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eBay auction. Review of eBay - online auction I was left with negative feedback - what to do

Today, eBay is the largest virtual auction. It attracts people with the opportunity to purchase goods at low prices and participate in an exciting bidding process. But at the same time, winning an item on eBay is not easy.

To successfully play at an auction, you need a developed strategy and knowledge of some nuances, otherwise you simply will not keep up with more experienced users.

Conditions for success on eBay

Luck at an auction is a fickle thing. Not everyone is able to win the lot they like. It often happens that the product you were hunting for and leading last moment disappears from under your nose or its price increases several times. You shouldn’t just wait and hope that your bet will win – you need to carefully analyze and think through every step.

How to win on eBay:

  1. Do not enter into bidding at the initial stage. Wait until there are a couple of minutes left until the end of the auction. Perfect timing The last 10 seconds are considered. If you manage to make a decisive bet at this moment, you will most likely win.
  2. Don't bet a round amount. Simply because that's what the majority does. And to win, you need your bet to be one step higher than your opponents. That is, the $41.05 option has a better chance of success than exactly $40.05. Even a cent can make a difference in the last seconds.
  3. In order not to get too carried away, determine for yourself the maximum price that you are willing to pay for the item. Don't exceed it.
  4. Don't raise your price sharply. The cost of the goods will continue to rise as it approaches the end of the auction.

The point of an eBay auction - to get an item cheaper - is often lost in the excitement of bidding. Buyers, without noticing it themselves, increase the price several times. Therefore, it is important to control not only the rates, but also pay attention to the benefits of the transaction.

Last Second Rule

The method of raising bids in the last 10-15 seconds of auction time remains one of the most popular among eBay old-timers. But there are some nuances here too.

It makes sense to bet in the last seconds if:

  1. You have the opportunity to be present at the end of the auction. eBay is a worldwide auction site. Therefore, there is such a factor as time difference. Trading may end late at night.
  2. You are confident in the quality and speed of your Internet.
  3. Your account is linked to PayPal. This increases the chances of success. The bid may not go through if the seller only accepts payment through this system and you use another service.

There are always many other “snipers” at the auction who also know about the 10 second rule. Therefore, be especially careful if the rate you propose is not “outbid” by anyone for a long time.

It is likely that at the last moment one of the competitors will “shoot from cover” and win, only slightly raising the price of the lot. Moreover, such actions at an auction are completely legal.

Proxy Bidding - buyer's personal assistant

Not everyone is able to constantly monitor all transactions at an auction. Moreover, this is impossible if you manage several lots at once. You don't have to be completely involved in the process. eBay has a special option Proxy Bidding.

Here you indicate the lot and the maximum amount you are willing to pay for it. The system itself starts trading.

When your competitor raises their price, the program automatically raises your bid. This happens either until the bitter end, or until your financial ceiling. However, users do not see your maximum bid.

There are also disadvantages. The program checks trades only once every five minutes. The decisive time often comes during this pause. Apart from this, you cannot reverse your decision. If the bid wins, you will have to buy the lot.

Beware snipers

sniping- not only a strategy for winning bids, but also a general name for a number of programs. Some of them are launched from third-party sites, others – directly from the user’s PC.

The fact that such services are present at auctions is widely known. Despite the fact that many express dissatisfaction with this method of playing the game, the auction administration is neutral towards this kind of program. Moreover, sniper programs are legal.

What is the point of snipers? The principle of their operation is the hunt for the final bet.

After connecting the program, it acts for the buyer. But it is included in the auction at the very last winning seconds. The user is only required to specify the lot and the maximum bid. The sniper does not exceed the given price. Moreover, it allows you to make the most economical winning bets.

The advantages of such programs:

  • independently control trading;
  • save money;
  • can work with several lots simultaneously.

As a rule, such services are paid. In this case, the price determines the reliability of the resource. Because, when using the program’s services, you need to indicate your login and password for your account. When using free snipers, you have no guarantee that your data will not fall into the hands of scammers.

And finally:

To be successful on eBay, it is not enough to simply systematically raise your bids. You need to develop your own winning strategy.

Carefully monitor the progress of the auction, bargain wisely - and you will be able to overtake your rivals. Some people prefer to use special programs and services to hunt for lots. But you should be careful - not all applications are reliable.

