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What do you need to make business cards? How to make a business card in Microsoft Word in different ways? Working with standard business card templates

Greetings, dear blog readers. Today there will be a detailed manual on working with two very popular programs, in which I will tell and show you how to create a business card yourself on your computer for free and very quickly. Today, not a single respected businessman goes without a business card. And once you learn how to do them, you can also make money from it. The article will be long, but very useful for those who are not particularly fluent in graphics programs.

Even without being fluent in Adobe Illustrator, you can easily make original business cards for yourself and your friends.

First you need to install the Adobe package on your computer; any version will do. This guide is written based on CS5, but can be used in other versions as well.

How to create a business card yourself on your computer for free in Adobe Illustrator

The program is launched by double-clicking on the icon; after the main window opens, you need to switch the main units of measurement to those accepted by us.

It is enough to change the General (basic units). Stroke (line thickness) and Type (font size) should be left in Points.

Now you can create a work field on which the business card will be located.

The standard card size is 50 by 90, no matter whether it is horizontal or vertical. Business card holders, cardholders have standard size, so it is better to follow the generally accepted standard.

The working field for the business card has been created, information is placed on this space.

Text information

Write your details on the business card (name, surname, position) and contact information. Sometimes the specialty and a short description of the services offered are also placed here, and the specifications of their company are described.

To make it easier to arrange text information, it is better to create text boxes; to do this, place the text input tool on the working field, press the mouse button, and, without releasing it, stretch the frame that appears to the desired size.

You can place as many lines as you like in a text box and use several fonts. All text entered into the box is perceived by the program as one unit, that is, moving it will be very convenient.


For information, you need to choose a font; you can use several, but keep in mind that professionally designed business cards rarely use more than two.

Then the font size and character of writing are selected. For the example business card, the font chosen is Times New Roman; it has three spelling options:

  • bold (Bold);
  • italic (Italic);
  • bold italic (BoldItalic).

To design fonts, you can use the Character drop-down menu, which opens with the Window/Type/Character command.

When placing text information, you should remember that according to the technological requirements of most printing houses, the distance from the edge of the business card should be at least 2.5-5 mm. This is due to the characteristics of the equipment for cutting printed sheets.

An image or text that is stuck to the edges does not look professional.

Almost done

The company logo is usually placed in the upper right corner; if the business card represents a private person, you can make your own logo; the program’s capabilities allow you to give free rein to your imagination:

  • post a small image;
  • make a monogram.

If you wish, you can make it full color, but you need to keep in mind that when printed in a professional establishment, a color business card will cost more.

To create a colored background, draw a rectangle that is 3-5 mm larger than the working field on all four sides. This size of the background is due to the peculiarities of printing; if the background is made exactly to the size of the card, when cutting, white stripes may appear along the edges.

The dimensions of the rectangle for the background are set both in the top panel (see figure) and in the drop-down menu (window/transform).

This is what the main sequence of actions looks like: self-production business cards, gradually, in the process of mastering the program, the possibilities will increase.

Variations of color blocks and text fonts may be different. This program allows you to realize any idea if you spend a little time mastering it.

The created sample can be replicated at home if you have a color printer. However, for this you will have to buy thick paper and work hard to correctly place business cards on the printed field of the printer.

You can also take the finished file to a company that prints small runs of printed products. In this case, it is better to call the company, find out the minimum number of printed products, prices, and get acquainted with paper samples. Printing can be done on plain paper, textured, colored - usually such companies have a large selection of samples for every taste.

For printing in a printing house, you will have to prepare a business card, create a separate folder in which to save:

  • the ai file itself (it is ideal to save it in an earlier version, it is even better to check with the printing house in which version it is better to submit the file for printing)
  • pictures (they must be in CMYK, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi; in extreme cases, you can call the printing house and ask them to check the readiness of the file for printing)
  • fonts that were used when developing the business card (it is better to convert them into curves (into graphic images) with the commands:
  1. Ctrl/F – select all
  2. Type/Create Outlines – convert to curves).

