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Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic Who I want to be. Abstract of GCD in the educational field of artistic creativity, drawing “Who do you want to be? Drawing who to be in the preparatory group

Summary of educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development in the preparatory school group: "Who do you want to be?"

Subject:"Who do you want to be?"
Integration of educational areas: artistic-aesthetic, cognitive, social-communicative, musical, physical development.
Target: To develop the ability to convey expressive features in a person’s image.
Software tasks:
- Continue the ability to convey the image of a person in a drawing, depicting figures of people in characteristic professional clothing, in a work environment, with the necessary attributes.
- Develop the ability to draw the main parts of a human figure with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawings.
- Cultivate children's interest in people of different professions.
Equipment: illustrations or photographs depicting people of various professions. Presentation "Professions". White paper, simple graphite pencil, colored pencils.
Vocabulary work: profession.
Preliminary work: looking at images of people in different professions. Reading stories about people of different professions. Conversations on the topic “What do your parents do?”, “Who would you like to be?” Excursions to the supermarket, library, construction site. Games in “Supermarket”, “Barbershop”.
Contents organized educational activities for children:
Children join the group to the music.
Educator:- Today we will talk about what is very important in the life of every person. But first you have to solve a few riddles.
Who teaches children to read and write,
Love nature, respect the elderly. (Teacher)
We are suffering from a cold again.
We call him to the house.
He will give us sick leave.
His name is a specialist doctor. (Doctor)
Walks in uniform, with shoulder straps,
Understands the laws.
He is both summer and winter
Protects our peace. (Police officer)
Who makes cabbage soup so delicious?
Smelly cutlets,
Salads, vinaigrettes. (Cook)
Screening of the presentation “Professions”.

How can you name all the answers in one word?
- Well done, we will talk about professions today.
- What is a profession? (Children's answers)
- A profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life. What professions do you think people primarily need for life? (Builder, cook, doctor, teacher.) What other professions do you know? Children's answers.
Correspondent: Am I really late? How so! While in the government I was reporting on the meeting on exit from economic crisis, missed a lesson in your kindergarten!
Educator: Don’t worry, dear correspondent, it’s just beginning.
The correspondent clicks the camera in different directions.
Well, that's all right!
I am a cheerful correspondent,
I'll connect my microphone,
I will interview you.
What do you want to become, children?
Answer me quickly.
1. I dream of ballet
There is no better one in the world!
2. I want to be a driver
Carry different loads.
3. You, friends, don’t argue with me,
I want to become the first in sports.
Scoring the puck is a piece of cake for me.
I play for Spartak!
4.I dream of becoming faster
Children's teacher.
Sing, play, walk with them.
Celebrate birthdays.
Correspondent:- Thank you for the most interesting interview (shakes hands). And now a moment of attention. A photo for memory! Smile! I'm filming! I'll print the photo quickly.
Educator:- Today you can draw what you want to be when you grow up.
- Think about what you will depict on your sheet; after looking at your drawing, you can guess what profession you have chosen.
Physical training "Pilots"
We are brave pilots. (Arms to the side with tilts)
We fly airplanes in the sky. (Waving your arms)
We fly over our native land. (Rotation of the torso)
Overtaking flocks of birds. (Waving your arms).
At least we fly high - (Jumping in place)
We land easily! (Getting into place)
Practical work.
I remind you of the methods of drawing with a simple pencil and painting over a drawing with colored pencils. I talk individually about what can be depicted so that the drawing is more expressive.
Exhibition of works.
All drawings are displayed on the board. The teacher offers to look at the finished drawings and evaluate each other’s work.
- Who will the child who drew this picture become?
- What did you like about this drawing?
(Questions to the author of the drawing)
- What do you like about your drawing?
- What did you fail?
- What would you like to change or add?
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”
The builder will build us a house,
And we will live together in it.
Dressy suit, day off
The tailor will skillfully sew for us.
The librarian will give us books,
The bread is baked by a baker in the bakery.
The teacher will teach you everything -
Teach literacy and writing.
The letter will be delivered by the postman,
And the cook will cook us some broth.
I think you'll grow up.