If the search results include lots put up for auction. This is even more striking if the lots are sorted by the minimum price or by the minimum time that has passed since the start of trading. It is thanks to auction prices that the auction eBay famous for its unprecedentedly low prices.

As a result of trading, the price of a product may increase many times, or it may increase, but not by much. This is exactly where sellers are trying to make money and buyers are trying to save money. After all, if the seller puts up for sale a product that is not in great demand, then there will be few bids on the product and the final price will be determined not by the demand for the product, but by the value of the initial price. And vice versa, if the product put up for sale is very popular high demand, then gambling buyers can inflate the price many times over. Although any product has eBay there is a price, a certain reasonable limit on cost. Rarely will an auction buyer raise the price above this limit. Also, the price at auction cannot be higher than the price Buy it now, if such a price is set by the seller for the same lot. Win an auction for eBay, and to ensure that the final price is not too high is not as easy as it seems. Therefore, first, let's start with how to place a bid at an auction. eBay.

How to bid on eBay

Before you start bargaining, you need to understand your internal contradictions and understand for what maximum amount you would like to purchase this product. Now subtract the shipping cost from this amount. You must keep the resulting difference - the maximum price - in mind while “playing” at the auction eBay. On eBay The principle of a second price auction works. At the end of the auction for a product, it is not the maximum price offered by the winner that is set, but the second highest bid, but increased by a bid increment for a given price range. This is discussed in more detail in the article ““. The situation is complicated by the betting system Proxy Bid, which itself bargains for the buyer who offered the maximum price, “saving” his time and money.

Let's assume that you have chosen the product you like, you are satisfied with the current price and there is some reserve to increase it, you are satisfied with the one offered by the seller, or you are already talking about other delivery conditions. To begin your participation in the auction eBay open the description of the selected lot.

Next to the Place bid button there is brief information about the bidding process: the current price and the number of bids made. In order to more accurately evaluate the bidding process and make the right decision on the size of the bid, it is advisable to look at all bids made, click on the inscription indicating the number of bids received, in our case it is 6 bids.

You will see a list of bids, the number of bidders, although the names of the participants are hidden from prying eyes; you can track the leader of the bids, and you can also find out how long this participant auction is the leader, and whether there were breaks in his leadership. The best way to do this is to view all bets, including those automatically placed by the betting system Proxy Bid, use the Show automatic bids link.

In order to place a bid, you can return to the previous page to the description of the lot or add your maximum bid from this page, on the right side, in the field next to the Place bid button and click this button. Betting system Proxy Bid, tells you the minimum size of the next bid, which is acceptable for the current price of the product (inscription Enter US $3.50 or more). Since we do not want to once again increase the price of the product, we will offer this exact rate to the system. After clicking the Place bid button, you need to confirm your bid in the pop-up window by clicking the Confirm bid button or change it using the Change bid link.

Don’t be surprised if, after confirming your bet, a new window appears notifying you that your bet has been exceeded Out bid and a proposal to introduce a new rate.

If you want to continue competing for the lot, you must enter a bid value close to or equal to your maximum price (depending on the amount of time remaining until the end of the auction) and confirm the change in your maximum bid Increase max bid. In most cases, your bid will beat the previous maximum bid, unless of course another bidder has set a lower maximum bid. Now you just have to wait for the end of the auction and your victory at the auction. You will probably have to increase your price and offer it again to the bidding system Proxy Bid, if the previous one is interrupted by other participants.

How to win bids and save on eBay

You can sit and wait until the end of the auction of the selected lot approaches, at this time the auction will be done for you, and the price of the product will rise more and more. Or you can try to seriously save money: do not participate in trading at the initial stage, but start trading 2-3 minutes before the end of the auction, and the shorter this time, the better. The ideal time interval is 10 seconds before the end of trading. It is in these last moments that the decisive bet is worth making.

The value of the decisive bet should be chosen with special consideration. Let's assume that your maximum price that you are willing to pay for the product is $50. Moreover, this number is even and simple for counting and converting currencies. These bet values ​​should be avoided! Since you are placing a bet at the last moment, and to win you need your bet to be one step greater than the previous maximum bet, it is desirable if this difference is one step and a few cents larger than this amount. In this case, the optimal bet would be $51.05. I don't think there's a difference of one dollar. of great importance with a bet of fifty. By placing such a bet you win if:

  • if the previous maximum bid is less than or equal to $50.05;
  • The next bidder's bid will not be accepted if it is less than $52.05.