You can use a ready-made template:

In addition, upon request " ready-made samples business cards in Illustrator”, there is a huge number of ready-made layouts that will help you determine your own design and understand how to create a business card yourself on a computer for free.

How to Create a Business Card in Photoshop

You can approach the problem without installing additional graphics programs.

If you have at least a little skill in Photoshop, you can make a business card in it.

How to start

You should start by creating a file of the desired size.

This dialog box is called by the command Ctrl/N, or File/New.


Now you need to activate the tool for entering text information.

The cursor that appears should be placed on the created work field. Please note that with each click with the text tool, a new layer is created in the file.

Therefore, by placing the cursor, without making unnecessary movements, you should print the necessary information:

  • first name, last name, patronymic;
  • position (specialty);
  • contact information;
  • information about the services provided;
  • other data that should be on the business card.

As you can see in the illustration above, the information is placed in parts in three layers, with the content displayed in the layer name.

To move the corresponding part of the text, you should activate the layer with this text and move it using the Move Tool (called by the “V” command).

To correctly align all three parts of the text, you can use the Align option. This option works when determining the layer on which the alignment is performed. The bottom one - the background - is called Background, and general alignment should be done using it (in the example, everything is aligned to the center). You need to select all layers, including the bottom one, and select the alignment button along the central axis (right or left edge).

That. that text may appear uneven on the screen is not due to its low quality, but to the fact that Photoshop is designed primarily for processing images, rather than working with text. However, the text will look normal when printed; the main thing is to set the resolution to the same as in the picture above when creating the file.

Now you can add beauty

In this program, making a background or gradient (a smooth transition from one color to another) is not a problem.

The principle of creating a background is the same as in the Illustrator program - the background should “fly” beyond the business card.

In this case, you need to add 3-5 mm of cards on all sides.

After pressing the “OK” button, 5 mm will be added on all sides.

Filling the background with color

To create a colored background, you need to draw a rectangle with the selection tool with the bottommost layer selected, or select the bottom layer, then it will be filled entirely with color.

Filling is done using the Edit/Fill/Color/ command.

You can also use the Gradient tool, here you need to set:

  • direction of color change
  • initial color
  • final color.

You can also use a photo, texture as a background, or create an original image using filters.

Before sending for printing, the layers are merged into one using the Layer/Flatten Image command. This must be done to avoid printing errors.

How to create a business card yourself on your computer for free in In Design

Creating a business card in a layout and image processing program is easy and simple.

What's in the beginning

First, a file is created - a working field for the card.

The standard size of the business card is specified, then margins are set to prevent information from being placed too close to the edge. The margin value can be in the range from 3 to 5 mm.

Remove the checkboxes as shown in the illustration.

The dialog box is called by the Ctrl/N or File/New command.

After clicking the OK button, a file according to the size of the card opens.

How to enter text

Any information is placed inside the field, it’s better to start by entering the text:

  • full name;
  • position (specialty);
  • Contact details;
  • a short list of services offered;
  • other information (opening hours, desired time for contact, etc.).

Having selected a test tool on the working field of the card, you need to draw a box while holding down the mouse button, the text is printed in it.

When you activate the Type Tool, a text styling panel appears at the top, in which you can:

  • choose a font;
  • set size;
  • choose style, color;
  • try other features of the program.

After placing the text information (for ease of layout of the part, it is better to place the text in different text boxes), a logo is placed and other design elements are placed.

When designing a business card, you should remember that if the element is supposed to be inside the printed field, then it should not be close to the edge (the fields entered when creating the file will remind you of this).

The green stripe on the business card should cross the entire business card, which means it should extend beyond the working area (3-5 mm).

If there is a background on the card, it should also have a protrusion.

There are special menu items for positioning parts of the design relative to each other.

You can also take advantage of the ability to create a multi-layered image.

