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How to open a petting zoo in Russia after the adoption of the law on animals. Business plan for a petting zoo in a shopping center: investments, payback and profit - Entertainment How to open a zoo from scratch

Good day to you, my dear readers! Let's take a moment to travel back in time and share the most vivid impressions from our childhood. I am sure that most of you (and me too) will first of all remember visiting the zoo.

Indeed, children always react very vividly to various animals and are ready to devote a lot of time to communicating with them. Parents don’t mind spending a lot of money to make their child’s childhood colorful and memorable.

In this article, I suggest you consider an original business idea for organizing your own contact mini-zoo. During its visit, children and adults will be able to directly contact animals (petting, feeding, etc.), which will greatly enhance the effect of contact with nature. Like any business idea with animals, this is an extremely labor-intensive business, but useful for the younger generation and, most importantly, profitable.

Opening a contact mini-zoo: first steps

First, a little theoretical background. Let's figure out what types of petting zoos can be organized, depending on your place of residence and financial capabilities. I identified only two main types: rural and urban. There are a number of fundamental differences between them.

Rural mini-zoo. The name speaks for itself - it is located in rural areas and is a fenced area with enclosures located on it. There are two types of enclosures: closed and open.

In a rural contact mini-zoo, common animals are usually represented - horses, rabbits, ducks, geese, turkeys, sheep, goats. It is logical to assume that such a zoo is in close symbiosis with subsidiary farming and income is also generated by products obtained from animals.

It is worth opening such a zoo if you have an inclination and desire to engage in farming activities. In addition to standard excursions, this zoo can conduct classes on environmental education for schoolchildren, organize feeding of animals with visitors, as well as horseback riding.

City contact mini-zoo. It is located closer to the city center, usually in or near large shopping centers. In an enclosed space of sufficient area there are cages, aquariums and terrariums with small animals, reptiles, amphibians, arthropods and, sometimes, insects. It is unprofitable and inconvenient to keep large animals in such a zoo, so the owners of the establishment try to fill it with exotic and unpretentious creatures.

These include snakes, lizards, iguanas, frogs, crocodiles, as well as monkeys and some members of the cat family. This type of zoo is quite suitable for year-round visits, and the range of additional services that an entrepreneur can provide depends on its location.

Have you decided to open a private contact mini-zoo, but don’t know where to start? Read the answers below!

First: lease and contract matters. We are looking for a room or area (depending on the type of zoo). It’s easier with a plot of land - suburban agricultural land costs pennies, and you can take several hectares at a ridiculous price. Naturally, renting a plot makes absolutely no sense. If you do not have a country house, then later a small part of the plot can be transferred to individual housing construction and a house can be built there. As for the city mini-zoo, it is better to rent premises. In this case, it is necessary to carefully check the heating and ventilation systems and make sure that they are in full working order. In terms of area, choose a room with a “reserve” for future expansion. Having chosen the desired living space for future scaly and furry residents, proceed to the next stage.

Second: paperwork. We register our individual entrepreneur, we get everything Required documents, we stock up on valerian and go to the SES, and then to the fire inspectorate for the relevant permits and regulations. The success and speed of receiving all papers depends on the mood of the employees of these institutions, the position of the stars in the sky, the exchange rate of the Japanese yen, the political situation in Ethiopia, atmospheric pressure, as well as a number of other non-obvious factors. When all the paperwork is completed and a couple of gray hairs turn white on your head, you can safely begin the actual arrangement of the future zoo.

Third: everyday affairs. After compiling a list of animals that you plan to place in the zoo, start purchasing all the necessary equipment and enclosures. Place them in the room/area so that species that are hostile to each other are located as far away from each other as possible (for example, it is better not to put a fox and chickens in the same cage). Make appropriate repairs to the room and properly decorate the interior. Place a stand at the entrance with a list of services and work schedule. Having prepared the premises for the arrival of new residents, begin searching for and purchasing them.

Fifth: veterinary matters. It is absolutely necessary to obtain a veterinary passport for each animal and periodically monitor its health status. You can hire a professional veterinarian as a staff member or simply enter into an agreement with a trusted veterinary clinic.

