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Health day competitions in the dhow. "Health Day!" physical education holiday in kindergarten

"Health Day at the preschool educational institution" - a section where you can find useful articles, recommendations, notes and scenarios for carrying out physical education and preventive activities dedicated to Health Day.

April 7 is an official holiday, dedicated to the day health. The events held on this day once again emphasize the need for integrated development children's personality, serve as a reminder to young pupils of the need to protect and maintain their health. Also provided additional opportunity give the necessary recommendations to parents in maintaining physical fitness their children.

Scenarios for "Health Day"

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All sections | Health Day. Entertainment and event scenarios

Scenario sports festival. « Health Day» Art. Group "B" Goals and tasks: 1. Formation of culture healthy image life. Expanding knowledge about healthy lifestyle, and preventive measures. 2. Promotion of physical culture and sports as the best remedy for any disease. 3....

Health path scenario “We are growing healthy!” annotation Scenario health path is designed for children 3-7 years old. The tasks become more difficult depending on the age of the children. As presenters (site owners) It is advisable to use volunteers – schoolchildren (older brothers and sisters of pupils) or parents. Children together with their teacher...

Health Day. Scenarios of entertainment and events - Summary of the physical education holiday “Mom, Dad, I am a healthy family!” for older children

Publication “Summary of the physical education festival “Mom, Dad, I am a healthy family!”...”
Goal:  introducing children and parents to a healthy lifestyle through joint sporting events. Program tasks: practice running at speed, performing additional tasks; develop coordination of movements; practice jumping on a ball...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Summary of entertainment for children of the middle group “We are growing healthy” in the form of a trip through the stations Goal: to create conditions for generalizing children’s basic knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: to form an idea of ​​health as one of the main values ​​of life; consolidate children's knowledge of cultural and hygienic behavior skills; develop an interest in healthy...

instructor physical culture Chesnokova Anna Aleksandrovna 06/14/2019 Entertainment script. Characters: Presenter, Zakalyaykin. Goal: promotion and formation of a healthy lifestyle for kindergarten students. Objectives: ⁃ show children the irreplaceable value...

Summary of a sports festival with parents “On the path of health together” (younger preschool age)“Scenario for a sports festival with parents “On the Path of Health Together” Presenter: Hello guys! Today we have gathered in this hall to hold sports festival. Sport is the key to good mood and excellent health. Guys, do you like sports? Children: Yes! Host: If...

Health Day. Scenarios of entertainment and events - Health Day in kindergarten (middle-preparatory age)

Health Day in kindergarten. Compiled by: Dobrynina Olga Alekseevna. This event can be held in junior, middle and preparatory groups ah kindergarten. Scenario of a health holiday for kindergarten children To the “March” of V. Shainsky, children enter the hall, line up in a semicircle...

Scenario for the World Health Day event Goal: to develop children’s need for a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: creating a positive attitude and a favorable environment for teaching and raising children; stimulating children's desire to engage in physical exercise on their own. Health Day program: 1....

Compiled by the physical education instructor first qualification category Boronina Elena Vladimirovna Entertainment was provided by: Physical education instructor Boronina E.V. and teacher (Clownness Iriska) Saprykina I.E. Goals: Develop speed, agility, ability to act in a team,...

Sports festival “Healthy Childhood Day”. Tasks: Progress of the holiday: Presenter: Hello boys and girls, tell me what holiday we have today? That's right, a healthy childhood day. Today we will jump, run and play, and of course dance. V.: Look how many children...

A healthy child is a successful child" If a child does not know how to maintain his health, where and how to properly invest his energy, where to use his physical capabilities, it is quite possible that such a child faces difficulties in learning and upbringing. In this regard, in addition to the general tasks set by the preschool educational institution to create conditions in the process of training and education, the goals of maintaining the health of pupils remain mandatory.

The obligatory goal of the preschool team is to create favorable health-saving conditions for children to stay in preschool educational institutions.

