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Protocol to the procedure for training in labor protection. Protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection (official form)

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Occupational safety and health is a key requirement for every organization, regardless of the segment of its core activity. Since 2011, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation has introduced a mandatory imperative, according to which knowledge of local labor protection (including the quality of initial instruction on this issue) must be periodically checked at the enterprise. At the meeting, an internal commission is approved, which, upon completion of the inspection, will have to provide management with a protocol (as well as internal instructions). How the final protocol is drawn up will be discussed below.

In what cases is a labor safety knowledge testing protocol required?

It is compiled for each case of inspection activities and is one of the key documents of the OSMS. It is a kind of report, after reading which local management will be able to assess the level of the profile knowledge described. It is drawn up in one document, in which each employee appears - the manager must monitor the level of such training in relation to each full-time specialist.

In some cases, during an external audit by the Ministry of Labor, its completion must not only be mandatory, but also comply with a special structural form. The result of compliance with occupational safety and health requirements is recorded in this document and passed on further. Accordingly, filling it out in each case is mandatory.

How to draw up a protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection?

The corresponding document must be obtained from the labor protection service (as well as the action plan), the form of which is annually approved by a committee of the Russian Government. Once the specified document has been received, formal certification of the relevant controls must be duly obtained. After this, a work order is issued to put these measures into effect.

The protocol itself consists of 3 parts:

  • The first part is operative, and it reflects general data and rules for conducting these events;
  • The second part is optional, which provides a list of all workers who are subject to safety knowledge monitoring requirements labor activity. Each person who will subsequently undergo verification is indicated here;
  • The third part contains information about the employee’s position and the degree of his knowledge of the labor protection industry. At the end there are links to local documents in the form of an appendix. This protocol, upon completion of all activities, is transferred to the specialized engineer, who will subsequently formalize it with management.

Is it necessary to register a knowledge test protocol?

The inspection protocol form is recorded only if these activities were initiated by an external regulatory body. For example, the Ministry of Education raises these issues in relation to educational institutions Every year.

As a rule, an audit by an external regulatory body is initiated in January of the current year. In this case, the inspected organization is obliged to register this control protocol with the body that is the initiator. The registration instructions depend on the name of the organization that is being audited.

If the activities were internal, and the initiator is directly the management, this document, upon completion of the entire procedure, is submitted to a meeting, where a decision is subsequently made on the necessary training of personnel. In this case, registration is not required. The provisions contained therein must be certified directly by the head of the local labor protection service.

Where and how is the occupational safety knowledge test protocol stored?

Its storage in its original form is entrusted to the local labor protection department. If activities to verify organizational knowledge were initiated by an external regulatory body, then one copy of this document is transferred to this very body. The original must be kept in the organization for at least 5 years. This is necessary in order to compare knowledge levels for the corresponding periods of work in the future. Responsibility for safety lies directly with the internal head of the labor protection service.

Sample protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection

The sample of the described document is separate in its structure in each case. Here, much depends on the name of the organization being audited and on the initiator of the activities. But the basics of such a protocol are largely unchanged. Therefore, before compiling it, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with its most general pattern. You can view and download the required form by link.

Protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection (form)

Organizing training in labor safety standards and subsequent testing of employees’ knowledge is the responsibility of the employer. At the same time, a number of mandatory rules have been established that must be observed. Thus, one of the requirements of the procedure for verifying the knowledge acquired by company employees is the rule that the results of such verification must be documented in a protocol in the prescribed form. Not all employers follow this rule, and they are fined for it. The protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection, the form of which is available for download below, is suitable for many companies and entrepreneurs. At the same time, sometimes it is necessary to take into account industry specifics. Approved in a number of industries separate orders training workers in labor safety standards and testing acquired knowledge.

Procedure for testing knowledge of labor safety standards

Companies and entrepreneurs must pay due attention to labor safety requirements and standards. Otherwise, claims from labor inspectorates and other supervisory authorities are inevitable, and in the worst case, industrial injuries and accidents to employees in the workplace. An important place in the system of labor protection rules is occupied by the process of training workers in these standards.

Different industries may adopt separate procedures for training workers in labor safety standards and testing knowledge. Thus, Order of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation No. 86 dated July 23, 2002 approved the procedure for training and testing knowledge for employees of organizations in the Communications industry. One of the annexes to this procedure also approved the protocol for the corresponding knowledge test.

From this article you will learn e, how protocols for testing knowledge on labor protection look, are drawn up, filled out and stored, you can download a sample, you will also learn how minutes of meetings of labor protection commissions are drawn up.

Protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection DOWNLOAD

What is the protocol for?

Based on the information included in the protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection, the employee is issued or not issued (extended or not renewed) an appropriate labor protection certificate, and he is allowed to work or sent for retraining.

Everything that happens during meetings of the safety commissions is recorded in the minutes. By reviewing the minutes, you can understand what decisions were discussed and made.

The form of the minutes depends on the purpose of the meeting and the type of commission. The minutes of the next meeting of the labor protection commission can be drawn up in the standard “listened - decided” form for office work. The protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection is drawn up in accordance with the form given in Appendix 1 to Procedure 1/29.