Sixth: personnel matters. It is unlikely that you will be able to manage the organization of the zoo alone, so willy-nilly you will have to hire several workers. Here is an approximate list of employees useful to the zoo: administrator, tour guide, cleaner, veterinarian and animator (optional).

Advice: carefully study all available literature and Internet sources on the care, feeding, maintenance and lifestyle of your animals. Otherwise, some of them may suddenly go to heaven because of some minor thing.

In the next section of the article, I will introduce you to a number of obvious and non-obvious features of this business.

Features and nuances of this business idea

Question: How to make a lot of money from petting a mini zoo is generally not the cornerstone of this business. A creative approach and a little ingenuity will allow you to receive a stable monthly profit.

a) place a city petting zoo on busy streets, near large cafes and shopping centers, and rural within 20-30 km from the city, preferably in an area near which there is a busy highway;

b) the zoo is designed primarily for children, so it would not be superfluous to organize a playground or game room recreation, as well as the sale of ice cream, cotton candy and soda;

c) as for the rural zoo, it should be opened within its boundaries outlet and sell milk, eggs and handmade souvenirs there;

d) if possible, have young chickens, sheep, goats and piglets in the rural zoo. Believe me: playing with a young pig will be a hundred times more interesting for a child than petting a lethargic python or iguana!

e) prohibit photography and video recording. Take your own photographs of those who want to affordable price and print photos on site. For this you will need a laptop and a good printer;

f) establish contacts with all possible educational institutions in the city. In the future, you can even create a paid environmental club based on your zoo;

Investments and income

It is quite difficult to calculate the costs of organizing a petting zoo. The fact is that they will vary over a very wide range due to the characteristics of a particular business project, its scale and location. To open a small contact mini-zoo in an average Russian city you will need at least 300 thousand rubles. If you decide to fill your menagerie with exotic animals, then the costs will start from 500 thousand rubles and go up to infinity. The zoo will pay for itself in about a year. Here is an approximate list of the main expenses that you will face at the initial stage of this business:

a) rental of premises and its arrangement to suit your needs;
b) purchasing various animals;
c) payment for veterinary support services;
d) purchase of cages and enclosures;
e) purchase of feed and specialized equipment;
e) advertising campaign in all available media.

Every month you will also have to spend money on employee salaries, utilities, taxes, cleaning the zoo premises and advertising. If you plan not to stand still, but to periodically expand your business, then you can also include the purchase of new animals in your monthly expenses.

As for income, it largely depends on the additional services that your zoo provides. Paid photo and video shooting, sale of souvenirs and organization of scheduled excursions from educational institutions will significantly accelerate the return on investment of your business and your personal well-being. When planning a business, it is also worth considering the fact that winter time The zoo will most likely have to close as some animals will hibernate or become very lethargic. Typically, the petting zoo's operating season lasts from April to October. The optimal ticket price should not exceed 150 rubles - the main income should still be received from related services.

Instead of a conclusion

It is difficult to imagine a more specific type of entrepreneurship than a business with animals. It requires vigilant monitoring every day and is associated with constant unpleasant surprises.

Animals are not soulless machines and it is much easier to harm them than electronic or mechanical engineering. Therefore, before you decide to organize your own contact mini-zoo, think carefully about whether you will be too burdened by the responsibility for so many living creatures that require care and attention.

And, finally, I would like to recall the words from the famous fairy tale by Antoine de Saint Exupéry: we are responsible for those we have tamed. Let this phrase become the motto of your business and then you will certainly succeed. Good luck!

May 9, 2016 Sergey

* The calculations use average data for Russia

So-called mini-zoos (otherwise known as rural zoos or petting zoos) are becoming increasingly popular among children and their parents. The first such zoos opened outside the city. Farm owners organized separate enclosures for domestic animals and birds and conducted excursions for children.

New format zoos have begun to enjoy great popularity among visitors. A few years later, the innovation reached cities and turned from an opportunity additional income for farmers in the main and profitable business private entrepreneurs.

The main difference between a rural zoo and a regular one is that all the birds and animals presented there are allowed to be petted and fed. True, their number is usually small. These are mainly rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese, sheep, goats, pigeons, turkeys, and piglets.

