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Shrimp farms. Growing and breeding shrimp at home as a business


Select a sponge filter. You can only use the “neglected” type, because it is the most harmless to shrimp.

Depending on the region in which you live, purchase a temperature controller or a fan. They are needed to support constant temperature in the range from 21 to 25%.

Buy the shrimp themselves of different sexes of the appropriate age. The biggest difficulty is determining the sex of the shrimp. Cherries reach sexual maturity at 3.5 months of age, and Caridina spp. green – 5 months. To determine their gender, you need to know many nuances, for example, both sexes of the Bee shrimp and the Crystal genus have the same body shape. It changes only when they begin to hatch eggs for the first time. In addition, in the first stages it is very difficult to see their eggs.

For several weeks, do not create stressful situations for the shrimp. Feed them food that contains fats and proteins in large quantities: frozen artemidia, high-quality granulated food, cyclops. This is necessary so that females can produce eggs. Don’t give too much food - it won’t be eaten completely, and the leftovers will rot or they will eat it, but you’re not trying to breed them.

Wait a bit until you notice any pregnant females. This may take days or even weeks. Shrimp eggs take about 3-4 weeks, and then tiny shrimp hatch from them. They are humus or food found in moss. They grow to the size of an adult shrimp in a few months. This depends on the quantity and quality of food and on changing water (once a week). Changing water causes them to shed, and this, in turn, stimulates growth. To avoid overcrowding, you should not keep teenagers too many together.

In home aquariums you can keep not only fish, but also other marine and freshwater inhabitants, including shrimp. Moreover, there are several types that are very decorative. These are dwarf, fan, rednose, ring-armed, tiger aquarium shrimp and many others. Each of these types has certain features of maintenance and care, but there are also general rules.

You will need

  • - an aquarium with a minimum volume of 40 liters;
  • - aquarium equipment;
  • - aquatic plants;
  • - driftwood and dried leaves;
  • - dried and frozen food;
  • - vegetables and herbs;
  • - insects for food.


In nature, shrimp feed on detritus - dead organic material. The main sources for it are leaves that have fallen into the water, rotting roots and branches of trees, fish remains, etc. Based on this, shrimp should not be introduced into a new aquarium with clean water. Plant unpretentious aquatic plants that quickly grow green mass. Add bacterial cultures that promote rapid ripening (available from specialty store).

After purchasing the plants, place them in a separate container for 4-5 days. During this time, change the water several times. This technique will help reduce the antimicrobial substances with which seaweed is processed by producers and exporters. If this is not done, harmful substances can become destructive to shrimp.

Plant java moss is a wonderful addition to your shrimp's diet. Indispensable algae for an aquarium containing shrimp are Cladiphora, liver moss and Riccia. Place several driftwood on the bottom; the microorganisms contained on their surface will become part of the shrimp’s nutrition.

For comfortable keeping of shrimp, experts recommend using water with a temperature of at least 23-24 degrees. If it is less, then the shrimp become less active, lethargic, and some species may die. Although there are specimens that feel quite good even at temperatures of 15-20 degrees.

Shrimp eat algae, various aquatic insects, and some vegetables, such as peas, cucumbers or spinach. Use several products to feed invertebrates; both dry and frozen food will do. Mix it with chopped vegetables and herbs.

A constant source of food for shrimp in nature is fallen leaves. Therefore, add willow, beech, and maple leaves to the aquarium. Let them dry for a week and then simply place them on top of the water.

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Please note that when invertebrates molt and lose their shells, you cannot feed the shrimp. During this period, they hide in secluded corners.

Helpful advice

Change the water in the aquarium only in parts, since shrimp react very poorly to sudden changes in conditions. It is enough to replace about a third of the volume every week.


  • Shrimp in an aquarium

With the right approach and the necessary equipment, keeping and breeding aquarium shrimp is absolutely simple. You can buy them in almost every pet store, where they will also offer equipment and food. Armed with the minimum amount of knowledge about these amazing arthropods and the peculiarities of their maintenance, any novice aquarist can master a new hobby.

Where to place shrimp

To keep shrimp, pet stores sell special aquariums called shrimp tanks. They vary in size, but are sure to be equipped with the necessary equipment. The shrimp tank has a built-in filter with a sponge that prevents small arthropods from getting inside the device, a compressor for supplying oxygen, and a thermostat, since shrimp are very sensitive to temperature changes. The shrimp tanks are equipped with a lamp and a lid. It is needed to prevent the shrimp from crawling out of the aquarium and dying.

