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Who to kill next? Test Are you capable of killing a person?

- You said that this moment time sin is murder and suicide. For what reason is suicide punished?

– Suicide is a person’s unwillingness to obey To the Higher Teachers, reluctance to solve complex life problems. Through suicide he tries to find for himself easy way, and violates the laws of development. One person is connected to many, and premature death breaks the programs of other people, so Determiners have to spend a lot of energy restoring broken connections in many programs at once. And energy in Space is very valuable.

– But it happens that a person kills himself according to the program?

– Yes, but this happens rarely.

– What punishment does a person receive for committing suicide?

– He earns ordeals until the end of the life that was assigned to him according to the program. In this case, his soul is not allowed Up and it experiences great suffering as a result. Thus, the ordeal of the soul continues on Earth.

– Is a suicide punished by decoding?

– No, decoding is not given to them at all. He is simply given the next life with the addition of those qualities that he did not have time to acquire in past life, plus the program doubles, which means that situations increase in complexity, and life itself can lengthen. In addition, there is also an overlap for the next life, that is, three lives are already involved in the punishment. And they will all be difficult, so it will be difficult to endure them. But if he can’t stand it, then We are already looking at what to do with him next.

– A person always commits suicide consciously. But whales also wash ashore, swans crash to the ground when they lose a partner. Are they doing this consciously?

- IN similar cases Does their consciousness work like a person’s?

– Their suicide is carried out according to a program.

– Could they, like a person, drop out of the program?

– No, always only according to the program. But for them, suicide does not entail karma, because it is these animals that do not have it in the form in which it is defined for humans.

– If a person commits murder, then, according to the laws of karma, he must also be killed in next life?

- Yes. If for some reason a person hides his crime and manages to avoid punishment in real life, then everything he does is recorded on the “tape” of his life, so he cannot hide from Heavenly justice. This “film” will record not only the actions themselves, but also the motives for the crime and all the thoughts leading to it. Therefore, the very reason that led the person to commit the crime will be assessed.

– If our scientists could penetrate into a person’s memory blocks, then it would be possible to accurately determine whether a person committed a murder or not?

- Yes. Although you people don't need this. A person himself must repent of his crime. His goal in this life is the correct awareness of his actions. It is not others who should blame him, but himself.

– Is any murder punishable by Cosmic justice? After all, there are murders that are committed for the purpose of self-defense or protection of a loved one.

- Any murder is punishable. A person should not kill at all. For the purpose of protection, he can injure, somehow neutralize him, he can do anything, just not kill. You can stop the aggressive actions of an attacker in many ways that do not pose a threat to a person’s life itself.

– How does the punishment for intentional murder differ from the punishment for unintentional murder?

– The difference, of course, is in the severity of the crime and the degree of punishment will be applied accordingly - more severe or less. Basically the soul will experience this difference after death as it passes through the purifying layers. In case of malicious murder, due to the fact that the soul has accumulated a lot of dark energies, it will experience strong painful sensations that a person associates with the torment of hell. When killing in the moment of self-defense or protection of loved ones, a person gains other energies into the soul, and they can even be very high if it concerns the protection of others, therefore, when passing through the cleansing layers, he will experience suffering to a lesser extent. And this is a significant difference - the difference in the quality of the energies gained by the soul due to the action. Otherwise, any punishment is also determined individually. But the main thing is that a person must remember, when committing murder or any other crime, that he will face a triple punishment: the court of people, that is, your earthly justice and prison; very painful sensations in the filter layers of the Earth and Heavenly justice with a corresponding program of punishment for the next life, in which he will also be killed by someone.

– If a person kills someone, then according to karma, another person must kill him too. And this other one is the third. Will such murders turn into infinity?

– There is such a pattern.

– But how then can such a vicious circle be broken?

“We are looking at how the murder was committed.” Basically, these chains end in random murders, when the taking of another’s life occurs accidentally, due to unforeseen circumstances. This “accidentally” is the end of the chain of karmic murders, and it (this “accidentally”) will be regarded differently in the next karma. Punishment will follow, but karma for murder is already removed. Although once the murder has occurred, punishment will be mandatory, but it will be different: the person may be sent some kind of torment or something else very unpleasant in his life.

– What punishment awaits a person who heads a state and starts new wars in which many people die?

