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The number of jobs is calculated. Similar jobs with special assessment

From September 1, 2011, employers cannot carry out certification of workplaces independently, but only by an independent certification organization (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 342n dated April 26, 2011). This innovation has made life easier for many personnel officers. After all, previously there was a common situation when the manager entrusted a fairly large amount of work on workplace certification to one or two employees, as a rule, from the labor protection service or the personnel department in addition to other responsibilities.

The complexity of this procedure requires appropriate qualifications, which not everyone has. As a result, mistakes and the need to redo the work were inevitable.

Today, according to the new rules, the certification commission in mandatory should include the following persons:

  • employer representatives (managers structural divisions, lawyers, personnel officers, accountants, chief specialists, medical workers and other employees). One of them will lead certification commission;
  • occupational safety specialist;
  • representative trade union organization or other representative body of workers;
  • representatives of the certifying organization. They assess the compliance of working conditions with state regulatory requirements for labor protection (clauses 14, 20 and 29 of the Procedure).

If your organization belongs to the category of micro-enterprises or small businesses, then the composition of the commission can be reduced to:

  • employer (his representative);
  • representatives of the certifying organization;
  • representatives of a trade union organization or other representative body of workers (if any);
  • representatives of an organization or a private specialist engaged by the employer under a civil contract to perform the functions of a labor protection service (labor safety specialist).
According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, certification of workplaces is mandatory for any employer, regardless of the size and scope of its business (hazardous production or “regular office”).

Errors when determining the list of jobs

However, the role of the personnel officer during certification is still very important. It is he who determines the number of jobs subject to it. And this is where difficulties often arise. It happens that certification is unreasonably carried out at all workplaces available at the enterprise, starting with the watchman and ending with general director. Meanwhile, there is such a thing as similar jobs. Jobs are considered similar if:

  • professions or positions have the same name;
  • when conducting the same type of technological process in the same operating mode, the same professional responsibilities;
  • the same type is used production equipment, tools, devices, materials and raw materials;
  • work is carried out in one or more similar premises or in the open air;
  • the same type of ventilation, air conditioning, heating and lighting systems are used;
  • production equipment, vehicles etc. are located equally at the workplace;
  • there is the same set of harmful and (or) dangerous production factors one class and degree;
  • there is an equal supply of personal protective equipment.

By the way, at the stage of forming the list, the personnel officer identifies only supposed similar jobs. If, according to the results of the measurements, at least one workplace does not fall under the criteria of similarity, then 100% of these jobs are assessed. Then a new list of places subject to certification is compiled.

The assessment of production factors at similar workplaces is carried out on the basis of data obtained during certification of 20% of workplaces (but not less than two). Next, one workplace certification card for working conditions is filled out for all similar workplaces. Accordingly, working conditions and measures to improve them, established for at least one workplace out of 20% of similar ones, are the same for all similar ones.

The most common mistakes when compiling a list of jobs in an organization:

  • equating the number of jobs to the number of professions (positions) of employees according to the staffing table;
  • determining the number of jobs without taking into account the professions and positions of employees;
  • discrepancy between the names of professions (positions) and the staffing table;
  • equating the number of jobs to payroll employees of the organization;
  • confusion of the concepts “workplace” and “work area”.

A little advice: if at the time of compiling the list some employees are absent (for example, the previous one quit, the new one has not yet been hired), then it is better to reserve their positions on the list for the future.

Also, the personnel officer should not forget that after certification it is necessary to familiarize employees with its results. Then, within 10 calendar days from the date of issuance of the order and approval of the report on completion of certification, the employer must send to the state labor inspectorate of his region or territory (clause 45 of the Procedure) in paper form and on electronic media:

  • summary statement of the results of workplace certification for working conditions;
  • information about the certifying organization.
Has workplace certification been carried out regarding working conditions at your enterprise over the past 5 years? This is the question the site asks its visitors. federal service on labor and employment At the beginning of September 2012, the survey results were as follows: only 27% of respondents answered “yes”; 32% said that “this is the first time they have heard about the need for workplace certification”; 37% noted: “It has not been carried out, but I know that it should be carried out”; 4% wrote: “Yes, it was carried out, but my workplace was not certified.”

And finally, a recommendation. Any enterprise must have, at a minimum, an order for certification and a list of workplaces - this will allow, during inspection by supervisory and regulatory authorities, to show that certification has begun in your organization. If there are even incomplete documents for certification of workplaces, sanctions can be much softer than if they are completely absent.

