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How to open your park with ramps. Rubric "Do It Yourself", or the Skate Park will not fall from the sky

Roller skating and skateboarding is one of the most popular sports of today's youth. To conduct high-quality training, you need a prepared place, which can not always be found in the city.

The solution to this problem can be skate parks, equipped for the needs of athletes. More details about such structures can be found on the website

Preparatory work

The construction of skate parks is a rather difficult task, requiring not only Money but also experience.

Before proceeding with the construction of such objects, you should follow a few simple recommendations:

  1. First you need to find the right place. For this, both abandoned premises of enterprises and open areas can be suitable.
  2. Create multiple projects. This will allow you to choose the best options for the location of all elements. It is important to take into account the recommendations of specialists in order to ensure the optimal level of security.
  3. Register the project and obtain a special building permit. Please note that if you run an object without proper documentation, you may be subject to a large fine.

Let's start building

The process of building a skate park is a complex operation that requires experience and time. AT this complex may include many structural elements from steps to railings. At the same time, it is important that they are equipped with smooth, angles that are not capable of damaging a person when falling.

The knees are located at a distance of more than 2.5 meters from each other. In the center of the territory, experts recommend placing structures for performing feints and jumps.

Also, the park must have several tracks for rolling out or overclocking. This part is desirable to be located separately from the place of training for beginners. The width of the tracks for overclocking can vary from 3 to 10 m.

When building a park, it is also important to choose the right coverage. Today, all structures are made of concrete, metal, wood and other similar substances. The floor should be covered with sand or other material that provides a soft fall.

Careful consideration should be given to the safety characteristics and to locate all sites within a short distance from each other.

If you want to build a quality skate park, seek help from experts who will help you choose best option its execution.

This page contains projects of skate parks for open areas developed by our company. Each option differs in area, geometry, disciplines and the level of training of riders.

If none of the proposed projects suits you, our specialists will promptly prepare an individual skatepark project for you for free and prepare offer where the price will be indicated, taking into account the delivery and installation of equipment to your facility. To develop a detailed individual project, it is necessary to agree on the terms of reference. The exact price of the park can be determined only after the preliminary design has been completed. Design is provided free of charge.

Stages of work with our company:

Send us information by email with the dimensions of the site (length / width), as well as the planned budget for the skatepark (if available).

We develop for you a free design project of a skate park, taking into account your size of the site, budget and other technical specifications.

We agree with you a commercial offer, which includes:

  • object visualization
  • technical description of the skate park
  • estimated cost (price for each skate park figure, delivery and installation)

We agree on the project and the price offer

We conclude an agreement, issue an invoice for payment

What is the cost of a skatepark?

The cost of skate parks can vary from 300,000 thousand to several million rubles.


The cost of a skate park depends primarily on the materials used. We offer the construction of skate parks and skate areas from the following materials:


    Each skate park project is almost always an individual miscalculation that takes into account the complexity of the execution of the skate park figures themselves. The more complex and functional the design, the more materials, people, design drawings, time, energy resources are involved in it, and, accordingly, the price becomes more expensive.


    Also for the price common project equipment delivery and installation. The cost of delivery and installation of a skate park is calculated individually based on the remoteness of the object and the amount of work performed.

    Types of skate parks and their classification

    The size of the skate park determines how many figures can fit in it, and how many people can ride in it at the same time. Site design can have a significant impact on park capacity.

    There are three main types of skate parks (for outdoor areas):

      Skate park spot - from 100 to 300 sq.m., usually accommodates up to 10 people

      Local skate park - up to 700 sq.m., up to 60 people

      Regional skate park - 2000 sq.m. and more than 100 people

    Construction of skateparks

    Over 13 years of experience, we have developed a technology for the construction of skate parks, which allows you to build objects as quickly as possible in combination with high quality and their continued successful and safe operation.

    All equipment for skateparks produced by our company complies with:

    • GOSTR 54415-2011 “Equipment for skateboards. Safety of structures and test methods. General requirements"
    • SP 31-115-2006 "Open planar sports facilities"
    • SP 31-115-2008 “Open sports facilities. Part 4. Extreme Sports»
    • SP 42.13330.2016 Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements"
    • DIN EN 14974 European safety standard for skateparks

Skateboarding is a popular hobby among modern youth, which its representatives themselves take very seriously. Often, starting with a simple hobby, it turns into something more.

Experienced skaters with many years of experience compete and ride for various sponsoring brands. It becomes a way of earning and a lifestyle. However, the younger generation, striving to learn and develop, lacks quality sites equipped with the equipment necessary for practicing skills.

As a result, you have to ride in city squares, and hone tricks on stair railings in places not intended for this. There is demand for specialized sites, but there is no supply. Resourceful entrepreneurs can catch the wave, thereby doing a good deed for young people. How to develop a business plan for a skate park that will be in demand and be able to bring profit to its owner? This is what we will try to figure out.

What park to build?

