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Why are reviews not posted on Yandex maps? How to add a company to Google and Yandex maps

Today, what is important for offline businesses is not a sign, but blocks with information about the establishment on the right side of Google and Yandex results. Let's talk about how to add company data to cards.

How to add a business to Google Maps

You need to create a page in the service Google My Business.

What does this give? First of all, the possibilities:

  • inform users about prices, opening hours, events and news of the organization;
  • monitor reviews and respond quickly to them;
  • analyze views of business information (number of views of company data, views of photos, videos);
  • communicate with potential clients using Hangouts;
  • attach maps with the route to the organization;
  • strengthen your reputation thanks to user ratings.

Google My Business block in search results

Algorithm for adding a company.

If you do not receive a letter within 3-4 weeks, feel free to write to technical support: “The letter did not arrive, what should I do?” Google will ask you to complete the manual verification process.

To do this you will need to send several photos:

9. After this you will be taken to Personal Area your company:

On the “Information” page you must provide the most complete information about your company:

  • add additional categories that match your activities;
  • add a description of your company;
  • indicate opening hours;
  • methods of payment for goods and services;
  • add photos and videos;
  • as well as additional information.

In your company description, try to write as accurately as possible what exactly your business is: what products or services you offer.

The more complete and high-quality information about your company is presented, the more likely it is that Google users will see it.

How to add an organization to Google and Yandex maps?

It's no secret that many users are not looking for the information they need on the main pages. search engines, but right on the maps. Moreover, in the search line they enter not only the name of a specific organization, but also the product or service itself. This is convenient if you need to find:

  • a store selling the desired product in a certain part of the city,
  • a cafe where you can have lunch, located close to work,
  • organization providing legal services, located next to the house, etc.

For example, construction organization Large quantities of paint brushes are needed to paint doors in a newly built house in St. Petersburg. Open the map in Google or Yandex and enter “paint brushes” in the search bar (the St. Petersburg region is set by default):


We see this important information, such as the name and description of the company, the actual address and how to get there, the nearest metro, phone number, website address, work schedule. Is it worth writing that thanks to this information alone you can become a potential client? You can also add reviews, special offers and photos.

In addition, “get” onto the map with information about your company Just And for free.

Search engines have prepared instructions on how to add your organization to the Google or Yandex directory.

Which simply could not help but interest me. This article provides an example of how Yandex understands the semantic component of reviews left on the Yandex City service, and now more than a year has passed, I think it’s time to talk about this in more detail!

What has changed on Yandex Maps

It is pleasant to note that Yandex continues to change, and not only its pleasant visual part is changing, but also the functionality, productivity and usefulness for service users is improving.

I hope that this process will not stop, and Yandex will be able to seriously compete with such services as 2GIS, which, for example, is integrated with search

Judging by the changes that have been taking place throughout the year, Yandex plans to completely transfer information about companies from “maps” to the “city” service, which in turn should become a kind of universal means for obtaining objective information about companies through user ratings.

And it is on the review ratings that we should dwell in more detail!

A year ago, Yandex developers announced an algorithm, the criteria for which should be not only numbers, but also the semantic content of reviews.

It is not objectively known how many factors and what specific criteria the City uses to calculate the company’s rating. What is certain is that Yandex calculates overall rating organizations and a separate rating of certain criteria.

For example, for cafes and restaurants, the special properties (hereinafter referred to as parameters) are:

  • Kitchen
  • Service
  • Drinks and bar
  • Interior

For hotels:

  • Accommodation
  • Service
  • Nutrition
  • Location

For cinemas:

  • Movie selection
  • Price-quality ratio

Calculation of ratings for companies in the Yandex City service

When choosing a site for placement, be extremely careful! Errors inside Yandex partner sites can lead to the fact that even the highest quality and positive review turns out to be negative in the eyes of the algorithms.

Thus, the BirMania restaurant earned itself a low reputation due to the fact that the reviews left on the Giport website (a Yandex partner) do not have a rating in the form of micro markup; the authors simply did not evaluate the company, writing positive reviews that Yandex considered negative.

I was unable to calculate the points a company receives in a rating without micro-markup ratings. In some cases the value was slightly more than three, in others two, in less than one. And this is precisely what suggests that when calculating the rating, the algorithms use Additional information from the semantic component.

Analysis of the semantic component

Algorithms that understand and evaluate the meanings of phrases and word combinations are complex and intelligent analyzers based on a fairly simple principle.

The algorithm parses the text of the review into sentences, in each of which a semantic parameter and its characteristic are highlighted, which in turn are assigned certain evaluation values.

In this case, the global parameter is the place - a cafe, additional parameters - cuisine, service, drinks and bar, interior, which in turn have their own rating based on assessments of micro-marking and semantic content.

Thus, the “kitchen” parameter is characterized by the following words: kitchen, menu, menu components and names of dishes. Characteristics of the word: excellent cuisine, delicious dinner, liked the rolls, and so on.
“Service” parameter: price, waiter, service, staff. Characteristics: friendly, attentive, polite, reasonable (prices)…

It is not difficult to guess that the words: excellent, wonderful and tasty receive maximum ratings, while the antonyms of these words receive maximum negative ratings.

In fact, a structured positive review of a cafe should look like this:

A great place with wonderful cuisine, inexpensive prices and always attentive and polite waiters.

