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Contents China marketing. Marketing whale

If only because it is a wonderful sales tool that your customers need... But they don’t know anything about him!

But how can this be, you ask?

Do you know about marketing whales?

In fact, sales marketing kits have been talked about on the RuNet since 2011, and some companies use them in their work. As for the rest... Some people don’t have time to study this issue, while others want to save money and therefore do not order kits for their business.

Meanwhile, this is a very necessary thing! Look how many advantages it gives.

Why does a businessman need a marketing kit?

  • It works even when other sales tools are on strike - commercial proposals, brochures and presentations.
  • Marketing kit increases sales by at least 2 (or even 3 or 4!) times.
  • Marketing kit allows you to sell immediately several services for one client
  • And suitable for almost any company. It is used in production and wholesale business, in the service sector and education. And there is absolutely no way to do without it when selling expensive, unique and complex goods.

Marketing kit helps you stay on your feet

For us, as copywriters, this means only one thing.

We have a huge field to work with. You just need to learn how to create marketing kits and start offering this service to clients.

And even more than that. Marketing kits can also be used to develop your own brand. Unless, of course, you are engaged in personal marketing. What it is, how and why - read in the book by Stasya Sher.

But let's return to our main topic and see what kind of beast this marketing kit is. And how you need to create it so that you have a working sales tool.

What is a marketing kit?

This is a SELLING presentation of a product, service or company as a whole.

Any marketing kit is built as alloy commercial offer, brochures and presentations. It combines selling text with the same selling design and thoughtful structure. Resulting in…

The reader looks through the pages of the whale with interest, goes through all the links in the sales chain and places an order.

Selling sites work in much the same way. Only, unlike them, the marketing kit is performed in a different format. Most often it looks like

  • ring binder, brochure or catalog
  • document in PDF format
  • or Powerpoint presentation

In a marketing kit, text and design work together

So how do you create a marketing kit?

Before you start, decide what products or services you will promote. Discuss with the client the main idea and style of presentation of the material.

Besides, you will need a plan, or rather, the structure of the future whale. To do this, make a table and write down what you will talk about on each page of your document.

You can format the table like this:

Click to enlarge

After this, you can move on to working on the text.

3 rules for creating an interesting marketing kit

Rule 1: Avoid templates

What clothes do you think will fit best? The one you buy in the store or have it made to order? It’s the same with marketing kits. A template whale—it works like a template whale.

Therefore, if you want to create a truly high-quality sales tool...

…Consider the specifics of your client’s business. Explore products, services, target audience. And create an INDIVIDUAL structure for each whale.

Certainly, the main blocks will be present in each kit. At a minimum this is:

  • front cover
  • client problem and its solution
  • presentation of a product or service
  • Information about the company
  • work with objections
  • call to action
  • and back cover.

It all depends on which blocks are needed for THIS marketing kit?. And by the way. In what order they will be located in the structure is also up to you.

This puzzle can and SHOULD be assembled according to your own rules

Rule 2: Use covers

In a good marketing kit even the covers “work” to sell. Therefore, do not forget to come up with an interesting title and selling design for the front cover. Indicate the company name and its slogan (if needed). But the back cover should be used for contacts.

Rule 3: Design

No, no, I’m not at all urging you to run out and study Photoshop headlong. I just want to say that marketing kits cannot do without design.

And who do you think should do this? Ideally, a copywriter.

It turns out that for each page of the whale you write a text and format it conditionally it using improvised means. And the designer is guided by your prototype. Based on your ideas, he draws graphics, selects pictures and forms a complete image of the future whale.

What program should I use to make a marketing kit?

Of course, in the one that is comfortable.

If you are used to working in text editors, then use Word or Google Docs. Both programs allow you to quickly create diagrams, tables, and add graphic elements to text. Both there and there you can save the file in PDF format. And this, in principle, is enough.

You can “draw” such a slide in Word

But if you want something more, try Powerpoint. This program has the same simple interface, but more design possibilities.

