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Business correspondence etiquette. About a good impression

Homeless animals are usually talked about either very loudly or in a whisper, since this problem is often a bargaining chip for people from the highest echelons of power. Of course, each of us has at least an approximate idea of ​​the number of stray dogs and cats on the streets of the city, but the overall scale of the problem is hidden from the eyes of ordinary people, always busy with their own affairs.

Animal rights activists rightly insist on the need to adopt new laws that would force people to treat our smaller brothers more responsibly. But until this problem is solved, and new cats and dogs regularly join the flock of stray animals, it’s worth thinking about what exactly each of us can do for them. After all, in fact, it is not too difficult and is affordable for a family of any income. We will tell you how to properly help homeless animals and not fall for the bait of scammers who collect funds under the guise of a shelter for our little brothers.

Let's talk about the essence of the problem

The term "stray animals" refers to a population of animals left without human supervision. Their habitat is city streets and any other recreational areas. Also included in the homeless category are our smaller brothers who find themselves in shelters and foster care. In Russia as a whole there is no single base stray animals, so different cities provide very approximate information about their number. But even such very average figures look shocking - according to preliminary estimates, about one hundred thousand stray dogs live in the capital alone. At the same time, some of them gather in flocks and behave quite aggressively. As a result, in Moscow every year up to thirty thousand people come to clinics with complaints about bites.

The main problem of homeless animals is that among them there are practically no animals who have been neglected for several generations. Most of them were once indoors and ended up on the street due to the irresponsibility of people. Such animals try to settle closer to humans. They are the ones who live in playgrounds, in courtyards and near metro stations, thereby creating a serious threat to citizens. After all, dogs, for example, are dangerous not only because they can attack people. They are carriers of various diseases, which can cause an epidemic.

Solving the problem of animal neglect

Today in our country there is no unified scheme for resolving issues with dogs and cats thrown into the street by their owners. City authorities, depending on their financial capabilities, use various measures to make the problem less acute. But more often than not, any methods further aggravate the situation on the streets.

If we look at the Soviet past, the problem with wild cats and dogs was solved by catching stray animals. This was done by special services that carried out their work very professionally. After capture, the animals were placed in a shelter for a short stay. If no owners were found for them within a specified period, they were euthanized. Then the corpses were burned. In this way, the population of stray animals was regulated. However, such an inhumane method caused mass protests from animal rights activists. Therefore, in most Russian cities by the year 2000, catching was prohibited.

And here the city governors faced a real problem, because the number of stray dogs and cats has not decreased, and there are not many ways to clear the streets of them. Many saw the only way out of this situation as sterilization of animals. However, only large cities could afford such programs, since organizing sterilization is a rather expensive project.

In general terms, the program consisted of several stages. At the first stage, groups of stray animals were tracked and bitches were caught among all individuals. They were then quarantined for several days. The next stage was direct sterilization, carried out by specialists from veterinary clinics. After all the manipulations, the dog or cat was returned to its original place.

However, this humane method turned out to be an absolutely failed attempt to regulate the population of stray animals. The problem not only was not solved, but also worsened - as practice has shown, the number of tramps has only grown. Veterinarians involved in this issue claim that during sterilization the law of compensation is triggered. That is, the remaining animals capable of reproduction try to produce as many offspring as possible. For example, one cat and all its offspring increase their population by hundreds of thousands of kittens in a few years. And all of them, naturally, become inhabitants of the street. Due to the failure of the program, many cities closed it and returned to catching stray animals. But there is absolutely no one to do this professionally.

Thus, it becomes clear that the issue of homeless animals in the country remains open. And the most effective option to close it once and for all is legislation. The government has more than once received initiatives to tighten legislation regarding pets. The example is the attitude towards our smaller brothers in England. In this country, in order to get a cat or dog, you need to pay a tax. In addition, the owner is required by law to monitor the health of his pet: he must regularly visit the veterinarian, have a vaccination passport, and so on. For the loss of a cat or dog, an Englishman will be forced to pay a significant fine, so in the country residents treat animals very responsibly and never deliberately throw them out into the street.

Perhaps Russia also needs similar laws so that a generation of people appears who are truly responsible for those they have tamed.

How to help stray animals: what not to do

While the authorities are addressing the problem of neglect among former pets, we encounter them literally at every step. And few people can pass by these sad eyes fixed on a person without pain in the heart and some feeling of guilt. But absolutely everyone can lend a helping hand to homeless animals. Volunteers and animal rights activists say that this can be done in different ways. At the same time, there is also the most unacceptable of all options for help, which, by the way, for some reason many people consider suitable. We are talking about feeding animals.

Of course, if you see a stray cat or dog, then it is quite natural to give it a piece of bread or other treat so that it does not die of hunger. This is especially true in winter time, but such acts should be isolated. But many people gather whole flocks of strays in their yards, which they feed on a regular basis. These people think that they are helping homeless animals by giving goodness in the form of necessary food. However, in reality, more and more dogs will come to such feeding places each time. And one day they may well attack the child or any of the neighbors. Therefore, animal rights activists do their best to warn people against such “kindness” and are developing a whole series of recommendations, following which you will really save the life of a homeless animal.

The number of homeless cats and cats increases noticeably with the onset of autumn. To those who have long lived on the streets are added newly born young animals, lost animals and those animals that were deliberately left to the mercy of fate in empty houses by departed summer residents.

If you see a stray cat and decide to help her, then try using the following tips:

  • Start looking for the owners. Sometimes, at first glance at an animal, it becomes clear that it is domestic and lost. Such cats usually wander close to their former home and easily make contact. Therefore, animal rights activists advise sheltering the animal at home for a while and getting serious about finding owners. The best way to do this is through advertisements. Take a photo of the cat and post notices throughout the area. Take the time to ask your neighbors about the loss and study the same advertisements. Perhaps someone is already looking for their pet.
  • Find new owners. Absolutely all people can become friends with homeless animals. Therefore, if you were unable to find the previous owners or it is noticeable that the cat has been on the street for a long time, try to find him a new home. You can do this in several ways: ask all your colleagues and acquaintances, post a post with a photo of the animal on your page on social networks, look at special groups on the Internet where similar advertisements are often posted. You can also contact any fund for helping homeless animals located in your city. Its employees often place cats and kittens thanks to their website with an abundance of visitors.
  • Take the animal to the shelter. In many populated areas There are shelters where strays are placed waiting for new owners. However, before taking your animal there, call the management of the organization. Find out if they can accept a cat and get a list of necessary items. Shelters usually accept new residents on the condition that you bring bedding, food and other items with you.

Perhaps, during the time that you spend searching for a new home for the lost one, it will become your own and you will keep it for yourself. You could say that this is the best option provide protection to a homeless animal and give it a chance to new life.

Helping stray dogs

Dogs have always been particularly sensitive. They unmistakably guess our thoughts and feelings, and in dogs that were once abandoned, this ability is heightened.

Have you noticed how long a homeless animal can follow you after just one casual glance at it? It’s quite difficult to drive him away, and then your heart hurts for a very long time from your indifference. Therefore, show mercy and help the animal:

  • Overexposure. Adopting a stray dog ​​is more difficult than adopting a cat. It is much more of a hassle, so it is almost impossible for a tramp to quickly find a temporary home. If for some reason you cannot take the dog into your apartment, then try placing it in the yard. Build a booth for the animal, throw an old blanket in there and place bowls of water and food. After this, proceed to search for owners in the same way as we described this process for cats.
  • Contact the shelter. If you can’t find a home for your dog, then don’t give up and find the phone number of any organization for the protection of homeless animals. It is usually a shelter where an animal can be placed for an indefinite period of time. However, be prepared for the fact that your responsibility for the dog will not end there. The shelter staff will most likely take the dog if you provide regular assistance. It can be expressed in medicines, food or real help in the form of periodic communication with animals and walking them.
  • Volunteer movement. It happens that it is not possible to place a dog. In these cases, it is worth contacting the Volunteer Fund for Homeless Animals. They exist on a voluntary basis and are organized by caring people. They are always ready to take part in the fate of the next tramp and will tell you how best to deal with him.

The volunteers themselves advise keeping the found animals for yourself. They claim that grateful dogs will become your best and most loyal friends.

Veterinary assistance for homeless animals

Often the object of attention of passers-by is an animal that has been hit by a car, injured as a result of cruel treatment, or simply a sick animal. Such foundlings need to be taken to the nearest veterinary clinic, but this is often difficult to do.