The program requirements include the following tasks:

  • Formation of a healthy lifestyle among pupils.
  • Development of agility, speed, strength.
  • Training in cooperation skills with children and adults.
  • Training in valeological knowledge and its application in improving the health of the body.
  • Develop interest in physical education and games with physical activity.

To carry out these tasks, we are creating the necessary conditions and the following activities are carried out: Morning exercises, acupressure, physical education, room ventilation, finger exercises, gargling, fortification: juices, vitamins, preventive vaccinations, hardening, prevention of flat feet, prevention of children’s posture, physical education, outdoor games, walks.

Municipal preschool educational institution Syavsky kindergarten "Bell"

Nizhny Novgorod region, Shakhunya, village. Syava

Summary of the scenario for the sports festival “Health Day”

Bazanova Lyudmila Alexandrovna teacher of the first qualification categoryMBDOU Syavsky kindergarten "Bell". Nizhny Novgorod region, Shakhunya, village. Syava


Children consolidate knowledge about cultural and hygienic skills and the benefits of healthy nutrition and vitamins; interest in a healthy lifestyle and sports is fostered.


1) tell children about the “Health Day” holiday;

2) consolidate knowledge about the necessary cultural and hygienic skills and the benefits of healthy nutrition and vitamins.

3) cultivate interest in healthy lifestyle and sports.


- adults: Presenter, Aibolit; Glutton

Children of the preparatory group: Microbes, Carrots, Nuts, Potatoes

Children of middle and senior groups


Germ Suits; vegetables, nuts;

Toothbrush, comb, toothpaste;

- “magic box” or medical bag;

Pictures depicting healthy foods containing vitamins different groups;

Gymnastic sticks, brooms, cubes, baskets, benches, medals and sweet prizes.


Conducting educational activities on the topics “Good and bad habits”, “What does it mean to be healthy”, “Who are microbes?”, “Vitamins that protect the body”.

Introducing children in physical education classes to different types sports, a conversation about its significance for humans.


Leading : Guys, today we have gathered to celebrate Health Day.

We need to start Health Day with a bright smile and a friendly parade. Let's all shout “Hurray” to Health Day! Hooray! Hooray!". Who can say what it means to be healthy? ( children's answers). Yes, you are right, this means not getting sick, playing sports and strengthening yourself. And don’t sit still, move more often. Let's move, or better yet, dance!

Leading : Guys, our beloved doctor Aibolit is in a hurry to visit us.

He will show us health friends, tell us about important matters -

How to be strong and brave!

Children : Healthy!

Aibolit : Do you always brush your teeth?

Children : Yes!

Aibolit : Do washcloths and water often make friends with you?

Children : Yes!

Aibolit : I also want to know the answer: are there any sluts here?

Children : No!

Leading : What should we do? What should we do? Who can protect us?

Aibolit : Don't worry so much, guys. Guess the magic riddles. And they will immediately rid you of germs.

Aibolit shows a trick with a box with a double bottom. In it, in turn, appear: soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, comb. Aibolit gives all items to microbes and they run away).

Aibolit : There are no more microbes, but they will come again,

If you forget to wash your hands with soap more often.

Don't let the germs of happiness live in the dirt,

Brush your teeth regularly in the evening and in the morning,

Don’t forget to comb your hair and always be neat.

Aibolit : Eating a lot of chocolate and marmalade is very harmful. Each of you knows that this is poison for the body.

Glutton : But I can’t not eat.

Aibolit : Don't worry, I'll help! We are canceling the hunger strike. We take vitamins.

Glutton : The pills won't make you feel full.

Carrot : I am both sweet and tasty. I have vitamin A

Whoever takes me as a friend grows, grows, grows.

Aibolit : Guys, who knows what other foods contain vitamin A? (children's answers: tomatoes, herbs, garlic)

Potato : And the potato face contains vitamin C

Aibolit : What other foods contain vitamin C? (children's answers: cabbage, currants, onions)

Nut : And I have vitamin B.

Everyone has long known that nuts are tasty and healthy.

