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May adversely affect. Spraying reagents to "disperse clouds" can adversely affect health

As far as I know, living people can positively influence the dead. For this reason, we speak Kaddish and study Mishnaios for the souls of the dead. (Feel free to comment with other examples of this.) If you want to become more mystical, there are many stories of the Tzaddiqi seeking tikkunim for sinful souls.

So, today I read an article that mentioned how, and I wondered: is it possible negatively affect the souls of the dead?

(The posthumous baptism of Mormons has just given rise to this question. I am more interested in general idea that souls will be negatively affected after of death.)

@DoubleAA brought up an interesting point in the comments that I didn't think of. Will the soul affect the sins of a living person because of what the deceased did in life?

In particular, I'm wondering if there are sources that discuss this, instead of looking for personal logic and intuition.

Double AA ♦

If you are assuming that doing mitzvot helps them because they "forced" you to do it, then if someone sinned because of the deceased, it must negatively affect him in the same way that he "caused" him to sin.

msh210 ♦

As for the Mormon Baptim, it's sort of a duplicate of But IMO this question is good even if the Mormon baptism issue is removed from it. +1.


@DoubleAA you are actually bringing up something I didn't think of. I asked only about actions that the deceased had nothing to do with and did not cause. You bring up another exciting aspect that I didn't think of. Gratitude! I added this to the question.

Zachin Ladam Shelo Befanave, Vine Chaivin Oso Ela Befanave.



Summary: One who drinks water on the eve of Shabbat, or, according to other opinions, following the mincha on Shabbat, steals water from the souls of Gehenom and thus harms them.

There is little, if any, discussion in Scripture about the continuation of the life of the soul after death, so we are left to explore the dark depths of the Midrash. I refer you to the (weird?) halakhic drinking water controversy on Shabbat eve and after the minch on Shabbat. A good discussion of this argument can be found in Leon Wieseltier's Kaddish. Here are some excerpts [page 100-105 of the first edition of Vintage Books, 2000]:

ערוגת הבושם:

On Saturday, the dead are released from hell. On that day, the souls are forced to stand at the sparkling spring of water that flows at the entrance to the garden, and then they rinse themselves in the water to cool their bodies from the fire ... Since the souls at this hour stand next to this fountain, geonyms and [post-Talmudic] the rabbis established the custom that we do not drink water between the afternoon and evening on Saturday, because we will be stealing it from the dead.”

According to rabbinic legend, when a person drinks water at dusk [on the Sabbath], it is as if he were stealing water from his dead. And I found this in the response of the Geonim: “We heard how it was said on behalf of the early sages that at the time of twilight the souls of the dead are allowed to drink water. And when a man drinks water at the hour when souls of the dead drink water, the souls of the deceased, who are his relatives, are not allowed to drink. For this reason, the sages said that it is as if someone were stealing from their relatives."

When it's noon [Saturday] ... this is the practice of the righteous ... and then eating food. Our Master Tam [רבנו תם] scolded them and said that it was forbidden, referring to the story in the Jerusalem Talmud about a man who drank water between the afternoon prayer and the evening prayer, and the angel of death came and killed him because he drank when the dead drank, and the robber of the dead also."

Rabbi Meshullam replied that he had a different wording in his text of the ancient rabbinic legend. Its text states that "those who eat and drink at noon on the eve of the Sabbath [steal from the dead], and the reason is that [by Friday afternoon] the dead are exhausted from the judgment they have endured all week." And for this reason, he strictly observed not to drink at noon on the eve of the Sabbath ... And it is the custom of the whole world to be careful [to drink water from the dead] ... "

Bach comes to the conclusion that one should not drink on Friday afternoon or Saturday afternoon.

Needless to say, the practice of abstinence from drinking almost disappeared during these times, although, as can be seen from the above, it was widespread in the Ashkenazi lands in the Middle Ages.


The custom fell into disuse BECAUSE circumstances changed. I believe that the ban on drinking water refers only to plumbing directly from a body of water (lake, river), not to tap water from pipes and definitely not to bottled water.


The Torah says (in 10 commandments) that God punishes the guilty for 3 or 4 generations.

In many places I have seen people concerned about this idea, and the general kiruv response is that if a person's children do not perform mitzvot, due to the sins of the parent, the parent is punished for not having mitzvahs and sins being committed, up to 3 or 4 generations.

From this answer and the general question, it would seem that yes, a person can negatively affect the deceased.

Language לְשֹׂנְאָי- implies that children inherit the sins of their fathers, and not vice versa. (this may be true, but pasuk is not implied)

Yes, it's a joke that changes the simple meaning of the verse.


Are there sources for this?

Haham Gabriel

HaRav Musafi writes in his Sefer (Shivat Zion) that when someone says "Hashkava" to someone after the first year of his death, it can have a negative effect, and Veshalom can lead to torture in Nesham. He also says that when someone reads "ha-ha-tara" "Lezekher Nishmat" and makes mistakes, this can also negatively affect Nesham Khash Vesalom.


“There shall be no one among you who causes his son or his daughter to go through fire, who uses divination, a soothsayer, or a sorcerer, or a sorcerer, or an exorcist, or one who consults a ghost, or a familiar spirit, or a necromancer. . For everyone who does this is an abomination to the Lord, and because of these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you.” Deuteronomy 18:10-12

To believe that this Mormon ceremony actually affects the Jewish souls at Olam Haba is a violation of the Torah verses above.

Whether the negative behavior of a living Jew negatively affects the fact that the deceased parents of a Jew (or perhaps a teacher) is debatable; but it is clear that whatever non-Jews do independently, for whatever motive, has zero effect.

Very most we spend our lives working side by side with colleagues whom we see more often than friends and even close relatives. This, of course, is a pretty good reason to want to make a good impression and establish friendly relations with others.

Is being good bad?

But often we do not notice how, it would seem, the positive traits of our character can have a bad effect on these aspirations, and in some cases even cost us our careers ...

So, let's decide what you don't need to do, and where you even have to change your character.

Night martyr

You surely understand what in question. These are the same guys who regularly stay late at the office, apparently to impress the authorities with their exorbitant workaholism. It's time to upset them. It's not the best The best way become the soul of the company.

Just imagine: the working day is over, everyone is going home, and you continue to work in splendid isolation, not paying attention to what is happening around you. It seems that even the end of the world could not make you finally go to rest (except for the light in the office). Now imagine what your colleagues think. It begins to seem to them that they are insufficiently responsible employees, that: “maybe I need to stay late too?” But everyone wants to leave the coworking space as soon as possible and run home to eat and sleep. And then you violate all their plans: no one wants to look hard-working enough in the eyes of their superiors.

In general, it is not necessary so, work is not a wolf. Stay only if there is a real need for it. Believe me, the boss will easily notice the difference between diligence and pretense. Moreover, he is likely to appreciate your ability to complete things on time. Do you still believe that a career depends on the number of working hours?


And these comrades manage to simultaneously hold a conference by phone while typing another report on a computer or completing a project. They have no downtime: one task is immediately followed by the next. No rest, no breaks. Oddly enough, many managers do not like these employees, although they hire willingly.

If you divide your attention between several tasks, you can, of course, speed up the work process and increase the number of completed tasks, but you can also lose quality and accuracy. At the same time, by doing multiple functions, you sometimes spend more time on average than if you did everything gradually. If you often make stupid mistakes and this has become a pattern, think about whether the game is worth the candle.

After all, the authorities expect quality performance your duties, and rarely anyone is interested in the process itself. So finish with multifunctionality, it's time to focus on one thing, as the degree of importance decreases.

Incredibly efficient employee

There are such perfectionists who turn even the simplest task into hard work. They scrupulously delve into the details in order to achieve perfection, which somehow somehow slips away, like time, but naively consider themselves very effective and valuable to the company. Let's just say that in some places these traits are really necessary, but in many areas of activity such perfectionism turns into Sisyphean labor.