In addition, if your budget allows, you can also install several closed enclosures with small wild animals, aquariums with tropical fish, and terrariums with reptiles. Some city mini-zoos even feature certain types of exotic and rare birds and animals: ostriches, foxes, arctic foxes, peacocks, monkeys, crocodiles, parrots, scorpions, etc. Although, as theme park owners note, keeping large and predatory animals is unprofitable: they require special care and special conditions content, and they are not allowed to be touched or hand-fed. Experts say that you should not rely on a large number of “exhibits” and, especially, on rare specimens.

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Preference is given to those animals from which you can get additional income(for example, sell ostrich eggs, baby rabbits, knitted products from sheep's down, etc.), as well as those that can be picked up or touched (for example, from reptiles this is an iguana, bearded snake, corn snake, tiliqua).

The main sources of income for the mini-zoo are paid entrance and additional services for visitors: sale of souvenirs and animal food, souvenir photographs, holding children's events on the territory of the zoo, sale of animals.

If a similar rural zoo already exists in your city, it is advisable to find some kind of specialization that will allow you to differentiate yourself from your competitors. For example, instead of the usual pets, you can collect representatives of dwarf ornamental breeds. Miniature horses, sheep or pigs are more expensive than their regular counterparts, but are very popular among children and adults.

Ready ideas for your business

To place the enclosures you will need a spacious room. At the same time, it is desirable that it be located, if not in the center, then at least within the city limits. In large cities, such zoo centers open near city parks. This is an optimal location where there are a lot of your potential clients- parents with children. On the other hand, if the number of animals presented to you is large enough, one room will not be enough. And renting such a large area in the city center will not be cheap.

The second significant expense item is the purchase of the animals themselves, necessary equipment and feed. All animals must be examined by veterinarian and have the necessary vaccinations.

Among the employees you will need an administrator, an animal care specialist who will feed them and clean enclosures, aquariums, terrariums and cages, an animator (if you plan to organize additional activities for children), a guide who will accompany the guests of the zoo. You will also have to contact a veterinarian from time to time.

Think in advance about how you will attract visitors. The main target audience of mini-zoos and exotariums (exhibitions of rare exotic animals) are, of course, children. Use traditional advertising methods - print, outdoor, radio and television advertising. For example, posting posters in public transport is quite effective. Agree with kindergartens and schools to conduct excursions in your zoo. Of course, the most effective and low-budget advertising is word of mouth.

An individual entrepreneur decided to organize a mini-nursery (zoo), the entrance to which is planned to be paid by tickets or receipts. What tax system should an individual entrepreneur be on in order not to install an online cash register, but to issue tickets or receipts to zoo visitors? Are there any requirements for the mandatory details of the document confirming payment for entry to the zoo? What actions need to be taken and what documents does an individual entrepreneur need to prepare so that he can allow visitors to use tickets?