Eat them before dark, you will be very vigilant.

Aibolit : Yes, thanks to vitamin B, our vision improves. What other products does it contain? (children's answers: egg, corn, meat, cheese, cottage cheese).

Aibolit : You are absolutely right, children. But we didn’t name all the vitamins, because there are very, very many of them. And if there are a lot of them, that means there is also a lot of healthy food.

Leading : You see, Robin-Bobin, how many edible things the children named. Food that contains vitamins is called healthy. This means that the listed products do not harm our health, but, on the contrary, strengthen it. But besides healthy food you need to know about one more thing so that, like everyone else, you can run, play, and not just eat and sleep. Here's another question:

What does everyone need to grow up with straight, slender legs,

With the wide chest of a sailor, so that the mouth has strong teeth,

To raise your hand with force?

Children : Temper yourself, play sports, follow a daily routine, walk in the fresh air, sit correctly at the table, brush your teeth.

Aibolit : It’s not good for you to be lazy, remember guys,

Even animals, even birds do exercises.

Leading : Time for business is time for fun.

Team one is to the right. Become the second one here.

"Pass the ball": Children line up one after another and pass the ball over their heads.

"Stepmother and Cinderella": in each team, the first child - the “stepmother” - takes a basket with cubes, runs to the landmark and pours out the cubes, and then returns and passes the basket to the next player - “Cinderella”. He must run to the landmark, collect the cubes and return to the team.

"Baba Yaga behind enemy lines": The child sits astride a broom and runs to a landmark, runs around it and returns to the team, passing the broom to the next player.

"Hardworking Ant": The first team member takes a gymnastic stick, runs to a landmark, runs around it, returns to the team and the next player clings to the stick after him. In the end, all team members must hold on to it.

"Through the Eye of a Needle": the participant runs, threads the hoop through himself, runs to a landmark, runs around it, comes back and threads the hoop through himself again, runs to the team and passes the baton.

Lost and found": One “shoe” is removed from all team members and placed in a pile near the landmark. In turn, each team member must run to get their shoes. The team that puts on their shoes the fastest wins.

Leading : All teams played well, everyone immediately became healthier.

But while the jury is determining the winners, Aibolit will ask you riddles.

Listen carefully and be sure to answer.

Aibolit :

Leading : And who can tell which mystery sports are included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games, and which ones are in the Summer Olympics?

The jury (group teachers) sums up the results and presents commemorative “Health Day” medals to everyone without exception.

Leading : Now the moment of farewell has come. Thank you all for your attention.

For enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of competition that ensured success.

Aibolit : There is no better recipe in the world: never be separated from sports.

You will live to be a hundred years old! That's the whole secret.

It's time to end the holiday. Let's shout "Hurray" to the holiday!

We are microbes - we live happily. We sing a song for microbes.

Everyone has long known that vegetables are healthy!


“Pass the ball” “Sunny”

"Lost and found"

Teacher of the Syavsky preschool educational institution "Bell" Bazanova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna

Natalia Goshko
Health Day. Entertainment scenario for all kindergarten groups

Health Day

entertainment for all kindergarten groups

Target: raise the emotional mood and muscle tone of children.


Cultivate the desire to be healthy, teach to take care of your health.

To develop in children dexterity, speed, ingenuity, the ability to use their experience in conditions of emotional communication with peers: endurance, determination, mutual assistance.

To give children knowledge about the effects of physical activity, hardening, nutrition, fresh air, and mood on health.

Activation of children's speech activity, expansion of vocabulary, development of attention and memory.

Invite parents to actively participate in the life of the child in kindergarten.

The song “Health Day” is performed(lyrics by Davydova, free music).

Leading: Guys, today we came to the Health Day holiday.

Health day, beauty day,

Everyone loves him - me and you.

And everyone around always says:

“Being healthy – that’s it!”

And a guest came to us. Guess who it is?

Who is the most useful on the day of illness and heals us from all illnesses?

Children. Doctor.

