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Business idea for renting game consoles. How to open a rental business: game consoles

The idea of ​​starting your own business in this area is to organize a rental service for game consoles. This service may only be suitable for that category of citizens who fully understand and understand game consoles.

To open of this business A simple room of a small area with at least one console, new game discs and the most popular classics is suitable. The initial investment of funds fully depends only on how many people you will have a room for, the availability of game consoles and the area of ​​the gaming room.

Everyone probably remembers the times when gaming rooms with game consoles connected to the TV were the most popular. They were in great demand, as they constantly had customers who could play various games for hours.

Over time, computer rooms began to develop, but not everyone could afford them, and some simply did not know how to use them. It is worth noting that gaming consoles at this time they did not give up their positions (especially Sony PlayStation).

Times go by quickly and daily life computers and laptops began to come in. But don't forget that game consoles haven't disappeared. This is due to the fact that they are much easier to work with, are generally accessible for repairs, and so on.

Is business organization related to game consoles relevant today?

In fact, over the past decades, personal computers have swept the world, and gamers have developed a tradition of using only gaming consoles. They are already used to them, and playing on a computer is much more difficult. If you press something wrong, the whole system can go wrong.

If you go to electronics hypermarkets, you will see that prices for game consoles range from 10-12 thousand rubles. Moreover, one disc with games for Sony PlayStation can cost at least 3,000 rubles.

Therefore, playing game consoles is not at all profitable due to high costs. Not everyone can afford to shell out thousands of rubles for an hour of play.

This is where the question arises: “What should experienced players do in such a situation?” Moreover, if he does not have the opportunity to purchase expensive equipment. The solution to this problem is to organize a game console room where you can play or take a game console home.

The organization should begin with the acquisition of working used consoles and games for them. By the way, clients can simply rent discs with games, since not everyone has extra money to purchase expensive cassettes. Purchasing used equipment is much more profitable than buying new equipment. After all, it costs no more than 6,000 rubles, while a new one can cost 2-2.5 times more. The main thing is that it works without interruptions.

Next, you should decide on the choice of premises. It is desirable that it be located in the city center and be very popular. The room should be small in size, since gaming equipment takes up little space.

Games should always be relevant and new. If you are a confident computer user, then you can burn games to blank discs yourself. It will cost you much less.

Finally, you need to choose the rental terms. You can hand over equipment or organize a flow of visitors. This will depend on your competence. You just have to remember that the price for renting one set-top box for a day can vary from 700 to 1,500 rubles. So decide for yourself what will be more profitable for you.

How long have you been to the game library or “computers”? It's hard to remember, isn't it? But for the generation of the 90s, such establishments are a whole cultural layer of the gaming movement. And I am glad that today this culture is slowly being revived, but at a more comfortable level. In addition, entrepreneurs simply have no other options, since the model of smoky gaming clubs in basements has become untenable with the advent of players unlimited internet. After all, despite the memories of fun 8v8 counter games with gravity turned off, today I still prefer comfort and safety.

Perhaps it is worth explaining why I wrote this digression. The other day I visited DreamRoomCafe, an establishment that bills itself as “the ideal place for relaxation and entertainment.” In fact, behind such big words lies a banal gaming library with six PS4 consoles, two PS3s, comfortable sofas and a scattering of bean bags. I don’t know how comfortable it is to be there with a large crowd of people, but for four companies of two people (as was the case in my case) there is plenty of space. Prices in the cafe are reasonable (100-250 rubles per hour for renting a console), there is a cheap minibar (without alcohol, which is very cool!) and all the necessary console games (like FIFA 14 and Battlefield 4 for PS4 or The Last of Us, Grand Theft Auto 5, Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception for PS3). The only downsides that can be noted are the absence of the Mortal Kombat fighting game in the cafe and the fact that mobile connection there is almost no work in the establishment, although the latter is possible and a plus))

IN modern world It’s almost impossible to do without the Internet. Despite the fact that every day it is becoming more and more popular in private houses and apartments, it is not yet possible to install fiber optics everywhere and make traffic accessible and inexpensive. In this case, a specialized establishment that provides access to the Internet for a fee can be an excellent alternative. It can be a large online club or a relatively small one. In the latter option, a small room is rented, in which up to 20 workstations with computers and software are equipped.

