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Business plan for a Sony PlayStation game. How to organize your own game console rental business

The idea for a profitable business is to open a console club where everyone can play. Why is this a profitable investment and what do you need to get started? Let's figure it out step by step together.

Console club: profitable business in Ukraine

Firstly, this is an ideal option for business during the holiday season. Most likely, during vacation, people will want to spend time in a club with an Xbox or PS4, or play in the hall virtual reality.

Secondly, it could be a relocatable club. From the resort town to Big city for the winter. In the off-season, while everyone is working, studying, and the weather is not conducive to walking, the games room with consoles will become one of the places of constant leisure.

What questions arise when opening a console club?

To open a club, 5 game consoles are enough. The quantity can be increased as demand is analyzed. The greater the flow of people, the more equipment, respectively. You can always buy what you need.

If we take the average cost of an hour of play - 50-100 UAH, the average cost of a console is 5-7 thousand UAH, then even with a minimum load of 10-15 hours out of 24, five sets will pay for themselves in 20 days

For a minimum start, five consoles are enough. If you expect a lot of visitors and several rooms, then it is better to provide a larger number. It is ideal to offer both PS4 and Xbox consoles to suit everyone's tastes.

It would also be reasonable to organize a separate room in the club with Kinect or a room with PlaySeat Evolution gaming chairs, or a virtual reality room with PS VR.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of technology. Considering that the consoles are expected to be in constant use, you need to make sure that they have a warranty and the possibility of service.

As a rule, the warranty is valid for 12 months, and service during the post-warranty period can be ordered at any time.

5 reasons to open a gaming club PS4, Xbox, virtual reality room

  • High profitability

Even a well-equipped console club will pay for itself faster than in a season. It is enough to determine the incoming flow of a specific location.

  • No risks

During the off-season or when the mood dictates, game consoles can be moved, sold, or rented. There is always a demand for them.

  • Popular recreation for young people

Console games are considered one of the favorite pastimes of modern youth. Those who have not yet bought a console will come to the club.

  • Interesting business

This is a popular activity that will bring a crowd to the console club. Plus, you can always host your own parties for friends.

  • Minimum staff

To ensure the operation of the entire club, one person per season is enough. You don’t need to spend a lot of effort and time recruiting personnel.

Why and how to open a PS4 gaming club

Sony PS4 is now very popular; new games from famous developers are regularly released for it. PS4 delivers the most vibrant, high-quality gameplay from hit games. Many gamers note obvious advantages namely Sony PlayStation 4.

By the way, DualShock 4 wireless joysticks have also attracted millions of fans. The touch panel, built-in speaker, motion sensor, dual-lens camera, and LED indicator make the gameplay especially fun.

Many will come to the club to play on PS4. Therefore, it is enough to provide the required number of consoles and the club premises. PS4 will also allow you to organize a virtual reality room with a PS VR headset.

Xbox gaming club: what are the advantages

Microsoft Xbox One consoles have their own army of fans. In addition, only on Xbox you can play the exclusive Dead Rising 3, Fighter Within, Forza Motorsport 7, Forza Horizon 2, 3, Halo and others.

Companies often choose Xbox Kinect and other gamepads. To do this, it is convenient to allocate a separate room and rent it out at a completely different rate.

It's worth noting that the Xbox 360 is also popular, and its price is lower than newer models. This is a budget option for a console club, especially at the start.

What is special about the virtual reality room?

Now the PS VR virtual reality headset is considered one of the most desired accessories. Since not everyone can afford a new product, but everyone wants to play, the hall with such glasses will be visited.

There are still very few such virtual reality rooms in Ukraine, so the club can become a virtual reality center, where people will regularly come for something new. Games in this helmet are exciting and amazing. Surely customers will want to come back to play.

Opening a console club: where to start?

From choosing a room for the club and purchasing equipment. That's really all that's needed. Quite simple, interesting, profitable business, which can be opened in a couple of days. The club equipment requires a minimum of furniture. This is also a huge advantage.