In this case, the elements will be in separate layers and can be easily moved individually.

Preparing for printing

Before you take your created work to print, you will have to take several steps to ensure that annoying mistakes do not occur.

If layers were used, they must be merged into one. The command works if the layers that need to be connected are selected.

Texts need to be converted to curves.

Before activating this command, all information in the file is selected using the Ctrl/F (select all) command.

Raster images used in the work (photos, background images made in Photoshop) should be attached to the file. Before doing this, you need to make sure that they are saved in the CMYK color model and have a resolution of at least 225 dpi.

This instruction is not complete, for competent and high-quality design it will not hurt to read detailed guides programs to understand how to create a business card yourself on a computer for free.

I hope I gave new knowledge to my readers and you understood how to create a business card yourself on a computer for free and very quickly. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog's newsletter. See you soon.

  • How to compress photos several times;
  • .

Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

What is a business card for?

A business card provides the interlocutor with some information about you and your occupation. necessary tool business man and an integral component of the image.

Business cards are not only a beautiful attribute, but also a rule of good manners. Moreover, now it’s not at all difficult, since there are many convenient online services for creating business cards, For example, .

Using business cards is convenient: share your contacts with other people without unnecessary steps.

In addition to all of the above, a business card has advertising properties, it is understood that it should also have some effect on the recipient, so when creating it, it is worth considering every detail.

Also, business cards are an integral element corporate identity.

Functions of business cards

Business cards serve to perform the following basic functions:

Informative— the specified data on the business card provides some information about you and your activities: your name, position, contacts, so that a person can contact you or your office.

Image- such a small piece of thick paper as a business card, depending on the design, be it cheerful or elegant, bulky or laconic design can say a lot about you not only as a person, but also as a businessman. A high-quality and tasteful business card creates a positive image of you or your company in the eyes of the recipient.

Promotion function- most likely, a satisfied client will remember that he has your business card and will gladly, if necessary, pass on your contact information to his friends and comrades. A business card also helps spread your logo and slogan, making them more recognizable and memorable.

Types of business cards

In the modern business world, the following types are distinguished:

Personal business cards You may need them during normal acquaintance and communication in friendly companies. Performed in a completely free style. Most often you will see a surname, first name, mobile phone or address Email. Job title and company name are usually not indicated, but the person's area of ​​activity may be noted.

Business cards an integral attribute of an entrepreneur, their presence is necessary to comply with basic rules business etiquette. Are awarded potential partners and provide information about the owner. They indicate your first and last name, the name of the organization you represent, as well as contact information. In addition, it is generally accepted to place the company logo and a list of services offered on it. When making such a business card, do not forget to adhere to the corporate style.

Corporate business cards Unlike business ones, they do not represent a specific person, but the company and the services it provides as a whole. During registration, they provide information about the company, field of activity, list of services provided, contact information, website address, and often include a location map.

How to properly design a business card?

When creating a business card, it is desirable that the design include the following elements:

  • company name and logo (in the case of corporate business cards);
  • name and position;
  • postal address, telephone number (possibly several);
  • E-mail address;
  • website address (URL).

In addition, pay attention to the following requirements for business cards:

1. An overabundance and clutter of information creates a negative impression of the cardholder, while a large number empty space on business cards in most cases it creates the impression of neatness.

2. Check the text seven times for errors. Handwritten corrections are not acceptable as they create a negative impression.

3. Pay attention to whether the color scheme is RGB or CMYK. Color images on screen and on paper do not always look the same. RGB colors are used for display on the screen. The CMYK color scheme is used for typographic printing, so layout elements must be made in this color model.

4. Make sure the resolution is at least 300 dpi.

5. Standard sizes are 90x50 mm, less commonly used are 90x55 or 85x55 mm.

6. Make sure there are indentations to avoid errors during cutting.

7. If you create not only business cards, but also other printed materials, make sure they are all the same color.

8. As your business contacts expand, you should think about creating a business card for foreign language. If you do business in a specific region, it is worth making business cards in the local language. In addition, it is advisable to make business cards on English language, which is the language of international business communication.

