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Script of a play for teenagers on the topic of healthy lifestyle. Scenario for a school evening – “We are for a healthy lifestyle”

Both school and family fight
    We are by the sun and by the wind
They took on a fiery enthusiasm,With alcohol and smokingWe are having an argument today.
    When only functions are rushing around in your head,
When the spellings froze in the eyes, Diseases are so easy to treat here, Let's quickly run to the gym.
    Physical education helps us live,
We will become as light as light fluff. We develop muscles: In a healthy body healthy mind!
    We have been friends with sports since childhood,
He always brings us closerWithout parents, of courseWe are nowhere in sports either.
    Games and hikes together,
Relay and tournament Let's go to nature together Let's discover a healthy world!
    Helps to be healthy
We have both school and family.After all, the unity of spirit with body isThis is the only goal for us!
(Sports dance) Leading: Not only sports and trips to nature help us stay healthy. Our school does a lot of work to promote a healthy lifestyle.Leading: Communication hours and parent meetings about the benefits of vitamins and the need for hot mealsLeading: Competitions, quizzes, matinees, evenings, lectures on the topics:
    “Our health is in our hands!”
    "Three pillars of health"
    "Family - healthy lifestyle"
    « Ten rules of health"
    « Travel to the country “Health” and others.

Leading. Work is systematically carried out at school to combat bad habits.

  • What are bad habits?

    This is smoking!
    This is alcoholism!
    This is drug addiction!
    They are harmful to human health.
    The saying is true: “If you lose money, you lose a little; if you lose time, you lose a lot; I lost my health - I lost everything!”
    But do we always take care of our health?
    No! (Together)
    Nicotine is one of the most dangerous poisons of plant origin!
    Birds die if you just bring a glass rod soaked in nicotine to their beak.
    A rabbit dies from one fourth drop of nicotine.
    Dog from one second drop.
    For humans, the lethal dose is 2-3 drops.
    Each cigarette smoked reduces human life for 5.5 minutes.
    Smoking causes great harm to children's bodies:
    Digestive disorder
    Heart diseases,
    Memory impairment
    Slowing of mental and physical development,
    Another harmful habit that ruins human health is alcohol.
    10-20 seconds after consumption, alcohol reaches the brain.
    Alcohol circulates in the body until complete decomposition within 2 weeks. At the same time, the heart, liver, and kidneys suffer.
    The brain reacts even to tiny doses of alcohol: memory and attention decrease, sensitivity and sincerity disappear,
    Cynicism, anger, and aggressiveness appear.
    There are no healthy alcoholic drinks!
    Figures and facts:
    There are 160 bottles of vodka per man in Russia per year.
    Thousands of people die every year from alcoholism before they reach 30 years of age. We cannot be at peace when this happens!

It's getting very scaryIf you hear this terrible word “plague”!Over the planet, over the whole worldShe is raising her black hands!

    Addiction! One of the most terrible human habits and diseases.
    The drug, like a merciless executioner, demands: kill, steal, get the next dose, take it!
    Drug addiction has given rise to an incurable and terrible disease - AIDS!
    Let's say NO to drugs!
    Let's bring drug addiction to justice!

Sketch “Drug Addiction Trial”

Judge. Dear jurors, spectators! An application was received in our court. The injured party - Maternal Pain - asks to find the defendant's party - Drug Addiction - guilty. The prosecutor speaks.

Prosecutor. IN last years one of the most serious problems drug addiction is becoming a problem, the spread of which is occurring in Russia at an alarming rate. More than 20 thousand crimes are committed due to drug addiction. Over the past 10 years, the number of deaths from drug use has increased 12 times, and among children - 42 times! An emaciated body with punctured veins, a detached look from expressionless eyes. Incoherent speech. And most importantly - a complete lack of interest in life, indifference to what is happening around. A drug addict needs nothing...except for a dose: Here he drags along, almost dying.
In a minute -
Where I got it, God knows!About the joys of an artificial paradise The world can You can read it on his face!..And how many of them are now wandering around the world,Whose fate is sometimes sweet, sometimes hard!..From this simple powder...Judge. The floor is given to the accused - Drug addiction.
Addiction. I am accused of having a destructive effect on the younger generation. I've killed a lot of teenagers and I'm glad about it! Everyone who deals with me does not have to have an education or hobbies - they still won’t be able to use their abilities. You won't live long enough. You don't need friends either. Drug addicts have no friends. And what a pleasure it is to watch how drug addicts steal everything from the house for the sake of a dose, even going to murder! And withdrawal is the pinnacle of my work! This pain is inhuman. It was as if a whole gang of sadists had climbed inside. Bones are flattened, joints are twisted, and insides are torn apart. You start to slowly go crazy. It is difficult to break up with me: it is painful and difficult. Even if you are cured, a return can occur even after 10 years! it is the brain that will give the order to return. And next to me is my constant travel companion - AIDS. So - welcome to an artificial paradise, from which there is no way out except one - death!
Prosecutor. Now listen to the main witness, whose words cannot remain indifferent. This is Mother's Pain.
Maternal Pain. My dears! I know from my own experience how difficult it is to lose children. Believe me, not a single mother, not a single father wants harm to his child. The pain of the death of a child remains for life. But can existence without you, without a son or daughter, be called life? A child is a drug addict - it’s scary! Children, don't die, don't make us unhappy! Don't deceive us anymore, don't roll around in pain. We no longer have strength and tears! We are tormented by fear when you leave: maybe you are already dead! No!!! Come back, we will save you, we will save you with our love!
Judge. So, gentlemen of the jury, you must make a fair verdict, it is necessary to rid our world of the grief and suffering that the terrible word brings to people - DRUG ADDICTION!
  1. Drug addiction is a scary word:
It contains the suffering and pain of mothers,

Ready for any action

For the sake of the lives of lost children. 2. It contains stingy fatherly tears And hundreds of destinies ruined, It contains a threat to future life And fragments of broken hopes.
3. This word sounds like a curse Bringing only grief and fear. We must rise up to fight it: Our life is only in our hands.
(Students come out with lit candles)
  1. We live in a wonderful century,
You and I are lucky In the 21st century You and I have been given the gift of living.
    We dream of good things
And we want everythingWe didn’t get sick and livedA very long time on Earth!
    Life is a blessing! This is a gift that is given to a person only once.
    And it depends on us what content we will fill our lives with.
    It's great when a person strives to fulfill his dreams!
    It's great when the sun is shining and the birds are chirping!
    It's great when you have real friends and when you are loved and waited at home!
    It's great to be surrounded by happy and healthy people!
    It’s great when the fire of goodness and faith in the best burns in your soul!
    Fire has long been considered a symbol of energy, struggle, and a symbol of faith in the best. Let the sparks from this fire ignite in the heart of every person the belief that the 21st century will be a century of prosperity, happiness, peace, and harmony.
    A century of healthy life!
(Song to the tune of “Hope”)
The topic is very importantGathered us together in this room,Both school and family fightWe stood up for a healthy lifestyle.We say “NO!” to drugsAnd smoking, and alcoholism,How much trouble they brought us,How many young lives have been stolen!
Chorus: Health! There is nothing more important than himAfter all, children know about this too.Let the undying light flashHealth on our planet!