Apply cash register equipment on the territory of the Russian Federation, all organizations and individual entrepreneurs are obligated when making payments, with the exception of cases established by N 54-FZ ( Federal Law dated May 22, 2003 N 54-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law N 54-FZ)).
At the same time, N 54-FZ clearly defines the circle of persons who are allowed not to use CCP. And this possibility does not depend on the taxation system, but on the specifics of the activity or the location of the person (Law No. 54-FZ, Ministry of Finance of Russia dated February 20, 2017 No. 03-11-11/9772).
Certain categories of persons were given a deferment in the transition to online cash registers. These include:
- individual entrepreneurs using the patent taxation system;
- UTII payers;
- organizations and individual entrepreneurs whose duties did not include the use of cash register systems until July 15, 2016;
- organizations and individual entrepreneurs performing work and providing services to the population (Law No. 290-FZ).
These persons may not use online cash registers until July 1, 2018. Instead, they must issue BSO upon request of the buyer, sales receipt or a receipt. After this date, the uniform procedure for using online cash registers will apply to everyone.
From 07/01/2018 it is possible to use a form for calculations strict reporting(BSO) will be retained only by organizations and individual entrepreneurs providing services (Law No. 54-FZ). At the same time, in N 54-FZ we're talking about on the provision of any services (Federal Tax Service dated 03/07/2014 N ED-4-2/4329@).
In this situation individual entrepreneur organizes a contact mini-zoo (OKVED 91.04 - zoo services). Thus, when carrying out this type of activity, an individual entrepreneur, in our opinion, has the right to use strict reporting forms both before 07/01/2018 and after this date, regardless of the chosen tax system when registering.
In this case, the choice of system can only be made between the general taxation regime and the simplified taxation system, since, by virtue of legislation, the chosen type of activity does not imply the possibility of using UTII or PSN.
Regarding the requirements for the mandatory details of the document confirming payment for entry to the zoo, we inform you as follows.
Currently, Order No. 257 of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated December 17, 2008 (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 257) is in force, which approved the forms of strict reporting forms “Ticket”, “Subscription”. These forms must be used by all theatrical and entertainment enterprises, concert organizations, philharmonic groups, circus enterprises, zoos, museums, cultural and recreational parks (gardens), etc.) (clause 1 of Order No. 257).
At the same time, until July 1, 2018, a strict reporting form can be produced in a printing house or generated using automated systems. In the latter case, in order to simultaneously fill out the document form and issue it, the following requirements must be met (clause 11 of Regulations No. 359):
a) the automated system must be protected from unauthorized access, identify, record and store all operations with the document form for at least 5 years;
b) when filling out a document form and issuing a document by an automated system, the unique number and series of its form are stored.
A simple computer cannot be used to generate strict reporting forms (Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 03.02.2009 N 03-01-15/1-43, dated 07.11.2008 N, clause 3 of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 10.09.2012 N AS-4-2 /14961@). The production of a strict reporting document, equivalent to a cash receipt, on a computer and printer, without contacting a printing house, is illegal (Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 25, 2010 N 03-01-15/8-250).
Correspondence automated system, generating strict reporting forms, the requirements of Regulation No. 359 must be confirmed technical documentation on the formation, filling out and printing of strict reporting forms, equivalent to cash receipts (clause 1, article 4.7 of Law No. 54-FZ.

Prepared answer:
Expert of the Legal Consulting Service GARANT
Member of the Chamber of Tax Consultants Elena Titova

The answer has passed quality control

The material was prepared on the basis of individual written consultation provided as part of the Legal Consulting service.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

The goal of the project is to open a petting zoo in a city with a population of more than 500 thousand people to provide services in the field of entertaining family leisure. The petting zoo will be a closed separate room with an area of ​​220 square meters. meters, in which enclosures with various types of domestic and exotic animals that do not pose a danger to humans will be equipped. Unlike classic zoos, in the petting zoo visitors will be allowed to touch, feed and pet the animals. In addition, due to its format, such a zoo can be visited at any time of the year. Target Audience the zoo will be children of preschool and school age and their parents.

The cost of the project will be 1,660,000 rubles. Payback period – 11 months. The preparatory period will take 3 months. Achieving the planned sales volume from the moment the petting zoo started operating is 3 months.

*during peak sales months

2.Description of the industry and company

Petting zoos began to appear in Russia in 2009 and only gained popularity for a few years. Petting zoos are opening one after another in different parts of Russia. Petting zoos are small-format zoos (usually their area is only 200-300 square meters, the maximum possible is up to 450 square meters), where visitors are allowed to enter enclosures, feed, pet and photograph the animals. Naturally, in such menageries there is no place for predators in cages - all animals are harmless and do not pose a danger to humans. Contact zoos have gained the greatest success among residents of cities with a population of over a million, for whom such establishments have become practically the only opportunity for close communication with wildlife. Petting zoos began to appear in large shopping centers and other crowded places. At their core, petting zoos can be classified as a family entertainment market. Due to its format and small areas, the number of visitors to the petting zoo cannot be compared with large zoos, so the ticket price is slightly higher than to a large zoo and can reach 300-400 rubles.