A large computer club has 30-50 fairly powerful machines with high-speed Internet, VIP rooms and cafe. Establishments of this scale pay off slowly, as they require serious capital investments, but they usually do not have problems with regulatory authorities. But regardless of the format of the future institution, you will definitely need a competent and accurate business plan for a computer club.

Legal issues

Any business must be legal from a legal point of view, and gaming is no exception. The best organizational and legal form for opening a computer club is individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur). First you need to come up with a memorable and sonorous name for the club, which is related to computer topics.

In order to register an establishment, you will need:

  • registration application;
  • memorandum of association;
  • the charter of the future enterprise and information about the founder of the club;
  • a receipt indicating payment of the state duty;
  • documents that confirm the consent of the antimonopoly authorities.

It is also necessary to settle all issues with regulatory authorities. It is usually difficult to meet all the requirements, so their decision will depend on many factors. In order for the establishment to operate around the clock, you will need to obtain permission from the police department.

If you plan to open a small gaming computer club, then it does not make sense to immediately spend money on purchasing a licensed software, but you still need to take into account that it will be necessary to purchase it in the future. This can be done through Russian representative offices of manufacturing companies. Before installing a licensed program, you will need a special license that allows its commercial use. It can be purchased from a distributor; the cost of the license is calculated individually for each computer club.

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Selecting a location

The best place to open such an establishment is a residential area with a large population or a street where a significant number of people are concentrated. educational institutions. A good place to locate a computer club is a busy intersection, market area or large store. It is undesirable to open an establishment of this kind in residential buildings, since the audience at the gaming computer club is quite noisy, so residents will definitely complain. In addition, in a residential building the club is most often located in the basement, so it will be difficult to obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate.

The rental cost per square meter in residential areas is usually low, so the annual payment will not be too high.

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Clients and demand for services

The main visitors to the computer club will be:

  • students and schoolchildren visiting the institution not only for educational purposes, but also for playing;
  • clients different ages who do not often go to the computer club.

Considering that the sphere of distribution of computer services is quite developed, the main attention in the project development process must be paid to the relationship between the user and the seller.

It is necessary to place the main emphasis on the qualifications, competence and friendliness of the managers who will serve the gaming room.

Computer club services are almost always in demand. But at the same time, seasonal deviations to a smaller or larger direction are possible. During exams and sessions at universities, attendance for educational purposes increases significantly, and games begin to interest potential clients during school holidays.

In the pricing process, it is important to consider the purchasing power of the intended customers and the quality of the services provided.

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Necessary equipment and hiring of personnel

The next step is purchasing equipment. It is important here not to save on purchasing the necessary equipment, since many visitors come to play in the computer club, and games require high-quality and modern equipment. Therefore, the more powerful the technology, the more visited the establishment will be. You will also need to purchase printers and scanners, appropriate furniture: tables, chairs; equip workplace administrator.

Next you need to select suitable personnel for work. For technical support and settings computer equipment and software you will need several people. You can invite students from specialized universities who live nearby. If we talk about a small club, then for it normal operation 3-4 people will be enough to maintain the software and work with clients. I'll need one more System Administrator. Basically, computer clubs operate around the clock, so you need to organize work in two shifts. You can’t do without a security guard, since the establishment will have expensive equipment.

For official registration of personnel, registration will be required. employment contract in many authorities, such as tax authorities, social, pension and health insurance funds. It will be necessary to maintain payroll records for each employee work books and tax cards. Therefore, if possible, it is better to negotiate with a large organization so that the staff is registered there, and then leased to the club. As a result, you can get rid of paperwork, which will be handled by the enterprise’s HR department. For reference accounting You will need an accountant if the club owner himself cannot handle this matter.