Holiday scenario



Geography teacher of MBOU secondary school in the village of Gorodnya, Konakovsky district, Tver region Semina G.A.

1st presenter : Hello, dear guys and dear adults!

It seems to me that “hello” is the best of words,

Because “hello” means “be healthy!”

2nd presenter: Remember the rule, you know - repeat:

Say this word to people more often.

1st presenter : We parted in the evening, met in the morning -

So it’s time to say “hello”.

2nd presenter: We are glad to welcome you all today and that’s why we say to you: “Hello!”

1st presenter : Every person has favorite holidays in life: birthday, New Year, March 8, Teacher's Day. They even celebrate Fisherman's Day, Baker's Day and Printing Day. And today, April 7, Health Day is celebrated all over the world, on all continents of the Earth.

2nd presenter : This special holiday is without flags, anthems, flowers and congratulations. But everyone needs it: both children and adults; after all, health is the main value in life, it is a gift from nature that every person receives at birth. Health, like a magic wand, helps you fulfill your deepest desires.

1st presenter : Only a healthy person can be truly happy! There is one famous Eastern legend. One sage was asked: “Tell me, sage, what is the most important, the most valuable thing in life for a person - wealth or fame?” The sage thought and replied: “Neither wealth nor fame makes a person happy. The most valuable thing in life is HEALTH. A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king."

2nd presenter : in fact: nothing hurts in a healthy person and therefore he feels light, strong, beautiful. A healthy person is easy to recognize: he has correct posture, a white-toothed smile, sparkling eyes and an easy gait. A healthy person can do any job, he enjoys life and gives joy to the people around him.

Human health depends on many reasons.


1st: Compliance with the daily routine and personal hygiene rules;

2nd: Physical education and sports;

1st: Proper nutrition;

2nd: No bad habits;

1st: State of the environment;

2nd: The work of doctors;

1st: Heredity.

2nd presenter : Hygiene and health, sports, hardening, work - go hand in hand!

Annex 1.

1st presenter : If you strive

Follow the routine -

You will study better

You'd better rest.

2nd presenter : Watch these sketches - maybe someone will recognize themselves in these characters...

Appendix 2 .

1st presenter: We must remember that correct implementation of the regime, alternating work and rest are necessary. They improve performance, teach accuracy, discipline a person, and strengthen his health.

2nd presenter : According to statistics, 50% of a person’s health depends on himself. Some people take care of their health, trying to preserve this wonderful gift. Others waste it mindlessly and destroy it. And now we will see what bad habits destroy our health.

Appendix 3.

1st presenter : Scientists have established several reasons why a child starts smoking, but they have identified the main one - the desire to appear adult and independent.

Appendix 4.

2nd presenter : smoking in school age As a rule, those who start are those who have not proven themselves in any way in their studies, work, or school life. Science has established that there is no organ on the human body that does not suffer from smoking.


Appendix 5.

1st presenter : Today, there is an attack on our health from bad habits that hunt us everywhere, at home, at school, and on the street.

Now I invite everyone to answer the questions “useful - harmful”

Looking at bright light...(harmful)

Rinse your eyes in the morning...(useful)

Watching TV close…(harmful)

Eat carrots, parsley... (healthy)

Rubbing your eyes with dirty fists...(harmful)

Do physical exercise...(useful)

2nd presenter: These bad habits disrupt our normal health. And there are also habits that deal a crushing blow to our health.

Appendix 6.

1st presenter : REMEMBER! We're not on the same page with drugs! Your life path it's just beginning. Walk along it confidently, do not turn onto the road leading to death.

On stage "Tree of Life"

1st presenter : Black leaves on the green crown of our tree symbolize the sorrows of our days: drug addiction, smoking, alcoholism, illness, crime and accidents, quarrels and separations... which have a detrimental effect on our health.

2nd presenter : But there are bright sides in our life. After all, each of us can make not only our existence better and kinder, but also the surrounding reality. Therefore, red, yellow, orange, pink, and green leaves appeared on our tree, which symbolize everything that has a positive effect on our health: love, friendship, proper nutrition, sports, daily routine...

1st presenter : Of course, there was no less sadness and danger around, but the scales tipped towards the good, the creators of which were the students of our school themselves.

Appendix 7.

Presenters (together): We choose a healthy lifestyle! And SPORT will help us with this!

Appendix 8.

Sports dance.

1st presenter : Now the balls will fly into the hall. Whoever gets the ball goes on stage. We will soon learn the “health formula”.

2nd presenter: At my command, the competition participants burst the balloons and take out the notes, then read them in turn.


1st presenter: This is the famous formula for the health of Elder Lukyan.

Used Books.

    V.A.Velikorodnaya, O.E.Zhirenko, T.M.Kumitskaya " Cool watch on civic and legal education" grades 5 - 11. - M.: - “VAKO”, 2006.

    Magazine " Last call"No. 6-2004; No. 4- 2003;

    Magazine "Leisure at School" No. 1, 2008.

    Magazine “Education of Schoolchildren” No. 2, 2002.

    Newspaper "Chemistry" No. 6, 2008.

Annex 1.

Scene “Dirty Hands”

Host: What is it? hygiene?

The cat and the hyena know

Brown bear, white bear

Hedgehog, dog and bee,

That it’s always not a sin to wash yourself

Wash paws and hooves

Well, after that you can safely

Take on any task.

Everyone repeats. A confused kid comes onto the stage and shrugs his shoulders. In his hands he holds a soiled notebook, a book, a napkin. Moidodyr approaches him. Looks into your face.

Moidodyr: Listen, my friend,

Why are you pale today?

Or maybe you're not healthy?

And it wouldn't be harmful to you

Advice from good doctors?

Boy: No, I’m healthy, but only

Strange case...

Moidodyr: Well, tell me quickly, don’t torment me!

Boy: I don’t understand it myself

I bought a notebook and held it for a while.

Suddenly I see a black border,

And where?

On a brand new cover.

I picked up the book then.

And what?