Despite the financial and time costs of conducting workplace certification, one day its presence may “save” your employer. For example, from criminal liability in the investigation of industrial accidents. Or from administrative liability during inspections State Inspectorate Labor, Rospotrebnadzor, Rostechnadzor and the Prosecutor's Office. In addition, an organization in which workplaces have been certified has the opportunity to reduce insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund to 40% of the insurance rate.

How to correctly calculate the number of jobs in an organization for conducting a SOUT (special assessment of working conditions)? For example, in a healthcare institution there is a department staffed by nurses and orderlies. The compartment itself is quite large and is divided into two parts. One part of the nurses and orderlies works on one half, and the other on the other (the work is shift work, but 2-3 people can work in one shift). Can we assume that there is one nurse’s workplace and one nurse’s workplace in the department, is it just that a fairly large number of people work in these places, because they perform the same duties, or should it be considered a similar workplace? The purchasing department employs 3 people, they are located in the same office, and they use the same type of equipment. Can we assume that there is one workplace, and the number of workers in it is 3?

To determine the number of jobs, you must use the staffing table.

Labor Code The Russian Federation defines the workplace. According to her:

Workplace is a place where an employee must be or where he needs to arrive in connection with his work and which is directly or indirectly under the control of the employer.

As a rule, the minimum number of jobs is determined by simply counting job titles staffing table. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

Engineering and technical personnel who have a desk, computer, other equipment at their workplace office equipment and working on the same shift, each is busy at his own workplace. That is, the number of specialists in the procurement department in the staffing table equals the number of jobs

Interchangeable workers and workers for whom the workplace cannot be clearly defined (nurses, orderlies) can be combined into one workplace. For example, three nurses working in the same building can actually work at the same workplace.

In addition, shift shifts must also be taken into account. If employees work multiple shifts, the number of jobs may be reduced. In this case, the number of jobs will be determined not by the total number of employees, but by the number of workers working in one shift. For example, four nurses working on a “one day every three days” schedule will work together at one workplace, but will take turns going to it.

It should be noted that the number of jobs for carrying out SOUT is determined by the commission.

Legal basis:

In accordance with paragraph. 6 tbsp. 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a workplace is a place where an employee must be or where he needs to arrive in connection with his work and which is directly or indirectly under the control of the employer.

In accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 9 Federal Law dated December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ "On special assessment working conditions" the commission, before the start of work on conducting a special assessment of working conditions, approves a list of workplaces at which a special assessment of working conditions will be carried out, indicating similar workplaces.

To show the principle by which jobs are counted, let's look at a simplified example. If you are unfamiliar with special assessment, an example will help you understand the process of calculation. If you understand special assessments, the example will not be useful to you: the situation is obviously simple, the nuances will not be understood.

Let's count the jobs in a small carpentry workshop in several stages.

1. We count the number of staff units in the staffing table

The organization employs 15 people.

At the first stage, we assume that each staff unit has its own workplace, which needs to be assessed.

Jobs - 14

2. Take into account shifts

If employees work in shifts, then jobs are counted not by the total number of employees, but by the number of people working in one shift.

The guards work on a “every two days” schedule. They have one workplace with only one employee per shift. This means that for 3 full-time guards there is one workplace. We are adjusting the number of jobs.

Jobs - 12

3. We take into account drivers’ jobs

Driver jobs are related to the number of vehicles.

There are more drivers than cars. Each car is considered a workplace, where several drivers work alternately in shifts.

There are fewer drivers than cars. There are as many jobs as there are drivers. Cars are considered equipment that drivers work with during the day.

In an organization, each driver has his own car, which means each has his own workplace. The total number of jobs remains unchanged.

Jobs - 12

4. We take into account similar jobs

Similar workplaces are workplaces of employees with the same positions and job functions. A complete list of characteristics by which jobs are considered similar is specified in Art. 9 FZ-426.

For measurements, the expert needs only 20% of similar jobs, but not less than 2.

The organization employs managers, carpenters and drivers in the same positions (professions).

Drivers work on different vehicles, so their jobs will not be considered similar.

Carpenters work in the same room, but perform different work functions: one works on machines, the other is engaged in manual wood processing, etc. Carpenters' workplaces will also not be considered similar.

Managers work in the same room, at the same tables and computers. Their operating functions are also the same. Such jobs are considered similar, so one card will be filled out for 4 places.

There are 12 jobs, 4 of which are similar.

