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Theatrical performance based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “The Bag of Apples” for children of the senior and preparatory groups

Theater for children, parents, teachers.

An analysis of the literature shows that the first theatrical productions specifically for children arose in the family. With the development of the public preschool education system, theater has firmly entered the lives of children preschool age.

Theatrical play enters the world of a preschooler from the very first junior group. Kids are attracted to bright toys, new costumes, musical instruments. They meet cheerful bunnies who love to sing, and the frog Kvasya, who recites poetry. In response to the performances of the toy artists, children give them their first dances and songs. As a result of such communication, children develop emotional responsiveness to role behavior.

Children’s figurative representations, emotions and speech are developed by small sketches and dialogues: “Bubenchik the Goat and His Friends”, “Ladder”, “Naughty Ducklings” by T. Karamanenko, shown by adults using tabletop and puppet theater.

Children of the second younger group begin to gradually master role-playing skills. They develop an interest in theatrical and play activities. Children play out the plots of nursery rhymes, jokes, short poems, learn to convey familiar play images through facial expressions, posture, gestures, and movements: kids in the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids,” kittens at the spring festival, animals in the fairy tale “Teremok.”

To accumulate theatrical impressions for children, adult theater plays an important role. With great pleasure, children watch the fairy tales “Under the Fungus” by V. Suteev, “Stubborn Goats” by T. Karamanenko, and puppet shows “Puff”, “Mitten”, “Parsley for the Children” by T. Karamanenko. During the holidays they meet the mischievous Parsley, Snow Maiden, Matryoshka, and forest animals. These roles are played for them by children from senior groups.

In children's dramatization games middle group Each time the creative individuality of each child is revealed more and more fully. The children learn to perform simple performances based on familiar literary plots: “The Fox with a Rolling Pin,” “The Mitten,” “The Bull - a Tar Barrel.” They use expressive means (intonation, facial expressions, gestures) to convey the image, come up with a continuation of the story, and change the plot.

Children of the senior and preparatory groups appear great opportunities to unlock creative potential in theatrical play. They are more independent in choosing roles, the theme of the game, and in dramatizing the plot. Under the guidance of the teacher, children act out literary works in their faces: “Chicken”, “Little Ears”, “Bunny and the Fox”, “Cat and the Goat”, “Spikelet”. They act with puppets from the puppet theater and other types of theaters: plane, tabletop, finger, etc. They show their performances to kids and parents.

Of particular importance for the development of children is performing on stage in some role. “I am an artist! I am an artist! With this awareness, awe and excitement cover a little person when he goes on stage, because the role of an artist is extremely attractive for most children. This is primarily due to the fact that theatrical activities are accompanied by a festive atmosphere. She brings variety to a child’s life and gives him joy.

In order to create this or that image on stage, the child first imagines his hero. The opportunity to imagine is extremely attractive to a child and has great importance to develop his artistic abilities. Scientists believe that, acquiring an active character, the recreating imagination of a preschooler is able to quite fully and accurately reproduce the reality around him. And thanks to the brightness, lightness and speed inherent in children's imagination, they can achieve original solutions in their creativity.

Theatrical activities occupy a special place in the emotional development of a child. Children of senior preschool age can already understand the emotional states of other people by their facial expressions, posture, and gestures. By external signs they can recognize anger, surprise, joy, calmness, and make connections between different emotions and the corresponding events that cause them. In addition, children begin to realize that the same events, actions, actions can be perceived differently by people and cause different moods. This allows, when working with children in theatrical activities, to significantly expand the palette of means of expression for conveying a particular image.

No less important for a child of senior preschool age is the collective nature of theatrical activities. By participating in the performance, the child exchanges information and learns to coordinate functions, which contributes to the creation of a community of children, interaction and cooperation between them.

As children develop self-esteem, it becomes possible to assign them to roles. And although older preschoolers have high self-esteem, the child is now able to be more critical of his actions and draw appropriate conclusions. If it happens that in some children the desire to maintain superiority gives rise to a feeling of irritation, ill will, and envy of their comrades who play the main role, then adults control the situation.

Increased demands are placed on a child with high self-esteem. Shortcomings in the performance of certain actions are tactfully and kindly noted, and new complex tasks are set. This restructuring of the child’s consciousness is painful and is a serious problem for teachers and parents. At the same time, solving it in a timely manner in kindergarten allows you to avoid certain difficulties at school, when a student reacts to any remark from adults or a bad grade with anger, rudeness and nervous breakdowns.

A child with low self-esteem, unsure of himself and his capabilities, on the contrary, is constantly encouraged and helped to work not only on his role, but also on himself. The child is invited to please those around him with his successes at home by playing the role he likes.

In the simple art of children's theater, preschoolers have the opportunity to satisfy the need for creative self-expression, initiative, independence and the embodiment of artistic ideas. All children, regardless of their abilities, are given equal opportunities to participate in performances and conditions are created for the realization of an artistic image.

In family

  • Maintain the child's interest in theatrical activities. Parents should try to constantly attend children's performances and be active participants in the performances.
  • Regularly discuss with the child first the features of the role that he will play in the play, and after the performance - the result obtained. Celebrate achievements and identify ways to further improve the child’s activities.
  • Invite your child at home to please others with his achievements by playing the role he likes.
  • Tell other people (relatives, acquaintances) in the presence of the child about your child’s achievements and how well he coped with his role.
  • Talk about the experience of your own artistic activity, about future and present impressions received as a result of watching a play, film, etc.
  • Gradually develop in the child an understanding of theatrical art, a specific “theatrical perception” based on communication between a “living artist” and a “living spectator”.
  • If the child wishes, create conditions at home for theatrical impromptu performances, help act out the actions of a favorite fairy tale or poem.
  • Whenever possible, organize visits to theaters or watch videos of theatrical performances at home.

In a preschool educational institution

  • Arouse interest in theatrical activities and a desire to perform with a group of peers.
  • Encourage children to improvise using means of expression available to each child (facial expressions, gestures, movements, etc.).
  • While maintaining the spontaneity and vividness of children's perception, delicately and tactfully help children create expressive images.
  • To ensure that the child’s knowledge about life, his desires and interests are naturally woven into the content of theatrical activities.
  • Teach children to coordinate their actions with the actions of their partner (listen without interrupting; speak when addressing a partner), perform
  • Create a desire to perform short monologues and more extensive dialogues. Encourage them to pronounce small sentences and phrases on behalf of some character during the performance.
  • In an accessible form, introduce children to the history of puppet theater and shadow theater.
  • Teach children to control the simplest doll - a marionette using various movements (turning the body, walking), encourage them to coordinate their actions with the actions of their partners during the performance and not overshadow other participants.
  • Maintain the creative nature of theatrical activities, encourage children with the help of gestures and facial expressions. Movements strive to create a holistic artistic image.

