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All services in one place franchise. Franchise in the field of public services: pros and cons, best offers

You have opened a franchise section in the field of providing services to the public and B2B. In the project descriptions there are franchising conditions, financial indicators business, payback calculation and partner reviews.

Here you can find franchise offers from companies providing various services: household, entertainment, accounting, legal, children's, educational, transport, construction, marketing. You will also find franchises of staffing, real estate agencies, photography studios and business services companies.

Use the Altera Invest catalog to select and buy a suitable franchise. In the section you will find offers in a wide price range: from 104’900 to 1’140’000 ₽. Depending on the investment, the business will pay for itself in 2 - 24 months.

What are the benefits of buying a franchise in the service sector?

Franchising allows you to start a business based on experience successful company. Use sales methods that work and are profitable.

Benefits of franchising:

  • You are getting franchisee book - a ready-made guide to opening and running a business. It describes in detail all the actions that will help you avoid mistakes and build effective business processes.
  • The franchisor always supports the franchisee. Consults on emerging issues.
  • He helps with starting a business, paperwork and training.

Franchising services: how to choose an offer and not make a mistake

To buy a suitable franchise in the service sector, contact Altera Invest. Franchise curators will select an offer that is suitable in terms of price and management experience. We will organize negotiations with the franchisor and provide legal support when drawing up a commercial concession agreement.

Building a business is difficult. Growing a brand while managing day-to-day operations, keeping it profitable, and getting some sleep at the same time? This is almost impossible for most new and even experienced entrepreneurs. That is why franchising has become so popular and in demand. Every year, ratings of the most profitable franchises, new profitable franchises are opening, brand networks are expanding, and small business opportunities are growing exponentially.

Agree, it is much easier to buy a profitable franchise than to engage in development own business, risking everything every day. With plug and play benefits, franchising can offer other benefits:

  • presence of a recognizable brand;
  • ready business plan;
  • professional education;
  • saving time and money;
  • investment security;
  • quick payback.

On the other hand, if you want to make all the decisions yourself, stand in huge queues at government institutions, spend years building a recognizable brand, or you have a few hundred thousand dollars to spare, then perhaps the decision to buy a profitable franchise will not be relevant for you. But if you are a beginner entrepreneur with no experience or already have general ideas about the structure of a business, it is better to consider the TOP most profitable franchises with minimal investment. It is better to protect yourself than to take risks without certainty of the result.

How much money will I earn?

The question above is perhaps the most frequently asked when potential franchisees are considering purchasing a franchise. Choosing profitable franchises for small town, you are guaranteed to receive quick payback investments, but their specific amount will be individual for each case.

There is no “one size fits all” approach to searching profitable franchise. The success of each direction is independent and includes several factors:

  • location;
  • market dynamics;
  • franchisee work ethic.

It is extremely important for prospective franchisees to thoroughly research specific TOP profitable franchise systems and decide which ones offer the financial return they are looking for.

The ranking of profitable franchises 2019 suggests that current trends Next year there will be franchises related to food delivery and the opening of coffee to-go outlets, construction, the child care sector, as well as the cleaning industry.

“City Services” is a partner network of specialized Internet portals for paid advertisements, with representatives in each city and a common federal advertising fund.

Franchising offer from the City Services partner network

Services are among the most sought-after and stable businesses in the world. This is what every person uses without exception. There are many of them, but most importantly, they are not afraid of any crisis. At any time of the year, at any time, people always need services.

On this moment The service market is overflowing with offers and there is a lot of competition among performers. In this regard, those who are visible and do not regret investing in advertising survive.

Understanding this, we decided to create a high-quality specialized advertising platform, in which people can conveniently and quickly offer and select the services they need.

We invite you to become part of the City Services company by opening a specialized Internet portal in your city.

Your portal will be connected to your personal account or an organization’s account and you can easily withdraw funds from it at any time.

To start a branch in your city, you only need the desire to work and study.

We will provide you with everything you need for a full start and successful business management.

Business model of a franchise representative office of the partner network “City Services”

The cost of placing paid and VIP advertisements on your portal you have the right to set any. Price advertising banners(there are only 13 of them) you will also determine yourself based on the popularity of the Internet portal in your city.

At the start of the project, posting advertisements is free.

Income at first will be generated from the placement of VIP advertisements. We recommend setting the price at 100 rubles per week with subsequent increases.


  • The Internet portal has 89 service sections.
  • On average, VIP ads in each section will be added 5 per week, total: 89*5=445 ads.
  • Each VIP ad has a minimum cost of 100 rubles, total: 445*100=44,500 rubles/week. Multiply by 4 weeks in a month: 4*44,500=178,000 rubles/month.
  • Over time, the cost of the ad will increase 2-4 times, so the profit is not difficult to calculate.
  • Income from advertising banners will be from 1,000 to 15,000 rubles/month, depending on the popularity of the Internet portal and the general prices for advertising in your city.
  • On average, the cost of one banner will be 5,000 rubles/month, multiply 13 banners by the amount: 13*5,000=65,000 rubles/month.
  • In future free advertisements you have the right to make it paid and receive additional income.

Investments required to open a City Services franchise business

Starting investments: from 55,000 rubles (purchase of a franchise)

Payback period: 3 months
Turnover per month: from 100,000 rubles
Royalty: 15% of profits
Lump sum fee: 55,000 rubles

The lump sum fee includes:

  1. Status of the official and only representative of the “City Services” partner network in your city.
  2. Creation of your Internet portal under the “City Services” brand on the subdomain city services.rf.
  3. Location of the name of your city and a direct link to your Internet portal from the main portal cityservices.rf.
  4. Permanent free hosting of your Internet portal on our server
  5. Basic promotion, maintenance and updates of your Internet portal.
  6. All necessary layouts and documentation, commercial offers, remote assistance in starting a company, as well as support at the entire stage of cooperation.

Other current payments: No

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Franchises in the service sector today

Today you will not find many franchises in the service sector. The great thing about service franchises is that they typically have lower down payments than other franchises. The conditions for franchises in the service sector are minimal, so starting to work under such a franchise is easy.

The most popular among franchises in the service sector are franchises for organizing children's parties and events. The franchisor provides everything necessary equipment and a well-developed program. All that remains for you is to find a client and run a good show. These kinds of shows are in great demand because it is often easier for parents to pay than to try to organize a children's party themselves.

Please watch video reviews of service franchises: