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What to do when you feel mentally ill. Moral fatigue

People usually feel lost when their loved ones experience grief.
It is difficult to understand how to support your beloved man, girlfriend or sister in this situation.

To understand this problem, you don't need to be a brilliant psychologist.

Keep in touch

When we learn about the tragedy loved one, it’s not always possible to find the strength to call. At such moments it often seems that we have nothing to say. The situation is aggravated by the fact that a person may not make contact. He pretends like everything is fine.
Remember that men often hide their emotions. Many women are also accustomed to remaining silent about problems because they are afraid that they will be found guilty.

If a tragedy happened to a friend, contact should be maintained at least once every few days. This is especially important in situations where girls suffer from domestic violence or toxic relationships. In our society, it is customary to “not wash dirty linen in public,” so appreciate the trust placed in you if she was able to talk about the problem.

Moral support is great, but often it is not enough. Many people lose the ability to think adequately in a stressful situation, so they don't ask for help. Observe your friend’s behavior, think about how you can make his life easier.

If your boyfriend or girlfriend recently lost a relative, they will definitely need to organize a funeral.

If they become seriously ill, find out about all possible treatment options. Take on responsibilities that they may not be able to afford now.

Do your best to distract the victim. Persuade a friend to go for a walk in the park, buy tickets to the theater or concert. Choose an entertainment program that can completely capture his attention. Remember about appropriateness: you should not show a romantic comedy to a friend who has just broken up with her boyfriend. Otherwise, tears cannot be avoided, although sometimes they are needed.

Music can solve most human problems, if not all - a still from the movie “At least once in a lifetime”

arrow_left Music can solve most human problems, if not all - a still from the movie “At least once in a lifetime”

There is such an amazing quality as empathy. Not all men and women have it, but you can develop this “super ability” in yourself. If we talk in simple words, empathy implies the ability to put oneself in the place of another, to feel his emotional state. Tell him what you would like to hear in a similar situation.

Make sure that the person is willing to listen to your recommendations, and only then express an opinion. Consider your words, let them not be too harsh. At the same time, the idea must be formulated clearly and unambiguously, otherwise you will only confuse your interlocutor.

Even if the problems of a friend or beloved man seem trivial to you, you do not need to report it. Everyone is different, and invalidating other people's feelings has nothing to do with being supportive.

It is very important that you have a trusting relationship with this person.

If you have not encountered such problems, try to avoid cliched phrases. Deep down, we all understand that life changes, pain passes, and one day it will get better. But such remarks irritate people who have recently experienced grief. They don't want this relief in the future, they want relief from pain now. In addition, people often blame themselves for what happened. In such cases, they may subconsciously seek punishment and refuse to be happy in the future.

Never mention "more" serious problems” that other people are facing right now. When under stress, men do not want to hear about the starving children of Africa and the terminally ill; they need attention to themselves. We all experience grief differently, and sometimes it takes longer.

Don’t forget that we subconsciously reflect the emotions of our interlocutors, like a mirror. You will have to stay strong to support your loved one. Even if you want to cry and complain about life, do it in his absence. Phrases and sighs filled with hopelessness will only prolong the process of healing mental wounds. And if you believe in the best, no matter what, one day this will be passed on to your friend.

Sometimes a simple walk by the lake can support you better than any words.

arrow_left Sometimes a simple walk by the lake can support you better than any words.

Sometimes you just need to be there. Distract the attention of your dear man or woman with a pleasant conversation, come up with some kind of surprise for them. Watch a new episode of your favorite TV series together, go to some memorial place. The person should feel supported, even if you do not discuss the problem.

At the same time, you can’t be too intrusive. When people have troubles, they often want to be alone with themselves. Respect someone else's personal space, know how to let go at the right moment. You don't need to take control of your friend's life, otherwise it could end badly.

Remember that at a certain stage of grief, men (and often women) can become more aggressive than usual. They will get angry over trifles and take out their anger on innocent people. Try to be understanding and forgive, but don’t allow yourself to be humiliated. Gently remind them that you are not the cause of their suffering.

