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What military professions can a girl choose? What are the military specialties and professions? Professions for girls at headquarters.

A woman in the Russian army is no longer something special. With the development of military affairs, more and more girls want to serve under contract. A citizen who serves under a contract will receive enormous benefits from this. Both women and men can serve in the Russian army, and the number of the former is only growing every year. After all, while serving, girls will not only be able to earn good money, but also gain a lot of experience for career development, as well as benefits for living in Russia.

What is needed to conclude a contract?

Women in the army in Russia are not discriminated against in any way. Beautiful ladies can repay their debt to the Motherland on the same terms as men, holding the same positions. But a contract can only be concluded if the following criteria are met:

    To enter the service you must be eighteen years of age and have citizenship Russian Federation.

    Get higher education in one of the military schools.

    Recognize and be able to perform the tasks assigned to women as officers, sergeants, warrant officers or privates.

What are the restrictions?

A woman's military service in Russia is an exclusively voluntary decision based on the signing of a contract. The first contract must be signed for a period of 3 years. This is stated in Federal law dated March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ "On military duty And military service" in Article 38 "Term of military service for military personnel serving under conscription or contract."

When entering the service, a girl, just like a man, must go through medical examination, as well as assessment of psychological health. After which you need to pass physical fitness standards.

If all tests have been passed, the citizen must have the following criteria:

    No criminal record, both criminal and administrative.

    Having the required age (from eighteen to forty years).

    The girl does not have the status of "Defendant".

All criteria are checked by military commissariat employees.

Is it possible to minister to married women?

The status of “In a civil marriage” does not in any way affect the possibility of military service for a woman. If there are children in the family, but the citizen is confident that she will be able to pay enough attention to them and her service will not negatively affect the family, then you can safely enter into a contract.

Marriage is not a reason for refusal, which means that the girl herself decides whether to sign or not.

Ways to conclude a contract

Girls who want to serve have several options for joining the army.

The first is passing a military school and obtaining a military specialty. The second is arrival at a specialized point where people are recruited for contract service. If everything is simple with the first path, then the second one may be more difficult. It will be discussed in more detail below.

After arrival, the citizen is interviewed by an instructor. There she will learn about the advantages a woman will have in Russian army. Then he finds out why the woman decided to do contract service. Depending on the level of education and physical fitness, the girl is offered specialties. After passing the tests, the final profession is determined.

When the interview is completed, the girl will have to pass medical service. All certificates and directions will be issued by the instructor. Then you need to get confirmation that the girl has not been convicted.

What documents are needed?

Walkthrough medical examination and the interview is not the final stage. The girl must prepare a lot of official papers and take them to the instructor. He will issue a statement to which you need to attach following documents:

    Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

    Employment history(photocopy).

    Photo size 3 x 4.

    Diploma of education (photocopy).

    If the girl is married, a certificate confirming this (photocopy) is required.

    If there are children in the family, their birth certificates (photocopy) are required.

    Girl's birth certificate (photocopy).

    Characteristics from the place of study (or work).


A list of documents is required, and it will also be clarified by the instructor himself.

What professions can be offered?

Most often, Russian military women choose professions such as doctors, economists, personnel department employees, or accountants. But a girl can choose other types of positions, it all depends on her personal desires, as well as the experience required for these professions.

Most often, women are given a specialty not related to military operations. She can go through the entire service without leaving the headquarters. But this does not mean that there are no other positions. There are an order of magnitude fewer of them than men, but they still exist.

How many women are there in the Russian army and how many specialties are offered to them? According to official data, the total number of military personnel in Russia is more than a million people, 50 thousand of whom are female. And this number is growing every year. Women also have many specialties - about 150.

What is required from a woman?

Once the application is submitted and its review begins, the girl must begin undergoing many tests, both medical and physical. If she passes all of them, after review, she can begin serving.

There will be 3 tests in total:

    Medical test. It is identical to what men go through when being drafted at the military registration and enlistment office. Based on its results, it will be decided whether the girl is fit for the army or not. You can get 2 categories, “A” - completely healthy or “B” - healthy, but with restrictions.