– This person will serve his sentence on another planet in conditions that are harsher and more terrible for humans than on Earth. There he will be incarnated many times, and each time his life will be ended violently, that is, he will be killed.

– Can there be karma for a person’s actions in a dream, when, for example, he kills someone?

– Of course, karma exists. But working it out will also happen in a dream. Everything is identical. Such aspirations of the soul cannot go unpunished. In a dream, the soul reveals those shortcomings and shortcomings in itself that may be hidden in real life, since in ordinary reality there are other conditions, a certain social environment, which often does not allow the lowest sides of nature to manifest themselves, and in a dream, when reality changes and there is no control on the part of the physical body, this is precisely what is revealed, its internal vices are highlighted, as if on an x-ray.

– And what kind of karma will he have in his dream?

- They will kill him too. Or he may be severely crippled in his sleep. And he will feel this punishment strongly, or rather, he should feel it. And if there is no corresponding reaction from the soul, then he will be killed again, again in his sleep.

– Nowadays (1998), many maniacs have appeared in real life. One man kills fifty. Does this mean that, according to the laws of karma, he must also be killed fifty times in subsequent lives?

– Yes, the same amount, unless a decision is made to dispel it altogether after this life. His soul can be immediately destroyed in just fifty kills, if he does not belong to the negative Devil System.

– Medicine looks for mental illness in maniacs and tries to explain their cruelty precisely by mental disorders.

– Partially, of course, their psyche is distorted, because a normal person is not capable of producing this. But there are still things unknown to people.

– For what reasons is a person’s psyche distorted so that he becomes a maniac?

– Incorrect upbringing from childhood, family scandals, fights, rudeness, as well as the influence of television: watching horror films, action films with endless murders has a very bad effect on children’s consciousness. As a result, all this leads to a distortion of the child’s normal perception of the world and to the deformation of his psyche.

– Does the abnormal human psyche affect his program, distorting it?

– Disturbances in the human psyche distort the correct connection between a person and his program. Sometimes the connection with the program is completely broken, and the person begins to act outside the program. The Determinant leading him is trying to direct him to the right way, and when this does not happen, he removes it. This is the case if a person belongs to the positive System.

But there are also people on Earth who belong to the negative System of the Devil, and they are specially selected from there in order to clean up some souls. Therefore, such a maniac cannot talk about mental disorders. His psyche is normal, but he acts according to the program of the negative System, that is, from the Devil. This is precisely what a person does not know, and such a person’s psyche is absolutely normal.

– People still don’t understand why one person is allowed to kill 50 people from Above, especially if there are programs?

– You should know that not a single person is killed just like that, without guilt. This means that this is his karma, and in a past life he killed someone himself. And we must remember that any maniac, if he was given the opportunity to grow and manifest himself, and not put away early age, then this is a messenger of the negative System or, in your opinion, a servant of the Devil.

According to the program, he needs to free a certain number of souls from the material shell, and he carries out the cleansing. The same people who are not from the negative System and take the path of murder due to mental disorders or for other reasons, as I already said, they will either be decoded or they will work off karma later.

– By killing people, does a maniac help them atone for their sins?

- No, there is no atonement for sins.

– What happens to the maniac in the following case? For example, according to the program, he was scheduled to kill 20 people, but he killed only two, after which he was arrested, sentenced to death and killed. He didn’t complete his program, therefore, he also earned some kind of karma?

– In the negative System, everything is organized differently. The Devil has no karma. He has a rigid program execution. And in this main difference, which exists between our Systems. I (God) have karma, the Devil does not.

- But then a maniac who has not completed the program will be forced to refine it in his next life?

- No, they are finalizing the programs - that’s mine. And the Devil, if the program is not completed due to the fact that he was prevented from finalizing it, thinks about how to act in the existing situation in order to bring it to the previously planned result. And this unfulfilled program will be carried out by someone else. A new recalculation begins. The soul, which was prevented from fulfilling its program, receives a new, but more tough than before.

– If the Devil does not have karma, then what underlies the development of souls in Him?

– It is based on progressive development corresponding to the world of the Devil. The soul generates energies of a completely different quality than in My System. But due to the absence of karma, the soul in the world of the Devil comes faster to perfection in negative direction . Following a rigid program, she does not have the right to take a single step aside. For the slightest self-will or disobedience - death. Therefore, the Devil usually has a precise execution of his program. And those individuals who are admitted into the earthly world for certain purposes, working from Him, carry out their program exactly.