A man, a woman and a dog are a win-win combination for dealing with stress, isn’t it?

arrow_left A man, a woman and a dog are a win-win combination for dealing with stress, isn’t it?

You need to provide support constantly, even if the person already feels much better. You shouldn’t sacrifice your resources for this, but sincere conversations and encouragement have never harmed anyone. Plus, you will feel better about yourself by helping others. Do not ignore the successes of friends and relatives, encourage their achievements.

Of course, you won’t be able to learn to follow all the recommendations right away. Remember that we are all different. Perhaps your man has his own special method of consolation. Act as your intuition tells you, show kindness and understanding towards your loved ones. In this case, the support will not go unnoticed.

Hello! I already wrote here, I decided to write again. Since I am already dying mentally and physically. I have never, ever felt as bad and terrible as I do now. For the last month I have been crying all the time, non-stop. I cry and don’t sleep, day or night. I can't do this anymore, I'm no longer here. I died, all that was left of me was a shadow, a pitiful semblance of a person. Did I ever live? I may have lived, but for the last few years I have simply existed. And in this moment I've already reached the edge, the edge. I can not do it anymore! I want to scream and ask for help, but I understand that no one will help me. My heart is torn to pieces, I am choking on tears every day. I'm scared, very scared. I don’t want to wake up in the morning, I realize in horror that another terrible, terrible day is coming that I have to live through. People, kind, sweet, good - please help me. I'm already dead in my heart. I don't see myself in the future. What can I say, I don’t know if I’ll live tomorrow. Anyone who can respond, help, do not remain indifferent to my terrible pain. When I was 19 years old, I was very sick and experienced clinical death. I left the body and was there, on the other side of life and death. They wanted to take me away forever, but I didn’t want to and refused. They brought me back, I came to my senses. Then he quickly recovered. And now I’m alive after this 10 years. Now I hate myself for not wanting to die then. This whole nightmare wouldn't have happened. The Lord gave me a chance, I would have been freed from torment forever, but I chose life. For what? The Bible says about hell and heaven, but I believe that hell is here on Earth. I went through inhuman torment in this world, I went through all the circles of hell. I'm trying to remember something good through a mind clouded by mental pain. Probably the most best time when I didn't suffer was until I was 6 years old. And it started right from the age of seven, and over the years it got worse and worse. Mental pain, fear, anxiety, anxiety all grew like a snowball. I would give a lot of what I have so that my well-being would be good, so that my soul would not be torn to pieces. Maybe I'm possessed? Possessed by unclean spirits? They torment me, torment me, tear me apart. I'm dying, I can't do this anymore, I'm tired. I'm between a rock and a hard place, I'm in a hopeless situation. I am very scared to live, but even more scared to die. I am afraid of both, and it is unbearable for me. I have a panic disorder, a phobic disorder. Pseudogallucinosis. Obsessive-compulsive disorder. I'm afraid of everything, I'm afraid to go outside. I'm afraid of myself. It’s not just difficult for me to live, but simply difficult to exist. I want me not to exist, the fact that I am alive is some kind of stupid mistake. At the end of May I will have my 29th birthday. I think this is my last birthday. I have a hard time getting through each day. There is only darkness and emptiness ahead, my future is bleak. To fight the disease, you need strong support from the people around you. But there are none. Nobody at home understands me. The people I live with don’t understand me and don’t want to hear me. I found myself in some kind of dead end, a stupor. I do not want anything anymore. I have nothing to strive for, nothing to desire, I have no goals and I don’t want to know anything from information. The Internet finally finished me off. Before it was better, more than half of what I learned from the Internet I shouldn’t have known. This was very harmful information, bliss lies in ignorance. I don’t know how to live with this now, I’m scared for the future. Many relatives abandoned me. I'm single, no family, no children, no job, no girlfriend. There is nothing left but pain that is destroying me. I live in poverty and there is misunderstanding everywhere, there are no like-minded people, there are no advisers who can help. I beg you to help me, with at least one word of sympathy and understanding. I'm scared, I'm very afraid that I will soon be gone!
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Andrey, age: 28 / 05/21/2014


Hello Andrei!

