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Thermal insulation slabs made of mineral wool with a synthetic binder. Thermal insulation slabs made of mineral wool on a synthetic binder Mineral wool slabs GOST 9573 82

(ST SEV 1566-79)

Official publication



Ministry of Industry building materials USSR Ministry of Assembly and Special construction work USSR


A. I. Mataitis, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (topic leader); M. S. Ambrazyunai-te; K. K. Eidukyavnchius, Ph.D. tech. sciences; I. Yu. Eidukevicius, S. V. Machulis; N. N. Melentyev, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V. M. Artemyev, Ph.D. tech. sciences; R. V. Vagapova, Ph.D. tech. sciences; 8. V. Eremeeva; M. P. Korablin

INTRODUCED by the USSR Ministry of Construction Materials Industry

Deputy Minister I.V. Assovsky

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated December 31, 1981 N9 294

UDC 662.998: 666: 189.2: 006.354 Group Zh15



|CT SEV 1566-79J


Thermal insulating plates of mineral wool on synthetic binder. Technical requirements

By Decree of the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs dated December 31, 1981 No. 294, the introduction date was established

from 01.07.1982

Failure to comply with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to slabs made from mineral wool and a synthetic binder with or without modifying additives. The slabs are intended for thermal insulation of building structures, industrial equipment and pipelines.

This standard does not apply to slabs made from mineral wool: decorative, reinforced, vertically layered, spun wool and hydromass.

The scope of application of the slabs is given in reference Appendix 1.

The standard corresponds to the standard ST SEV 1566-79 in the part specified in reference Appendix 2.


1.1. Depending on the density, slabs should be produced in grades 50, 75, 125, 175, 200, 300.

1.2. The nominal dimensions of the slabs must correspond to those indicated in the table. 1.

Official publication

1.3. The symbol of the slabs must consist of the initial letter of the product name (P), the digital designation of the brand, the dimensions of length, width, thickness and the designation of this standard.

Reproduction is prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1982

Table 1

Dimensions in mm

Brand of slabs

Thick cabbage soup and a

From 60 to 100 with intervals

450; 600 ; 900; 1800

Example symbol slabs of grade 175, length 1000, width 500 and thickness 50 mm:


2.1. Plates must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological regulations approved in in the prescribed manner.

2.2. Slabs of grades 200 and 300 should be produced only hydrophobic.

2.3. The materials used for the manufacture of slabs must comply with:

synthetic binders, hydrophobizing and modifying additives - regulatory and technical documentation for these binders and additives.

2.4. To produce slabs of the highest quality category, the following must be used:

mineral wool with indicators that meet the requirements of GOST 4640-76 for the highest quality category;

synthetic binders:

phenol alcohols synthesized using alkaline earth metal hydroxides as a catalyst, with the addition of aqueous ammonia, or phenol alcohols, grade B, neutralized with ammonium sulfate with the addition of aqueous ammonia.

2.5. Maximum deviations from the nominal dimensions of the slabs should not exceed those given in table. 2.

2.6. The slabs must be of the correct geometric shape. The difference in the lengths of the diagonals and the thickness of the slabs should not exceed the limit values ​​​​given in the table. 3.

GOST 9573-82 Page. 3

table 2

Table 3

Dimensions in mm

Brand of slabs

Limit difference in lengths of slab diagonals

Maximum thickness difference of slabs





2.7. The slabs must have a uniform structure. The presence of voids, delaminations and areas of mineral wool not treated with a binder is not allowed.

2.8. In terms of physical and mechanical parameters, the slabs must meet the requirements given in table. 4.

Table 4


Standard for the brand


1. Density, kg/m3

2. Thermal conductivity:

a) at a temperature (298±5)K

[(25±5)°С], W/(m-K) [(kcal/h m-°С)], no more, for slabs: highest quality category

Continuation of the table. 4

Standard for the brand


b) at a temperature (398±5)K

1(125±5)°С], W/(M‘K) [(kcal/h m-°С)], not

more, for slabs:



3. Humidity, %, no more

5. Compressibility, %, no more, for slabs:

quality 6. Compressibility

after sorption humidification, %, not

more, for slabs:


7. Compressive strength at 10% strain,

MPa (kgf/cm 2), not

8. Strength at

compression at 10% deformation after sorption moistening, MPa (kgf/cm 2),

not less, for slabs:


Continuation of the table. 4


Standard for the brand


9. Tensile strength, MPa (kgf/cm2), not less, for slabs: highest quality category

10. Bending strength, MPa (kgf/cm2), not less

11. Water absorption, %, no more

2.9. Sheets of grades 50 and 75 must be flexible when bent around a cylinder with a diameter of 217 mm.


3.1. Plates are accepted in batches. The batch must consist of slabs of the same brand and the same nominal dimensions in a volume of no more than shift production on one production line.