Accordingly, your bet will not be accepted if the maximum bid of the previous participant is greater than or equal to $50.06. Thus, just one cent can play in favor of one or another participant.

By placing a bid on an item in the last seconds, you can save a lot. But this method of “playing” at an auction has its drawbacks:

  1. Are you ready to shop around the world on eBay?

We are sure that when you start reading this article, you already have some idea of ​​how the eBay auction works. Therefore, without further introductory words, we will look in detail at how to participate in an auction on eBay.

So if you found required item and are willing to pay the current price for it - you can place a bid. To do this, of course, you need to be registered on eBay auction and log in by entering your username and password. Information about current value of the product you have chosen is located at the top of the page with a description of the lot.

When trying to place bids on eBay, the system may require any user to enter plastic card details (especially if you have not done this before). You can read more about this point on the page describing the registration process (step No. 5).

You can place bids on eBay by clicking the " Place Bid" The minimum bid increment, set by the Seller, is the minimum amount by which you must raise the price in order to beat the current bid. For example, if the current price is $320, and the minimum possible subsequent price is $325, then at this auction minimum step auction $5. This algorithm is discussed below using a graphic example.

On eBay bidding goes a little differently than at a regular auction, where, having named his price, the bidder is obliged to pay it. eBay saves you money and time by offering automated eBay bids. They work as follows. As you can see, the bet placement column is called “ Your maximum bid" - your maximum bet, i.e. in bidding for eBay you simply indicate the maximum price you are willing to pay for the product, and the system itself will begin to bargain for you: every time your bid is outbid, it will raise the price by the minimum bid increment until it reaches the threshold level you specified. If the price exceeds the maximum amount you are willing to pay, your participation in the auction is terminated. In this case, you receive a notification by mail that the bid has been outbid, and if you wish, you can go to eBay to specify a new maximum price. Those. no matter what bid you specify, the price will rise only by a minimal step, and if there are no bids from other users, it will remain that way. The maximum bet size you specify is not visible to other users.

Let's give an example: one Buyer placed a bid on the lot - $320, and another Buyer - $400, bid increment $5. Robot eBay he himself automatically conducts the auction and the lot will be won by the Buyer who bid $400 for a price of $325. That is, he will be able to purchase the product at a price of $325.

The process continues until the end of the auction, which is limited by time - in the description of each lot there is a column End Time- time remaining until the end of the auction.

If, when placing a lot, the Seller used the option “ Buy it Now» (“Buy it now”), as indicated by the icon, and you are happy with the price he is asking for, then you simply click the appropriate button on the bidding page and buy the item immediately. In this case, trading will be terminated and all bets made will be cancelled.

In this case, you will immediately receive an email notification that you have won the lot - “Congratulations, you have won the item! Then usually an invoice (bill) comes from the seller, where he indicates the cost of the lot, delivery and payment details.

Another term that you need to know to fully participate in the auction is Reserve Price. This is the one minimum price, below which the Seller does not agree to sell his goods. It is not visible to other trading participants: they only see whether it has been achieved or not - “Reserve price not meet yet”. This option is described in more detail.

How to control your bets

You can easily control in two ways: either through your personal interface at the auction " My eBay", or through your e-mail, which will regularly receive notifications about the current state of the auction ("your bid has been outbid", "you have won the auction", etc.).

How to withdraw a bet?

Any bet placed on eBay can be withdrawn by indicating the reason for the withdrawal (error in the amount, etc.). This procedure is covered in more detail in our article:

With this article we begin a series of materials dedicated to one of the world's largest electronic trading platforms- eBay auction. Let’s immediately make a reservation that all material will be presented only from the buyer’s point of view and we will not touch upon the topics of selling any goods on eBay, creating and managing seller accounts.

In this article we will look at general issues related to the activities of the auction, look a little into its history, and talk about general principles the functioning of the auction, the responsibilities of sellers and buyers, we will describe the procedure for registering a new user.

