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Chicken fillet loop. Competitors are not asleep

Brand: Petelinka

Tagline: Tender chicken from caring hands

Industry: food industry

Products: chilled poultry

Year the brand was founded: 2001

Owner: OJSC Cherkizovo Group

TM "Petelinka" is a leading brand in the chilled poultry segment on the Moscow market. Petelinka is the price leader in the super plus segment and is represented in almost all federal and local retail chains. The brand belongs to the Cherkizovo Group. The brand has high degree recognition and customer loyalty.

The manufacturer positions "Petelinka" as the leading domestic brand in the super plus segment. Its distinguishing feature is high quality - the poultry is raised in the most ecologically clean area of ​​the Moscow region and has minimal delivery time from farm to store. It is also important that the products "Petelinka" never frozen - only supplied chilled.

Brand "Petelinka" got its name from the manufacturer’s enterprise - CJSC Petelinskaya Poultry Farm, located in Odintsovo district Moscow region.

The Petelinskaya poultry farm has existed in the Moscow region since 1965, when by resolution of one of the CPSU congresses it was decided to make every effort to develop chicken farming in the country. Then many twin factories arose with the same assortment. This is where the marathon chickens come from, with thin necks hanging lifelessly from the string bags of Soviet housewives. Petelinsky chickens almost never appeared on store shelves. They were delivered mainly to the table of the servants of the people. The production volume of Petelinsky chickens at that time barely reached 3,000 tons per year.

In 1997, the Petelinskaya factory became part of agro-industrial complex"Cherkizovsky". At that time, its products were of interest to the holding only as raw materials for sausage production. After the 1998 crisis, the cost of imports increased, and consumers turned to products from domestic poultry farms. From a raw material appendage, the company turned into a strong market player and in 1999 completely reoriented itself to the production and sale of poultry meat. Sales volume was about 6,000 tons per year. My own began to develop retail network: the company opened branded stores and purchased tonars (automobile shops). Funds have become available to upgrade production capacity. But there were not enough own outlets to sell large quantities of perishable products.

By 2000, Moscow had formed retail chains and supermarkets. This channel quickly became a tasty morsel for Russian food industry due to its format, traffic, and the number of purchases made per day. In addition, income level regular customers supermarkets are higher than those of market visitors.

However, there was only one way to enter retail effectively and efficiently – with a recognizable brand,” says Vyacheslav Chulkov, Marketing Director of the Petelino Trade House.

In 2000, the Petelinskaya poultry farm set itself the task of creating a brand that would allow it to take a strong position in the market. Moreover, it should be targeted at consumers with above-average income levels.

Name development project corporate identity Petelinsky products was launched in February 2001 together with the advertising group Depot WPF. Studies have shown that passion own trade was not in vain for Petelin. According to the results of the research, spontaneous knowledge of the poultry farm’s products amounted to 14%, which, according to the creative director of Depot Alexey Fadeev, is a good indicator for a company that has not previously promoted its brand.

After developing product name options and their initial testing within the company, eight names were submitted to potential consumers. According to Fadeev, one of the most neutral options for a brand name is "Petelinka"– was not chosen by chance. “Russian consumers were a priori suspicious of chicken,” says Alexey. “The memory of the pathetic blue chickens that once lay on the shelves was still vivid. Loud names like “Miracle in Feathers” both pleased and irritated the majority of respondents.” Another one has been identified interesting feature. From the options presented, the name "Petelinka" received the most positive feedback from consumers with above-average incomes – target audience Petelinskaya poultry farm.

After choosing the name, we changed the logo, and then developed design options and label shapes with corporate identity elements for refrigerated products. True, at this stage the Depot WPF company was faced not so much with the need to convince the management of the Petelinskaya poultry farm and the Cherkizovsky agro-industrial complex to agree to more radical changes, but with the technical limitations of the production itself.

Based on the features of the conveyor, the workers had only a few seconds to pack. Therefore, we had to abandon paper ribbons with a logo printed on them. "Loopholes", encircling the package with the bird, and limit it to a triangular label. The new brand began to be promoted a year after its development began.

Both outdoor and television advertising are used to promote the brand. The main message of the videos is the elitism of Petelin chicken. For this purpose, famous TV presenters are involved in the dubbing: Ksenia Sobchak and Tina Kandelaki. The manufacturer sees young active women who love themselves as a potential audience for the videos.

In November 2012, Cherkizovo Group presented an updated logo "Loopholes". Slogan of the updated "Loopholes"- "A tender chicken from caring hands."