Regular water is used to keep shrimp. In this sense, shrimp are unpretentious. But you need to monitor the water temperature. Arthropods feel comfortable at a water temperature of 21 to 25 degrees. You need to clean the shrimp tank and change the water every week. To do this, one-fifth of all water is removed from the aquarium and clean water is added, always at the same temperature as that remaining in the shrimp tank.

What do aquarium shrimp eat?

These little ones eat everything. Pet stores sell special food for shrimp, but in the absence of it, they will not disdain fish food and algae. By the way, some aquarists throw pieces of human food, for example, cucumber or even pasta, into an aquarium with shrimp. They gnaw on shrimp and this food with pleasure. It is not recommended to overfeed aquarium shrimp. Giving food 1-2 times a week is quite enough. Excess food that is not eaten by aquarium arthropods pollutes the shrimp tank and creates an unfavorable environment for the existence of shrimp.

What plants do shrimp need?

Shrimp love to burrow into thickets of aquarium plants. Java moss is an excellent hiding place for shrimp where they like to breed. And the Aquarium Cladafora also serves as entertainment for the shrimp. They crawl around a green ball of algae and pick out particles of food stuck in them. Plants such as hornwort, rosewort, cabomba, and naiad of Guadalupe can also become a comfortable home for shrimp.

Aquarium shrimp are very beautiful creatures. They are distinguished by a variety of colors from bright cherry to brindle. Maintaining a shrimp tank will not take much time and effort, but it will create a corner of comfort and harmony in your home or office.

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The giant freshwater shrimp or Macrobrachium Rosenbergii is one of the most commercially important species freshwater shrimp. It is found throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the Indo-Pacific region, from India to Southeast Asia and northern Australia. It can also be found in wildlife in parts of China, Japan, Indonesia, New Zealand and even North and South America. In captivity, shrimp grows well, so it is bred in all countries with warm climates, including the southern regions of Russia.

Gourmets from all over the world highly appreciate the taste of such shrimp. Since this species can reach 30 cm in length, and the weight of one shrimp often reaches 500 grams. In restaurants, the cost of one shrimp reaches 30 euros. At the same time, due to their nature of residence, shrimp are not whimsical and the costs of maintaining and breeding such shrimp are minimal.

Also, in addition to taste, this type crustaceans have an original appearance. Therefore, the second line of business for breeding freshwater shrimp is aquarium farming. River shrimp become the center of an aquarium display.

Features of breeding freshwater Rosenberg shrimp

Of course, breeding shrimp from larvae is the most profitable option. This may seem so to people who are not knowledgeable in this type of business. The fact is that if an adult shrimp lives in fresh water, then the larvae of this shrimp begin to grow in sea water, that is, salty. For mass breeding of Rosenberg river shrimp from larvae, several reservoirs with certain conditions will be required, one of which must be with salt water. This requires more highly qualified personnel involved in this breeding. From an economic point of view, of course, such an approach can be justified, since an enterprise is being created full cycle. But for beginning entrepreneurs, we recommend buying already germinated shrimp larvae, 1-5 cm long ( freshwater shrimp post-larva). The average selling price is 30-80 rubles per post-shrimp. Such larvae require freshwater shrimp feeders. They grow to large sizes quite quickly. Thus, by purchasing juveniles, you shorten the production cycle and can concentrate on raising large individuals.

To keep the Rosenberg river shrimp, you need a pond or pool with a flat bottom. Ideal keeping conditions are considered to be an aquatic environment with the following parameters - temperature 24-28°C, hardness dH 4-20°, acidity pH 6.0-8.0. It is necessary to replace ¼ of the water from the container weekly with fresh water that has been left standing for 1 day. But, shrimp adapt well to a wide range of water quality. True, the growth rate and appearance, but sometimes you can find a good compromise if you can’t achieve ideal conditions.

Such conditions can be obtained in natural reservoirs (for warm climates), or you can start the shrimp on a RAS farm.

Rosenberg shrimp are distinguished by their aggressive disposition and omnivorous nature. They consume both plant and animal food. They are not afraid even of larger animals. They can be fed with mixed feed, lettuce, dandelion, burdock, and nettle leaves scalded with boiling water.