3.2. Acceptance inspection of slabs is carried out according to the following indicators:

size, regularity of shape, uniformity of structure, density, humidity, binder content, compressibility, compressive strength at 10% deformation, tensile strength, bending strength, flexibility.

3.3. The manufacturer carries out periodic inspection of the slabs based on the following indicators:

thermal conductivity - at least once every six months and with each change raw materials or production technology; compressibility after sorption moistening, compressive strength at 10% deformation after sorption moistening and water absorption - at least once a month.

3.4. To check the compliance of the slabs with the requirements of this standard in terms of size, shape and uniformity of structure, five slabs are selected from different places in the lot. From the number of slabs that meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size,

frames, shape and uniformity of structure, three slabs are selected to determine physical and mechanical properties.

3.5. If the test results are unsatisfactory for at least one of the physical and mechanical indicators, a repeat test is carried out for this indicator on a double number of samples cut from six slabs, again selected from the same batch.

If the results of the re-inspection are unsatisfactory, the batch of slabs will not be accepted.

3.6. The consumer has the right to check the compliance of the slabs with the requirements of this standard, while observing the sampling procedure and test methods specified below.

3.7. A repeated check of a double number of slabs is carried out if at least one slab from those selected according to clause 3.4 does not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size, shape and uniformity of structure.

If, during re-inspection, at least one of the newly selected slabs does not meet the requirements of this standard in terms of size, shape and uniformity of structure, the batch of slabs is accepted piece by piece.

3.8. If, upon acceptance of slabs that have been duly assigned the State Quality Mark, it turns out that they do not satisfy at least one of the indicators provided for by this standard, then the slabs are not subject to acceptance in the highest quality category.


4.1. The dimensions and correctness of the geometric shape of the slabs are determined according to GOST 17177.1-81 and GOST 17177.2-81, while the thickness of the slabs is determined at a specific load of 500 Pa (0.005 kgf/cm 2).

The homogeneity of the structure of the slabs - the presence of voids, delaminations, foreign inclusions and areas of mineral wool not treated with a binder - is determined by examining the cut of three slabs.

4:6. The compressibility of the slabs is determined according to GOST 17177.13-81 on six samples, cut from two of the three slabs selected according to clause 3.4 of this standard.

4.7. Determination of the compressibility of slabs after sorption humidification

4.7.1. To carry out the test use:


4.12. The water absorption of the slabs is determined according to GOST 17177.6-81 by partially immersing three samples in water, cut from slabs selected according to clause 3.4 of this standard.

4.13. The flexibility of the slabs (bending around a cylinder with a diameter of 217 mm) is determined according to GOST 17177.14-81 on six samples, cut out of two of three slabs selected according to clause 3.4 of this standard.

The slabs are considered to have passed the test if no ruptures or delaminations are observed on five samples during bending around a cylinder with a diameter of 217 mm.


5.1. The slabs must be packed in one of the following types of containers or auxiliary packaging materials: wooden panels with pre-pressing of the slabs up to 30% in thickness (except for slabs of grade 300) and subsequent tying of the packaged area with wire; sheathing or boxes according to GOST 18051-76; special return pallets or containers; packaging (according to GOST 515-77 or GOST 8828-75), moisture-resistant or bituminized sack paper (according to GOST 2228-75) or polyethylene shrink film.

5.2. Each packaged item must contain slabs of the same brand and size.

5.3. When loading or unloading manually, the weight of the packaged item should not exceed 50 kg.

5.4. Each packaged item must have a label attached or a stamp applied with indelible paint indicating:

name of the manufacturer or its trademark;

batch number and production date of the slabs;

number of slabs (in pieces and m 3);

symbol of slabs;

image of the state Quality Mark according to GOST 1.9-67 in the upper right corner of the label (stamp) for slabs to which it has been assigned in the prescribed manner.

5.5. Each shipped batch of slabs must be accompanied by a quality document in the established form, which indicates:

document number and date;

name and address of the manufacturer;

Name of product;

brand and sizes of slabs;

batch number and date of manufacture;


Mineral wool slabs



Official publication



1 DEVELOPED Joint stock company"Teploproekt" (JSC Teploproekt) Russian Federation

INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Construction of Russia

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (INTKS) on May 15, 1996.

3 By Decree of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 6, 1996 No. 18-90, the interstate standard GOST 9573-96 was put into effect as state standard Russian Federation since April 1, 1997

4 INSTEAD GOST 9573-82

4 REPUBLICATION. November 2000

© IPC Publishing House of Standards, 1997 © IPC Publishing House of Standards, 2001

This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication on the territory of the Russian Federation without permission from the Ministry of Construction of Russia

1 Scope of application................................... 1

3 General technical requirements. .

3.2 Characteristics........................

3.3 Requirements for raw materials and materials.................................. 3

3.4 Markings................................... 4

3.5 Packaging and bundling.................................... 4

4 Safety requirements................................... 5

5 Acceptance rules................................... 5

6 Test methods................................... 6

7 Transportation and storage.................................... 7

Appendix A Scope of application of thermal insulation boards from

mineral wool on a synthetic binder 9 Appendix B Standards referenced in this standard.................................... 10




Thermal insulating plates of mineral wool on synthetic binder. Specifications

Date of introduction 1997-04-01


This standard applies to thermal insulation boards made of mineral wool and a synthetic binder with or without hydrophobic additives (hereinafter referred to as boards), intended for thermal insulation of building structures in conditions that exclude contact of products with indoor air, and industrial equipment.

