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Why is the network slow? Acceleration for the Internet, which is slow

Not everyone can shell out for a top-end PC that can run smoothly under any conditions. Since most people purchase office builds with minimal characteristics, there is no need to talk about stable operation of applications.

The most frequently asked question from users is: “why does video on the Internet slow down and what to do?”

Reason 1: video card

So why does video on the Internet slow down when normal speed connections?

Let's start with a common problem, i.e. lack of resources. Office computers often lack discrete video cards.

Instead, an integrated core is used, soldered on the motherboard. The throughput of such a solution is very weak, so you can’t count on super performance.

As an alternative, you may be offered a central processor that has a built-in video core. This solution is already better, but it also falls short of the level of discrete graphics.

Reason 2: CPU

You have a new card, but the problem has not gone away. Is the processor capable of unlocking the potential of this card? Many “geniuses” simply don’t think about it, believing that an expensive and powerful video camera will get rid of all problems.

First, learn one simple trick. Video realizes its full potential only when coupled with a powerful processor and RAM.

The power supply is also important. A lack of power will lead to the fact that the hardware will not work at full capacity, and the power supply itself will break down very quickly.

No one is forcing you to buy an Intel Core i7 or AMD FX-9590, but knowing the specifications of your own PC will save you from a number of problems.

Reason 3: memory

Why does video on the Internet slow down in full-screen mode, but everything works fine in the window? There is a lack of RAM or video card memory.

Although the machine's throughput may also be to blame.

This won’t mean anything to many, but if you don’t go into details, there are 2 types of video accelerators: office and gaming. Office ones have a bus from 32 to 128 bits. Gaming, respectively, from 128 to 512. A higher figure indicates higher performance.

Note! The small amount of RAM also affects viewing.

If you don’t know why video on the Internet is slow on Windows 8, launch the task manager and see how much RAM is available in this moment. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and look down, as in the screenshot.

If the load rate is close to 70-80%, close all unnecessary applications.

Reason 4: codecs

Now many will feel like hackers. Outdated codecs are one of the reasons why videos on YouTube and not only slow down. Without going into details, let's explain what they are.

Codec is a set of system files responsible for reading all modern video formats that are processed by a computer. Please update them just in case.

In particular, the K-Lite codec pack is considered the most widespread package of such software. Download, install and enjoy. If this method does not help, then at least you will have an updated version of the codecs. It will not be worse.

Reason 5: Hardware acceleration

Why does video on VK slow down if no applications or programs are working for you except the browser? The connection speed seems to be good, but it still plays in jerks.

Try enabling hardware acceleration. To do this, right-click on the video in the same VK, look for “parameters” and go. We see a window like in the screenshot. All that remains is to check the box and close the context menu.

Reason 6: slow internet

Everyone has encountered this problem, more than once. There are not enough network resources for comfortable streaming playback. To verify the transfer speed, you can use the following resource: like speedtest.

At a speed of less than 2 Mbit/sec, it is naive to expect comfortable viewing. There are several solutions:

  1. Change provider or increase speed. This opportunity, unfortunately, is only available for large cities. Residents of villages and villages do not have a huge choice of service providers.
  2. “Deterioration” of the quality of the video in the player settings. In YouTube or VK you can adjust playback settings. The picture, of course, will become a little worse, but it will load noticeably faster.
  3. Wait a few minutes for the movie or video to partially download. The system simply does not have time to play the video in streaming mode, because the Internet speed is simply not enough.

Reason 7: excess garbage

When you regularly visit the Internet, your browsing history accumulates in storage. At the same time, the cache memory and more are cluttered. As a result, performance becomes much worse.

Note! If you don’t want to delve into your browser settings, install a small utility called CCleaner, which will clean out any kind of “garbage” on its own.

Reason 8: Flash Player

This small program is responsible for the smooth playback of videos on the Internet. So, if, when you start your PC, you see an “annoying” window from the “update Flash player” series, you should not immediately close the window.

Perform this action and then look at the changes. Often the problem disappears immediately.

If online video slows down, you don’t need to immediately run to a service where they reinstall the OS. First, carry out a set of programmatic measures to understand what the reason is.

It won't get any worse, even if nothing helps. Firstly, you will bring programs up to date, and secondly, you will clean the entire system of unnecessary junk.

Next, take a look at the general condition of the system unit. Dust, dirt and other elements need to be blown out, cleaned and removed urgently. Perhaps the components simply do not receive the required amount of air for comfortable operation.

Reducing the temperature by 5-7 degrees gives a performance increase of up to 30-50%.

As a last resort, update the PC configuration by adding memory, or changing the video card and processor.

What is the reason and what to do

Below we list common reasons that lead to Internet slowdowns and methods for eliminating them.

First of all check:

  • Is the torrent client enabled on this computer or any other computer in your local network;
  • Are OS updates or other software being downloaded on any of the computers on the local network?

1. Malicious software on your computer.

This is especially true for malicious browser extensions. If, in addition to a decrease in the loading speed of web pages, you also notice the appearance of advertising banners in the browser, then most likely the computer is infected with malware.

View the list of installed extensions in each browser. If found, remove the following malicious extensions:

  • Senses
  • iWebar
  • Podoweb
  • Shopper-Pro
  • YouTube Accelerator

Perform a scan using the following utilities:

  • CureIt
  • MalwareBytes Anti-Malware;
  • AdwCleaner;
  • HitmanPro.

2. Traces of malware activity after its removal

Even if the anti-virus scan results in a clean computer, follow these steps:

3. Viruses on another computer on the local network

Perform virus scans on other computers on the network. A network attack may be coming from a nearby computer, as a result of which the network and the Internet may be slow and unstable. To scan computers on the network for viruses, the same programs that are indicated in paragraph 1 are suitable.

4. Failure on the router or access point.

  • Check that the settings of your router or access point are correct.
  • Reboot your router to eliminate the possibility of crashes or freezing.
  • Do a hard reset of the router (modem, access point). Configure your device again by specifying correct settings your Internet provider.
  • Try updating the firmware of your router or access point. Follow the same procedure as this instruction.

Updating the firmware rarely helps with this problem. If the Internet previously worked normally on this firmware, then most likely the problem is not with it. However, sometimes the router still fails, which can only be cured by flashing it.

5. Network adapter problem

  • Update your network adapter driver. Sometimes a network adapter can work with a non-native driver, but it is unstable and at low speed.
  • Try connecting through a different network adapter, if possible.
  • Try replacing the network adapter if possible.

6. Hacking a Wi-Fi network

The Internet may also be slow if third parties have accessed your Wi-Fi network and are using your channel.

Check if someone else has connected to your network:

If you find an unknown device on the network, change the WiFi network security key using a new complex password. Prohibit remote login to the web interface of the router and access point.

Read the articles:

7. Unstable Wi-Fi network operation

May be caused by a weak Wi-Fi signal or interference from neighboring wireless networks:

If the Internet is slow only when using Wi-Fi, but the download speed is fine when connected via cable, try changing the Wi-Fi channel.

If web pages load slowly only in distant parts of the room, but the speed improves as you get closer to the access point, the problem may be a weak Wi-Fi signal. Exit: strengthen the signal using a repeater or installing an additional access point.

Read the articles:

8. The problem is with the Internet provider

Contact your provider and check if there are any technical problems on their side.

What to do if your home Wi-Fi is slow

The rare lucky one is the one who can boast of stable operation of his Wi-Fi network during peak hours (20:00 - 23:00). It is clear that the incoming Internet speed drops at this time, as it is distributed between you and your neighbors in the entrance connected to one provider. This is what is attributed to interruptions in the Internet connection. However, it's not just that.

Few ordinary users realize that the radio range to which they are tuned Wi-Fi router, is divided into several channels. And if your neighbors’ Wi-Fi routers operate on the same channels as yours, then you are all experiencing problems with the quality of network access. The connection will either be interrupted or disappear completely and the router will need to be rebooted. In this situation, even the most fast internet the provider will not be able to help you and changing the Internet tariff will not solve anything either.

How to solve this problem? First, you need to study the radio situation around your router's location during rush hour. Secondly, switch the operation of the Wi-Fi router to other less busy channels to reduce the effect of radio signal interference. It doesn't take a degree in physics to understand that multiple Wi-Fi routers operating on the same frequency simply interfere with each other. This is precisely the reason for the frequent failures of the Wi-Fi network in multi-storey buildings. Subscribers call providers and write angry posts about them on the Internet. The Internet is littered with forum messages like “Please advise good internet provider so that it doesn’t glitch." But often providers have nothing to do with it. It’s all to blame for the craving of some neighbors for high technology– powerful routers that cover half the house and interfere with the operation of other wireless routers.

What are the symptoms of this problem?

Internet speed drops, smartphones and tablets lose connection with the Wi-Fi access point. Occasionally, a user cannot connect to their network at all.

How to study the Wi-Fi situation?

You need a special utility that can be downloaded on the Internet. We recommend using the InSSIDer program, which is freely available. It finds and shows all active Wi-Fi routers near your computer and displays a visual list with all the information about these Wi-Fi networks: MAC addresses, operating frequency channels, SSiD, name and speed of network connection, communication frequencies, point manufacturers neighbor access, types of encryption, etc. Using this utility, you can determine on which specific channels the neighboring routers of your neighbors operate. They are the ones who cause the most interference to your network.

All that remains is to go into the settings of your Wi-Fi router and switch its operation to channels free from extraneous signals. For example, go to the admin panel of the router at (these numbers must be entered into the address bar of your browser), enter the password (in most cases, the default login is: admin and password: admin), go to the Wireless panel - and in the Channel tab We replace the existing channel with one of 13 free ones in your range.

In a busy radio environment, after replacing the working channel with a freer one, the quality of the Wi-Fi network in your apartment will become much better.


Why is the Internet slow and what to do?

This article is intended to answer two of your questions: why does the Internet slow down, and how to deal with it? If you are sure that your Internet speed is lower than that stated by your provider, then this article is for you.

To make it easier to understand the reason for low speed, we will divide all the reasons into those that depend on you and those that do not. The first is those problems that arise with your equipment, and everything else is problems with the provider’s equipment that are independent of you. Many providers do not admit that they are to blame for the low speed, and upon departure they issue quite large bills for the provision of their services. So, why is the Internet slow?

Reasons up to you:

Spyware, Trojans, worms - all of them can significantly reduce the speed of the Internet. They are embedded in the browser and can use the entire Internet channel, track your actions and keystrokes (keylogger), send information and your data to their owner. There are cases of complete loss of communication.

2.Antiviruses and firewalls

A fairly common reason for low speed is antiviruses and firewalls. Such programs “on the fly” check data coming from the network, which is reflected in the connection speed. But not all antiviruses slow down the Internet too much. Try turning off the Internet and checking the connection quality again; if this is the problem, then you should think about replacing the antivirus.

3.Large quantity network programs and add-ons.

All kinds of chat rooms, downloads, add-ons and plugins in the browser, bars, can significantly reduce the speed of the Internet. Try turning them off before measuring speed. If the difference is significant, think about whether you really need all these programs, and whether you need these half-monitor bars with information about quotes, weather, etc.

4.Operating system (OS)

Quite often the problem is solved by reinstalling Windows, because... Conventional distributions run a large number of unnecessary services that not only use network resources, but also hardware resources.

5. Incorrectly configured wireless equipment.

If you use a wireless router (WiFi), it is possible that your neighbors can take advantage of such a freebie; you don’t even have to be a hacker to do this. Even your neighbor, a schoolboy, can try his hand at using your Internet out of interest.

To prevent this from happening, when connecting all your devices to the router (computers, laptops, netbooks, mobile phones, tablets, game consoles), be sure to use data encryption and enable a MAC address filter, indicating the addresses of all your devices.

6.Technical limitations of routers and modems

If you are using an access point and the speed does not suit you, then try to exclude the router from the chain by connecting directly to the modem and measure the speed. This problem often occurs if the router does not support high data transfer rates, i.e. lower than that of the provider. In any case, read the information about your equipment, specifications, customer reviews.

7.Network card faults

A fairly common case, but the malfunction will not be obvious. That is, the network card seems to be working, is identified as a device, shows the connection of the network cable, it may even be under warranty, but there is still a problem!

If it is possible to check the speeds with another device (laptop, computer) and if it shows a higher speed, then the problem is most likely with the network card. First, you need to reinstall the driver to a newer one, and if it doesn’t help, then you need to replace the network card (not an expensive matter); if the problem is in the laptop, an external network card will help.

In such cases, it helps as a temporary solution to force the network card to set to 10 Mbit/s mode, always Full Duplex, this is enabled in the network card settings, additional tab, Speed&Duplex or Connection Type section. By configuring the network card in this way, you will limit your connection to 10 megabits, but will make it more stable. And remember that the problem will remain, and this is a temporary solution until a specialist arrives or the card is replaced. The same temporary solution helps with poor quality cables or connections.

In any case, you need to make sure that the problem is really in the network card.

8.Problem with the network cable

At this point highest value has the quality of connection of connectors and network cable. The cable is laid in such a way as to exclude any physical interactions. Over time, the copper wire oxidizes and thereby deteriorates the quality of the connection. They extend the cable incorrectly, without paying attention to the length of the turn in the pair, and the result is low speed and poor signal quality.

Reasons beyond your control.

Problems on the line in general

The problems may not be within your apartment. Due to poor-quality connections and oxidation of wiring in basement pipes and underground wells, Internet speed is significantly reduced, and sometimes disappears altogether. You can check the line very in a simple way. Run ping -t –l 1500 on the command line (specify your gateway or VPN server) where -l 1500 sets the size of the sent packet to 1500 bytes.

Having launched the ping, watch the response for a while (time = 2ms.) If the message Waiting interval for request exceeded periodically appears, it means that your packets are lost before reaching the gateway and are sent back, after which the system tries to send them again. All this requires time, which you spend waiting for the page to load in the browser.

Summarize. I talked about the most common problems affecting Internet speed. In general, troubleshooting is determined by the method of elimination, one by one of the points described above. I wish you good luck and a quick connection!

Slow WiFi - causes and solutions

Today there is a Wi-Fi network in almost every second apartment and people enjoy using the amenities modern technologies. But not everyone is satisfied with the speed of the wireless network. More and more people are coming to me with complaints about very slow WiFi and asking for advice. In this article, I have collected the most common and common reasons for low Internet speed via Wi-Fi and will tell you how to deal with them!

Reason 1 - Standard used

By now, there are already a certain number of wireless communication standards that are supported by modern routers. Here are the most basic of them: 802.11 b/g/n/ac. Moreover, only the last two can be considered the fastest of them. The 802.11N standard is supported by almost all modern routers and access points, both in the regular 2.4 GHz band and in the extended 5 GHz band.

In theory, it allows you to accelerate up to 300 Megabits if 2 antennas are used and up to 150 if one is used. In practice, these numbers can be safely divided by 3. And even in this case, the Wi-Fi network will work quite quickly and this Internet speed will be enough for all devices. If you are using a modern dual-band router, then in the 5 GHz band the fastest standard will be 802.11ac.

Reason 2 - WiFi channel width

As practical experience tells me, most users have slow WiFi because they use the old-fashioned radio channel width of 20 MHz. For high speeds this is not enough. You may have the most modern router, but Wi-Fi will be slow until you force the channel width to 40 MHz in the main wireless network settings.

If you use the 5 GHz band, then the channel width there should be set to 80 MHz.

Also, to get a real effect, do not forget to activate the WMM traffic prioritization function. This is usually done by checking the appropriate box:

Then save the settings and reboot your device. After this, you will really feel the increase in speed on all devices.

Reason 3 - Noisy range

Very often residents from multi-storey buildings contact me with a complaint that they have slow Wi-Fi. When I come and start the search, I see almost a dozen networks around. And sometimes more. And this despite the fact that no more than 13 can work more or less normally at the same time (And in the USA, even less - 11). Although in fact, problems with speed begin after the appearance of the 10th network in the neighborhood.

Many, having read advice on the Internet, begin to try to choose a less loaded radio channel or install more powerful antennas. But all this does not help, or it helps, but for a very short period of time. And there is only one solution - switching to the 5 GHz band. This is the only way you can speed up slow WiFi and at the same time forget about your “neighbors” for a long time. Moreover, network adapters are now quite affordable, and most modern phones and tablets can also work with this range.

Reason 4 - Network Security Standard

On many routers, the default security settings are WPA/WPA2 Mixed. I have also repeatedly seen that users after would-be customizers set the type to WPA-PSK, or sometimes even the ancient WEP. It is not right! These standards are hopelessly outdated. And not only have they become unsafe, but they also cause WiFi to work slowly. Therefore, be sure to check that you are using the most modern security standard - WPA2-PSK with AES encryption. Here's what it looks like on the D-Link DIR-300:

Note: If you suspect that the reason for the low speed of the wireless network is encryption, try leaving it open for a while (that is, without a password) and check. If the speed increases, then you will need to thoroughly understand what is wrong with your security settings.

Reason 5. Router location

The way the router is installed in your apartment will directly affect the quality of coverage and speed of the wireless network. We often come across cases where the access point is located in the back room in the corner, under the table, and even behind the system unit. Or vice versa, at the very entrance to the apartment, behind the bedside table on the floor. After this, you shouldn’t wonder why your WiFi is slow. Speed ​​directly depends on the quality of network coverage. And to do this, the router must be placed as close to the center of the home as possible. Then the coverage will be more or less uniform.

The second point is that the access point should be located as high as possible. The ideal option is to place it under the ceiling. And point the antennas down. If you place the device the other way around - on the floor, the signal quality throughout the apartment will be worse.

The third point is that the speed is strongly influenced by the distance to the connected client device, as well as the presence of various obstacles in the signal path in the form of concrete or plasterboard walls, metal sheathing, large wall-mounted aquariums, a large number of various household appliances in the form of a large TV, wall-mounted heaters, etc. All this makes it difficult for the signal to pass through, and therefore affects the speed of the network.

Reason 6. Wi-Fi signal strength

A little theory! The power of the Wi-Fi transmitter is directly proportional to the distance. That is, the higher the power, the further the distance it covers. At the same time, the signal power is inversely proportional to the modulation. That is, the higher the power, the lower the modulation density will be. And the lower the modulation density, the lower the WiFi speed. Oh how! Ideally high density is achieved with good signal at low transmitter power of the access point. Therefore, if you have a small apartment or house, then you should try to play with the transmit power parameters of the router:

On some models it is set as a percentage, and on others - as in the screenshot: fixed values. We set the average signal power and test.

