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Regulations on the exhibition of creative works in the summer. Exhibition Regulations


O international competition children's drawing

"I See the World: The World of Theater"

XXVIIItraveling exhibition of children's fine art

(within educational project"Traveling Exhibition")


Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education"

International Union of Teachers and Artists

Federal State state-financed organization culture "Russian State Children's Library"

General position

These Regulations define the goals, objectives, regulations and procedure for holding the international competition of the XXVIIIth traveling exhibition of children's drawings “I see the world: the world of theater”. The competition is held as part of the educational project “Traveling Exhibition: I See the World” and is dedicated to the theater (2018 in the Russian Federation will be proclaimed the “Year of the Theater”).

Famous lines by W. Shakespeare “The whole world is a stage. There are women, men - all actors in it” can be used as the epigraph of the upcoming competition. Because the child, due to his “natural theatricality,” is active. He is a participant in many games, fun and theatrical activities. New competition children's fine arts puts its main task introducing the younger generation to the art of theater, which synthesizes literature, music, choreography, visual arts, etc.

In preparation for this competition, children will expand their understanding of ancient theater, get acquainted with unusual and traditional theaters of the country and the world: the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater, the Moscow Children's Shadow Theater, the Children's Musical Theater named after. N. Sats, Puppet Theater named after. S. Obraztsova, the Wandering Den Theater, etc., will learn about the activities of theater artists, the work of painters and graphic artists depicting theatrical life (Yu. Pimenov, Toulouse-Lautrec, L. Bakst, etc.), etc. They will tell through their drawings “theater stories” will tell about their participation in the life of a theater, for example a school one.

In addition to the artistic goal, the competition has a research goal. In the 1920s A.V. Bakushinsky conducted a unique study “Depiction of space in children’s drawings.” Children of different age groups were given the task of depicting a round dance. One of the themes of the modern competition also involves depicting a round dance. We will compare the drawings received from young artists with retro drawings that are stored in the International Collection of Children's Drawings of the Institute of Art Education and Cultural Studies of the Russian Academy of Education and answer the question: “Have the age-related characteristics of the depiction of space by children of different age groups changed?”

From a research point of view, it will be interesting to see what the age composition of the current participants in the competition will be, how children and teenagers will reflect the proposed competition topics, which of them will prefer, which artistic materials and techniques will be used, who will be most active: boys or girls, etc.

Purpose of the competition:

A comparison of retro and modern children's drawings in order to identify the preferences, interests and age capabilities of young artists from different historical eras.


  1. Developing the interest of children and adolescents in theater as a synthetic art.
  2. Expanding young artists’ understanding of the role of a theater artist, dialogue with children about the history of theater, its role in modern life society.
  3. Forming the needs of children and adolescents in fine arts, supporting gifted children.
  4. Identifying and promoting best teaching practices.

Competition topics:

- Ancient theater (Greece, Japan, etc.).

- People's Theater (Wandering den, Street performances, etc.).

- Round dance ( Round dance around the Christmas tree, Round dance for Maslenitsa, Round dance for a birthday, etc.).

- I love a theatre (puppet, ballet, opera, folk culture, school, amateur, shadow, circus, etc.): Theatrical celebration in kindergarten(school), Family in the theater, Theatrical still life, Theater of our city, I want to visit (was) the Bolshoi Opera and Ballet Theater in Moscow, I want to visit (was) the puppet theater S. Obraztsov in Moscow, I want (was) at the N. Sats musical theater in Moscow, at the circus, etc.

- Activities of a theater artist : theater poster, curtain sketch, costume sketch, mask, scenery sketch, etc.

- Comic drawings “Theater in my life” (4-9 drawings on one sheet): “A story about how I made a mask”, “I am an actor”, “We are at Maslenitsa””, “We are playing on stage”, “At a rehearsal”, etc.

- Illustration of a literary work about the theater: Anton Chekhov “After the Theatre”, “Kashtanka”, Nikolai Uspensky “Village Theatre”, Arkady Averchenko “A Trip to the Theatre”, Nikolai Kononov “Tender Theatre”, Lyudmila Smirnova “Popular History of the Theatre”, Milorad Pavich “Paper Theatre”, etc.

Conditions XXVIIIth international competition children's drawings of the traveling exhibition “I see the world: the world of theater” correspond to the conditions , proposed by the organizers of the First Competition for the best children's drawing in 1935, which took place on the initiative of the Central House of Artistic Education of Children (now the Federal State Budgetary Institution "IKhOiK RAO"), but adapted to the possibilities of the modern educational process:

  1. A young artist aged 3-18 years can take part in the competition and send his creative work independently or delegate it to the competition through the teacher under whose guidance it was completed. The drawings must be completely new, never seen anywhere and, of course, not copied , performed independently, without any help from adults.
  2. Drawings (posters, batiks, engravings, comics, etc.) can be created individually or collectively using any artistic materials (gouache, watercolor, pastel, felt-tip pen, wax crayons, gel pens, charcoal, sanguine, sauces, ink, pencils using the plasticine painting technique, or others) on sheets of paper, cardboard or fabric of any size and shape: square, rectangle, circle, etc., or on a computer.
  3. Drawings in paste are not issued , any size of the picture. On back side work, the child’s name, surname, age, name of the drawing, material, size are written in a simple pencil, full name is indicated. teacher, city, institution and email address. If the drawing was made at home, write “independent drawing”.

In the lower right corner, not in the drawing, but under the picture, a label is glued (in three rows, font number 14, 1 spacing):

Ivanova Tanya, 7 years old. I'M IN A THEATER COSTUME. 2017.

Paper, color pencil, watercolor, 29x22.

Russia, Moscow, GBOU School No. 1293, teacher Ivanova T.I.

If possible, on the back of the drawing with a simple pencil, write a few sentences about the child’s hobbies, answering the questions: “What topics do you like to draw on most, what art materials do you use, do you like to draw on large or small sheets of paper, how often do you draw?”, and also about your family: how many children are in the family, favorite family activities or an interesting performance in which you took part, etc.

Criteria for assessing the results of children's visual creativity:

1. WITH content of the drawing: degree (high, medium, low) of independence and depth of design: composition, not sketching, the composition should be based on the experience of the child author, be creative, non-standard, reflect the unique vision of the world, individual features of the development of a young artist.

2. Shape of the drawing : the work should reflect “skill of hand”, the degree (high, medium, low) of mastery of artistic material, reflect the skill of mastering the methods and techniques of obtaining images dictated by age developmental features.

3. Expressiveness: artistry, imagery, integrity; the degree (high, medium, low) of the disclosure of the plan, the ability of the child-author to express his thoughts and feelings using visual means of expression: line, color, spot, stroke, composition, rhythm, volume, etc. are assessed. (unity of artistic form and content). The criterion of “expressiveness” is decisive.

Accommodation information competition works . The participant submits his creative work to the competition with the consent of his parents or legal representative or teacher. Children's creative works submitted to the competition don't come back they can be used at the discretion of the competition organizers: publication, transfer to participation in other exhibitions and competitions, posting on a website or on the Internet with the author indicated. The organizers of the competition are not responsible for errors made during registration of the work, and reserve the right to refuse to accept work that contradicts the terms of the competition.

Dates and procedure for the competition:

Main stages of the competition:

  • First stage : regional( September-December 2017).

Until December 30, 2017, send scans of the drawings of the winners of regional competitions to the email address for the “I See the World” competition in PDF or JPEG format. Placement in the gallery on the website of the electronic version of the works.

No more than 10 children's drawings from one teacher are accepted for the competition. From one child - no more than 2 works.

  • Second phase - January-February 2018 evaluation of works by the competition jury, determination of winners.
  • Third stage - February 2018 Send drawings of children - winners of the competition to the address: 119121, Moscow, st. Pogodinskaya, 8, building 1, FGBNU "IKhOiK RAO" with a note for the competition "I see the world" or in March 2018, bringing drawings of children - winners of the competition to the annual Forum of Teacher-Artists and transferring them to T.A. Koptseva. (during the Forum days). Design of works for participation in the XXVIII traveling exhibition “I see the world: the world of theater”. A catalog is expected to be published.

Winner's reward ceremony:

Diplomas of the competition winners, as well as certificates for teaching artists, will be awarded to regional curators (or regional representatives) at the annual Forum of the MTOO "Union of Artists and Teachers" in March 2018 in Moscow.

Information about the results of the XXVIII children's drawing competition “I see the world: the world of theater” as part of the educational project “Traveling Exhibition” will be posted on the website of the International Union of Teachers of Artists: and on the website of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “IKhOiK RAO”: www.

Formation of the traveling exhibition route: the exhibition route is approved by the organizing committee of the competition in accordance with received applications. The movement of exhibition exhibits along the chosen route is carried out from March 1, 2017 to March 1, 2018. The exhibition ends in March 2018 during the annual Forum of the International Union of Teachers and Artists or continues to travel across the regions.

As part of the 28th traveling exhibition of children's drawings, a virtual exhibition of creative works by teacher-artists will be held on the competitive theme “The World of Theatre”. Send scans of creative works of teacher-artists to E-mail: [email protected] until December 30, 2017

Official details of the competition organizers:

FGBNU "IKhOiK RAO": 119121, Moscow, st. Pogodinskaya, 8, building 1. www.


on holding a regional virtual exhibition children's drawing

“Our land is Tula”

1. General Provisions

These Regulations determine the procedure for organizing and holding a regional virtual exhibition of children’s drawings “Our Tula Land” (hereinafter referred to as the exhibition) for children’s students art schools, children's art schools, colleges and art studios aged 5 to 19 years, the procedure for participation in the exhibition and determining the winners.

Founder of the exhibition

Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Tula Region.

Exhibition organizers

State cultural institution of the Tula region "Association of centers for the development of art, folk culture and tourism" (hereinafter - GUK TO "OTsRINKiT")

Municipal educational institution additional education children "Tula Children's Art School named after. V.D. Polenova"

The exhibition is aimed at creating conditions for the development of artistic creativity of the younger generation, nurturing a sense of patriotism, love for native land, its historical past and today's present; introducing young artists to contemporary digital technologies and artistic Internet resources.

2. Goals and objectives of the exhibition

Objective of the project: to help improve the cultural level of residents of the Tula region through introducing and popularizing children's artistic creativity.


  1. Formation civic position and fostering a sense of love for one’s native land.
  2. Creation of conditions conducive to motivating the development of children’s creative abilities, attracting young citizens to artistic creativity and encouraging their creative potential to act for the benefit of society.
  3. Identifying talented children in the field of fine arts and creating for them additional features demonstrate the results of their creativity to the general public in order to satisfy their need for public recognition and increase self-esteem.
  4. Education and formation of the aesthetic taste of the population, especially the younger generation.
  5. Attracting the attention of the general public to children's creativity.
  6. Promotion tourist image Tula region.

3. Conditions of the exhibition

I. Information stage carried out in educational institutions(April 1 - April 16, 2015)

II. Competition stage:

Posting of digital photographs of the contestants' works in the electronic gallery at the address: (April 16 - April 23, 2015)

III. The final stage:

Posting the results of the competition on the website,, including the best works in tourism industry products (catalogues, guidebooks, atlases, etc.), awarding the winners (April 27, 2015)

4. Conditions of participation in the exhibition

Students of children's art schools, children's art schools, colleges and art studios aged 5 to 19 are invited to participate in the exhibition.

The following age categories are defined for participation in the exhibition:

5 - 7 years;

8 - 10 years;

11 - 13 years old;

14 - 16 years old;

17 - 19 years old

Competitive selection artwork submitted to participate in the exhibition, is held in the painting category. Works can be performed using various artistic materials: paints (watercolor, gouache, etc.), crayons (pastel, wax), pencils (simple, colored), charcoal, sanguine, pastel, ink. You can use mixed working techniques.

Works made in accordance with the themes of the exhibition are accepted. :

1. The region in which I live;

2. My fellow countrymen;

3. Me and my friends;

4. Animals of the native land;

5. Sports;

6. Connection between generations;

7. Tula estates;

8. Places of military glory in the Tula region.

Criteria for evaluating artwork:

Originality of the implementation of the plan (composition, color scheme).

5. Deadlines and procedure for submitting applications for participation in the exhibition

The regional virtual exhibition of children's drawings “Our Land of Tula” is held in April 2015. Participants personally or responsible employees of schools, studios, clubs post digital photographs of works in the electronic gallery at the address: from April 1 to OApril 10, 2015. (Attention! In the application it is important to fill in all mandatory fields (fields marked* ).