Most of the time, crustaceans move along the bottom in search of food. The bottom should be sandy, but not smooth. It is also necessary to arrange various shelters - snags, caves, stones, etc. Why do shards of ceramics, stones, etc. sink to the bottom so that they do not pollute the water and serve as an excellent shelter for shrimp.

Rosenberg shrimp, which have reached marketable size, are transported to the customer. Typically, shrimp are transported alive in special boxes with damp moss or similar filler. But there are also options with quick freezing. The second method increases shelf life, but also reduces the final cost for the consumer.

Video - how to breed shrimp in aquariums

Few people know that in southern regions Russia is established interesting business on growing an exquisite delicacy - giant freshwater shrimp. It is in these parts that the heat-loving crustacean delights enterprising breeders with its abundance.

Giant freshwater shrimp

One of the most important factors Temperature conditions are important for shrimp farming. 22-28 degrees Celsius is considered optimal for reproduction and comfortable existence. Temperatures below these values ​​lead to a slowdown in the vital activity of crustaceans, and in cooler conditions (less than 13 degrees) the shrimp dies. In this regard, shrimp farming under open air impossible in winter conditions.

Expert opinion

Roman Efremov

Particular importance should be given to water for shrimp habitat. Its hardness should be in the range of 5-10, acidity - 6.5-8.5. Recommended oxygen level is 4-6 mg/l. The level of nitrates should not exceed 50 mg/l, nitrites - 0.1 mg/l, chlorides - 10 mg/l.

Let's consider the features of a reservoir for crustaceans. Ideally, a small pond should be located near a river, because... This will eliminate the hassle of constantly having to fill the tank. The depth of such a pool can vary from 0.5 to 1.5 meters. It must be remembered that shrimp are poor builders, so the breeders themselves will have to take care of shelter for them at the bottom of the reservoir (tiles, slate sheets, pipe fragments, etc.).

Expert opinion

Roman Efremov

Work experience: 5 years. Specialization: all areas of jurisprudence.

At the bottom of the pool you can put river sand of dark shades with a fraction of 2-4 mm. Shrimp need a place to hide, so you need to take care of creating different places. This is necessary in order to protect the shrimp from its relatives. The giant freshwater shrimp is characterized by frequent molting. During this period, she is completely defenseless and can be eaten by her relatives.

Shrimp feed on food of animal and plant origin. At the same time, they develop a conditioned reflex to the place where food appears. So they try to stay close to him because they are hungry. It must be taken into account that before breeding, they are fed in excess, using mainly live food, so that the shrimp receive at least 30% protein.

Expert opinion

Roman Efremov

Work experience: 5 years. Specialization: all areas of jurisprudence.

As a special treat for shrimp, you can use lettuce (pre-scalded), dandelion stems, nettles, burdock and plantain.Aquarium plants in a pool with freshwater shrimp will not take root; they will be instantly eaten. As flora, you can use cryptocoryne or ophiopogen, which shrimp do not perceive as a food source.

Features of reproduction

So, the house is equipped, you can purchase young animals, which are purchased from special farms. All females must be kept in trays at a lower temperature (20-22 degrees) for three weeks, and then raised to 28-29 degrees for three days. In this way, synchronized spawning can be achieved.

Expert opinion

Roman Efremov

Work experience: 5 years. Specialization: all areas of jurisprudence.

Sexual maturity occurs in shrimp at 4-5 months of life. If the shrimp is inactive, damaged or sick, spawning becomes impossible.

The larvae develop in several stages, each of which ends with molting. This is a critical period because... At this time, many shrimp die. Due to high sensitivity to any, even the smallest, changes in environment, during this period the conditions of their detention should be as favorable as possible.

Shrimp grow quite quickly, after about a year their weight reaches 100 grams. But they reach sexual maturity in less than six months; their weight during this period is 6-12 grams at 75-100 cm.

Expert opinion

Roman Efremov

Work experience: 5 years. Specialization: all areas of jurisprudence.

Giant freshwater shrimp are characterized by their aggressive nature and omnivorous nature. That is why, in order to obtain offspring, it is better to place females in other reservoirs where conditions for spawning will be created. Otherwise, the newborn shrimp runs the risk of being eaten by its relatives in the first days after birth.

