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Consultation for parents: “How to raise a creative person?”

Vanyeva Anna Yuryevna, educational psychologist MBDOU kindergarten No. 35, city of Kovrov.
Description: I bring to your attention a consultation for parents. It describes the components of creative potential, the main mistakes that parents make when trying to develop their child’s creative abilities, and also provides recommendations for the development of a creative personality. This material will be useful primarily for parents, as well as for educational psychologists educational institutions. The goal of the work is to increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents.

Probably, any parent would like to raise their child to be a creative person. What is creativity? Creation- a process of activity that creates qualitatively new material or spiritual values. The main criterion that distinguishes creativity is the uniqueness of its result. A person can be called creative if he has a well-developed imagination and fantasy, he is capable of inventing, finding non-standard solutions V different situations.
Imagination- this is the highest mental function, inherent only to humans, which allows you to create new images by processing previous experience. It can be recreative - when the image of an object is created according to its description, and creative - when completely new images are born.
Creativity- this is the ability to be creative, the readiness to create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking.

Creative potential is inherent in the child from birth and develops as he grows up. A child’s natural talent manifests itself quite early, but the extent to which his creative potential will develop largely depends on the family. A family can develop or destroy a child’s creative abilities. Therefore, the formation of a creative personality is one of the most important tasks of education.
Speaking about the formation of abilities, it is necessary to dwell on the question of at what age children’s creative abilities should be developed. Psychologists call different periods from one and a half to five years. There is also a hypothesis that it is necessary to develop creative abilities from the very beginning. early age.
Preschool childhood is the most favorable period for the development of creative abilities because at this age children are extremely inquisitive, they have a great desire to learn. the world. And parents, encouraging curiosity, imparting knowledge to children, involving them in different kinds activities, contribute to the expansion childhood experience. And the accumulation of experience and knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for future creative activity. In addition, the thinking of preschoolers is more free than the thinking of older children. It is more independent and not yet suppressed by stereotypes. From all of the above, we can conclude that preschool age provides excellent opportunities for developing creativity. And the creative potential of an adult will largely depend on the extent to which these opportunities were used.

Creative activity is very interesting for a preschooler because it satisfies his desire to act and be productive, as well as the need to reflect the impressions he receives from the life around him, to express his attitude to what he sees and experiences. The kid is happy that he can create an image with his own hands.
Experts distinguish three groups of means of aesthetic education: art, the surrounding reality (including nature) and artistic and creative activities. All these areas are interconnected, and thanks to this, the child actively participates in the creative experience of people. Only an adult can effectively manage children’s artistic activities and the development of their abilities. At the same time, the mental processes themselves develop in artistic and creative activity, raising it to a new level. Ideas about objects and phenomena are formed on the basis of perception. Therefore, the most important condition for the development of a child’s creativity is the development of perception (visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, tactile), the formation of a diverse sensory experience.
The characteristics of a child’s perception are determined not only by the state of his senses, but also by the sensory experience that he acquired in early childhood. Indeed, practice and research show that the earlier you begin to develop the baby’s sensations and perceptions, the more varied and complete his sensory experience will be by the time he begins to draw and sculpt. For the development of imaginative ideas and imaginative thinking great importance have such types of creative activities as visual and constructive. It is obvious that, on the one hand, for the successful implementation of visual activity, the development of figurative ideas and thinking is necessary, on the other hand, visual activity plays a huge role in the formation of this kind of ideas and thinking. Imagination is closely related to figurative thinking; both of these processes are based on the aesthetic perception of the world. Without them, artistic and creative activity is impossible. Any type of creativity is based on a good level of development of perception, ideas, imaginative thinking, and imagination. Consequently, the formation of these processes will serve the development of creative abilities. Of course, play and artistic activity provide the greatest opportunities for this.

Creativity is a fusion of many qualities. The components of creative potential are:
1. Rapidity- ability to express the maximum number of ideas.
2. Flexibility- ability to express a wide variety of ideas.
3. Originality- ability to generate new ones non-standard ideas(this may manifest itself in answers and decisions that do not coincide with generally accepted ones).
4. Completeness- the ability to improve your “product” or give it a finished look.