Leading. That's right doctor. You and I will show and tell him how we can take care of our health.

The Doctor enters. Greets everyone present.

Leading: We never get bored here

It's time to start warming up

Stand in a circle together,

Hold hands together.

Rhythmic dance.

Leading. The kids will play the game “Right - Wrong” with me

Listen carefully,

Do it diligently.

If my advice is good,

You clap your hands.

On the wrong advice

You stomp - no, no!

1. You constantly need to eat,

Important for health:

Fruits, vegetables, omelette,

Cottage cheese, yogurt (children clap).

2. Do not bite the cabbage leaf,

It's completely, completely tasteless.

Better eat chocolate

Waffles, sugar, marmalade (stomp - no, no).

3. You brushed your teeth

And go to bed.

Grab a bun

Sweets to bed (they stomp - no, no).

Leading. And now the game “No and Yes” (for middle group)

Porridge is a delicious food

Is this useful to us? (Yes)

Green onions sometimes

Are children useful to us? (Yes)

Dirty water in a puddle

Is it useful to us sometimes? (No)

Cabbage soup is great food

Is this useful to us? (Yes)

Fly agaric soup is always -

Is this useful to us? (No)

Fruits are simply beautiful!

Is this useful to us? (Yes)

Sometimes dirty berries

Is it healthy to eat, kids? (No)

A ridge of vegetables grows.

Are vegetables healthy? (Yes)

Juice, compote sometimes

Are they useful to us, children? (Yes)

Eat a bag of big candies

Is this harmful, kids? (Yes)

Only healthy food

Always on our table!

And since it's healthy food -

Will we be healthy? (Yes)

Senior and preparatory group- two teams.

1 competition“Read the folk saying”

I'll start, and you finish,

Answer quickly!

Don’t be afraid of the cold, up to your waist….(wash yourself).

In a healthy body healthy mind).

Before the wedding... (will heal).

One skin, yes... (bones).

Whoever has pain, that’s what he (talks) about.

Helps against colds and sore throats... (oranges)

Barely a soul in (the body).

Sun, air and water…. (our faithful friends).

And ingenuity is needed, and hardening....(important).

Anyone who loves sports... (healthy and cheerful).

Smoking is harmful to health.

Whoever plays sports gains strength….(gains).

A fun football game, the first one has already been scored... (goal)

Someone ran up quickly and flew into... without the ball. (gates)

If you decide to become healthy, then follow through. (mode).

In the morning at seven our cheerful friend rings persistently. (alarm).

Our whole friendly team got up to exercise. (family).

Of course, I won’t break the regime - I wash under cold water. (shower).

Forget about the computer, run outside for a walk. Very fresh air is beneficial for children (Breathe)

2 competition“Sports training” (Teams perform exercises with sports equipment)

Friends with a ray of sunshine

With jumping ropes and a ball,

Skittles and hoops

You will see for yourself.

Work hard in training, take part in the preparation.

You will see for yourself how stronger and healthier you will become.

Performing exercises with a gymnastic stick. (Yoke)

The gymnastic stick is simply amazing

Do exercises with her

And you will part with laziness.

Doing exercises with a ball.

We can’t count all our ball games:

There are so many of them in the world.

After all, you can throw a ball, roll it,

Hit with his hand.

Throw the ball into the basket and into the water,

We found work everywhere.

Doing exercises with a hoop. (Jumping from hoop to hoop)

A hoop is a useful item

Why? I'll give you the answer now

You can roll a hoop,

Play it all day long.

3 competition“Sports Quiz” (three questions for each team)

Let the one who lives with sports be the first!

1. What should you do in the morning to be cheerful and healthy? (charging)

2. What is the name of the athlete who skates to music? (figure skater)

3. How many teams play hockey? (2 teams)

4. How many people are in the football team? (11 people)

5. What are the names of the people who swim in the ice hole in winter? (walruses)

6. What is the name of the sports equipment that athletes use to play with clubs? (washer)

7. Where was the Olympics held in 2014? (Sochi)

8. What type of sport is on the board? (snowboard)

9. Skier's path? (ski track)

10. Children's winter transport? (sled)

11. Skates for the summer? (rollers)

12. What is the Olympic emblem? (5 rings)

Leading. Our guys know their body well and know how to massage.