Encourage children to act out a theme or plot in the form of motor improvisation. Develop motor imagination



Scenario of the theatrical fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” based on the fairy tale by Charles Perrault

for children 6-7 years old

prepared by teacher: Hovhannisyan E.O.

Target : to introduce children to theatrical art, theatrical activities, to develop children’s speech and communication skills, imagination and fantasy





  1. Cultivate love for theater

Characters: two storytellers, Little Red Riding Hood, her mother, flowers, a wolf, village girls, grandmother, woodcutters.

Decoration of the hall: decorations of grandmother's house, decorations of mother's house and forest.

The course of the tale
Two storytellers run onto the stage.

Storyteller 1: A girl lives in the forest
And he dances and sings.
Everyone loves her and is waiting for her
The name is Little Red Riding Hood

Storyteller 2: She lives here alone with her mother.
She loves her grandmother.
Sit back, viewer.
And look carefully

Together: This is a saying, not a fairy tale
The fairy tale will be ahead.

Music is playing. Mom bakes pies, Little Red Riding Hood tries on her cap and shows off in front of the mirror.

Little Red Riding Hood: Mommy, can you go for a walk?
Should I pick some flowers?

Mom: Well, of course, take a walk,
Make sure you don't get lost.
I need to go see grandma
Treat you to some pies.

Little Red Riding Hood: I won't go far.
You call and I will come.

Mom brings the pies to the oven. Mom's dance. Mom takes the already baked pies from the oven and collects the basket.

Mom: Where do you go, fidget?
Show yourself to me.

Little Red Riding Hood: What, my mummy?
Should I go to grandma's?

Mom: Get ready to hit the road
And take a basket with you.
Pies with cabbage
They turned out delicious.
Greetings to grandma.
Be careful, my light.

Mom and Little Red Riding Hood leave the stage.

Storytellers appear.

Storyteller 1: So she went on her way

Storyteller 2: In a scary forest all alone?

Storyteller 1: And the forest is not at all scary
There are a lot of miracles in it.

Storyteller 2: what are you talking about? Are you kidding?

Storyteller 1: No. Flowers dance in it,
and the moon and the stars.
It's easy and simple.

Dance Kr. Hats and flowers.

Flowers leave the stage, Little Red Riding Hood collects flowers. Suddenly a wolf appears and hides behind a tree. The storytellers peek out from behind the screen.

Storyteller 1: be careful, beware

Storyteller 2: The Wolf is Coming

Storyteller 1: Run, save yourself.

The wolf attacks Little Red Riding Hood. She runs away from him and hides behind a tree.

Wolf: what's your hurry, girl?

Little Red Riding Hood: To Grandma's at the edge of the forest.

Wolf: Where does grandma live?

Little Red Riding Hood: Over there, there are geese walking

Wolf: What's in your basket?

Little Red Riding Hood: There are potato pies.

Wolf: So you're going the wrong way, the road is safer.

Little Red Riding Hood: Thank you, Wolf for your advice.

Wolf: Goodbye, be careful.

Little Red Riding Hood leaves, and the wolf walks along the road and dances. Storytellers appear.

Storyteller 1: Oh, how cunning is the insidious wolf
so deceived the poor thing.

Storyteller 2: But he went the other way
I'm scared for grandma.

The wolf approaches the grandmother's house.

Wolf: Oh, that’s where grandma lives
The village is not bad.
Oh, someone seems to be coming
Now I'll scare them away.

Dance of village girls. The girls run away, the wolf knocks on the house.

Wolf: Well, it's time to eat

Grandmother: Who came there, tell me?

Wolf: Your granddaughter has come to you. Open it quickly.

Grandmother: Pull the rope on the door and open these doors.

The screen slides apart, the wolf attacks the grandmother and eats her. Storytellers appear.

Storyteller 1: Oh, how poor
Caught in the Wolf's mouth

Storyteller 2: And probably Riding Hood
Risks being caught in the mouth.

Together: Oh-oh-oh

Music plays and Little Red Riding Hood appears. He approaches the door and knocks.

Wolf: Who came there?

Little Red Riding Hood: Oh, it's me, grandma. Your granddaughter.

Wolf: Hurry up, pull it, there’s a lace there
And press the handle.

Little Red Riding Hood: Well, hello, my grandmother
I came to visit you.

Wolf: How glad I am to see you
Did you bring me the bones? (Ouch)

Little Red Riding Hood: I brought you pies
Another greeting from mom.

Wolf: Well, I don’t eat pies, after all.
Place them next to the Panama hat.

Little Red Riding Hood: Granny, your eyes are so huge

Wolf: So that I can see you better, that’s why they’re big

Little Red Riding Hood: And the ears, grandma, and the nose
After all, before there were fewer

Wolf: To better hear your question
And remember what was forgotten.

Little Red Riding Hood: And the teeth, my grandmother,
How huge!

Wolf: And this is to eat you

Little Red Riding Hood: oh, mom, help me!

The wolf pounces on the girl and runs behind the screen behind her. He comes out and sits in the house. The screen closes.

Storyteller 1: Poor thing, she was not saved

Storyteller 2: Now grandma is not alone.
Do you hear, somewhere in the forest
They knock and knock to no avail.

1: You need to call them for help
let them teach the wolf a lesson.

Lumberjacks appear.


1: Do you hear screaming in the forest?
2: Maybe we saw a fox.
1: What if someone needs help there?
2: Let's run quickly.
1: I'll take the axe.

They run to grandma's house. The screen opens.

1: Oh, brothers, it’s a wolf!
2: Pot-bellied, ate someone.
1: catch him quickly. Hey wolf! It's time for you to work.

The wolf and the woodcutters run away behind the screen. The storytellers come out.

Storyteller 1: Hurray, grandma is saved!
And our heroine.

Storyteller 2: And the wolf was left without a tail
I even cried out of grief.