So, let's begin.

Attention! At the time of writing this article, eBay auction is changing the design of its interface. Auction pages may display differently on different browsers and monitors with different resolutions. The screenshots of eBay pages presented in this article may differ in design from what you see on your monitor. The general meaning of the content of the pages does not change.

No matter how trivial it may sound, the eBay auction was created as part of the personal website of American programmer Pierre Omidyar. This happened on September 4, 1995. Initially it was called AuctionWeb and was conceived as an Internet platform where something can be sold by posting an ad about it on the Internet. Initially, the online auction did not charge a commission for sales, while for conducting classic auctions the seller had to pay a commission to the auctions, which reached 35% of the cost of the goods being sold. It was the initial free nature that attracted the first users to the new project.

In 1997, the company was renamed eBay. The number of buyers and sellers grew, the company's operating costs increased, so it was decided to charge a small commission from sellers for the opportunity to sell their goods to buyers. For buyers, the service has always been free, and remains so to this day.

The popularity of the eBay auction increased every day, income grew, which allowed the company to gradually buy smaller identical Internet resources, as well as companies that allowed the business to integrate. So in October 2002, eBay acquired the PayPal payment system, which now occupies a dominant position among payment systems both at the auction itself and in other areas ecommerce.

The basis for the popularity of the eBay auction is the absence of any geographical barriers and any time frames. The auction is accessible from anywhere in the world to both buyers and sellers, open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

eBay currently has 38 localized sites in various countries. These are the USA, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Great Britain, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Ireland, Italy, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam.

The main operating principle of the eBay auction is openness. Anyone can buy or sell through an auction entity, registered in the system, regardless of the country in which it is located. Any product or service that is not included in the list of prohibited sales at auction can be sold (and bought).

Products can be sold either new or used. Some users view the eBay auction as a kind of transcontinental "flea market", although this is not entirely true. On the one hand, buying, say, some used item of clothing will cause just such associations for someone, but on the other hand, the eBay auction in this matter acts as a “treasury” of interesting things for collectors. And yet, the number of new goods, in almost all categories, prevails over used goods.

Also, the main principle of the auction is honesty on the part of both sellers and buyers. The auction administration absolutely does not welcome any types of fraud on its site and tries to very quickly stop possible attempts.

The buyer always has the opportunity to contact the seller before making a purchase, to discuss or clarify all the nuances and ambiguities.

It’s still worth talking about one of the basic principles separately, because... it is basic and fundamental. To put it simply, the principle sounds like: " Buy-pay!". That is, if you bought something by pressing a button Buy it now or won an auction, then you as a buyer have an obligation to pay for it. You can no longer refuse the deal on your own! Therefore, every purchase on eBay must be treated very carefully and thoughtfully. In case of non-payment for a purchased item or a won auction, eBay has the right to permanently block your account in the system. Moreover, the blocking will be not only by nickname, but also by first and last name, by number bank card, your mailing address, the IP address of your computer and the MAC address of your network card, i.e. the blocking will be very serious and registering again will be extremely problematic.

The pros and cons of shopping on eBay are also pretty clear. An undoubted advantage is that the buyer has access to goods sold in absolutely different countries. The same product can be bought in, say, the USA, England and China. The buyer himself can make a choice where the goods are cheaper, where delivery will be faster and cheaper. The second undoubted advantage is that at auction you can sometimes find very rare and rare items that have not been on sale in regular stores for a long time. Another advantage is that it can often turn out that a product found at an auction (even a new one) costs much less than in a store. For example, on eBay quite often things are sold that are not the right size for someone. At a lower price than in the store, of course. Again, auctions sometimes allow you to buy the necessary thing at a price much lower than the real one.

If we were to list all the advantages and benefits of shopping on eBay, then we could probably devote a separate article to this. Therefore, let's focus on the pros and not forget about the cons. They're also pretty obvious. As a rule, these are all the costs of distance shopping, such as the inability to visually assess the quality of the purchased product, sometimes long waits for delivery, and the language barrier between buyer and seller. But nevertheless, with the advent of shopping experience on eBay, many disadvantages are leveled out and buyers simply stop noticing them.