Discuss the list of jobs with the company that conducts a special assessment before concluding a contract. Errors in the list will increase the cost of the special assessment. If during a special assessment it turns out that at least one of the similar places was identified incorrectly, all jobs will have to be assessed.

In order to avoid mistakes in the list of jobs that our experts will evaluate, we compile the list ourselves using the employer’s documents. Call 8 800 302-32-49 and find out what documents you need to provide for the calculation.

Labor (SOUT - Special Assessment - ed.) are trying to adjust the existing staffing table, hiding the real number of employees in order to save money. They merge one position with another, reduce the number of jobs, and eliminate “undesirable” positions. As a result: information submitted inaccurately is incorrect. If inaccuracies are identified in special assessment documents during inspections by the state labor inspector, the employer will first of all be held administratively liable, since incorrect information can cost people their lives and health. You can, of course, ask a question, but her cause is just: the number of jobs they announced was what they checked. And in case of those who are especially dissatisfied: “Here is a copy of the certified staffing table signed by the manager and the seal of the organization, what other claims could there be?”

There is no point in hiding or changing the list of employees. Moreover, if you find similar jobs, you can also do a good job without violating legal requirements. What are these places and how to identify them among the available jobs?

Places are named where workers have the same positions, professions, specialties, and perform typical job functions on identical equipment, using the same tools, and they are all located in one or more identical work areas that have the same type of heating, ventilation, air conditioning and lighting systems. The definition of analogy is a little difficult to perceive, isn’t it? To make it easier to understand, we will explain everything visually in the form of examples with their solutions.

Example #1: There are 7 employees in the office, represented by a chief accountant, a leading accountant, and 5 sales managers. What jobs will be subject to analogy?

Solution: The positions of only five managers will be similar, since these specialists have the same wording of positions and perform the same functions.

Example #2: There are 2 welders in two workshops. How to determine which jobs are similar?

Solution: If the working areas in the workshops are the same in structure, then all 4 welding workplaces will be considered similar.

For your information, Despite the fact that welders do not have a strictly assigned workplace and move from site to site during the working day, a special assessment is mandatory for them. Such places are called workplaces with territorially changing zones.

Example #3: The organization employs 5 drivers. Three work on Chevrolet cars manufactured in 2011 (fuel type used is AI-92), the fourth works on Nissan cars produced in 2013 (fuel type AI-95), and the fifth works on Renault (fuel type AI-92). Which and how many jobs will be assessed?

Solution: Based on the fact that the driver’s workplace is motor vehicle, the jobs of workers who work on Chevrolet cars will be similar, because The year of manufacture, make, and fuel type of vehicles are the same.

We have identified similar places, now we must answer the question of. Thanks to this, we will reveal the “highlight” of the process - cost savings due to analogy. The Federal Law on SOUT No. 426-FZ contains a calculation formula for determining similarity: 20% of jobs from the total number of such places, but not less than 2, are subject to assessment. Let's apply the formula to drivers: multiply 3 by 20%, we get 0.6. Despite this, two jobs will be evaluated, because there is an established minimum, with the help of which it is possible to determine the identity of working conditions. If differences are determined during the assessment of 2 workplaces, then the principle of analogy will be canceled and all 100% of workplaces will be assessed.

Shift work also plays an important role in the analogy. Due to this, you can reduce the number of jobs by half.

Example #4: Bottling line operators medicines, there are a total of 12 people on staff, they work in two shifts: from 8.00 to 15.00, from 15.00 to 21.00. There are 6 people per shift. How many jobs are subject to assessment?

Solution: Let's think logically - line operators perform the same duties, the maximum that distinguishes them is their location on the line. They can be classified as similar. But it turns out that the remaining 6 employees replace each other and, in fact, the jobs do not change at the same time. Therefore, the analogy can be calculated only from 6 jobs, we calculate it using the formula, we get the answer - 2 jobs.

If shifts in the work of line operators are not taken into account, 3 jobs will be subject to assessment. This is what can be revealed during the special assessment process, and only at first glance it seems that it is difficult to determine what and how to classify a workplace. It is enough to examine the requirements of the law in detail.

If you have any questions, you can send them by email.

The number of jobs at each production line operation is determined by formula 17:

C calculated = t pcs / r , (17)

Where With calculation

t pcs

r– production line cycle, min.

Accepted number of jobs at each operation With calculation determined by rounding the estimated number to the nearest larger integer.

The job load factor is determined by formula 18:

n r = C calculated / C pr,(18)

Where n p– workplace load factor;

With pr– accepted number of jobs per operation.