Storyteller 1: Good is always stronger than evil
And even fairer.

Storyteller 2: Let every wolf remember
he will be punished for his evil.

The final song is “The Road of Goodness.”


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Slide captions:

CHILDREN'S THEATER Our favorite theater With a little stage, He opens a fairy tale And makes friends with a children's book. Cheerful artists - Not at all great, And the artists are aged - From three to ten. They will reveal their talent to the bottom of their souls - Wonderful artists, Even though they are kids!

Project “Theatrical activities for preschoolers” Preparatory group “Rainbow” MKOU “Vozovskaya secondary school” teacher: Elena Olegovna Ogannisyan 2017

Type of project: literary and creative by number of participants: group by duration: long-term

Relevance of the project: Getting to know various types theater, as well as participating in theatrical activities, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images and sounds. The improvement of speech is also closely related to theatrical activities, since in the process of working on the expressiveness of characters’ remarks and their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonation structure are improved. Theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep experiences of the child, introduces him to spiritual values, makes him sympathize with the characters, empathize with the events being played out. Theatrical activities also allow you to develop the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that every literary work or fairy tale for preschool children always has a moral orientation. Favorite heroes become role models.

The Three Questions Model What do we know? The theater is a house for dolls. (Nastya) The theater is a large, beautiful building with columns. (Alena) In the theater there are large dolls that walk on their own. (Vasilisa) The theater can be shown at home. (Matvey) What do we want to know? What are the dolls made of? (Anya) Can we make a theater ourselves? (Vanya) Do dolls have a birthday? (Danya) How do the dolls walk? (Egor) How do we find out? Go to the theater. (Sasha) Ask adults. (Rita) Try to do it yourself. (Sasha) Ask teachers to tell you. (Christina)

The goal of the project: to introduce children to theatrical art, theatrical activities, to develop children’s speech and communication skills, imagination and fantasy, to involve children in the work of the project, to make the project meaningful for children and parents.

Objectives Educational: -to form a positive attitude of children towards theatrical activities; -introduce children to different types theaters, techniques for driving puppets; -instill primary skills in the field of theatrical performance (facial expressions, gestures). Developmental: - to develop children's interest in theatrical games as a means of self-expression; -develop fantasy and imagination in conveying an image; Educational: -Cultivate a love of theater. -Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and friendly relations through tetra. -To develop aesthetic taste in children

Stages and timing of the project Stage 1: preparatory (November-December); Stage 2: main (January-March); Stage 3: final (April).

Implementation educational project with children 6–7 years of age Stages Educational areas Activities of the teacher Activities of children Work with parents Timing 1. Preparatory stage Social and communicative development. Selection of literature, visual and didactic materials; Diagnostics of children; Compilation long-term plan; Development of questionnaires for parents; Spend with parents " round table"; Start of work on the project “Theatrical activities with preschoolers”; Questioning parents; Desktop selection – didactic games, illustrations, albums, doll collections in national costumes; Presentations and videos - materials on the topic of the project; Preparation of material for organizing creative and educational - research activities; Plot-role-playing game "Theater" "Journey to the Land of Dolls." “Journey to theatres” Questioning of parents; Parent meeting on the topic of the project “Theatrical activities with preschoolers.” November December

2. Main stage Cognitive development Speech development Artistic and aesthetic development Physical development Waste material for execution creative works. Psychological exercises “Writing a letter to your favorite hero.” Introduction to the fairy tales of H.H. Andersen, The Brothers Grimm, Charles Pierrot. Selection of classical music by Soviet and foreign composers. Selection of outdoor games Presentation “Theatres of the World”. Multimedia presentations: Watching videos – films. Game - journey “Finger Theater” Viewing performances of drama clubs; Conversations about the theater and discussion of the performance we watched; Performing various exercises to convey facial expressions; Acting out various fairy tales and skits. Learning the characters' lines. Guessing crosswords and puzzles on the topic of theater. Drawing “My mood” Modeling “My favorite hero from a fairy tale” Selection of material for the presentation of the project. P/I “The third wheel”, development of speed of movements in relay races; P/i “Cat and Mice”, “Bees”, “By the Bear in the Forest” Selection of material for the project. Compilation of stories “My favorite hero”. Compilation of the story “My favorite fairy tale.” Making costumes and scenery January February March

3. Final stage Diagnosis of children after the project. Performance analysis. Theatrical fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” Open event April

Conclusion As a result of the implementation of this project, children became acquainted with different types of theater, learned to act out different skits, performances with other children, learned to listen, and engage in dialogue in a timely manner. During the creation of the project, the creative potential of children and their families was revealed. Children feel a sense of pride in the achievements and results of their activities.

List of used literature: Makhaneva M.D. Classes on theatrical activities in kindergarten. – M.: TC Sfera, 2007; Petrova T.I., Sergeeva E.L., Petrova E.S. Theatrical games in kindergarten: Development of activities for all age groups with methodological recommendations. – M.: School press, 2004; Titova M.G., Yakovleva G.V. Formation of creative abilities of preschool children through games - dramatization and theatrical performances / Toolkit for teachers of preschool educational institutions. – Chelyabinsk: Marina Volkova Publishing House, 2007, Bobryshova E.A. Scripts for theatrical performances “In a wonderful fairy-tale land.”

Viewing performances

Work on gestures (acting out fairy tales and skits).

Role-playing various exercises to convey facial expressions

Exercises "My mood".


“Theatrical activities for preschoolers”


Our favorite theater
With a scene-baby
He opens a fairy tale
And he's friends with a children's book.

Funny artists -
Not big at all
And aged artists -
From three to ten.

They will reveal talent
To the bottom of the soul -
Wonderful artists
Even kids!

2 slide - title page

3 slide - Project type: literary and creative

by number of participants: group (13 children)

by duration: long-term (6 months)

4 slide - project participants: children, parents, teachers

5 slide - Getting acquainted with various types of theater, as well as participating in theatrical activities, children get acquainted with the world around them in all its diversity through images and sounds. The improvement of speech is also closely related to theatrical activities, since in the process of working on the expressiveness of characters’ remarks and their own statements, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonation structure are improved. Theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep experiences of the child, introduces him to spiritual values, makes him sympathize with the characters and empathize with the events being played out. Theatrical activities also allow you to develop the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that every literary work or fairy tale for preschool children always has a moral orientation. Favorite heroes become role models. Theater pleases, entertains, develops the collective nature of theatrical activity in children, and allows children to expand and enrich the experience of cooperation in both real and imaginary situations.