Sales of products

So, after catching grown shrimp, they need to be sorted by weight and size, because the price of the product will depend on this. On average, stores and restaurants offer from 6 to 12 dollars per kilogram, which pays for the investment in a relatively short time.

Today, shrimp farming as a business is relatively the new kind labor activity, completely devoid of shortcomings. Of course, many stores sell frozen shrimp. Buying them is not a problem. But buying live shrimp is an indescribable rarity. Such work activity has only positive characteristics. There is absolutely nothing to say about the shortcomings. We will talk mainly about live shrimp.

Shrimp have translucent bodies, dotted with small pits and some patches. On their heads there are long antennae, which the shrimp use to “watch”. They also have eyes, but the main organ of vision is the antennae. They have 3 pairs of claws as limbs-tools for cutting food. Shrimp shells protect them from nature's surprises.

- the business is very profitable. In addition, it has several positive aspects.

The main highlight of this business is that there is absolutely no competition in this area of ​​employment. The money invested pays off very quickly due to the fact that it is almost impossible to buy live shrimp. All supermarkets sell frozen shrimp, but live ones are nowhere to be found. Therefore, shrimp farming today can bring - without exaggeration - fabulous profits, since there will be so many buyers that you will have to expand frequently.

Second positive side The answer to this question is that shrimp farming is very easy. And it’s much easier than it seems.

The niche itself is like this employment not completely filled. This has already been mentioned, but it must be added that this type of activity practically does not require capital investment. In addition, such a task is not labor-intensive. Only a lazy person can't cope with it.

Another positive characteristic of this business is that their meat has a low calorie content, which, from the point of view of people suffering from excessive obesity, is a great advantage and advantage over other types of products. That is, eat shrimp fat people possible in almost unlimited quantities, however, within reason.

Where to start shrimp farming

Start by calculating the cash costs and possible profit. Take an ordinary pencil, a sheet of paper and first carefully consider all the issues of investment and profitability. And already on paper, even before you open this business, you will see the manifestation of profitability. That is, already on paper, the profitability of a shrimp farming business will appear as an image on photographic film after immersing it in a developer solution.

By investing a small share of your capital in shrimp farming, you can quickly get quite a tangible profit. The profitability of such a business and quick profitability, first of all, is manifested for the very reason that shrimp reproduce and grow quickly. Such products are sold without problems. Restaurants, large and small stores, and even small shopkeepers will buy your shrimp.

If you have already made all the calculations, drawn up a business plan for shrimp farming and decided to start such a business, then you can start registering your business. But first, make sure that after registration you immediately begin your work activity in the field of crustacean farming. To do this, purchase an aquarium or some kind of tank in advance.

To begin with, start breeding shrimp in an aquarium in small quantities if you are not yet familiar with all the features of this business. During the breeding process, study the characteristics, behavior of shrimp and necessary life support issues.

After you have already tried to breed shrimp in an aquarium and have studied the possible nuances of shrimp breeding, you can begin to master the cultivation of shrimp in large quantities. An artificial pond or reservoir is suitable for this. Since shrimp are not picky about living conditions, it will not be difficult to organize a habitat for them. The pond or reservoir should have a depth of 1.5-2 meters and good lighting. If there is a lack of daytime sunlight, take care to supplement this deficiency with artificial lighting.

To make shrimp feel comfortable in your pond, make sure that the shrimp have shelter. For example, in order to hide from direct sunlight or from the dangers of nature that await crustaceans at every turn. Naturally, there will be no other living creatures in your pond. The shrimp will not be in any danger, but they don’t know that. And their nature is such that they need shelter regardless of whether something threatens them or not. You can use anything for shelter. It could be some kind of stone with large cavities, some kind of piece of pipe or something like that. That is, everything you can climb into and hide in.

In the process of breeding representatives of crustaceans such as shrimp, it is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature regime. If the temperature differs significantly from the permissible temperature, your shrimp may die or become sick. Maintain the temperature between 22-28° Celsius. From this temperature regime it is clear that shrimp farming in harsh conditions– it won’t work in the cold season.