How to develop creativity in a child? First, let's look at the most common mistakes that parents make when trying to develop their child's creative abilities.
1. The first and most common mistake is an attempt to act according to a pattern. Stores sell a huge number of so-called “creativity kits”, where the child is asked to create a craft using a ready-made stencil. Parents willingly buy these sets, without thinking that they are aimed at developing diligence, perseverance and accuracy, and not at all at developing creative potential. The main criterion that distinguishes creativity from production is the uniqueness of its result. Therefore, stencils have nothing to do with children's creativity.
In this regard, you should avoid games and toys that do not leave the child any room for imagination - for example, mosaics and construction sets, where you need to put together figures and patterns according to a pattern, or coloring books that already contain colored pictures for example.
2. Second mistake - Parents’ prohibitions on the child’s attempts to create. We are afraid of dirty clothes, dirty floors, walls, unnecessary washing and cleaning. Most easy way Avoid unnecessary hassle - make the bathroom your workshop. Because space restrictions will prevent the child from getting real pleasure from drawing, modeling, etc.
3. Third mistake - You cannot do something for a child if he can do it himself. You can’t think for him when he can figure it out himself. Unfortunately, hinting is a common way for parents to “help” their children, but it only hurts the matter.
4. Fourth mistake - Parents are in no hurry to get involved in their children’s creative process. But for children, it is parents who are role models! Don't be afraid to try.

1. One of the most important factors creative development of children is creating conditions conducive to the formation of their creative abilities. Parents need to make the process of life and activity of children creative, to put children in situations of cognitive, artistic and moral creativity. It is necessary to organize an interesting and meaningful life for a child, enrich him with vivid impressions, provide emotional and intellectual experience, which will serve as the basis for the emergence of ideas and will be the material necessary for the work of the imagination.
2. Success in raising a creative personality depends on the atmosphere that reigns in your home, on the relationship that has developed between parents and child. It has long been known that for creativity a comfortable psychological environment is required , so maintain an atmosphere of warmth, trust and creativity at home. Be careful about the process and result of children's activities. It is important to constantly stimulate the child to be creative, encourage his successes and show sympathy for failures, be patient with even the most strange ideas. It is necessary to exclude remarks and condemnation from everyday life. A child deprived of a positive outlet for creative energy may resort to aggressive behavior.
3. When encouraging a child’s creativity, you need to remember that he sees many things in his own way, perceives the world differently than we do. Therefore, when teaching a child, Avoid stereotypes. Based on your child’s inclinations. After all, the main thing is not the cultivation of talent or genius, but how diverse his inner world will be, whether his creative abilities will be realized.
4. Give your child freedom to choose activities , in the ways and methods of action, do not interfere with his free expression. Watch your child. What does he like to do most? Sing? Dance? Paint? Sculpt? Copy someone else's facial expressions or behavior? Let your home always have plasticine, paints, old magazines, colored paper, jars and boxes. Then the child’s desire, his interest in creativity and emotional upsurge will serve as a guarantee that this matter will benefit him.
5. Support your child's creative initiative through the respectful attitude of all family members to his drawings, crafts, and first attempts to compose something. IN preschool age Most children are not shy about dancing, singing, and showing their drawings to others. The child’s personality is not yet complex; he feels enough strength and desire to try everything, to participate in different types creative activity.
6. Nurturing children's creative abilities will be effective only if it is a purposeful process. There is a lot of debate about what and how to teach children, but the fact that it is necessary to teach is beyond doubt. If you select the appropriate teaching methods, then children, without losing the originality of creativity, create works of more high level than their untrained peers. Enroll your child in a children's club or studio, music school and art school so that he can develop and improve his creative abilities.
7. Be actively involved in the process and create together with your child. Let the baby burst with ideas; your task is not to interfere, but to help him. Children, unlike adults, have a fresh perspective on things. They can turn any, even the most inconspicuous detail into a magical character. Let your child teach you how to create, and then he will carry his creativity and lack of stereotypes throughout his life. And in the future you will be proud of your talented child.
It is very useful to make toys together with your child; often a doll sewn together with your child will be much more interesting to him than the most beautiful store-bought one. You can also conduct joint games, where parents and children will come up with a plot and characters together, and then portray them. Any homework can be a great help for the game, and any object can turn into a fairy-tale hero.
8. The design of the apartment and its interior also influence the child’s creative abilities. It’s good if there are paintings, decorations, and decorative things hanging on the walls that you can touch with your hands. Decorate your apartment with your baby's drawings , but do not forget to change them from time to time so that the child has a desire to draw more and more, so that he sees that you appreciate his efforts.
9. Read fairy tales to your child. The role of fairy tales for the development of a child’s imagination is invaluable. It is the fairy tale that will teach him to find a way out of hopeless situation, invent something new, because in a fairy tale everything is possible. From reading a fairy tale, there is only one step to a new hobby - writing your own fairy tales and stories. It will open the path to creativity for your child.
10. Provide your child with a room or a separate corner for games and toys. Games in childhood occupy most children's time. A game for a child is not a waste of time, but a source of new information. This is how children learn about the world around them. In games, all cognitive processes are trained and developed, and children's talent develops.
Many parents note that children often use not specially purchased toys for games, but substitute items - various caps and sticks, rags and bottles, leaves and boxes. A child can use any object within reach for his games, and no matter how strange it may sound, The fewer toys he has, the more his imagination develops.
11. Don't be afraid to get dirty or dirty something in the house (cover the white sofa, move the vases higher). About what creative development there may be talk if the baby is constantly in the restricted area: “Don’t touch! Do not run! Do not take!". Do not forbid your child to create and do not punish him for creative experiments! Set certain boundaries for his creativity. For example, you can’t draw on walls, but you can on whatman paper attached to the wall.
12.Never force your opinion on your child! You can suggest, give an idea, but do not insist on it, this can reduce the child’s initiative.
The main thing in the process of raising a creative personality is to give the child the opportunity to realize his ability to be creative!