By acting in a role, children gain experience of various kinds of relationships. Children develop self-esteem against the backdrop of positive emotions. The child has the opportunity to control his behavior.

Theatrical activities brings variety to the life of a child in kindergarten, gives him joy and is one of the most effective ways correctional impact on the child, in which the teaching principle is most clearly manifested: learn by playing.

6 slide -the project was developed on the “Three Questions” model

7 slide – Analyzing the children’s answers, the following goal was formulated

involve children to theatrical art, theatrical activities, develop children’s speech and communication skills, imagination and imagination, involve children in the project, make the project meaningful for children and parents

8 slide - To achieve this goal, the project objectives were formulated:


  1. to form a positive attitude of children towards theatrical activities;
  2. introduce children to different types of theaters, techniques for driving puppets;
  3. instill primary skills in the field of theatrical activities (facial expressions, gestures).


  1. develop children's interest in theatrical games as a means of self-expression;
  2. develop fantasy and imagination in conveying an image;


  1. Cultivate love for theater
  2. Cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and friendly relations through tetra.
  3. Cultivate aesthetic taste in children

Slide 9 -The project consists of three stages:

Stage 1: preparatory (November-December);

Stage 2: main (January-March);

Stage 3: final (April).

10 slide -You can see the results of the diagnostic study on the screen

11 slide -The implementation of the project is monitored for 6 months through all educational areas. Stage 1 - preparatory

12 slide - stage 2 - main

Slide 13 -Stage 3 – final. The theatrical fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” is a product of the project

Slide 14 - As a result of the implementation of this project, children became acquainted with different types of theater, learned to act out different skits, performances with other children, learned to listen, and engage in dialogue in a timely manner.

During the creation of the project, the creative potential of children and their families was revealed.

Children feel a sense of pride in the achievements and results of their activities.

Inna Petrinka
Theatrical performance based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “The Bag of Apples” for children of the senior and preparatory groups

Target: Develop artistic abilities children through theatrical activities.

Tasks: promote the development of creative independence, aesthetic taste in conveying an image, consolidate the ability to perform means of expression (postures, gestures, facial expressions, intonations, movements, develop clear pronunciation, consistency of character dialogue, continue to consolidate the ability to move expressively and rhythmically in accordance with the diverse nature of the music, develop the ability to act in theater group



Narrator: We cannot live in the world without miracles,

They meet us everywhere.

Autumn, magical, fairy forest

He invites us to visit him.

The wind spins to the songs of the rain

He will throw leaves at our feet,

This time is so beautiful

Wonderful autumn has come to us again!

Narrator: The forest is full of mushrooms and berries,

And viburnum, and rowan, and butterfly.

Everything on the table will come in handy

You just need to not be lazy.

Here comes our hero - Bunny

I wasn’t lazy, I went into the forest

I was looking for mushrooms, berries and pine cones,

And in the middle of the clearing found an apple tree.

A apples ruddy on it and under it - visible and invisible! Without hesitation, the Hare opened his bag and began to collect apples in it.

Then the Crow flew in, sat on a tree stump and croaked

Crow: Karr! Carr! Ugliness! Everyone will come here, not one there won't be any apples left!

Hare: You're croaking in vain, here there are enough apples for the whole forest. And my bunnies are sitting at home hungry.

Got a whole hare a bag of apples

Hare: Wow, what a bag heavy - cannot be lifted.

It drags with difficulty Hare bag, leaves the stage. Bear comes out

Bear: I'm walking through the forest,

I'm looking for prey

I have to lie down all winter,

Just suck the paw.

I'm telling you all

“Whoever I catch, I’ll eat”

And the animals are gone

There are no foxes or hares.

After the Bear’s words, the Hare comes out and drags bag

Bear: Hello, Hare! What's in your bag?

Hare: Here. Apples. Help yourself, Uncle Misha! Bert the Bear apple

Bear: Nothing apples! Refreshing!

The bear took a handful apples and left, Squirrels run out to meet the Hare

Dance of the Squirrels

Squirrels: From twig to twig

Squirrels are jumping everywhere

We need to collect cones

Collect acorns.

There will be something to welcome the winter with.

We will invite everyone to visit.

Hello, Uncle Hare! What's in your bag?

Hare: I scored a lot apples, help yourself, little squirrels! There's enough for everyone here.

The squirrels took apples, the Hare went further, and a Hedgehog came across him

Hedgehog: A hedgehog walks through the forest

Carrying an empty basket:

“Where can I pick mushrooms?

I really don’t want to go hungry in winter.”

Hare: Where are you going, Prickly Head?

Hedgehog: Well, I went to pick mushrooms, but the mushrooms were nowhere to be seen. I walk around with an empty basket.

Hare: You're better than me take some apples. Take it, don’t be shy, I have a lot of them!

The hedgehog picked up a whole basket apples, and the Hare went home.

The Hare went out into the meadow, and there the Goat was walking with her kids.

Goat dance with kids

Goat: I, Koza-Dereza

Very sharp horns.

I have a vegetable garden

A good harvest grows there.

And over there you can see in the distance

Heads of all sizes

Hare: Hello Aunt Goat,

Here's for your kids

There are a lot of apples

Goat: Um, thanks!

Crow: Karr! Carr! Everyone distributed apples, and at least one of me treated me to an apple!

Hare: Here. The best! Take a peck to your health!

Crow: I really need yours apple, I can't stand them! Carr! Carr! What's being done! Empty for dear hungry children carries a bag.

The Hare looked in bag, and found a hole there

Hare: And I. And now I’ll go back to the forest and again I'll bring the bag full!

Crow: Where are you going, stupid! Look what a cloud is gathering!

Hare: It’s okay, I’ll handle it quickly.

The Hare ran back into the forest. And when he ran to his cherished apple tree, then there. The Wolf saw the Hare

Wolf: I'm a poor, poor Wolf.

Teeth click and click.

I ran through the forest

I was looking for prey.

I walked around the forest

I didn't find anyone.

Neither Little Bunny nor Little Fox

Not a tiny Mouse

And it’s bubbling in my stomach

Come to me quickly.