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Ways to advertise effectively

After opening a new computer club, you can start advertising campaign. For this you will need:

  • Post up leaflets with prices and the address of the club on schools and entrances of houses (before drawing up the ad layout, it is important to consider that the main the target audience teenagers 10-18 years old);
  • place advertisements on the Internet on specialized websites;
  • create a noticeable and bright sign with detailed list services provided;
  • regularly organize various promotions and tournaments;
  • create a system of discounts, for example, for clients who work more than three hours in a row.

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Development of a computer club

For a newly opened establishment, it is important to provide a sufficient level of service, because most computer clubs are usually inattentive to their clients. Since a specific audience usually gathers in this place, it is necessary to act outside the box. There are situations when older guys demand money from younger ones. Therefore, as an option, you can give hooligans a free monthly subscription. You can also try to attract the attention of visitors to your establishment through various competitions with monetary rewards. Or create a scoreboard.

It is necessary to invent and implement original ideas, as a result, the constant development of even a small club will help to significantly increase monthly revenue from each computer. Over time, the establishment will be able to move to a new level, the clients of which will be the wealthy public. The following services will be provided:

  • high-speed Internet access;
  • copying and burning discs;
  • working with office applications;
  • scanning various documents;
  • printing files;
  • photocopying;
  • conducting computer courses.

It may be necessary to create two rooms: one, a games room, for young people, the other for more serious clients.

Which business will always be on top? One that does not lose its relevance in any era and in any conditions. Gaming business is one of these, since the need to play lies in human nature. Through play, a person grows, develops, learns about the world, and makes discoveries. People have been playing games throughout human history. However, today the gaming industry has reached incredible heights and made virtual reality an important part of human life. And it is precisely in this area that enterprising businessmen are launching successful projects. The business idea of ​​renting video games and game consoles is becoming a goldmine for the enterprising.

Game console rental business: multi-use income!

Why rent?

Renting video games and consoles is much more profitable than selling them. This is a product that will bring more income to an entrepreneur if it is rented rather than gathering dust on a store shelf waiting for its buyer.

Why? By its "character". Game consoles, and especially video games, by their concept, are a quickly boring product. Having played enough, the gamer wants to try another console, then a third. Next - the most modern one, and after a while - the one that I played in my distant childhood. Buying everything is too expensive, but the opportunity to rent a Nintendo, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, as well as dozens of video games is very attractive.

By renting out consoles, you satisfy the needs of an audience of different ages for relaxation and entertainment. “The people’s path will not become overgrown” if you provide your customers with interesting products from the world of the gaming industry. Another question is how to organize this business - rental of gaming gadgets and video games? How to open rental business?

Why is it worth using as a platform for renting consoles?

An adequate rental price is important to the client. It is also important that different options for renting game consoles are presented - the number of joysticks, the presence/absence of glasses and a helmet, a variety of games to choose from.

Entrepreneurs looking to get into the video game rental business have different options. You can rent an office and create a rental club there. Pay monthly rent for real estate, salaries for employees, and attract clients to your club. Or you can use an online platform to rent out anything. The cost of investment is tens of times lower than when opening an “offline” club, and the return is much higher.

Firstly, because the majority of young and adult people - and this is the main audience of the game console rental business - are accustomed to searching, buying and ordering online, through Internet services.

And secondly, because the developed and multidisciplinary portal is well known to the potential audience, and companies or entrepreneurs will not need to invest in promoting their name.

Rent out game consoles: how to start a business project

So, let's say you have decided on an online platform on which you will work as a rental of video games or consoles. What's next?

Investment in goods

Think about what exactly you want to offer your customers and what starting opportunities you have for purchasing the product. Maybe you decide to rent out only game consoles or only rent out video games. Or we are ready to exhibit the largest possible range of consoles and accessories. This will probably only be an adult assortment - games for 18+, but maybe you will want to offer games for more early age. The most popular games and hits or rare variants, new items and “bearded” hits, etc. Or perhaps you diversify your range by additional goods– electronic guitars, microphones and mixers, and then lovers of parties and noisy holidays will also “sign up” as your clients.