Shrimp nutrition

When starting to think about what, how and when to feed shrimp, first of all, arrange a single feeding place for them. This place is best placed where you can observe the process of shrimp eating - in a clearly visible area. This way you can observe the life of shrimp and monitor the population. Shrimp need a single place to feed, because if you simply throw food into the weed beds, it may go unnoticed. As a result, the shrimp will not eat it, and it will begin to deteriorate, which, in turn, will negatively affect the health of the shrimp themselves.

Feeding shrimp is easy. They eat foods of animal, but mainly plant origin. Their food must contain at least 30% protein. IN natural conditions such a representative of crustaceans as a shrimp feeds on algae, all sorts of fallen leaves, underwater moss, wilted plants, etc.

Shrimp eat very slowly, so it is recommended to grind their food to a powdery consistency or very fine. To maintain life support, shrimp should be fed once a day. This is ideal. You should not overfeed shrimp, as they will no longer perform their functions of cleaning the reservoir from food debris and rotting algae. It is also important to know that shrimp can be left without food for half a month. They live a long time without food.

Advertising campaign

Once you have already started working in the field of crustacean farming, think about advertising. Big advertising campaign This type of labor activity does not require. First, just open some small outlet somewhere on the outskirts of a spontaneous market. People passing by, seeing something as exotic as shrimp, will definitely buy it, if, of course, the price suits them.

Tomorrow some people will come to the market directly to buy shrimp. That is, they will come specifically to you. After months, you can promote this business so much that you will already have a whole mini-enterprise. Then, as people say: “further into the water, deeper,” this business will bring more and more profit. The promotion and expansion of such a business occurs by analogy with this saying. Experts on these issues unanimously assure that opening such a business is so exotic that it practically does not need advertising at all.

Taste and Health Benefits

It makes no sense to write about the taste characteristics of shrimp, since everyone knows their taste. Everyone also knows that shrimp are very good for health. It is only necessary to say that shrimp meat consists mainly of proteins - 18.4 g, which is valued by weightlifters. Shrimp meat contains little fat and carbohydrates - 1.2 g and 1 g, respectively. As you can see, the nutritional value of this type of product such as shrimp is worthy of praise. In addition to the standard nutritional value, shrimp meat has a large amount of calcium, which is very beneficial for bones and overall health. Their meat is also rich in iodine and phosphorus, and, it should be added, contains many useful minerals and trace elements.

Shrimp meat has a low calorie content, for which it is highly valued among people suffering from obesity. However, there is one stumbling block that not everyone knows about. Shrimp meat is, without exaggeration, a storehouse of cholesterol. You can eat a lot of shrimp. It is almost impossible to gain weight from this. But for the fair half of society, shrimp meat poses a great danger. Therefore, especially for young girls with delicate skin, it is better not to lean heavily on this meat.

The most delicious shrimp are those that are boiled in sea water - in their own juice, so to speak. Many people who have tried shrimp dishes cooked in sea water say that these dishes are the most delicious. If the taste of the shrimp meat has a certain rubbery tint, it is overcooked. It’s better to take these shrimps back and ask for another dish.

Breeding shrimp at home as a business is both profitable and useful for both buyers and the entrepreneurs themselves. The health benefits have already been discussed. There is no point in repeating ourselves.

Some entrepreneurs may sell stale shrimp, so everyone should know how to choose shrimp when purchasing.

Live shrimp are the ideal choice. However, such products are rare. People are already accustomed to buying frozen shrimp. Frozen shrimp are not much different from live ones in terms of taste and nutritional characteristics, however, there are a number of stumbling blocks and unpleasant surprises. Sometimes sellers in different stores can sell you stale products, although at first glance this is not visible at all, since when looking at shrimp that are frozen, absolutely nothing is visible. Therefore, in order not to be a simpleton who does not understand the issues of choosing shrimp, remember how to choose them correctly. If you know how to choose the right shrimp, you will not go wrong with your purchase and there will be shrimp on your table that are quite suitable for eating.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the condition of the shrimp's bodies. If the shrimp's bodies are straight, it means they were frozen and not fresh. That is, the freezing process began after their death. Usually this is acceptable, but if the shrimp lie for several hours, then the useful substances in the dead meat disappear, since to maintain useful substances In their original form, it is necessary that the shrimp be placed in freezers alive. How can you tell in what form the shrimp were placed in the freezers? This question can be answered. If the shrimp tails are curled, it means they were alive when the freezing process began. That is, first of all, pay attention to the tails. If they are twisted, take them, you can’t go wrong.