And another tip - you don’t need to sit with a laptop or phone near the router in the hope that there will definitely not be slow WiFi here. No matter how it is! By doing this you will most likely achieve the opposite effect: the signal will be excellent, but the speed will be poor.

Reason 7: Hardware problem

Yes, yes, your wireless router, laptop or phone can be the cause of wireless network slowdowns. Firstly, the most common source of problems is faulty factory firmware of the modem or router. This is very relevant for devices from D-Link, Asus, and sometimes TP-Link. Therefore, immediately after purchase, you need to update the firmware to the most latest version. It’s also worth surfing the forums and looking for information on this model. Very often the solution to all problems is to install alternative firmware.

Secondly, you shouldn’t expect speed records from a cheap router costing up to 2,000 rubles. Yes, it supports all modern standards, but the hardware itself is weak. And the switching speed of the device (data transfer between the cable interface and the wireless network) directly depends on the processor and memory.

Secondly, low Wi-Fi speed may be the result of the fact that the connected laptop or tablet has a very weak built-in antenna. And here even the most powerful router antennas will not be able to correct the situation. And once I was faced with the fact that the antenna on the phone almost fell off after a dare. Due to poor contact, the speed began to jump constantly. The owner tinkered with the router’s settings for a long time until, quite by accident, he discovered the real reason.

The Internet is slow: is the problem with the subscriber or the provider?

Why does the Internet slow down, why do websites open much slower, and why don’t you even have the patience to wait for the page to load? Is it only the provider's fault for this? Let's try to help you figure out on your own whose side the problem is: yours or the provider's. If you have a problem, then you can do without calling the provider, and if suspicions have become stronger that the problem is with the provider, then a call to technical support will be supported by practical results. You don’t need to understand computer hardware, be able to program, or change boards in your computer - a guide to finding the cause of deteriorating Internet performance is suitable even for beginners.

Even an expensive and sophisticated computer, laptop, phone, new or recently purchased Wi-Fi router can last less than the warranty period and fail. In addition to electronic malfunctions, problems can be caused by mechanical failures in the cable or connector (contact in the connector or socket is broken, contacts are oxidized, unreliable contact). The same applies to the provider’s equipment.

We are looking for the reason for the deterioration of the Internet and low speed

If there is no Wi-Fi router in the apartment and you access the Internet via cable

If you have a second computer or laptop, switch the Internet cable to it and check how the sites open. After switching the cable, wait 5-10 minutes before checking. If the situation is completely better, then the problem is in the first computer and there is no point in contacting the provider’s technical support - try to figure out the computer yourself or contact computer help. If the Internet still opens slowly on another computer or laptop, contact your provider’s technical support - they will call a technician to your location for diagnostics.

If the apartment has a Wi-Fi router and only one computer, laptop, phone, tablet or SMART TV

Try turning off the power to the router and turning it back on (reboot the router). Routers tend to freeze sometimes, for example due to a short-term power surge in the electrical network. A couple of minutes after turning on the power, check the Internet. Sometimes one reboot is not enough and the router has to be rebooted a couple of times to get it to work properly again. Rebooting the router did nothing and the Internet is still slow? Try connecting to the Internet via wire. If you have a computer, laptop or SMART TV, disconnect the incoming Internet cable from the router and plug the cable directly into the computer or laptop. After about five minutes, check how sites open without a router. If you notice a difference, then it’s a matter of the router, Wi-Fi interference from neighboring routers, or the wireless Wi-Fi card on your laptop or USB Wi-Fi adapter. You can check Wi-Fi interference using the method described below, check your laptop's wireless card or USB Wi-Fi adapter You can use your computer if you connect another laptop or phone to Wi-Fi without changing anything on the router in advance. If these two options are not confirmed, then the problem is in the router - replace it with another one, send it for re-flashing or throw it in the trash. If you still have problems opening websites without Wi-Fi via cable, there remains the possibility of a disruption in the normal operation of your computer, laptop, or a problem on the part of the provider. Contact technical support and the technician will take a working laptop with him to check using the comparison method.

If you only have a tablet into which you cannot insert the cable, and there is no other device to check the Internet, contact technical support. The on-site technician will check the Internet operation with a working laptop.

Real cases from Ivstar practice

The subscriber’s laptop was somehow connected to a neighbor’s Wi-Fi without a password. When the neighbor turned off the router, the subscriber was left without the Internet and complained that the Internet was not working.

The subscriber complained about the low Internet speed in the evenings, even via cable. During the conversation, it turned out that the subscriber had Wi-Fi without a password and with a standard name, i.e. As soon as I took it out of the box it worked with factory settings. All the neighbors around connected to such a free Internet.

If the apartment has a wi-fi router and at least a couple of any devices

Check the Internet from the second device, while the first device must be turned off (or at least turn off Wi-Fi on it or disconnect the cable from it) so as not to take away some of the speed. If the difference is obvious, then the problem is in that first device and try to figure it out yourself or contact computer help; there is no point in contacting technical support. If the situation on the second device is the same, try connecting to the Internet without a router via cable. Disconnect the Internet cable from the router and connect it directly to your computer, laptop or SMART TV. The situation has changed? This means the problem is in the router. No difference? So turn it on to another computer or laptop and check again. Again, no difference? Contact your provider's technical support. The technician will arrive with a working laptop and, using a comparison method, will calculate on which side the problem of low Internet speed is.

If you only have tablets or smartphones and it is not possible to check the Internet via cable without a router, call technical support.

How to check Wi-Fi interference from other routers and choose the best channel

Today, wireless Internet in an apartment is not new; almost every apartment already has a Wi-Fi router. It’s nice to go online with your phone in your hand while lying on the couch or, sorry, while sitting on the toilet. A Wi-Fi router is technically a radio device that receives and transmits a signal simultaneously. Like any radio device, a router can interfere with others and receive interference itself. Each router receives and transmits a signal at a specific frequency, which is usually called the channel number in the router. There are thirteen such channels in the router. The channel number changes in the router menu in the wireless network settings section. By default, instead of the channel number, the option Auto is used - this is bad, because... The router may not always be able to independently select the channel number for optimal operation without rebooting.