How to create a business card?

You can resort to several options for creating business cards. You can always order business cards from a designer or a printing agency.
However, to create a business card, it is not necessary to resort to the services of printing salons. If you're wondering how to create a business card yourself, you have two options:

  1. Draw in a graphics editor, for example, Photoshop, Inkscape.
  2. Use one of the many online editors and online generators, on whose websites you will find modern business card layouts. It's easy to add and edit personal information into the layouts.

Having created business cards yourself, all you have to do is find a printing house and order printing.
But here too modern services have gone far, with their help, in just a few clicks you can order printing of business cards and their delivery without leaving your home.

Creating business cards using the Logaster online service

The advantage of the Logaster service is the ability to create the above business cards in a matter of minutes. However, before you move on to creating a business card, you need to create your logo.

Below is presented to you step-by-step instruction, how to make a logo and then a business card.

1. Select the “Create Logo” option, enter your company name or words that will be associated with your business. Below you can add a slogan that you want to convey to your customers. Below, select your area of ​​activity. Click the “Next” button.

2. Choose a suitable logo. The choice of icon for your logo usually depends on your field of activity.

3. Now you can edit the logo: choose the color, font. To cancel an action, there is a “Reset element” button at the bottom. If you are satisfied with the design, click on the “Next” button.

4. If you like everything, then click on the “Save” button.

5. After creating the logo, Logaster will generate a large number of business card layouts in color scheme your logo. To do this, go to the logo page and click on the triangle in the edit menu above the logo. Click "Create a business card with this logo." Choose your favorite design and save.

6. Next, using the editing options, you need to enter personal data or data of your employee.

When you come to a printing house to order business cards for you or your company, you will immediately be asked the question: “do you have a layout?” If not, then of course you will be offered to make a business card layout, but sometimes the cost of the layout is several times higher than the cost of printing business cards itself. This especially hits your pocket if you have just started your business and every penny counts.

Today we'll figure it out how to make a business card layout according to the requirements of the printing house/copy center. First, decide what a business card should be. Will it be distributed en masse to everyone? For these purposes, offset printing is usually used because... the cost of such business cards is very low even with double-sided printing, but there are some nuances: you won’t be able to choose paper, and the minimum order is 500 pcs. Perhaps you need a personalized business card and you want to stand out, for these purposes you can use silk-screen printing (screen printing), but silk-screen printing also has its drawbacks, for example, it is not possible to print in full color, only certain colors, but you can use a beautiful UV varnish, thermal rise and other features inherent silkscreen printing. There are metal business cards with engraving, you can also use embossing, embossing, cutting, lamination, everything is limited only by your imagination, but such business cards are not cheap and the cost can reach up to 10,000 rubles. for 50 pieces. Or for the first time you will have a fairly small number of ordinary business cards, but do not underestimate ordinary business cards, an interesting layout and perhaps a change of paper will make this business card unique and interesting, and the cost will be reasonable.

Let's look at the programs in which you can. This can be CorelDraw, Photoshop, Illustrator, in fact, you can do it anywhere, even in text editors such as Microsoft Word, but I strongly do not recommend doing this not in specialized graphics packages, as the printing house may refuse to print from such layout, and even if they agree, it will cost you a pretty penny, and it will be easier to implement all your ideas in graphic applications. Let's focus on vector CorelDraw (as it will be much easier for a beginner to handle) and raster Photoshop.

It is best to make a business card layout in a vector version, in addition to the fact that the printing quality will be ideal, in the future you can work with the business card layout in every possible way, modify it, edit it necessary information much simpler, more convenient and faster. In addition, for printing business cards using silk-screen printing, or using embossing, embossing, cutting, as well as for laser engraving metal business cards require a vector layout; a raster layout is not suitable for this. The raster layout is suitable for offset printing and digital printing on a laser printer.