And, of course, if you wish, you can work in layout or vector graphics programs. But only if you are familiar with them or are ready to study them. I had a friend who wrote and designed texts in Corel Draw. Just because it was convenient for him.

In my opinion, this is a real paradox, but what if you like this method too?

Now you know what should be in a good marketing kit and how to create it correctly.

Do you offer such a service to clients?

And if so, in what programs do you use marketing kits? Tell us in the comments.

Take the first step in your copywriting career

Let's look at the first example of a real estate agency sales presentation.

It begins with the section “How we differ from other agencies.” You can also start your marketing kit from the “Problems - Solutions” section, best examples you will see below.

In the first section, it is very important to show the client that you know his problems and are different from competitors, have concrete solutions or products that satisfy all his needs.

The next section answers the question HOW? Here the agency has posted a description of specific actions for selling an apartment and the results they provide. The client's understanding and trust in this company grows, as he sees a professional approach.

You can collect FAQ clients from your sales managers and answer them in a separate section of the marketing kit. This is very convenient for both you and your client. After all, he can immediately find answers to his objections in your presentation.

If you have a multi-step process of working with a client, then you must make a section “How we work” with a description of the entire cooperation scheme.

The “Our Team” section will raise client trust to a new level. Especially if you add a description with the education, work experience, results and awards of key employees or at least the director.

The “Reviews” section must be included in every marketing kit. It can be replaced with " Thanksgiving letters”, but if you still format it in the form of text, then you can’t do without photos of clients.

Sample marketing kit for a building materials plant

In some cases, you can place more information on the cover than just one offer.

For example, a list of services, see the sample marketing kit below. It is important to make a cool design, because the cover is the face of your company. Our templates will help you with this.

The “Product Advantages” section should be very carefully thought out; you should not write platitudes.

“What do we offer you?” - most importantly, high-quality photos and a clear explanation of the main characteristics of your products/services.

“Why do clients choose us?” - section of company advantages. Immediately following it is the section “Who trusts us” / “Our clients”,which reinforces what you said on the previous pages.

The cases use the format “Client problem” - “Our solution”.

The back cover must have a call to action, as in the example. But you can come up with your own offer. The “Exclusive Price Offer” is not very believable, but it’s better than without it.

Example of a Marketing Kit for a Vending Company

In this presentation, the first spread covers two categories of clients at once: those who want to buy a machine and those for whom they already work. You can make separate marketing kits for each category of clients, if the difference between them is large, but it is also possible to do it as in this example, using one whole page for each group of clients.

“Benefits for you” - reflects the unique trade offer, which distinguishes it from competitors and makes it desirable in the eyes of customers.

“About us in numbers” is a universal section; it is an approach to any marketing kit. The main thing is to put forward numbers that “really speak.”

Product cards must be with high-quality photos and a well-written description.

Marketing kit for a furniture company. Example

Advantages of Marketing Kit Templates

The main purpose of the template is to make it easier for you to create a marketing kit. You may be a business owner, a marketer, a manager, or even a designer, but in any case, our professionals will save you a lot of time. You just need to write the text and paste it into ready-made template. Try this marketing kit builder for free. If development from scratch takes at least a week, then 30-60 minutes will be enough for you to make a cool sales presentation using our templates.

Saving money

You may not be aware, but some agencies make a marketing kit for 100-150 thousand rubles, and the market average is 20-50 thousand rubles. Analysis and comparison.

Process control

If you start making a marketing kit yourself, then you will have complete control over the process. It will take very little time to create a sales presentation using our templates. You will not worry about the quality of the text and the transmission of meaning, because you yourself will describe everything perfectly. And the best examples of marketing kit design will make your text attractive. Therefore, it will be much calmer to get down to business yourself than to lie awake at night wondering if a freelancer will miss the deadline.

Free add-ons

You understand perfectly well that over time you will have to supplement the marketing kit with new products or services, as well as new case studies. You may want to redo some other sections. When working with an agency or designer, you will definitely have to pay extra and wait several days or a week. If you made your presentation using templates, then you can very easily and quickly make the necessary additions and amendments to it without spending a single ruble.