Sample of filling out a protocol for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements:

The time for drawing up and filling out minutes depends on the type of meeting. Typically, the minutes of a meeting of the labor safety commission are drawn up after its completion. During the meeting, the secretary takes notes (takes notes, takes shorthand notes, keeps a dictaphone recording), then draws up the document within 1–3 days.

If the form and content of the protocol are known in advance, as in the case of testing knowledge on OT (the purpose of the meeting, its participants - members of the commission and subjects are known, the form of the protocol is given in Order 1/29), then the forms in the required quantity are prepared in advance. During the meeting, the columns “Result of the knowledge test” and “Signature of the person being tested” are filled in. This is especially important when large groups of students come to the exam, collecting signatures from them after the exam will be problematic.

How to draw up a protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection

The secretary prepares the required number of copies of the protocol in advance. It depends on how many copies will be issued to examinees or their management. For example, if the exam is conducted in a workshop, 2 protocols can be drawn up: one remains with the commission, the second is issued to the workshop's safety department. If the exam is held in a training center for representatives of different companies, the number of protocols will correspond to their number plus one for training center.

The protocol, which remains in the knowledge testing commission, is very important. If a trained employee loses an occupational safety certificate, it can be restored based on the information entered in this document.

The protocol number is the serial number of the commission meeting. If it is permanent, then serial numbers are assigned to documents during the calendar year. If its validity period is shorter, then within this period.

To fill out the introductory part, you need to fill in the lines suggested in the recommended form of the document, guided by the interlinear text. The main part is a table containing:

  • Full name of the examinees;
  • their positions;
  • names of departments, enterprises, and other structural units from which they were sent for the exam;
  • result (the column remains empty and is filled in at the meeting based on factual information);
  • the reason why knowledge testing became necessary (for example, initial, repeated training).

There must be a space for the signature of the person taking the exam. It is necessary in any case - even if the exam is not passed. This is evidence that the person was present at the exam and the grade was not given in absentia.

Since the protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection is filled out during the meeting, making notes in pen on a printed basis is not a violation of office work requirements. The chairman and members of the commission sign the minutes at the end of the meeting.

In some manuals you can find a recommendation to fill out a protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection at the end of the meeting. In practice this is not always convenient. Usually, subjects come up to answer one by one; based on the results of their answer, the mark “pass/fail” is immediately entered into the protocol; the subject immediately signs the protocol and can be free. To complete the minutes after the meeting, you will have to detain all exam participants until the papers are ready. In addition, the likelihood of a technical error by the secretary increases, who will rush to make “pass/fail” entries.

Normative documents does not clearly regulate this issue - clause 3.6 of Procedure 1/29 simply indicates the need to draw up a protocol. So the commissions act at their own discretion in this matter.

The completed protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection is recorded in the logbook. It is conducted in any form. The journal helps to avoid errors in continuous numbering, making it easier to find necessary documents. Usually it indicates:

  • serial number of the record;
  • protocol number and date when it was drawn up;
  • date of registration of the protocol in the journal;
  • signature of the responsible person.

Extract from the protocol

The rules of record keeping permit making extracts from the protocol. This opportunity is used when it is impossible or impractical to disclose all the information included in the protocol (for example, the protocol has 15 sheets, but the information needs one paragraph).

The extract contains the full introductory part of the document and information of interest to the applicant. Instead of signatures, the secretary puts a mark on the certification of the copy and the company seal.

In relation to occupational safety knowledge testing protocols, this option is rarely used. When the groups are small, it is easier to photocopy the finished protocol and put a stamp on it “Copy is correct.” Since it is necessary to copy protocols most often during preparation for inspection of government agencies, this option is more “visual” - the signatures of representatives of government agencies are visible.

Features of filling out a protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection

Based on the protocol for testing knowledge on labor protection, certificates are filled out and issued for the right to perform work in the relevant profile. Therefore, the same strict requirements are imposed on its design as on the maintenance of briefing logs.

  • The protocol document must be formed so that at least one or two signatures are located on the same page as the table. Signatures cannot be placed on a separate sheet, since such a sheet can theoretically be placed under any document.
  • Knowledge testing protocols must be filled out with an indelible pen. You can't do this with a pencil.
  • The protocols prohibit corrections, erasing with a blade, crossing out (for example, you cannot cross out “not” in “did not pass” or “does not know”), or painting over with a proofreader.
  • If there is an error in filling out the table, you need to make a new copy of the protocol. The option to cross out the entire line and make a corresponding entry below the table is controversial. Theoretically, this can be done after the end of the exam for some incorrect reasons, so such an entry may be regarded as invalid.
  • Before the exam, it is advisable to give the subjects a protocol form so that they can check the correctness of their full names, positions, and company names. This will help avoid technical errors, which, if discovered later, will cause a lot of inconvenience.
  • You cannot leave empty lines in the table, even if after all the examinees have passed the exam, they are planned to be “extinguished” with Latin Z.
  • If an employee was absent from the exam, “absent” or another phrase that unambiguously characterizes the event is written opposite his name in the “Result of knowledge test” column. There is no need to redo the protocol.