    Physical test. The requirements here are the same as for men. It is necessary to pass several standards, after which you can move on to psychological. The physical test consists of three small tests - strength, speed and endurance. Speed. This test includes a shuttle run. In 38 seconds you need to run 10 meters, and so on ten times. Force. This test is done using abdominal exercises. Must be done 22 times in a minute. Endurance. In this test you need to run 1 kilometer in five and a half minutes. It is considered the most difficult, and because of it, many girls are considered unsuitable for service.

    Mental test. This test assesses the general psychological and mental state of the girl. It includes criteria such as poise, communication and other skills.

    What is the salary of serving girls?

    General payments to women in the army in Russia do not depend on gender. They are regulated by the state and depend on basic characteristics (military unit, position held, and so on). But there are also additional signs, such as achievements for service, number of years of service, level of risk to life and similar factors.

    Military personnel also receive bonuses and additional financial assistance. The average minimum salary is about 30 thousand rubles. For the position of an officer - about 50 thousand rubles.

    What is a military school?

    If a woman understands all the pros and cons and understands that she wants to go into service, she needs to choose a school and consider military specialties. But first, let's look at what it actually is.

    As you know, in our country you can get both secondary and higher education. Even in the military sphere. Secondary education is provided by cadet corps and schools. And higher education - higher educational institutions and academies. Here, as in a regular institute, you can choose a faculty, which will determine the type and type of troops, as well as the military profession for a woman.

    Such schools provide not only education, but also discipline, which is very important in our time, even for girls. In educational institutions, students and cadets will immediately be accustomed to future profession through strict control and organization.

    What can you learn at a military school?

    At a military school you can learn the same sciences as in regular educational institutions. They will, of course, have an emphasis on military affairs, but basic sciences such as Russian, mathematics, physics, chemistry or literature will also be in demand.

    But not all departments will have the same emphasis. For example, if a woman is studying to become a radio operator or telephone operator, she needs to learn the exact sciences. And if we're talking about about an officer position, then you need to study psychology and philosophy in depth. In addition to all this, the military school will improve physical training.

    Where can I go after 9th grade?

    Below is a list of military schools for girls who have completed 9th grade:

    Suvorov Military School Ekaterinburg.

    Suvorov Military School in Moscow.

    Suvorov Military School in Minsk.

    Suvorov Military School Tver.

    Suvorov Military School of the North Caucasus.

    Suvorov Military School of St. Petersburg.

    Suvorov Military School of Kazan.

    Radio-electronic cadet corps.

    Military Space Cadet Corps.

    Artillery Cadet Corps.

    Railway Cadet Corps.

    Naval Cadet Corps.

    Military technical cadet corps.

    SVU (Ulyanovsk School).

    Moscow Military Music School.

    Nakhimov Naval School.

But, unfortunately, for a girl, entering one of these schools can be difficult. Some do not accept applicants from other cities, or believe that there is no place for a woman in military affairs. But even despite this, most institutions are ready to accept young ladies for training. But there are also military schools for girls after 11th grade. They offer higher education.

Where to go after 11th grade?

If a person has completed secondary education, she can receive higher education. What military school for girls can they go to after 11th grade? In first place in this ranking is the Academy of Communications named after Marshal of the USSR S. M. Budyonny. This establishment is located in St. Petersburg, but has its own branch in Krasnodar.

In second place is the A.F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy. It trains future officers, so the competition there is quite high - seven people per place. This academy is one of the best in the country.

In third place is the Medical Academy, named after S. M. Kirov. It is located in St. Petersburg, and girls who want to serve as a military doctor come here.

In fourth place is the Ryazan Air Force Command School. Girls who want to serve in the specialty “Airborne Forces” enter this school.

The academy is in fifth place missile forces named after Peter the Great. This academy allowed girls to enroll in 2015. On this moment provides one of the most extensive lists of female faculty.

Today, more and more girls are showing interest in specialties related to military service. Training in this area is carried out in schools and universities. At the same time, there are not so many schools in which graduates of the 9th grade can undergo professional military training, and they opened their doors to girls only in 2013.

In military schools, girls undergo the so-called school of life. It is in these educational institutions they can learn endurance, attentiveness and self-discipline, as well as learn all the features of their chosen profession.

To enter a military school, girls must meet a number of requirements: have excellent health, be physically fit, have high results on the Unified State Examination in specialized disciplines.

