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations
  5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

Each instruction must be assigned a name and number. The instruction must be approved by the employer and agreed with trade union organization, signed by the head of the department, agreed with the labor protection service, specialists of the enterprise (chief power engineer, chief mechanic, chief technologist).

The labor protection instructions must indicate the requirements for safe operation equipment, safe implementation of technological processes and general issues of working conditions, safe methods and techniques of work and the sequence of their implementation are determined.

The instructions must be specific. The instructions should not include requirements that are not related to labor safety issues, as well as words that reinforce the meaning of individual requirements (for example, “categorically”, “strictly”, “strictly”), since all requirements of the instructions are mandatory for compliance .

  • Conditions for employees' access to independent work in the relevant profession or to perform the relevant type of work (age, gender, health status, conducting instructions, etc.).
  • Instructions on the need to comply with internal regulations.
  • Requirements for compliance with work and rest schedules.
  • A list of dangerous and harmful production factors that can affect an employee during work.
  • List of workwear, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment issued in accordance with established standards, indicating the designations of state, industry standards or technical specifications on them.
  • Requirements for ensuring fire and explosion safety.
  • The procedure for notifying the administration about cases of injury to an employee and malfunction of equipment, devices and tools.
  • Instructions for providing first (pre-medical) aid.
  • Rules of personal hygiene that an employee must know and observe when performing work.

2. It is recommended to include in the section “Occupational Safety Requirements for Starting Work”:

  • The procedure for preparing the workplace, personal protective equipment.
  • The procedure for checking the serviceability of equipment, devices and tools, fences, alarms, blocking and other devices, protective grounding, ventilation, local lighting, etc.
  • The procedure for checking source materials (blanks, semi-finished products).
  • The procedure for receiving and handing over shifts in the case of a continuous technological process and equipment operation.

3. It is recommended to include in the section “Occupational safety requirements during work”:

  • Methods and techniques for safe performance of work and use technological equipment, vehicles, lifting mechanisms, devices and tools.
  • Requirements for safe handling of starting materials (raw materials, blanks, semi-finished products).
  • Guidelines for maintaining a safe workplace.
  • Actions aimed at preventing emergency situations.
  • Requirements for the use of personal protective equipment for workers.

4. It is recommended to include in the section “Occupational Safety Requirements in Emergency Situations”:

  • List of main possible emergency situations and their causes.
  • Actions of workers in the event of accidents and situations that may lead to undesirable consequences.
  • Actions to provide first aid to victims of injury, poisoning and sudden illness.

Labor safety instructions must be reviewed at least once every 5 years.

Labor safety instructions are revised ahead of schedule:

  1. When revising legislation, standards, regulations.
  2. As directed by higher authorities.
  3. When introducing new equipment, technology, new materials.
  4. When working conditions change.
  5. Based on the results of the investigation of the accident and accidents.

Control over the timely revision of instructions is assigned to the enterprise's labor protection service.

Requirements for the development, execution, presentation, approval, recording, storage and circulation of occupational safety instructions of enterprises are contained in the Industry Guideline Document RD 11 12.0035-94 “System of Occupational Safety Standards. Labor protection instructions. Requirements for development, design, presentation and circulation.”

This labor safety instruction has been developed specifically for workers comprehensive services and renovation of buildings.


1.1. Men at least 18 years of age who have passed preliminary training are allowed to work on comprehensive maintenance and repair of buildings. medical checkup, introductory and initial workplace safety briefings and testing of knowledge of labor safety requirements.
1.2. A worker involved in complex maintenance and repair of buildings is required to undergo repeated training on labor protection at least once every 6 months and at least once a year - periodic medical examination and another test of knowledge of labor protection requirements.
1.3. When performing complex maintenance and repair work on buildings, a worker may be exposed to the following hazardous and harmful production factors:
— moving machines and mechanisms;
— unprotected moving elements of equipment;
- work at height;
— danger of electric shock;
- sharp edges of the material.
1.4. A worker involved in complex maintenance and repair of buildings must notify his immediate supervisor about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, about every accident that occurs at work, about a deterioration in his health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute disease.
1.5. Not allowed:
- drink alcohol, use psychotropic, toxic or narcotic substances, at work or in work time, as well as appearing and being in the workplace and on the territory of the organization in a state of intoxication caused by the use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic or toxic substances, with residual effects of intoxication;
- perform work in a painful state, when overworked, under alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication, with residual effects of intoxication.
1.6. A worker involved in complex maintenance and repair of buildings is provided with certified work clothing, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the Model Industry Standards for free issuance special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment: a suit for protection against general industrial pollution, rubber boots, gloves.
1.7. When working with power tools, it is necessary to additionally provide dielectric personal protective equipment (gloves, galoshes, mats).
1.8. The workplace must be provided with sufficient area for the rational placement of auxiliary equipment, inventory, containers, and be convenient for the employee.


2.1. Before starting work on comprehensive maintenance and repair of buildings, you must:
— receive an assignment from your immediate supervisor;
- wear special clothing;
— check by external inspection the serviceability of the equipment, the integrity of electrical wires, plugs, sockets, sufficiency of lighting;
— check the sufficiency of lighting in the workplace;
— arrange equipment and tools in a convenient order.
2.2. To connect equipment operating from the mains, you must use working sockets with grounding. It is not allowed to use homemade extension cords or turn on equipment when the power supply is faulty.
2.3. If local lighting is available, the lamp should be positioned so that the light does not dazzle the eyes during work.
2.4. Before performing work at height, check the serviceability and reliability of ladders and stepladders. Sliding stepladders must be stable, have devices that prevent them from spontaneously moving, and be tested. The lower ends of stepladders should have shackles with sharp tips, and when used on hard floors (asphalt, concrete), shoes made of rubber or other non-slip material. Step ladders with a height of more than 1.3 m must have stops.
2.5. All detected malfunctions of equipment, inventory, electrical wiring and other problems must be reported to the manager.
2.6. It is not allowed to start work until the faults are eliminated.