Most clearly, the inner world of a child, the peculiarities of his thinking and imagination, are revealed to us in creativity. Whenever a child draws, sculpts, cuts and glues, he is not just passing time. He is being educated and growing.

1. Release of internal energy. All of us, and especially children, can solve different problems through creativity. psychological problems, give vent to emotions that are in real life sometimes it's hard to express. For example, if a child is going through a stage of age-related conservatism, let the crocodile be green and angry; and if the baby is going through a period of breaking rules, then the crocodile can be pink, live on a cloud and be kind. Through creativity, children free themselves from the unpleasant and affirm the positive. Dynamic children can use drawing to shoot internal tension, and the inhibited overcome difficulties in self-expression.

2. Opening of visual perception. Children are most often kinesthetic learners. Simply put, they experience everything through touch and movement. Creative activities develop a different apparatus of perception – the visual one. A person focused on visual perception can, as a rule, predict his life more effectively. It is easier for such people to make and find decisions and remember something. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the development of the visual channel of perception and imaginative thinking.

3. Development of fantasy and imagination. Drawing, modeling and other types of creativity develop imagination through mechanisms of creative transformation and contribute to the development of symbolic thinking. First, the child experiences something, receives impressions and experiences of real life, and then transforms it with the help of creativity and, based on the knowledge gained, constructs his own unique creative reality. In this way, his inner world is enriched - with fantasies, dreams, pictures of what he wants and ideas of ways to achieve them.

4. Broadening your horizons. During creative activities, a child begins to understand that reality can be perceived in different ways, and, in addition, each person has his own individual perception. He notes that the representation of the same world can look different. In creativity, a child learns to see an infinite number of options, and in the long term, he becomes tolerant and attentive to the manifestations of others. Travel, go on visits, to children's theaters, to concerts, take children to exhibitions - all this will later become excellent material for joint creativity, and the child will feel like a full participant in big life.

5. Development of cognitive activity. Creative activities give a powerful impetus to the process of learning about the world around us. During creative activities, the child learns to interpret, and therefore associative thinking develops. In addition, the ability to find commonalities will improve, as well as to see subtle differences, i.e. ability to compare and generalize. The more successful the cognitive activity, the more adequate a person is to the natural and social environment, which is the key to his stable existence in the world.

6. Strengthening the connection with the child. When doing creativity with your child, do not treat it as just another waste of time. Use this time to establish and strengthen your connection with him, be attentive to what he does. Try to ask open questions to learn more about his “creation” - what he drew, why he chose those colors, what the names of his plasticine characters are, who they resemble. Children's games, and in particular creative activities, are very good opportunity look at your relationships and family relationships through the eyes of a child. If desired, you can show children's drawings to a psychologist and discuss what pleases the child and what may bother or traumatize him.