Failure to comply with at least one of these points will close the way to the selected institution.

Girls who have been trained in military schools, after graduation, can continue their studies at universities or begin working in their specialty, finding employment in the signal forces, air defense, headquarters, in specialized medical or other organizations.

List of military schools

There are no separate military schools for girls, but there are specialized ones educational organizations which they are allowed to enter.

Such institutions include:

  • Suvorov Military School;
  • Nakhimov Naval School;
  • Military Space Cadet Corps;
  • Rocket and Artillery Cadet Corps;
  • Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics;
  • Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps;
  • Military technical cadet corps;
  • Moscow Military Music School.

The above list is not exhaustive. Not all specialties in which training is conducted at these institutions are available to girls, but still, the choice of areas is quite large.

Here are just a few of them: cartography, meteorology, medical specialties, communication technologies, automated Information Systems, radio-electronic and other systems.

What is required for admission

The selection of applicants for military schools is quite strict, but if you have the desire and good physical preparation, you can achieve your goal. The results obtained by graduates during the Unified State Exam are important for admission. For different specialties Different subjects are important (for cartographic areas - geography, for medical specialties - biology and chemistry, etc.).

To enter, girls need:

  • submit an application for admission;
  • provide written parental consent to undergo training at a military school;
  • provide a package of documents, which includes an autobiography, a medical certificate, a copy of a civil passport, a copy and original of a school certificate, and a reference from the place of study.

The listed documents are usually submitted to educational institutions during July. After this, a time is set for a medical examination, psycho-emotional testing and physical tests. Girls who want to be enrolled in a military school must try to pass the required standards at least as well as the boys, and ideally even better than them.

Conditions of education

Girls entering military schools must be prepared for difficult conditions not only physically, but also psychologically.

So, during training they will have to face:

  • with strict discipline, lack of a free schedule;
  • with rare days of rest and meetings with family.
  • During training, cadets live in an environment similar to that of the army. They must strictly adhere to the current daily routine.

    During their studies, they will have to participate in tactical exercises, drill training, study regulations and master many other information and skills. At the same time, the learning process is not limited to the study of military art and humanities. Studying involves taking various courses for the comprehensive development of the individual (etiquette, music, foreign languages, etc.).

    In military schools, girls are taught military affairs, self-organization and responsibility. Having acquired basic knowledge and skills at the schools and learned discipline, graduates will subsequently be able to continue their studies at more prestigious military universities.

    Requirements for applicants

    Girls entering military educational institutions must have the following qualities:

    • personal self-organization (the ability to organize others will not hurt);
    • increased sense of responsibility;
    • the ability to quickly and correctly assess the situation in extreme circumstances and make the right decisions;
    • the ability to analyze ongoing events that pose a potential danger in order to prevent it in a timely manner;
    • the ability to concentrate on necessary actions;
    • the ability to control personal emotions.

    The listed qualities will be needed not only during the training period, but also during work.

    Of course, the requirements for girls to study in military educational institutions are much stricter than for studying in any other schools or universities. But having learned to comply with them, having mastered the basics of the chosen profession, it will be possible to achieve fairly high results in a subsequent career.

    The title “military” sounds proudly, which both boys and girls can now receive. The list of Russian military institutes where you can enroll after 11th grade is quite wide; each of them has its own structure, rules and features, which are worth knowing about in advance.

    The choice of educational institution greatly influences professional career person. Yesterday you were still a schoolboy, and today you are already a student at a military institute.

    Such a decision must be conscious and deliberate, and you should not rely on the opinions of friends and relatives. Only independent choice will prevent you from regretting what you have done.

    Benefits of Education

    People in uniform have always been considered the most honest, competent and organized. Despite the hard service, military professions were valued and revered. Among the advantages of such education are:

    1. Quite high wages, which is important at this stage of economic development.
    2. Career growth, many titles and positions.
    3. Opportunity to improve your skills under simple conditions.
    4. Social guarantees (medical care, housing, etc.)

    The state has always supported and will continue to support this segment of the population. They stand at the post of defenders of the fatherland and only they can be relied on in difficult times for the country.

    Negative aspects in the profession

    All professions have negative aspects. You should pay attention to them before entering military universities, because not everyone can withstand such a load.