The standard does not apply to mineral wool slabs: decorative, reinforced, vertically layered, corrugated, spun wool and hydromass.

The requirements of this standard, set out in 3.1.1, 3.1.3, 3.2.1-3.4.2, 3.5.3, 3.5.7, 7.5-7.7, sections 4-6, are mandatory.


Official publication


Plates must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

3.1 Main parameters and dimensions

3.1.1 The slabs are produced in four grades: 75, 125, 175, 225.

3.1.2 The nominal dimensions of the slabs must correspond to those indicated in Table 1.

Table 1

In millimeters

3.1.3 The symbol of the slabs must consist of the initial letter of the product name (P), brand designation, dimensions of the slabs in length, width, thickness in millimeters and the designation of this standard.

An example of a symbol for slabs of grade 125, length 1000, width 500 and thickness 50 mm:

P 125- 1000.500.50 GOST 9573-96

3.2 Characteristics

3.2.1 Maximum deviations of the nominal dimensions of slabs in millimeters should not exceed:

10 - along the length;

10; -5 - width;

7; -2 - in thickness for slabs of grades 75, 125, 175;

5; -3 - « « « « brand 225.

3.2.2 For slabs of grade 225, the difference in diagonal lengths should not exceed 10 mm, and the difference in thickness should not exceed 5 mm.

3.2.3 In terms of physical and mechanical properties, the slabs must meet the requirements given in Table 2.

table 2

Indicator name

Value for slab grades

Density, kg/m, no more

Thermal conductivity, W/(m K), no more, at temperature:

Compressibility, %, no more

Compressibility after sorption moistening, %, no more

Compressive strength at 10% deformation, MPa, not less

Compressive strength at 10% deformation after sorption moistening, MPa, not less

Water absorption,% by weight, no more

Humidity, % by mass, no more

3.2.4 In terms of flammability, slabs of grade 75 should belong to the NG group, grades 125 and 175 - G1, grade 225 - G2 according to GOST 30244.

3.2.5 The amount of harmful substances released from the slabs at temperatures of 20 and 40 °C should not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations established by the sanitary inspection authorities.

3.3 Requirements for raw materials and supplies

3.3.1 For the manufacture of slabs of grades 75, 125 and 175, mineral wool of types A, B, C should be used; for slabs of grade 225 - mineral wool types A and B according to GOST 4640.

3.3.2 The types of binders and water-repellent additives used for the manufacture of slabs that meet the requirements of this standard must be agreed with the product developer.

3.3.3 The composition of the boards must correspond to the recipe established in the technological documentation of the manufacturer.

3.4 Marking

3.4.1 Marking of slabs is carried out in accordance with GOST 25880 with additional indication of the date of manufacture and symbol of the slabs.

3.4.2 Marking and manipulation sign “Keep away from moisture” in accordance with GOST 14192 must be applied to each transport package.

If slabs are supplied in the form of technological packages, at least every tenth technological package must be marked and labeled with the “Keep away from moisture” sign.

3.5 Packaging and bundling

3.5.1 For packaging slabs the following is used:

Polyethylene film with a thickness of 0.08 to 0.15 mm according to GOST 10354;

Polyethylene shrink film with a thickness of 0.08 to 0.15 mm according to GOST 25951;

Bituminous and tar packaging paper in accordance with GOST 515;

Sack paper grades V-70, V-78, B-70, B-78 and P-20 according to GOST 2228.

It is allowed to use other wrapping materials that provide moisture-resistant and durable packaging.

3.5.2 Plates can be packaged one or more pieces to form a technological package.

When loading and unloading manually, the weight of the package should not exceed 15 kg.

3.5.3 When packed in technological bags, the slabs must be wrapped on all sides in such a way that the bag does not spontaneously open during storage and transportation.

The method of wrapping, the shape of the folds and the methods of fixing the wrapping material are not regulated.

By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to leave the ends of the technological package open.

3.5.4 Packed slabs should be supplied, as a rule, in the form of transport packages.

The dimensions of transport packages suitable for transportation by all types of transport must meet the requirements

GOST 24597 and be 1240x1040x1350 mm. Gross weight - no more than 1.25 tons.

The use of packages of other sizes is permitted upon agreement with transport ministries (departments).

3.5.5 To form transport packages, reusable packaging means are used: flat pallets with strapping in accordance with GOST 9078, rack-mount pallets type PS-0.5G with dimensions of 1100x1200x1200 mm, box pallets in accordance with GOST 9570, as well as disposable packaging means: flat disposable pallets with strapping according to GOST 26381, backing sheets with strapping.