Probably, any parent would like to raise their child to be a creative person. What is creativity? A person can be called creative if he has a free flight of imagination, fantasy, intuition, which can lead to invention and finding non-standard solutions in various situations.

The concept of creativity is often associated with talent and genius. There are many theories and studies on this matter. Is it possible to raise a genius? Will talent make it through if it is not developed in any way? Some believe that all children are geniuses from birth, and if you do not suppress their abilities, but help them in every possible way, then you can give the world a new Leonardo. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. Genius is a very complex concept; many studies, on the contrary, say that you cannot become a genius, you can only be born one. But every person has talents from birth. They can and should be developed. But here another problem arises - often parents do not want to see the child’s true passions, inventing (quite sincerely wishing him happiness) talents for him.

But you can be a talented person, but at the same time uncreative. And then the talent is not fully realized. A person happily does what he loves, the work progresses in his hands, but at the same time he is not able to come up with something new in his field and remains only a performer. And, conversely, in a matter that does not require special talent, a creative person is capable of making a revolution. That is why the development of talent and creativity are two different things.

The origins of creativity undoubtedly lie in the subjective emotional experience of early childhood. In order to cultivate the ability to be creative in a child, it is necessary for the adults themselves to change. They are too constrained, afraid to play and have fun with the child, constantly observing the “rules of adult behavior.”

When encouraging a child’s creativity, you need to accept that he sees many things in his own way, perceives the world differently than you. When teaching your child, do not follow stereotypes, even if someone you know has had a positive experience of “exactly this kind of” training. Based on your child’s inclinations. After all, the main thing is not the cultivation of talent or genius, but whether the child’s inner world will be rich and varied, whether his capabilities will be realized, whether he will be capable of creativity.

Games and toys

The child plays, this is his main and most important activity in childhood, he uses all the objects that he finds in his game. This may sound strange, but the fewer toys a child has, the more developed his imagination will be. No, I am not calling for your children to have a difficult childhood with wooden sticks instead of soldiers. But avoid toys where everything has already been invented for the child. For example, coloring books that provide samples. Of course, various mosaics and games like “fold the pattern” develop attention, perseverance and creativity, but often a lot of attention is paid to folding pictures according to a pattern; ask the child to come up with pictures, patterns, and plots on his own.

Young children need to be taught to play, shown what to do with this or that game. But never prevent them from independently mastering games; the words “wrong” do not apply at all to creativity, especially for children.

Make toys with your child, come up with stories for games. A self-sewn doll is much more interesting to a child than a purchased one.

Creative fantasy games can help not only in the development of a child, but also change an adult. Jointly writing a fairy tale or poem, playing rhymes with a one-year-old baby - all this is the foundation of creative activity. Everyone knows games in which an adult depicts the movements and sounds of various animals, they offer a child a ride, any object can turn into any fairy-tale creature, become animated, any homework can become an interesting game with exciting adventures. All these fun not only contribute to the development of the baby’s imagination, but also train his memory, develop emotions and the desire to understand the world.


Many children can start drawing at six to eight months, if, of course, they are given the opportunity. Many will become interested in this after a year, and for some after two. This does not mean that the child does not have the ability or thirst for creativity. To be honest, this doesn’t mean anything at all, except that every child is a unique individual.

When giving your child the opportunity to draw, think about the format of the paper, offer the child a choice of large and small sheets, he will choose the path himself, just like any artist chooses the format future painting. Ideal materials for early creativity are also clay, cutting paper, colored paper, sand, plasticine, salty dough, pebbles, feathers, pasta and cereals... The list goes on and on.

First, an introduction to the material occurs, the child studies what was given to him and puts it into his mouth. He watches with surprise the changes in shape and the appearance of a pattern - this in itself is a valuable experience. Then he begins to understand that he himself is the active principle that leads to changes on paper. Here it is important to observe moderation, combining the child’s independence with communication and learning, which is designed to help him.

What prevents you from being creative person?