Unfortunately, such a complex assessment of semantic content only works fully in reviews of restaurants, cafes and hotels. Other topics, as practice shows, are assessed according to a simplified version, where the main part of the assessment is the “star rating”, and some reviews generally raise doubts about the performance of the algorithms:

In general, the work done by Yandex is pleasantly pleasing, because now there are much fewer opportunities for posting spam and fake reviews, and there is more objectivity in assessments. This means that everyone who is looking for something on Yandex maps and in the City service will find a worthy company with excellent service, quality goods and affordable prices. Confident and firm 5+ to developers, and high expectations for the development of the service.

P.S. For those who like to manipulate algorithms: this rating has nothing to do with the main search, does not affect the ranking and does not transfer the company’s reputation to the site, as a result, boosting reviews in the area I described above will not give any results.

Promotion in Yandex.Maps And Google Maps is an effective tool for attracting target audience. Users not only go to the promoted site, but can also visit the company’s office. We offer competent promotion, thanks to which the position of your site in search results will improve and the number of new clients will increase.

Statistical indicators

A study conducted by Mediascope clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of promoting services on maps. First of all, it is worth mentioning that more than 75% of users during the day visit places near them that were offered to them by the service.

In desktop search results, among active Internet users, the share of users of the Yandex.Maps service is 40%. Among the Russian population this figure is 30%. And 19% of users from Russia use cards using a smartphone.

The audience that comes to the site from maps is more valuable for the following reasons:

  • users are less likely to leave the site in the first seconds of being on it;
  • visit more different pages of the site;
  • The average time spent on the site increases.

We can conclude that Yandex.Maps and Google Maps can be a source of targeted traffic for the site. Users will switch from both the desktop version of the site and mobile application. It is very important that the needs of such an audience are formed. Therefore, her willingness to place an order is higher than that of users who came to the site from search results.

Proper promotion of the company in mapping services will attract a large number of potential customers to the site. On the service you can buy paid placement and be the first in the search results. However, this may not bring the desired effectiveness if factors such as user reviews and ratings and filling the card about the organization in Maps with information are not taken into account.

Who can benefit from promotion in cards?

Promotion in Yandex.Maps And Google Maps will be an effective solution for a company with a physical address that provides most offline services. The following types of institutions can be identified that would benefit from such promotion:

  • notary offices;
  • Beauty Salons;
  • auto repair shops and car dealerships;
  • all types household services: equipment repair, tailoring, etc.;
  • rental points;
  • medical institutions;
  • restaurants, cafes and bars;
  • photo studios;
  • institutions for children;
  • entertainment centers;
  • retail stores;
  • banking institutions;
  • hotels, mini-hotels, hostels;
  • sanatoriums and recreation centers.

Information about the institution will be displayed to the user in Maps if he is close to it and in the Navigator when searching. The company card will be available in Yandex and Google search results on the block with the map, as well as in mobile search results.

How does promotion happen?

First of all, you need to create and fill out a company card.

This can be done in the Yandex.Directory and Google My Business services. You need to indicate the type of activity and work schedule. It is necessary to add photographs of the building where the institution's office is located. It is important to add landmark icons on the map. Using a product card potential client will be able to quickly get acquainted with the offer and find the company’s office using photographs of the facade.

Next, from different accounts and with a change in IP address, reviews and ratings are added to organizations. This operation is carried out gradually so that the service does not block the company due to a sharp increase in the number of reviews. Such comments are also added to third-party review sites (Yandex only). Of these, Yandex can add user messages to the Maps service.

Comments are written to reviews from different accounts and addresses. This creates a discussion around each review. Thanks to this, a potential client can see user activity and find answers to frequently asked questions in these discussions.

Moderation by Yandex is strict. It is almost impossible to raise a company’s valuation in cards using regular accounts. They need to be “cooked”! The final assessment of the organization will be based on

  • the number of ratings, the rating itself by points;
  • the quality of the account from which the rating was given, i.e. level of trust on the part of Yandex.

Results of promotion in Maps

Promoting a point on Yandex.Map and Google Maps gives the following effect:

  • in search results, the organization occupies the first position in the block with the map;
  • in the cards, the company card is in the top positions;
  • the institution is displayed in the TOP search results in the mobile version of the service and in Yandex Navigator;
  • potential clients can easily find the location of the company;
  • the added reviews keep the organization's card in the first positions in the search results and attract new clients over a long period of time.

With high-quality information in the directory, the organization’s impressions in Maps increase, and traffic grows.

What is the work schedule?

In the first month of promotion, the first stage of work is fully completed: an organization card is created and filled out as completely as possible (photos, description, contacts, services and prices). 4 reviews are added to it, to which 6 comments are written. On third-party review sites, 2 reviews about the organization are added.

In the second month, the posting of reviews and comments continues. 5 customer reviews are added and 12 comments are written. An additional 4 reviews are created on partner sites. The placement schedules for the second and third months are completely identical.

Timing and cost

The work is being carried out gradually, so you should not expect a rapid increase in traffic. Improvements can be noticeable after 3 weeks, but to achieve good results you need to work with progress for at least 3 months. After 5 months, the organization’s card reaches the first positions in the search results. At the same time, it is important to constantly maintain the level of activity in reviews and comments, as this directly affects the position.

The cost of work is 15,000 rubles per month. By ordering this service from us, you can increase traffic to your website, the number of clients and company income.

There are business niches for which we can offer an individual package of services and work with tens and hundreds of cards. Call!