The goal of this project is to open a petting zoo in a city with a population of more than 500 thousand people. It will be a closed room with an area of ​​220 square meters. meters with enclosures equipped inside. The zoo will be divided into two main zones, one of which will include animals that can be found on the farm, the other - rarer exotic animals from the jungle and tropics. All of them will not pose a danger to humans. 90% of the zoo is a contact zoo, that is, visitors to the zoo will be able to touch and stroke the animals, as well as feed them with special food, which can be purchased at the entrance. Another 10% of animals you can just look at. The target audience of the petting zoo will be preschool and school age(0+) and their parents. The zoo will receive its main income from the sale of entrance tickets.

The form of ownership of the petting zoo is individual entrepreneur. The taxation system is simplified (6% of income). The main activity code according to OKVED is 92.53 “Activities of botanical gardens, zoos and nature reserves.” The head of the petting zoo will be an individual entrepreneur. The zoo's staff - a veterinarian, caretakers, reception staff, and the chief accountant - will be directly subordinate to him.

3.Description of services

The following types of services will be provided on the territory of the petting zoo:

Individual visit to the petting zoo;

Group visit to the petting zoo;

Organization of children's parties and events.

The average bill for a petting zoo will be set at 250 rubles. Children under 3 years old have free admission. There will also be discounts for some other categories of the population. A detailed list of services is given in Table. 1.

Table 1. List of services



Cost, rub.

Adult ticket

Visit to the petting zoo by a visitor over 14 years old

Child ticket

Visit to a petting zoo by a visitor from 3 to 14 years old

Children under 3 years old

Visit to the petting zoo for visitors under 3 years of age (accompanied by an adult)

for free

Group visit + excursion

Visit to the petting zoo by an organized group of 10 people (kindergartens, schools, clubs, etc.)

Birthday people

Visit to the petting zoo on your birthday + 2 days (upon presentation of a supporting document)

for free


A visit to the petting zoo by a pensioner (upon presentation of a pension card)

Children's holiday at the petting zoo

Holding a birthday party, matinee, themed party with the participation of an animator


In addition to the above services, trade in souvenirs and food for the zoo animals will be organized on the territory of the touching zoo. As the zoo develops into a grid paid services will include children's quests. It is also planned to organize 2-3 free events every month, including theme evenings, lectures on animal care, holidays and master classes, etc.

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All services provided by the petting zoo will be extremely safe for both visitors and the animals themselves. The zoo's pets will be exclusively non-aggressive fauna, namely:

Poultry (geese, ducks, chickens);

Small animals and rodents (rabbits, hedgehogs, ferrets, guinea pigs);

Large animals (goats, sheep, pigs, ponies);

Non-dangerous amphibians and reptiles (turtles, snakes, iguanas, frogs);


All animals will undergo regular veterinary control - visitors will be able to see extracts from the animals’ veterinary passports. Only high-quality feed will be purchased for animals. The safety of pets and visitors will be monitored by caretakers who will provide instructions to visitors. There will be a system of fines for causing injuries to animals.

Ready ideas for your business

Particular attention will be paid to maintaining the cleanliness of the premises. Wet and dry cleaning will be carried out daily. Once a week there will be a “bath day” for pets, and once a month there will be disinfection and deratization with washing the floors with disinfectants. The zoo will be equipped with a climate-controlled ventilation system. Before visiting the animals, visitors will be required to remove outer clothing, put on shoe covers and wash their hands. An agreement on the removal of biological waste will also be concluded.

4.Sales and marketing

Mini-zoos are mainly common in large cities with a population of more than 500 thousand people. They may be seasonal establishments operating under open air, and indoor zoos. The latter are often shopping centers. Among the players there are both major federal networks developing through the sale of franchises, as well as individual private zoos. At the beginning of 2016, there were more than 60 similar zoos in 15 largest Russian cities (2GIS data). Prices for visiting mini-zoos vary on average in the range of 150-350 rubles. The entrance fee is set and can be the same for both adults and children, or vary depending on the age of the visitor. Children under 3 years old usually have free admission. Such zoos are most often open daily, from 10:00 to 20:00-22:00.

