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Slogans profession secretary. Congratulations on International Secretary's Day

Congratulation text No. 1:
Dear ______!
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the main national holiday - Russia Day!
This holiday symbolizes the power and greatness of the Russian state, the global national idea and the unity of peoples around it. It evokes genuine pride in our glorious past and shared responsibility for the country’s worthy future. And we, today, still have a lot to do so that our children and grandchildren live in a prosperous country. I'm sure the citizens modern Russia I can do it!
Therefore, with all my heart I wish everyone success in good deeds and endeavors for the benefit of our beloved Motherland. Good health, happiness and prosperity!

Congratulation text No. 2:
Expensive ______!
Congratulations on Russia Day!
The path of reforms and market transformations that young Russia embarked on in 1990 was thorny. But with common efforts, the Russians overcame it with honor. After 25 years, our country again occupies one of the leading positions on the world stage.
We must understand that even today the fate of the country depends on each of us. From our patriotism, unity, creative work and determination. I am confident that the residents of _______ will also make a significant contribution to the development and prosperity of the Fatherland.
Dear fellow countrymen! I wish you health, peace and harmony, confidence in tomorrow, new achievements in the name small Motherland and great Russia!

“Social teacher” - A bright future is for social services. teacher! A social teacher has a lot in common with the profession Social worker. Where to get a profession: Department of Social Pedagogy Date of creation of the Department of Social Pedagogy 09/01/2004. Risks of the profession: Dubovsky Pedagogical College. Nanotechnologists are specialists in microtechnology.

“Profession salesperson” - How many cuts were made? A trade worker's overalls must be immaculately clean and his hairstyle must be neat. Now we will try to solve the problems: - The bagel was cut into 3 parts. After all, most of the time the seller is in public. And the fourth is a table and a wardrobe, chairs, hat hangers. Agree, you don’t want to buy goods from a gloomy, sloppily dressed salesman!

“Activities and professions” - Protection (protection from hostile actions). Types and levels of professional self-determination. Influenced by the environment without regard own desires. Choice future profession. Types of activities: Choosing a profession in company with friends. Has good verbal abilities. Personal qualities, interests, inclinations of the profession “Engineer”.

“Career Guidance Work” - Economic order of the society. Reduction in metalworking industries and increase in workers in the service sector. Choosing a learning profile by parents of 9th grade students. 31. Parents’ opinions about the factors influencing the choice of educational profile for 9th grade students. 18. 21. 28. 3.

“Manager and Secretary” - Constantly “keep on pencil” a list of issues that need to be resolved. The prestige of secretarial work fell and wages were cut. 1840 - the first personal secretaries for managers at the largest Putilov and Nevsky factories. Loss of prestige of the secretary profession... The secretary is an assistant manager. It is necessary to conduct business clearly.

“Profession is a cook” - An old Russian proverb says: “A good cook is worth a doctor.” After all, not a single person goes a day without food. Profession: cook, pastry chef. And experienced chefs say: “Our job is to bring people joy. Indeed, a cook, like a doctor, cannot be indifferent. Cook, pastry chef -. Otherwise, why become a cook?”

There are 9 presentations in total

Margaret Mitchell correctly noted: “Don’t scream - wait for your time with a smile.” There are often ups and downs in life, but we must overcome them, otherwise we will have nothing left. Armed with a motto in life, you can follow any path, the main thing is that the goal is clearly visible, and the credo becomes a signal to action.


A person’s motto in life should force him to make decisions and act. Often you have to change something.

If you think that you need to change something in this life, then you don’t think so. (Rinat Valiullin)

But how scary it is sometimes to force yourself to give up a stable life and step into nowhere. “I’ll work for another six months and quit,” “I’ll finish this educational institution and I’ll enroll in the specialty I want,” “I’ll watch one more episode and get to work, it’s not going anywhere” - we constantly come up with such excuses for ourselves in order to stay a little longer in safety, relative stability and comfort.

We think there is still time. Nothing will happen in six months, two educations are even better, one hour will not change anything. This is our mistake: life goes on, but we refuse it. Time waits for no one.

Although if you think about it, the changes themselves do not frighten a person as much as the difficulties that they will have to face.

If it's hard for you, it means you're going uphill. If it's easy for you, it means you're flying into the abyss. (Henry Ford)

Success does not come to those who simply wait. He always chooses the persistent, those who have fallen more than once, but found the strength to rise. Those who did their job through “I can’t” and didn’t complain, looked forward through tears and didn’t stop, believed in their life motto and didn’t betray themselves.