    1. The military profession is a constant danger to life. You never know where the service will take you. Hot spots, places of military operations, all this endangers the life and health of the defender.
    2. Service in remote places. It's very difficult to be away from your family all the time.
    3. Psychological and physical stress. You need to be self-possessed, physically savvy and mentally stable. You cannot predict what you will encounter in your service, but you should be prepared.
    4. With career growth, responsibility increases, because even more work falls on your shoulders.
    5. There is no standardized schedule; very often you have to work overtime and on weekends.

    What specialties are provided for girls?

    The role of a military man is always presented as a serious, stern man. But girls also go to such service. They are not afraid of difficulties, heavy workload and responsibility. The girls are ready to completely devote themselves to serving their native country.

    At a military post for females there are the following types of specialties:

    1. Military doctor. You cannot do without the qualified help of doctors in the service, especially when the area is remote.
    2. An engineer and an economist, they perform their functions at headquarters.
    3. Telephone operator - receives calls, forwards faxes.
    4. Radio operator - receives and sends messages via radio.
    5. Technical specialties: foreman, mechanic, operator.
    6. Photo lab assistant.
    7. Cartographer, meteorologist for monitoring the area.

    Important: one of the most significant factors influencing admission to a military specialty is health. There should be no complaints here, just like a guy, a girl should be strong and resilient.

    In which educational institutions can you obtain a specialty?

    This profession can be obtained both at a university specialized in the military sector, and at the department of institutes with various directions.

    Specialized military institutes are subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, and accordingly, admission and further education there will be stricter than at regular universities.

    Among the specialized military institutes are:

    State institutions

    1. Moscow State University them. Lomonosov - is considered one of the most popular institutes. It has about 40 faculties, including military specialties.
    2. The State University of Land Management also trains military personnel in various fields. Students undergo internships at their own military base, and also undergo military training and internships in military units.

    Note: given educational institution has its own training ground.

    1. Moscow State University - military economists, mathematicians, and accountants emerge from its walls.
    2. Moscow Aviation University - trains specialists in the field of defense and space industry. Main directions of education:
    • Aviation;
    • Weapons;
    • Radar (detection and measurement of coordinates);
    • Avionics (the study and use of equipment on board an aircraft).

    Good to know: Moscow University has its own airfield for conducting classes.

    1. State University of Civil Engineering in Moscow - engineers and commanders of military units emerge from its walls.
    2. State Forest University in Moscow - trains military specialists in aviation, rocket and space technology. It has its own training ground.
    3. The Institute of Physics and Technology in Moscow produces military mathematicians, physicists, and specialists in the field of information technology.
    4. Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation - trains rifle sergeants and other military specialties.
    5. The Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University trains military motorists.

    As for the medic, such a specialty can be obtained at the Military Academy of Russian Chemical Defense named after. Marshal Soviet Union S.K. Tymoshenko in Kostroma, Bashkir State medical university, Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy, and other universities in the country. Specialists in dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, etc. graduate from their walls.

    And this is not a complete list of educational institutions that produce specialists in this industry. There are a lot of them and listing them would take more than one page.

    What exams do you need to take?

    In order to enter a military institute, you will need to pass 3 exams, and which ones depend on the chosen specialty.

    There are 2 mandatory exams that are taken upon admission to any specialty - Russian language and mathematics. But the third one depends on the chosen profile; it could be social studies, physics, geography, history, computer science, chemistry or biology.

    If translator suddenly becomes your chosen specialty, you will have to take the Russian language test, foreign language and history.

    Take note: in 2018, some changes will appear in the education system regarding the Unified State Exam: chemistry, physics and biology will not be taken in the form of tests. There will be fewer questions in biology - from 40 to 28. The time to complete them will increase - up to 210 minutes (previously it was 180 minutes). In chemistry there will be 34 tasks, previously there were 40.

    Military specialty has always been valued and will continue to be valued, because it trains defenders of the state. You need to choose this path consciously and purposefully; this is not a fleeting decision, it is whole life, which you will need to devote to your favorite business.

    Do girls want to enter military schools, watch the report in the following video:

    If you think that the military profession is exclusively male, then you are truly mistaken. Not only a guy, but also a girl can realize himself in the service of the Motherland as a person liable for military service. And due to the growth of prestige and wages military, the availability of social benefits and the possibility of obtaining housing, this area will be increasingly in demand among applicants, including women.