As for the equipment itself, just contact the website. Your personal manager will help you decide on equipment and accessories for the club, provide information about the service, and free support during the warranty period.

Some people believe that computer clubs are not profitable these days. They say, who needs them? Many people have a computer, laptop, tablet at home... Who will go there? But is it?

Who needs computer clubs?

Firstly, there are still many people who cannot imagine their life without several games of DotA or breathtaking races with friends.

In addition, sometimes there is a need to quickly find certain information online, print it, or send an email. And if a computer or laptop is not at hand, first of all a person begins to look for a nearby Internet shop.

Opening a computer club is a truly profitable decision, an idea that will bring you significant income in the near future.

Step 1. Finding a suitable location

Unlike other areas of business, in this case proximity to the city center is not of decisive importance, so it is not worth overpaying for a place “in the sun”.

The key factor in this case is the opportunity to open a 24-hour computer club. Without this, you could lose a significant part of your potential clients.

In addition, you should focus on the availability of the premises. Your salon should not be too far from bus stops public transport and busy streets - otherwise, your customers may simply be intercepted by competitors.

And one more important point, which, willy-nilly, you will have to pay attention to when deciding the question: “How to open a computer club?” It's about about the choice between renting and buying an object. Considering that the basis of this business is a mobile computer network, which, if necessary, can be easily moved to another location; in order to save money, it would be more logical to rent a room. However, if you decide to firmly “put down roots” in the chosen place and have enough money, you can buy it. This will allow you to significantly reduce your monthly expenses in the future.

Technical requirements

It is important that the room has electricity, climate control systems, and not too much humidity. Make sure to immediately high speed internet and arrange its distribution between all computers. Another point is the suitability of the premises modern requirements fire safety.

Of course, a computer club must have an emergency exit and a bathroom.

Step 2. Paperwork

No matter how much you resist, if you decide to open your own computer club, you will have to communicate with representatives of some government agencies that control the activities of entrepreneurs.

First of all, we are talking about the sanitary and epidemiological service. According to current sanitary standards, each working (playing) place should not be less than 4 m 2. By the way, this factor also needs to be taken into account when choosing a room to rent or buy.

In addition, SES workers must record the level of electromagnetic radiation near each computer. You will have to pay for this service (about 1000 rubles for checking each device). Not fair? Perhaps, but without this you can only dream of your own computer club.

Finally, you will have to cooperate with the youth department of the district or city government administration. It would seem, what does he have to do with it? It's even trickier here. You must carefully monitor your visitors so that you are not accused of distracting schoolchildren from their studies and serving as a “den” for difficult children.

According to our legislation, schoolchildren do not have the right to be in computer clubs during lessons, and children under the age of 14 should not stay with you after 21:00. By the way, violating the second condition is fraught with heavy fines from the police, so you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to flagrant violations (even out of sincere human solidarity).

Which OKVED code to choose for an online salon?

Another important point that needs to be taken into account when opening a computer club is OKVED. Depending on which code is used, you will be able to register your establishment under certain conditions. Unfortunately, the “Computer Club” item is simply missing in the classification. Therefore, almost all owners of such establishments choose from alternative options:

  • 72.60 – other activities related to the use information technologies and computer technology;
  • 93.05 – provision of other personal services;
  • 74.84 – provision of other services.

However, regarding this issue, it is best to consult with a specialist who can evaluate your activities and choose the most appropriate option from the point of view of the law.

Step 3. Purchase of equipment

This is perhaps the most important stage in organizing your business. If you are interested in how to open a computer club, you should understand that in order for your establishment to bring you significant profit, you must have at least 15 machines at your disposal.

Many novice entrepreneurs make the same mistake: getting hung up on computer games. Meanwhile, it is equally important to provide your customers with a high-speed Internet access channel.

Why is corporate Internet access so important?

It should be emphasized that corporate Internet access is not at all the same as a home access point. Moreover, the difference lies not only in cost, but also in throughput and data exchange speed. The price of the cheapest network access with an information transfer speed of up to 256 Kbit/s is about 6 thousand rubles. However, taking into account modern customer demands, even this is not enough. The best option a channel of 50 Mbit/s or more is considered. And the cost of such a connection can reach 60-80 thousand rubles. per month.

The idea of ​​starting your own business in this area is to organize a rental service for game consoles. This service may only be suitable for that category of citizens who fully understand and understand game consoles.

To open this business, a simple small space with at least one console, new game discs and the most popular classics is suitable. The initial investment of funds fully depends only on how many people you will have a room for, the availability of game consoles and the area of ​​the gaming room.

Everyone probably remembers the times when gaming rooms with game consoles connected to the TV were the most popular. They enjoyed in great demand, since they always had customers who could play various games for hours.

Over time, computer rooms began to develop, but not everyone could afford them, and some simply did not know how to use them. It is worth noting that game consoles did not give up their positions at this time (especially Sony PlayStation).

Times go by quickly and daily life computers and laptops began to come in. But don't forget that game consoles haven't disappeared. This is due to the fact that they are much easier to work with, are generally accessible for repairs, and so on.

Is business organization related to game consoles relevant today?

In fact, over the past decades, personal computers have swept the world, and gamers have developed a tradition of using only gaming consoles. They are already used to them, and playing on a computer is much more difficult. If you press something wrong, the whole system can go wrong.

If you go to electronics hypermarkets, you will see that prices for game consoles range from 10-12 thousand rubles. Moreover, one disc with games for Sony PlayStation can cost at least 3,000 rubles.

Therefore, playing game consoles is not at all profitable due to high costs. Not everyone can afford to shell out thousands of rubles for an hour of play.

This is where the question arises: “What should experienced players do in such a situation?” Moreover, if he does not have the opportunity to purchase expensive equipment. The solution to this problem is to organize a game console room where you can play or take a game console home.

The organization should begin with the acquisition of working used consoles and games for them. By the way, clients can simply rent discs with games, since not everyone has extra money to purchase expensive cassettes. Purchasing used equipment is much more profitable than buying new equipment. After all, it costs no more than 6,000 rubles, while a new one can cost 2-2.5 times more. The main thing is that it works without interruptions.

Next, you should decide on the choice of premises. It is desirable that it be located in the city center and be very popular. The room should be small in size, since gaming equipment takes up little space.

Games should always be relevant and new. If you are a confident computer user, then you can burn games to blank discs yourself. It will cost you much less.

Finally, you need to choose the rental terms. You can hand over equipment or organize a flow of visitors. This will depend on your competence. You just have to remember that the price for renting one set-top box for a day can vary from 700 to 1,500 rubles. So decide for yourself what will be more profitable for you.

IN modern world It’s almost impossible to do without the Internet. Despite the fact that every day it is becoming more and more popular in private houses and apartments, it is not yet possible to install fiber optics everywhere and make traffic accessible and inexpensive. In this case, a specialized establishment that provides access to the Internet for a fee can be an excellent alternative. It can be a large online club or a relatively small one. In the latter option, a small room is rented, in which up to 20 workstations with computers and software are equipped.

A large computer club has 30-50 fairly powerful machines with high-speed Internet, VIP rooms and cafe. Establishments of this scale pay off slowly, as they require serious capital investments, but they usually do not have problems with regulatory authorities. But regardless of the format of the future institution, you will definitely need a competent and accurate business plan for a computer club.

Legal issues

Any business must be legal from a legal point of view, and gaming is no exception. The best organizational and legal form for opening a computer club is individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur). First you need to come up with a memorable and sonorous name for the club, which is related to computer topics.

In order to register an establishment, you will need:

  • registration application;
  • memorandum of association;
  • the charter of the future enterprise and information about the founder of the club;
  • a receipt indicating payment of the state duty;
  • documents that confirm the consent of the antimonopoly authorities.

It is also necessary to settle all issues with regulatory authorities. It is usually difficult to meet all the requirements, so their decision will depend on many factors. In order for the establishment to operate around the clock, you will need to obtain permission from the police department.

If you plan to open a small gaming computer club, then it does not make sense to immediately spend money on purchasing a licensed software, but you still need to take into account that it will be necessary to purchase it in the future. This can be done through Russian representative offices of manufacturing companies. Before installing a licensed program, you will need a special license that allows its commercial use. It can be purchased from a distributor; the cost of the license is calculated individually for each computer club.

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Selecting a location

The best place to open such an establishment is dormitory area having a large population or a street where a significant number of people are concentrated educational institutions. A good place to locate a computer club is a busy intersection, market area or large store. It is undesirable to open an establishment of this kind in residential buildings, since the audience at the gaming computer club is quite noisy, so residents will definitely complain. In addition, in a residential building the club is most often located in the basement, so it will be difficult to obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate.

The rental cost per square meter in residential areas is usually low, so the annual payment will not be too high.

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Clients and demand for services

The main visitors to the computer club will be:

  • students and schoolchildren visiting the institution not only for educational purposes, but also for playing;
  • clients different ages who do not often go to the computer club.

Considering that the sphere of distribution of computer services is quite developed, the main attention in the project development process must be paid to the relationship between the user and the seller.

It is necessary to place the main emphasis on the qualifications, competence and friendliness of the managers who will serve the gaming room.

Computer club services are almost always in demand. But at the same time, seasonal deviations to a smaller or larger direction are possible. During exams and sessions at universities, attendance for educational purposes increases significantly, and games begin to interest potential clients during school holidays.

In the pricing process, it is important to consider the purchasing power of the intended customers and the quality of the services provided.

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Necessary equipment and hiring of personnel

The next step is purchasing equipment. It is important here not to save on purchasing the necessary equipment, since many visitors come to play in the computer club, and games require high-quality and modern equipment. Therefore, the more powerful the technology, the more visited the establishment will be. You will also need to purchase printers and scanners, appropriate furniture: tables, chairs; equip workplace administrator.

Next you need to select suitable personnel for work. For technical support and settings computer equipment and software you will need several people. You can invite students from specialized universities who live nearby. If we talk about a small club, then for it normal operation 3-4 people will be enough to maintain the software and work with clients. I'll need one more System Administrator. Basically, computer clubs operate around the clock, so you need to organize work in two shifts. You can’t do without a security guard, since the establishment will have expensive equipment.

For official registration of personnel, registration will be required. employment contract in many authorities, such as tax authorities, social, pension and health insurance funds. It will be necessary to maintain payroll records for each employee work books and tax cards. Therefore, if possible, it is better to negotiate with a large organization so that the staff is registered there, and then leased to the club. As a result, you can get rid of paperwork, which will be handled by the enterprise’s HR department. For reference accounting You will need an accountant if the club owner himself cannot handle this matter.

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Ways to advertise effectively

After opening a new computer club, you can start advertising campaign. For this you will need:

  • Post up leaflets with prices and the address of the club on schools and entrances of houses (before drawing up the ad layout, it is important to consider that the main the target audience teenagers 10-18 years old);
  • place advertisements on the Internet on specialized websites;
  • create a noticeable and bright sign with detailed list services provided;
  • regularly organize various promotions and tournaments;
  • create a system of discounts, for example, for clients who work more than three hours in a row.

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Development of a computer club

For a newly opened establishment, it is important to provide a sufficient level of service, because most computer clubs They usually don't care about their customers. Since a specific audience usually gathers in this place, it is necessary to act outside the box. There are situations when older guys demand money from younger ones. Therefore, as an option, you can give hooligans a free monthly subscription. You can also try to attract the attention of visitors to your establishment through various competitions with monetary rewards. Or create a scoreboard.