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Summary of GCD in preparatory group

Abstract of educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the topic “Different types of professions”

Integration of educational areas “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic Creativity”, “Physical Education”.
Target: expanding children's knowledge about the variety of professions.
Tasks: consolidate children's knowledge about different types profession, to show that people of different professions are closely connected with each other and do one common thing together;
introduce the creative profession of an artist;
develop children's speech, expand their vocabulary of words: landscape, still life, portrait;
cultivate interest and respect for people of different professions.
GCD move:
- Have you ever thought about the fact that all adults have one profession or another and work every day?
- How do you understand the word “profession”?
Right. This is the main occupation labor activity to which a person devotes his life.
- Let's remember what professions there are.
Right. Educator, teacher, doctor, salesman, driver, builder, policeman.
There are many professions!
Who will give the book? Librarian.
Who bakes bread in the bakery? Baker.
The letter will be delivered by the postman,
And the cook will cook us some broth.
The teacher will teach you everything -
Teaches counting and writing.
There are many professions
You can’t count them all in poetry!
To master any profession, you need to develop certain character traits. Many professions require a person to be able to communicate, listen carefully to people, maintain a friendly and friendly tone, and show kindness and responsiveness.
- Try to name professions that require a person to show courage, the ability to instantly assess the situation and make the right decision.
Policeman, rescuer, firefighter.
- Tell me, what unites them?
(ability to communicate, listen carefully to people, maintain a friendly and friendly tone, show kindness, responsiveness, patience).
- Tell me, what would you like to become when you grow up?
I think when you grow up,
And you will find something to your liking!
- There are also creative professions. To become an artist, writer, artist, musician, you need to have talent and a good imagination.
- Today we will talk about people who have an amazing ability to draw. Such people are called artists. This is very important profession, artists paint pictures, depict what they see and introduce us.
With what we don't notice
Elastic plantain,
And Ivan’s brushes - tea,
And the blue of the river,
And the field is golden
All the beauty of the earth.
The artist will reveal it to us!
- Tell me, you like to draw!
- What do you draw with and on what?
Our distant ancestors also loved to draw. Although they had no paper, no canvas, no pencils. Stone Age people painted their designs on the smooth surfaces of large stones and rocks. With amazing accuracy and expressiveness they depicted wild animals: deer, wild boars, mammoths, as well as hunting scenes. They carved their drawings with stone teeth and axes, sometimes using natural paints - the juices of some plants. The creations of these artists have survived to this day and are stored in museums. We can safely say that art came to us from ancient times and was born along with man. People at all times wanted to reflect in drawings the most vivid impressions of life, to depict the world around them.
- Tell me, what else can you use to draw besides pencils and felt-tip pens?
(paints, gouache, crayons).
Most often, artists draw in their paintings native nature: meadows, fields, rivers, rainbows - such paintings are called “Landscapes”.
Pencil, pencil!
Draw me a landscape.
Stroke after stroke -
It turned out to be an old house,
Front garden and porch,
And in the distance there are meadows and a river.
Admire the landscape
Do you recognize our village? -
I think many of you have seen the paintings “The Rooks Have Arrived” by A.K. Savrasova, “Birch Grove” by A.I. Kuindzhi. (look at the paintings)
- Have you tried the delicious sweets “Bear Clubfoot”?
Don't be surprised, because we're talking about artists?
The candy wrappers depict a mother bear with her cubs. This is a reproduction from a painting by the wonderful artist I.I. Shishkin "Morning in a pine forest."
- What do you think portrait artists depict on their canvases? (portraits of people).
- Look, artists not only draw people, but also try to convey appearance a person, to reveal his character, to show his mood.
I have a pencil
Sheet of paper and gouache.
I'll draw a portrait
Little Alenka:
Jacket, scarf and beret
With a blue pompom.
I'll draw the forehead and nose,
A strand of fluffy hair,
Long eyelashes.

Perhaps we succeeded
I want to get the resemblance!
Physical education minute
Also on their canvases, artists depict household items: fruits, vegetables, showing us their beauty - such a picture is called “Still Life”.
I’ll arrange it beautifully on a saucer
A bunch of grapes, pears, plums.
I'll open my notebook
And I will start drawing fruits.
First I'll draw plums
With a lilac-pink tint.
Then the fragrant pear side,
In which ripe juice ferments,
Then transparent grapes,
Keeping the southern aroma.
The still life was successful,
And I'm proud of my drawing!
- Do you like looking at bright, elegant picture books?
- Why do you like them?
Artists who decorate children's books with illustrations are called “Illustrators.”
- Let’s be artists today too. Go to the table and take the material that you will need for your work.
- Think about what you want to draw? “Still Life”, “Portrait”, “Landscape”.
When you finish your work, we will arrange an exhibition of your works, and you will tell us what you drew.
At the end of our lesson, I want to give you all colored pencils so that your drawings will always be bright and colorful and will please not only you, but also all the people around you.

Svetlana Panfilova
GCD summary for educational field artistic creativity, drawing “Who do you want to be?”

Abstract of GCD in the educational field of artistic creativity, drawing.

Age group preparatory to school group.

Subject: "Who are you do you want to be

Integration educational fields artistic creativity, cognition, communication, socialization.

Program tasks: consolidate children’s knowledge about people of different professions. Strengthen the ability to convey in drawing image of a person, depicting figures of people in characteristic professional clothes, in a work environment, with the necessary attributes.

Strengthen the skill paint The main parts with a simple pencil, carefully paint over the drawings.

Teach children to evaluate their drawings in accordance with the task.

Ways to organize children while sitting at tables.

Equipment: illustrations or photographs from image people of various professions. Presentation "Professions". White paper, simple graphite pencil, colored pencils.

Vocabulary work: profession.

Preliminary work: looking at images people of different professions. Reading stories about people of different professions. Conversations on the topic “What do your parents do?”, "Who would you like be. Excursions to the store, library, hairdresser, post office, construction site. Games in "Shop", "Hospital", "Barbershop".

GCD move

1. Open entry into activities.

Today we will talk about what is very important in the life of every person. But first we will need to solve a few riddles, the answers to which will give us the answer to the question: What will we talk about today?

Show presentation "Professions".

2. Introductory and organizational.

How can you name all the answers in one word?

Well done, we will talk about professions today.

What is a profession? (Children's answers)

A profession is work to which a person devotes his entire life.

What professions do you think people primarily need for life? (Builder, cook, doctor, tailor.)

What other professions do you know? Children's answers.

3. Motivation for activity.

There are many professions on earth

And each one is important.

Decide my friend who be you.

After all, we have one life.

Guys, have you ever thought about what you want to become?

What attracts you to this profession?

4. Explaining something new or expanding existing knowledge.

Today you can draw whoever you want be when you grow up.

Think about what you draw on your sheet so that, after looking at the picture, we can guess what profession you have chosen. Decide how best to place the piece of paper.

5. Dynamic pause.

Fizminutka "Mill"

The mill, the mill grinds flour, (we twist our hands "mill")

The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing stronger, (smoothly wave your arms above your head from side to side)

The mill grinds flour faster.

It blows - the wind blows stronger.

The mill grinds flour even faster.

It blows - the wind blows stronger.

We ground flour (knock fist on fist)

Huge bags, ( depict"big bags")

From flour, from flour (clap our palms with a revolution, depicting pies)

We baked pies

Okay, okay, (clap)

Pancakes were baked.

6. Practical work.

I remind you of the ways pencil images, coloring the drawing with colored pencils. I talk individually about what is possible depict, so that the drawing is more expressive.

7. Open withdrawal from activity.

All drawings are displayed on the board. The drawings should be examined and children should be invited to choose the most interesting ones.

Which drawing did you like?

Who will be the child who drew this picture?

How did you guess? What helped you with this?

What did you like about this drawing?

What do you like about your drawing?

What did you fail?

What would you like to change? finish drawing?

“Who are you want to become When will you grow up?”

The builder will build us a house,

And we will live together in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books,

The bread is baked by a baker in the bakery.

The teacher will teach you everything -

Teach literacy and writing.

The letter will be delivered by the postman,

And the cook will cook us some broth.

I think you'll grow up

And you will find something to your liking!

Summary of the educational situation

in the preparatory drawing group “Who do you want to be.”

Target: create conditions for the development of children's artistic creativity in visual activities.


learn to convey in a drawing ideas about the work of adults, to depict people in characteristic professional clothing, in a work environment, with the necessary attributes.

Strengthen the ability to draw the main parts with a simple pencil, make sketches on paper, and carefully paint over the drawings.

Enrich active vocabulary on the topic of “profession”;


Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

Develop imagination and creativity;

Develop basic mental operations.


To cultivate respect for people of different professions, to form an idea of social role labor and a positive attitude towards various types labor;

Develop interaction with peers.

Materials and equipment:


Slides depicting people of various professions;

Photo album of the group;

Slides depicting the professions of parents.


Colored pencils, watercolor paints, gouache paints, oil crayons - to choose from;

Paper A4, A3 – optional;

Graphite pencil;
- buckets of water;

Sketch paper;








- 8 dolls of different professions with attributes.