    Specialties for girls

    Before deciding on the choice of educational institution, you should know what specialties there are in the military field that are suitable for a girl.

    1. Main military-technical specialties:

    • radio operator This will require working directly with radio equipment: preparing and setting up radio stations, checking and repairing them, if necessary. Depending on the category, the radio operator carries out more detailed debugging of the equipment, increasing the level of difficulty in eliminating defects. For this profession you need to undergo training in the specialty “Radio communications”. special purpose»;
    • military cartographer. Having chosen this profession, you must understand that the main activity here will be the construction of drawings and diagrams, not only of the terrain, but also of the movement of climatic cyclones, soil, and deposits. Today, as in many areas, the preparation of maps and diagrams is carried out using software. But you need to keep in mind when choosing the profession of a military cartographer that expeditions are also possible for the purpose of studying difficult to reach terrain and readiness for them;
    • telecommunications installer. Work in this area involves the installation and installation of complex equipment necessary to maintain communications;
    • optician-mechanic. A specialist in this area assembles and manufactures optical equipment necessary for military service activities;
    • telegraph operator - the job involves transmitting data via certain communication channels. To work in this profession, you need to study the specialty “Communication Systems”, “Special Purpose Communication Networks”;
    • specialized meteorologist;

    2. Specialties that can also be worked in military service after graduating from educational institutions that involve activities in the military sphere:

    • translator. If you know a foreign language well, you can safely choose the profession of a translator, which is needed in almost every military headquarters. In this case, it is worth noting that if you decide to become a translator specifically in the military field, you will need to undergo additional training, mastering terminology specialized in this field;
    • military doctor, nurse. Training in the main profession, medicine, will be standard, but only military medical academies and colleges graduate military doctors. The specialties for which doctors are trained in educational institutions are divided into the areas of military affairs: “Air Force Doctor”, “Air Force Doctor”, “Navy Doctor”;

    3. Professions that can be mastered with “civilian” specialties:

    • work in a military band;
    • cook;
    • economist accountant;
    • HR employee;
    • clerk;

    Having decided to choose a military profession, a girl should be guided by her preferences, taking into account, at the same time, the requirements that work in the field of military affairs requires, such as the need to pass standards and strict discipline.

    Editorial "site"

    After graduating from 9th grade, some girls dream of career growth in military structures. There are military institutes for girls in Russia, but to have the opportunity to study there, you must have excellent results in school curriculum, as well as be physically prepared and in good health.

    Studying in such institutions is much more difficult - the requirements there are stricter and the discipline is less high level, but there are still undeniable positive aspects. Education is provided there free of charge and a stipend is paid. After graduating from a military institution, the state provides work, and there is an opportunity to get your own housing.

    Of course, in the future, service will be associated with various dangerous situations, but many are still not afraid of the upcoming difficulties and strive to enter military institutes for girls after 11th grade.

    This list will consider institutes for girls who want to study in military specialties and subsequently connect their lives with this matter.

    Medical education at the military academy

    Military Medical Academy named after. S. Kirov, located in St. Petersburg, is an institution on a budgetary basis that trains military personnel who will be in demand in federal authorities. Medical specialties are obtained here, and many faculties train military doctors.

    The duration of study is 5 years if these are the faculties of dentistry or pharmacy, and 6 years for those who study in “Medical and Preventive Science” or “Medicine”. After completion, those who have fully completed the legally approved program receive the qualification of a doctor, and everyone is also awarded the rank of “lieutenant of medical service.”

    Academy named after Budyonny

    There are also military institutes for girls in St. Petersburg. For example, the Military Academy of Communications named after. Marshal S. Budyonny. Here you can get specialties in sciences such as automation or telecommunications. This academy has been known since 1919, and many specialists who graduated from the educational institution have brought invaluable benefits to the state.

    In addition to the required exams, you will need to show your level of physical fitness. For girls, exercises such as bending the torso for 60 seconds, always from a lying position, as well as running distances such as 100 m and 1 km are included.

    The Academy trains specialists who will subsequently serve in those units, formations, and institutions of the Russian Armed Forces that are involved in all types of communications. The profession will correspond to the qualification level.