Minutes of the meeting of the labor protection commission

Training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements is far from the only event during which protocols are drawn up. One of the most common documents is the minutes of the meeting of the labor protection commission. The legislation does not provide for a special form for it, so it is drawn up according to the “Listen/Decided” scheme common to office work. It would be advisable to approve the form of this protocol in some way normative document by enterprise (by order, decree) or provide it as a sample in the documentation regulating the work of the occupational safety commission.

The minutes of the meeting of the labor protection commission are drawn up every time it meets and works. It is difficult to formalize it during the meeting, so the secretary is given 1 to 3 days to prepare the document. The protocols are numbered based on the number of meetings per year or during the duration of the commission (1st meeting - Protocol No. 1, 2nd - No. 2, etc.). They are made in the required number of copies, registered in a journal and accepted for work. One copy must be kept in the occupational safety commission.

The minutes of the meeting of the labor protection commission are needed to:

  • record what exactly the commission does, how often its specific members appear at meetings, what their areas of responsibility are;
  • to more fully study the issues that are put on the agenda (inspection data, drawing up work plans, recommendations to responsible persons, etc.);
  • convey information more fully to other employees of the enterprise;
  • set specific dates for eliminating violations and preparing projects;
  • record complaints from workers about the state of occupational safety, which their superiors may try to “hush up.”

This occupational safety protocol is drawn up in the usual sequence for office work:

  • The name of the company, its structural unit, in which the commission sits.
  • The name of the document is written indicating its number (Minutes of the meeting of the commission on OT No.__).
  • The date of drawing up the minutes is indicated (this is the date of the meeting, and not the date of the actual execution of the document) and the city in which it was drawn up.
  • Those present are listed, starting with the chairman and ending with the members of the commission. If there are many of the latter, their data is included in a separate list.
  • The agenda is written.
  • The order of work is described: listened..., spoke..., voted..., decided.... Only what actually happened at this stage of the commission’s work is written (for example, maybe only “listened” and “decided” without “voted” or “spoke”).
  • At the end, the protocol is certified by the chairman and secretary with their signatures. IN special cases You can ask all members of the commission who were present at the meeting to do this.

Extracts from the minutes of meetings of labor protection commissions are made in general procedure: the introductory part is completely rewritten, then only the information necessary for the applicant is provided. The extract is certified with a special stamp and approved by the seal of the organization.

A labor safety commission can be created at an enterprise on the initiative of any of the parties: the employer, on the initiative of employees, or on the initiative of a representative body of employees. Why is this association of workers and employers created? The goal is coordination of actions, interaction between the employer and employees to ensure labor safety requirements, prevent traumatic situations and the occurrence of occupational diseases. The main functions of the labor protection commission are contained in the Standard Regulations approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated June 24, 2014 No. 412n:

  • assistance to the employer in organizing training for safe work performance, analysis of the causes of injuries, development of measures to eliminate negative aspects;
  • provision of workers up-to-date information on measures taken to improve working conditions, reduce injuries when performing work duties, and prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases;
  • development of recommendations that can improve working conditions;
  • participation in inspections of the state of working conditions and labor protection, assistance to the labor protection service in the introduction of more modern and safe production technologies, new equipment, participation in discussions of the financial side of these issues, etc.

The commission includes representatives of the employer and employees (workers' union). The number of participants in the commission is not determined: depending on the number of employees of the enterprise, it may be more or less. The parties nominate their representatives to the commission, and the final composition of the commission is approved by order of the employer. The commission appoints a chairman from among its members.

Minutes of the meeting of the labor protection commission (sample)

The procedure according to which the work of the commission is carried out is determined by the local normative act- for example, the regulations on the labor protection commission. This document is approved by order of the employer, taking into account the opinion trade union organization workers.

The commission develops regulations and a work plan, which are approved by the chairman of the commission. Based on the results of each committee meeting, minutes of the meeting of the labor protection commission are drawn up.

In what order should I fill out the protocol? In the header of the protocol you should write the name of the company, the name of the event “Minutes of the meeting of the labor protection commission”, the name of the document – ​​“Minutes”, as well as the protocol number and date of completion.

Subsequently, the minutes of the meeting of the labor protection commission contain the agenda for which the commission met. The issues that should be considered during the meeting, as well as the speakers, are indicated.

First, the members of the commission who prepared the reports speak - all information is recorded in the protocol. Each speaker speaks in turn; based on the results of the report, the members of the commission make proposals to resolve the issues that have arisen and make specific decisions, the implementation of which must be monitored by the responsible members of the commission. To carry out the resolutions of the commission, which contain the minutes of the meeting of the labor protection commission, they are often appointed certain deadlines. Each report is discussed separately, all discussions must be recorded in the minutes indicating responsible persons and deadlines for completing orders.

The protocol of the commission on labor protection performs several functions: it helps to record the issues discussed and ways to solve them, determines specific dates by which problematic issues should be resolved, and serves as a report on the activities of the commission.