It’s not at all clear

A real disaster has happened

Almost all pages have stains.

I think I'll wipe it off with a napkin.

I take a clean napkin

And suddenly…

Moidodyr: What?

Boy: ( shows a napkin with dirty spots).

Same problem

The napkin too, definitely covered in soot.

And so all day, no matter what I take,

I don’t understand: both the books and the dishes are black.

Perhaps this is a trick, a miracle?

Moidodyr ( shakes his head understandingly, raises the boy’s dirty hands up)

Why, my friend, blame miracles?

You need to wash your hands more cleanly!

Appendix 2.

Scene "Rise".

Characters: mother and Natasha.

Natasha is sleeping, mom comes in.

Mom: Natasha, get up!

Natasha: Now.

Mom: It’s already day, look out the window!

After all, you are delaying us!

After all, you haven’t slept for a long time!

One more minute.

Mom: Natasha, sit down at the table!

Natasha: Now!

Mom: How long can you wait?

Your tea for the fourth time

I had to reheat it!

Natasha: Well, mommy, well, a little bit,

One more minute.

Mom: Natasha, it's time to go to bed!

Natasha: Now!

Mom: Well, how many times should I ask?

After all, tomorrow morning again

You won't be able to open your eyes!

Natasha: Well, mommy, well, a little bit,

One more minute.


Sketch “DAY MODE”

(Teacher and Vova come out)

Teacher: Do you, Vova, know what a regime is?

Vova: Certainly! Mode... Mode - wherever I want, I jump there!

Teacher: A routine is a daily routine. For example, do you follow your daily routine?

Vova: I even exceed it!

Teacher: How is this possible?

Vova: According to the schedule, I need to walk twice a day, but I walk four times!

Teacher : No, you don’t fulfill it, you violate it! Do you know what the daily routine should be?

Vova: I know. Climb. Charger. Washing. Making the bed. Breakfast. Walk. Lunch and off to school.

Teacher: Fine…

Vova: And it can be even better!

Teacher: How is this?

Vova: That's how! Climb. Breakfast. Walk. Lunch. Walk. Dinner. Walk. Tea. Walk. Dinner. Walk. And dream.

Teacher: Oh no. Under this regime, you will grow up to be lazy and ignorant.

Vova: It won't grow.

Teacher: Why so?

Vova: Because my grandmother and I follow the entire regime!

Teacher: How is it “with grandma”?

Vova: And so: half is me, half is grandma. And together we carry out the entire regime.

Teacher : I don’t understand - how is this?

Vova: Very simple. I do the getting up, the grandmother does the exercises, the grandmother does the washing, the grandmother does the bed, I do the breakfast, I do the walk, the grandmother and I do the homework, I do the walk, I do the lunch...

Teacher: And aren't you ashamed? Now I understand why you are so undisciplined... (leave the stage)

Appendix 3.

(Cigarette comes out)

My name is cigarette

I'm beautiful and strong

I know the whole world

A lot of people need me!

I stupefy my brain and heart

To young and old,

Regardless of knowledge

Let's face it - weaklings!

Appendix 4.

Young man:

It was evening, there was nothing,

I sat with the guys and looked at the girls,

That they tarred cigarettes like real coquettes,

Then one of them says: “Here, Andryusha, light a smoke!”

She offered me a cigarette, turned on the lighter,

It was then that the demon misled me, I, of course, lit a cigarette.

I didn’t have enough willpower to refuse the sweet little devil.

That's how I got on the net...

Appendix 5.


To smoke or not to smoke? That is the question.

Think about this seriously.

After all, nicotine is the strongest poison!

The facts speak about this.

You smoked one cigarette

But everything around is in smoke.

Two liters of smoke hang in the air,

Adults and children breathe it - everyone,

But nicotine doesn't sleep, it can't sleep,

It begins to destroy smokers from within.

The esophagus is susceptible to nicotine,

It gets there through the mouth,

Our stomach does not allow poison to pass through,

Both the brain and the mind are clouded.

And if you smoke, you can’t save your lungs,

Nicotine penetrates them like a sword.

Well, there was a question. Well, what's the answer?

Will you smoke or not now?

Quit, quit, quit smoking!

May everyone have good health and live long!

Appendix 6.

A) Reader.

Once upon a time in our forest there were many different animals: bears, wolves, and foxes...

Where have they gone now? Imagine, dear viewers, they were destroyed by bad habits.

Music is playing. A disheveled, cheerful fox runs in with a handbag with “heroin” written on it. A bear with a bouquet trudges towards.


Will the fox marry me?


Misha! My friend! Is that you?

We haven't seen each other all summer.

How have you lost weight, poor thing?

It's like I haven't eaten for a whole year.

What happened to you? You are sick?


I don’t know what’s wrong with me?

Something doesn't feel right to me:

Wool is falling, bones are aching,

I eat almost nothing

No appetite at all!

I started going to bed earlier,

Cough suffocates in the morning,

Lightheadedness in the evenings

My heart is pounding, my paws are trembling.


Why don't you go to the woodpecker?

You need to contact the woodpecker,

He is such a bird for us -

He'll tell you right away what's what.

Don't hesitate, go to him.


I'll wait a little

It gets worse, so I'll go.

Music is playing. Lisa preens herself and looks in the mirror.

A Wolf walks staggeringly in an old fur coat, carrying empty bottles.


Listen, Little Wolf, what’s wrong with you?

Pigs are cleaner too.

Ah, my eyes have dimmed,

Have your brakes failed?

Can't stop drinking?


I can’t, the sadness is stuck,

Fox, melancholy has eaten me up.

I love you, Lisa.

Your sides hurt from love,

My heart is aching, my paws are trembling...

I'm disappearing...


You'll disappear

If you don't go to Owl.

You need to contact the Owl,

She is our kind of bird -

He will figure it out and give advice:

Yes, so yes, and no, so no!


Tomorrow I will rush to Owl.

Well, do you love me, at least a little?

Fox (singing).

Here I go beautifully

Along the forest path,

Well, I'm 16 years old.

Tails flashed again at my hole,

I will tell you two again “no!”

Heroin takes me to the sky again,

I shout “hello”, “hello” to you all.

Misha, Vovik, I love you so much!

But I won't get married.

I'll take a better dose.

Owl comes out.

Wolf: Owl, my dear, our friend!

Bear: Come closer.

Owl: Bah! Wolf, Toptygin, hello to you! You are healthy?

Wolf and Bear : Apparently not.

Bear: The cough is painful.

Wolf: Side hurts.

Owl: Misha, you're smoking! And you, my friend, drink.