The main clients are parents with children of preschool and school age, as well as teenagers. Most often, petting zoos are visited by families. Parents act as “tour guides” and introduce children to animals, so an intermediary in the role of a guide is usually not required. It is worth noting that, largely due to the novelty of the format, the requirements for such establishments from clients are not yet high - for many, visiting a petting zoo is a new experience. However, an analysis of the experience of operating zoos will reveal some of the main errors in the work of such institutions. Among them:

1. Lack of opportunity to purchase animal feed;

2. Unpleasant smell in the room;

3. Dirt, disorder in the establishment;

4. Lack of control over animals and children;

5. Crowded conditions, inability to approach the enclosures;

6. Lack of car parking.

All these errors are planned to be taken into account when organizing the work of the zoo.

At the start of the petting zoo's activities there will be a advertising company with the involvement of the city's media and holding an opening day with competitions and prize draws. In addition, the following will be used as means of marketing promotion and customer attraction:

Promotion of the zoo website in search engines with output to the top;

The petting zoo will be presented in in social networks(“Vkontakte”, Facebook, Instagram), where zoo news will be posted. It is also planned to maintain contacts with the media - news from petting zoos about the birth of mongooses, hedgehogs and other animals regularly appear in news feeds. To increase customer loyalty, a network of events will be developed, including excursions, theme evenings, and lectures on pet care. It is planned to cooperate between the zoo and orphanages and organize meetings with animals for disabled children and children in difficult life situations.

5.Production plan

A room with a separate entrance, located in the city center, in close proximity to the main attractions and a recreation park, was chosen as the location for the petting zoo. For the convenience of visitors, there is free car parking near the entrance. There is a stop 250 meters from the petting zoo public transport, from which you can get to various parts of the city. When choosing a location, the following factors were taken into account: a large amount of daylight, absence of noisy neighborhoods (nightclubs), proximity to family recreation areas.

To repair and equip the premises with everything necessary, 830 thousand rubles will be required. On an area of ​​220 sq. meters there will be two main halls with enclosures, a reception area with a wardrobe, administrative and utility rooms, and a bathroom. The purchase of equipment will require 650 thousand rubles. The greatest costs will be incurred in arranging areas for keeping animals. Another expensive item in the equipment column is the ventilation system. A complete list of equipment is given in Table. 2.

Table 2. Equipment costs


price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Equipment for animal housing (enclosures, cages, aquariums, terrariums, cages, etc.)

Supply and exhaust system

Lighting system and decorative elements

Office equipment

Staff break room equipment

Reception area

Household appliances and accessories

Outdoor sign

Bowls, feeders

Other expenses

To operate a petting zoo, you will need reception area staff to provide reception of guests and organize the sale of tickets, food and souvenirs, and hall keepers to keep order, clean the premises and feed the animals. The work schedule of the service personnel is variable. The main requirements for caretakers are a love of animals, communication skills and the ability to work with people. A veterinary specialist will definitely be needed on staff. His responsibilities will include the treatment and prevention of animal diseases and maintaining the necessary documentation. For recruitment mandatory requirement will have at least 1 year of experience in the specialty. In Table. 3 shows the staffing table and wage fund. It is possible to attract volunteers to organize auxiliary work.

Table 3. Staffing table and wage fund

At the initial stage of the zoo’s operation (3-5 months), it is planned to reach a sales volume of 450-500 thousand rubles. In the future, we will reach a turnover of 800-850 thousand (10-12 months). With such indicators, the starting investment will pay off in 1 year of operation. IN fixed costs petting zoo will include: rent (220 thousand rubles - at the rate of 1 thousand rubles per sq. m.), wage personnel (RUB 171,600 including deductions), public utilities. Variable expenses include the purchase of feed, expenses for veterinary services, purchasing new animals, advertising.

6.Organizational plan

The project to open a petting zoo will require a preparatory phase of 3 months. Large temporary resources will require coordination with structures (SES, State Fire Supervision, etc.). The petting zoo will be managed by an individual entrepreneur. His responsibilities will include personnel management, hiring, marketing promotion, cooperation with feed suppliers, organizing animal purchases, and representative functions in other organizations.

7.Financial plan

Investments in the project will amount to RUB 1,660,000. Of this amount, 830 thousand rubles. will be required for the equipment of the zoo premises, 500 thousand will be working capital, 330 thousand rubles. will go towards intangible assets (registration, start-up advertising campaign, website creation, other expenses). Financial indicators for costs, revenue, tax deductions, net profit are presented in Appendix 1. Calculations are made for a five-year period of work with an average bill of 250 rubles.