Parents of minor exhibitors must mandatory write a “Statement of consent to the use of personal data” (sample attached) and send a scanned document to the email address. mail: [email protected]

6. Procedure for reviewing materials submitted to the exhibition

The winners of the Regional virtual exhibition of children's drawings “Our Land of Tula” are determined by the jury. The jury is formed by the organizing committee from among reputable and experienced specialists in the field of fine arts and art education. The winners are determined by a majority vote.


Regulations on the exhibition-competition of creative works« Winter's Tale»

children, teachers and parents.

New Year's holiday is magical fairy tale, which we create ourselves!

On the eve of the New Year, we invite you to take part in creative exhibition-competition« Winter's Tale» , which will help you and your children plunge into the magical, fairy world of winter, and exhibition aimed at awakening cognitive motivation and artistic and aesthetic development children and adults.

1. General provisions:

1.1. The present position regulates the procedure, goals, conditions, requirements, timing of exhibition-competition« Winter's Tale» (Further - Exhibition)

in MBDOU No. 3 "Birch" Azov region (hereinafter referred to as DOU).

1.2. Exhibition carried out on the basis of the thematic principle of planning and organization educational activities at the preschool educational institution.

2. Goal and objectives Exhibitions:

2.1. Exhibition carried out with the aim of attracting adults and children to create a festive atmosphere on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays, as well as comprehensive artistic and aesthetic development children and adults.

2.2. Tasks Exhibitions:

To attract attention parents to children -"to the younger generation" through joint practical creative activity ;

Formation and development of children's creativity, fine motor skills, color perception;

Cultivating artistic taste and interest in making crafts with your own hands;

Formation children preschoolers' interest in productive activities;

Development children's feelings of joy and satisfaction from the results of joint creativity with parents;

Stimulation creative activity of children and adults.

3. Participants Exhibitions:

3.1. For participation in teachers are invited to the exhibition, parents and children of all age groups of preschool educational institutions.

4. Procedure Exhibitions:

4.1. The exhibition is organized by the pedagogical team in the hall of the preschool educational institution following the results of thematic weeks and on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays.

4.2. For each age group are provided work joint creativity children and parents, as well as teachers and children when conducting organized educational activities.

4.3. IN works The use of non-traditional techniques is encouraged.

5. Nominations Exhibitions:

5.1. Exhibition be carried out according to the following nominations:

* "Cheerful Snowman"

* "Good Grandfather Frost"

* "Snow Maiden"

6. Requirements creative works:

6.1. All work must correspond to the themes of the nominations Exhibitions.

6.2. On exhibition- the competition accepts only homemade ones work:

The craft must be voluminous and made from waste material: plastic bottles, tinsel, wire, paper, etc.;

TO work it is necessary to attach a cover sheet indicating the full name of the author and the name of the group;

Welcome work using non-traditional techniques;

Christmas decoration can be used to decorate the composition.

6.3. Criteria for evaluation works:

- creative the individuality and skill of the author;


Artistic and bright design;

Novelty and originality of execution.

7. Venue and timing Exhibitions:

7.1. All creative works are collected by teachers age groups of preschool educational institutions.

7.2. Pedagogical organized by the team exhibition in the hall of the preschool educational institution from those presented works.

7.3. Dates: from December 15, 2015 until December 30, 2015

8. Jury exhibition-competition

8.1. The competition jury is selected teaching staff.

8.2. The jury consists of five people.

9. Summing up Exhibitions:

9.1. All participants Exhibitions receive a participant's diploma

9.2. Participants who provided the best work evaluated by a jury and awarded certificates.

Thanks a lot creative families of our preschool educational institution and teaching staff!

Happy New Year!

Publications on the topic:

Spring is a wonderful time of year! Unfortunately it is coming to an end, but we do not lose heart! An equally wonderful SUMMER is ahead. It's time for sunshine and relaxation.

Good afternoon to all guests of my page! Autumn gives us the opportunity to use different materials in creativity: colorful leaves, vegetables.

Photo report about the competition joint work parents and children "Sorceress Autumn" in middle group. Golden leaves swirled in the pinkish water.

Autumn is a great time for crafts with children. We had an autumn crafts competition called “The Charm of Autumn”. Crafts were made.

The golden autumn has arrived. The most beautiful and picturesque time of the year. Autumn loves yellow, red, orange colors, and how she loves to shower.