Animal in need medical care, is often aggressive. Therefore, you need to approach it slowly and calmly. Talk to the stray and be sure to show your hands so that the animal is not afraid. As soon as it lets you closer, give it a treat and pet it a little. This way you will establish contact with the dog or cat.

If an animal is hit by a car, it must be immobilized and the bleeding stopped before transportation. Small dogs and cats can be placed in an appropriately sized carrier or box. It is better to place large dogs on a blanket and then carefully carry them.

Upon arrival at the clinic, it will be useful to call the volunteer organization. Its representatives will contact the doctors and discuss all the nuances of treatment, and they often have discounts on procedures.

Volunteers will also resolve issues related to the animal’s stay during the postoperative period. They will find him a foster home or pay for his stay in a veterinary hospital.

When taking a tramp to the clinic, be prepared for the fact that you will have to take part in his fate. If you cannot reach the volunteers, the cost of examining the animal and treating it may fall on your shoulders.

We provide assistance to shelters

Most modern shelters are private. They constantly experience difficulties with financing, so they welcome any help. It’s quite simple to provide it, especially since there are several ways to give a piece of your soul to homeless animals:

  • Remittance. The shelters' websites always contain details for providing financial assistance. Do not think that an amount of one hundred or two hundred rubles is insignificant. Perhaps she will be the one who will be decisive in saving the life of some mongrel.
  • Volunteer movement. In addition to money, shelters always need free workers. You can volunteer to help animals by repairing cages, walking dogs, cleaning the area, and performing other duties.
  • Information assistance. People do not always know that there are shelters and organizations involved in the protection and care of animals, and most importantly, they have no idea about their needs. Therefore, disseminating information on social networks, websites and other resources will be a significant help.
  • Temporary shelter. Overexposure is a very important stage in returning the dog to normal life. But often people who do this regularly take in up to ten different pets into their homes. To relieve them, you can take a cat or dog with you for a while.

Beware, scammers!

Unfortunately, in our time there is a high risk of stumbling upon scammers hiding behind the sign of an animal shelter. Therefore, before transferring money to an organization, study the information provided on its website.

Fraudsters only ever want money. They will refuse, under various pretexts, help in the form of food, medicine and warm clothes that can be used on bedding.

Dishonest people masquerading as animal activists never post legal information about their organization on the Internet. Also, you will not find on their website pages with photos of pets looking for owners. Real shelters pay special attention to this.

If you carefully study the Internet resource, you will not see scammers financial reports. Typically, real volunteers and shelter managers report on all money spent at least once a quarter.

To check the shelter again, you can call its employees and offer to bring things and items necessary for the pets. If you are denied this, then most likely you have come across scammers.

Taking an animal home: algorithm of actions

Best help Our little homeless brothers receive your love and support. And to do this you need to take the animal from the shelter to your home. Believe me, there is no other like this best friend A person who will appreciate you immensely is difficult to find.

But before this an important act Be sure to ask the consent of all family members. Discuss everyone's wishes and try to take them into account so that the pet immediately becomes everyone's favorite.

Take the time to visit the shelter several times and get to know its inhabitants. Remember that an animal that has been abandoned once will be afraid to experience this again. Therefore, think several times before opening the cage and taking your dog or cat with you.

After choosing a pet, talk to the shelter staff. They know all the character traits of the animal and will help you with advice. Believe me, they are interested in the animal finding a new home, which means they will sincerely talk about the pros and cons of your future friend.

And one more piece of advice - don’t be afraid to adopt adult animals from shelters. They get along well with families and also have great patience with children. There are practically no problems with caring for such cats and dogs.

Is it possible to help the veterinary hospital?

In conclusion, I would like to say that you can help veterinary clinics. They often provide loans to volunteer organizations in amounts of several thousand rubles. In addition, they have a category of preferential patients with tails and those who are treated out of pity. To help doctors, you just need to go to the clinic and ask about problem animals. In this case, you can not pay the entire amount of debt to the hospital, but only part of it.

  • What types business correspondence differentiate.
  • What rules of business correspondence are important to follow?
  • What are the features of electronic business correspondence?

Maintaining business correspondence according to the rules - one of the important components of success in a career and in business. Ignorance of these rules, or their incorrect application in practice, can lead to the loss of partners and clients. In addition, accurate and competent business correspondence is an important component of a business image.