8.Evaluation of project effectiveness

The calculations show that the project to open a contact park is effective. Starting investments will pay off within 11 months, with a return on sales of 15%. The main performance indicators are given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Project performance indicators

*during peak sales months

9.Risks and guarantees

The success of this business is facilitated by the novelty of the format and the conditions of modern city life. Children are often deprived of the opportunity to be in nature and have direct contact with it, and the formats of large zoos do not allow close communication with animals. One of the main risks of this business is the gap in Russian legislation, which does not in any way regulate such activities. In particular, they raise questions closed premises(especially when it comes to shopping centers). The conditions for keeping them can be grossly violated: pets are kept in too small an area, they receive irregular food and often do not have the opportunity to hide from people at will. In addition, there are no clear requirements for personnel qualifications. All this causes dissatisfaction among animal rights activists, which is also expressed in doubts about the ethics of the byproduct business and are actively seeking a ban on such establishments. However, today a certain industry of private zoos has already developed. According to experts, even if the new law is adopted, the activities of most private zoos will not stop, but the requirements for them may increase significantly. The highest risk group includes exotic animals that require special care and maintenance measures; the lowest risk group includes unpretentious domestic animals - dogs, cats, piglets, rodents, etc. In Table. 5 an assessment of project risks and measures to prevent them were carried out.

Table 5. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Probability of occurrence

Severity of consequences

Prevention measures

Introducing norms for regulating the activities of petting zoos into legislation

Bringing zoo activities into compliance with legislation, focusing on keeping unpretentious animals

Injury to an animal by a visitor

Oral and written instructions on the rules of behavior with animals, control over visitors, a system of fines for causing injuries to animals

Fines from inspection bodies

Compliance with standards for keeping animals, veterinary control, preventing animals from being kept in the same enclosure various types, feeding with proven feeds

A sharp deterioration of the situation in the country, a drop in the solvency of the population

Stimulating demand with loyalty programs, review pricing policy, cost reduction, introduction of additional services



Basic financial indicators project in a five-year perspective

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As you know, in the 90s, most entrepreneurs started businesses out of despair: factories closed, people lost their jobs. “Out of nothing to eat” Vladimir Gerasichkin started his business...

At first, the entrepreneur mastered the field of trade, and then moved on to a more interesting and original business- private zoo. Vladimir Gerasichkin was a military serviceman at that time, and it was this category of citizens that was hit hardest by the crisis in the nineties - wages were not paid for months. To feed his family, Gerasichkin worked as a private driver at night. In 1995, wandering around the city at night, Vladimir thought: why not organize a business selling food for drivers like him. Having borrowed 1,000 rubles from friends, Gerasichkin converted an old container that was standing on his summer cottage as a garden house, as a trade kiosk. Having purchased the first batch of goods, Vladimir began trading. The business turned out to be profitable and after 2 years, having saved a certain amount of money, Gerasichkin opened a small cafe. After another 2 years, the entrepreneur opened a second cafe in his city. Of course, at that time he did not even think about his own zoo.

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Vladimir says that most businessmen carefully study the market before opening a new business. For Gerasichkin, the creation of a zoo was a dictate of the soul, and not a business project. When a person goes through a certain period of his life path, he has new ideas. Vladimir at that time did not seek to develop his business in the field Catering to the all-Russian level. He had several cafes in the city and the money that the business brought in was quite enough for Gerasichkin’s family. Vladimir admitted that he does not strive for luxury. According to the entrepreneur, people who want to leave behind themselves are much more valuable to him. good memory, bring people at least a little joy, moral satisfaction. Vladimir wondered what he could leave behind. A cafe is a business that feeds you and your family, and a zoo is an object that will delight everyone, especially children.