Now the factory is equipped with modern Dutch equipment, and, in addition, it uses a new separation principle for domestic poultry farming technological processes. Thus, the breeding farm and the industrial site are separated by a sanitary zone of 5 kilometers.

Brand assortment "Petelinka" includes: carcass, cutting parts, offal, minced meat and marinated kebab.

Brand: Petelinka

Tagline: Tender chicken from caring hands

Industry: food industry

Products: chilled poultry

Year the brand was founded: 2001

Owner: OJSC Cherkizovo Group

TM "Petelinka" is a leading brand in the chilled poultry segment on the Moscow market. Petelinka is the price leader in the super plus segment and is represented in almost all federal and local retail chains. The brand belongs to the Cherkizovo Group. The brand has a high degree of recognition and customer loyalty.

The manufacturer positions "Petelinka" as the leading domestic brand in the super plus segment. Its distinguishing feature is high quality - the poultry is raised in the most ecologically clean area of ​​the Moscow region and has minimal delivery time from farm to store. It is also important that the products "Petelinka" never frozen - only supplied chilled.

Brand "Petelinka" received its name from the manufacturer's enterprise - CJSC Petelinskaya Poultry Farm, located in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region.

The Petelinskaya poultry farm has existed in the Moscow region since 1965, when by resolution of one of the CPSU congresses it was decided to make every effort to develop chicken farming in the country. Then many twin factories with the same assortment arose. This is where the marathon chickens come from, with thin necks hanging lifelessly from the string bags of Soviet housewives. Petelinsky chickens almost never appeared on store shelves. They were delivered mainly to the table of the servants of the people. The production volume of Petelinsky chickens at that time barely reached 3,000 tons per year.

In 1997, the Petelinskaya factory became part of the Cherkizovsky agro-industrial complex. At that time, the holding was only interested in its products as raw materials for sausage production. After the 1998 crisis, the cost of imports increased, and consumers turned to products from domestic poultry farms. From a raw material appendage, the company turned into a strong market player and in 1999 completely reoriented itself to the production and sale of poultry meat. Sales volume was about 6,000 tons per year. Its own retail network began to develop: the company opened branded stores and purchased tonars (automatic shops). Funds have become available to upgrade production capacity. But there were not enough own outlets to sell large quantities of perishable products.

By 2000, retail chains and supermarkets had formed in Moscow. This channel quickly became a tasty morsel for Russian food industry due to its format, traffic, and the number of purchases made per day. In addition, the income level of regular supermarket customers is higher than that of market visitors.

However, there was only one way to enter retail effectively and efficiently – with a recognizable brand,” says Vyacheslav Chulkov, Marketing Director of the Petelino Trade House.

In 2000, the Petelinskaya poultry farm set itself the task of creating a brand that would allow it to take a strong position in the market. Moreover, it should be targeted at consumers with above-average income levels.

The project to develop the name and corporate identity of Petelinsky products was started in February 2001 together with the advertising group Depot WPF. Research has shown that Petelin’s passion for his own trade was not in vain. According to the results of the research, spontaneous knowledge of the poultry farm’s products amounted to 14%, which, according to the creative director of Depot Alexey Fadeev, is a good indicator for a company that has not previously promoted its brand.

After developing product name options and their initial testing within the company, eight names were submitted to potential consumers. According to Fadeev, one of the most neutral options for a brand name is "Petelinka"– was not chosen by chance. “Russian consumers were a priori suspicious of chicken,” says Alexey. “The memory of the pathetic blue chickens that once lay on the shelves was still vivid. Loud names like “Miracle in Feathers” both pleased and irritated the majority of respondents.” Another interesting feature was revealed. From the options presented, the name "Petelinka" received the most positive feedback from consumers with above-average incomes - the target audience of the Petelinskaya poultry farm.

After choosing the name, we changed the logo, and then developed design options and label shapes with corporate identity elements for refrigerated products. True, at this stage the Depot WPF company was faced not so much with the need to convince the management of the Petelinskaya poultry farm and the Cherkizovsky agro-industrial complex to agree to more radical changes, but with the technical limitations of the production itself.

Based on the features of the conveyor, the workers had only a few seconds to pack. Therefore, we had to abandon paper ribbons with a logo printed on them. "Loopholes", encircling the package with the bird, and limit it to a triangular label. The new brand began to be promoted a year after its development began.