Before planning the construction and calculating the necessary investments, two important nuances should be considered. The first is whether it will be an indoor skate park or an outdoor playground. Both are in demand, but in the latter version, your park will be empty in winter and rain. Yes, and the guys need to ride somewhere when it is minus 30 outside the window. Therefore, if financial opportunities allow, it is better to organize a full-fledged area closed from the wind and cold.

The second question is whether to focus on equipment or go further by opening equipment rental, a cafe and a first-aid post in the park. A lot here depends on your target audience, because advanced skaters will be quite happy with the space and ramps for tricks, and beginners will like a full-fledged park with everything necessary for learning and relaxing. If you want to accommodate both those and others, get ready to look for a large enough room so that representatives of different masses do not interfere with each other.

Where to build?

If you decide to build an indoor skate park, you will have to work hard and find a room that is suitable in all respects. The main requirements: a large area (at least 400 square meters), the presence of a heating system, ventilation and electricity. In winter it should be warm and light here, in summer it should be cool. As for the location, it depends on the availability of options. It is desirable that the park is located near the center and within walking distance from the bus stop.

What to equip?

Having decided on these points, you can move on to the key question: how to make a skate park a full-fledged place for skating? To do this, you should definitely enlist the support of one of the experienced skateboarders. How will it be useful? Yes, many.

The main thing is that it will help you understand what kind of equipment must be present at your site, and what you can refuse. A skate park business plan should definitely include a cost estimate for these purposes, since it is the ramps that are the main trump card in the whole deck. Without them, the value of your site will tend to zero.

Add to list necessary equipment should include:

  • one or two large ramps;
  • semi-ramp regular and double;
  • pyramid large and small;
  • border and slip.

You may need something else, you can discuss the full arsenal with your skater advisor.

In addition, it is important to decide on the material. Typically, the construction of skate parks is based on the use of two types of structures: wood and concrete. The latter will be more expensive, but will also last longer. American and Western sites mainly use concrete.

How much will it cost?

The final skate park business plan will need to reflect all costs. By the way, you can somewhat reduce costs and get financial support by contacting the Youth Policy Committee. Of course, it will be necessary to justify the necessity and importance of your business for young people, but it's worth it.

In general, the initial investment required to open a skate park will be about 500 thousand rubles. This includes the following costs:

  • rent of premises - from 60 thousand rubles;
  • repair, flooring (depending on the initial state) - about 50-100 thousand;
  • equipment for a skate park - from 100-200 thousand rubles;
  • staff salary (at least you will need to hire an administrator, a security guard) - about 40 thousand;
  • advertising and other expenses - 20-50 thousand rubles;
  • registration legal entity(LLC) - about 20 thousand.

At the same time, the cost of entry should be low, because the main the target audience- schoolchildren and students who do not yet have their own full-fledged income. On average, the entry price should not exceed 100-150 rubles for the whole day of skiing. Equipment rental (boards, rollers) and a small cafeteria can bring additional income, but they will also require additional investments.

How to advertise?

You can tell about yourself different ways. Of the most effective - the Internet. Create groups in social networks and promote them on thematic resources, invite young people from your city to join.

We visited the new skate park and saw those who built it

Heroes, Kursk skateboarders, without thinking twice, picked up hammers and nails, and carried out their long-standing project to build an indoor skate park.

Six enthusiasts - Nikita Tolpekin, Sasha Rudenko, Vadim Kichigin, Dima Chepelev, Vanya Novikov and their Siberian colleague Ilya Vyalov - created their own on the basis of an abandoned factory space, called kurSKate.

A bit of history, or how difficult it is to be a skateboarder in Kursk

The question naturally arises: why is it so difficult? Buy a board and all the streets are at your disposal. Parks, sidewalks, architectural monuments, stairs, fences, curbs are your training grounds for practicing elements and free skating. That's right, that's what the guys do in the summer and in the off-season, when the weather allows. But what to do in the winter, which lasts from three to five months. Training, they say, is impossible to interrupt - the more you ride, the more you want. Yes, you lose the skill.

The skaters organized their first closed workouts in 2007 at the Rodina cinema. Skated in the evenings in the hall in front of the big screen. It turned out to train three times a week, when no one went to the cinema. The guys call the place their first winter lair, where they even managed to build a ramp and a springboard.

To the great joy of skaters, in 2008 the only indoor park "3UROVEN" in the Chernozem region was opened in Mall"Manege". He worked for 6 years, but in 2014 the Kursk extreme sportsmen were again left without a training ground. The park was closed due to its unprofitability.

Then began serious reflections on the creation of a new site. Appeals to the Administration of the city and the region did not lead to anything, the guys decided to follow the advice "help yourself." They began to look for premises and funds. Building materials for the equipment of the park were donated by the organizers of the site in the Manege. The guys themselves dismantled everything piece by piece and put it in the garage until better times.


skateboard school founder

“The hardest part was finding a place. And then I had to work - there were holes in the walls, there was no heating, huge layers of dust on the floor and on the walls. We are still in the process of building. We ennoble the walls with graphics, we want to continue playing with the themeStar Wars. The uniqueness of the park is that it is compact and contains all the elements for a quality workout. We thought of every detail, even made a retractable figure out of another figure to save space.”