The idea of ​​opening my own zoo came unexpectedly. One day, while walking in the park next to his Beach cafe, Vladimir Gerasichkin found an owlet. The businessman took the owlet to a cafe, where they equipped a special enclosure for him. After this, Gerasichkin firmly decided to open the country's first private zoo in Nizhny Novgorod. Of course, he first of all wondered whether he had enough resources to support such a project. Vladimir went to the capital, consulted with the head of the Moscow zoo and the menagerie workers and decided to try it. At first, the businessman decided to rely on birds: their maintenance is easier and cheaper than animals. However, gradually ungulates and even predators began to appear in the menagerie. Today, the private Limpopo Zoo has over 128 species of animals and birds.

In the first 12 months of the menagerie's operation, Gerasichkin counted every penny. The zoo did not bring in any income, existing as a kind of social project. Gerasichkin initially made entry to the menagerie free. Surprisingly, the city residents did not appreciate the businessman’s noble intentions. People who came to the zoo for free believed that they could do anything here: break branches of apple trees, feed them to animals, pick flowers. The free visit turned into a complete disgrace. Only after the businessman set an entrance fee to the menagerie and introduced tickets, people began to treat the zoo property as they should. The zoo has reached a fundamentally different level.

According to Vladimir Gerasichkin, the income received as an entrance fee does not cover the annual costs of the menagerie. The zoo is a seasonal business. In the summer, much less money is spent on maintaining animals and enclosures, there are many visitors, but in the fall, income goes into a big minus. Winter for a zoo is a dead time that you just have to survive. It is especially bad when the winter is frosty. There were days when only one person went to work. The staff of the menagerie is large, everyone needs to be paid a salary. IN cold year the businessman was glad that he managed to make ends meet and not get into debt.

Realizing that to increase the profitability of the establishment it is necessary to take certain steps, Gerasichkin decided to create additional infrastructure in the menagerie. Currently, the zoo has four cafes (one for children) and an area with entertainment attractions. In the summer, revenue increased significantly, and in the winter it was enough to pay employees, electricity, animal feed and heating the enclosure and buildings.

At home - like in a fortress

The Nizhny Novgorod Zoo "Limpopo", according to Vladimir Gerasichkin's idea, is a contact menagerie: non-predatory animals can be hand-fed and touched. According to the owner, this format is optimal. Vladimir admits that the zoo has become an integral part of his life. He works at the zoo every day. Vladimir is a workaholic, he is not used to being distracted by rest. Gerasichkin only has about two days off per month. For Vladimir, work is better than many entertainments and travel. Gerasichkin still has enough energy for all projects. The best motivation businessman names the results of his work. “I’ll build a new enclosure - and now again I have the strength and desire to start another project,” says Vladimir. - I’m used to living according to a certain system: walking around the zoo every day, observing the animals, asking questions to the staff. If I violate the system, I feel uncomfortable, as if I have lost something important.” Unlike many other entrepreneurs of his level, Gerasichkin is not afraid of menial work. According to Vladimir, he is demanding of himself and his subordinates. If he notices a flaw or miscalculation in the work, he will never pass by and tries to eliminate it himself, if it is in his power. Gerasichkin is not shy about bending over and picking up a candy wrapper or a chocolate wrapper at the zoo - after all, this is his home, where everything must be perfectly clean.

“I know that most businessmen will never pick up a shovel or broom to clean up their territory,” says Vladimir. - For me it became a matter of course. I work for myself, I clean my own house.”

Of course, the entrepreneur has a deputy and employees whom he can completely trust, but Vladimir left many areas of work for himself. For example, he deals with the design, construction and placement of enclosures. Gerasichkin thinks through all the details and components of the future structure. However, there is also something that a businessman never does - buying flowers. But Vladimir himself lays out the flowerbeds and comes up with their design. The director does not trust anyone with pruning trees and forming crowns, independently deciding where there are extra trees and shrubs and where there are not enough of them. The entrepreneur himself also selects animal collections. Like any other manager, Gerasichkin recruits management personnel, and his deputies recruit ordinary employees in a number of areas. The deputy for construction invites builders, the head of catering invites cooks and waiters, the head of security invites security guards, and the head of the animal department hires livestock specialists at his own discretion. Vladimir is sure that the entire project rests on the leader. In order for the establishment to work like a clock, you need to work without breaks, every day. Then a unique business aura will be created that will protect the project from any negative manifestations.

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