Hare: I. I wanted to collect apples. Bunnies.

Wolf: So you you love apples?

Hare: Liu. I love.

Wolf: And I love hares very much!

Threw the Hare bag at the Wolf and set off home.

Narrator: And in the hare’s house they have been waiting for Father Hare for a long time. To pass the time, the mother hare and the bunnies merrily sang songs

Song "Brave Hares"

After the song, someone knocked on the door. The door swung open, and baby squirrels appeared on the threshold with a large basket full of nuts.

Squirrels: Here! Mom asked me to tell you this!

hare: Miracles. Come visit.

The Hedgehog came for the baby squirrels

Hedgehog: Home owner?

hare: Not really. I left in the morning and never returned.

Hedgehog: Dear Hare, accept a basket of mushrooms for you and your bunnies.

hare: Thank you very much. Come to our table.

Neighbor Koza brought cabbage and a jug of milk.

Goat: This is for yours children.

hare: Thank you Aunt Goat, come and see us.

When all the animals were sitting at the table, the upset Hare came

Bunnies: Hooray! Dad has come!

Hare: I'm nothing. didn't bring you anything at all

hare: My poor bunny!

And suddenly there was a terrible knock on the door

Hare: It is he! Wolf! Lock the door! Hide, everyone!

All the guests hid, the Bear entered

Bear: Sorry, the Hare family lives here. Here! Keep a gift from me. - The honey is real, fake.

The animals slowly came out of hiding.

Hare: Thank you, Uncle Misha, come to our table, we’ll have fun.

Narrator: All the forest inhabitants gathered at the table. And there’s so much on the table! Mushrooms and nuts, beets and cabbage, honey and turnips, carrots and potatoes.

And Crow is surprised:

Crow: I have no idea I'll attach: How could so much goodness come from an empty bag?

Song "Friendship is strong".

Publications on the topic:

"Kolobok's musical journey." Theatrical performance based on a Russian folk tale“The Musical Journey of the Kolobok” theatrical performance based on the Russian folk tale Kolobok” (for children of the older group.

Integrated speech development lesson “Bag of Apples”“Bag of Apples” Q: Guys, this week we talked a lot about forest animals, looked at what they look like, what they eat, and where they live.

Theatrical performance for senior and preparatory groups with the participation of adult characters “The Adventure of Pinocchio” The script may be useful to someone for knowledge day, I found a theatrical production and changed the plot a little. Maybe “ADVENTURE” will suit someone.

Scenario for autumn entertainment “Bag of Apples” Scenario autumn fun based on the fairy tale “Sack of Apples” by V. Suteev Goal: To introduce children and their parents to theatrical art, to theatrical performances.

Scenario of an evening for parents in the senior group based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev “The Bag of Apples” Goal: to enrich children's gaming experience Objectives: 1. Develop children's oral speech through theatrical activities 2. Develop the ability to build.

Theatrical production based on the fairy tale by V.G. Suteeva

"A bag of apples"

for children of preparatory groups

musical director Strelnikov N.A.


The music “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays


There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them.

In a fairy tale, anything can happen.

What will happen next?

A fairy tale is knocking on our door.

Let's say to the fairy tale: “Come in!”

1 picture.

House of the Hare. It contains a Hare, a Hare and 5 Little Hares. The hare is busy around the house, and the little bunnies are sitting in a circle at the table - “playing”. The stump chairs are already there.

Hare. Good afternoon, my friends!

I am glad to welcome you.

Here in our dense forest

I live with my family.

Mother Hare and the hares -

Very nice guys.

Four sons and a sweet daughter.

In the clearing in the morning

The kids are jumping together.

Bunnies dance (after the dance the chairs are removed)

Bunnies. Dad, dad, I'm hungry!

hare - Our house is completely empty:

No carrots, no cabbage!

What to do? How to be?

What should I feed my bunny?

Hare - Nothing! I'll go now

And I’ll find mushrooms for you!

Bunnies - Dad is going to the forest now

And he will find mushrooms for us!

hare -Where is the basket? I don’t understand!..

Hare - I'll take the bag with me!

hare - Beware of the wolf

Don't get in his way.

Children, see daddy out

Wave your paw at him.

The hare takes the bag, waves to the bunnies, and goes into the forest.

The little bunnies and the hare wave after him.

2 picture.

A hare walks through the forest, looking for mushrooms.

Hare – Some mushrooms are not visible at all...

Suddenly he sees a forest apple tree, there are a lot of apples on it and under it.

Hare - Hooray! Apples!

He collects apples into a bag and performs 1 verse of “The Hare’s Song”, music. M. Ziva.

Hare (sings) - Oh, the gifts are good! The kids will be happy:

Everybody hit the benches!

The Crow is flying.

Crow - Carr! Carr!

Why is this being done?!

Everyone comes here!

Everyone gets their own!

He knows neither shame nor conscience!

Hare - Why are you shouting in vain?

There are enough apples for the whole forest.

And I have bunnies sitting at home hungry,

They're waiting for dad...

Crow - Why are you running around with your bunnies?

Bunnies!.. Waiting for dad!..

The hunter will come: bang-bang... And your bunnies are gone!

Hare - Don't say that, Crow! Do not say!

Crow - Or the wolf will come - ah! That's all!

Hare - Shoo, he said! Leave me alone! (menacing)

The crow flies away. The hare drags the bag backwards.

The Bear is coming. The hare rests against it, gets scared and falls.

Hare - Oh!

Bear - Ha-ha-ha! What are you afraid of, fool? Don't be afraid, I won't touch you!

Well, tell me, what are you talking about? Where are you heading?

The Hare performs verse 2 of “The Hare’s Song”, music. M. Ziva.

Hare (sings) - Until... until... My family is waiting for me at home,

My sons love fruit:

Ushastik, Fluffy, Bell, Jumper –

Everybody hit the benches!

(speaks) - Four sons and a sweet daughter.

The Hare gives an apple to the Bear.

Hare - Help yourself, Uncle Misha!

Bear - Oh, thanks! (try). Nothing apples! Come on, give me more...

Hare - Take as many as you want, Uncle Misha, I have a lot of them!

Bear b - Well, be healthy!

The bear leaves. Squirrels run out to the hare.

Baby squirrels dance

Squirrels (in chorus) Hello, Uncle Hare!

Hare - Hello, hello, little squirrels...