3.5.6 To secure cargo into transport packages, use the materials specified in GOST 21650.

3.5.7 In the Far North and hard-to-reach areas, packaged slabs must be delivered in wooden lathing in accordance with GOST 18051.

3.5.8 It is allowed to use other types of packaging when shipping slabs at home, but the consumer bears responsibility for the reliability of the packaging and the quality of the slabs.


4.1 When using slabs harmful factors are mineral fiber dust and volatile components of the synthetic binder: phenol vapor, formaldehyde, ammonia.

4.2 When permanent job with slabs, rooms must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.

4.3 To protect the respiratory system, it is necessary to use a ShB-1 respirator of the “Petal” type in accordance with GOST 12.4.028, gauze bandages and other dust respirators; to protect the skin - special clothing and gloves in accordance with standard standards.


5.1 Acceptance of slabs is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26281 and this standard.

5.2 The volume of a batch of slabs is set at no more than a shift output. The sample volume of slabs from a batch for inspection is in accordance with GOST 26281.

5.3 During acceptance tests, dimensions, correct geometric shape for slabs of grade 225, density, compressibility for slabs of grades 75, 125 and 175, compressive strength at 10% deformation for slabs of grade 225, content of organic substances and humidity are checked.

5.4 Periodic monitoring is carried out according to the following indicators:

Thermal conductivity - at least once every six months and with each change in raw materials or production technology;

Compressibility after sorption moistening, compressive strength at 10% deformation after sorption moistening and water absorption - at least once a month and with each change in raw materials and (or) production technology;

Flammability - when the composition of the slabs and (or) their production technology changes.

5.5 Sanitary and chemical assessment of products is carried out at least once a year, as well as when putting products into production, changing the recipe, production technology, or issuing a hygienic certificate.

5.6 The quality document indicates the test results, calculated as the arithmetic average values ​​of the indicators of the slabs included in the sample according to GOST 26281 and meeting the requirements of this standard.


6.1 Dimensions, correct geometric shape, density, humidity, content of organic substances are determined according to GOST 17177.

The sample for determining moisture content and organic matter content is made up of five point samples taken in the four corners and in the middle of each slab included in the sample.

6.2 Thermal conductivity is determined according to GOST 7076, GOST 30256 or GOST 30290. Test samples are cut one from each slab included in the sample.

6.3 Compressibility is determined according to GOST 17177. Test samples are cut out in two from each slab included in the sample.

6.4 Compressibility after sorption humidification is determined according to GOST 17177 with the following additions:

The samples are kept at relative air humidity (98+2)% and temperature (22+5) °C for 72 hours, after which the compressibility is determined.

6.5 Compressive strength at 10% deformation is determined according to GOST 17177. Test samples are cut out in two from each slab included in the sample.

6.6 Compressive strength at 10% deformation after sorption humidification is determined according to GOST 17177 with the following additions:

To keep samples in humid conditions, use a desiccator in accordance with GOST 25336, a hydrostat or other vessels that are hermetically sealed and provide relative air humidity (98+2)%;

Test samples are cut out two from each slab included in the sample;

The samples are kept at relative air humidity (98+2)% and temperature (22+5) °C for 72 hours, after which the compressive strength is determined at 10% deformation.

6.7 Water absorption is determined according to GOST 17177 with samples partially immersed in water. Test samples are cut out two from each slab included in the sample.

6.8 Sanitary and chemical assessment of slabs is carried out by specialized laboratories or sanitary inspection bodies according to current methods.

Note - Before testing, the slabs must be kept for at least 2 months in a ventilated area.


7.1 Transportation and storage of slabs is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 25880 and this standard.

7.2 The slabs are transported by covered vehicles for all

types in accordance with the rules of cargo transportation in force for transport of this type.

7.3 When transporting slabs packed and formed into transport bags, it is allowed to use open vehicles.

7.4 When transporting railway sending slabs by carload with maximum use of the car's capacity.

7.5 The height of a stack of slabs packed in paper or film during storage should not exceed 2 m.

7.6 Shipment of slabs of grades 75, 125 and 175 to the consumer should be made no earlier than they have been kept in the warehouse for a day, slabs of grade 225 - no earlier than two days.

7.7 The shelf life of the slabs is no more than 6 months from the date of their manufacture.

Upon expiration warranty period slabs can be used for their intended purpose after preliminary checking their quality for compliance with the requirements of this standard.


Application area

For thermal insulation of equipment with a temperature of the insulated surface from minus 60 to 400 °C.

As unloaded thermal insulation in horizontal building envelopes.

As thermal insulation in vertical and horizontal building envelopes.

As insulation in lightweight frame-type enclosing structures.

For thermal insulation of equipment with a temperature of the insulated surface up to 400 °C.

As thermal insulation subjected to loads in vertical and horizontal building envelopes.