To facilitate the relationship between buyers and sellers, eBay has a system of ratings and feedback. It is traditionally accepted that the parties evaluate each other after the transaction is completed. The seller evaluates the buyer in terms of speed and timeliness of payment, the buyer evaluates the seller according to various criteria, such as the veracity of the product description, speed of order processing and shipping, communication skills, etc. The rating system is open to all eBay users and therefore the buyer always has the opportunity to see what reviews the seller has, how honest and customer-oriented he is.

This concludes the introductory part about the principles of the auction. We will return to them more than once and consider them in more detail and detail.

So what is a seller required to do at an auction? The answers to this question are quite obvious and are based on the principles described in the User Agreement.

Firstly, the seller must be honest with his buyer already at the stage of putting his goods up for sale. Those. the seller must provide the buyer with the most honest information about the product he has put up for sale, its condition, physical or technical specifications, sizes (if these are clothes or shoes), etc. If you purchased an item and its description at auction differs significantly from the real one, this is already a violation on the part of the seller, and in this case you can demand a refund.

Secondly, the seller must immediately indicate the price of the product (or the conditions of the auction) and the cost of its delivery. Changing the prices of goods and the cost of delivery after the fact of purchase is unacceptable.

Third, the seller is obliged to send the goods you purchased within 30 days from the date of payment. In reality, of course, the deadlines are shorter, but nevertheless, this is the main obligation and this is the deadline that appears in the eBay rules.

To be fair, we will also indicate what the seller is not obliged to do. The seller is not obliged to respond to your letters, to indicate in the eBay and PayPal systems that the goods have been shipped, to provide you with a tracking number, or to write to you feedback(feedback). In this case, it is more his right than his obligation. For the most part, eBay sellers are quite communicative and do all of the above. But nevertheless, if this did not happen, then these facts cannot be regarded as some kind of violation of the rules on the part of the seller.

By and large, buyers on eBay don't have many responsibilities. But those that exist are key and important.

The first is to provide the auction and the seller with true and honest information about yourself. You should not use fictitious names or addresses when registering. This will only complicate your existence at the auction and will only lead to problems in the future.

The second, as we said above, is that the buyer obliged to pay for goods purchased (or won at auction).

In case of non-payment for the purchased goods, the auction will issue a warning to the buyer - a strike. If such actions on the part of the buyer occur repeatedly, then after three warnings the buyer may be permanently blocked from the eBay auction. Registration again will not help here.

Well, the third main obligation (which smoothly follows from the second) is that the buyer is obliged to carefully read the terms of sale of the product, its description, and the description of the methods of delivery of the product. Therefore, we repeat once again, the process of purchasing something on eBay must be approached carefully, thoughtfully and prudently. We will talk about this in more detail in a section dedicated directly to making purchases on eBay.

On the bookmark Find an answer You will see a field to search by keywords. Keywords should naturally be written in English language. By entering a keyword and clicking the button Search You will receive answers to questions that contain the keyword. Or you can use the links in the section Popular Questions(Popular questions). In addition, you can search for questions in alphabetical order:

If you do not speak English, to read the Help pages, use translator programs such as Google Translate or translators built into the browser. The translation, of course, will not be perfect, but you will be able to understand the general meaning of the document without problems.

The general meaning of the eBay buyer protection program is that the auction itself acts as a guarantor of the integrity of the transaction between the buyer and the seller and guarantees the buyer protection in the event that the seller does not comply with any rules and regulations of the auction, as well as in the event that the buyer does not receives the goods for which he paid.

In order for your purchase to fall under the buyer protection program, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. The transaction must be completed at auction.
  2. Payment for the transaction must be made only using the payment systems listed in the Program.
  3. Payment must be made in one payment.
  4. At the time of applying for the Buyer Protection Program, no more than 45 days must have passed from the date of payment for the goods.

Subject to these basic conditions, if you do not receive what you bought or if the purchased product differs significantly from its description, you can open a dispute with the seller on eBay, which will occur under the supervision of the auction administration. If you were unable to resolve the dispute directly with the seller, you can escalate it and involve the eBay administration in resolving this issue. Provided that you comply with all the rules, the dispute will be resolved in your favor and you will receive a full refund for your purchase.

Please note that the Buyer Protection Program does not apply to real estate transactions with vehicles, when purchasing services, purchasing goods on and and in a number of other cases described in the Program.