What are the different types of business correspondence?

Business correspondence - with partners, clients, colleagues, organizations - is one of the most important areas activities of any enterprise. Managers and employees of various ranks receive and send letters, commercial offers etc. Depending on the form, content and focus, any correspondence is divided into the following types:

  • official;
  • personal;
  • internal;
  • external.

For each of them there are separate drafting and submission requirements. The most common types of formal business letters are:

  • thanksgiving;
  • commercial;
  • letters, demands and requests;
  • refutations;
  • congratulations;
  • condolences, obituaries.

Considering that today most of business correspondence is carried out in in electronic format, exist ready-made templates and shapes for any type.

The Art of Business Writing

Each text is a mechanism for influencing the addressee. If it doesn't work, it means you violated the assembly rules: you took the wrong parts and arranged them wrong. To get what you want from the recipient, you need to choose the right facts, present them correctly and do it “with the right face” - one that will make the recipient of the letter want to accept your offer. How to do it?

Data. It happens that rational arguments that can convince the addressee are lost in the chaotic presentation of various, sometimes extraneous, thoughts. But once the structure is built, the letter becomes clear and convincing, even if nothing in it has changed in meaning. The main idea (often the motivation for action) is placed at the beginning, it follows immediately after the greeting. The following is a list of arguments (each indicated by a red line and in italics) with colorful illustrations (explanations). At the end, the call to action is repeated. A signature follows. A simple edit turns even the pitiful and not very clear message “to the village to grandfather” from Chekhov’s story “Vanka” into a well-reasoned, tempting offer to grandfather.

Sender image. The response depends on how the sender of the letter appears. In a letter you can be an official, or you can be a person. Sometimes the first is beneficial, and sometimes the second. For example, if you praise the addressee, it is better to use a personal style (write on your own behalf, communicate your attitude to the facts, speak as equals). Thanks to this, the recipient will know not only that he is great, but also that you have a good opinion of him. On the contrary, it is better to scold in formal phrases, stating bare facts. This advice, in a somewhat exaggerated presentation, looks like this: instead of “You are a fool,” you need to write “no signs of intelligence were found in the reader.”

In modern correspondence, we often get straight to the point, omitting “weather talk” between the greeting and the lead phrase. It would seem that an optional short sentence does not carry much semantic load. But it is the message that first appears before the reader’s eyes, therefore it sets the tone of the letter and determines with what eyes the recipient will look at the rest of the text. Here are a few examples of where to start your message to subordinates and partners, pursuing different goals.

  1. To give yourself weight: “Given that project A is under the personal control of the regional governor, we remind you.”
  2. To establish warm relations with an unfamiliar company: “Having learned that your company, like us, is a sponsor of the KVN of Siberia competition, we decided to offer it to you first.”
  3. To get help: “Olya, you spoke so well and, most importantly, professionally at the conference! I think you, as an expert, can help me.”
  4. To mobilize subordinates: “Congratulations - it’s already Friday. All that remains is to submit budget proposals - and you can rest.”

5 Terrible First Phrases That Will Kill Your Writing

The American company HubSpot found out which first sentences do not inspire the reader, but, on the contrary, force them to delete the letter. Find out what these phrases are and never use them at the beginning of a conversation.

General rules for business correspondence

The reputation of your company indirectly depends on how the business letter is designed and written. We can say that for the formation successful image the company and the formation of its reputation, it is necessary for employees to comply with the rules of business correspondence for both external and internal communication.

Letter form. It would be correct to use forms drawn up in corporate style, which contain details. Style design means the presence of a logo, the use of a special font, the indication of all contact information and the full name of the organization.

Page layout. When formatting a business correspondence letter, margins are used (left margin - 2 cm, right margin - 1 cm, top and bottom margins - 2 cm each). If the letter includes several sheets, then they must be numbered (put down at the top of the sheet in the middle).

Style. Business letters are written in formal business style, which assumes short description the essence of the letter, the accuracy of the wording and the use of stamps and standard phrases. In addition, in business correspondence there is a rule: one problem - one letter.

Text structure. A standard business correspondence letter includes three parts:

  1. Addressing the addressee.
  2. Introduction (goals of the letter).
  3. Main part.
  4. Summary.

Rules for business correspondence in English

Preparation of business correspondence for English language carried out in accordance with the general requirements:

  1. The text is distributed into paragraphs without using a red line.
  2. When formatting a letter, the upper left corner must contain the personal information of the sender (full name, or name of organization, and its address).
  3. Below is the name of the opponent, or the name of the recipient's company with the address (in a new line).
  4. The date of compilation of the letter is indicated three lines below, or at the top in the right corner.
  5. The main part of the letter is placed in the center of the sheet.
  6. It is better to start the main idea by indicating the reason for the request: “I am writing...”
  7. A standard letter should end with the expression: “Yours sincerely” if the name of the addressee is known; “Yours faithfully” - if not.
  8. Skip four lines after the thank you and include your name and position.
  9. The signature is placed between the name and the salutation above.

“Language” of business correspondence

There are special requirements for business correspondence. First of all, letters should not contain emotional overtones. They should be as restrained, concise and precise as possible. The logical and consistent construction of the text completely replaces emotionality. Interjections, diminutives, abbreviations that are not on the list of generally accepted ones - all this should be avoided in business correspondence.

One of the important conditions for composing a letter is semantic accuracy, which represents its practical value.

The next important criterion is the logical presentation of the text. Words should not be subject to double interpretation - this can change the meaning of the content in the letter and give it an undesirable tone.

The main goal of anyone business document- this is persuasiveness in expressing a certain point of view. The main rules in writing and drafting a document, memo or letter are literacy, argumentation, correct appeal, reliability of information and a sufficient amount of evidence.

Below are a few rules for writing business letters:

Use of pronouns. Business correspondence should avoid reflecting personal emotions and perceptions. Business information is traditionally communicated using standard forms. As a rule, during such correspondence, the interests of an entire enterprise are expressed, and not of an individual, so the address comes from the plural. And, although this suggests the use of the pronoun “we,” you should avoid using it by using the appropriate verb forms.

Collateral forms. In business correspondence, you should use the passive voice. Such appeals have a softer appearance. For example, if you rearrange the phrase: “You did not complete the repair work on time,” with the words “ Repair work stipulated by the contract have not been fulfilled,” then it is possible to state the very fact of non-fulfillment of work without making direct accusations. That is, the fact of the violation is indicated, but the specific culprits are not indicated, which makes the tone of the letter softer.

The active voice is used when defining in a letter an object that serves as the initiator of certain actions. For example, “the legal department provides clarification...”. It should be noted that such sentences use the present tense.

The use of the passive voice also determines the nature of the letter. Such forms allow you to set the focus on a specific event, and not on the performers of the action (proposal sent, report received). The passive voice is also used if the object is obvious (the date of the meeting has been determined).

Verb form. If there is a need to focus attention on a constantly repeating action, verbs in an incomplete form are used to describe them (specialists regularly violate deadlines). If it is necessary to highlight the completeness of the process, the perfect form of verbs is used (the patrolmen have begun their duty).

Introduction of accents. Despite the fact that most business correspondence is neutral in tone, in some cases additional focus on certain points is required. To do this, introductory phrases are used to soften the phrase. (If you rewrite the phrase “we ask you to send the documentation that is in your possession” with the words we ask you to send the documentation that, apparently, is in your possession,” then the degree of tension in it is significantly reduced, and it is more suitable for the requirements of tactfulness of business correspondence).

When writing business letters, you should also pay attention to treating your opponent with respect. So, if the phrase “we are not interested in your offer” is replaced with “unfortunately, at this time we are not interested in your offer,” it is freed from unnecessary rigidity, which is not appropriate in business correspondence.

Introductory structures are also an important component business letter, because they make it not so dry. In accordance with standards business etiquette the phrase “please, if possible, provide your expert comments on the quality of our materials” would be appropriate. Introductory constructions are a good tool for reducing categoricalness, showing respect and attentiveness, as well as expressing a friendly tone. Their use allows you to express a thought without hurting your opponent’s pride.

Business correspondence etiquette: 5 tips on how to make a good impression from afar

1. The response time to the letter demonstrates your interest in communication and cooperation. You need to respond to business emails within the shortest possible time: minutes, hours, maximum a day. If there are objective reasons for the delay, send a letter and write that you have received the message and will respond soon. In order to correctly prioritize, you should pay attention to the corresponding notes in your opponent’s letter - “importance”, “topic” and so on. The presence of such marks indicates how important your answer is.

A delay in response means a high probability of losing a client. If possible, respond immediately. Leave only letters “for later” that will take time to respond to. The CEO School will help you learn to predict people's behavior and negotiate well.

2. Personal appeal. Personal address is preferable, as it shows respect for the addressee.

The use of personal address is one of the mandatory rules of business correspondence. Personal focus is a demonstration of respect for individuality and goodwill. In addition, this will help you make your letter stand out from the gray mass of template responses.

3. Expressing words of gratitude (for the appeal). Gratitude expressed in a letter is a kind of expression of gratitude for the choice of an opponent or client in favor of your company. A written response that begins with “Thank you for your letter” demonstrates to your opponent that he is valuable to you. This tone of a business letter is correct, as it reflects a constructive position. For example:

Good afternoon


Anatoly Seosyan.

Failed answer

Successful answer

Hello, Anatoly! To issue an invoice, your company details are required. Please send them in response to this letter.

Hello, Anatoly! First of all, we want to thank you for choosing our center. We also want to express our confidence that you will be satisfied with your cooperation with us. To issue an invoice, we need your company details. Please send them in response to this letter.

An expression of gratitude for the trust in your business is made at the beginning of the letter using the following constructions:

  • Thank you for your interest…;
  • Thank you for your letter...;
  • Thank you for contacting us...;
  • Thank you for choosing our company...;
  • We appreciate your interest...

4. Positive ending. Final constructions are guaranteed to come to the opponent’s attention after reading the letter. Therefore, it is advisable to consolidate the positive mood of business correspondence in this form and create a positive mood and desire for the correspondence partner to continue communication. Eg;

the last thing that remains in the recipient’s attention when reading your letter. Fix an emotionally positive atmosphere in the last phrases business communication. Create at the addressee good mood- so that he wants to communicate with you again. For example:

Good afternoon

I was interviewed for enrollment in advanced training courses at your center. The tuition fee will be paid from my company account. Please send me the appropriate invoice for payment.


Anatoly Seosyan.

Bad option

Good option

Hello, Anatoly! First of all, we want to thank you for choosing our center. We also want to express our confidence that you will be satisfied with your cooperation with us. To issue an invoice, your company details are required. Please send them in response to this letter.

Hello, Anatoly! First of all, we want to thank you for choosing our center. We also want to express our confidence that you will be satisfied with your cooperation with us. To issue an invoice, your company details are required. Please send them in response to this letter. We are always happy to answer questions related to training at our center.

Always, when finishing a letter, create a positive mood in your opponent to continue communication. For these purposes you can use the following structures:

  • We are glad to cooperate;
  • Ready to answer your questions;
  • If you have any questions, please contact us;
  • We hope for mutually beneficial cooperation;
  • We are glad to help you;
  • Sincerely.

5. Signature and contact block. An employee who conducts business correspondence needs to have an idea of ​​who is present “on the other side of the monitor.” In other words, information is needed about the opponent’s name, position and contact information:

  1. First name (last name) – provide the opportunity for personal address;
  2. Position – provides the opponent with an understanding of the level of competence
  3. Coordinates – contribute to the emergence of additional communication channels.

Good afternoon

I was interviewed for enrollment in advanced training courses at your center. The tuition fee will be paid from my company account. Please send me the appropriate invoice for payment.


Anatoly Seosyan.

Bad option

Good option

Hello, Anatoly! First of all, we want to thank you for choosing our center. We also want to express our confidence that you will be satisfied with your cooperation with us. To issue an invoice, your company details are required. Please send them in response to this letter. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have regarding training at our center.


Anton Antonov

Specialist of the Center for Advanced Studies


Mobile Tel.ХХХХХХ

To optimize work with business correspondence, block with contact information It's better to change it to the default settings. This block should be present in letters to partners, colleagues and clients as a symbol of a professional attitude to the matter.

Rules for electronic business correspondence

Grigory Sizonenko, CEO CJSC "Information Implementation Company", Moscow

1. Use the “Reply all” button. If several people are involved in the correspondence, everyone needs to respond, not just the sender of the last message.

2. Always indicate the subject of the letter. In most cases, the recipient only sees the header of the new message. Later, the information in the Subject field helps you find and sort messages. You can use tag words in the header - for example, “IMPORTANT!” - but only if they really correspond to the content of the letter (however, it’s more convenient to just click the “Importance” button, which is available in all popular email programs, and the tag will appear next to the field "Subject"). Develop a uniform style of wording and stick to it constantly. Keep in mind that many people today use automatic filters to sort correspondence. Therefore, the title must be chosen so that a machine can “read” it.

3. The letter should be short and structured. Strive for maximum transparency of meaning and clarity of presentation, separate essential and minor details. It is in your interests that after reading a business letter once, you can easily understand both the essence of the problem and the history of the issue, the meaning of the sentences and the nature of the actions expected from the addressee. Additional materials(documents, tables, photographs) are best sent as attachments so as not to inflate the message text; In this case, the letter must indicate what kind of files you are sending.

4. Be polite. In any letter there should be a place for a greeting, address and signature (you can enable its automatic addition to any of your messages). You also need to place semantic and emotional accents - avoid telegraphic style. Even if the correspondence concerns a pressing issue or conflict, maintain a respectful tone. After all, in business it is important not to offend, but to find a solution. Restraint and courtesy are good helpers in this.

5. Letters must be answered! And quickly. Failure to understand this elementary truth entails a lot of misunderstandings. The sender should know that the letter has been read and after a while you can expect a meaningful response. At the same time, you should not rely entirely on autoresponders and automatic notifications - write a short phrase Push. On the contrary, some letters do not need to be answered. Firstly, for those where your address is in the “Cc” field: the sender wants you to be aware of his correspondence with another person. Secondly, for those where your address is not present at all: this means that the author of the letter added your coordinates to the “Blind carbon copy” field - that is, he intends to familiarize you with the correspondence in secret from the direct addressee of the message.

6. Do not delete the text of the letter you are replying to. It is possible that your answer will be re-read after a while - maybe even after several years. Many enterprises already have archiving systems in place. Email. By the way, in countries where email from official company is recognized as a legally significant document, long-term storage correspondence is a legal requirement. We don’t have this yet, but practice is ahead of written regulations. Look at every letter you write through the eyes of the recipient. This is the basic rule of business correspondence. If you follow it, recipients will begin to highlight your messages from the flow.

7. Write correctly. Single errors made in a letter are offensive to the addressee, since they are perceived as a sign of haste or negligence. And multiple errors indicate a low cultural level of the sender, and also - since we're talking about about business correspondence – they also portray the company where the sender works in an unfavorable light.

New course at the “General Director School”

This article is the result of my observations of what aspects create a good impression of a business letter.

It happens like this: you receive an answer to your letter and immediately make an internal decision: I want and will continue to communicate with these guys, but with these guys I want to say goodbye right away. Has this ever happened to you? For me, yes. The last such practice happened to me quite recently: I corresponded with different companies regarding the selection of language courses.

Below are my summarized conclusions about what you should keep in mind if it is important for you that yours makes a good impression on the recipient and makes him want to continue doing business with you.

1. Letter response time.

  1. Positive ending of the letter

– the last thing that remains in the recipient’s attention when reading your letter. Secure the emotional and positive atmosphere of business communication in the last phrases. Create a good mood for the recipient so that he wants to communicate with you again!


Answer option 1 Answer option 2
Hello, Masha! First of all, thank you for choosing our institute! We are confident that you will be satisfied with our cooperation. In order to send you an invoice, we need to receive from you the details of your employer company. Please send them in response to this letter...... Hello, Masha! First of all, thank you for choosing our institute! We are confident that you will be satisfied with our cooperation. In order to send you an invoice, we need to receive from you the details of your employer company. Please send them in response to this letter. If you have any questions, please contact us!

Tip #4: Set up the recipient to continue the dialogue. Show respect! Create and strengthen the mood of comfortable cooperation! Share with the recipient your positive mood and sincere desire to continue business interaction!

Options for final phrases:

I will be glad to cooperate!

I will be happy to answer your questions.

If you have any questions, please contact us!

With hope for fruitful cooperation,

Always ready to help and answer your questions.



With respect to you,

With respect and hope for fruitful cooperation,

5. Signature and contact information block.

It is important for a person conducting business correspondence to understand who is “on the other side of the monitor”: the addressee’s first and last name, position, contact coordinates.

What is it for?

First and last name – allows for personal communication.

Position – gives the recipient an understanding of the boundaries of authority and professional competence in resolving issues.

Coordinates – provide the possibility of additional operational communication if necessary.

Compare: which answer looks more professional and inspires more confidence in the information.

Hello! I passed the preliminary test when registering for Spanish courses at your institute. Based on the test results, I am enrolled in group PS-A2.1. My tuition will be paid for by my employer. Please send me an invoice for tuition fees. Thank you. Best regards, Masha Petrova
Answer option 1 Answer option 2
Hello, Masha! First of all, thank you for choosing our institute! We are confident that you will be satisfied with our cooperation. In order to send you an invoice, we need to receive from you the details of your employer company. Please send them in response to this letter. If you have any questions, please contact us!

Please, when you ask a question, follow a few simple rules:


The most an easy way to ask a question and receive a detailed answer - a phone call. To do this, you can either dial yourself on the phone in Moscow +7-495-99-7-88-41 or order a call back


— What devices?
— 15!
- What about 15?
- And “What devices”?

Very often people ask a question and think that their interlocutor has exactly the same ideas about the subject of the question.

Please, if your question is specific, ask it in more detail, indicating specific data, numbers, etc. (if any in the question).


Please don't be afraid to introduce yourself. You want to ask a question - we would be happy to answer it. We are pleased to immediately call you by name.

All data transmitted through the form " Ask a Question» are transmitted over an encrypted channel, are not subject to disclosure and are protected by hardware and software for the implementation of 152-FZ “On the Protection of Personal Data”.

The gift needs help. It cannot patiently wait for government funding: it is a living organism that requires care and protection now, and not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. All our projects are long-term and aimed at preserving and developing the estate and the memorial area around it.

Project – this is primarily the treatment of old linden and oak trees in the memorial estate. Saving one centenarian costs 5–10 thousand rubles, depending on the condition of the tree and the complexity of the work. Linden and also require constant monitoring not only by dendrologists, but also by ornithologists, soil scientists, and landscape specialists. And these are invited specialists from Moscow (the museum does not have its own professionals).

Project aimed at recreating the undeservedly forgotten and lost graves of the Dostoevsky family in Darovo and: the writer’s father - M. A. Dostoevsky, sister - V. M. Ivanova. Determining the exact location of the father’s burial in the graveyard, moving it, installing a monument on the grave of Dostoevsky’s parents, reconstructing the graveyard area - these are the top priorities of the “Memory” project.

The program requires the maintenance and development of the material and technical base: renovation of the camp’s living quarters in the village of Monogarovo, improvement of the surrounding area. In addition, funds are needed to feed volunteers and provide minimal living conditions.

In project under our care - more than 9 hectares (including two groves, an entrance alley, a garden, a pond, Nechaevsky churchyard), the territory of the Holy Spiritual Church. To work you need household equipment, professional equipment(brush cutters, chainsaws) and fuel for it. The immediate plans include inspecting and cleaning Mamenkino Pond and improving its banks, which is impossible without developing a project and involving specialists.

One of the most pressing needs of the estate museum is labor. From May to October, we are ready to accept and accommodate volunteers who decide to provide all possible assistance in the revival of Darovoe.

You can also support our organization. The staff of the NP “Zapovednoe Darovoye” is small, and the volume of work performed is extremely large.

If you decide to provide financial assistance one of the projects, then in the “Purpose of payment” column indicate: “Voluntary donation to the project (program) Name».

If you generally support the activities of the NP “Zapovednoye Darovoye”, the purpose of the payment is “Voluntary donation for statutory activities”.

For personal participation, contact Zapovedny Darovoye.

We, in turn, are ready to post information about volunteer helpers and donors on our website, and offer free author’s work on the Darovoe estate and the surrounding area. At your request, we will distribute news from the NP “Zapovednoye Darovoye” and invite our assistants to events held by the partnership (conferences, exhibitions).

NP "Zapovednoye Darovoye"

TIN 5022998127
OGRN 1115000004305

Account No. 40703810300000000142
OJSC Promsvyazbank
INN 7744000912
OKPO 40148343
Gearbox 775001001
OGRN 1027739019142
BIC 044525555
Account No. 30101810400000000555

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