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Writing articles for money on the Internet. Detailed instructions for earning money

Hi all! Just recently I was wandering around the Internet and found 2 interesting video courses “Copywriter Career” and “Copywriting Workshop”, I watched, read and thought, “Why not write an article yourself and sell it on the stock exchange.” People don't make bad money there, I should check...

I tried it... I quickly wrote an article in 15-20 minutes (just off the top of my head) with 3000 characters and posted it on the ADVEGO exchange. The next day I go to the exchange and see the notification “Your article No. xxxx, paid by the buyer, funds received 6.30 USD.” Cool...

Well, of course, I am not writing this article to brag, in this article I will tell beginners about how to make money on articles, how to write an article and submit it for sale on an exchange, which exchange, and how to make sure that your article is sold THE BUYERS PAY ATTENTION AND BUY IT...

First, a short introduction. Basically, the guys and girls who read my blog are bloggers. These are the people who run their own blog, promote it and earn money accordingly (maybe). Someone has money for promotion, somewhere to buy a link, somewhere to run through article catalogs, somewhere to buy a banner to drive traffic to the blog, etc...

There is money, you can invest it in promotion. But some people don’t have money for promotion at all, or they have it, but don’t want to spend it...

So, how and where can you earn a good amount of money and then invest it in blog promotion? I believe, and I think that many will agree with me, making money by writing articles and selling them on the stock exchange is the best way.

And what does investing money in blog promotion have to do with it? Here you can just make good money and create a good one for yourself. additional income from scratch without any investment. I registered on the stock exchange, wrote an article of several thousand characters and submitted it for sale. All. Wait until they buy it... Or better yet, not just one article, but several articles a day...

Agree! Many may say, “Here you need to write articles on a blog, you don’t always have time, and also write for sale... How to manage everything?” Yes, it's difficult! But if you have a strong desire, anything is possible! As they say, “There are no things that you can’t do overnight”... =) If you write a blog once every three days, then in the interval of two days you can write a couple of articles for sale...

On the one hand, everything is easy, but in reality, not everything is as simple as it seems. Eh, if everything were so elementary, then now everyone would be writing articles all day long. I wrote 5 articles a day, submitted them to the stock exchange for 200 rubles apiece and wait until tomorrow the mower falls into your pocket... Of course not... As they say, “If the activity you are engaged in is simple, then there is no big money" Exactly!

Well, okay, about easy money, that’s a completely different topic. Let's return to the ADVEGO exchange. At the end of the article, I will give you a few more links to exchanges where you can make money by writing articles, but now let’s look at one exchange, the Advego exchange, since it is the most popular and well-known in RuNet.

Before explaining all the technical points to you, I would like to ask you a couple of questions:

1. Who do you think buys articles on exchanges?
2. How to make sure that your article is purchased?

I would answer these questions like this. I believe that people buy articles on exchanges to fill their sites and blogs in order to make money from them! BUT! Anyone who has their own website or blog understands that posting other people’s (purchased) articles on your website will not lead to anything good, would you agree?

If, for example, you run your own blog, write about your life on it, you write for people, you are aimed at increasing traffic to your resource by filling the blog with useful and interesting content, you are aimed at increasing the number of subscribers, target audience etc., then it is strictly not recommended to post purchased (not your own) articles on your resource.

Tomorrow I will post a left-wing article from the stock exchange on my blog and you will immediately notice it, because it will not be written by me, it will not have the energy that I put into each of my articles, it will not be of interest to you and other readers. ..

Result: attendance will decrease, the number of subscribers will decrease, in short, everything will definitely go down! Yes, there are great articles on stock exchanges, I don’t argue, but how to buy exactly interesting article? When you buy an article, you don't see its content, you only see it after the purchase...

Why am I saying this? And besides, people buy articles on exchanges mainly not to fill their author’s websites and blogs, they buy articles for resources that are intended specifically for making money. Look how many sites and blogs there are on the Internet filled with purchased articles.

The scheme is simple: a person makes himself a website or blog, fills it with purchased articles, increases the site’s TIC and PR indicators, and then earns more on this site than he pays for purchasing articles.

How does he earn money? Very simple. Selling links from the site, paid placement of articles, banner advertising, teaser advertising, contextual advertising, affiliate programs, etc... Content is necessary for such a site or blog only to maintain life. Search engines see that the resource is constantly updated (filled with content) and lives accordingly. Every day people find this resource using some search queries...