Squirrels - Uncle Hare, Uncle Hare! Give us an apple!

Hare (treats) - Help yourself, little squirrels.

I have a lot of them! Eat for your health!

Squirrels - Thank you, Uncle Hare!

Squirrels run away .

A Hedgehog walks through the forest with a basket, performs “The Hedgehog’s Song,” music. N. Dubova.

Hedgehog (sings) –

1 . Little hedgehog, four legs,

I walk in the forest with a stick and sing a song. Oh!

In the morning I went mushroom hunting

I didn't find anything.

I'm going home now

I have an empty basket. Ugh!

Hare - Hey, why are you puffing, Prickly Head?

Hedgehog - Yes, I wanted to pick mushrooms, but for some reason I couldn’t find them.

Hare - That's bad. Then take some apples. I have a lot of them.

Give me your basket here.

Hedgehog - Thank you, you helped me out, Kosoy.

Hare - Cheers, Prickly Head.

Mole - Who is here?

Hare - It's me, Hare!

Mole - A! Hello, Kosoy! It's been a while since we've seen each other!

What does that smell like?.. Wait, wait! Apples?

Hare - You guessed it, buddy. Here, try it! (treats).

Mole - Thank you friend. See you soon.

The mole leaves.

Baby goats appear on the lawn.

Sing a song:

We are naughty goats

We have a lot of fun.

We are walking - top, top!

We don't miss you - hop-hop!

Our mother is not at home,

Lunch is not ready yet

And we don't miss you

Let's have fun playing!

Goat comes out.

Goat - Little goats, it's time to go home and eat!

Hare - Good afternoon to you, Goat!

Hello, little goats!

Help yourselfapples, dear guys! (treats).

Goats - Thank you, Uncle Hare!

Goat - Thank you, Hare!

Hare - Eat to your health!

Crow - Carr! Carr! That's what it is! He handed out apples to everyone, and at least treated me to one apple!

Hare - Forgive me! I somehow forgot!

The hare looks into the bag - it’s empty.

Crow - Why did you give all the apples to others, but left nothing for the hungry bunnies?!

Hare - Nothing! Now I’ll go into the forest and pick another bag of apples.

Crow - Well, where are you going? It's getting late in the evening and a cloud is approaching.

Just look, it starts to rain!

Hare - I quickly! And I’ll pick some apples for your share.

Crow - I need your apples...

The Hare and Crow scatter in different directions.

The Wolf comes out and walks around looking for something to eat, stroking his stomach.

Forest. Near the apple tree there is a Wolf. He performs "Song of the Wolf", music. N. Lukonina, lyrics. L. Chadova.

Wolf (sings) - Nobody loves me, no one will take a liking to me.

I am an eternally lonely, hungry gray Wolf.

I click with my teeth! I will growl menacingly!

Don't stand in the way - I'll swallow it instantly!

Wolf - Oh, there’s nothing to eat, I’ll have to go to bed hungry.

Lies down under an apple tree. The Hare jumps out with an empty bag, gets scared, and crouches down.

Hare - Oh!

Wolf - What do you want here?

Hare - I... wanted to pick apples...

Wolf - I wanted some apples?

Hare - This is not for me... for the bunnies. I have hungry bunnies at home.

Four sons and a sweet daughter.

Wolf - Interesting. So you bunnies like apples?

Hare - We love...

Wolf - And I love hares!.. Raw ones!.. Ha-ha-ha!

The Wolf wants to grab the Hare, the Hare covers him with an empty sack and runs away.

Wolf - Oh! Oh oh!

The wolf screams, waves his arms and runs away in the other direction.

3 picture.

House of the Hare. The Hare and the Little Bunnies are sitting at an empty table, on benches.

hare – Listen, little bunnies, to a fairy tale:

“There is a tree stump, on the tree stump there is a tower...”

1 little bunny - Will daddy come soon?

hare - Soon, bunny, soon.

2 little bunny - I want to eat!

3 bunny - And I!

4 little bunny - Me too!

hare - Sit still. When father comes, we’ll sit down for dinner.

Baby squirrels run in with a basket of nuts.

Performing “Song of the Squirrels” by Yakushina

They knock on the door.

3 little bunny - Dad, dad has come!

hare - Who's there?

Squirrels - This is us! Mom told me to give you a gift!

hare - What gift?

4 and 5 bunnies - They brought nuts! Hooray!

hare - Thank you, Belchata! Come to visit us.

The baby squirrels run away.

The Hedgehog arrives with a basket of mushrooms.

Sings verse 2 of the song:

2. Small hedgehog, four legs,

I walk with a basket and sing a song. Oh!

While I was walking home,

I found so many mushrooms there.

I’ll bring it as a gift to the bunnies,

They are hungry in the forest!


Hedgehog - Hello, Hare! I met your owner in the forest. He picked up a bag full of apples.

hare - Yes, something is missing...

Hedgehog “The bag is probably heavy, and that’s why it’s late.”

And I gave you mushrooms as a gift.

hare - Thank you, Hedgehog! Come visit us.

The hedgehog leaves.

The kids run out. Then the Goat comes out with a basket containing a head of cabbage.

Dance of the kids

After the dance:

Goat - Me-e-e! Hello, neighbor! The cabbage has grown well these days.

Take the bunnies, don’t disdain them!

hare - Thank you, Goat! Come visit us with your kids.

The goat leaves.

The Mole is walking, carrying vegetables on a plate (carrots, beets, turnips, potatoes...)

Mole - Does the Hare live here?

hare - Here. Only he hasn’t been home since this morning.

Mole “So I found the right way.” Here, help yourself!

Bunnies - Hooray!

hare - Well, miracles! But where is my Hare?

The mole leaves.

The hare and the bunnies are sitting at a set table.

The Hare runs into the house, screams, waves his arms and runs away in the other direction.

Hare - Quickly lock the door!

hare (throws up his hands) - My poor bunny!

Bunnies - Folder! The folder has arrived!

Hare “I... I didn’t bring you anything... anything at all...”

hare - Yes, we have a lot of everything!

There is a knock on the door, there is a Bear with a barrel of honey.

Hare - It is he! Wolf! Hide, everyone!

Bear - Hey, Kosoy, where are you? Don't be afraid, it was me who knocked.

Hare - I'm here, Uncle Misha!