Register on the forum of this site - there you can talk with a psychiatrist or just with understanding people.

Ekaterina, age: 30 / 05/21/2014

Hey Andrey, don't be nervous, okay? I'll tell you that with your ability to describe a situation, I think you would be a good writer. Don’t worry, it will pass, you just relax, be simpler, remove all your complexes and straighten your shoulders, because if you feel like a shadow and behave accordingly, no one will notice you. Why are you afraid to go outside? Get ready to go out into nature one weekend. From all of us. God, there is such bliss when you sit around the fire and there is silence, only the birds sing and the fire crackles. Not everything is so bad in life. Smile, even when you don’t want to, a smile sends impulses to your brain that everything is fine and you are happy with everything. I also despaired, and I also wanted to die, but everything passed, I passed the test. I wish you happiness and health. Don't be sad!:)

Misa, age: 16/05/21/2014

Andrey, hello!
It’s really time for you to start fighting for your health, physical and mental. I sympathize with you, but I wish more that you take real action to improve your condition. Try starting with this:
1. Be sure to register on the forum and ask for help to take a step towards your recovery.
2. Make an appointment and go to an appointment with a therapist so that he can prescribe strengthening vitamins or other means to improve immunity and tone. It may be worth making an appointment with a psychiatrist.
3. Try to write words of sympathy and encouragement to someone here. You are well versed in the complexities of psychology, you know how to identify conditions and problems. You could provide invaluable help to many when a person is told that what is happening to him can already be described more easily. cope with the pain of the soul. You can help a lot.
The main thing is actions. Prayer is also an action, and what a powerful one!
With God's help, Andrey, you are not alone! There are many of us here, those who have experienced or are experiencing discord with their lives.
You listed what you don’t have yet, in fact it’s all acquired. Now list to yourself what you really have now. I’m sure this will be no less =) all the best to you, Andrey.

Katya, age: 28 / 05/21/2014

Dear Andrey! You are a believer, and this means a lot. If we build our lives in constant communication with God, then we see the whole world differently - from a spiritual point of view. But we see that nothing is accidental, and no suffering is in vain. The main thing is that, while enduring suffering, we cleave to God more strongly. I know one guy with HIV, who was kicked out of the house by his own mother; for 10 years now he has been wandering around cities and towns, train stations, hostels, and, at best, a hospital, without having anywhere to lay his head. There is almost no money, documents are regularly stolen, beaten on the street, and he is constantly in serious physical condition... But with all this, he is a very religious person, and in his spiritual life he has grown to the point that he prays for... Russia. It seemed that he would have to pray for an apartment, money and treatment. And he finds the strength to pray for other people and the whole nation! And he says, “this is my cross, and I will bear it (my illness and poverty)”... This is what it means to live in Christ.
It seems to me that your problems can be solved, on the one hand, by medication, on the other - like this guy, like all of us - by faith in God and prayer. If you were returned from there, it means that it is still necessary. What would I do if I were you? I tried to go to church more often. As one of my friends, a cancer patient, said, the pain goes away only in church. It happens very well after a prayer service when they sprinkle with holy water. But the most important medicine is confession and Communion. And it would be good for you to find a confessor. If you cannot go to church, you can ask the priest to come to your home and give you Holy Communion. Read more spiritual literature, it helps to straighten your thoughts, calm down, and “catch” the desired wave. And yet - have you never read an akathist (such a long prayer) to St. Luke of Crimea? Read about him on the Internet - you will learn a lot of interesting things about his life (he lived in the twentieth century) and miracles. He was a doctor and a priest at the same time. And now people turn to him most often for healing. Ask him for help. Ask also for your patron saint. Is this Apostle Andrew the First-Called? It’s also good to pray to the Mother of God, Her prayer is the most powerful. You can also pray about work and personal life, you just need patience.
Besides this, think about what you like to do and try to develop it.
Don't despair, there is always hope.
And please come out to the forum - don’t disappear!

r.B.Yulia, age: 35 / 05/21/2014

Hi Andrew,

Nice, big letter, a letter about the fear you are experiencing. Are you scared. It becomes scary from many things. You want to scream for help.
I sympathize with you, Andrey, experiencing fear for a long time is quite unpleasant, and truly painful!!
The disorders you listed are anxiety disorders. Phobic - from the word phobos, fear. Obsessive-compulsive also falls into the same category.
How to cope with fear, which no longer helps us avoid some danger, run away or fight, and does not mobilize us to fight or flee? And which simply exists. One of the successful techniques is, according to Wolpe, desensitization in fear-inducing situations. In short, learn to relax in the presence of a psychologist who will look at where you are still tense and then transfer this skill to situations where it can be scary. First into a situation where there is very little fear, then into one where there is more, and then into the most frightening situation. Why is it connected with relaxation, because relaxation is a state in which it is least possible to be afraid. In contrast to the tension in which we are ready to fight back or run away from real danger. That is, I want to say that fear is our friend, it was our friend when people still lived in forests and caves. And now he is our friend if, for example, we need to run away, to save ourselves from something or someone, for example, a flood. If fear is present in situations where I or you understand rationally, there is nothing special to be afraid of, but we are still painfully afraid.. If this fetters me and does not allow me to go outside. In this case, you need to overcome fear and learn not to be afraid. It can be done.

About the Internet. The fact that there is a lot of information there, yes. Both efficient and idle, it’s true. Previously, people went to libraries, where they could pick up a book and think whether they wanted to read it or not. The very fact that the book was published, has reviews, is already information for us that the person tried, took the writing of the book seriously. It’s easier to write something on the Internet. So the process of judging whether I should read something and who wrote it is more difficult. For example, I look to see if there are links to literature and authors. I’ll look at what kind of literature there are references to and then start reading.

Good luck and all the best to you!

marrina, age: 45 / 05/21/2014

I read your letter and the first thing I thought was: you don’t have so much problems, but how much you have screwed yourself up and take a lot on yourself, as if you were the Lord God. Relax. Accept yourself as you are. Let go of all your problems. Cast them on God. Only God can help you. You yourself see that a person can’t solve much in his life. Go to a therapist, take some calming drugs. It's bad that you're so lonely. Loneliness - it eats. Think, maybe there is still someone who could listen to you and give you some advice. It would make you feel better. You want support, love, mutual understanding. But life is like that! Don’t think that those people who have a family are cloudlessly happy. There are many lonely people in the family. Hold on! Walk this path for fun. What will!

Age: 26/05/22/2014

I will advise you this, of course this is not the point, but it always helps me: Don’t envy other people, then an inferiority complex appears and you become one step lower. Accept your shortcomings and treat other people the same way they treat you. And when I’m mentally upset, I watch TV shows, they help me and allow me to look at the world from a different perspective. You should start life over with a new leaf, forget it the past, I see that you cling to the past, that’s why you think that you don’t seem to live anymore, but the whole point is that you live in the past. I understand you, that’s why I wish you happiness and I believe that you your life will change in better side!:)

Sveta, age: 17 / 07/02/2014

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There are days when everything seems black and hopeless, when it hurts and is hard. Few people, finding themselves in such a situation, clearly know what to do when they feel bad. Everyone has their own recipes. Some people turn on sad music and revel in their grief, while others try to unwind.

What to do when you feel bad?

We look for and eliminate the cause

Understand the reasons for your condition - a person doesn’t feel bad just like that, for no reason. Everything has a reason, and so does your condition, you just need to find them. How to do it? Some reasons are obvious, others are hidden deep down and may not be clear or obvious. How to find hidden reasons? Immerse yourself in your state, try to strengthen it. This must be done very carefully and with something that can help, for example, music that matches your mood. Develop the thoughts that come to mind in this state, think about where they come from. Think about what images and associations this condition evokes in you, whether you have had it before.