As a thermal insulation layer in three-layer concrete and reinforced concrete enclosing structures (type A mineral wool slabs).

In coverings made of profiled flooring or reinforced concrete.

For external thermal insulation of walls followed by plastering or installation of a protective covering layer (type A mineral wool slabs).

For thermal insulation of equipment with a temperature of the insulated surface up to 100 °C.

GOST 515-77 Bituminous and tar packaging paper. Specifications

GOST 2228-81 Sack paper. Technical specifications GOST 4640-93 Mineral wool. Technical specifications GOST 7076-87 Construction materials and products. Method for determining thermal conductivity

GOST 9078-84 Flat pallets. General technical specifications GOST 9570-84 Box and rack pallets. General technical conditions

GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Technical specifications GOST 14192-77 Marking of cargo

GOST 17177-94 Heat-insulating construction materials and products. Test methods

GOST 18051-83 Wooden containers for heat-insulating materials and products. Specifications

GOST 21650-76 Means for fastening packaged cargo in transport packages. General requirements

GOST 24597-81 Packages of packaged piece goods. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST 25336-82 Laboratory glassware and equipment. Types, main parameters and sizes

GOST 25880-83 Heat-insulating construction materials and products. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene shrink film. Specifications

GOST 26281-84 Heat-insulating construction materials and products. Acceptance rules

GOST 26381-84 Disposable flat pallets. General technical conditions

GOST 30244-94 Construction materials. Flammability Test Methods

GOST 30256-94 Construction materials and products. Method for determining thermal conductivity using a cylindrical probe

GOST 30290-94 Construction materials and products. Method for determining thermal conductivity using a surface converter

UDC 662.998:666:189.2:006.354 OKS 91.120.10 Zh15 OKSTU 5762

Key words: mineral wool slabs, thermal insulation, building structures, industrial equipment

Editor V.P. Ogurtsov Technical editor O.N. Vlasova Corrector R.A. Mentova Computer layout E.N. Martemyanova

Ed. persons No. 02354 dated July 14, 2000. Signed for publication on November 21, 2000. Uel. oven l. 0.93. Academic ed. l. 0.70. Circulation 191 copies. C 6315. Zak. 1089.

IPC Publishing House of Standards, 107076, Moscow, Kolodezny per., 14. Branch of IPC Publishing House of Standards - type. "Moscow printer"

103062, Moscow, Lyalin lane, 6.

GOST 9573-2012




Thermal insulating plates of mineral wool on synthetic binder. Specifications

MKS 91.100.60

Date of introduction 2013-07-01


The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by the Company with limited liability LLC "Teploproekt"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Conformity Assessment in Construction (Addendum No. 1 to Protocol No. 40 dated June 4, 2012)

The following voted for the adoption of the standard:

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Abbreviated name of the national authority government controlled construction


State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture

Ministry of Urban Development


Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services



Ministry of Construction and Regional Development

Ministry of Regional Development


Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government



4 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated March 21, 2013 N 27-st, the interstate standard GOST 9573-2012 was put into effect as a national standard of the Russian Federation on July 1, 2013.

5 INSTEAD GOST 9573-96

Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in information system for general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to thermal insulation boards made of mineral wool on a synthetic binder (hereinafter referred to as boards) with or without water-repellent additives, laminated with facing material (paper, aluminum foil, fiberglass, etc.) or without it, intended for heat and sound insulation of building envelopes structures of residential (including individual), public and industrial buildings and structures in conditions that exclude contact of products with indoor air, for the production of three-layer panels, as well as for thermal insulation of industrial equipment with a temperature of the insulated surface from minus 60 ° C to plus 400 °C.

2 Normative references

This standard uses Normative references to the following standards:

GOST 12.1.044-89 System of occupational safety standards. Fire and explosion hazard of substances and materials. Nomenclature of indicators and methods for their determination

GOST EN 1607-2011 Thermal insulation products used in construction. Method for determining tensile strength perpendicular to face surfaces

GOST EN 1609-2011 Thermal insulation products used in construction. Methods for determining water absorption during short-term partial immersion

GOST 4640-2011 Mineral wool. Specifications

GOST 7076-99 Construction materials and products. Method for determining thermal conductivity and thermal resistance under stationary thermal conditions

GOST 14192-96 Marking of cargo

GOST 16297-80 Soundproofing and sound-absorbing materials. Test methods

GOST 17177-94 Heat-insulating construction materials and products. Test methods

GOST 24597-81 Packages of packaged piece goods. Main parameters and dimensions

GOST 25336-82 Laboratory glassware and equipment. Types, main parameters and sizes

GOST 25880-83 Heat-insulating construction materials and products. Packaging, labeling, transportation and storage

GOST 25951-83 Polyethylene shrink film. Specifications

GOST 26281-84 Heat-insulating construction materials and products. Acceptance rules

GOST 30108-94 Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

GOST 30244-94 Construction materials. Flammability Test Methods

GOST 30402-96 Construction materials. Flammability test method

GOST 31430-2011 (EN 13820:2003) Thermal insulation products used in construction. Method for determining the content of organic substances

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or using the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), then when using this standard you should be guided by the replacing (changed) standard. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference is made to it is applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Technical requirements

3.1 Plates are manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to the technological documentation of the manufacturer.

3.2 Depending on the density, the slabs are divided into grades, and depending on the degree of deformation under the action of a compressive load - into types.

Types, grades by density, abbreviation and recommended area of ​​application of the slabs are given in Table 1.

Table 1 - Types, brands and recommended areas of application of slabs

Type of plate

Brand by density


Soft plate PM

Unloaded heat and sound insulation of pitched roofs, ceilings, first floor floors, frame partitions.

Semi-rigid slab PPZh

Unloaded thermal and sound insulation of pitched roofs, floors, ceilings, internal partitions, light frame structures, three-layer lightweight walls of low-rise buildings made of brick, aerated concrete and other blocks.

Thermal insulation of industrial equipment and pipelines at a temperature of the insulated surface from minus 60 °C to plus 400 °C.

Rigid plate RV

Heat and sound insulation of walls, incl. facade with a ventilated gap, basement floors with bottom side, three-layer lightweight walls of low-rise buildings made of brick, aerated concrete and other blocks.

Increased rigidity plate PPZH

Heat and sound insulation subjected to load in flat roofs made of profiled decking or reinforced concrete without a cement screed or leveling layer.

Thermal insulation of building facades followed by plastering or installation of a protective covering layer.

Thermal insulation layer in three-layer panels for wall and roof structures.

Thermal insulation of industrial equipment at a temperature of the insulated surface from minus 60 °C to plus 400 °C.

Solid plate PT

Heat and sound insulation, finishing slabs for ceilings and walls.

Thermal and sound insulation subjected to loads in flat roofs made of profiled decking or reinforced concrete without a reinforcing screed or leveling layer.

Noise and sound insulation of equipment bases, floors, ceilings, partitions

3.3 The symbol of the slabs must include an abbreviated designation in accordance with Table 1, a flammability group, nominal dimensions in millimeters, and the designation of this standard.

If there is lamination, additionally (after the flammability group) the abbreviated designation (first letter) of the facing material is included in the symbol, for example: B - paper; C - fiberglass; F - aluminum foil.

An example of a symbol for a soft board of grade 50, non-flammable, length 1000, width 600, thickness 30 mm:

PM-50(NG)-1000.600.30 GOST 9573-2012;

the same, hard board grade 300, flammability group G2, laminated with aluminum foil, length 1000, width 600, thickness 20 mm;

PT-300(G2)F-1000.600.20 GOST 9573-2012.

3.4 The nominal linear dimensions of the slabs and maximum dimensional deviations must correspond to those indicated in Table 2.

Table 2 - Nominal dimensions and maximum dimensional deviations

Abbreviated designation for plate

Nominal value, mm

Maximum deviation, %

Nominal value, mm

Maximum deviation

Nominal value, mm

Maximum deviation, mm


400; 500; 600; 1000

From 30 to 200


400; 500; 600; 1000

From 30 to 200


500; 600; 1000; 2000

400; 500; 600; 1000

From 30 to 200


500; 600; 1000; 2000

400; 500; 600; 1000

From 20 to 200


500; 600; 1000; 2000

400; 500; 600; 1000


1 The parametric series of slab sizes is taken every 10 mm.

2 Upon customer request, slabs can be produced in other sizes.

3.5 The difference in the lengths of the diagonals of soft and semi-rigid slabs should be no more than 10 mm, for hard, increased rigidity and hard slabs - no more than 5 mm.

3.6 Deviation from rectangularity in the width and length of slabs of increased rigidity and hardness should not exceed 5 mm/m.

The deviation from the flatness of solid slabs should not exceed 6 mm.

3.7 In terms of physical and mechanical properties, the slabs must meet the requirements given in Table 3.

Table 3 - Physical and mechanical properties of the slabs

Indicator name

Value for slab grades

Density, kg/m

From 40 to 45 incl.

Over 45 to 55 inclusive.

Over 55 to 65 inclusive.

Over 65 to 75 inclusive.

St. 75 to 90 incl.

St. 90 to 110 incl.

St. 110 to 130 incl.

10 °C [(283±5) K]

25 °C [(298±5) K]

125 °C [(398±5) K]

Compressibility, % no more

Continuation of table 3

Indicator name

Value for slab grades

Density, kg/m

St. 130 to 150 incl.

St. 150 to 170 incl.

St. 170 to 190 incl.

St. 190 to 210 incl.

St. 210 to 230 incl.

St. 230 to 270 incl.

St. 270 to 330 incl.

Thermal conductivity, W/(m K), no more, at temperature:

10 °C [(283±5) K]

25 °C [(298±5) K]

125 °C [(398±5) K]

Compressibility, % no more

Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation, kPa, not less

Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation after sorption humidification, kPa, not less

Peel strength of layers, kPa, not less

Water absorption during partial immersion, % by weight, no more

Completeness of binder polycondensation, %, not less

Humidity, % by mass, no more

Note - Water absorption values ​​are standardized only for hydrophobized products.

3.8 Fire-technical characteristics of the slabs are given in Table 4.

Table 4 - Fire technical characteristics

Indicator name

Abbreviated designation for slabs

PM-40, PM-50, PP-60, PP-80, PZh-100, PZh-120, PZh-140

PPZh-160, PPZh-180, PPZh-200

PT-220, PT-250, PT-300

Flammability group

Non-flammable NG

Low flammable

Moderately flammable

Flammability group

IN 1

Group smoke generating ability

Low smoke producing ability


1 For non-combustible building materials, flammability and smoke-forming properties are not determined.

2 Fire characteristics are given for unlaminated slabs.

3.9 Plates used for the manufacture of sound-absorbing structures must have a normal sound absorption coefficient ranging from 0.30 to 0.94 in the frequency range 125-2000 Hz.

3.10 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is taken according to GOST 30108 or established in accordance with national radiation safety standards.

3.11 Requirements for raw materials and materials

3.11.1 For the manufacture of slabs, mineral wool must be used in accordance with GOST 4640.

3.11.2 Water-soluble synthetic resins are used as a binder in accordance with current regulatory or technical documents having a sanitary and hygienic certificate.

3.11.3 Oil and organosilicon compositions in accordance with current regulatory or technical documents that have a sanitary and hygienic certificate are used as water-repellent additives.

3.11.4 Waterproof paper, fiberglass, aluminum foil etc. according to current regulatory or technical documents.

3.11.5 The composition of the boards must correspond to the recipe established in the technological documentation of the manufacturer.

3.12 Packaging

3.12.1 Packaging of slabs must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 25880 and this standard.

3.12.2 Each package must contain slabs of the same type, brand and size.

3.12.3 Polyethylene shrink film in accordance with GOST 25951 is used as packaging material.

By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to use other types of packaging materials that ensure the safety of products from moisture and mechanical damage during transportation and storage.

3.12.4 Plates, 1 pc. or more are packaged in polyethylene shrink film bearing the manufacturer’s logo, forming a packaging unit.

3.12.5 Packed slabs of the same type, brand and size can be supplied in the form of transport packages. The dimensions of transport packages suitable for transportation by all modes of transport must comply with the requirements of GOST 24597.

The use of transport packages of other sizes is permitted upon agreement with transport departments.

3.12.6 When forming a transport package, the packaged slabs are placed on a pallet and covered with a cover made of polyethylene shrink film bearing the manufacturer’s logo.

It is allowed to use other types of transport package formation upon agreement with the consumer.

3.13 Marking

3.13.1 Marking of slabs must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 25880 and this standard.

3.13.2 Each package (transport package) must be affixed with a label containing:

- name of the manufacturer and/or its trademark, registered in the prescribed manner;

- name and brand of the product;

- quantity of products in the packaging (pcs., m);

To identify slabs, it is allowed to apply Additional information about products.

3.13.3 Transport markings must comply with the requirements of GOST 14192.

4 Safety and environmental requirements

4.1 When working with slabs and when using them, harmful production factors are mineral fiber dust and volatile components of organic substances (phenol vapor, formaldehyde, ammonia, etc.) included in the formulation.

4.2 The content of harmful substances released from the slabs during operation should not exceed the average daily maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) for atmospheric air in accordance with hygienic requirements.

When several harmful substances of unidirectional action are present in the atmospheric air together, the sum of the ratios of the actual concentrations of each substance to their MPC (total indicator) should not exceed one.

4.3 Premises in which work with slabs is carried out must be provided with supply and exhaust ventilation.

All working personnel must be provided with funds personal protection respiratory organs and skin.

4.4 The hazard class of waste generated during the production of boards is established in accordance with sanitary rules determining the toxicity of production waste.

Waste is disposed of in accordance with the requirements of sanitary rules and regulations.

Waste can be used as raw material components in the form of additives.

Waste disposal is carried out under an agreement with specialized organizations that have the appropriate license, in places agreed upon with the sanitary inspection authorities.

4.5 A set of environmental protection measures must be established in the technological documentation of the manufacturer, agreed upon with environmental authorities.

5 Acceptance rules

5.1 Acceptance of products is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26281 and this standard.

5.2 The volume of a batch of slabs is established in the amount of shift production or order.

The sample size of slabs from a batch for inspection is in accordance with GOST 26281 or according to an agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer.

5.3 When acceptance tests check: linear dimensions, difference in diagonal lengths, rectangularity, flatness, density, compressibility, compressive strength at 10% linear deformation, organic matter content, humidity.

5.4 During periodic monitoring, the following are checked: compressibility after sorption moistening, compressive strength at 10% linear deformation after sorption moistening, peel strength of layers, water absorption, completeness of polycondensation of the binder - at least once a month; thermal conductivity at temperatures of 10 °C, 25 °C and 125 °C - at least once every six months.

Periodic monitoring is also carried out whenever raw materials and/or production technology are changed.

5.5 Fire technical characteristics (flammability group, flammability group, smoke-generating ability group) are determined when putting the product into production, obtaining a fire certificate, and with each change in raw materials and/or production technology.

5.6 The normal sound absorption coefficient is determined when the product is put into production and with each change in raw materials and/or production technology (upon receiving an order for sound-absorbing boards).

5.8 The manufacturer has the right to establish other periods for periodic testing, but not less frequently than those specified in this standard.

5.9 The accepted batch of slabs is drawn up with a quality document, which indicates:

- name of the manufacturer and/or its trademark;

- name, type and brand of slabs;

- batch number and date of manufacture;

- number of slabs in a batch, m;

- test results, incl. information on fire-technical characteristics and specific effective activity of natural radionuclides;

- recommended area of ​​application;

- designation of this standard;

- imprint of the mark of conformity if the product is certified.

5.10 The quality document indicates the test results, calculated as the arithmetic average values ​​of the indicators of the slabs included in the sample and meeting the requirements of this standard.

6 Test methods

6.1 General requirements for testing - according to GOST 17177. GOST 17177
GOST 25336

- samples are kept at relative air humidity (98±2)% and temperature (22±5) °C for 72 hours, after which the compressive strength is determined at 10% linear deformation.

6.11 Compressibility after sorption humidification for 72 hours is determined according to GOST 17177 with the following additions:

- to keep samples in humid conditions, use a desiccator in accordance with GOST 25336 or a hydrostat, providing relative air humidity (98±2)%;

- test samples are cut out two from each slab included in the sample;

- samples are kept at relative air humidity (98±2)% and temperature (22±5) °C for 72 hours, after which the compressibility is determined.

6.12 The peel strength of layers (tensile strength perpendicular to the front surfaces) is determined according to GOST 17177 or GOST EN 1607 *. Test samples are cut out two from each slab included in the sample.

6.13 Water absorption when the sample is partially immersed in water is determined according to GOST 17177 or GOST EN 1609 *.
* Apply if concluded contracts or other agreed conditions provide for the use of thermal insulation boards made of mineral wool with characteristics harmonized with the requirements of European standards.

Test samples are cut out two from each slab included in the sample.

6.14 The content of organic substances is determined according to GOST 17177 or GOST 31430 *.
* Apply if concluded contracts or other agreed conditions provide for the use of thermal insulation boards made of mineral wool with characteristics harmonized with the requirements of European standards.

6.15 The completeness of polycondensation (degree of polymerization) of a synthetic binder is determined according to GOST 17177 6.18 Thermal conductivity at temperatures of 10 ° C, 25 ° C and 125 ° C and thermal resistance are determined according to GOST 7076.

6.19 The normal sound absorption coefficient is determined according to GOST 16297.

6.20 The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides is determined according to GOST 30108.

6.21 Sanitary and hygienic assessment of slabs (the amount of harmful substances released) is carried out by laboratories accredited in the prescribed manner, according to current methods approved by health authorities.

7 Transportation and storage

7.1 Transportation

7.1.1 The slabs are transported in covered vehicles. It is allowed to use other vehicles by agreement with the consumer, and the consumer bears responsibility for the quality of the slabs.

7.1.2 Loading of slabs into vehicles and transportation is carried out in accordance with the rules in force in transport specific type, observing the requirements of transport labeling.

7.1.3 The slabs must be shipped to the consumer after they have been kept for at least 24 hours in the manufacturer’s warehouse.

7.2 Storage

7.2.1 The manufacturer and consumer must store the slabs in covered warehouses in packaged form separately by type, brand and size.

It is allowed to store packaged slabs, placed on pallets or supports, under a canopy that protects the slabs from exposure to precipitation.

7.2.2 The height of the stack of slabs during storage should not exceed 2 m.

8 Directions for use

8.1 Plates are used in accordance with the requirements of the current building codes, codes of practice or design documentation.

8.2 Before carrying out thermal insulation work during the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures and before carrying out installation and insulation work on industrial equipment and pipelines, the slabs must be packaged in conditions that exclude their moisture and mechanical damage.

9 Manufacturer's warranty

9.1 The manufacturer guarantees that the slabs comply with the requirements of this standard provided that the consumer complies with the rules of transportation and storage.

The guaranteed shelf life of the slabs is no more than 6 months from the date of manufacture.

9.2 Upon expiration of the storage period, the slabs must be checked for compliance with the requirements of this standard, after which a decision is made on the possibility of their intended use in accordance with the recommended area of ​​application.

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M.: Standartinform, 2013