Bear - Here, get a gift from me. Real honey, fake honey, helps your health.

Hare and Hare – Thank you, Mikhailo Potapych!

Hare - Come to us, you will be a guest!

Hare and Hare perform 3 verse "Songs of the Hare" , music M. Ziva.

Hare and Hare (singing) - Oh, the gifts are good!

Eat, eat, kids:

Ushastik, Fluffy, Bell, Jumper –

Everybody hit the benches!

The Crow is flying.

Crow - Carr! Carr! That's right... But no one will ever sing a song to me...

Hare – Don’t be upset, Vorona, stay with us! You will be a guest.

Crow looks at the table and spreads his hands.

Crow - Well, miracles! How could so much goodness come from an empty bag?

The Wolf appears.

hare (hiding behind the Hare, scared) - Zainka, I see a Wolf!

Wolf - Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you!

I wander alone in the forest and find no friends.

You, friends, forgive me, invite me to visit you.

And accept apples as a gift for the kids! (gives a basket of apples).

hare - So the morning has come.

I invited my friends to visit.

Come all quickly!

It will be more fun together.

All the little animals come out and stand in a semicircle

All - That’s how nice! So be it

Let's all be friends together!


Storyteller – Fairy tales teach us to be kind,

Be strong friends, value friendship,

Always help the weak in everything

And don't hurt kids.

The song “Wonder Tales” is performed music E. Filippova, words by Yu. Polukhin

1. To usfairy tales give miracles ,

And without miracles it is impossible.

They live everywhere

And they are our friends.


Miracle -fairy tales , miracle -fairy tales ,

We cannot live without them.

Miracle -fairy tales , miracle -fairy tales ,

Our faithful friends.

2. A ineverything happens in fairy tales ,

Which can't happen.

The elephant plays chess

The cat can talk.


Miracle -fairy tales , miracle -fairy tales ,

We cannot live without them.

Miracle -fairy tales , miracle -fairy tales ,

Our faithful friends.

3. There are sunny colors

And the terrible Karabas.

We can't live withoutfairy tales ,

She can't live without us.


Bow. The children wave and leave the hall.

Under r.n.m. “Oh, you canopy,” the kids run out of the house, stand scattered in front of the audience, and sing to the tune:

Kids: We are in a hurry, we are in a hurry

And we knock our hooves,

We stomp our feet

And we butt heads.

Don't stand in the way

Let us pass.

We stomp our feet

And we butt heads.

Seven noses, seven tails,

Gray fur coat.

The door was bolted

Friendly family.

We are funny little goats

And we don’t like to be discouraged

We'll stand in a circle now,

Let's dance together! (Let's dance merrily)

Musical fairy tale “Geese and Swans” in kindergarten. Scenario

To stage a musical fairy tale, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work: introduce children to the fairy tale, discuss all the images, their musical characteristics; introduce children to the musical works of E. Grieg, M. Mussorgsky.



Presenter-storyteller in Russian national costume.

A hut on chicken legs



Girlfriends (4-5)

Cat Vasily

Geese-swans (4)


Hall decoration

The most convenient location of the props for a fairy tale: in front of the right wing is a three-leaf house, in front of it is a bench for Vanyusha and toys. Next to the house there is an apple tree hung with apples, on the left there is a voluminous stove, near it there is firewood stacked in a woodpile, a broom, and on the stove there are kitchen utensils. The passage between the scenes in the center must be free for the movement of swan geese.

As the tale progresses, the characters Yablonka and Pechka go to their props. The river is located in the center, assisted by two girls holding a blue scarf in front of it, depicting waves.

Progress of the performance

To the Russian folk melody “Vologda Lace,” children enter the hall in a “chain” in a round dance.

Presenter(in the Russian folk costume of a storyteller).

In some kingdom

In some state

Once upon a time there lived a mother and father.

And they had two children:

Ulyanushka and Ivanushka.

Ulyanushka was a carer -

A good housekeeper,

Support for mother, father,

She worked quickly and efficiently.

Everything happened in time:

He will tidy up the hut,

The cat will splash milk,

Feed the pestles

He will break off the dog's bread -

He won't forget anyone.

Ulyana sings the song “Oh, I got up early.”


But most of all she loved brother Ivanushka.

In the morning he will wash him, comb him,

He will put on a clean shirt and belt it,

He will seat you at the table, feed you porridge,

Then he will take you out into the sun,

Leads under the birch tree

Yes, he gives us different toys.

Father and Mother come out.

Presenter. One day, father and mother gathered at the market and gave their daughter instructions.

Mother. Our dear daughter, listen, wise girl, your father and I are going to the market.

Father. You are alone, dear daughter, you will remain the mistress of the house. Mother. Look after brother Vanyusha, feed him, give him something to drink - he is still a small, unreasonable child.

Father. Yes, be careful that the geese-swans do not offend Vanyusha, there is a bad reputation about them that they play pranks.

Mother. Little children are taken into the forest!

They get into a cart drawn by three “horses” and leave.

Presenter. And they left. Ulyana, as always, first got everything done, then left Ivanushka under the birch tree.


Play, Vanyusha, don’t run anywhere,

Take care of the birch tree.

She sat at the window herself

I wanted to sew a sundress for a doll,

Out of nowhere - girlfriends -

Laughing pinwheels.

Girlfriends. In a nearby forest, in a clearing, there are countless boletus mushrooms, they say, stop working, let’s run into the woods for an hour.

Ulyana. What about Ivanushka?


Run, Ulyanushka, and I’ll sit here,

and I’ll take care of the birch tree.


Girlfriends are running along the edge of the forest,

Mushrooms and berries are collected

They sing songs loudly.

(Russian folk song-round dance of girlfriends “How our girlfriends went.”)

Presenter. At that time, in the forest... in an impassable thicket, our acquaintance Baba Yaga sat bored, bored and sad.

The musical work of M. Mussorgsky “Baba Yaga” is played.

Baba Yaga.

The path is overgrown with weeds,

Quinoa in the garden.

There is no way for uninvited guests

Neither here nor there.

There are thistles in the yard,

In the underground there are boogers.

The cat Vasily catches fleas

All day on the bench.

It's bad to live alone in the wilderness.

Sing, Vasily, for the soul.

Vasily’s song “Meow, meow” is an improvisation.

Baba Yaga.

Ugh, go away, your wheezing for singing

Not at all similar.