The main thing you need to know to become a creative person is your ability to create. The desire of any child to be creative is very great, but the resistance of the adults around him is also great. No, it’s not out of malice that parents want to show their child the world in all its diversity, but in the end they train him, forcing him to amaze those around him with his amazing knowledge. So for the first time the child is faced with a dilemma - to learn it or to invent it himself. The main authorities - parents - suggest that the first is more interesting to them. Or parents simply scold the child for all the inconvenient manifestations - littering, pouring water, getting dirty, etc.

The second stage is kindergarten. An individual approach to a child is very good, but in ordinary kindergartens, where most children (and not only Russian ones) study, they follow the principle “and now we are all” ... “we draw this,” “we dance this way.” ", "we make such and such movements"... The child learns to get along in a team, but immediately gets a role - a leader or a performer. The first is that no adult is welcome; you can get into big trouble if you keep coming up with new interesting games.

The third stage is school. Here, the development of creative abilities in 70% of cases can be given up even in the best school. The remaining 30% either have a rich creative life outside of school, developing in studios and clubs, or have a very high motivation studying at school. Why? There are children for whom school program weak, it is not enough for them to develop, never straining, they lose a lot through no fault of their own. The average child is fine with the program high school, but usually by the time he gets there he is ALREADY not interested in studying, he fulfills the requirements, but no more. For a weak student, everything is difficult for him; the program simply does not suit him, but an inferiority complex is formed (even if he pretends that he doesn’t care), which will not help in the future.

A reasonable question arises - what to do? Avoiding school and kindergarten is absolutely not necessary. There is a very simple and effective way develop the child creatively:

Don’t swear at your child over trifles (he got dirty, spilled something, made a terrible mess, fell into a puddle...)
don’t swear if he doesn’t understand something (otherwise he simply won’t try to understand something anymore)
do not scold for bad grades (grades are a convention, you always know your child’s abilities better)

If a child is scolded, he begins to be afraid, and fear is the main enemy of creativity. Fear of doing something wrong, fear of self-expression. Love your child, help him find his own path in life, do not impose ready-made adult decisions and always accept him as he is.


The results of scientific research have proven that every person is unique and genetically inimitable. But for some reason this uniqueness is more noticeable in children.

However, it is noticed that as they grow older, many children become similar in their judgments and creativity to others. They seem to strive to live by the principle of “be like everyone else.” And only very few manage to preserve and develop their creative individuality. Talents need to be cultivated, just as a good gardener tends a fruit tree. By developing a child's abilities, you can turn them into talents. But without noticing your talents, you can also lose your abilities. To cultivate the ability to be creative in a child, it is necessary for the adults themselves to change. They are too constrained, afraid to play and have fun with the child, constantly observing the “rules of adult behavior.”

When encouraging a child’s creativity, you need to accept that he sees many things in his own way, perceives the world differently than we do.

Until the age of 3, children’s imagination exists within other mental processes, where its foundation is laid. At the age of three, the formation of verbal forms of imagination occurs.

At 4-5 years old, the child begins to plan, to make a mental plan for upcoming actions.

At 6-7 years old, imagination is active.

A child’s education should enrich and clarify his perception and understanding of the world around him, and not be reduced to “imposing” ready-made topics on him. It is important to develop cognitive interests in children.

By developing creative potential from early childhood, we not only improve cognitive processes and creative abilities, but also shape the child’s personality.

Today we will talk about one of the main areas of development of a child’s personality – drawing.


Many children can start drawing at six to eight months, if, of course, they are given the opportunity. Many will become interested in this after a year, and for some after two. This does not mean that the child does not have the ability or thirst for creativity.

The development of the ability to depict primarily depends on the cultivation of observation, the ability to see the features of surrounding objects and phenomena, compare them, and highlight what is characteristic. At the same time, one cannot ignore the child’s age and, therefore, demand a complex plot structure from a 3-4 year old child, even if training begins very early. His thinking has not yet reached the required level to solve a problem that an older preschooler, with appropriate training, can easily solve.

But it is known that children of the same age can be at different stages of development. This depends on upbringing and on the general development of the child. The teacher should not forget about this, because an individual approach to each child is one of the main conditions for successful upbringing and education. The first stage in the development of children’s artistic abilities begins from the moment when visual material first falls into the child’s hands - paper, pencil, piece of clay, cubes, crayons, etc. In pedagogical literature, this period is called “pre-figurative”, since here there is no image of the object yet and there is not even a plan or desire to depict something. This period plays a significant role. The child becomes familiar with the properties of materials and masters the various hand movements necessary to create graphic forms.