Bear : Yes, I smoke, how do you know?

Wolf: And I drink.

Owl: You smell like smoke (listens)

Don't breathe or sniffle.

You are sick, even though you are a bear.

Bear: Not fatal? Not dangerous?

Owl: Soot has accumulated in the lungs,

Smoking causes all the trouble.

Do you, Toptygin, want to stomp?

Quit smoking forever!

And now you too, my friend (listens to the Wolf)

Increased heart rate, hypertension.

Diseased liver, arrhythmia.

If you stop drinking, you will survive,

If you drink, you will die.

Follow my advice

Otherwise, on the way

Both of you will stretch your legs.

Apparently you need to quit your cigarettes.

B) Performing a song.

To the melody of the song “If I were a Sultan” from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” "(music by Zatsepin)

If you're a drug addict,

It may very well be

What a few years

You still have to live.

God forbid, children, you

Experience withdrawal

And from a large dose you will immediately go to hell.

Chorus (2 times):

It’s not bad to experience a very high

It's much worse to go straight to hell.

Alcohol, nicotine

Also so harmful

They are very fast

They're drying out our brains.

Better drink kefir

Milk and tea

And no illness

Don't grab it by accident!

Chorus (2 times):

It’s not bad, sometimes to have fun,

It's much worse to be sick with a hangover

Be friends with sports

And then many years

You get to live.

It's better to be a pile of muscles

Than dystrophic

And be smart like that

What an idiot!

Chorus (2 times)

It’s not bad to be in very good health,

It’s much worse to be sick and weak!

C) The fairy tale “Teremok” in a new way.

Not on the sea-ocean,

Not on Buyan Island,

Not on the overseas side,

And in one remote village,

Where the weeds are uncut,

The house was abandoned.

No one has lived in the village for a long time,

Only the wind swirled the street.

And at night in that area

Only a terrible howl was heard

Yes, the croaking of frogs,

Uncontrollable talkers.

We'll tell a fairy tale about that,

The dilapidated house became like a mansion.

One day before the storm,

In the unbearable summer heat

The fly flew stumbling -

It was a drinking fly.

Mucha sings a song from the repertoire of the group “Dune”

If the sea were beer,

Then I would become a dolphin.

If only the sea were vodka,

I wish I could become a submarine.

Seeing the house among the quinoa,

Afraid of rain, thunderstorms, troubles,

The drunken fly begged

Swallowing the remains of the chatter...



You are neither low nor high!

You know, your owner is cool,

Kohl has a house like this.

Let me in, palace,

I'll disappear or else I'll end up!

But the little house is silent,

Only the shutters creak.

A fly crawled into the crack,

I flew into the house as best I could,

Flew around all corners

And, realizing that the house was ownerless,

She exclaimed...


You can live!

I've had enough of wandering around landfills,

In trash cans, garbage cans.

How do I want to live as a person?

Sleep more, drink more.

After drinking three sips of vodka,

She snored like a hag.

So day after day passes,

And that fly completely drank himself to death.

One day in the evening

We knocked on the teremok

Two marsh frogs

Naughty like tattoos.

Frogs jump and sing the song “They won’t catch us” from the repertoire of the group “Tatu”

Asked for an overnight stay

Yes, they stayed here forever.

1st Frog

Life here is not bad at all:

There is a roof, and there is no cold!

2nd frog.

Let's sing and have fun,

Have fun and frolic!

The three of them lived together.

Oh yes we are! This is home!

Somehow on the night of the light

She came running to the tower

Little gray mouse -

Pickpocket thief.

I asked to stay.

Enough space: the house is big!

And the other day a bunny jumped -

A slanted and pale drug addict.

And they let him into the house:

Five of us have more fun.

Sheltered the top too -

The old man's killer.

The little bear also hobbled -

Pathetic, ragged homeless man.

All the rabble gathered in the house -

Expect only grief from them!

The fly drinks, does not dry out,

A hangover only makes you hiccup.

The frogs staged a striptease -

Two swamp “tattoos”.

The mouse robbed the cash register -

Expect a lot of trouble now.

Oblique in a frenzy every day

Spouts such rubbish.

A wolf and a bear this week

They almost ate each other in a fight.

Not a teremok, but straight hell!

Not life, but a drunken, vile stench!

Local hedgehog visiting

I often came to see them,

I made comments to them,

I disgraced and shamed everything...


You can't live like this guys!

Look at you!

There is no order in your house,

After all, where there is booze, there is trouble!

Why not at work!

Where is your passport? And for what?

Do you drink vodka all the time?

Addicted to what?

Yes, you are at odds with the law,

The den here has tripled.

In general, I will inform the authorities -

I'm drawing up a protocol!

Only the hedgehog behind the gate -

The house is in chaos again.

Having fun for no reason:

There is always a reason to drink.

All the animals dance to the song “Chita-Drita” from the repertoire of Verka Serduchka. Suddenly the music stops and everyone dancing falls to the floor.

On this fateful night

Trouble came to their mansion:

From a smoking cigarette

Or the wires are shorted.

In general, drunken rakes

Suddenly we were left without a yard,

And from the tower in the morning

Not a trace remains:

Everything burned - and to the ground!

All the animals sit on the floor of the stage and cry.

Here they sit, sobbing:

Hunger and cold got them.

They cry and sigh sadly

And they blame themselves for everything.


Oh, what a fool I am!

I was living wrong.

We flew by in vain

My best years!

And I didn’t start a family,

And I didn’t have children,

I only drank one bitter drink.

I lost my life...

1st Frog.

We really didn’t live beautifully -

For our sins we are in trouble!

2nd Frog.

If we knew then,

We would never sin!


I admit, I am guilty...

I'm sorry guys!


Yes, and I'm good, scoundrel:

It was chipped all over at the end.

I was looking for something crazy,

I'm friends with heroin.


How many souls he slaughtered!

How many have you lost?

And why did I just

Did you live in the middle of nowhere?..


Well, I... Why did I leave?

Your warm den?

And why did I become homeless?

A dirty, ugly little bear?

So they sit and curse

Your life and your shame.

The local hedgehog is suitable

And starts talking.


I told you, and not infrequently:

You can't live like that! You kids

They didn't want to listen to me:

Everyone was walking, everyone was buzzing.

This is what it brought you to

Your drinking game!

Animals (in unison).

Good hedgehog! We realized

What wrong we lived!

And we blame ourselves for everything,

What a worthless life we ​​have lived!

If only I could be born again

Once again we had the chance

Something with bad habits

Our lives would go apart!


I wouldn't drink alcohol!

Frogs (in chorus ).

If only we could become more modest!


I wouldn't become a thief

And I would live like an honest animal!


No way in the world would I

I didn’t shoot up, I didn’t act stupid!

I would be a nice dad

And I would raise kids.


Yes, and I, I admit honestly,

I wouldn't have become a killer then.

I would serve in the police

And I was looking for criminals.


I would become an athlete then,

I used to push barbells with weights.

I wouldn’t hang around in garbage dumps,

I would never be homeless.


It's never too late friends

Get on the right path to life.

If only there was a desire -

Go study, go work!

And in life, without a doubt,

Everything can be achieved

If your mind and will

Always sober and firm.

And we are ready to help

A beautiful aspiration.

Long live healthy

And the sober appearance is clear!

All the animals leave the stage

A year has passed, or maybe five -

Friends met again.

The fly is simply unrecognizable:

She looks five

Opened a restaurant in Moscow

And started a family.

Every holiday to the Canaries

He flies off to rest.

And the frogs, “tattoos”,

In the circus they dance on a tub.

The mouse opened its bank,

It became so important.

The hare became a kind father.

He feeds the bunny porridge.

And the hare herself

My husband is simply crazy!

A wolf serves in the police

With the rank of sergeant,

Catches robbers

Our pocket.

Mishka became an athlete

He pushes the barbells...

Oh past life

Nobody remembers!

All the animals, transformed, reappear on stage.

Animals (in unison).

Glad if it's a fairy tale

It will help the viewer

From bad habits

Refuse too.


Young man.

We live with you, friends,

Between “possible” and “not possible”.

It's not difficult to figure it out

That it is impossible

And that it is possible.

Young woman.

You can live brightly in life

And burn from what you love,

But you can't be frivolous

May your soul smolder from drugs!

Young man.

You can be healthy and strong,

You can experience all the colors of life,

But you can’t in the prime of life

Paint everything black!

Well, you can’t, believe me, brothers,

Give in to drug addiction!


Take the drug -

Quite stupid and dangerous

Value yourself, your dreams -

Life without drugs is wonderful!

Young woman.


Not between heroin and marijuana,

And between life and deception!

The bliss of the body is in health!

Health is like sweets -

Source of joy!

Young man.

Where there is sport -

There is health and joy!

Where the drug is -

There are illnesses and weakness...


AIDS and drugs

Inseparable concepts:

Live or die -

Choose for yourself!

Appendix 7.


If you drink a glass of beer, -

Football players say

That's no less than a bucket of sweat

We need to train.

So why, tell me, drink?

Better to score an extra goal.

It’s a joy for both yourself and people.

We don't need vodka - it's disgusting

I love sports, I live for them,

I don't smoke or drink.

Appendix 8.

A sketch about the benefits of sports important factor healthy lifestyle.


Gods (Zeus, Hades, Hermes, Hercules);

A frail student and three students in sports uniform.

1st student : Sport is health!

2nd student : Sports are strong muscles!

3rd student: In sports at all times

There must be a will of steel.

Will forges character

And only her!

1st student:

The athlete overcame himself

And this means a lot.

And the main thing here is not even a record

And not the shiny surfaces of the medal.

Health is the main thing.

Sport brings it!

2nd student:

What did they do with those who did not want to play sports in Greece, the birthplace of the Olympic Games?

The athletes leave. Enter the Gods: Zeus, Hades, Hermes.

Zeus: Let's continue the meeting. Let's move on to the next question. HYPODYNAMIA - have you heard this word?

Gods : HYPODYNAMIA. What it is?

Zeus: Disease of the 21st century ( claps his hands ) Enter!

Athletes administer Hercules .

Gods (look with admiration ): ABOUT! Handsome! This is our job!

Zeus : But when was this?

Hades: 3 million 575 thousand ago.

Zeus: And now? What do we have at this current moment? News!

Athletes bring in a frail student

Hercules: Where did you get this from?

Student: From school.

Gods: From where, from where?

Student: From Gorodensky secondary school.

Hercules: Do you go to physical education?

Student : Nope. I have a certificate!

Zeus: What?!?

Hades : This, great Zeus, is a mighty manuscript. As soon as you show it to the teacher, he immediately dismisses the student from the lesson.

Zeus: What, do everyone have these documents?

Hercules: They have two more magic words: “Forgot my suit.”

Zeus: Do you do exercises in the morning?

Student: No!

Hercules : Well, do you at least walk to school?

Student : No, I go by bus.

Gods (pointing at him ): Here it is, HYPODYNAMIA.

Hermes : What are you doing?

Student: I'm studying. Tomorrow I have an essay on literature, I owe 5 more poems, and also an essay on geography. You should try it yourself! There's not enough time!

Hercules : And Pythagoras?! Scientist. Great mathematician. And he was an Olympic champion in fist fighting.

Hades: And Plato? Great philosopher. I have been involved in gymnastics all my life. And until old age he retained his youthful strength.

Zeus : It turns out that all our work has been ruined by Erebus?

Hercules: On the wheel and quilt it! To Tartarus! In the bag and to Poseidon!

Zeus: Throw him off the cliff!

All: Right! ( The gods grab the frail student )

Student: Oh oh! No need! I won't do it anymore.

Zeus : Well, have you learned your lesson?

Student: Extracted, convinced. I will do exercises every day. I'll sign up for the sports section. I won’t miss a single physical education lesson.

Zeus: That's it. Remember: sport is health!

Hercules: Sport means strong muscles!

Hades: In sports at all times

There must be a will of steel!

Hercules : Friends! Behind me. Forward to the victory!

Scenario extracurricular activity for college students "We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Description: I present to your attention a script for an educational event dedicated to the prevention of bad habits and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle. This development will help social teachers and educators prepare for the event. educational institutions.
Target: formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle
teach to value and maintain your own health;
develop horizons and cognitive activity
Equipment: laptop, multimedia projector, presentation, Handout.

Progress of the event

Social teacher:
- Hello! When meeting, people usually say this wonderful word, wishing each other health. So I’m turning to you - hello, dear students, colleagues and guests. Today we will hold an event with you called “We are for a healthy lifestyle.”
Are you ready for a conversation? Slide- 1, 2

Girls, I want to ask you: “Do you love life? (the girls answer).
Life is a wealth given to everyone from the beginning, and we really want it to be beautiful and happy. What is it a good life? Please, everyone, think about this and write down the continuation of the phrase: “A happy life is...”
The pupils write down those concepts that, in their opinion, characterize a happy life (work for 2-3 minutes).

Social teacher. If we determine what the life and health of people on Earth depends on, then the most important thing will be peace, the absence of war. This is the most important thing, the most important thing.
Then will follow: health, adequate nutrition, material well-being, family, children, medical care...
Then it is proposed to discuss the notes about happy life and rank them in order of importance with the students..

Social teacher. We want you to be physically and spiritually developed, purposeful and cheerful people.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular among young people.
Today we will talk about health and a healthy lifestyle. Slide 2.3
1.Health is value and wealth,
People should value their health!
Eating right and play sports,
And harden yourself, and make friends with exercises.

2. So that any illness does not set in,
So that your heart beats smoothly, like a motor,
There is no need to smoke, or drink, or get angry,
A smile can overcome any reproach.

3. A healthy lifestyle is strength!
After all, there is nowhere in life without health.
Let's be strong and beautiful together
Then we won't have to worry about years!
Social teacher: What is health? People have been trying to answer this seemingly simple question since ancient times. Slide 4.
Health -“this is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being,” i.e. health is the normal state of the body, when all our organs work together, rhythmically, in harmony with each other and the environment (inhalation - exhalation, sleep - wakefulness).
Now we will discuss what health is from the perspective of three aspects. This information will help you complete the next task.
You have pieces of paper with words - associations. You will need to attach them, this will show what kind of health, in your opinion, this word means (on the board there is a locomotive with three cars: 1 car - social health, 2 car - mental health, 3 car - physical health). Slide 5.
Physical health associated with the functioning of our body. First of all, a person must have a healthy body, a correct, beautiful physique, sufficient weight, and height relative to his age.
A person must have good physical fitness, which means strong muscle strength in the arms and legs, be able to tolerate physical activity well, and not feel very tired. Of course, a healthy person rarely suffers from colds and other diseases, i.e., he has a good protective function against viruses and microbes.
Human social health- this is nothing more than his social activity, behavior in society, personal attitude towards the world. That is, here we can consider those personality qualities that will ensure harmony between the needs of a given person and society as a whole.
It is very important that a person strives for self-realization and constant personal development. Some, for example, find a way of self-realization in their studies or career, others - in their family and children.
Thus, social health means the ability to communicate with other people in environmental conditions. social environment and having satisfying personal relationships.
Under mental health we understand our feelings, i.e. mood (good, cheerful or sad, bad), a feeling of joy, friendship, love, mutual understanding, mutual respect... But there are such emotional feelings as fear, oppression, humiliation, resentment, pain. And depending on what their predominant feelings are, so will our emotional health.
Social teacher. Now we will conduct the “Your Health” test. Summing up the testing results.
Game “Believe it or not”
(if you agree, raise your hand, if not, don’t raise your hand) Slide 10,11
1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? (Yes)
2. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (No)
3. Is it true that carrots slow down the aging process of the body? (Yes)
4. Is it true that there are harmless drugs? (No)
5. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (No)
6.To keep your teeth healthy, you need to brush them twice a day. (Yes)
7. Is it true that drinking ice water on a hot day helps you harden? (No)

Information lecture. Slide 11-21
Components of a healthy lifestyle. Pupils performing:
Daily regime. Slide 24
A person who follows a daily routine is always cheerful, energetic and cheerful.
Dream. Slide 25
Sleep has a positive effect on the human body. Sleep restores strength and often heals better than any medicine;
Hardening. Slide 26
An important role in the development of health is hardening. Hardening the body helps prevent many diseases that occur seasonally.
Personal hygiene Slide 27
It is necessary to maintain personal hygiene in life!
Long live the scented soap and the fluffy towel!...”
Even if it seems that your hands are quite clean, then if you put them under a microscope, small, impudent microbes will appear before your eyes.
Social teacher:
Positive emotions are also necessary for a healthy lifestyle: joy, happiness, life satisfaction, kindness, goodwill..
Negative emotions that destroy health: anger, fear, resentment, anxiety, melancholy, suspiciousness, greed. Try to avoid such emotions and protect the people around you from them.
Social teacher:
-But there are factors that also negatively affect human health. Which?
Slide 28-30
1.Tobacco smoking often referred to as bad habits, but this is one of the dangerous diseases called chemical dependence.
Smoking has a particularly detrimental effect on a woman’s body.
If a woman smokes, her child is more likely to get sick and lag behind in development.
The problem of alcohol consumption is very relevant these days.
The whole society suffers from this, but first of all, the younger generation is at risk: children, adolescents, young people, as well as the health of expectant mothers. Alcohol has a particularly active effect on the body, gradually destroying it.
Consequences of use narcotic substances are destructive: they cause diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys, serve as personality degradation, which is often associated with social decline and often progressing into dementia.
Now we have identified those factors that negatively affect human health. Avoid bad habits
After all, it is during adolescence that the body that should serve you throughout your life is finally formed.
Social teacher: Slide 42.
What do PROVERBS mean?
1. If you are healthy, you will get everything!
2. There is no better cure for illness: do exercises until you are old.
3. Move more - you will live longer.
4. A healthy body means a healthy mind.
5 Appetite flees from the sick, but goes to the healthy

Well, in conclusion, let’s summarize the results of the correspondence survey. The task was to choose from the values ​​presented below that, in your opinion, are important for a person
professional career - 18%;
good health – 31%;
good Friendly family – 24%;
bright, rich life - 12%;
material well-being -8%;
close friends -7%.
Social teacher:
Girls, what new did you learn in our lesson?
I hope that the knowledge you received today will help in your life.

Wish you
Never get sick;
Eat properly;
Be cheerful;
Do good deeds.
We are for a healthy lifestyle!
Thanks to everyone for participating in the event.

Presentation on the topic: We are for a healthy lifestyle

Scenario competitive game program

"We are for a healthy lifestyle"

Compiled by: methodologist for educational and preventive work

MBOU DO "Chainsky DDT" Romanova Irina Gennadievna


1.Formation of children’s positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

2. Instill in children a caring attitude towards their health.

  1. Form an active life position.

  2. Develop creativity, memory, attention, cognitive interest.

(The guys are divided into three teams in advance - three squads. Game program passes at the tables. During the game, the guys receive tokens in the form of green leaves. At the end of the game, the leaves are attached to the base of the tree. The team with the most leaves on its tree wins.

Progress of the event.

Leading:- Hello guys!

Have you ever wondered what meaning this word has?

With these words they greet each other, wishing them health. Are you guys in a good mood today? They say that " Good mood- half health!

I am very glad that everything is fine with you! People say: “Everything is healthy for a healthy person.” A healthy person is handsome and pleasant to talk to, easily overcomes difficulties, and truly knows how to work, study, and relax.

And today I invite all of you guys to take part in a game dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

Now let's find out a little more about each other.

Raise your hands those who...

1. loves ice cream;

2. does exercises in the morning every day;

3. brushes his teeth every day;

4. loves to ride a bike;

5. dousing yourself with cold water in the morning;

Well done!

Who can say what a healthy lifestyle means?

Of course, you are all right. A healthy lifestyle is compliance with all rules and regulations to maintain good health.

Today I invite you to play a game with me, the theme of which is “We are for a healthy lifestyle.” During the game, for correctly completed tasks, you will receive green leaves. And at the end of the game you will attach the leaves to the base of the tree. The team with the most leaves on the tree wins.

And the first competition is called:

Competition “Nice to meet you!”

You need to come up with a team name based on a healthy lifestyle theme and choose a captain.

Warm-up competition “Folk Wisdom”

Since ancient times, our ancestors have noticed what helps maintain health and what destroys our lives. Folk wisdom has accumulated many proverbs and sayings on the topic of a healthy lifestyle. The competition will show whether you are well versed in them. On the pieces of paper are the beginnings of sayings and proverbs; your task is to finish them (connect the beginning and end with arrows). (for a correctly completed task - 3 leaves).

Move more, you will live...

...a walk

Moderation is the mother...


... you'll do

… I

If you eat everything, then food... lose

...from a young age

If you don't get enough sleep, your health...

... cripples

A good word heals, but an evil one...

... in the warmth

Competition "Trouble"

Your task is to collect a word from letters related to health. Which team is faster?


Competition "Pantomime".

Team captains choose cards with the name of the sport on them. One team shows a pantomime, the others guess what kind of sport was shown. (If the teams guess correctly, the team that showed gets three leaves).

Competition "You can't buy health - your mind gives it"

The facilitator asks questions that require affirmative or negative answers. For each correct answer, the team receives one piece of paper. (Raise signs “YES” or “NO”).


    Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? (Answer: yes.)

    Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth? (Answer: no.)

    Is it true that you should brush your teeth once a day? (Answer: no.)

    Is it true that bananas lift your spirits? (Answer: yes.)

    Is it true that carrots slow down the aging of the body? (Answer: yes.)

    Is it easy to quit smoking? (Answer: no.)

    Is it true that lack of sun causes... Bad mood? (Answer: yes.)

    Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (Answer: no.)

    Is it true that you need to drink two glasses of milk every day? (Answer: yes.)

Competition "The Most Accurate"

The task of the teams is to take turns throwing “oranges” into the baskets of whose team collects the most. (Leaves are distributed according to the number of oranges in the basket).

Competition "Health"

Now let's look at this magic word “HEALTH”. Think of words related to health for each letter of this word. Each word will bring the team one leaf.

(Z – exercise, D – diet, O – rest, R – daily routine, O – glasses, B – vitamins, E – food).

Now it's time to sum up the game. Each team attaches the earned leaves to the bases of the trees; whichever tree has the most leaves, that team wins.

Everyone should definitely know:

Health must be maintained.

You need to eat right

You need to play sports

Wash your hands before eating,

Brush your teeth, temper yourself,

And always be friends with water.

And then all the people in the world

They will live for a long, long time.

And remember your health

Can't buy it in the store.

Take care of your dress again, and your health...

Move more, you will live...

...a walk

Moderation is the mother...


Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your legs...

... you'll do

Greet the morning with exercises, see off the evening...

… I

If you eat everything, then food... lose

You will be tempered from a young age, for the rest of your life...

...from a young age

If you don't get enough sleep, your health...

... cripples

A good word heals, but an evil one...

... in the warmth

Take care of your dress again, and your health...

Move more, you will live...

...a walk

Moderation is the mother...


Keep your head cold, your stomach hungry, and your legs...

... you'll do

Greet the morning with exercises, see off the evening...

… I

If you eat everything, then food... lose

You will be tempered from a young age, for the rest of your life...

...from a young age

If you don't get enough sleep, your health...

... cripples

A good word heals, but an evil one...

... in the warmth


program “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”


Location: DDT assembly hall

Leading:Moroz N.V.

Deputy Director for VR

Time: 14.00

Purpose of the event: teach children to lead a healthy lifestyle

Tasks: promoting a healthy lifestyle, developing students’ beliefs about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, determining the conditions for maintaining health, about health as the most important value, implementing children’s initiatives.

Decoration of the hall and stage: posters “Yeralash of Health”, (association “Tin Club”) “First Aid Kit of Health” (“Spirit”), pictures about health.

Event equipment: projector,videos about healthy lifestyle , posters, musical accompaniment, visual and handout materials.

Music sounds: “Breath of Nature”

Screen saver: “We are for a healthy lifestyle”

Ved:Human! He is also nature!
He is also a sunset and a sunrise,
And there are four seasons in it,
And the passage of time is special in it,
And the special mystery of light,
Sometimes with cruel, sometimes with kind fire!
Man - is he winter or summer,
Or autumn with thunder and rain?

Hello guys!I say “hello” to you, which means that I wish you all health. Why do we always wish each other health in our greetings? Because health is the most important value for a person.People often say to each other when they meet that this is a good thing, kind word. The word hello is very old. Associated with the word tree. Once upon a time, people, saying the word hello, wished others to be healthy, strong, mighty like a tree, like an oak, for example.

And now, when we say this word, we wish a person to be healthy, strong, strong.

Do you know what is more valuable than anything in the world? Of course, this is life, health. Also in Ancient Rus' They said “Health is more important than wealth.”

The main thing in life is health!Try to understand this from childhood!The main value is health!You can't buy it, but it's easy to lose.

About the healthy meaning of life
We must discuss the issue.
How can we live for many years?
How to achieve big victories?

Become cheerful and successful
And be beautiful, of course!
Don't grumble, don't be sad,
Don’t give in to difficulties!

Don't be afraid of drafts
Forget about doctors!
There is one simple recipe:
Health - yes!
No diseases!

Health is a priceless gift that nature gives to man. Without it it is very difficult to make life interesting and happy. But how often do we waste this gift, forgetting that losing health is easy, but getting it back is very, very difficult.A person’s health, first of all, depends on himself, on how he takes care of it, on his lifestyle. It has been proven that more than half of all diseases are acquired in childhood.

I want to tell you a fairy tale:

In one fairy-tale country there was a palace on the shore of a beautiful sea. There lived a ruler who had 3 sons. The father loved his sons, and they reciprocated. The children grew up kind, obedient, and hardworking. One thing upset the ruler - the children often got sick. The ruler invited the most wise people countries and asked: “Why do people get sick? What needs to be done for people to live happily ever after?” The sages consulted for a long time, and the oldest of them said: “Human health depends largely on lifestyle, behavior and the ability to help oneself and others in difficult situations.” The ruler of the sage listened and ordered the opening of a Health School for all children of the country.