The conclusion from everything written above is that people buy articles in 60-70% of cases not for people, but for search engines (keeping their resources alive) or, in extreme cases, when there is nothing to write, they can go and buy on the stock exchange. When buying articles on the exchange, such people choose them by title and description + price, so you need to make sure that your article is noticed and bought...

2. How to make sure that your article is purchased?

This is the most important point! Thousands of articles are sold on the exchange, but how can you make sure that your article is bought? Right! Give it a powerful catchy title + write a powerful and interesting description.

Why was my article bought immediately? I wouldn’t say that the article itself is great, I just gave it a cool, catchy title + an interesting description! What's the title you ask? I will not say! =) You see, such a headline that I don’t even want to announce it publicly... The main thing is that it worked, the article was grabbed in two minutes...

The conclusion from everything written above - 90% of success when selling an article on the stock exchange - is its title and description... Consider this!

Well, now let's move on to the technical aspects. Earnings on advego exchange consists of 5 points:

1. Registration on the exchange
2. Writing an article + adding it for sale
3. Selling an article
4. Conclusion Money to wmz wallet (webmoney)
5. Withdrawing funds from your webmoney wallet to your hands

I think you'll sort out the registration. After registering in the settings, be sure to indicate your wmz wallet. Well, if you don’t know what webmoney and wmz are, then you need to find out about it in Google or Yandex, then install Webmoney Keeper Classic on your computer and then create a wallet. In short, there is nothing complicated there. Learn if you don't know!

Next, you write the article on your computer, it’s better to write in word so you can see it right away possible mistakes in the text. Advego seriously monitors this; if there are errors in your articles, the admins will return the article back to you for revision.

After the article is written and checked for errors, you can add the article for sale. To do this, go to the section - “To the author” - “Sell article” and fill out all the fields. As I wrote above, make a high-quality, catchy title for the article + a cool description. In the “article text” field, insert the article itself.

Select “category”, select “text type”, if you wrote an article from scratch, then this is “copywriting”, if you reworked some article (I do not recommend), then this is “rewriting”, if you translated the article from English into Russian, then this is a “translation”.

Ready! The article has been sent for moderation. If everything is fine, you will receive a notification that your article has been moderated and is up for sale. If there is something wrong with the article, you will also receive a notification. No big deal, just change what needs to be done and submit it for moderation again.

After the article is purchased (hope so), you will again receive a notification: “Article No. xxxx was paid for by the buyer...”.

The minimum withdrawal to a webmoney wallet is $5. After you withdraw funds to your wallet, you can withdraw them to your hands... How? It’s very simple, the webmoney website has all the withdrawal instructions. You can also use my two articles with recommendations for withdrawing WMR.

Just keep in mind that you can withdraw WMR, not WMZ. You can exchange WMZ for WMR in the same Webmoney Keeper Classic. Right-click on the wallet in the program - “Exchange WM* to WM*...”

Money exchange happens instantly! So, that’s basically all there is to making money on advego. The principle of making money on other similar exchanges is the same. Write an article - sell it - get money on webmoney - withdraw money into your hands.

In addition to earning money from selling articles, you can also participate in the exchange’s affiliate programs by inviting other users there using your affiliate links and receiving additional income from their article sales. In all exchanges % of income by affiliate program different, some have 25%, some have 30%, and some have as much as 50%. Not bad!

The earning scheme is simple. You register on the exchange, they give you an affiliate link, you give this link to other users, they register using it, sell articles, receiving income, and you, in turn, receive a % of the system commission.

And besides making money on these exchanges, you can also buy content for yourself on them, so keep that in mind. I often buy content for some of my projects and recommend it to you!

Well, I’ll finish the article! I think this post will be very useful for those people who are just starting their first steps in making money on the Internet. To be honest, I never thought that you could make good money from articles; it seemed to me that in this way you could only earn enough for a sandwich with butter...

It turns out that not only... I am sure that among you there are talented people who can write cool and interesting articles, why not use this talent to your advantage...

So that’s it... I’m finishing my writing, this was just a little information on making money by writing articles. You can learn all the nuances, subtleties and professional things from experienced copywriters... The “Copywriter Career” and “Copywriting Workshop” courses will help you! Bye bye!!!

P.S. How do you like the article? I advise you not to miss information about new free video courses and blog competitions!

Best regards, Alexander Borisov

Earning money from articles today is more relevant than ever; every day there are several thousand newbie copywriters wandering the Internet who work for pennies. They then quit their business and simply move away from copywriting. But this is not for us. We will stay afloat to earn decent money.

Basic knowledge

Where to start working as a copywriter? Of course, with obtaining the necessary knowledge!

How to make money from articles?

In order to work as a copywriter, you must first of all love to write, read and dream. If you just decide to earn money, then you won’t last long, and after a couple of days you’ll give up everything. You have two ways to develop in the field of copyright.

  • The first way is to register on article exchanges and start fulfilling orders. It’s worth saying right away that don’t expect gold bars at the beginning of your career! The orders will be small, and the price for them is meager. But after you gain experience, then move on to large and expensive orders.
  • The second way is selling articles. You write a text and then post it on exchanges for free sale. It’s the same here: at first the prices are low, but then you’ll start raking in money with a shovel. If someone doesn’t like your article, then talk to the buyer and correct the errors, otherwise you will receive negative feedback and return the article, which subsequently guarantees a lower rating.

If you don’t understand anything at all, then I advise you to find textbooks on the Internet called “Earning money by writing articles,” read it and everything will become clear to you.

To begin with, write a couple of articles on free trading to get your hands on and get comfortable with the stock exchange.

There is a section in your profile called a portfolio, where you should add a couple of your coolest articles. This is done so that the customer can see how fluent you are with your words.

Write every day, then your earnings from articles will grow!

Don’t be afraid to communicate with the customer - he doesn’t bite.

Bring your texts to perfection.

Check your grammar and spelling!

If they make comments to you, then react calmly...

Earnings from selling articles can reach 60,000 rubles. On Textsale, top copywriters earn even more. As you can see, there is room to grow, the main thing is to move forward, constantly develop and gain experience. Now you know that earning money from articles will allow you to receive stable income and spiritual pleasure.

Hi all! Today we'll talk about this popular form making money by writing articles on the Internet for money. Here, unlike other types of earnings, the rule “ career growth", i.e. over time you will be able to get much more for the same work greater reward. On the other hand, to start earning money, you don’t need any special knowledge or skills, all you need is to more or less correctly express your thoughts (remember essays in school) and the desire to work.

WITH what to start? Exchanges of articles (copywriting)

First, register on any article exchange. There are a great many of them on the Internet, and new ones appear almost every month. We take only popular and proven ones. I advise beginners to opt for.

After registration, you will have two options for earning money.

Writing articles to order. The customer gives you a topic for the article, its approximate size (number of characters), and keywords that must be inserted into the text. Then you write this very article and get paid for your work. That's all.

The second option is to expose your own texts for sale. You can publish several articles on any topic, set a price and wait for someone to buy it. First of all, you need to understand which articles are in demand. Usually these are topics such as making money, traveling, animals, etc.

Copywriting and rewriting

A little theory and definitions.
Copywriting is writing your own unique article.
Rewriting- retelling a text in your own words.

In principle, the fundamental difference between these two concepts is quite blurred. No one will immediately say that this is an entirely original article, rewritten in your own words.
The most important thing when writing is the uniqueness of the article. What does uniqueness mean? This means that your article has never been published anywhere on the Internet before and is only in your possession in a single copy.

This parameter must be checked by the customer, and by the exchange itself, so I do not advise you to cheat and copy other people’s content from other sources. Will not work.

To whom need articles?

Articles are mainly ordered by website owners to fill them with high-quality and unique content. Nowadays, to promote a website to the top search engines, it is necessary to constantly update content and add information. Search engines love unique content. As a result, the site’s position in search engine results is growing, it is gaining popularity, and its traffic is growing.

Why order articles? Why not write them yourself?

There may be several factors why owners order articles rather than write them themselves. I will list the main ones: no time, no skills, many articles are needed in a short time, which one person alone is not able to write, and many others.

How to write articles?

Everything here is simple and clear. Choose a topic for yourself (yourself or to order), then find articles similar to yours in a search engine, read several such texts and…..retell them in your own words. That's all. It will take you a maximum of 20-30 minutes to write such an “essay.”

Advice. At first, take on easy and small tasks, perhaps even just reviews and comments. This way you will get better at writing texts, and you yourself will notice how each time the article will be written easier and faster. In the future, we move on to more complex and higher-paying tasks.

Earn money by writing articles. How much can you earn?

On average, you will get paid for an article of 1000 characters $2-3 . Everything will depend on the topic and complexity of the article. 1000 characters is half an A4 sheet. Many, communicating in in social networks, they write many times more. You can easily write 1-2 articles in an hour. So consider it.

Moreover, each time you gain experience, receive feedback and increase your rating on the exchange, you become a more experienced copywriter and can subsequently safely increase your prices. Perhaps you will find yourself a permanent customer (or several customers). Good copywriters are highly valued on exchanges, and they are willing to pay them good money.

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Can you write in Russian? Do you know that you can make money from this? You will be required to write articles for this. Oh, have you written any articles yet? No problem. After all, you have to start sometime! So, let's get down to business: let's talk about how to make money online from articles.

Be sure to try it!

In general, I think this the best way make money online without investment! Writing texts for money is real view income for students and women on maternity leave!

Online resources for writing articles on the Internet are called copywriting sites. Copywriting is your original work, rewriting is retelling an article you read in your own words. Copywriters and rewriters are...

Go to one of the copywriting resources, register and try to complete the order: no one will scold you for this or impose penalties. If you can write articles, you can earn money from it.

What is very important here is the opportunity to improve. What does this mean? On popular Internet sites, copywriters, depending on their level of professionalism, are divided into categories. All categories have different rates for every 1000 characters in the article! The level of earnings depends on the category. Do you understand the meaning? Have you ever written an article?

So be sure to try it! Suddenly you have the talent of an eloquent copywriter!

You can earn good money!

Highly paid copywriters earn as much as writers and scientists.

I assure you, if you reach high level professionalism, then quit your factory or company where you work now and you will only earn money from articles on the Internet, enjoying life! Tempting?! That's not all!

You can earn today from $2 per 1000 characters you write!

To do this, you need to write competently and pass a test on one of the popular copywriting resources (below I will recommend some of the ones I have tested).

And, for example, after a year of your fruitful work on the Internet (or earlier), you will gain so much experience that you will increase your status and will already receive 4 or 8 bucks per thousand...!

And the sky's the limit! Develop and get rich! Don't you write books? So it's not necessary! Write small articles that are constantly sold out on the Internet! Now, I believe that being a copywriter is even better than being a writer. It is important to the author of a book: how the book is sold. It still needs to be sold, and a lot of money needs to be invested in it to produce a circulation. And here you can earn money without investing a penny! Moreover, you don’t need to sell anything to anyone! On copywriting sites, webmasters themselves give you an order and immediately pay you for it after checking the completion! Do you feel the benefits of this activity? All you have to do is come up with literate texts.

Payment is guaranteed by the service: upon receiving a task, the administration “freezes” the money received from the webmaster for the work and pays you when the completed work is accepted. There are a lot of applications. There are enough resources on the Internet! Write and earn money.

Are you scared to take the first step? Take Natalia Odegova's courses gain knowledge and new specialty!

I will recommend you several sites on which I myself have worked and am currently working. So I checked this area from both sides! Believe me, she is equally beautiful on both sides! Webmasters order articles in order to post them on their sites to supplement content or on third-party Internet resources to promote their sites. It is better for a beginner to start his activity with low-paid resources, where they pay less, but the requirements are lower.

For example, I suggest starting with This is a fully functional, popular, tested site by me. There is a simple, intuitive interface, friendly technical support, and informative instructions for using the service. So, you can figure it out with ease. To get started, you just need to pass a basic test to show that you, after all, write in Russian, and write competently, and can express your thoughts clearly and understandably. After this, you can search for a task using a filter.

Similar resource - It is not much different from the previous one, so I will not dwell on it. I hope you can figure out the interface on your own.

They pay more here!

Let's take a better look at more serious resources for copywriters, with high tariffs payment. is a famous, beloved service that has been successfully operating on the Internet for 8 years. When you register and log in to the site using your username and password, you will immediately feel at home. Everything is organized comfortably!

The site is equipped with tools for copywriters to check articles for plagiarism, by the number of characters, by counting keywords in the text, etc.
Just go to the top menu " Work ->Job Search » and select an order.

There is a convenient filter for searching. Here are acceptable tasks. Go down a little. To view article writing assignments, select in the filter " Type of work:->TECHT/Article, review »

Payments – (rubles, dollars). This is a self-respecting resource that values ​​its reputation. I advise you to definitely include it in your list of used sources of your earnings on the Internet. If you are hesitant to take the article right away, then complete a simpler task first, for example, a comment. Here you will be pleasantly surprised by the intelligence of the webmasters, compared to low-paid article specialization services. If you decide to make copywriting your main type of income, then this Internet resource will become your workplace, and technical support and customers will become your work team. A good team at advego is the key to your success as a copywriter! Stop! This already looks like advertising. Although no one has paid me for it yet! Simply, I like this online platform.