How to check what channel your router is working on, how many other routers are working in the area of ​​your apartment and whether they create interference

Owners of smartphones or tablets Android based can turn their gadget into measuring device. To do this, you need to download through the standard Goole Play Market application free application Wi-Fi Analyzer. This Wi-Fi Analyzer program will clearly show you how many Wi-Fi networks operate in the same location as yours, the names and signal strength of each network, and most importantly, the channel number on which each neighboring router operates. The signal of each router in Wi-Fi Analyzer is depicted as a parabola; the more such parabolas intersect the parabola with the name of your Wi-Fi network, the stronger the interference at the router’s location. Wi-Fi channel numbers are marked on the horizontal line. The channel numbers that least likely cross neighboring routers can be selected in the router’s wireless network settings. In the additional menu of the WiFi Analyzer program, you can select Wi-Fi with your name and receive recommendations for choosing a channel number in the form of a number of stars. Please note that once you have set the channel number according to the readings of the Wi-Fi Analyzer program, interference may make itself felt again in the future. This is a normal phenomenon: one neighbor changed the router, another just bought and installed a router - the situation is corrected over time and requires adjustment to the specific situation. Not everyone is aware of the interference and will not think about setting the channel number manually.

How to choose your haircut and hair color on the computer

Everyone knows that Internet speed depends on many factors. You can still put up with a floating ping (if you don’t play online), but how do you react to the fact that, let’s say, there were 5 megabits, but suddenly there’s only one? In this case, the tariff is connected, the bills are paid, but there is still no speed. Do not rush to call the operator only to hear that “the line is fine.” First, check your equipment for the following possible causes.

Reason 1 - virus
Yes, as trivial as it may sound, the cause may simply be viruses. You should not absolutely and completely trust antiviruses. Of course, Kaspersky, Dr.Web and others can protect you from many threats, but this does not mean that they are ideal, especially since some users disable them when installing illegal software or when launching games. Every self-respecting laboratory has special utilities for this purpose that are designed to combat malware. The fact is that even if the spyware or Trojan has nothing to gain from your system, in any case the virus will significantly “slow down” the Internet, since it constantly transmits information to the network. Therefore, do not be lazy to check your computer for viruses once again, especially after you have downloaded “Warez” or visited the “strawberry” site.

Reason 2 - antivirus and firewall

Of course, “fresh” antiviruses almost exclude this situation, but there are cases when the “defender” considered an open port a security threat. Therefore, it is worth checking the firewall to see if your firewall is blocking the current connection. This is especially true for wireless networks. For example, there are cases when the user himself, “just in case,” turns the antivirus protection level to maximum settings, ignoring the default settings. Often Windows Defender itself takes the initiative, but this does not mean that it needs to be disabled; it is enough to simply allow the port in the settings.

Reason 3
- many network programs and add-ons
Some users love widgets, informers and add-ons, both in the browser and in the Windows system. In the eighth version, Microsoft abandoned widgets. Maybe because malicious code often penetrated through them, or maybe because they simply load the system.

However, the fact that such programs take away traffic - this is 100%, especially when there are too many of them installed. The surest way to check if this is true - disable widgets and see if the speed has changed or not. There are times when a user fools himself and the operator about poor data transfer, just because he has some kind of power-hungry widget installed, and the speed on his tariff does not allow this.

Reason 4- operating system
“Clean” licensed operating systems do not raise suspicion; you just need to reinstall the necessary network card driver or wireless network software - and no problem. But if, as an OS distribution, you chose a mega-assembly from a mega-hacker, which you downloaded from torrents, there is a chance that the assembly itself installed a bunch of “useful” programs. This is where the interesting situation begins. If the Internet is slow, and you have already “rearranged” everything that is not possible, but your OS does not allow you to adequately perceive the speed - The culprit is the mega-collection, where by default some service is disabled or some library is removed, which, according to the developer, is superfluous, but is so necessary for your equipment.

Reason 5- wireless equipment is not configured
The first option, namely setting the router settings according to your provider, is excluded, since if they are incorrect, then you will not be able to connect to the Internet at all. The second reason is trivial (if you have Wi-Fi network) - someone has connected to you for free and is using your traffic. The solution is even more banal - enable and configure at least the most basic data encryption. By default, for many routers the port is open, but most of them support such secure protocols that only a professional hacker, and not a schoolboy neighbor from the apartment across the street, can hack. Many people are more likely to blame speed “failures” due to provider problems with equipment than basic patronage on their part. Another tip - if you use more than one device on your home wireless network, then enter all their MAC addresses in the router settings using a filter. If you don’t know how to do this, then go to the manufacturer’s official website, they will help you, although everything is quite simple.

Reason 6
- network card is broken
The case is unlikely, but as an “excuse” for the operator it is quite common. It is extremely rare for a network card to break down. Only a power surge can “kill” it, but if it did that, then your entire computer should be on its last legs. If you suspect this is the case, then you should first check for the presence of a network card in the task manager and reinstall its drivers. The latter helps more often. Modern laptops do not have a card at all - it's part of the motherboard. What happens when the motherboard burns out? That's right, the laptop doesn't work at all. So if you have a laptop, then this section is useless to you.

Reason 7- cable
The talk of the town, which ISP operators are also interested in, but as practice shows, not in vain. They bent, crushed, tore and twisted themselves - all these are the cause of poor internet connection.

Optical cable operator is laid to the house, the Internet is connected to your apartment with a copper cable, but what is copper? This is a metal that oxidizes in the connector, so it is worth changing it periodically, but if you do not know the basics of cable crimping and do not have the appropriate tool, then it is better to contact a specialist.

Reason 8- problem on the line in general
We won’t spend a long time explaining the possible causes of the operator’s malfunction, or conducting a detailed course on working with DOS. Just run on the command line (run) ping -t -l 1500, where "" - your gateway, or VPN server, and “-l 1500” is the size of the optimal data transfer packet, for example, 1500 bytes. If there is really a problem with the line, you will see the message “request timeout exceeded.” In this case, you can safely call your provider and find out what the problem is.

From speed and stability wireless internet a lot depends these days. Work, personal life, the opportunity to always be in touch with loved ones, relaxation, self-education... You can’t list everything. Therefore, for many people, the Internet suddenly starting to “slow down” is equated to a small apocalypse. What could be the reason for the failure? And what to do in this situation? IT technology experts give their advice.

Poor quality equipment

The problem with low connection speed is often associated with low power and the router’s meager built-in memory. So it's not worth saving on it. The situation is exactly the same as with computers or smartphones: the cheaper the device, the weaker its processor and the smaller the amount of memory. For 1,300 rubles it is quite possible to purchase a router that will cope with a light load. But if you plan to download a large amount of information or conduct online broadcasts (in a word, do something that requires stable high Internet speed), it is better to pay attention to devices costing from 4,000 rubles.

"Peak hour"

It may seem strange, but the speed of wireless Internet depends on how many people are simultaneously connected to you through the same port. If you have a large family, then in the evening, when everyone goes online to chat, watch a movie online or play, the speed will drop. There are several options:

  1. Install multiple access points.
  2. Buy a tariff with a speed of at least 20 Mb/s (and, of course, make sure that your router supports this power).
  3. Agree with your family about a schedule for using the Internet.

Low cable bandwidth

In some cases, you can get rid of problems with the Internet by simply changing the USB cable running from the router to the computer. The higher the cable performance, the faster the information will be downloaded. In addition, cords wear out over time and, accordingly, their capacity decreases.

Poor location of the Wi-Fi router

A big mistake is to assume that if you have a router with Wi-Fi support, the Internet will be equally stable everywhere. The signal strength depends on the location where the router is installed. What can you do if the Internet is slow?

  • Make sure that the router is not blocking any large object. It is better to place it in an open space. Many users hide their Wi-Fi router in a closet or table to save space. This is only permissible if the device has enough power to create a stable signal.
  • In some cases, you can speed up the Internet by raising the router higher or, conversely, lowering it. The optimal height above the floor will have to be determined experimentally.
  • Try moving it closer to your workplace. In large apartments or office buildings, the signal strength may weaken away from the router.

Cheap plan

It’s trite, but this is one of the most common causes of “problems” with the Internet. If the tariff you paid guarantees a speed of up to 2 Mbit/s, then a movie weighing 1.5 GB will download for several hours. Of course, doing something resource-intensive in a browser will also be inconvenient.

In this case, it is worth measuring your Internet speed on one of the specialized sites, familiarizing yourself with the offers of providers and choosing the most suitable tariff for yourself.

Router failure

If a connection problem occurs unexpectedly, then most likely your router is simply frozen. Don’t be surprised: this device has the same operating principle as a computer or smartphone, and it can also experience an internal failure.

Most routers have a key that allows you to easily reboot the device. If it is not there or you do not know where it is, you can do one of the following:

  • Press the power off button.
  • If it does not work, hold it down and hold it for 15-20 seconds.
  • As a last resort, you can simply unplug the power cord from the outlet.

You need to turn on the router no earlier than 30 seconds so that the overload that occurs in the electronics of the device has time to disappear.

Software problem

There is no Internet on your smartphone, or its speed is very low, while other devices easily access the network? No need to try to configure your router! The problem is with the smartphone. Perhaps your Wi-Fi is simply not configured. Or you need to install new drivers. Or maybe the built-in memory is not enough for normal operation. In such a situation, it is better to contact a specialist who will tell you whether you need to reinstall software or simply perform the setup correctly.

Running background task

Many users forget to turn off applications after they are finished using them. They continue to work in the background and take up part of the Internet. Which, accordingly, ceases to be enough for other tasks.

Running programs can also reduce speed because they use a significant part of the device’s built-in memory. This is especially true for low-cost smartphones, tablet phones and budget laptops.

To speed up your internet, try the following:

  1. Close all unnecessary browser tabs. It is best to leave only one - the one you are currently working with.
  2. Did not help? Then additionally clear your browser cache.
  3. Turn off running programs or applications. In Windows, this can be done through the Task Manager. Mark the unnecessary application with the mouse and click on the “End task” button at the bottom of the window.
  4. If you have any computer cleaning program installed, such as CCleaner, delete all temporary files.

As a rule, these simple steps can significantly speed up not only the Internet connection, but also the gadget itself as a whole.

The signal is jammed by other electronic devices

The cause of an unstable Internet connection may lie in devices that emit radio frequencies. It could be a TV, remote control remote control, car radio. It’s easy to check whether they affect communication: step aside and try to access the Internet again.

If the suspicion is confirmed, you will have to make a small rearrangement: move the router as far as possible from the “hostile” equipment, ideally, in another room. Make sure that there is nothing else between the router and the place where you usually use the Internet that could jam the signal.

In most cases, problems that arise can be easily solved using one of the methods listed above.

In ancient times, people only dreamed of having the Internet in their apartment. Now they are already dreaming of high speeds. Is it possible to speed up the Internet on Windows 7 without changing the tariff? Is it possible that the speed is limited by something other than a monetary amount?

How to check Internet speed?

First, you need to make sure that the speed itself is exactly what you are entitled to according to your tariff plan. Let's test the Internet speed.

Online services

There are many web pages on the Internet that test your online connection speed. One of the most popular is by Ookla.

To check your speed, visit the website. On the geographic map, select which server to connect through (by default, the closest one is selected), and click the transparent green “Start scanning” button. After a few seconds you will see the results. The reception speed, transmission speed and ping of the connection will be shown.

Initially, ping is a program that checks the quality of the connection. A data packet is constantly flowing from the user to the server and back. Ping checks the integrity of packets. It's integrity. But subsequently the meaning of the word changed somewhat. Now “ping” is the time it takes for a data packet to travel from the computer to the server and back (it is also defined in this meaning in This happened, apparently, because the quality of a connection was increasingly called its speed, rather than its integrity.

The name Ping itself is interesting. Officially, it is an acronym for Packet InterNet Grouper. But the word also refers to the first part of the name of the game ping pong (table tennis). The process of transferring data between computers is very similar to this game.

Programs for testing Internet speed

You can check your Internet speed using programs. For example, NetWorx.

The program will check your Internet speed, but that's not all of its functions. It can be minimized to the system tray, and there it will always show you the current and used speed. It can also be useful for analyzing speed, as it saves statistics and presents them in the form of a graph that can be viewed at any time.

Using gadgets

Windows 7 inherited from Windows Vista the ability to decorate the desktop with gadgets (analogous to widgets in mobile operating systems Android). Some gadgets have not only aesthetic functions, but also quite practical ones. For example, there are gadgets that will show you the connection speed in real time. They all have similar capabilities and differ mainly in their appearance.