There are usually two types of business cards, 90x50mm. and 85x55mm. Most often they use the first type 90x50mm, but of course it’s up to you to choose.

Let's talk about departures and departures, these are very important parameters, in many ways they are responsible for the readiness of the business card layout for printing. The fly-in is the distance to the edge of the business card, usually this distance is 2-3mm, i.e. important elements There is no need to put a logo or text on the edge of the business card. Overhang is the distance from the edge of the business card and beyond, i.e. if the business card has a background other than white, or other decorative elements located at the edge of the business card, they need to be extended beyond the business card by 2-3mm. Let's look at the pictures below. The black frame on both business cards is the actual size of the business card, 90x50mm, which is what you will ultimately receive after printing and processing in the printing house. The pink frame outside the black stripe is the overshoot, the blue frame is the edge of the overshoot, you should not place important elements behind the blue frame.

Why is that? The fact is that in printing houses they lay out business cards on large sheets, usually 24 business cards fit on such sheets, respectively, if you ordered 100 pieces. The printing house will print 5 such sheets, after which they will cut according to the marks printed along with the business cards during layout. Due to the nuances of printing and cutting, the layout on each individual sheet can vary within one millimeter in any direction, but if the layout is made according to the requirements with overhangs and overhangs, everything will be beautiful.

What we get as a result:

1) It’s best to make a business card layout in vector - CorelDraw / Illustrator.
2) Business card size to choose from - 90x50mm. or 85x55mm.
3) Attention! The size for creating and saving a business card layout, taking into account the overhangs, is 96x56mm. or 91x61mm.
4) Reach and reach - 3mm. from all sides.
5) Layout design is limited by your imagination.
6) It is best to save the layout in two versions - the original one, the one offered by the program and PDF. Thus, the printing house will choose the option with which it prefers to work.

I hope this article helped you create a business card layout, but if not, I will try to describe the process of creating a layout in CorelDraw in the near future.

As Marina Matveeva, manager of the printing company Global Marketing, explained to us, although in Russia the standard size of a business card is 9 x 5 cm, many business cards of the European style (8.5 x 5.5 cm) are also used along with them. Of course, you can order yourself a card that barely fits into your pocket, but it will quickly get lost, since it will not be stored with the others.

The text should be readable: straight black letters on a white background - and no Gothic fonts, italics or script. Avoid playing with color. This is not a table for testing the eyesight of railway workers. A rich palette is allowed only in the company logo. “The full name is always printed a little larger and bolder than the rest of the text,” says Marina. Especially if the surname is rare and difficult to pronounce the first time (for example, Ivanov).

If using only bold font is not enough for you, individual parts of the text can be highlighted with foil stamping, embossing (convex printing) and thermal rise (volumetric letters rising 0.5-1 mm above the surface of the card). Choose one. Eclecticism will turn a business card into a vinaigrette, and it will cost more.

Don't try to cram all your personal information into the limited space of a cardboard rectangle. short biography. Information should be limited to your name, position, place of work, telephone numbers and email for contact. However, if you hope that your business card will be read, nominated for the Booker, and subsequently filmed, you can even publish it in two volumes and provide a table of contents and cross-references.

At one time it was customary to write the address of the company’s website in order to show that the company keeps pace with modern trends. Nowadays it is no longer necessary to do this, unless your company does web design, etc.

Remember the abbreviations that are used when sending a business card and are written in the lower left corner. The abbreviations are borrowed from French, so you will have to leave the translation on the back or explain in advance what it all means.

a.c. (avec compliment) - greeting. Attached to a bouquet of flowers, a gift, or a suspicious ticking package left in a watch store.

p.r. (pour remercier) - an expression of gratitude. Thank you that you can put in your pocket.

p.f. (pour fete) - expression best wishes. Usually sent on the occasion of a birthday, when there is no time to look for a greeting card.