If the shrimp necks or heads have black spots, then do not buy them. They're not fresh. If bumps, yellow or brown spots are visible on the shrimp's shells, it means they have been chemically treated to rid them of these black spots. Beware of such products. It is dangerous to health. After all, no one knows what the chemical solutions in which the shrimp were immersed contained. If white spots are visible on the shrimp, this will tell you that they have been defrosted and re-frozen several times. You should not buy such products, because, firstly, the meat of such shrimp no longer contains useful substances. Moreover, the taste of dishes made from such shrimp will be very different from those that were frozen alive. This is due to the fact that after freezing, shrimp meat, like any other meat, changes its crystal lattice, which after the defrosting process is not restored, but is destroyed. That is, the first freeze already destroys the crystal lattice, but this is quite acceptable for preservation overall integrity. The second and subsequent frosts destroy it completely. Therefore, give back the shrimp, on the shells of which white spots are visible, to the sellers and threaten to contact the special competent authorities that consider these issues, so that they are discouraged - so that they are afraid that some inspection authorities may suddenly come to them.

If you are planning to organize small business with high profitability, engage in shrimp farming. Growing crustaceans does not require much time and effort, but that’s all necessary equipment You can easily buy it for little money in almost any city. On the other hand, shrimp farming as a business is a very profitable venture due to high price shellfish and good demand from supermarkets, HoReCa and, of course, resellers.

Shrimp cultivation technologies

Every modern shrimp farm, regardless of scale and productivity, uses one of two growing technologies that are popular today:

  • Biofloc;

Biofloc is a rather complex technology for growing shrimp, according to which it is produced in a special aquatic environment filled with nutritious algae, bacteria, protozoa, carapaces and other organic particles. Freshwater water quality is controlled through aeration and agitation to maintain active flocs in suspension. The system independently provides two important functions: balanced nutrition of shellfish and ammonia removal. In addition to the complexity of maintenance, Biofloc systems have a significant drawback associated with the gradual development of pathogenic microflora in the sediment.

Shrimp cultivation in Russia is most often carried out according to RAS technology, which has stable water quality. It allows you to provide acceptable conditions for the development of mollusks in areas with increased bacteriological danger and low water quality. However, not every beginning shrimp farm can afford such a system.

Shrimp farming as a business

First of all, to open your own mini-aquafarm you will need a spacious room with an area of ​​at least 150 square meters. m. An important condition is the presence of a ventilation system, since fresh air is necessary to maintain an optimal microclimate and reduce the risk of developing dangerous microflora.

The next step is to select equipment. As mentioned above, for growing shrimp at home and on industrial basis artificial reservoirs and installations are most often used closed water supply. They consist of a shellfish basin, filtration system aqueous solution and pipelines.

Initially, you do not need to choose a giant pool and expensive equipment for growing shrimp, since it will not be easy for a novice aqua farmer to cope with a large shrimp farm. Entry-level systems, the cost of which does not exceed 20-25 thousand euros, will not require serious labor costs and will allow you to quickly master the cultivation technology.

After installing the equipment, all that remains is to purchase shellfish and food for them. It is recommended to buy food from major suppliers, since cheaper offers from unknown companies can result in illness and even death of the population.

What kind of shrimp should I breed?

After the idea of ​​​​breeding and keeping shrimp arises, the next question will appear: “Which variety should I choose?” Let’s say right away that a novice farmer should choose freshwater species of shellfish. Growing shrimp of this type does not require the purchase of expensive equipment, and their resistance to external factors noticeably higher than in marine species.

Next, you will need to choose between decorative and edible shrimp. Cultivation of shrimp for food is considered the most promising direction. The farmer is guaranteed to receive a wide market, even if the farm is located in small town. In Russia, tiger and king prawns are most often bred on private farms, which are well known to consumers and are considered the most popular product.

Breeding and keeping decorative shrimp is advisable if you have already established contacts with resellers interested in purchasing similar products. In this case, you will grow mollusks that will become decorations for aquariums and other decorative reservoirs.

As practice shows, even at the initial stages shrimp business will be able to bring you about 2.-2.5 million rubles. per year, provided that annual shipments are at least 5 tons. In the future, it is possible to increase the scale of shrimp farming and conquer new heights of profitability.