Game-massage “My body”.(for all groups)

Nightingale head (children stroke the head,

Forehead - bobby (children put their forehead forward, like bulls,

The nose is an apricot (children with their eyes closed touch the tip of their nose,

Lumpy cheeks (children carefully knead their cheeks and rub them with their palms,

Sponges - doves (children stretch their lips into a tube,

Teeth - oaks (children quietly knock their teeth,

Beard - young woman (children stroke their chin,

Eyelashes are sisters (children blink their eyes,

Ears are naughty (children rub their ears with their fingers,

Turkey neck (children stretch their necks,

Hangers - grasshoppers (children raise and lower their shoulders,

Handles are grippers (children grab themselves with both hands,

Fingers - boys (children move their fingers,

Breasts - ducks (children arch their chest forward,

Tummy - watermelon (children inflate their bellies,

The back is supported (children straighten their backs, rising on their toes,

Knees - logs (children alternately bend their legs at the knee and press them to

Feet - boots (children stomp their feet)

4 competition"Obstacle Course"

Running between the posts

Rolling the ball between the posts

Climbing under the arc

5 competition"On a visit to Moidodyr"

Assignment to the participants: continue the lines from K.I. Chukovsky’s poem “Moidodyr”.

1. You have blackening on your neck, there is a blot under your nose.

You have such hands (That even your trousers have come off).

2. The blanket ran away, the sheet flew away (And the pillow, like a frog, jumped away from me).

3. You must, you must wash your face in the mornings and evenings…. (And shame on unclean chimney sweeps).

4. Long live fragrant soap and fluffy towel (And tooth powder and a thick comb).

5. And in the bath, and in the bathhouse, always and everywhere... (Eternal glory to the water).

Game for children of primary and secondary groups “Dwarves and Giants”

Children stand near the chairs. If the presenter says dwarfs, everyone should sit down on chairs and stretch their arms forward; if the giants say, everyone should rise on their toes and stretch both arms up.

6 competition And now. guys, guess the riddles

Long, not a stick, fast, not a jackdaw,

She's so much fun to jump around with. What is this? (jump rope)

Slipping away like something alive

But I won't let him out.

Foams with white foam,

I'm not too lazy to wash my hands. (soap)

Lay down in his pocket and keep watch

Roaring, crying and dirty,

They will wipe away streams of tears,

He won’t forget about his nose (handkerchief)

Always in your mouth, never swallowed. (Language)

At night, the two windows close on their own, and with sunrise they open on their own (eyes)

They stand together, walk apart. (Legs)

This horse doesn't eat oats

Instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it,

Just steer better. (Bike)


Leading: It's time to end the holiday

Let's shout to the holiday: Hurray! Hooray! Hooray!

Children leave the hall to the music “Toughen Up”

(For children 4 - 7 years old)

Project passport

Type - creative.

Duration - short-term (1 week).

Participants - children of the junior, middle, senior and preparatory groups, their parents, teachers, music directors, specialists, educational psychologist, teaching assistants, physical education instructor.

Objective of the project:

Formation and development of ideas about health, motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Project objectives:

Physical development:

To motivate children to maintain and improve health;

Develop independence, activity, and the need for physical activity;

Develop a value-based attitude not only to your own health, but also to the health of others.

Cognitive development:

To form children’s ideas about healthy products and the benefits of wet cleaning;

Pin titles indoor plants, purifying indoor air;

Develop curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection.

Social and communicative development:

Foster determination, organization, initiative, and hard work;

Foster mutual assistance and respect for peers.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Develop children's creative abilities that contribute to the formation of healthy lifestyle habits;

Acquaintance with the works of poets, writers talking about health, sports, games, etc.

Develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Speech development:

Encourage children to tell stories, read riddles, poems;

Pin folk proverbs and sayings about sports, health, exercise...

Tasks for educators:

Create conditions that give children the opportunity to maximize their motor, creative, organizational, and communication abilities;

Create conditions for the manifestation of independence and activity;

Develop thematic lessons;

Invite parents to cooperate.


Children's health is one of the most important indicators, determining the potential of the country, one of the characteristics of national security. The foundation of life is laid in preschool childhood. Currently, the problem of finding new means and methods of forming ideas about a healthy lifestyle is urgent. Most guys have virtually no idea about the human body, about maintaining their health and the health of others.

Expected Result:

In the process of implementing the project, children will enrich their understanding of healthy lifestyle habits. The interaction between family and kindergarten in terms of preserving and strengthening the health of children will reach a higher level.

Methodological support:

Baykova G.Yu., Morgacheva V.A., Peresypkina T.M. "Implementation educational field“Physical development”, Volgograd 2015;

Borisova E.N. “The system for organizing physical education and health activities with preschoolers.” Panorama Publishing House 2006;

Magazine “Physical Education Instructor” No. 2 2015;

Shorygina T.A. Toolkit"Conversations about health." Creative center Sfera, Moscow 2012

Algorithm for organizing World Health Day.

Interesting, varied, favorite games and relay races for children;

Musical and rhythmic movements;

Creative activity;

Labor activity;

Communication with peers.

Stage I of the project is preparatory.

  1. Conversation with children on the topic: “What does it mean to be healthy? Do you want to be healthy? What is the name of world holiday health related?
  2. Interviewing parents “What day does the country celebrate on April 7?”
  3. Decoration of groups, halls, kindergarten corridors in accordance with the theme;
  4. Development of thematic activities in accordance with age;
  5. Conversations about the upcoming event, introducing children to it


  1. Introducing parents to the plan for Health Day;
  2. Preparation of material and manuals for creative activities;
  3. Making up the house with parents propaganda posters about healthy lifestyle for corridor design;
  4. Purchase new sports equipment as a gift for group physical education centers.

Poster topics:

Stage II of the project is practical.

Health Day.

group Content

2. NOD “Long live scented soap!”

3. Walk “Our favorite games and round dances.”

4. Cooperative activity: role-playing game "Hospital"

average Conversation on the topic “Don’t eat snow and icicles.”

1. Morning exercises with parents “Get ready to exercise!”

2. NOD “Exercise and Colds” (cognition + teacher-psychologist).

3. Operation "Comfort". Work activity: independent wet cleaning in a group.

4. Joint activity “Favorite outdoor games”.

5. Presentation “Health Secrets” (ICT)

older Conversation on the topic “Caution: icicles!”

1. Morning exercises with parents “Get ready to exercise!”

2. GCD “Cleanliness is the key to health.”

3. Integrated activity “Little cooks”.

4. Joint activity “Our favorite outdoor games.”

5. Presentation “Health Secrets” (ICT).

6. Joint activity: reading the work of K. Chukovsky “Fedorino’s grief”

Preparatory Conversation on the topic “Ice”.

1. Morning exercises with parents “Get ready to exercise!”

2. NOD “Spring has come, the children have no time to sleep” (cognition + music).

3. Drawing + labor: “We decorate the pots, plant the seeds.”

4. Walk: joint activity “Our favorite games are relay races.”

5. Presentation “Health Secrets”.

6. Joint activity: role-playing game “Pharmacy”

Stage III of the project is the final stage.

Sports entertainment “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

In the process of implementing the project, children's ideas about body hygiene, healthy and unhealthy foods, how and why one should lead a healthy lifestyle, the benefits of sports exercises and games, and how to protect themselves from germs have been enriched.

As a result of work on the project, a lot of work was done to interact with parents of students:

  • Posters were created on the topics;
  • Joint morning exercises were carried out;
  • Parents memorized poems with their children;
  • We took part in the entertainment “A healthy mind in a healthy body”;
  • We shared vegetables to make healthy salads.