Eliminate the cause of your condition. Yes, sometimes this is simply impossible - you cannot resurrect a loved one or correct any situation, but you can eliminate the cause of your condition, for example, imagine a dialogue with someone who is no longer there, with your offender, or with yourself in the past. You can eliminate what reminds you of the traumatic situation - photographs, gifts, things, perhaps even smells. The fewer things that remind you of painful events, the easier it is to stop thinking about them.

Change will help

Change your surroundings - you can just go out for a walk, meet someone, go to a new place, or even leave the city. By changing the environment around you, you will again be able to change the way of thinking and associations brought to you by the place in which you are. Take a break, get new impressions and emotions. Yes, even if you’re just thinking about making repairs or rearranging your home, you’ll have something to distract yourself with and something to put your energy into.

Work - do something tangible, something in which you will immediately see the result, it could be needlework, drawing, cooking, or even the same repair or rearrangement of furniture. Keep yourself and your body active. Seeing that your energy was not wasted, but usefully, you will feel much better.

Create a positive attitude

Give yourself a holiday - please your body or soul. Give yourself your favorite bubble bath, eat your favorite foods and especially sweets, change your hairstyle or go see a good movie.

Think about your achievements - remember everything you have achieved, what you are good at, perhaps you have awards and simply what you can be proud of. It can even be little things, the main thing is that they are useful and remind you of the good and what you can do. I learned to swim, found the best kind of green tea, learned to understand car models, met all my colleagues, etc. You can make yourself a list of your achievements and admire it when you feel sad. Lists of material acquisitions will also help.

New goals and achievements

Make a plan or just come up with a goal that you will strive for. It may be a desire or a dream, but it must be something that you can really do yourself. At first, you can set small goals that will help you achieve the global one. For example, the global goal “to lose 20 kilograms” can be divided into small ones: eat right, do exercises, run, do aerobics. It is useful to set deadlines, but they must be realistic. Don’t push yourself with impossible deadlines, it’s better to take time to spare and be proud of yourself if you completed the plan earlier.

Here are 7 steps that explain what to do when you feel bad. Decide for yourself what is best for you and to what extent to follow each of them; whether to dive into your grief to look for reasons or immediately leave it and get rid of reminders. If your condition worsens for no apparent reason and you don’t want to do anything, contact a psychologist or psychotherapist.

83171 06/01/1963 Chairman of the collective farm “Rassvet” of the Mogilev region Kirill Orlovsky. Stolyarenko/RIA Novosti

In the summer of 1944, this man wrote a statement with a request, sending it personally to Stalin,

because the lower authorities did not even want to listen to him, answering not at all out of callousness:

“You already did everything you could. Rest."

This Man is a Hero Soviet Union, wrote to Stalin that he was living poorly morally and asked for help.

How? You can understand why they refused from the text of the statement.

Be sure to read this statement, a copy of which was kept in the archives of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus; it was declassified and published quite recently. This statement, marked "Top Secret" (this was the applicant's status), written just three days after Minsk was liberated and not intended to ever be published, tells more about the person who wrote it, the country and the era than entire volumes of books. It says a lot about our time, although it was not intended for this at all. These days it doesn’t just seem incredible – it’s amazing!

Moscow, Kremlin, Comrade Stalin.

From Hero of the Soviet Union

lieutenant colonel state security

Orlovsky Kirill Prokofievich.


Dear Comrade Stalin!

Let me hold your attention for a few minutes and express to you my thoughts, feelings and aspirations.

I was born in 1895 in the village. Myshkovichi of the Kirov district of the Mogilev region in the family of a middle peasant.

Until 1915 he worked and studied on his agriculture, in the village of Myshkovichi.

From 1915 to 1918 he served in tsarist army as the commander of a sapper platoon.

From 1918 to 1925 he worked behind the lines of the German occupiers, Belopoles and Belolitovos as a commander of partisan detachments and sabotage groups. At the same time, he fought for four months on the Western Front against the White Poles, for two months against the troops of General Yudenich, and for eight months he studied in Moscow at the 1st Moscow Infantry Command Course.