Small space for storage

Your assortment will need to be stored somewhere if you work through an online platform. You don't need a lot of space for consoles and video games, so a cozy corner in your home or somewhere else is quite suitable. Yours potential clients will view photos and descriptions of games on the website, so there is no need to allocate a special office and managers for “viewing”.

Take high-quality photos and descriptions of your product items

In order for the client to pay attention to your product, take a beautiful photograph and provide comprehensive information on each console or video game.

and place a rental ad.

Pay attention to rental agreements

templates of which are posted on the website. Contracts will allow you to create legally protected relationships with your clients.

Game console rental business: simple arithmetic

You can calculate how quickly your investment will pay off using the example of one console, say, the Nintendo Wii. Its cost is about 15,000 rubles (Yandex.Market). Nintendo Wii rental can start from 2000 rubles / day (information from open sources)!

Profitable? Of course, taking into account the fact that you do not need to spend money on renting an office for a gaming club, but you can use the services of an online platform.

Risks and nuances of renting game consoles

As in any business, rental of video games and consoles has certain underwater rocks, which can be intelligently bypassed.

  • If you rent video games, carefully monitor the content: what games you offer and to whom. Observe age labels. Do not support “pirates” when developing your product range,
  • Protect yourself from property damage - gamers in the heat of the game can break an expensive console. How to protect? Draw up rental agreements with clients, templates for which are available on the website

It turns out that starting a rental business on consoles and video games is not so difficult. And with the possibility of a portal for renting everything in the world, OneTwoRent, it is also very affordable: the main cost of an entrepreneur is the purchase of goods.

The business idea of ​​renting video games and game consoles is still hot, grab it and use it. It can be assumed that soon this niche will be filled by the most enterprising and active businessmen.

People whose childhood fell in the late 90s remember that unforgettable feeling of playing on a console. Vivid emotions from playing the game “Mario” together or dueling in the very first “Mortal Kombat”. Nothing has changed since then. Teenagers still play video games. In the gaming industry, only the technology and quality of games change. But the joy of the game remains.

Now, in the era modern technologies, entrepreneurs have enormous opportunities to make money from games. One of the options for such a business is the rental of game consoles. Some may find such a business funny, but it has proven itself to be profitable and in demand. Not everyone can afford to buy an expensive console. That's why many people rent them.

Who will rent the consoles?

The client base will consist of teenagers, but among older audiences there will also be those who want to play.

Why will people rent game consoles?

The answer is simple: the rental cost is lower than the cost of the set-top box itself. That is, it is easier to pay a few hundred rubles for a couple of hours of play than to pay thousands for the console itself. Don't forget that there are games that are released only for consoles. These are the so-called exclusives.

What will you need?

Let's take the PlayStation 4 game console from Sony. Obviously, the consoles themselves will be needed. To begin with, it will be enough to purchase 3-4 consoles. A standard set (console + 1 joystick) will cost approximately 30-35 thousand rubles. Additionally, you need to purchase one joystick for each so that your clients can play with their friends. The price of one joystick is about 3 thousand rubles. You can also purchase additional accessories. There's no point in buying a console if you're not going to buy games to go with it. Everything is different here. Exclusives tend to cost a little more. On average, one disc with a game will cost 2-3 thousand rubles.

The above range is mandatory minimum to create such a business. Over time, when the client audience becomes larger, it will be possible to expand the range of games and add other consoles. You can also think about renting a small space, so the consoles will work for you almost around the clock. It could be used as a small games room. For advertising among local population you can create a small website that would convey your services to city residents.

Additional profit

Additionally, you can organize the rental of all kinds of entertainment equipment - from mixing consoles for DJs, all kinds of karaoke devices, projects to board games and more. Your clients will be those who are planning a good party.