    They have been studying here for 5 years, full-time. Students graduate, receiving state-issued diplomas, with each being awarded the military rank of “lieutenant”.

    Academy named after Mozhaisky and its Yaroslavl branch

    The following universities belong to the military institutes for girls:

    • Military Space Academy named after. A. Mozhaisky. Located in St. Petersburg.
    • Academy branch. Its location is Yaroslavl.

    Both the main educational institution and the branch accept applicants for the same programs, presenting the same requirements. Which is quite logical.

    There are many people who want to enter the academy, but the requirements for applicants are also high.

    From the Unified State Exam there must be results in mathematics - it is considered a core subject, physics and the Russian language. If you are enrolling in such specialties as “Special Purpose Meteorology” or “Military Cartography”, then in these cases the core subject will be a subject such as geography.

    Physical fitness is assessed in points. A special commission determines whether the candidate is ready to study at the academy and withstand everyday physical activity. The professional suitability of future cadets must be determined. For this purpose, their socio-psychological study is carried out.

    Naval Academy

    Military institutions that accept girls include the Naval Academy. The educational institution is located in St. Petersburg, a city on the Neva River.

    They are accepted here on the basis of exam data in mathematics and the Russian language. Depending on the specialty, results in chemistry or physics are required. A decent level of physical fitness also plays an important role. To assess the level of such training, the commission must check the abilities of applicants as swimmers. And that's enough difficult test for unprepared people.

    In memory of Army General Margelov

    Other educational institutions are also joining the lists of military institutes for girls in Russia.

    It is not for nothing that the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School was given the name. This is its great merit in the development and establishment of the Airborne Forces as the most mobile combat structure. It is Margelov who is dedicated to deciphering the abbreviation VDV - “Uncle Vasya’s troops.”

    The competition at the school was always very high, and there were even cases when applicants who did not enter here, not afraid of the cold, lived in the Ryazan forests for several months, very much hoping that one of the cadets, unable to bear it, harsh conditions installed at the school will leave the institution. Then you can take the vacant seat.

    For girls, there are such departments as “Infocommunication technologies and special communications systems”, “Use of airborne troops communications units”. When enrolling, the commission pays attention to subjects such as physics, mathematics, and Russian language.

    Physical preparation plays a very important role both upon entry and throughout the course of study.

    Girls should be prepared to be able to perform a number of exercises. For example, you need to be able to bend your arms while lying down 12 times, do pull-ups on the horizontal bar 4 times, run a distance of 100 m in 17.2 seconds ( perfect time- 15.6 seconds). And 1 km in the prescribed time - 4.27 minutes.

    To demonstrate your physical capabilities, only one attempt is given, then all the results obtained are entered into the lists in parallel with the results of the Unified State Exam. Those points that were obtained during physical exercise are taken into account on a 100-point scale.

    For future logistics professionals

    Volsky Military Institute material support also accepts girls, and its entry conditions are no different from others. The results of the Unified State Exam are also taken into account; mathematics, Russian language and social studies are taken as the main ones.

    Future rear specialists are trained here - those who can be responsible for food, fuel and clothing departments.

    ready for defense

    The Military Academy also belongs to the category of military institutes for girls, but only since 2015. It is located in Moscow, and the branch is located in Serpukhov. The academy provides many specialties, all of them are interesting, since the teaching staff is a team of professionals.

    To enter this educational institution (a military institute for girls in Moscow), it is not enough to have good data on the Unified State Exam. The health of each future cadet is checked very meticulously, so physical stress here will be constant.

    To ensure successful admission

    Everything in Russia provides them with the opportunity to study exactly where they want to get the specialty they choose. But each university has its own rules, which include a list of entrance exams and the level of physical fitness.

    Mandatory conditions are the Unified State Exam - Russian language and mathematics, as well as excellent physical indicators.

    To find out more specifically what other military institutes for girls there are in Russia, you can make inquiries at the military registration and enlistment office or on the official website of the Ministry of Defense, more specifically, in the “Education” section.

    It is more difficult to study in military institutions, but there are future prospects, which include employment in prestigious places, the possibility of a successful career, and good living conditions. And also many other advantages that have always attracted and will attract future applicants.