Both outdoor and television advertising are used to promote the brand. The main message of the videos is the elitism of Petelin chicken. For this purpose, famous TV presenters are involved in the dubbing: Ksenia Sobchak and Tina Kandelaki. The manufacturer sees young active women who love themselves as a potential audience for the videos.

In November 2012, Cherkizovo Group presented an updated logo "Loopholes". Slogan of the updated "Loopholes"- "A tender chicken from caring hands."

Now the factory is equipped with modern Dutch equipment, and, in addition, it uses a new principle for the domestic poultry industry of separation of technological processes. Thus, the breeding farm and the industrial site are separated by a sanitary zone of 5 kilometers.

Brand assortment "Petelinka" includes: carcass, cutting parts, offal, minced meat and marinated kebab.

MOSCOW, October 4 - PRIME, Natalya Karnova. Rosselkhoznadzor this week announced an appeal to the court to suspend the activities of the Petelinskaya Poultry Farm (part of the Cherkizovo group) for up to 90 days, or a fine for the company in the amount of 700 thousand to 1 million rubles. The basis for the appeal was the repeated detection of salmonella and listeria in the company’s products based on the results of sampling in one of the capital’s stores. Studies of samples of parts of Petelinka broiler carcasses were carried out at the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Central Scientific and Methodological Veterinary Laboratory".

In May, the company was already fined 300 thousand rubles by the Rosselkhoznadzor department for a similar offense. At the same time, according to the Cyrano early warning system, other violations of veterinary and sanitary standards were identified in the manufacturer’s poultry products, including the presence of antibiotics.

Cherkizovo has already commented on the situation, saying that they are looking into what happened. However, the situation was called strange: the group received neither official documents from Rosselkhoznadzor on the transfer of the case to the judicial authorities, nor protocols of product studies. According to a representative of the group, additional studies of the Petelinskaya Poultry Farm products did not reveal any violations.

In turn, Rosselkhoznadzor said that it had repeatedly sent Cherkizovo notifications about violations. “We double-checked, they received them for their part. Moreover, telephone conversations took place on this subject, so the fact that they did not know is disingenuous,” department press secretary Julia Melano noted in this regard.

Rosselkhoznadzor stated that Cherkizovo received notifications of violations at Petelinka

Since the notifications were ignored and unsafe products were repeatedly identified, the service was forced, in accordance with the law, to go to court.


It was reported that product sampling was carried out at retail outlets. Cherkizovo indicates that in this case it is necessary to take into account the conditions of transportation and temperature regime retail storage. The quality of products directly depends on these indicators.

Experts interviewed by Prime do not rule out both options for infection getting into chicken carcasses - both in production and directly during the sales process. “Food products are mainly infected with listeria during production and storage. Chickens are most often infected with Salmonella by eating feed or drinking water,” said Commercial Director information and analytical agency "IMIT" Lyubov Burdienko.

However, salmonella entering the body does not necessarily cause illness. It all depends on the type of microbe, the conditions under which the bird is kept, its age and general resistance to disease. Overheating or hypothermia of young animals, unsanitary conditions, high concentration of livestock, stagnant or clogged water contribute to the disease.

In turn, Ilya Bereznyuk, managing partner of the consulting and communications agency in the agricultural sector Agro and Food Communications, suggested that the company is doing everything possible to maintain product quality. "Salmonella and Listeria are bacteria that are, unfortunately, ubiquitous. Problems arise when they have the opportunity to multiply. It is my understanding that the products were removed from the store shelf, and this may have happened in the summer, when due to high temperatures any violations of storage and transportation conditions lead to contamination of the products,” he argues.

According to Associate Professor of the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov Alexander Timofeeva, Rosselkhoznadzor drew attention to several factors at once. “Firstly, there are many violations in the technology itself. Local residents note that there is a terrible smell near the farm; the carcasses of some chickens were simply thrown away. There is also a large operating solid waste storage facility nearby, and accordingly, the real estate is also valued very low,” he noted.

Secondly, cases of bird flu have already been recorded there several times. Thirdly, complaints about the products have accumulated from several regions of Russia at once. And finally, fourthly, the company has been fined not for the first time, and the previously raised claims have not been completely eliminated, he pointed out.