To develop healthy lifestyle skills in preschoolers.

Develop the motor system, fast running, agility, strength, ingenuity.

Promote the development of a good mood during sports competitions.

To cultivate attention to each other, friendship, honesty, mutual assistance, politeness, mutual respect.

Equipment: wooden plates, 2 scooters, 4 cubes, rope, massage balls - 20 pcs., 2 scarves, 6 hoops, 4 dumbbells.

Progress of sports entertainment on health day in kindergarten

Children go out to the solemn march sports ground. They go around the circle of honor and line up in a circle.

Presenter: - Today we have sports festival dedicated to World Day health, we all gathered to compete and gain health. As they say: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

Presenter. - Let's all say hello and wish each other good health, lots of sun, warmth, blue sky, fresh air. And in order to be healthy, you need to do physical exercise, not be lazy, and wake up early.

1 child.

We are friendly guys

We came to kindergarten

And everyone does physical education

I'm very happy to do it!

2nd child.

To always be in good mood be,

We need to forget about laziness.

We love to jump and run

Do exercises with friends.

Greetings to teams and fans.

The surprise moment is the arrival of the doctor.

Presenter: - We didn’t call the doctor.

Doctor: - I came to check the children’s temperature, take their pulse, maybe someone needs an injection against the virus?

Presenter: - Are any children unwell, do they need medical help?

Children's answer.

Doctor: - Why are you all gathered here?

Presenter: - We have sports competitions in kindergarten and we don’t want to know about the disease.

It’s better, doctor, come with us, stand up and start warming up.

Warm up.

A set of general developmental exercises with small massage balls.

Presenter: - Doctor, now look how nimble our children are.

The game is the Cheerful Handkerchief relay race.

(Conditions: Children in teams become pairs facing each other, take the scarf by the corners in the middle of the scarf, put a ball and carry it together, go around the cube and run back to pass the baton to another pair.)

Presenter: - Well, doctor, do our children look like patients?

Doctor: - No, they are not similar, but what else can they do?

Presenter: - Children also know how to keep their balance well.

The game is a competition “From bump to bump”.

(Conditions: Children take turns walking over the “bumps” on the ground, knocking on the cube and returning back, also passing the baton along the “bumps”. You cannot put your feet on the ground).

Presenter: - Now look how strong our children are.

Competition "Tug of Rope".

Doctor: - Your athletes probably took a lot of vitamins, they are so strong.

Presenter: - And now you all have a task, whose team will line up faster?

Doctor, do you like to travel by train? We invite you to our fun train.

Game - relay race "Train and carriages".

(Conditions: The first team member runs to the landmark, runs around it, runs back, takes a friend and again runs to the cube together, runs around it, then the three of them run and so on until all team members are taken).

Presenter: - Did you like riding, but can our doctor run? And our children are the fastest in the world.

The game is a relay race “Whose team is faster.”

(Conditions: Children, two at a time, with a scarf in their hands, jump on both legs from hoop to hoop, run around the cube, then run quickly back and pass the scarf to another participant).

Presenter: - You see, doctor, how athletic and healthy our children are and they don’t have a fever.

Doctor: - Now I’ll check if I have sports thermometers.

Game - relay race “Running with dumbbells”.

(Conditions: Children take one dumbbell in their hands, quickly run to the cube, run around it, then return back to pass the baton).

Presenter: - Doctor, do you have a sports, environmentally friendly vehicle?

Doctor: - Yes, I ask you to compete like racers

Game - relay race "Racers".

(Conditions: Scooter racing, children take turns going to the landmark and passing the baton back)

Presenter: - Doctor, now you are convinced that no one needs to be treated at our holiday. We play sports and take vitamins.

Doctor: - Yes, your kindergarten is simply classy: everyone is athletic, courageous, strong, dexterous and healthy. Goodbye! Good health to everyone!!!

Presenter: - All the best!!! - Children, all well done.

Children. - In a healthy body healthy mind.