When you don't find your owners at home, it is customary to leave a business card with the upper left corner bent. (If the owners of the house, but the bastards, do not open the door, the corner of the door is bent. Or the business card is chewed and the lock becomes clogged with the resulting paper pulp. However, the last two tips are optional and not mandatory.)

Using Microsoft Word, you can not only view and edit text documents, but also create colorful business cards for yourself and your company. For this, the program has everything: a set of templates, tools for text processing and graphics. Therefore, if you are interested in how to make a business card and do not want to overpay for designer services, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with ways to create cards yourself in Microsoft Word 2010. The method will also be relevant for versions 2007, 2013 and 2016.

The main task of a business card is to convey information to the client, which should be easy to read and concise. It is at this moment that all people make the mistake of filling a tiny piece of paper with a cloud of information that, in fact, is not needed at all.

On a business card of one tone (preferably), which must match the color of the products offered, you must indicate your full name. person or company name, company logo and position of the person, address, phone number and e-mail. Writing an advertisement costs only back side business cards and only if necessary.

When designing a business card, you should use the following recommendations:

  • You should not use more than 2 fonts on one business card;
  • The font must match the color of the background color or logo. A deviation of one tone is allowed;
  • Font size – 10-14 (tp). Smaller letters will not be seen by clients, large ones will merge with the picture.

Only by correctly choosing the color and font of a business card can a person count on the fact that it will at least be read.

Working with standard business card templates

Any version of Microsoft Word has ready-made templates business cards Let's look at how to create business cards using them.

  • Open a text document. Click “File”, “Create”, select “Business cards”.
  • Next, you need to select the “Template Samples” category, where you can see an example of business card design.

  • After reviewing, you can edit the template or start creating your own business card.

Creating a business card using ready-made templates

To create a business card, you should complete the first step indicated above. Next you need to select a category. We will look at an example using templates from the “Cards” section.

Here we are looking for a suitable layout. If the ready-made templates do not suit you, go to the Microsoft website and download new ones.

Click “Download” and double-click to open the document.

The document will have a set of identical templates available for editing. If you click on each of the elements, the boundaries of the blocks will be displayed. We enter our data.

Since each of the blocks will have to be duplicated, we recommend using the copy and paste functions.

The finished sheet of business cards can be printed and cut.

How to create business cards using tables?

To create your own business card design in Microsoft Word, you can use tables. The instructions for performing the actions are as follows.

  • Go to the “Page Layout” tab and select “Margins”. We select “Narrow”, which is most suitable for creating tables.

  • Next you need to create cells that will serve as business cards. The optimal quantity would be 10 pcs. business cards on one sheet. Therefore, we create a table of 2 columns and 5 cells. To do this, click “Insert”, “Table”. Next, either click “Insert” or draw a table.

  • Left-click on the mark at the bottom of the page and stretch the table across the entire sheet so that you get 10 identical cells.

  • Right-click on the corner of the document and select “Table Properties”.

  • In the “String” tab, set the height to 5 cm.

  • In the “Column” tab, set the width to 9 cm.

  • Now, in order to remove the indents that are created automatically when creating a table, in the “Table Properties” in the “Table” tab, click on the “Options” button.

  • In the new window you need to set the value “0” for all fields. Only after performing these steps will the text be positioned evenly in each cell.

  • Now let's move on to creating the business cards themselves. If you plan to add a company logo or some kind of picture, then you should insert it first. It is advisable that the picture does not have a background.

  • Using markers, place the image in the cell of the business card. Next, right-click on the image and select “Text Wrap” and click “Behind Text.” Enter the text.

  • You can also change the font color and background. To change the font color, select the text and click on the “Change text color” button.

  • The fill color can be changed using a special button.

  • After filling out the business card with the data, you can click the “Save” or “Print” button.

The business card is ready. In this way you can make cards for any purpose, not only business cards, but also invitations and discount coupons.

For information on how to create business cards in Word, watch the video: