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Pavlik gok cell phone number. Pavlik gold deposit

As Kommersant learned, Arlan Investment Company has postponed the commissioning of a mining and processing plant at its Pavlik deposit (Magadan Region) to the third quarter. Now Pavlik and the nearby Natalka Polyus Gold deposit are connected to power grids, which will not allow both sites to increase production; energy workers promise to introduce additional capacity by 2017. Meanwhile, the Canadian Centerra Gold became interested in purchasing Arlan’s assets in Kolyma.

OJSC Pavlik Gold Mining Company, which is developing the deposit of the same name in the Magadan Region, is shifting the project implementation deadlines. Pavlik through the Cyprus offshore company Gentlia Ltd. controlled by the investment company Arlan. The company is building a mining and processing plant (GOK) at the deposit worth about 5.5 billion rubles. In October 2013, the ex-general director of Pavlik, chief geologist of the Arlan Investment Company, Vasily Makarov, confirmed that the mining and processing plant would reach its design capacity by mid-2014. But, as Igor Pritolyuk, head of the mining and environmental management department of the Magadan Region Ministry of Natural Resources, told Kommersant yesterday, this moment The field facilities are 80% complete. “In May, the company plans to begin mining and preparatory work at the quarry, and in August-September it plans to launch the mining and processing plant,” said Igor Pritolyuk.

The Pavlik deposit is located in the Tenkinsky district of Kolyma, 12 km from the largest gold deposit in Russia, the Natalka deposit (developed by Polyus Gold). According to initial data, the deposit contained about 57 tons of gold in categories C1+C2. By the summer of 2013, after additional exploration, a feasibility study of conditions was approved, according to which gold reserves at Pavlik in categories C1+C2 exceed 152.5 tons with an average content of 2.61 g/t, resources C1+C2+P1 - 225 tons. In addition to Pavlik " Arlan owns the Rodionovskoye (with reserves of 30 tons), Burkhalinskoye, Shakhskoye and Utinskoye deposits in the region (resources of each - 50-70 tons).

Magadan authorities consider Natalka and Pavlik as the base of a future gold mining center, which in ten years will be able to produce more than 50 tons of gold per year. In 2012, Pavlik produced 6.2 tons of gold; mining results for 2013 have not yet been summed up. According to company reports published on Tuesday, last year its profitability decreased tenfold - from 460.1 million rubles. profit up to 43.28 million rubles.

According to the project, the Pavlik mining and processing plant should process 3 million tons of ore in the first year and produce 5-6 tons of gold (with a design capacity of 6.2 tons). But to increase the mining and processing plant’s capacity to 6 million tons of ore and 10-11 tons of gold per year, the enterprise does not have enough energy resources. General Director of OJSC DVEUK Igor Dzhurko explained to Kommersant that now the capacity is only sufficient for the first stage of Natalka and Pavlik. To commission the second and third stages, a new power line with a length of 270 km and a substation with a capacity of 250 megavolt-amperes are required. Construction will cost 11.3 billion rubles, the main funds will be invested by the federal budget. In the investment program, which is being approved by the Ministry of Energy, DVEUK provided for the development of design and estimate documentation, the objects can be commissioned in 2017. JSC Magadanenergo adds that, within the framework of the agreement on connecting Pavlik to the networks, the reconstruction of the Ust-Omchug substation has already been completed, and the power line coming from it has been transferred from a voltage of 110 kV to a voltage of 154 kV.

Meanwhile, in February it became known that the Canadian Centerra Gold, which is looking for gold deposit projects in Russia with resources of at least 2 million ounces (56.7 tons), became interested in Pavlik and other assets of Arlan in the Magadan region. The company said that Centerra Gold is considering various partnership options, including with junior companies, and Arlan could be one of them. Arlan yesterday refused to comment on plans for the development of the field. It was also impossible to contact the general director of Pavlik ZRK OJSC, Roman Deniskin.

Leading expert of Finam Management Management Company Dmitry Baranov believes that it is unlikely that the mining and processing plant will be able to reach its designed capacity this year: in the fall, the weather in the region begins to deteriorate, which can significantly complicate it. As for the sale of an asset to a foreign investor, it may well take place, but the expert suggests waiting with conclusions. “It’s difficult to name the amount now, because the terms of the deal are unknown, and besides, its format may be difficult. For example, the transaction may take place in a non-cash form or a joint venture may be formed,” says Dmitry Baranov.

Dmitry Shcherbakov, Vadim Pasmurtsev

The factory of the Pavlik Gold Mining Company OJSC has fully begun work on the development of one of the largest deposits in Kolyma, which is part of the Yana-Kolyma gold province. Pavlik is the first large deposit of the Yana-Kolyma gold province involved in mining.

The volume of investments in prospecting work, study, geological exploration, and construction amounted to more than 10 billion rubles. Currently, the mine has created about 600 jobs. Gold production in 2015 will be 2 tons.

The factory's design capacity is 3 million tons of ore per year, but an adjustment is being made to increase it to 4 million. This will allow the extraction of 7-8 tons of gold per year in the future. For comparison, the entire Magadan region produces 24 tons of precious metal per year.

Ore at the mining and processing plant is supplied from an open pit. The rock itself, coupled with permafrost, requires only one type of preparation for transportation - explosion.

- Attention, quarry, explosion!

Thus, 38 thousand cubic meters of rock were immediately released at the Pavlik mine.

The ore here is blasted, going deeper and deeper. Gold lies at a depth of almost a thousand meters. The vein is huge, geologists explain, but getting to it is a separate science. Immediately after the explosion, heavy equipment arrives at the quarry. She removes the waste ore and takes out the rich gold. They will now work here continuously for the next two days - until the next explosion.

The first explosion marks the start of work at the Pavlik mine. The factory installed three mills for ore processing. Two have already operated in experimental mode, and now a third is being launched, gradually bringing the mine to its design capacity. The factory will essentially work out the mining scenario in this gold-bearing province.

“Particles of gold in the ore - they need to be opened. This is what crushing and grinding are for. When the ore is crushed and crushed, these gold particles are revealed, which we extract using gravity,” says Andrei Solodenko, a technologist at the gold extraction plant.

The Pavlik mine was built for several years, essentially in the taiga, where there was no infrastructure or roads. Large equipment was brought here, a residential complex was erected, a quarry was developed, and a factory was built. This year we spent several months setting up equipment, during which we already received our first gold.

“This gold is one of the first ingots that we obtained through commissioning work. Eighty percent gold, twenty percent silver,” says Sergei Dyk, deputy head of production at the gold recovery factory.

At the same time, additional exploration of resources is constantly underway at the enterprise. They have already found out that 150 tons of reserves is just the beginning. Now geologists are working to double them.

“Eastern Pavlik - today we estimate resources of about 150 tons. That is, we have resources, and we will transfer them to reserves, accordingly, after carrying out the work. We’ll put it on the balance sheet of the State Reserves Committee, and this is like a continuation of a quarry, about the same,” says Vasily Makarov, general director of the Pavlik air defense missile system.

The launch of the Pavlik mine is the start of the development of the huge Yana-Kolyma province. It is still poorly explored, but it is already known that its wealth reaches many thousands of tons of gold. The ores here are special and require their own approach.

Investment company "Arlan" was founded in 1990. Today, the portfolio of projects managed by Arlan Investment Company includes the development of gold deposits "Pavlik", "Burkhalinskoye", "Shakhskoye", "Utinskoye", "Rodionovskoye", located in the Magadan region, the agricultural project "Zolotaya Niva" in the Safonovsky district of the Smolensk region of Russia .

From October 6 to 8, 2015, the 11th Mining Forum MINEX Russia 2015 was held in Moscow at the Radisson Slavyanskaya Hotel. The organizers chose “Advanced development - prospects and opportunities” as the motto of this year’s forum. Once again, the event brought together over 500 leaders and experts from Russian and international companies to discuss trends and prospects in the mining industry. The professional community noted that against the backdrop of global uncertainty, development vectors Russian economy and the mining sector in particular needs to be rethought and fundamentally reshaped new model economic growth, aimed at rapid development and realization of the country’s internal potential.And the staff of our magazine talked with the forum participants.

In addition to Pavlik, Arlan owns the Rodionovskoye, Burkhalinskoye, Shakhskoye and Utinskoye fields in the region, what are their resources and reserves? What are the plans for their development? It looks like Rodionovskoye will be the first to go into business?

Currently, the campaign is focusing its efforts on achieving production capacity at the Pavlik mining and processing plant and plans to continue this further development. Development of the Rodionovskoye deposit is also planned in the near future. These deposits are located close to each other, and in conditions where the infrastructure has already been created at the Pavlik mining and processing complex, the Rodionovskoye deposit will be much easier to develop. We plan to develop the remaining deposits on a targeted basis, depending on the prevailing conditions. In particular, as an option, we can install equipment at the Utinskoye field, which is relatively small in terms of reserves (10 tons), but easily accessible. In the future, we also plan to engage in geological exploration at the Burkhalinskoye and Shakhskoye fields.

At one time you had problems with a lack of electricity. A new line of power transmission line "Ust-Omchug" - "Omchak" with a length of 270 km and a substation with a capacity of 250 megavolt-amperes was needed. How was this problem solved?

Today, Pavlik is 100% supplied with electricity. To double the production capacity of the plant, we need about 20 more MW of power, and this does not take into account the development of the Rodionovskoye field. To resolve all issues with energy supply, a decision has now been made within the framework of state program build new branch 220 volt line "Ust-Omchug-Omchak". This project was approved by a government commission headed by Yuri Trutnev to allocate funds from the federal budget, approximately 9 billion rubles, for the construction of this line. However, even without the construction of this line, we could be allocated these 20 MW and we will actively negotiate to provide us with this power now, without waiting for the moment when the line is built.

In 2014, the Canadian Centerra Gold became interested in Pavlik and other Arlan assets in the Magadan region; What did this interest lead to?

The last time we communicated with Centerra Gold was in 2010, when there was no talk about Pavlik. We didn't agree on anything and didn't interact later.

What is the meaning of your cooperation with VEB-Leasing and what are its current results for both of your parties?

Leasing is a form of lending and nothing more. If we used it for more early stage, when there was nothing, he would be very interesting. And now, when the enterprise is already operating, producing metal, it is not so important what kind of loan was used. At the same time, VEB is participating in the project, we are actively cooperating, and we hope to cooperate in the future.

Recently in September at the Eastern Economic Forum the most major project, represented by Kolyma, was the development of rich deposits of the Yana-Kolyma gold province and the construction of a mining and metallurgical complex based on the Pavlik, Pavlik-2 and Rodionovskoye deposits. It is expected that the total amount of required investment in the project will exceed $800 million.

Pavlik deposit.

Can you somehow characterize the sources of these investments? What is the time frame for investing such funds and when, in your opinion, will these investments pay off? In 2025? 2050?

Undoubtedly, we will attract money in the future. They will be used primarily for the improvement and development of Rodionovskoye, since the costs of expanding Pavlik are significantly lower than the initial costs when the mining and processing plant was just being built. Even with the expansion of Pavlik, the costs will still be small, since there is housing and infrastructure. It is beneficial for banks to cooperate with Arlan, since we back our loans with gold.

Over the past few months, we have been actively negotiating with banks to expand financing.

Do you have any interests or even plans to operate your company in other regions of Russia, in neighboring countries or abroad? Does ARLAN show interest in any other types of minerals and how does this combine with interest in gold exploration and mining?

As for the Russian regions, we looked at several projects, but decided to stay where we are working now. Working in a new region presents organizational, transport and management problems that require solutions. And in Kolyma, where we are now working, everything is already set up.

As for the purely technical side of the matter, the company does not plan to engage in other mineral resources. Our priority is gold mining. We don’t see much point in organizing technological chains for the extraction of other minerals.

However, Arlan not only builds enterprises, we are also an investment company that purchases shares in existing or newly constructed enterprises. And, in this capacity, we regularly analyze many projects in the near and far abroad.

In particular, we are very interested in African assets; there are several projects in which we could invest. We are carrying out this work, not as actively as in the Magadan region, but we see great prospects in this.

The factory of the Pavlik Gold Mining Company OJSC has fully begun work on the development of one of the largest deposits in Kolyma, which is part of the Yana-Kolyma gold province. The initial design capacity of the plant is 3 million tons of ore per year. It is planned that in the future the factory will produce 7-8 tons of gold per year, the press service of the government of the Magadan Region told MagadanMedia.

“This is a new milestone in the active development of Kolyma’s gold reserves,” says Governor Vladimir Pecheny, launching the third mill of the gold recovery plant at the Pavlik deposit on August 15, “the result of hard work and perseverance that led to this significant day.”

Equipment startup. Photo: Press service of the government of the Magadan region

A modern, brand new mining and processing plant (GOK), where regional leaders and representatives arrived for the grand opening investment holding"Arlan" subsidiary which (ZAO Zolotye Nedra) owns a controlling stake in OAO Gold Mining Company Pavlik, is located in the village named after. Gastello, Tenkinsky urban district, Magadan region. Active work to prepare for direct gold mining at the deposit began in 2008. Then rock samples were collected, their thorough analysis was carried out, technological regulations and the project as a whole were developed. Construction of the factory began in mid-2012. The main supplier of equipment and automation systems is the transnational company FLSmidth, which develops technologies and produces equipment for the mining, processing and cement industries.

“Now commissioning work is underway,” says deputy general director OJSC "Gold Mining Company Pavlik" for production Sergey Dyk. - The initial design capacity of the factory is 3 million tons of ore per year, but an adjustment is being made to increase it to 4 million. This will allow the extraction of 7-8 tons of gold per year in the future. The factory operates around the clock, including both mining and production. The production cycle employs 600 people."

Ore at the mining and processing plant is supplied from an open pit. The rock itself, coupled with permafrost, requires only one type of preparation for transportation - explosion. Guests were able to assess the volume of blasting work with their own eyes.

Gold recovery plant at the Pavlik deposit. Photo: Press service of the government of the Magadan region

“We have now blasted 38 thousand cubic meters of rock at once. On average, we blast it once every two days,” informs deputy chief production engineer Oleg Gulyaev.

The quarry employs 13 Caterpillar machines with a total lifting capacity of 190 tons and three excavators. The managers plan to purchase another eight units of special equipment in the near future. Funds for these purposes are allocated by the investment company Arlan, collaborating with the leasing company VEB-Leasing. According to Arlan President Arkady Bolshakov, considerable investments also yield considerable returns, despite the difficulties that we had to go through in preparation for production.

“We encountered the greatest obstacles during the development of the project due to the lack of qualified personnel. But we still found specialists and did it. In my opinion, in modern international conditions We are obliged to pay more attention to our own natural resources and to developing the basis for their development. Kolyma ranks first in the country in placer gold reserves; the Pavlik deposit has very great potential. I see great prospects here, that’s why we are here seriously and for a long time,” Arkady Bolshakov shares his opinion with the governor.

Vladimir Pecheny at the factory. Photo: Press service of the government of the Magadan region

“We also have a second object - this is the Rodionovskoye deposit, located sixty kilometers south of Pavlik. We carried out geological exploration work, at the beginning next year We plan to go to the state commission with approval of the reserve. And the gold reserves there are almost identical to Pavlik. As for the Yana-Kolyma province itself, the experience of mining Pavlik will be very useful in the development of other deposits, taking into account the acquired knowledge in geology, technology, and production,” noted Vasily Makarov.

During the inspection of the factory, laboratory and production facilities, the guests of the mining and processing plant were shown the real result of the work - two ingots of Dore alloy, each weighing more than twenty kilograms. They are already ready to be sent to the refinery, consisting of 80% gold and 20% silver. By the end of the year, Pavlik Gold Mining Company OJSC plans to extract about two tons of precious metal. The production will reach full capacity after the construction of the Ust-Omchug-Omchak power line, for the construction of which funds will be allocated from the federal budget. The possibility of this targeted financing is provided by the very launch of the factory at the Pavlik field.

Ribbon cutting. Photo: Press service of the government of the Magadan region

“The start of gold mining here is another major step in the development of the Magadan region and the development of the Yana-Kolyma gold province. This is the first in the last decade large enterprise, which marked the beginning of a more active development of the cluster. For us, this is an increase in the revenue side of the regional budget, and the opportunity to implement many social programs, and the growth of the territory’s well-being, and the road to the future,” he emphasized Governor Vladimir Pechenyi.

Guests and employees of the mining and processing plant unanimously agreed that the start of full-scale work at the deposit is a kind of professional holiday. The head of the territory presented the workers Thanksgiving letters, welcome addresses and valuable gifts.

The gold recovery plant of the Pavlik deposit started operating in Kolyma. Photo: Press service of the government of the Magadan region

Reference: The Yana-Kolyma gold province includes 14 deposits, of which 9 are located in the Magadan region. These are “Natalkinskoye”, “Pavlik”, “Tokichan”, “Igumenovskoye”, “Rodionovskoye”, “Degdekan”, “Verkhniy Khakchan”, “Olbot”, “Chumysh”, “Osadochny”. The Badran, Drazhny, Maly Taryn, Bazovsky, and Uduma deposits are located on the territory of Yakutia. The resource potential of the province is 5,000 tons of gold. 50% of them are already explored. 40% of proven reserves are concentrated in large deposit"Natalkinskoe" (1184.3 tons). The Natalkinskoye and Pavlik deposits are currently being developed. Geological exploration is underway at the remaining fields and mineral reserves are being clarified. Gold production from the ore deposits of the Yana-Kolyma province, located in the Magadan region, may amount to 60 tons in 2018, and 82 tons in 2023.

Investment company "Arlan" was founded in 1990 and over decades of work on Russian market managed to gain a leading position in the field of asset management. Today, the portfolio of projects managed by Arlan Investment Company includes the development of gold deposits "Pavlik", "Burkhalinskoye", "Shakhskoye", "Utinskoye", "Rodionovskoye", located in the Magadan region, the agricultural project "Zolotaya Niva" in the Safonovsky district of the Smolensk region of Russia .