We will talk in more detail about disputes on eBay in the third article of this series -.

So we come to the most important part of this material and we will try to describe in detail the registration procedure for the eBay auction.

In order to complete full registration on eBay we will need:

  1. Current address Email, registered to you.
  2. A valid account in the PayPal payment system.

We have already discussed how to register in the PayPal payment system in the section dedicated to this payment system.

It is best to create a new email address rather than using existing mailboxes, especially if they are used for in social networks. This is important exclusively in security matters, because... exactly those email addresses, which appear on social networks are more susceptible to hacking. In principle, any email will do, but most best option-specially create a new mailbox in the zone (the eBay administration has more confidence in them). The most suitable option is the mail services,

As we said above, the eBay auction has a fairly large number of localized sites around the world. The question quite reasonably arises: which platform should I register on? There is one important aspect to consider here:

Registration on all eBay sites is end-to-end. Those. You can use your login and password on any site you wish, it will be the same.

Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of a registration site based on the principles of ease of further use.

Undoubtedly, Russian-speaking users will immediately decide that the best option is to register on ebay.. But, unfortunately, this is not the case for several reasons. The first is that this site has recently opened and is not yet fully localized. Those. Some of the texts and menu of the site will of course be in Russian, but here are the descriptions of the goods and other important information it will still be in a foreign language. The second reason is also a consequence of the “youth” of the site - in Russian localization there are still many software errors that can lead to errors when making transactions.

Therefore, we still recommend using the American version as a site for initial registration and a site for starting purchases. or, as a last resort, English - In these two cases, all notifications that you will receive from the auction will be in English, and the auction interface will naturally also be in English.

In case you know some other foreign language better than English (for example German), then you can, of course, register on the German site

In this article we will look at the registration process on the main auction site -

Today we’ll tell you about one interesting service, Rapidcatch. He belongs to the so-called “snipers”. The main task of the service is to place the lowest possible winning bid on an eBay auction a few seconds before the end of the auction.

But, in addition to the fact that the service helps you place a bid in the last seconds (this is what experienced buyers do at auctions), it has a number of other advantages:

  • If you indicate your maximum bid through the service, other auction participants will not see your interest in the lot (we’ll tell you how this works below)
  • This service is simply necessary for people who can go into a frenzy and pay more for a product than it really costs;
  • The service does not work, for example, like eBay's "Proxy Bidding" feature, which only encourages bidders to bid higher;
  • Lots can be combined into groups, specify the quantity of the item you want, and once you win the desired quantity, the remaining lots will be removed.

So how does it work

You need to go to the Rapidcatch website and enter your eBay account username and password. Rapidcatch is one of the oldest Russian-language services, so there is no particular reason to fear for your data. Don’t get confused and accidentally enter your email login; you will be blocked and allowed to try again only after 2 hours. It is important to note that the service is paid, but if you log in for the first time, you will have a free month with all the features available with a paid subscription. During this time, you will be able to fully appreciate all the advantages of the service. With prices ranging from $40 to $100 on similar English-language services, the $5 per month you'll pay if you decide to stay can be considered a purely symbolic amount. After a month, you can use the sniper for free with the following restrictions: one bid per day, no more than one active auction and access to basic functionality. If you only shop at auction occasionally, this is the option for you.

What's next?

Go to the “Profile” tab and change the “Standard bet time” from 5 seconds (default) to 3 seconds.

After that, go to the “Auctions” tab, and you can add lots.

Copy the lot number at the auction.

Paste it into the window that appears after clicking the “+Add auction” button.

Click “Submit”, and “Sniper” begins tracking the lot.

From time to time you can check and adjust the maximum bid if it has been outbid and you are ready to move up the amount a little more.

You can also cancel your bid, but no later than 10 seconds before the end of the auction.

Reliability of shipment

All lots purchased using RapidCatch will be obtained by Qwintry - we help with delivery from the USA, providing profitable terms and forwarding reliability. It will be most profitable to combine several purchases into one package. Experienced users know that the heavier the load, the less expensive each additional pound is. Therefore, place your bids, win and have your trophies delivered to our address, saving not only through the auction, but also through cheap transportation!
Well, that's all, happy shopping!