To install the gadget on your desktop, simply download, unpack the zip archive and open the .Gadget format file. And the gadget will appear on the desktop without any additional settings and brighten up the boring Windows 7 with its appearance.

What to do if the Internet speed does not match the tariff plan?

If the figure produced by tests like or NetWorx is significantly lower than stated in the description of the tariff plan, then you should call your telecom operator and find out what’s wrong.

Note that variations of 100–200 Kbps are quite normal; test several times; do not confuse bytes and bits: 1 byte = 8 bits and 5 Mbit/s = 625 KB/s.

It is possible that you or your provider have mixed up the tariff plan, which is why you are paying more, while receiving less traffic. Or is it some kind of failure on the servers. Or some other errors. Don't get confused by marketing gimmicks: speeds of "up to 100 Mbit/s" can equally mean 99 or 1 Mbit/s. This especially applies to mobile Internet users, where the speed is highly dependent on weather conditions and geographic location.

Internet speed is normal, but it is still slow

The overall connection speed is fine, but do you still feel like pages are loading too slowly? Or was it even better before?

Indeed, it is possible that the Internet speed is limited by some artificial obstacles in the computer itself. Let's talk about possible reasons.

Programs eat up all the traffic

After a year or two of use, the computer accumulates a multitude of all kinds of programs, some useful and some not so useful. Some of them use the Internet for their needs (updating, downloading new databases, or just constantly connecting). One of the main ones is, of course, antiviruses. They update their databases every day. But if this is excusable for antiviruses, then there is no excuse for Adobe Flash Player is not enough. And it can be updated without the user’s knowledge if it is configured this way.

You need to look at which programs and in what quantities use traffic. Pointing your finger at the sky is too long, so let's use the NetLimiter program.

NetLimiter not only determines the overall Internet speed, but also recognizes which program is using and how much traffic. Well, the most useful thing is the ability to deny programs access to the Internet. Therefore, all careless applications can cut off the entire data flow if they are updated every five minutes and do not allow you to surf the Internet.

And important and necessary programs (for example, antivirus programs) can simply be limited in speed. Then they will continue to download their databases, but will only take away a strictly defined piece of the Internet.

And now about how to do it all. First, download the program itself. Official website: It costs $29.95 and has a 30-day trial version.

Install and run the program. Almost the entire program window is occupied by a list of running processes. Almost like in the task manager, only the network speed is shown. To limit access to a gluttonous process, select it and look at part of the window. There will be a Rules section. Click Add Rule.

Rule type - Limit. In the Direction field - In or Out, depending on whether incoming or outgoing traffic needs to be limited. In the Value field, enter the value in kBit/s. Click OK.

To completely disable access, enter 0 in the Value field.

Browser problem

If pages are loading slowly, there may be a problem with your browser. Unnecessary extensions, junk and garbage, uncleaned history and cache. It is possible that the issue is not even the speed of downloading data from the Internet, but simply that the browser itself does not have time to reproduce the received information.

Try accessing the same sites from a different browser and compare. If the browser is really slow, the best thing to do is simply reinstall it. You can, of course, remove all extensions, clear the cache and history. But who knows if it was because of this that he was slowing down or because of a deeper problem?

Problem with Wi-Fi router

If you are using a router, check if everything is ok with it. It may freeze and transmit the signal with a delay. Try rebooting it. It happens that this helps, but a short time. If possible, try to test the operation of the Internet cable without a router by connecting it directly to the computer.

If in this case the problem disappears, take the router for repair. Or maybe it’s worth buying a new one altogether. Fortunately, they are not that expensive.

Interference from neighboring Wi-Fi routers

In apartment buildings, you may notice that in the evening the Internet always works at least a little worse than, for example, in the early morning. But the whole point is that the neighbors turn on all their devices and create interference. Think about it, about ten electromagnetic waves go to your Wi-Fi adapter at once. And among them he must accept only one. And this one, by the way, still needs to be determined.

Here's how you can deal with this: in the router settings you need to change the channel number. In general, good routers automatically search for a free channel, but bad ones also have an “AUTO” parameter, but it just doesn’t work. We won’t be able to understand whether it works, so it’s worth trying to do everything manually.

Download the inSSIDer program: It allows you to analyze available channels and find the freest one (with the best bandwidth). Install it and run it.

A list of available Wi-Fi signals will appear in front of you. Pay attention to the Channel field, which indicates the channel number. In total, there are 13 communication channels in Russia, the most common: 1, 6 and 11. It is from these three that it is best to choose. Look through the entire list of signals and mark the one with the fewest access points registered.

Now, to change the channel on your router, go to its web interface. Usually, to do this you need to go to the IP address from the browser. For example, (for D-Link routers). Read the instructions for the router; in extreme cases, contact the manufacturer’s support service.

In the interface, open “Settings” and find the “Channel” item. And choose the one you found for yourself in the previous paragraph. Now reboot your router and check your connection speed. It should get at least a little better.

Poor performance

Information needs to not only be downloaded, but also processed. Computer resources are used for this. And if the computer itself is slow, then the pages will take a long time to load. Increasing PC performance is the topic of a separate large article. But in general terms:

  1. Clean your hard drive if it is overloaded. Clean up temporary (and unnecessary) files in the C:\Windows\Temp and C:\TEMP folders. Get rid of all the trash you have.
  2. Clean up the Windows registry. Use special programs for this. For example, CCleaner. Carry out the cleaning several times, since due to certain subtleties it is impossible to clear empty and broken registry entries at once.
  3. Defragment your hard drive. Do not confuse it with formatting - defragmentation does not destroy data, but just puts it in order. Fragmentation of information leads to a significant drop in productivity.
  4. Check to see if the CPU is overheating during operation. Use the AIDA64 program. Clean the system unit from dust: it will burn. And there is nothing good in this.
  5. If you have too little RAM, buy an additional module. In extreme cases, increase the page file or use the Windows ReadyBoost feature, which optimizes performance using flash card memory.
  6. If you have too many programs running in the background along with your system, disable them. To do this, open the “Startup” list (Win + R, enter msconfig in the field, open the “Startup” tab in the window). Remove unnecessary programs from the list so they don't get in the way and waste CPU resources.

Video: how to increase the performance of a computer or laptop


Malware not only limits productivity, but also wastes Internet traffic for its own needs.. Almost all Trojans use your Internet, which greatly reduces the actual connection speed. The solution can be the NetLimiter program, which will block unnecessary programs from accessing your Internet. But it’s best to download (or even buy) a good antivirus program and thoroughly scan your computer. You can take Kaspersky, ESET Nod 32 or free Avast Security.

Remove all viruses, and the Internet will work much faster.

How to speed up your Internet connection?

Switch to another tariff

The obvious way: pay your provider more to speed up the Internet. But it’s worth noting that you don’t always have to pay. You can choose a tariff that suits you better for the same price. For example, if you have a cable TV + Internet tariff, and you only watch the main federal channels, you can refuse additional television programs in favor of increasing your connection speed.

Besides, tariff plans are updated frequently. And new tariffs may turn out to be cheaper and more profitable, so it’s useful to keep an eye on the new products. Especially it concerns mobile communications. In Russia, mobile Internet is very cheap (relative to other countries), and it is naturally becoming even cheaper.

Change carrier

Applies mostly to users of USB modems. In such things, the speed is limited not so much by the tariff as by the quality of communication in your area. Look online for maps showing coverage areas of different operators. Read on the forums of residents of your and neighboring houses to find out which operator’s network is more stable and faster here. Perhaps changing the modem SIM card will significantly increase the Internet speed.

Use a proxy server

Proxies are servers that act as an intermediary in computer networks. Typically, a computer directly accesses a distant server and receives a response directly. And with the use of a proxy, the computer first accesses it, and that server already accesses the requested one. It would seem that the intermediary lengthens the chain and should, on the contrary, slow down the data flow, but this is not so.

Because the proxy server itself may be geographically very close to you, so data from you to it will travel quite quickly. And proxy servers have a very powerful Internet that downloads the information you need in the shortest possible time. Therefore, most of the time will be spent on transmission between your computer and the proxy server.

Proxy servers have another useful thing: they hide your true IP. If, for example, the necessary sites are blocked in Russia, you can use a proxy server from another country to open them. It turns out that the site is accessed by the IP of that particular country, and you receive data from this proxy server, so everything is “clean”. This will help, for example, residents of Crimea who, due to sanctions, cannot work with the services of Google, Apple, Steam and many other American companies.

How to set up a proxy server

You can configure a proxy either through the browser settings or through the Windows control panel. In browsers this is done like this (on Google example Chrome, in all others it is done in a similar way):

  1. Open Settings. Then scroll to the very bottom of the page and click "Show advanced settings."
  2. Find the "Network" section. There will be a phrase like “Google Chrome is using a proxy server...”. Next to it there will be a button “Change proxy settings”.
  3. A window titled “Internet Properties” will open. In the item “Configuring local network settings” there will be a small paragraph of text. And next to it is a button. Click on it.
  4. Now another window will open. And in the window there will be an item “Proxy server”. Check the box “Use a proxy server...” and enter parameters such as the IP address and port of the server you selected.

Control Panel:

  1. Open Control Panel -> Internet Options.
  2. The Internet Properties window opens. Next, do everything the same as in points 3, 4 of the previous list.

You can find the addresses of many free proxy servers on the Internet. But it is very difficult to find a truly high-quality one among them, and even more so, one that is closer to you. To find one, look for detailed information about the specific server, including the physical address. Choose and try a few. Just on personal experience you can understand which one really speeds up page loading.

Please note that some proxy servers can, on the contrary, slow down the Internet rather than speed it up. But this depends only on the specific proxy.

Third Party DNS Server

DNS (aka Domain Name Server) is the Internet address book. The computer, due to its characteristics, does not understand the symbolic designation of web page addresses (such as or, but it is perfectly possible to find the desired server by IP address (for example, . So, when you type a certain address into the address bar, this address is sent to the DNS server, which looks for an equivalent IP address and sends it to the computer. By default, your provider's DNS server is used, which may not be very fast, be located far from you, etc.

So you can try setting up third-party DNS servers instead of the standard ones. For example, free public DNS from Yandex ( or Google ( They tend to work more stable, faster and better. Such servers can not only speed up the Internet, but also make it secure. Their DNS servers will prevent you from accidentally visiting a virus or scam site. There is also a “Parental Control” function to prohibit access to non-children’s resources.

How to set up DNS

  1. Open “Control Panel” -> “Network and Internet” -> “View network status and tasks”. Find the name of your Internet connection and left-click on it. In the new window, click on the “Properties” button.
  2. Another window will open. In the list, click on “Internet Protocol TCP/IPv4” and click “Properties”.
  3. A window will open. In the DNS server section, check "Use... DNS...". And enter the address of the selected DNS server ( - IP for Google DNS, - for Yandex).
  4. Apply the changes and reconnect.

Use your browser to speed up the Internet

Many browsers have a feature that "lightens" web pages. For example, a Flash video is closed with a gray square and does not load at all until you click on it. Photos can be blocked in the same way, so that users don't waste their bandwidth on something they don't need (and if they do, they'll click and the item will load).

This principle works, for example, in Turbo mode in Yandex Browser.

Video: a quick way to speed up the Internet

What DOES NOT help increase Internet speed?

Setting up your computer settings

In earlier versions of Windows, there may have been a problem that the Internet was slow due to incorrect settings. But not now. You don’t believe that programmers from some small companies can be smarter than a bunch of engineers? top level from Microsoft, who receive $2500 a month for such “setting up parameters”, and even know the structure of the OS itself very well? Although, of course, there are unique ones, but so far not a single such program has turned the world upside down. If there is an increase in speed, it is insignificant.

Additional antennas for modems

There is a legend that homemade wire antennas (or, even worse, bought for a lot of money), if connected to a modem, improve the quality of communication. This legend is even fueled by a special connector for antennas on modems.

But modern antennas built into USB modems have much more outstanding properties than wire. Speed ​​optimization does occur, but it is limited to 100–200 kbit/s. And in any city where there is 3G, this is just a drop in the ocean. This dubious input for external antennas was invented for long trips in order to catch at least some Internet far from cell towers. Even in villages there is almost no need for this now. So don't waste your time and money on this nonsense.

So, we have looked at how you can fix problems with slow Internet and speed it up. Of course, it is impossible to increase the speed many times without paying extra to the provider, but some pleasant little things are still possible. The main thing is, do not waste time on empty promises to increase speed several times with the help of programs from unknown developers.