You sing the notes in the song out of tune.

Hut, hut, where are you?

The Hut on Chicken Legs comes out with a creak - a teacher located inside the fake hut.

Hut. Well, here I am!

Baba Yaga.

Turn your back to the forest

No, in front of me

No, towards the forest in front.

Hut. Began! She is in a bad mood, and you are spinning in different directions.

Baba Yaga. You should dance, or something!

Hut. Here's another!

Baba Yaga.

It's sickening for an old woman to live in the wilderness,

No girlfriend, no movie.

Chicken legs of my hut,

And they haven’t listened to grandma for a long time.

It hurts here and it hurts there,

It seems he has sciatica.

Cat Vasily. Yaga, look, the swan geese are flying, so dance with them.

Geese-swans arrive and dance around Baba Yaga to the music of E. Grieg “Procession of the Dwarves”.

Baba Yaga. No, I'm tired of everything. I want something fresh, something new. I came up with an idea! Geese-swans, my faithful servants. Fly to the village and bring me the baby.

Baba Yaga, rubbing her hands, goes in one direction, the offended cat goes in the other. Geese-swans remain in the center.

The gander is the leader. May the road be long...

Geese. Ga-ga-ga.

The gander is the leader. And below us are forests and meadows...

Geese. Ga-ga-ga.

Leader gander. And the road is long...

Geese. Ga-ga-ga.

Geese-swans perform a dance to the music of E. Grieg “Procession of the Dwarves”. In the middle of the dance, Vanyusha comes to the center, the geese-swans surround him, flap their wings over him, take him by the hands and take him backstage.

Presenters. The geese-swans flew away, carried Ivanushka away on their wings, and meanwhile Ulyanushka and her friends returned from the forest.

They're running along the path

They carry baskets

They run, sing, chant,

Yes, they don’t know grief.

Girlfriends and Ulyana come out, bringing with them a boy in a Russian costume, who will perform a solo in the Russian folk song “Like Ours at the Gate.” At the end of the song, the girls and boys leave, Ulyana waves after them.

Presenters. Ulyana ran up to her hut. I left the body on the porch, and rather towards the birch tree, and there was no one there.

She's in the hut - it's empty,

She's in the garden - and it's not crowded there.

She's in the barn, the closet - no Vanyusha.

Ulyana performs the lament song “Oh, you, mother,” music by T. Luneva. The dog Bug runs out.


Woof, woof, brother was stolen, stolen.

I saw how over a birch tree

The swan geese were flying

They caught Vanyusha on their wings

And they carried him away beyond the forests and beyond the swamps.


I’ll quickly chase after them

And I will return home without my brother.

Presenter. Ulyana ran out of the outskirts, ran through the meadow, ran through the field. He looks at the stove on the road - a large, important one standing there, quietly humming.

A girl comes out - Pechka. Performs Pechka's song.

Ulyana. Hello, Pechka!

Stove. Hello, granddaughter!

Ulyana. Have any swan geese flown over you?

Stove. Eat my rye pie, I say.

Ulyana. I have no time, I'm in a hurry.

A girl, Yablonka, comes out and sings the Russian folk song “Chernozem Earthling.”

Ulyana. Hello, Yablonka.

Apple tree. Hello, girl, where are you running and keeping up? Ulyana. I’m catching up with the swans, have you seen them? Apple tree. Eat my sour apple, I’ll tell you.

Ulyana. I don’t have time, some other time.

The river sings to the tune of the Russian folk song “How will I go to the fast river.”

Ulyana. Milk river, jelly banks, tell me where to ford you, cross, to get to Vanyusha.

River. Eat my jelly and wash it down with milk, I’ll tell you.

Ulyana. I have no time.

River. You'll drown.

Presenter. There was nothing to do - I drank the milk, but didn’t touch the jelly - I was in a hurry.

River. There is a willow tree ahead, and behind it there is a stone, there you will find a ford. You'll cross the river and you won't get your feet wet.

Ulyana. I will not forget the age of your kindness. Goodbye.


There's nothing to say goodbye

Come and treat yourself to some jelly.


Ulyana is running and in a hurry.

I'm tired, my heart is pounding.

Suddenly the thicket parted before her,

Yaga's hut appeared in the clearing.

The girl hid behind the bushes and watched what would happen.

Ivanushka runs out, followed by Baba Yaga. They are playing catch-up. Baba Yaga. He killed a completely old lady. Come on, sing me something.

Ivanushka sings the Russian folk song “There was a birch tree in the field.” Baba Yaga falls asleep, Ulyana grabs her brother and runs away. Baba Yaga wakes up.

Baba Yaga. Why are you silent, killer whale! Where are you, where are you hiding? Have you decided to play hide and seek?

Your beloved Vanyusha is far away.

He ran away with his sister and left you, Yaga.

Serves you right, infidel!

One cat, Vasily, is immensely devoted to you.

Baba Yaga.

My servants, geese-swans!

Catch up, take away, return!

Act - act evil

The pantomime “The Pursuit” is performed to the music of E. Grieg “In the Cave of the Mountain King”. Ulyana and Ivanushka run from Yablonka to Pechka, from Pechka to Rechka - they hide. Geese-swans are catching up.


Ulyana and Vanyusha are running along the road - barely breathing,

And they no longer hear the chase.

We ran to our home at sunset,

The parents are about to return.

And the dog bursts into tears and greets its owners,

In which the soul does not like.

Ulyana poured some stew for the dog,

She gave me a bone, washed my brother, changed his clothes,

Yes, I just sat down on the bench,

How mother and father returned.

Father and mother arrive and hug the children.

Ulyana. Father...

Ivanushka. Mother...

Mother. Here we are.


Is everything alright?

Weren't you kids bored?

Ulyana. No, we weren't bored.

Ivanushka. And they weren’t being naughty.

Mother. Well done, here's some lollipops for you


And here are gingerbread cookies.

Books with pictures.

Read, watch,

Just don't tear it up.

Ulyana. Mother, father! It's so good that you came back.

Ivanushka. And they didn’t scold us at all.

Ulyana. The house is empty without you.

Ivanushka. The bread is dry.

Ulyana. Water is not water.

Ivanushka. Without you there is trouble.

Mother, Father, Ulyana, Ivan perform the final dance “Together again, back in the house”, music by T. Luneva.