If the material falls into the hands of children 5-6 years old and 2-3 years old for the first time, then, of course, the older children will come up with an idea faster, since they have more experience in understanding the world around them.

The pre-visual period is very important for the development of a child’s further abilities.

On their own, few children can master all the movements available to them and the necessary forms. The teacher must lead the child from involuntary movements to limiting them, to visual control, to a variety of forms of movement, then to the conscious use of acquired experience in drawing and modeling.

Try to draw not only on a horizontal surface, but also on a vertical one - with pencils, paints, felt-tip pens.

You can attach large sheets of paper to the walls.

Matching games also develop a child’s taste very well. They can be practiced from the age of four.

Offer your child two completely different toys, such as a small, dainty plastic dragonfly and a large doll. Then ask them to bring items for each toy that could be in their house. And at the same time tell you why the dragonfly may have this item, but does not fit the doll. Allow the use of not only toys, but also household items around you, clothing, and scraps of fabric.

Another option for such a game is to give the child a lot of objects and ask them to divide them into groups. Let the child decide for himself on what basis he will divide them. For example, by color, size, hardness, character or any other.

The second stage of creativity is making bouquets. You can practice it from the age of 5. Invite your child to make a bouquet, for example, to decorate the kitchen table. During the walk, let the child collect the plants and flowers he sees fit. And in the group, let them make a bouquet of them. You can make bouquets of leaves, dry autumn plants, winter spruce branches. Offer to include pieces of foil, strips of colored paper, yarn, beads on threads in the bouquets - whatever comes to the mind of the young designer.

What prevents you from being a creative person?

The main thing you need to know to become a creative person is your ability to create. The desire of any child to be creative is very great, but the resistance of the adults around him is also great. No, it’s not out of malice that parents want to show their child the world in all its diversity, but in the end they train him, forcing him to amaze those around him with his amazing knowledge. So for the first time the child is faced with a dilemma - to learn it or to invent it himself. The main authorities - parents - suggest that the first is more interesting to them. Or parents simply scold the child for all the inconvenient manifestations - littering, pouring water, getting dirty, etc.

The second stage is kindergarten. An individual approach to a child is very good, but in ordinary kindergartens, where most children (and not only Russian ones) study, they follow the principle “and now we are all” ... “we draw this,” “we dance this way.” ", "we make such and such movements"... The child learns to get along in a team, but immediately gets a role - a leader or a performer. The first is that no adult is welcome; you can get into big trouble if you keep coming up with new interesting games.

Perhaps the most important factor in nurturing a creative personality is freedom. Freedom of choice, freedom of imagination. Who said that semolina cannot be mixed with paints and then painted? Who said that the first doll a child sews should be correct form? Who said that the color black in a drawing is a sign of aggression and a reason to think about the mental stability of a child?

So what is creativity? A person can be called creative if he has a free flight of imagination, fantasy, intuition, which can lead to invention and finding non-standard solutions in various situations.

Consultation for parents

“How to raise a creative person?”

Probably, any parent would like to raise their child to be a creative person. What is creativity? Creativity is a process of activity that creates qualitatively new material or spiritual values. The main criterion that distinguishes creativity is the uniqueness of its result. A person can be called creative if he has a well-developed imagination and fantasy, he is capable of invention, finding non-standard solutions in various situations.
Imagination is the highest mental function, inherent only to humans, which allows you to create new images by processing previous experience. It can be recreative - when the image of an object is created according to its description, and creative - when completely new images are born.
Creativity is the ability to create, the readiness to create fundamentally new ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking.

Creative potential is inherent in a child from birth and develops as he grows up. A child’s natural talent manifests itself quite early, but the extent to which his creative potential will develop largely depends on the family. A family can develop or destroy a child’s creative abilities. Therefore, the formation of a creative personality is one of the most important tasks of education.
Speaking about the formation of abilities, it is necessary to dwell on the question of at what age children’s creative abilities should be developed. Psychologists call different periods from one and a half to five years. There is also a hypothesis that it is necessary to develop creative abilities from a very early age.
Preschool childhood is the most favorable period for the development of creative abilities because at this age children are extremely inquisitive, they have a great desire to learn about the world around them. And parents, by encouraging curiosity, imparting knowledge to children, and involving them in various activities, contribute to the expansion of children's experience. And the accumulation of experience and knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for future creative activity. In addition, the thinking of preschoolers is more free than the thinking of older children. It is more independent and not yet suppressed by stereotypes. From all of the above, we can conclude that preschool age provides excellent opportunities for developing creativity. And the creative potential of an adult will largely depend on the extent to which these opportunities were used.

Creative activity is very interesting for a preschooler because it satisfies his desire to act and be productive, as well as the need to reflect the impressions he receives from the life around him, to express his attitude to what he sees and experiences. The kid is happy that he can create an image with his own hands.
Experts distinguish three groups of means of aesthetic education: art, the surrounding reality (including nature) and artistic and creative activities. All these areas are interconnected, and thanks to this, the child actively participates in the creative experience of people. Only an adult can effectively manage children’s artistic activities and the development of their abilities. At the same time, the mental processes themselves develop in artistic and creative activity, raising it to a new level. Ideas about objects and phenomena are formed on the basis of perception. Therefore, the most important condition for the development of a child’s creativity is the development of perception (visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, tactile), the formation of a diverse sensory experience.
The characteristics of a child’s perception are determined not only by the state of his senses, but also by the sensory experience that he acquired in early childhood. Indeed, practice and research show that the earlier you begin to develop the baby’s sensations and perceptions, the more varied and complete his sensory experience will be by the time he begins to draw and sculpt. For the development of imaginative ideas and imaginative thinking, such types of creative activities as visual and constructive are of great importance. It is obvious that, on the one hand, for the successful implementation of visual activity, the development of figurative ideas and thinking is necessary, on the other hand, visual activity plays a huge role in the formation of this kind of ideas and thinking. Imagination is closely related to figurative thinking; both of these processes are based on the aesthetic perception of the world. Without them, artistic and creative activity is impossible. Any type of creativity is based on a good level of development of perception, ideas, imaginative thinking, and imagination. Consequently, the formation of these processes will serve the development of creative abilities. Of course, play and artistic activity provide the greatest opportunities for this.

Creativity is a fusion of many qualities. The components of creative potential are:
1. Speed ​​- the ability to express the maximum number of ideas.
2. Flexibility - the ability to express a wide variety of ideas.
3. Originality - the ability to generate new non-standard ideas (this can manifest itself in answers, decisions that do not coincide with generally accepted ones).
4. Completeness - the ability to improve your “product” or give it a finished look.

How to develop creativity in a child? First, let's look at the most common mistakes that parents make when trying to develop their child's creative abilities.
1. The first and most common mistake is trying to act according to a template. Stores sell a huge number of so-called “creativity kits”, where the child is asked to create a craft using a ready-made stencil. Parents willingly buy these sets, without thinking that they are aimed at developing diligence, perseverance and accuracy, and not at all at developing creative potential. The main criterion that distinguishes creativity from production is the uniqueness of its result. Therefore, stencils have nothing to do with children's creativity.
In this regard, you should avoid games and toys that do not leave the child any room for imagination - for example, mosaics and construction sets, where you need to put together figures and patterns according to a pattern, or coloring books that already contain colored pictures for example.
2. The second mistake is parents prohibiting the child from trying to create. We are afraid of dirty clothes, dirty floors, walls, unnecessary washing and cleaning. The easiest way to avoid unnecessary hassle is to make the bathroom your workshop. Because space restrictions will prevent the child from getting real pleasure from drawing, modeling, etc.
3. The third mistake is that you cannot do something for a child if he can do it himself. You can’t think for him when he can figure it out himself. Unfortunately, hinting is a common way for parents to “help” their children, but it only hurts the matter.
4. The fourth mistake is that parents are in no hurry to get involved in their children’s creative process. But for children, it is parents who are role models! Don't be afraid to try.

1. One of the most important factors in the creative development of children is the creation of conditions conducive to the formation of their creative abilities. Parents need to make the process of life and activity of children creative, to put children in situations of cognitive, artistic and moral creativity. It is necessary to organize an interesting and meaningful life for a child, enrich him with vivid impressions, provide emotional and intellectual experience, which will serve as the basis for the emergence of ideas and will be the material necessary for the work of the imagination.
2. Success in raising a creative personality depends on the atmosphere that reigns in your home, on the relationship that has developed between parents and child. It has long been known that creativity requires a comfortable psychological environment, so maintain an atmosphere of warmth, trust and creativity at home. Be careful about the process and result of children's activities. It is important to constantly stimulate the child to be creative, encourage his successes and show compassion for failures, and be patient with even the strangest ideas. It is necessary to exclude remarks and condemnation from everyday life. A child deprived of a positive outlet for creative energy may resort to aggressive behavior.
3. When encouraging a child’s creativity, you need to remember that he sees many things in his own way, perceives the world differently than we do. Therefore, when teaching your child, avoid stereotypes. Based on your child’s inclinations. After all, the main thing is not the cultivation of talent or genius, but how diverse his inner world will be, whether his creative abilities will be realized.
4. Give the child freedom in choosing activities, in methods and methods of action, do not interfere with him freely expressing himself. Watch your child. What does he like to do most? Sing? Dance? Paint? Sculpt? Copy someone else's facial expressions or behavior? Let your home always have plasticine, paints, old magazines, colored paper, jars and boxes. Then the child’s desire, his interest in creativity and emotional upsurge will serve as a guarantee that this matter will benefit him.
5. Support the child’s creative initiative through the respectful attitude of all family members towards his drawings, crafts, and first attempts to compose something. In preschool age, most children are not shy about dancing, singing, and showing their drawings to others. The child’s personality is not yet complex; he feels enough strength and desire to try everything, to participate in different types of creative activities.
6. Nurturing children's creative abilities will be effective only if it is a purposeful process. There is a lot of debate about what and how to teach children, but the fact that it is necessary to teach is beyond doubt. If you select appropriate teaching methods, children, without losing the originality of their creativity, create works of a higher level than their untrained peers. Enroll your child in a children's club or studio, music school or art school so that he can develop and improve his creative abilities.
7. Be actively involved in the process and create together with your child. Let the baby burst with ideas; your task is not to interfere, but to help him. Children, unlike adults, have a fresh perspective on things. They can turn any, even the most inconspicuous detail into a magical character. Let your child teach you how to create, and then he will carry his creativity and lack of stereotypes throughout his life. And in the future you will be proud of your talented child.
It is very useful to make toys together with your child; often a doll sewn together with your child will be much more interesting to him than the most beautiful store-bought one. You can also conduct joint games, where parents and children will come up with a plot and characters together, and then portray them. Any homework can be a great help for the game, and any object can turn into a fairy-tale hero.
8. The design of the apartment and its interior also influence the child’s creative abilities. It’s good if there are paintings, decorations, and decorative things hanging on the walls that you can touch with your hands. Decorate the apartment with your baby's drawings, but don't forget to change them from time to time so that your child will want to draw more and more, so that he sees that you appreciate his efforts.
9. Read fairy tales to your child. The role of fairy tales for the development of a child’s imagination is invaluable. It is a fairy tale that will teach him to find a way out of a hopeless situation, to invent something new, because in a fairy tale everything is possible. From reading a fairy tale, there is only one step to a new hobby - writing your own fairy tales and stories. It will open the path to creativity for your child.
10. Provide your child with a room or a separate corner for games and toys. Games in childhood occupy most of children's time. A game for a child is not a waste of time, but a source of new information. This is how children learn about the world around them. In games, all cognitive processes are trained and developed, and children's talent develops.
Many parents note that children often use not specially purchased toys for games, but substitute items - various caps and sticks, rags and bottles, leaves and boxes. A child can use any object within reach for his games, and no matter how strange it may sound, the fewer toys he has, the more his imagination develops.
11. Don’t be afraid to get dirty or dirty something in the house (cover a white sofa, put vases higher). What kind of creative development can we talk about if the baby is constantly in the zone of restrictions: “Don’t touch! Do not run! Do not take!". Do not forbid your child to create and do not punish him for creative experiments! Set certain boundaries for his creativity. For example, you can’t draw on walls, but you can on whatman paper attached to the wall.
12. Never force your opinion on a child! You can suggest, give an idea, but do not insist on it, this can reduce the child’s initiative.
The main thing in the process of raising a creative personality is to give the child the opportunity to realize his ability to be creative!