From 1925 to 1930 he studied in Moscow at the Komvuz of the Peoples of the West.

From 1930 to 1936 he worked in a special group of the NKVD of the USSR for the selection and training of sabotage and partisan personnel in the event of war with the Nazi invaders in Belarus.

In 1936, he worked on the construction of the Moscow-Volga canal as a construction site manager.

Throughout 1937, he was on a business trip to Spain, where he fought behind the lines of fascist troops as the commander of a sabotage and partisan group.

1939-1940 he worked and studied at the Chkalovsky Agricultural Institute.

In 1941, he was on a special mission in Western China, from where, at his personal request, he was recalled and sent to the deep rear of the German invaders as the commander of a reconnaissance and sabotage group.

Thus, from 1918 to 1943, I was lucky enough to work for 8 years behind enemy lines of the USSR as a commander of partisan detachments and sabotage groups, illegally cross the front line and state border over 70 times, carry out government tasks, kill hundreds of notorious enemies of the Soviet Union, as in military and Peaceful time. For this, the USSR Government awarded me two Orders of Lenin, the Gold Star medal and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Member of the CPSU(b) since 1918. I have no party penalties.

On the night of February 17, 1943, human intelligence brought me information that on 17/II–43, Wilhelm Kube (Commissar General of Belarus), Friedrich Fens (Commissar of the three regions of Belarus), Obergruppenführer Zacharius, 10 officers and 40-50 of their guards.

At this time, I had only 12 of my soldiers with me, armed with one light machine gun, seven machine guns and three rifles. During the day on open area, on the road it was quite risky to attack the enemy, but it was not in my nature to let a large fascist reptile pass by. And therefore, even before dawn, I brought my soldiers in white camouflage robes to the road itself, put them in a chain and camouflaged them in snow pits 20 meters from the road along which the enemy was supposed to pass.

For twelve hours in the snow pits, my comrades and I had to lie and wait patiently...

At six o'clock in the evening, enemy transport appeared from behind the hill and when the carts caught up with our chain, at my signal our machine-gun fire was opened, as a result of which Friedrich Fens, 8 officers, Zacharius and more than 30 guards were killed.

My comrades calmly took away all the fascist weapons, documents, and removed them from best clothes and went into the forest in an organized manner, to their base.

There were no casualties on our side. In this battle, I was seriously wounded and shell-shocked, as a result of which my right arm was amputated at the shoulder, 4 fingers on my left, and the auditory nerve was damaged by 50-60%. There, in the forests of the Baranovichi region, I became physically stronger, and in August 1943 I was summoned to Moscow by radiogram.

Thanks to the People's Commissar of State Security, Comrade Merkulov, and the Head of the 4th Directorate, Comrade Sudoplatov, I live very well financially. Morally - bad.

The Lenin-Stalin Party raised me to work hard for the benefit of my beloved Motherland; my physical disabilities (loss of arms and deafness) do not allow me to work at my previous job, but the question arises: did I give everything for the Motherland and the party of Lenin-Stalin?

To my moral satisfaction, I am deeply convinced that I have enough physical strength, experience and knowledge to still be useful in peaceful work.

Simultaneously with reconnaissance, sabotage and partisan work, I devoted as much time as possible to working on agricultural literature.

From 1930 to 1936, due to the nature of my main work, I visited the collective farms of Belarus every day, took a closer look at this business and fell in love with it.

I used my stay at the Chkalov Agricultural Institute, as well as the Moscow Agricultural Exhibition, to the fullest in obtaining such an amount of knowledge that could ensure the organization of an exemplary collective farm.

If the USSR Government issued a loan in the amount of 2.175 thousand rubles in goods terms and 125 thousand rubles in in monetary terms, then in my homeland, in the village of Myshkovichi, Kirov district, Mogilev region, on the collective farm “Red Partisan” before 1950, I would have achieved the following indicators:

  1. From one hundred forage cows (in 1950), I can achieve a milk yield of at least eight thousand kilograms for each forage cow, at the same time I can increase the live weight of the dairy breeding farm every year, improve the exterior, and also increase the fat content of milk.
  2. Sow at least seventy hectares of flax and in 1950 obtain at least 20 centners of flax fiber from each hectare.
  3. Sow 160 hectares of grain crops (rye, oats, barley) and in 1950 get at least 60 centners from each hectare, provided that even in June-July of this year there is no rain. If it rains, the harvest will not be 60 centners per hectare, but 70-80 centners.
  4. In 1950, collective farm forces will plant an orchard on one hundred hectares in accordance with all agrotechnical rules that have been developed by agrotechnical science.
  5. By 1948, three snow retention strips will be organized on the territory of the collective farm, on which at least 30,000 ornamental trees will be planted.
  6. By 1950 there will be at least one hundred bee farm families.
  7. The following buildings will be built before 1950:

1) barn for M-P farm No. 1 - 810 sq. m;

2) barn for M-P farm No. 2 - 810 sq. m;

3) barn for young cattle No. 1 - 620 sq. m;

4) barn for young cattle No. 2 - 620 sq. m;

5) stable barn for 40 horses - 800 sq. m;

6) granary for 950 tons of grain;

7) shed for storing agricultural machinery, equipment and mineral fertilizer - 950 sq. m;

8) power station, with a mill and sawmill - 300 sq. m;

9) mechanical and carpentry workshops - 320 sq. m;

10) garage for 7 cars;

11) petrol storage facility for 100 tons of fuel and lubricants;

12) bakery - 75 sq. m;

13) bathhouse - 98 sq. m;

14) a club with a radio installation for 400 people;

15) house for kindergarten- 180 sq. m;

16) barn for storing sheaves and straw, chaff - 750 sq. m;

17) Riga No. 2 - 750 sq. m;

18) storage for root crops - 180 sq. m;

19) storage for root crops No. 2 - 180 sq. m;

20) silo pits with brick-lined walls and bottom with a capacity of 450 cubic meters of silo;

21) storage for wintering bees - 130 sq. m;

22) by the efforts of collective farmers and at the expense of collective farmers, a village with 200 apartments will be built, each apartment will consist of 2 rooms, a kitchen, a restroom and a small shed for the collective farmer’s livestock and poultry.

The village will be a type of well-maintained, cultural village, surrounded by fruit and ornamental trees;

23) artesian wells - 6 pieces.

I must say that the gross income of the collective farm “Red Partisan” in the Kirov district of the Mogilev region in 1940 was only 167,000 rubles.

According to my calculations, the same collective farm in 1950 could achieve a gross income of at least 3,000,000 rubles.

Simultaneously with organizational and economic work, I will have time and leisure to raise the ideological and political level of my collective farm members in such a way that will allow me to create strong party and Komsomol organizations on the collective farm from the most politically literate, cultural and devoted people to the Lenin-Stalin party.

Before writing this statement to you and taking on these obligations, I have thoroughly considered many times, carefully weighed every step, every detail of this work, and have come to the deep conviction that I will carry out the above-mentioned work for the glory of our beloved Motherland, and that this economy will a demonstration farm for collective farmers of Belarus. Therefore, I ask for your instructions, Comrade Stalin, to send me to this work and to provide the loan I requested.

If any questions arise regarding this application, please call me for an explanation.


  1. Description of the collective farm “Red Partisan” in the Kirov district of the Mogilev region.
  2. Topographic map indicating the location of the collective farm.
  3. Purchased loan estimate.

Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel of State Security Orlovsky.

Moscow, Frunzenskaya embankment, house No. 10a, apt. 46, tel. G–6–60–46.”

And the battles were still going on near Slonim, Baranovichi and the Wehrmacht was still full of strength. And in Berlin they discussed plans for a counterattack from East Prussia in the direction of Grodno-Minsk. Stalin granted Kirill Orlovsky's request. He understood him perfectly, because he himself was the same.

He handed over the apartment he had received in Moscow to the state and left for a Belarusian village that was completely destroyed. Kirill Prokofievich fulfilled his obligations - his collective farm “Rassvet” was the first collective farm in the USSR to receive a million-dollar profit after the War.


After 10 years, the name of the Chairman became known throughout Belarus, and then the USSR.

In 1958, Kirill Prokofievich Orlovsky was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor and awarded the Order of Lenin. For military and labor services, he was awarded five Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner, and many medals. He was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the third to seventh convocations.

In 1956-61. was a candidate member of the CPSU Central Committee. Kirill Prokofievich Orlovsky is the prototype of the main character of the film “The Chairman” and E. Hemingway’s story “For Whom the Bell Tolls” - Robert Jordan. In his homeland, a bronze bust of the Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Socialist Labor was installed and a museum was opened. The streets of several cities in Belarus are named after him. Several books have been written about him: “Rebel Heart”, “The Tale of Kirill Orlovsky” and others.

And the collective farm began with the fact that almost all the peasants lived in dugouts.

Eyewitnesses describe it this way: “The bins in the collective farmers’ yards were bursting with goodness. He rebuilt the village, paved the road to the regional center and the village street, built a club and a ten-year school. I didn’t have enough money - I took all my savings from the book - 200 thousand - and invested it in the school. I paid stipends to students, preparing a personnel reserve.”


It immediately becomes clear what kind of People built the USSR - approximately like Orlovsky. There is no question about who Stalin relied on when building the country - it was precisely these people, and he gave such people every opportunity to prove themselves. The whole world saw the result - the USSR, which literally rose twice from the ashes, Victory, Space and much more, where this alone would be enough to glorify the country in history. It also becomes clear what type of people worked in the Cheka and the NKVD.

If anyone does not understand from the text of the statement, I will emphasize: Kirill Orlovsky is a security officer, a professional saboteur-“liquidator”, that is, an “NKVD executioner” in the most literal sense of the word. Yes, that’s right - a year (1936) before going to Spain as a volunteer, Kirill Prokofievich Orlovsky was the head of the Gulag system section for the construction of the Moscow-Volga canal.

Yes, that’s right - often the chiefs and security officers were approximately such People, although, naturally, people, like everywhere else, were different. If anyone doesn’t remember, the great teacher Makarenko also worked in the Gulag system - he was the head of the colony, and then the deputy head of the “children’s Gulag” of Ukraine.

It is clear that then “everything was destroyed” the best people", "all thinking people." Therefore, the country was built and defended exclusively by oppressed slaves. Like Kirill Orlovsky. That is why the united forces of continental Europe under the leadership of Adolf Hitler could not cope with it.

It is clear that everyone, as one, was then “inactive gray slaves” during the “administrative command economy”, where almost every nail was strictly regulated from the center. It just remains unclear how the collective farm was built according to the plan drawn up by the chairman, how specialists - agronomists, livestock specialists, etc. - were trained specifically for his order?

Everything immediately becomes clear what type of people took responsibility, and not by order, but themselves, personally - and raised the country from ruins in an unprecedented time. It is clear that “only a private owner can be effective”, “private initiative”, “the desire for profit” and “ market economy are able to create effectively” and stuff like that. It’s not for nothing that cities, streets and factories were named after Stalin’s managers.

Statements like: “Soviet people performed feats at gunpoint from detachments” are probably not even worth mentioning.

It is a slander that Kirill Orlovsky and his “Falcons” squad, just like everyone else, fought for years surrounded by enemies solely out of fear.

So what were Orlovsky’s motives: “Financially, I live very well. Morally - bad"?

And he felt bad because he could not give, and not row to himself and consume. Just imagine: a disabled person of the first group - without both hands, who can hardly take care of himself independently, almost deaf, a Hero, who, according to all conceivable laws and concepts, has received the right to a comfortable rest for life, believes that he cannot live like this , because he is still able to work for people! But not to teach, for example, in the NKVD school, but again to do the almost impossible, at the limit of human strength - to build the best collective farm in the USSR from a village that was burned to the ground, populated mainly by widows, old people, disabled people and teenagers!