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Nizhnevartovskaya GRES official. Nizhnevartovskaya GRES

Location: Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk district, g.p. Izluchinsk
Installed electric power stations: 2,031 MW
Installed thermal power: 758 Gcal/hour
Main and backup fuel: associated gas from Belozerny and Nizhnevartovsk gas processing plants
Emergency fuel for the heating and starting boiler room: fuel oil
Commissioning - January 30, 1993

Year of birth: 1962


Tomsk Order of the October Revolution and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor Polytechnic Institute named after. CM. Kirov (Tomsk)

Professional experience:

August 2019 – present - Director of JSC Nizhnevartovskaya State District Power Plant.

2018 - 2019 - Director of the Urengoyskaya GRES Branch of JSC Inter RAO - Electric Power Plants.

2018 - deputy technical director Chelyabinsk State District Power Plant (CHP-4) PJSC Fortum.

2015 - 2016 - Deputy Technical Director for Operation of the Order of Lenin of the Chelyabinsk State District Power Plant of the Ural Energy System branch of OJSC Fortum.

2013 - 2015 - Deputy Chief Engineer for Operation of the Nyaganskaya State District Power Plant branch of Fortum OJSC.

2011 - 2013 - senior shift supervisor at the power plant of the Nyaganskaya GRES branch of PJSC Fortum.

1998 - 1999 - senior shift supervisor at the Tomsk CHPP-3 power plant "Tomskenergo".

1990 - 1998 - shift supervisor at the Tomsk CHPP-3 power plant "Tomskenergo".

1988 - 1990 - Shift Supervisor electrical workshop power plant Tomskaya CHPP-3 "Tomskenergo".

1984 - 1987 - worked his way up from a worker to a shift supervisor in the electrical shop at the Tyumenskaya CHPP-2 Tyumenenergo power plant.


2013 - Gratitude from the Governor of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug.

2014 - Gratitude from the Nyaganskaya State District Power Plant branch of Fortum OJSC.

2016 - Gratitude from the Chelyabinsk State District Power Plant (CHP-4) branch of PJSC Fortum.

Nizhnevartovskaya GRES is one of the main suppliers of electricity in the Ural Federal District. It was built primarily for the needs of oil and gas producing companies located in the largest region of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. In addition, the station supplies electricity and heat to residents and enterprises of the village of Izluchinsk. Nizhnevartovskaya GRES is considered one of the most environmentally friendly power plants, its technological processes have a high degree of automation.

After the launch of the first power unit in 1993, the construction of the state district power plant was mothballed and resumed in 2000 as part of the investment program of the Russian energy system. October 13, 2003 introduced into industrial operation power unit No. 2.

In 2014, power unit No. 3 with an installed capacity of 413 MW was put into operation. The new power unit is equipped with unique combined cycle gas equipment that meets the most modern environmental safety and energy efficiency standards.

The shares of JSC Nizhnevartovskaya GRES are owned by JSC Inter RAO - Electric Power Plants and the group company PJSC NK Rosneft.


Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Ugra belongs to the Ural Federal District. According to the charter of the Tyumen region, Ugra is part of the Tyumen region, but at the same time it is an equal subject Russian Federation. The administrative center of Ugra is Khanty-Mansiysk. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug occupies a leading position among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of volume industrial production, electricity production, oil and gas production, the volume of investments in fixed capital and tax revenues in budget system. On this moment More than 10 billion tons of oil have been produced in Ugra since the beginning of the development of the oil and gas province Western Siberia. The Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug produces about 7% of the world's oil and more than half of Russian oil.

Location: Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Nizhnevartovsk district, urban settlement. Izluchinsk
Installed electrical capacity of the station: 2,013 MW
Installed thermal power: 758 Gcal/hour
Main and reserve fuel: associated gas from Belozerny and Nizhnevartovsk gas processing plants
Emergency fuel for the heating and starting boiler room: fuel oil
Commissioning - January 30, 1993

Nizhnevartovskaya GRES is one of the main suppliers of electricity in the Ural Federal District. It was built primarily for the needs of oil and gas producing companies located in the largest region of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra. In addition, the station supplies electricity and heat to residents and enterprises of the village of Izluchinsk. Nizhnevartovsk State District Power Plant is considered one of the most environmentally friendly power plants; its technological processes have a high degree of automation.