Quality work

Motto in life successful person can be the most unpredictable. Some may be guided by the slogan: “You only live once,” while others prefer the saying that you need to take everything from life. And someone is guided in life by the principles of successful people and also achieves success. But not everyone is able to move from dreams to decisive action. It is for them that we need mottos that would help them wake up in the morning and force them to work.

To achieve success, you must first do your job well. In this case, the life motto for a successful person will have the following content:

The only way to do outstanding work is to truly love what you do. (Steve Jobs)

Even sitting in an office with a minimum salary, you should not work carelessly. First, when hired, the employee accepted certain obligations. Secondly, only those who work equally well for thirty dollars a month and for a hundred dollars an hour are able to achieve success.

It is necessary to maintain your brand at all times, and not just when management is looking at you. It is important for the rich to be surrounded by people high level, be it a maid, butler or janitor. Employers tend to invest money in people who respect them and, regardless of the situation, do their work on time and efficiently.

Work is creativity

Each of us is a skilled creator. One problem: some realized this, while others decided not to bother with such a question. It doesn't matter what a person does, whether it's healing others or repairing cars, he's doing something creative, which can be good or bad. Successful people are a small handful of those individuals who were able to turn their work into socially useful creativity.

They approach their work with full responsibility and try to do it better than others. This argument should definitely become a life motto for those who want to succeed.

Take a step and the road will appear by itself. (Steve Jobs)

To become a successful and expensive specialist, you need to decide for yourself what you can do that others will appreciate. Do you have that notorious desire to create?

There are no problems

A person who hasn't made mistakes has never tried to do something differently. (Albert Einstein)

First of all, you need to give up the desire to get something for free. You have to pay for everything. Bulgakov said it well:

Never ask for anything. Especially those who are stronger than you. They will offer everything themselves and give everything themselves.

People give up so easily! It seems that’s it - just choose a motto for your life and live by its laws. But for some reason, the easiest thing for most people is to be offended by fate for the inability to make their desires come true and give up. If a person has an unattainable “I want,” he simply must fight for it. Any problems should be treated as tasks, the answers to which are necessary to achieve results. Isn't that what they teach in school?! I solved the problem correctly and received the highest score. Everything ingenious is simple.

Envy is a bad feeling

This is the best motto in life: “Don’t envy! No one ever." Of course, when it seems that you are constantly on the bench, and life is boiling and seething around you and someone is taking everything from it, it is difficult to cope with the feeling of envy.

Every person encounters this feeling along the way; there is nothing shameful here. In fact, you should be ashamed of your reluctance to learn how to get rid of envy. It’s worth revealing a little secret: successful people never envy anyone, they rejoice in other people’s successes. After all, if a person cannot see someone else’s genius, he will not see his own.

I have always hated the role of observer. What am I if I don't take part? To be, I must participate. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
There is sun in every person. Just let it shine. (Socrates)
It's a wonderful feeling to know that you are the one building the world. (Isaac Asimov)

Know your weaknesses

No matter how bitter it may sound, everyone has their own weaknesses, people are imperfect, even if they don’t want to admit it. But the first step on the path to success is to know your weaknesses and accepting all the negatives. This is the only way a person gets the opportunity to work on himself and change everything for the better. And you need to stop thinking that there is more to come whole life to improve. Time passes much faster, so the sooner a person decides on himself, his principles and purpose, the better for him.

If you want to do something great one day, remember: that one day is today. (George Lucas)
We are given few days to be offended. (Vera Matveeva)
Great things must be done, not thought about endlessly. (Julius Caesar)

Don't forget about health

In a healthy body healthy mind! This saying should also not be forgotten if you want to achieve success. It should be the main motto healthy life. Although this does not mean at all that it’s time to give up bad habits (a good idea) and switch to celery. You just need to stop brushing off unpleasant sensations, adjust your sleep schedule and don’t forget about regular visits to the doctor.

Many people may say that they are too busy achieving success and don’t have time for it. This can be explained by the following: a healthy body releases more serotonin, the hormone of joy. It is he who is responsible for positive thinking. Research by Barbara Fredrickson from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has scientifically proven that the perception of reality greatly influences a successful life. Positive thoughts make you take action. A person who is depressed due to an aching tooth will see only bad things around him, his ability to work will decrease, and the path to success will become several years longer. Her words are confirmed by life mottos, quotes and aphorisms of famous people.

Nothing is good or bad - it all depends on how we look at things. (William Shakespeare)
If you can't change the situation, change your attitude towards it.
If you do something beautiful and sublime, and no one notices, don’t be upset: the sunrise is generally the most beautiful sight in the world, but most people are still sleeping at this time. (John Lennon)

Not a place, but an experience

For some reason, many people believe that success is the final destination; in fact, it is the experience that a person gains while pursuing his dream. Everything can start with the smallest thing, but this “small” will be enough to take on a larger task next time.