Rosselkhoznadzor asks the court to suspend the production of Petelinskaya poultry farm products


Experts state that the chicken business is thriving and gaining momentum throughout Russia. The bird is omnivorous, unpretentious in its maintenance, and can live in the most unpretentious conditions. The largest player in the meat market, according to the AgroInvestor rating, is Cherkizovo. According to the Rosptitsesoyuz, the group is the second largest producer of broiler meat in Russia. Consolidated revenue at the end of 2017 amounted to 90.5 billion rubles. She controls 8 poultry complexes full cycle, occupying 11% of the market for all chicken products in the Russian Federation.

As for the Petelinskaya Poultry Farm, at first glance, its share in the total production volume is small - about 1%, Bereznyuk noted. “But the factory’s share in the production of the Central Federal District is already significantly higher - 3%. In addition, the enterprise is located in the Moscow region and traditionally produces products for Muscovites. Moscow is the most capacious regional meat market, and here the factory’s share in consumption can reach 10%,” - he believes.

The expert stated that this moment In the chicken market, demand exceeds supply. Under these conditions, a reduction in production from one of the major players may also lead to a reduction in supply on the meat products market.

In turn, Burdienko from IMIT believes that the poultry market is now highest competition. "The only factor of competitiveness is product quality. Meanwhile, trademark"Pelinka" is recognizable and has a high level of consumption, which indicates trust in the brand. That is why this manufacturer has no right to make such mistakes,” she said.

Cherkizovo is looking into the situation with Rosselkhoznadzor going to court over Petelinka

There is a lot of money at stake, Timofeev agrees. According to him, retail forces manufacturers to provide products with a long shelf life, competitors put pressure on the price, which ultimately affects quality. Against the backdrop of the crisis, more and more Russians will be forced to replace beef and pork with chicken, which will increase the market volume. Cherkizovo failed in this race for a low price. Therefore, competitors, the closest of which is the Belgrankorm agricultural holding, will take the opportunity to squeeze it out.

In one of the cleanest areas of the Moscow region - Odintsovo, namely in the village. Chastsy, located JSC "PETELINSKAYA POULTRY FACTORY "PETELINKA". Since 1997, it has been the main poultry farming asset of the Cherkizovo Group. The operation of the poultry farm began in 1965. The factory initially produced "elite poultry". It was supplied not to ordinary stores, but to specialized ones, where party leaders shopped. For residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, petelin chicken was a rarity on the table. Only 3 thousand tons of products were produced per year. It was difficult to get vacancies at such a specific enterprise. After 1997, production volumes increased significantly. Now the factory produces up to 40 % of broiler meat in the region. The range has been expanded, the production of semi-finished products has begun. Information about the enterprise is on the official website of the Group and many portals that cover poultry farming in Russia.

The site where young animals are raised and the production facilities of JSC "PETELINSKAYA POULTRY FACTORY "PETELINKA" are located in the village of Chastsy (Odintsovo district), but are located at a 5-kilometer distance from each other. This complies with sanitary standards and makes infection impossible finished products in case of illness of chickens in feedlots. Job vacancies for employees are also strictly differentiated and personnel cannot in any way become a carrier of infection from the cultivation area to production. The store receives only high-quality poultry cutting products and semi-finished products. Every year the poultry farm produces 56 thousand tons of broilers in live weight. It is possible to buy laying hens at the price list of the poultry farm. Details of the work and arrangement of production can be found in the factory section on the official website of the Cherkizovo Group.

Promotions from PETELINKA

Since 2001, only chilled chicken meat and chicken cutting products under the Petelinka brand have been supplied to stores.

The brand is aimed at buyers in the super+ price segment. He's different high quality. Carcasses and semi-finished products under the Domestic Chicken trademark are also produced. For job seekers at CJSC "PETELINSKAYA POULTRY FACTORY "PETELINKA" a small problem may be the lack of a list of positions on the official website. But the issue with a career can be easily resolved by personally visiting the HR department of the Moscow region poultry farm. Promotions from the Petelinka poultry farm are constantly held.

MOSCOW, October 6 – RIA Novosti, Maxim Rubchenko. Rosselkhoznadzor, having discovered dangerous bacteria and antibiotics in Petelinka chicken meat, demanded that the poultry farm be stopped. Manufacturers shift the blame to retail chains. Experts believe that this scandal will, in any case, greatly affect the market position of one of the most popular brands. Read about how the closure of the Petelinskaya poultry farm will affect prices in stores and what you need to pay attention to when buying chicken meat.

What kind of crap is this?