Another online copywriting resource is Contentmonster ( The name of the site speaks for itself. To receive the assignment, you will be asked to confirm your phone number and take a Russian language test. This site is most likely suitable for highly trained copywriters. If you have already reached this level, try your hand and prove your worth!

You may ask, “Why do I need a resource with a strict selection of performers?” I will answer: “Firstly, it is a feeling of satisfaction that you have been recognized as a competent specialist. Secondly, high payment rates. Thirdly, more interesting work! Fourthly, there is a high chance of getting a permanent “fat” customer.

Just earn your money!

And one more common advantage of all the copywriting resources I mentioned with high payment rates - on these sites your “headache” on the topic of a scam is completely removed!

Just work calmly and get your money. Only your work is yours! Enjoy your earnings and creative mood!

Additional view An affiliate program can be a way to earn money for you (article writing services offer performers and customers to receive income from attracted users).
You can read about this type of earning money on the Internet on my blog!

Who wants to learn more about the course Click here. On my own behalf, I will say that the video course is really useful; I personally learned a lot of information that was useful to me in the future.

Alexander Sergienko was with you, good luck to you!

Come to my group on VK -

Do you want to make money on articles with a payment of $1000 per month? Yes? Then read on! Making money from articles is a great way to make money on the Internet, spending only a few hours a day. This job is suitable for anyone who has a desire to earn money, has a computer/laptop and access to the Internet. In addition, you must be able to write beautifully or at least retell the text you read in your own words. Your sentences should be clear and well-formed, there should be no grammatical errors, and punctuation marks should be in the right place.

Many people looking for work think that in order to make money from articles they need to be some kind of genius in writing texts, that is, have talent and specialized education. They are afraid that they will be asked about their education, how many texts they have already written, etc. This is what stops most people, although in reality these are just excuses and excuses for lazy people. Yes, of course, you need to fill out a minimal form, but it is very simple and does not require any specific knowledge.

If you studied well at school and know how to make words from words beautiful texts, then making money on articles is exactly what you need now! Don’t waste time, because every day you go without typing costs you money, and every month you go without writing can cost you $1000. Yes, yes, that's right, selling articles can make you monthly $1000 richer. You can earn that kind of money, but don’t think that it’s a waste. In fact, to receive $1000/month. You will have to work hard.

The first thing you need to do is register on one, or even better, on all of the resources listed below (article exchanges). Then you need to fill out your portfolio (if you have one) and start selling articles.

Below are some of the most popular and profitable exchanges for making money on articles.

The most profitable sale articles on sites:

ETXT.RU is a content exchange.

This content exchange just perfect for making money on articles. Both wordsmiths and copywriting beginners can sell their texts here. This exchange monthly provides its writers with an average statistical level of earnings in the amount of 13000 rub. or 200$. Earning money from articles on this resource very simple. That is why this exchange is for beginner copywriters fits best.

It has some of the most loyal moderators, easy site navigation and good prices for articles. Over time, your rating will increase, and this will bring even more money.

Payments on this exchange are made in Russian rubles.

Start with rewriting, that is, simply retyping a ready-made text in your own words. At the same time, be sure to respect the uniqueness of the texts. Yes, you, of course, can write from your head (come up with texts), but in this case you need to be able to properly understand the topic of the article.

To add your new article go to the "Add article" menu (column on the left), then insert the text into the field and fill in the required fields (article title, description, ending, etc.).

Now a little about the cost of articles. You cannot set exorbitant prices from the very beginning (no one will buy), even if you are a professional in writing articles. The whole point is that first you must raise your rating. Start with 12-15 rubles per 1000 characters. Then, after every 3rd article sold, raise the price by 1-2r/1000sym. At the same time, write 3-5 articles daily. As a result, within a month you will be selling your texts for at least 35-45 rubles/1000 characters. Daily earnings under such conditions will be about 500-700 rubles.

Real wordsmiths who know how to create beautiful and interesting articles can earn about 80-100 rubles per 1000 characters on this exchange, that is, 1000-1200 rubles per day.

In addition to simply writing texts, here you can earn money by completing certain tasks. To do this, submit a proposal in the "New orders" section and, after appointment, begin work.