Square meters, or safety precautions

It is hard to imagine how a skate park can fit on an area of ​​70 m². When you enter the hall, it seems that two riders will hardly part here. But then you realize that experienced skaters feel confident even in such slightly cramped conditions.

Up to 7 people can ride at the same time. These 70 m² are used to the maximum - some elements of the structure are mobile, they can be rearranged, thereby modifying the landscape, depending on the level of training of the group of riders. There are retractable elements. Dima notes with pride that you will not find such parks in the country. This is only the third part of the structures that stood in the 3UROVEN park, so it can be expected that amateur builders will periodically supplement, and maybe even change the concept.



« Our skate park has 2 large ramps and one smaller one for the smaller kids to learn how to get off the radius and do tricks at a safe height. Also in our arsenal there is a large box, a small retractable box, a large incline for more experienced riders, sills, 3 steps high, a portable slide rail and a high jump bar. The park is designed for rollerblading, scooters and, of course, the main emphasis during its construction was placed on skateboards.”

Street spirit or sports discipline?

Skateboarding is a lifestyle, freedom of movement, the spirit of the street, a taste of extreme sports, danger, arrogance and confidence, adrenaline. Not surprisingly, there are very few official schools and societies across the country, and many riders are vehemently opposed to elevating skateboarding to the status of a sports discipline. For them, the spirit of rebellion is primary.

Investments: from 300 000 rubles

Payback: from 3 months

Skateboarding is one of the most popular street sports and entertainment among Russian youth. Opening a skate park could be great business for interested people. Let's take a look at it in more detail.

business concept

The main consumer in this case are young people who like to spend their free time riding on the board.

There are two types of skateboards: wood and concrete. They can also be divided into open and covered. But it is advisable to immediately exclude open ones, since this is not advisable in the country's climate.

So, consider wooden platforms. A huge plus is the cost, they will cost much less, but they will not last long. Skateboarding involves constant bumps, falls and increased stress on surfaces. It is because of this that the most profitable business there will be a creation of a skate park with concrete pads.

What is required for implementation?

First of all for proper organization such a business you will need a good place. You can rent a large site for at least 60,000 rubles per month. Of course, prices depend directly on the region, but in any city, attention should be paid to the transport connection and distance from the center. The skate park may be located in a residential area, but it must be reached by regular transport. Even better if there is a university or schools nearby.

Repairs are also needed if the premises are not in perfect condition. To create a good skateboard, you need a flat floor, good sound insulation and ventilation.

Step by step instructions to start

  1. Registration of a legal entity is necessary for your business to be completely legal. To do this, you need to collect a package of documents and contact the nearest tax authority. Within a few weeks you will become an individual entrepreneur or LLC.
  2. Selection and renovation of premises. It is better to consult with experts who ride skateboards themselves. They will tell you which areas are best to consider. Site selection and repair will take at least a month.
  3. Creation of curbs and ramps. It is this stage that is key, since it determines how many and how often customers will come to you. Again, it's best to consult with skateboarders in order to create the best plan for the park.
  4. Team formation. To get started, you will need a cashier and a security guard. The requirements for them are not so strict, so you can offer an average salary.
  5. Opening. Spend promotion on the opening day - this will attract customers.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

Consider how much money you need to initially open your skate park:

  • rental of a platform for a skate park - 100,000 rubles;
  • repair - 30,000 rubles;
  • skateboarding equipment - 150,000 rubles;
  • IP registration - 20,000 rubles.

In total it turns out that start-up capital will be about 300,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses

Each month you will have to give funds to:

  • utility bills - about 10,000 rubles;
  • rent of premises - 100,000 rubles;
  • salary to employees - 60,000 rubles;
  • cosmetic repairs - 3,000 rubles.

Thus, the amount will be 173,000 rubles.


The average cost of a visit per hour is 500 rubles. It is also necessary to issue subscriptions for a month, three months and a year, for 12, 24 and 60 visits. The cost of such subscriptions is determined based on the average market offer.

Provided that at least 20 people visit the skate park every hour, the profit per month will be 300,000-173,000 = 123,000 rubles.


Based on the above data, we can conclude that the payback is quite fast. You can fully recoup your investment within 4-5 months.

Business risks and cons

The main risks are injuries and lack of clients. In order to secure the enterprise, it is also necessary to hire a medical officer. It is recommended to prepare a document stating that the skate park is not responsible for injuries.


Opening a skate park makes sense in large cities. Especially if the director of the future company himself understands the specifics and can do without additional consultations. The right approach will allow you to make a profit in the shortest possible time.