3.1. During work you must:
- keep it tidy and clean throughout the working day workplace;
- perform only the work for which you have been trained, instructed on labor protection and for which you are authorized by the employee responsible for the safe performance of work;
- do not entrust your work to strangers;
- use proper equipment for work;
- do not clutter the workplace and passages.
3.2. Waste from broken glass, scraps of wood, and linoleum should be collected in a box and removed from the workplace as it accumulates.
3.3. It is allowed to lift and carry a load weighing no more than 30 kg up to 2 times per hour, weighing no more than 15 kg - constantly.
3.4. Replacement of burnt-out lamps with new ones is permitted only when relieved tension online and during daylight hours.
3.5. If necessary, use a portable electric lamp, use a safe type electric lamp with a voltage not exceeding 12 volts. It is not allowed to use a portable electric lamp with a voltage of 210-220 volts.
3.6. When working with portable power tools you must:
— before connecting the power tool to the network, check its voltage according to the plate. It is not allowed to turn on the tool if the mains voltage is higher than indicated on the plate;
— constantly monitor the good condition of the supply wires, do not allow them to loop or twist;
— turn off the power tool when carrying it and taking breaks from work;
- carry the tool, holding it by the body, and not by the connecting wires or working part;
— systematically check the serviceability of the grounding of the body of the power tool;
— during a break in the power supply or during temporary absence from the place of work, disconnect the power tool from electrical network;
- do not clutter your workplace with materials or other objects;
— if faults are detected in the power tool or if there is voltage in the housing, immediately turn off the tool and report the noticed shortcomings to the foreman or work supervisor;
- do not transfer the power tool to another person without the permission of the foreman or work manager and do not allow unauthorized persons to work with the power tool.
3.7. It is not allowed to use random objects (boxes, barrels, etc.) or equipment for sitting.
3.8. When performing work on ladders and stepladders, you must check:
— the presence at the lower ends of shackles with sharp tips for installing ladders on the ground or shoes made of non-slip material when using ladders on smooth surfaces (parquet, metal, tiles, concrete);
— presence and serviceability of stepladders with anti-sliding devices (hooks, chains), as well as upper platforms fenced with railings;
- stability of the ladder (by inspection and testing, you should make sure that it cannot slip out of place or be accidentally moved).
3.9. The top end of the ladder should be securely secured to prevent it from moving. If it is impossible to secure the ladder when installing it on a smooth floor, an auxiliary worker in a helmet must stand at its base and hold the ladder in a stable position.
3.10. When working from extension and sliding ladders at a height of more than 1.3 m, a safety belt should be used, which is attached to the structure of the structure or to the ladder, provided that it is securely fastened to the structure.
3.11. While working on a ladder or stepladder, the following is not allowed:
- work from the top two steps of stepladders that do not have railings or stops;
- work from an extension ladder, standing on a step located at a distance of less than 1 m from its upper end;
— more than one worker being on the steps of a ladder or stepladder;
- work near or on rotating mechanisms, conveyors, machines, etc.;
- lift and lower a load along a ladder, leave a tool on it;
- install a ladder on the steps of the staircase (if necessary, scaffolding should be built there);
- work on ladders and stepladders that are faulty or not tested in accordance with the established procedure.
3.12. Preparing compositions for painting and performing painting work in premises using compositions that emit volatile vapors harmful to human health should be done with open windows or in the presence of ventilation.
3.13. In areas where painting work is carried out, smoking, the use of open flames, or work that may cause sparks is not allowed.


4.1. A worker for complex maintenance and repair of buildings is obliged to:
— in all cases of detection of broken power wires, faulty grounding and other damage to electrical equipment, or the appearance of a burning smell, immediately turn off the power and report emergency situation to the manager;
- if you find a person under voltage, immediately release him from the action of the current by turning off the power supply and, until the doctor arrives, provide first aid to the victim;
- in the event of pain in the eyes, a sharp deterioration in visibility, the inability to focus or bring it into focus, pain in the fingers and hands, increased heart rate or deterioration in health, immediately leave the workplace, report the incident to the work manager and consult a doctor;
- if the equipment catches fire, turn off the power and take measures to extinguish the fire using a carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguisher, report the incident to the work manager.
4.2. In the event of a fire or smoke:
- immediately call 101 to the fire department, notify workers, notify the head of the unit, report the fire to the security post;
- open emergency exits from the building, turn off the power supply, close the windows and close the doors;
- begin to extinguish the fire using primary fire extinguishing means, if this does not involve a risk to life.
4.3. In case of an accident:
— immediately organize first aid for the victim, report the incident to management, and, if necessary, call an ambulance by calling 103;
— take urgent measures to prevent the development of an emergency or other emergency situation and the impact of traumatic factors on other persons;
- before the investigation of the accident begins, preserve the situation as it was at the time of the incident, if this does not threaten the life and health of other persons and does not lead to a catastrophe, accident or other emergency circumstances, and if it is impossible to preserve it, record the current situation (compile diagrams, take photographs).


5.1. Disconnect the equipment from the electrical network.
5.2. Tidy up your workspace.
5.3. Remove tools and materials to storage areas.
5.4. Remove, inspect, put in order and put PPE in the locker.
5.5. Wash your hands and face with warm water and soap, and if possible, take a shower.
5.6. Report any detected malfunctions to management.

Thanks to Valentina for the material provided =)