The interesting thing here is that you can work under your account together with your friends. In this case, your rating will skyrocket in the very short time. Or you can simply give your friends (or even strangers who want to earn money) work, indicating the price, for example, not 10 rubles for 1000 characters, but 8 rubles. That is, you will not only quickly raise your rating on the exchange, but also earn the difference.

Here you also have the opportunity to sell photos for 200 rubles/piece.

Earning money from articles- a real, affordable and, naturally, very interesting way to earn money. Get started today, and within a month or two you will be glad that you decided to get into copywriting instead of working for your uncle for pennies!

TEXT.RU is a content exchange.

Exchange in RuNet it occupies the third position in popularity, but many believe that it provides the opportunity to earn money from articles no worse than Advego (second place).

Beginner copywriters and wordsmiths can earn money here. Your income here directly depends on your rating. The higher it is, the more likely you are to snatch an expensive task or sell an article at a higher cost.

  • +100 – add photo to account
  • +100 – fill in all your details
  • +100 – report through a special field how you got there or what brought you to the exchange

Further success depends on the activity of the copywriter. For each order completed or article sold, the rating increases by 50 or 100 points.

This exchange provides the following earnings on articles:

  1. Earnings on orders. This resource has two exchanges:
    • a copywriting exchange that is more suitable for experienced workers
    • rewriting exchange is just right for beginners.

      To make money on orders, just go to the copywriting/rewriting exchange, submit orders for work and, after approval, begin completing the task.

  2. Writing articles and then selling them - the simplest type of income. Write texts and implement them. To do this, print an article, go to the article store and put it up for sale. For beginning copywriters, this is the most reliable way to earn money. This will quickly raise your rating (you will receive points for each article) and you will earn good money. You can sell 1000 symbols here for 35 rubles.

The downside of this exchange is the moderators who check each article. Therefore, to avoid being banned and forced to retype a hundred times, immediately type carefully and correct all errors before adding.

Advego is a content exchange.

Advego- This is perhaps one of the most popular young exchanges. All copywriters use it - both beginners and professionals. It is noteworthy here that payment is made not in rubles or hryvnia, but in dollars.

Average monthly earnings from articles on this resource are $300-400. There is no such thing as a rating here, so beginners and experienced copywriters are almost on the same level here. You can sell articles here immediately from a price of 1$/1000zn.

The advantage of the Advego content exchange is that to determine the length of an article, in addition to characters, spaces are also taken into account, and this makes the article longer and, accordingly, more expensive.

Another one positive side This exchange is that there is not only earnings on articles. With the help of Advego, you can earn money by writing (writing posts on a variety of forums) or by advertising on various blogs. This is done so that a person can try himself in as many types of work as possible, and only then decide what he likes best.

Start making money on articles by registering, and then in the top menu of the resource, click the “Work” link.

To work on orders There is a "Job Search" section. Go there and select tasks. If there is a “Take a job” button, then by clicking it you will receive the task without any approval at all. The “Submit an application” link means that you can start completing the task only after you have been approved as a performer.

For selling articles You should go to "Jobs" and then to "Sell an Article". Fill out a short form and put your masterpiece up for sale.

Disadvantage of the Advego content exchange– moderators who very closely monitor the quality of the text, especially for new copywriters. First of all, they look for spelling or punctuation errors. Therefore, articles put up for sale in Advego must be of high quality. Under these conditions, after a couple of months of working on this exchange, you will have regular customers, and your earnings from articles will be at least $500-800/month.

COPYLANCER.RU is a content exchange or article store.

Copilancer– this is an ideal place for professional copywriters to make money on articles. Only people with the ability to print almost perfect articles get jobs here.

There are several ways to make money on the copylancer exchange. The "Article Store" section provides an opportunity to sell your texts at an expensive price. Each article here undergoes only manual checking by moderators who look for not only ordinary errors, but also stylistic inaccuracies. But imagine that after passing moderation you can sell an article at a price starting from $4/1000 zn.

On the copylancer service in the "Article Exchange" section there are always a lot of good orders. They are usually not that expensive, but they are always available. To have access to high-value orders, a copywriter must have the "Copywriter" status. To receive it, you need to make a request and go through a special test. To be honest, not everyone can do this. But if you succeed, then access to expensive tasks ($3-4/1000 zn.) will always be open to you.
There are also very expensive orders for the copylancer, with a price of about 8 $/1000 zn., but to gain access to them you must not only have the status of “Copywriter”, but also pass the exam to obtain the status of “Professional Copywriter”.