Organization of the movement of products (parts, assemblies) on the production line.

Interoperational transport plays a major role in the organization of production lines. He moves parts from one workplace to another, organizes the entire flow, since the speed of vehicles is set in accordance with the stroke value. As a means of moving parts between workstations on production lines, vehicles can be non-driven (plate, belt conveyors, horizontally or vertically closed with loading platforms, floor-mounted, etc.) and driven (distribution and working conveyors).

Distribution conveyor– is a production line on which a conveyor serves as a means of delivering items to workstations or equipment located along the conveyor. Items are removed from the conveyor, processed on the equipment, and then returned to it.

Working conveyor characterized by the fact that the conveyor itself also serves as a place of execution technological operations, which are carried out on its supporting part. A typical example Such production lines are assembly lines (for example, assembly of cars, motors, etc.). Products on a working conveyor are installed on special stands, platforms, or mounted on hangers at equal distances from each other, called conveyor step .

The step size is determined by the highest permissible conveyor speed, determined by formula 19:

V=l/r, (19)

Where V

l– conveyor pitch, m;

r– flow stroke, min.

To perform each operation, a work area or station is organized along the conveyor. The length of the working area is determined by formula 20:

L r = l (t pcs / r), (20)

Where L r

l– conveyor pitch, m;

t pcs– piece norm of time for operations, min;

r– flow stroke, min.

Backlogs on production lines.

All unfinished products (blanks, parts, bridles) are called backlog.

The following types of reserves are distinguished:

technological (the number of products simultaneously being processed at all workstations of the production line);

transport (number of products that are simultaneously in the process of transportation);

spare or insurance (to compensate for various failures during operations, for example, defects, equipment failure, tool breakdown, etc.);

negotiable interoperational (arises due to different productivity of jobs).

Workflow synchronization.

If the durations of all operations on production lines are equal or multiples of each other, then such an ideal flow in terms of continuity of movement of parts is called synchronized.

In essence, synchronization is the process of aligning the duration of a technological process operation according to the clock cycle of the production line. The operation execution time must be equal to the line clock cycle or a multiple of it.

Synchronization methods:

– differentiation of operations (i.e. building operations from a large number of simple technological transitions);

– concentration of operations (i.e. combining several simple technological transitions into one complex operation);

– installation of additional equipment;

– intensification of equipment operation (increase in processing modes);

– use of advanced tools and equipment;

– improving the organization of workplace servicing, etc.

Highest form continuous production is automated production , which combines the main features of continuous production with its automation. In automated production, the operation of equipment, units, devices, installations occurs automatically according to a given program, and the worker monitors their work, eliminating deviations from given process, setting up automated equipment.

There are partial and complex automation.

At partial automation the worker is completely freed from work related to the implementation of technological processes. In transport and control operations when servicing equipment, during the installation process, manual labor is completely or partially reduced.

In conditions complex-automated production technological process manufacturing of products, management of this process, transportation of products, control operations, removal of production waste are carried out without human intervention, but equipment maintenance is manual.

The main element automated production are automatic production lines (APL).

Automatic production line– complex automatic equipment, located in the technological sequence of operations, connected by an automatic transport system and a system automatic control and providing automatic conversion of starting materials or workpieces into ready product. When working on a nuclear submarine, a worker performs the functions of setting up and monitoring the operation of equipment, as well as the function of loading the line with workpieces.

Main features of nuclear submarines:

– automatic execution of technological operations (without the participation of a worker);

– automatic movement of the product between individual units of the line.

Automatic complexes with a closed cycle of product production - this is a series of automatic lines interconnected by automatic transport and loading and unloading devices.

Automated site or workshop include automatic production lines, autonomous automatic complexes, automatic transport systems, automatic warehouse systems; automatic quality control systems, automatic control systems, etc.

Nuclear submarines are especially effective in mass production.

Rapid turnover of products and requirements for their low cost at high quality leads to a number of contradictions:
– on the one hand, low production costs(other things being equal) are ensured by the use of automatic lines and special equipment;

– on the other hand, the design and manufacture of such equipment often exceed 1,5…2 year, that is, by the time the product begins production, it is already obsolete.

Examples of calculations

Example 1.1. Let's consider an example of a sequential type of movement and determine the duration of the production cycle. Parts are processed at each workplace sequentially, and the entire batch of parts is transferred to the subsequent operation after finishing processing of all parts at the previous operation.

It is necessary to determine the duration of the production cycle of technological operations with a sequential type of movement, if the number of parts in the manufactured batch is 20. Amount of time t pcs C r.m. shown in table 2.

Table 2. Determination of the duration of the production cycle of technological operations with a sequential type of movement

We determine the duration of the production cycle of technological operations with a sequential type of movement along formula 21:

Where t pcs

C r.m.


If necessary, take into account the duration of natural processes t e add given value to the received T c.seq.

Example 1.2. Let's consider an example of a parallel type of movement and determine the duration of the production cycle.

The parallel option is characterized by the fact that small transport batches are transferred from the previous operation to the next one immediately upon completion of their processing at the previous one. This option allows you to minimize the total duration of the technological cycle.

But on the other hand, the continuity of processing the entire batch of parts is ensured only during the longest operation. In other operations, equipment and workers stand idle waiting for the next shipment to arrive.

In order to reduce the last drawback, one should try to reduce these downtimes to a minimum by changing time standards or the number of jobs ( formula 22):

Where n– number of parts in the manufactured batch, pcs.;

p– the number of parts blanks in the transport (transfer) batch.

It is necessary to determine the duration of the production cycle of technological operations with a parallel type of movement, if the number of parts in the manufactured batch is 20. Amount of time t pcs(in min.) for each operation and number of jobs C r.m. shown in table 3.

A visual representation of the duration of the production cycle is given by the schedule, which is based on route technology, taking into account all technological operations.

Table 3. Determination of the duration of the production cycle of technological operations with a parallel type of movement

We determine the duration of the production cycle of technological operations with a parallel type of movement along formula 23:

Where t pcs– standard piece-calculation time for processing a workpiece (product) for each operation, min.;

t pcs max– labor intensity of the operation with maximum duration, min.;

C r.m.– number of jobs per operation;

n– number of parts in the manufactured batch, pcs. (n = 20 pcs..);

p– number of parts blanks in the transport (transfer) batch, pcs. (p = 5 pcs.).

Example 1.3. Let's consider an example of calculating the parameters of a production line.

According to the route sheet, the time required to complete all assembly operations on the production line is 142 min. The loss time for natural needs is 8 minutes, for office maintenance 12 minutes, and the shift production program is 196 products. The permitted percentage of technological defects is 2%. Dimensions of the assembled product are 160x120x80 mm. Replaceable time fund 420 minutes.

It is necessary to determine the main parameters of the production line.

We determine the replacement launch program by formula 24:

Q spare = (Q run ·100)/(100-α)=(196·100%)/(100%-2%) = 200 products,(24)

Where Q spare– parts launch program;

Q issue– production program = 196 products;

α – percentage of parts dropped out = 2% (technically inevitable defects).

We determine the production line cycle by formula 25:

r = F d / Q zap= (420-8-12)/200 = 2 min./product, (25)

Where r– production line cycle, min;

F d– actual operating time of the line = 420 minutes (with the deduction of temporary losses for natural needs = 8 minutes and for office maintenance = 12 minutes);

Q spare– number of products according to the production launch plan on the production line per year = 200 products.

We determine the number of jobs on the production line by formula 26:

C calculated = t pcs / r= 142/2 = 71 workers. place, (26)

Where With calculation– the number of jobs at each operation of the production line;

t pcs– piece norm of time for operations = 142 minutes;


Taking into account the given overall dimensions of the assembled product 160x120x80 mm, we accept the length of one workplace in the direction of movement of the conveyor belt l= 120cm = 1.2m.

We determine the speed of the conveyor by formula 27:

V=l/r= 1.2/2=0.6 m/min (27)

Where V– conveyor speed, m/min;


r– production line cycle = 2 min.

The length of the conveyor working area is determined by formula 28:

L р = l (t pcs / r)= l С calculated= 1,2 · 71 = 85.2 m, (28)

Where L r– length of the conveyor working area, m;

l– conveyor pitch = 1.2 m;

With calculation– number of jobs on each production line operation = 71 jobs.

If you arrange work stations on both sides of the conveyor belt in a checkerboard pattern (provided that the width of the belt can accommodate the part), then you can halve the length of the conveyor working area (i.e. L p = 85.2 / 2= 42.6m).

1. Organization of production and management at mechanical engineering enterprises: Textbook for technical. specialist. universities / Under general. Ed. N.F. Revenko. Ekaterinburg - Izhevsk: Publishing House of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010. - 448 p.

2. Enterprise planning: Textbook / A.I. Ilyin. – Mn.: New knowledge, 2010. – 700 p.