For example, in modern society it is considered a feat to create own business. Of course, there will be many obstacles on the path to success, but the main problem is the fear of the unknown. There is no need to dive headlong into icy water; you should get used to it gradually. From the first “swim” no one will be able to create a multi-million dollar company with branches in different countries. You need to start with a small store/restaurant/grocery store, etc. This will be your first experience. Then you can expand the business, and then a little more, and so on to the size of a real industrial conglomerate. Experience accumulates gradually, if we speak with humor, the saying in life can be: “He who is in a hurry makes people laugh.”

Although, on the other hand, there is no need to stop either, because life is movement:

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. (Lao Tzu)
A thing is like a car: by itself it will only move downhill. (Commandment of American Managers)
Life is an inclined plane. You either move up or you fall down. (Chinese wisdom)

How does success come?

Each person has his own life priorities and principles. Some choose family, some choose business, and some choose travel. But regardless of goals, a person is faced with the impossibility of realizing them. What should you do at such a moment? Act. Scientific research They have shown more than once that actions are the best means to achieve a goal.

You can’t sit back and have your head in the clouds, thinking about a cloudless future. Dreams are wonderful, but when they become the only outlet in a world where life has long turned into a stagnant swamp, something needs to be changed immediately.

It's terribly hard work to do nothing. (Oscar Wilde)

The writer is completely right, it is really difficult to do nothing. It’s just that over time a person gets used to passive hope and expectations, and he becomes absolutely indifferent to what is happening in reality, he just wants to indulge in dreams of a bright future that will never come.

The slowest person walks faster than the one who wanders aimlessly.

Life is a marathon, and you can always catch up, catch up with those who have taken the lead, and be the first to reach the finish line of this race. The main thing is to see your goal and move closer to it step by step, without stopping. Only comes to such people real success, the rest will see him only in their dreams.

For girls and more

Life mottos for girls and guys if they want to succeed are no different. In business, it makes no difference what gender you are, you must make decisions, lead and move forward with purpose. As for relationships, we can give several practical advice, which sooner or later will be useful to everyone:

To love means to stop comparing. (Grasse)
If you want to be loved, love. (Seneca)
To love means to find your own happiness in the happiness of another. (Leibniz)

How the rich and successful think

Those who have achieved success have thoughts of a completely different kind in their heads than those who are just about to take this path. Speaking on behalf of ordinary people(the so-called gray mass) – successful people strange. Their thoughts can become excellent short mottos for life:

I control my destiny.
I create my own luck.
The economy doesn't affect me at all.
Health helps me earn more money.
Our education system only teaches people how to become good employees.
The government wants employees, not business owners.
Every dollar I don't spend is another dollar I make.
Negativity creates poverty.
Poverty is a temporary condition.
I always knew that one day I would become rich.
Most people don't really want to become rich once they find out how hard it is.
If you want to get rich, you need to change most of your relationships.
Self-education is the key to success in life.
Anyone can become rich.
Being a voracious reader is one of the keys to success in life.
Success is built on a mountain of mistakes. The more mistakes, the higher your mountain.
Everyone has the potential to be a genius.
Happiness and poverty are habits.
The only valuable education in life is the education you use to make money.

As we see, these people are a completely different Universe, a different world and our era. They believe in themselves and never rely on luck. Old Lady Fortune changes her favorites like gloves, and only effort guarantees a person stable support under his feet.

Create something eternal

Seneca said that it is important for a person to create something eternal. His life path limited by time, so he needs to leave something behind. Each of us is the creator of our own destiny, or, as Paulo Coelho said:

Every person on earth, no matter who he is, plays a major role in the history of the world.

Hidden in a person huge potential, which he doesn't even know about. Someone says that they have no talent, abilities, or strength. But if only these “incompetents” knew how much time and effort they spend on their “talents” in order to achieve results. If only they knew what it’s like to say to yourself “It’s not all yet,” when the brain already refuses to work and meaningfully hints that it’s time to sleep.

Pushing forward: nothing in the world can replace persistence. Talent will not replace it - there is nothing more common than talented losers. Genius will not replace it - unrealized genius has already become the talk of the town. A good education will not replace it - the world is full of educated outcasts. Only perseverance and perseverance are all-powerful. (Ray Kroc)

The people who are now at the so-called peak did not fall there from the sky. They climbed up there on their own. And to be honest, most people have the same resources: they have arms, legs, a head on their shoulders and 168 hours a week to achieve success. For some, this is enough; such people have a simple rule: “I’ll die, but I’ll do it.” But for some, this is not enough; it is easier for them to blame everything on the political situation, the economy, other people and aimlessly indulge in dreams of a successful life, by inertia switching TV channels in the long evenings.

dear "Marusya"! I would like to ask you to tell me about your profession
secretary. What are his responsibilities? Thank you in advance!"
Olga, Arkhangelsk region.

Natalya Kozlova, head of the Marusya editorial office:

"It seems to me that the secretary's motto could be
a phrase said by Carlson: “Calm, only calm.”
Without this quality it is difficult to work. It may happen that
a lot of different things will fall on you at the same time - and with all this
need to get it done on time. And if at just such a moment you come across
someone under the hot hand, the main thing is not to yell and
not get angry, but politely say: “I will do everything, but through
just a second." After all, it’s no one’s fault that this is the specificity of your
work, there is no need to spoil the mood of your friends.

Of course, a secretary must be able to do a lot: switch quickly
from one type of activity to another, work on a computer (Word,
Excel, email), conduct office work, communicate with visitors,
take shorthand, compose letters, etc. In addition, it is his responsibility
- receiving, processing incoming and outgoing mail, maintaining telephone
conversations, organization of receptions, meetings and business trips leader...
But in general, job functions and responsibilities may be limited.
or expanded and supplemented by others - depending on the specifics of the enterprise,
institution or company."

Nina Stefanova, Secretary of WWF (World Wildlife Fund)

"I have been working as a secretary for more than a year in a very well-known
and a respected organization and at the same time studying for full-time department MGUPB.
I manage to combine work and study with almost no effort.
and unpleasant consequences, since the schedule is shifting. Here's what's included
my responsibilities: answering phone calls, sending emails
mail and faxes, copying documents, meeting guests. It is also necessary
be aware of where employees are and when they will return. Not prevent
and knowledge foreign language(foreigners very often call us and
come to our office, because our foundation is international).

This profession has its own characteristics: for example, you cannot
show your true mood, even if it is spoiled,
You should always do everything on time - you shouldn’t put anything off until
later", even if there is a lot to do. But my work is interesting, I
I often communicate with famous and respected people - for example, with us
N.N. Drozdov is in the office (he is a member of the board of trustees
WWF). And one day the Prince Consort of Denmark, Henrik, came to us. In a few
days before, it was necessary to send out invitations to a meeting of our
Director and His Royal Highness. It was very stressful
and nervous work, since we had to make sure that the person
received an invitation and find out his opinion about this meeting. task
complicated the May holidays: not everyone was able to be found at work
places. As a result, I had to stay in the office until one in the morning and
take a taxi home...

And now the long-awaited day has come. I remember how it is now: about
There is a lot of security in the office, and all our employees are worried and waiting.
A motorcade of black cars arrives, and in one of them we see our
guest. We had a pre-planned program for the event. When
we all gathered together in our conference room, Prince Henrik said
speech, and then our director picked up the microphone and began to translate it.
And suddenly the words sounded: “....thanks to those people without whom
this meeting would not have taken place..." And, oh my God, I heard
your last name! Everything was like a dream. But the memory of this day remained
photograph of HRH Prince Consort Henrik of Denmark
gives me a thank you note (by the way, it still hangs in my house
on the wall)".

Lilya, assistant manager of a large company:

“It all started when I didn’t go to college.
I grieved for several days. Out of boredom, I decided to get a job and at the same time
prepare for exams in next year. The only question that bothered me was:
where will I be accepted without education? Nobody cares what I have
"A" in Russian and that I studied two languages. Main
- no diploma! In the end, my mother arranged for me to live with some friends in
solid construction company. At first my responsibilities were very
simple: I sat in the waiting room, answered calls with monotonously joyful
voice and connected subscribers to different departments of the company. For this
no special knowledge is needed. Then I was promoted and became an “office manager”:
Now I had to meet and see off visitors, make coffee,
make copies of various pieces of paper, retype something from time to time
on the computer. As I was later told, the former secretary always
forgot and made mistakes in important documents, and with my appearance
our boss could finally breathe freely. Recently I
became hers personal assistant: I carry out all sorts of errands, process
correspondence, I work as a “living organizer” - I remind you
about meetings and planned activities, I organize meetings. For example,
before her trip to Germany, I had to conduct a lively
correspondence by e-mail with our German partners to
clarify the schedule of negotiations and outline a cultural program.
So knowing two languages ​​was very useful to me! I still got in
to the institute - for the correspondence course. I will master the intricacies of construction
business. Best to get higher education in the area where
you are going to work (for example, legal, economic and
etc.) so that there are some prospects for a future career. Eat,
of course, there are also special courses for secretaries (paid), but I, for example,
I learned everything “as I went along” and managed without them.”