Today we will go to the School of Health . You will learn a lot of new things about yourself, about the characteristics of your body, you will learn how to take care of your health so as not to get sick, grow strong and healthy.

What kind of person is called healthy?

(Strong, strong, he is not sick, physically and mentally well.)

To be healthy you need to leadhealthy lifestyle.

By what signs do we know that a person leads a healthy lifestyle?

(A person goes in for sports, has no bad habits, follows a daily routine, does not get sick, eats right.)

In your daily routine, you need to plan your meals. How many times should you eat?(At least 3 times.)

The most important meal of the day is the morning. The ancients said: “Eat breakfast yourself.” Why?

What products did you have for breakfast today?(Doctors recommend eating dairy dishes, scrambled eggs, tea and a sandwich for breakfast.)

Is it possible to buy health?

Received from nature as a gift -

Not a ball or a balloon.

This is not a globe. Not a watermelon

Health. Very fragile cargo.

To live a happy life,

Vitamins are simply a miracle!

They bring so much joy:

All diseases and colds

They will fall before them,

That's why it's always

For good health

Complete food -

The most important condition!

Berries, fruits, vegetables – main sources of vitamins. And our body really needs vitamins.

Remember the simple truth:

Only the one who sees better

Who chews raw carrots

Or drinks carrot juice.

Vitamin A - This is a growth vitamin that helps our eyes maintain vision. You can find it in milk, carrots, and green onions.

Early morning is very important

Eat oatmeal for breakfast.

Vitamin B makes a person cheerful, strong, strengthens the heart and nervous system. It is found in black bread and walnuts.

Fish oil is the healthiest

Even if it’s disgusting, you have to drink it.

He saves from illnesses

Without diseases, life is better!

Vitamin D makes our legs and arms strong, preserves our teeth. Found in eggs, cheese, milk, fish.

For colds and sore throats

Oranges help

Well, it's better to eat a lemon,

Although it is very sour.

Vitamin C helps fight diseases. Found in potatoes, garlic, cabbage, all berries and fruits.

Competition "Knowledge is power".

1.Which plants with a characteristic pungent odor are a good remedy for the prevention of colds? (answer: onion, garlic);

2.What substances should you definitely take if you experience fatigue and loss of strength, especially in the spring?

(answer: vitamins);

3. A fruit product that is recommended to be drunk 30 minutes before meals. (answer: juice);

4.What helps to harden the body?(Answer: sun, air, water.)

5.How many times a day should you brush your teeth?

6. Is it true that cacti remove radiation from a computer? (No)

7. To protect your eyes, should you read while lying down?

8. Microbes are very small and alive, do they enter the body and cause disease? (Yes)

9.What should you do to protect yourself from germs?

10.At what distance should you sit from the TV screen?

11.How long can you sit in front of a computer monitor?

12. Is it true that chewing gum preserves teeth?
(Answer: no.)

13. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (Answer: no.)

14. Is it true that you should drink two glasses of milk every day? (Yes)

What are the benefits of playing sports?(The student is not sick, he is always cheerful, energetic, sport helps with his studies.)

15.What bad habits ruin human health? (alcohol, smoking, etc.)

You guys should know

Everyone needs to sleep more.
Well, don’t be lazy in the morning -
Get ready to exercise!

Brush your teeth, wash your face,
And smile more often
Temper yourself, and then
You're not afraid of the blues.

Health has enemies
Don't make friends with them!
Among them is quiet laziness,
You fight it every day.

So that not a single microbe
I didn't accidentally get it in my mouth,
Wash your hands before eating
Need soap and water.

Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, dairy products -
Here's some healthy food
Full of vitamins!

Go for a walk
Breathe fresh air.
Just remember when leaving:
Dress for the weather!

Well, what if it happened:
I got sick,
Know that it's time for you to see a doctor.
He will always help us!

These are the good tips
Secrets are hidden in them,
How to maintain health.
Learn to appreciate it!

Let's continue with youfolk proverbs and sayings dedicated to a healthy lifestyle.

1. A healthy body means a healthy mind

2. Smoking is harmful to health.

3. Health is more valuable than anything.

4. Take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age

5. If you are healthy, you will get everything.

6. Health is more important than money.

7. If you are healthy, you will get everything.

8. Strong in body - rich in soul.

8. If you are sick, get treatment, but if you are healthy, take care.

9. A healthy mind in a healthy body.

Try to remember them, and always be healthy.

Riddles about the daily routine

    you decided to become healthy, so follow... (answer: regimen);

    in the morning at seven our cheerful friend rings persistently... (answer: alarm clock);

    Our whole friendly team got up to exercise... (answer: family);

    Of course, I won’t break the regime - I wash myself in a cool... (answer: shower);

    after a shower and exercise, a hot one awaits me... (answer: breakfast);

    I always wash my hands with soap, no need to call us... (answer: Moidodyra);

    after lunch you can have a nice sleep, or you can go in the yard... (answer: play);

    after dinner there is fun - we take dumbbells in our hands, we play sports with our dad, our mother... (answer: we smile);

    The moon is looking through our window, which means it’s been a long time to sleep... (answer: it’s time)

Leading . let's playin the shouting game "Helpful-Harmful".

    Looking at the bright light :(harmful)

    Rinse your eyes in the morning:(healthy)

    Watch TV close :(harmful)

    Protect your eyes from shock :(healthy)

    Eat carrots and parsley:(healthy)

    Rubbing your eyes with dirty hands :(harmful)

    Do physical education:(healthy)

    Well done!


Every person is the master of his own life. There is a poster on the board that depicts a tree without leaves or fruits. Each of you has leaves, colored balls with words. You need to select the names necessary for your health on pieces of paper and balls, and we will design yourTREE OF HEALTH.

Showing videos about healthy lifestyle from cartoons .


We wish you guys
Always be healthy.
But to achieve results
impossible without difficulty!
Try not to be lazy -
Every time before eating,
Before you sit down at the table,
Wash your hands with water.
And do exercises
Every morning.
And, of course, toughen up -
This will help you so much!
Breathe fresh air
If possible, always
Go for walks in the forest,
He will give you strength, friends!
We have revealed secrets to you,
How to maintain health
Follow all the advice
And life will be easy for you!

After all, our health is in good hands!

Goodbye! See you again, guys!

We are waiting for you on Sunday at the “Merry Journey to the Land of Road Signs” holiday at 12 o’clock.