Sound design:

Phonogram of songs “Goodbye, kindergarten", "Wonderful school years."

Preliminary work.

Reading works of fiction: G. Rodari “What do crafts smell like?”, V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”, and Barto “ Veterinarian", "Painter", S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa", "What do you have?", S. Chertkov "Children about the profession. Vet. Hairdresser. Farmer. Fisherman. Musician, Scientist."

Conducting didactic and role-playing games on the topic “Professions”, examining albums and illustrations.

Progress of the educational situation.

1.Introduction to the game situation.

Children are engaged in independent activities. Greet guests. Note that the guests came to see how the children of our group live and offer chairs.

The teacher takes a photo album of the group to offer to the guests, leafs through it, looks at the photos when the children were very small.

Yes, how quickly time flies. It seems that just recently you came to kindergarten, you were small and funny, and very soon the time will come when we will say goodbye and you will go to school (screen saver - music “Goodbye, kindergarten”). And time flies very quickly. You will graduate from school, get a profession, and I know and believe that you will become very smart, kind and good people(screen saver – “Wonderful school years”).

How I would like to see everyone when you grow up.

Let's dream a little. Do you like to dream?

Guys, want to imagine that you are on the verge of graduating from school, almost adults and you need to choose a profession.

My years are getting older

It will be seventeen.

Where should I work then?

What to do with work?

(V. Mayakovsky)

What a wonderful poem! Yes, there are many professions in the world and it is very difficult to choose yours.

2. Updating existing knowledge.

And who do you want to be? (address each child)

Why do you choose this profession?

What do you know about this profession?

Do you think there are female and male professions?

Why do you think so?

And what professions are courageous, for brave and strong people?

What professions require kind and attentive people?

Children's answers.

You know, I also wanted to become a ballerina since childhood, but I became a teacher and am very happy about it. I love my profession, I really like working with children and I really like dancing with you.

- Tell me, do you know what you need to do in order to choose your profession?

Children's answers.

Bring to the understanding that you need to learn well about different professions and make a choice.

Guys, do you want to play a little and solve riddles? Then watch carefully!

(View a presentation with solving riddles.)

Discovery of new knowledge or skill.

The traffic light is flashing for me, The insidious fire will win

He knows that I... The one whose name is... ( Chauffeur .) (Firefighter) The sick person will not solve problems, The children know exactly:
He treats all the sick... The food is delicious...
(Doctor.) (Cook)

Furniture, bread and cucumbers Stretched canvas, paints, tripod Sold to us... (Sellers) Paints a picture from life... ( Artist )

With a heavy bag he walks around the area, Every resident in the house knows -
He puts letters in our mailbox... This house was built...
(Postman) (Builder.)

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,

He doesn't fly a plane

And a huge rocket.

Children, who, tell me, is this? (Astronaut)

The teacher hands the photo album to the guests:

Dear guests, look at our photo album,

and addresses the children:

I would really like this album to have a photograph of Yulia the doctor and Seryozha the fireman. However, this time is still very far away. Dear future specialists, how can you help me?

Children's answers. (Lead to the answer that you can picture yourself in your future profession)

I would really like to see your drawings.

Do you want to picture yourself in your future profession?

Then choose your materials, my young artists, and get to work.

Difficulty in the situation.

Remind you that you do not need to draw all the small details with a graphite pencil, but only the main parts. Invite the children to first make a sketch on a separate sheet of paper, note that it is advisable to depict a profession with attributes, if a driver is a car, if a store is goods, etc.

After finishing drawing .

You made me very happy today. What wonderful drawings will remain as a keepsake in your group’s album. I am very grateful to you for your work.

While the drawings are drying, do you still want to play? If you want, then divide into 2 teams.

Physical education lesson - game “What’s extra?” (if needed)

On one table are attributes for various professions. On opposite tables are dolls of certain professions for 2 teams.

Offer to choose dolls for your team yourself.

In the game, children must choose attributes for their team's dolls.

Bottom line. Analysis.

To each child:

What did you do best?

What can you tell us about your work?

What else would you like to draw?

What didn’t work out for you today?

What helped you get this job done?

Whose work do you think most accurately reflects future profession?

Or maybe it happens that you don’t choose this profession in the future?

What do you think is missing in your drawing?

Guys, do you know the professions of your parents?

Your parents gave us a gift - a photo report on their professions. We'll definitely watch it this evening.

Viewing a presentation with photographs of parents in the afternoon.