After the launch of the first power unit in 1993, the construction of the state district power station was mothballed and resumed in 2000 as part of the investment program of the Russian energy system. On October 13, 2003, power unit No. 2 was put into commercial operation.

In 2014, power unit No. 3 with an installed capacity of 413 MW was put into operation. The new power unit is equipped with unique combined cycle gas equipment that meets the most modern environmental safety and energy efficiency standards.

The shares of CJSC Nizhnevartovskaya GRES belong to NVGRES HOLDING LIMITED (NHL). 75% minus 1 share in authorized capital NHL belongs to JSC Inter RAO - Electric Power Plants, and 25% plus 1 share belongs to OJSC NK Rosneft.

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Nizhnevartovskaya GRES - thermal power plant(GRES), located in the working village of Izluchinsk, Nizhnevartovsk district of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, 15 km from the city of Nizhnevartovsk, on the banks of the Vakh River. It belongs to ZAO Nizhnevartovskaya GRES, a joint venture of OAO OGK-1 and OAO Rosneft. The installed electrical capacity of the station at the end of 2010 was 1600 MW, it includes two steam power units of 800 MW each. The thermal power of the station is 758 Gcal/hour.

The first power unit was put into operation on January 30, 1993. Further construction was mothballed until 2000, resuming as part of the investment program of the Russian energy system.

The second power unit was launched on November 14, 2003. Construction work was carried out by OJSC Energostroyinvest-Holding.

In 2014, power unit No. 3 with an installed capacity of 413 MW was put into operation

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Nizhnevartovskaya GRES is a power plant located in the working village of Izluchinsk, Nizhnevartovsk district of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, at a distance of 15 km from the city of Nizhnevartovsk, on the banks of the Vakh River.

Currently, CJSC Nizhnevartovskaya GRES belongs to NVGRES HOLDING LIMITED (NHL), a joint venture of energy companies OJSC OGK-1 (75% without 1 share) and TNK-BP (25% plus 1 share).

As of the beginning of December 2013, the installed electrical capacity of the station was 1.6 GW (2 steam power units of 800 MW each), heating capacity was 758 Gcal/hour.

The average annual electricity production of the Nizhnevartovsk State District Power Plant is 12.5 billion kWh, heat output is 220 thousand gigacalories.

As for the operating efficiency of the youngest and, perhaps, most environmentally friendly power plant in Europe, its specific consumption standard fuel for electricity supply is 302.7 grams per kWh, for thermal energy supply – 168.7 kg/Gcal.

The first of two 800-megawatt power units was put into commercial operation on January 30, 1993. Then the construction of the station was mothballed until 2000, when it was resumed as part of the investment program of the Russian energy system.

Currently, work is underway at the station to install two power units with an electrical capacity of 410 MW each, the commissioning of which should be carried out by the end of 2015.

Electrical power: 2,013 MW
Thermal power: 758 Gcal/h
Annual electricity generation: 11,908 million kWh
Year of commissioning: 1993
Main fuel: gas
Auxiliary fuel: gas
Condition: in use

In fact, I’m in a little panic right now, because I have absolutely no idea what to write about. This is not the first state district power station that I am filming for Inter RAO and my imagination has dried up a little. But, sitting again in the Sheremetyevo waiting room, before flying to Tyumen, you can come up with something. Fortunately, planes and the airport set a pleasant mood and flow of thoughts.

And the steam turbine of the new power unit launched this year, which you see in the first photo, very much reminded me of some kind of hyperdrive spaceship. :)

1. First, a traditional review of the old part. Well, like old. This station is a little over 20 years old.

2. The first power unit was launched on January 30, 1993. Despite the collapse of the Union and the complete collapse of the economy, means were found not to abandon the almost completed power unit and not turn it into a great unfinished project. In the photo, the station shift manager (or, as people in this position are also informally called, “night station director”) Igor Burmatov, next to him (in overalls) is the electric shop shift manager Evgeniy Kuligin, winner in the “Best in Profession” category at the All-Russian competition between operating personnel of thermal power plants and combined cycle gas turbine units – 2013.

3. Unfortunately, the same fate befell the second block, the construction of which was mothballed until 2000. And only within the framework of the investment program for the reconstruction of the Russian energy system, work was continued and the unit supplied current to the unified energy system on November 14, 2003. By some mystical coincidence, the difference between all three inclusions of NV GRES power units in the network is exactly 10 years: 1993 - 2003 - 2013.

4. Now this is one of the most modern power plant in Russia. Its capacity, taking into account the third power unit launched this year, is 2,013 MW.

5. Heavy camera work. Also a girl with a camera.

6. At this station, the main and reserve fuel is associated gas from the Belozerny and Nizhnevartovsk gas processing plants.

7. The station was built primarily for the needs of oil and gas producing companies located in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. In addition, the station supplies electricity and heat to residents and enterprises of the village of Izluchinsk.

8. It is considered one of the most environmentally friendly power plants; its technological processes are highly automated.

9. Steam lines from the boiler to the steam turbine. The pressure in the pipe is 250 kg/cm2. Temperature – 545 degrees.

10. Visual control generator oil system.

11. The first two blocks have the same capacity - 800 MW.

12. As I said, the station is different high degree automation and control. From one installation, more than 2000 different parameters are entered into the system.

13. This is a backup control panel.

14. Power unit operator Alexey Tsoi, representative of the Tsoi dynasty at the Nizhnevartovsk State District Power Plant. The winner of the competition “Best in Profession - 2014”, as well as his brother, electrician of dispatch equipment and teleautomation Dmitry Tsoi.

16. The shareholders of the Nizhnevartovskaya GRES enterprise are the companies Inter RAO and Rosneft.

17. Feed turbopump of power unit No. 2.

19. Steam pipeline suspension system.

20. Visual control of steam pipeline deflection.

21. Blower fan of power unit No. 2.

23. Now let's go to a new block. Generator outputs.

24. Steam turbine and its new power unit generator.

25. Gas turbine. The total capacity of the new CCPP is 413 MW

26. Some atypical (for me at least) types of combined cycle gas plants. it's actually a chimney.

27. I'm telling you it looks like a hyperdrive!

28. Control panel of the new power unit.

30. At a press conference:)

31. Many thanks to the press service and all the employees of the Nizhnevartovsk State District Power Plant for their hospitality and a wonderful tour of the station.

The power plant in the village of Izluchinsk, Nizhnevartovsk region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, is one of the main suppliers of electricity throughout the Ural Federal District. This is the last power plant in Russia, the construction of which began in the 21st century and was completed in the 21st.

Design new turbine Nizhnevartovskaya GRES is unique: it operates using the latest efficient combined cycle technology.

The first power unit was put into operation back in 1993. The second one was in 2003. The third power unit was commissioned in 2014.

Installed electrical power of the station 1600 MW, installed thermal power: 758 Gcal/hour. The main type of fuel is natural gas.


After the launch of the first unit in 1993 further development stopped, and power unit No. 2, the construction of which had already begun, turned into long-term construction. The reason for this was the unstable situation in the country. The situation changed at the beginning of 2000, when construction resumed as part of the investment program of the Russian energy system.

The shares of CJSC Nizhnevartovskaya GRES belong to NVGRES HOLDING LIMITED (NHL). In the authorized capital of NHL, 75% minus 1 share belongs to OJSC INTER RAO - Electric Power Plants, and 25% plus 1 share began to belong to OJSC NK Rosneft after the latter bought TNK-BP.

The village of Izluchinsk did not exist until 1988. It arose exclusively in connection with the construction of a state district power station. The name of the village comes from its location - in the bend of the Vakh River. Today Izluchinsk is the largest and most comfortable village in the Nizhnevartovsk region.

The General Director of the Nizhnevartovsk State District Power Plant today is Alexander Petrovich Pashchenko. He has been working at energy enterprises since 1979. He has been working for the benefit of the Nizhnevartovsk State District Power Plant since its very foundation. Since 2002, Pashchenko worked as deputy chief engineer for operation of the state district power plant, and since 2003 - chief engineer. In 2005, Pashchenko was appointed to the position of director of the State District Power Plant. In the summer of 2011, Pashchenko was elected head of the Nizhnevartovsk region and chairman of the district Duma.

The company JSC Inter RAO – Electric Power Plants unites almost all Russian generating assets of the Inter RAO Group, with the exception of power plants in Omsk and Tomsk regions and Bashkiria. Today the company includes 17 largest power plants with a total capacity of 22,578 MW.

Among all the state district power plants owned by Inter RAO, Nizhnevartovskaya ranks fifth in terms of installed electrical capacity of 1,600 MW (the Kostroma state district power plant is in the lead with a record 3,600 MW), and ranks first in terms of installed thermal capacity of 758 Gcal/hour.

Closed Joint-Stock Company“Nizhnevartovsk Regional Power Plant” (short name – CJSC “Nizhnevartovskaya GRES”) is a regional-scale power plant, which is one of the key suppliers of electricity in the Urals.

The power plant is located on the territory of the urban-type settlement Izluchinsk, Nizhnevartovsky Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District- Yugra, which is on the very bank of the Vakh River, 15 km from the regional administrative center. Nizhnevartovskaya GRES is owned by a jointly founded company (co-founders: OJSC Wholesale Generating Company No. 1 and Tyumen national company- VR"). IN organizational structure The society includes 23 departments.

History of development

After the launch of power unit No. 1 in 1993, the construction of the state district power station was suspended. Contract work was restored only after 7 years - in 2000, as part of the implementation of the federal investment program energy system Russia. On November 14, 2003, power unit No. 2 was launched. In the fall of 2006, Nizhnevartovskaya GRES was merged with OJSC OGK No. 1 as a structural branch. In December 2007, by the Decree of the governing body of OGK No. 1, CJSC Nizhnevartovskaya GRES was legalized, to whose balance sheet two operating power units of the GRES were transferred (included in the authorized capital).

Production figures

The installed electrical capacity of the state district power plant (as of the end of 2010) was about 1600 MW. To generate energy, two steam power generating units of 800 MW each were installed. Thermal productivity of the power plant is 758 Gcal/hour. GRES operates at natural gas, in 2010, the supply of necessary energy raw materials was carried out through purchase from TNK BP Holding OJSC.

In 2012 it was produced electrical energy– 12,477 million kWh, which is 0.01% more than in 2011 and 10% more than in 2010. Standard fuel consumed for electricity generation is 302.7 g/kWh. Heat supply – 220.1 thousand Gcal. To produce a unit of thermal energy, equivalent fuel consumption is 168.7 kg/Gcal.

The launch of the first energy unit took place at the beginning of 1993, and the second - a decade later.

Investment plans

In accordance with the terms of the Contract on Joint Investment Activities, the responsibilities of JSC OGK-1 include the construction of the third energy unit in two stages. First, power unit No. 3.1 (410-450 MW) will be commissioned with a completion date before the end of 2013. Completion of the second stage of construction with the launch of power unit No. 3.2 (410 MW) is expected by 2016. The fuel for the new blocks will be associated gas produced in the region from TNK-BP fields.

In 2010, the supplier of the main equipment was agreed upon - the General Electric company, and also the main designer - OJSC TEP Institute. In 2011, the general contractor was determined - JSC VO Technopromexport. Investments in the implementation of this project will amount to 40.46 billion rubles.

Capital and management structure

The entire 100% stake in CJSC Nizhnevartovskaya GRES is the property of NVGRES HOLDING LTD (NHL). While 75% (excluding one share) in authorized capital NHL belongs to JSC OGK-1, 25% plus one share (blocking stake) is owned by TNK-BP. Both enterprises are jointly implementing an investment project for the construction of power unit No. 3 of the station based on two 450 MW CCGT units.

Head, General Director - Viktor Anatolyevich Larioshkin.