This also includes employees who will not get up from the table without finishing the current business. That's how at 9:00 we started to work, so until 15:00 without interruption from production. And by the time they are released, there are a couple of hours of free time that need to be spent somehow with benefit. And they have to take extra work that no one will pay for, just to fill those gaps. If you recognize yourself, tie it up. It is better to plan your working day in such a way that you can gradually complete the tasks assigned, while not giving up lunch and breaks. After all, these hours / minutes were invented for a reason, for lazy people, but so that your eyes and brain have time to rest and you can do your job better.

Treat King

There are altruists who bring goodies to the office every day. And, it would seem, what's wrong with that? However, let's connect a little empathy. Surely there will be girls in the office who are on a diet and take care of their skin, or diabetics who want to, but cannot, and you bring sweets or cookies. Sooner or later they will become angry. "With good intentions..." as they say. Be careful.

If you really want to do charity work, first evaluate the situation in the office: does someone else bring cookies, whether colleagues are willing to help themselves, and in general, maybe they prefer vegetables and fruits to flour. And when the observations are recorded and analyzed, you can start raiding the nearest store. Now you can be sure that you will be able to please your colleagues. Or not? People are unpredictable.

Sole of company

Extremely attentive employee. He cannot just walk around the office without making a compliment, not inquiring about his health or chatting for a minute or two with each of his colleagues, often cracking jokes, trying to defuse the tense working environment - in a word, the soul of the company. Of course, everyone in the team knows him.

However, this popularity also has side effects. It may sound surprising, but for some people it is really important to concentrate only on work, and they really do not welcome extraneous noises, laughter or attention to their person, they distinguish between work and friendship. Before entering into a dialogue with someone from your office, even if you just want to praise Ivan Ivanovich's new tie, think about whether you will make things worse. Perhaps a person has a project on fire and now he is not at all up to mutual curtsies. Instead, chat during breaks or during lunches together. It's good if your colleagues are able to abstract from the work process at this time. Otherwise, a fiasco awaits you again. You don't want people to start refusing food just because even there there is no peace from you?

In general, be friendly, but don't overact or be overly intrusive. It is quite possible to be passive and remain the soul of the company, so that later it does not turn out like in the famous film: “Once she was nominated for community service and since then they have not been able to push back.

Why discounts negatively affect your business?

Merchants who indulge in discounts by cutting prices and holding sales before some significant holiday risk losing customers on long term. Discounts and sales can cause customers to simply get used to them. If changes in your economic infrastructure require price increases, then you may lose much of the customer base you have worked so hard to achieve.

Too many companies do not take into account the effect of price on sales. While price cuts have contributed to additional purchasing power, could these discounts exceed required level benefits? In this case, large discounts are taken into account.

Impact on customer relationships.
Decreasing and then raising prices by the same level can dampen your customers' desire to buy. Some companies use this pricing strategy to attract customers or to sell out, hoping that they will win customer favor in return. Thus, some companies take part in price control, losing important enterprising buyers in the process. Large discounts can also negatively impact your brand.

Impact on the industry.
Price cuts can lead to a counterattack from your competitors who only want to reduce your profits. Also, competition can suddenly arise among traders of the same product, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the price of the product, and therefore to a decrease in income from each unit of production.

The so-called "Margin" (trading margin, set by industrial enterprises) is an important component.

Businesses with excellent customer service don't even think about discounts. So evaluate your own level of service and your experience in the business to determine how you can move up the ladder to the right level. On top of that, companies with amazing products and services don't have to give discounts. Make sure your business offers the best product available. Then you can already demand such a price for the goods that you like.

While discounting may be applied by a number of merchants and businesses, you should carefully consider this issue and consider its impact on your business. It would be much better to use other alternatives. It is very important for you to determine the known strategy that would really work for you.

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