On October 3, Rosselkhoznadzor submitted materials to the court, on the basis of which it demands to apply sanctions to one of largest manufacturers chicken meat - Petelinskaya poultry farm. According to the department, dangerous bacteria (salmonella and listeria), as well as antibiotics, were found in the company's products presented in stores in Moscow, the Moscow region and neighboring regions.

Salmonella is a bacteria found in meat, fish, milk and chicken. They usually live in the intestines of humans and animals, but are capable of long time preserved in food products without dying during freezing.

Once in the human body, salmonella can become the causative agent of salmonellosis, a whole group of diseases, including typhoid fever and paratyphoid fever. Tens of thousands of people die every year from salmonellosis around the world, especially in countries with hot climates and low level hygiene.

Listeria is another type of bacteria that poses a deadly threat to humans. They actively reproduce when low temperatures(from four to ten degrees), therefore widespread in northern countries.

In 2004, a team of Swedish researchers assessed the spread of Listeria in poultry, meat and fish processing plants in Scandinavia. Bacteria were found at almost all production facilities, and, as it turned out, most often (in 74% of cases) they live on the floors of poultry farms.

Once in the human body, listeria accumulates in the spleen and liver and gradually penetrates other organs and tissues, which can lead to serious consequences.

Recently, a case of acute purulent meningitis was reported in an adult male due to Listeria infection.

As for antibiotics, today they are considered a necessary evil when breeding chickens, since the spread of infection among birds can destroy the entire population and bankrupt the enterprise.

The problem is that by consuming chicken with antibiotics, a person “accustoms” dangerous microbes that enter the body to them: as a result, it is much more difficult to recover from a real illness.

"The traders are to blame"

The Cherkizovo group, which includes the Petelinskaya poultry farm, responded to the Rosselkhoznadzor statement by saying that it “understands the current situation, which seems somewhat strange.” On October 3, the company “conducted additional research on the products of the Petelinskaya poultry farm - experts did not reveal any violations of standards.”

The producers recalled that the last inspection by Rosselkhoznadzor at the poultry farm was carried out in June 2018, as a result of which no deviations were identified.

The company notes: since the selection of products was carried out at retail outlets, “it is necessary to take into account the conditions of transportation and temperature conditions of storage in retail - the quality of the products directly depends on these indicators.”

In other words, according to the chicken producer, the product has spoiled already in stores or on the way to the counter.

Indeed, if chicken is left outside the refrigerator or in a poorly functioning unit for even two hours, salmonella and listeria multiply quickly.

So there may well be someone to blame here outlets. However, violation of storage rules cannot in any way add antibiotics to chicken.

In addition, Rosselkhoznadzor recalled that in May of this year the Petelinskaya poultry farm was already fined 300 thousand rubles “for a similar violation.”

Now the department, through the court, demands either the suspension of the enterprise’s activities for up to 90 days, or a fine in the amount of 700 thousand to a million rubles.

Caution doesn't hurt

Undoubtedly, a fine, even a million - best scenario for the company in the current situation. Competition in the chicken meat market today is extremely high, and if Petelinka disappears from stores for three months, competitors will quickly take its place.

Direct losses should not be discounted: the broiler production cycle is 42 days, so stopping production for 90 days means the loss of two generations of broilers, which will cost the company much more than a million rubles.

For consumers, especially Muscovites, the cessation of the poultry farm will also be an unpleasant surprise.

According to experts, Petelinka today occupies approximately ten percent of the chicken meat market in the capital. A one-time disappearance of such a volume of production may push other suppliers to raise prices.

In any case, Petelinka’s reputation has been seriously damaged; consumers will be wary of this brand’s products for a long time to come.

Unfortunately, without special equipment it is almost impossible to determine whether chicken contains salmonella or listeria, since they do not affect either appearance, not the smell of meat.

The same applies to antibiotics. During life, the chicken was almost certainly fed them, but in what quantities and for how long this lasted, whether the drugs had time to leave the bird’s body, this cannot be seen in the store.

But violations in the transportation and storage of chicken are reflected quite clearly on it. The first sign of a spoiled product is an unpleasant odor.

The skin of the chicken carcass should be dry and clean. Slippery and sticky indicates that the meat is not suitable for consumption.

It is clear that in this case the carcass should be light in color and free from defects - scratches and bruises.

Fresh, refrigerated chicken should be cooked within two to four hours of purchase. The maximum period from a safety point of view is 10-12 hours.

The main measure of protection against infection with salmonella and listeria is thorough heat treatment. It has been established that at a temperature of 60 degrees, salmonella die in 12 minutes.