It is necessary to invent and implement original ideas, as a result, the constant development of even a small club will help to significantly increase monthly revenue from each computer. Over time, the establishment will be able to move to a new level, the clients of which will be the wealthy public. The following services will be provided:

  • high-speed Internet access;
  • copying and burning discs;
  • working with office applications;
  • scanning various documents;
  • printing files;
  • photocopying;
  • conducting computer courses.

It may be necessary to create two rooms: one, a games room, for young people, the other for more serious clients.

Organizing a rental center for game consoles and related electronic devices is a business idea that is relevant today. A credit system thanks to which working residents of Russia could provide for themselves household appliances and electronics, demonstrated its ineffectiveness during the last economic crisis.

Russians have become more cautious and take out loans only for the most necessary goods. A game console is not something that is needed in everyday life, and is more of a luxury item. Why buy expensive electronics if you only have to use them several times a month?

Advantages of an electronics rental business

The electronics rental center provides game consoles, tablets and laptops to everyone. Payment for the use of equipment can be either daily or weekly. The rate for playing time should vary depending on the length of the rental. For example, if a client rents an Xbox 360 for a day, the fee may be 150 rubles per day.

However, the user is unlikely to want to pay 1050 rubles if he rents a set-top box for a week. Most likely, such a price will seem too high to him. To attract a client, the cost of a weekly rental can be reduced to 700 rubles. In terms of days, it turns out that the player pays not 150 rubles per day, as in the first case, but only 100.

At first glance, this seems like lost profit, although in reality everything is a little more complicated: the 700 rubles that you will receive in a week is guaranteed money. And the 150 rubles paid for the daily rental of a set-top box is not constant. You may not be able to find clients for a long time. Therefore, it is important to attract regular users by providing them with various discounts and benefits.

The main audience of the center for the rental of gaming devices and accessories are people under 30 years old, who are in the era of video games. The greatest demand for the center's services should be expected on weekends and holidays, as well as during the holidays. To rent out game consoles and other multimedia equipment, special financial investments no need. It is enough to purchase equipment and carry it out regularly Maintenance. If you get into business seriously, you may need a small separate office where equipment will be stored. To rent an office, you need to obtain registration as an individual entrepreneur.

Income and risks

The cost of daily rental of a set-top box, tablet or laptop usually varies from 100 to 200 rubles. Renting a device for a week – 600-700 rubles. The cost of the Xbox 360, depending on the region of sale and modification of the console, is 8-16 thousand rubles. It is easy to calculate that the most expensive set-top box at minimum price rental will pay for itself after a maximum of 160 days of rent, and the cheapest one with the highest rent will pay for itself in just 40 days. Similar calculations can be made for tablets and laptops.

The main risk for the owner of the set-top box is that the client may damage it. Sometimes users deliberately change the “filling”, leaving valuable parts for themselves. To protect equipment from craftsmen, it can be sealed. But this does not guarantee that the X-Box and other electronic devices will remain unharmed. It is best to protect your property legally by concluding a rental agreement with the client. Prepare agreement forms with standard text in advance, so that all that remains in the agreement is to indicate the rental period and put signatures. In addition, just in case, it is better to take collateral from clients exclusively in the form of money, and not documents.

Is the business of renting out consoles profitable?

Rental of electronic equipment belongs to the so-called. There are practically no expenses, with the exception of the money spent on purchasing several consoles, tablets and laptops.

By renting just one set-top box, with a sufficient number of clients, you can earn about 3 thousand rubles per month. If you rent out 5-6 units of equipment at once, the profit will increase to 10-15 thousand. If desired, you can create a rental center, increasing the number of laptops and set-top boxes to 10-15 pieces. Then the net income will increase to 40-50 thousand rubles, although the risks will increase: if the demand for such services decreases, income will drop significantly, and you will be left with a whole electronic “arsenal” on your hands. Of course, even used electronics can be sold, but hardly anyone will give a good price for it.

Thus, a business for renting game consoles, laptops or tablets is more suitable as an auxiliary business for those entrepreneurs who already have something open. Or, you can master this business if you have your own - in this case, you can inexpensively buy back the equipment you brought and rent it out.