I have any soul passing through law of cause and effect , that is, obeying the law of karma, it goes a very long way in its development, correcting the mistakes made, as I achieve awareness of them.

And one more important detail that distinguishes evolution in My world is that a person accumulates karma due to the reason given to him freedom of choice in a programme. The Devil has no freedom of choice . In My worlds, the soul can choose, make mistakes, after which it is obliged to correct the mistakes made, and thus the evolution of awareness occurs. The Devil's soul does not have the right to choose; it must do what it is ordered. This, like a soldier in the army, does not have his own opinion.

– Death releases energy from a person. Where does it go in the event of a maniac killing a person: to the Determinant of the Murderer in the Negative System?

– Energies go to their Determinants: from the victim - to their Determinant in the positive System, and from the maniac - to his own. It is this minus energy of the murder itself that the negative System receives.

– How can karma be viewed energetically?

– According to karma, the soul accumulates those energies that its development requires, and which it did not obtain in the previous incarnation. Each new incarnation involves the soul developing new high-quality energies and a certain quantitative increase in those already available in the matrix to the required standards.

The situations that are given to a person in life to work through contribute to the development of planned types of energies in his soul, and a person, having gone through given situations, must fill the matrix of the soul with a certain set of energies.

If he handles the situation correctly, then the matrix is ​​filled with the necessary energies. If he goes through the situation incorrectly, then he produces energies of lower quality than those planned according to the main program. And since they are of lower quality, then such energy is initially not allowed into the matrix, but fills temporary shells and is cleaned off after death.

Therefore, if a person has not developed the energies he needs through given situations in one life, having produced freedom of choice other types of energies, then in her subsequent life she will again, through repeating situations or similar ones, have to develop what she needs. This is energetic basis of karma.

– Doesn’t karma mean that the energy of suffering must be compensated by the energy of joy? Should there be some kind of energy balance?

- No, not necessarily. It all depends on how much a person has gone through in his development and how much energy he needs to gain, that is, it depends on the given qualities of a person, which precisely form the energy required for him in the process of life.

And the program drawn up from Above determines for him those energies that he did not receive in past reincarnations or still has nothing at all due to his low development. For example, it is given to receive such and such energy from one situation, and another from another, and the proper amount of it. That is, he may be programmed to receive unit – one type of energy and one hundred units – another. So balance for the soul is not necessary and not required.

– So, according to the laws of karma, a person accumulates the energies that he needs to move to the next stage of development?

- Yes. Until the soul accumulates energies of a certain quality and quantity, it will never be able to ascend to higher worlds. Therefore, the program determines what types of energies it needs to receive, and the law of karma regulates its quality developments. The Devil’s soul, developing according to a rigid program, immediately accumulates those types of energies that are necessary in His world, without repeating incarnations with the same type of program, therefore it quickly comes to perfection. Only these perfections - in My world and the world of the Devil - are different, or rather, opposite.

– People don’t understand why all sorts of atrocities are allowed to be committed on Earth?

- We don't allow this. But a person commits crimes because of the presence of aggression in himself and the Freedom of Choice given to him. There is always a choice:

1. The first is to be killed yourself;

2. The second is to kill another and remain alive;

3. And thirdly, if you are smart enough, a person can beat the situation in such a way that both he and the enemy will remain alive.

Human aggression comes from his animal basis, low level development, the presence of fear, from ignorance, many vices and very little spirituality. All low passions and vices of man use negative Systems for their purposes, one of which is located in the Earth and absorbs the rough spectrum of energies produced by man, the other is located above the Earth and carries out its tasks. Therefore, they are interested in human provocations. There are other negative Systems in nominal worlds, from which there is also a lot of evil on Earth. It happens that they capture a lot of extra people, that is, they go against the person’s program. They disrupt programs, and this leads to chaos in certain places on Earth.

– What does the expression “they capture...people for themselves” mean?

– Negative Systems, opponents of humanity, subjugate the will of very low spiritual Units, for this they have their own methods. And people, without suspecting it, begin to carry out their orders through suggestions. A person turns into a machine out of control. His consciousness completely turns off, and he works under hypnosis. This is another type of emerging maniacs. Otherwise, they can be called “zombies”. And a zombie is no longer a person, since he himself no longer understands anything. So there are many reasons for the appearance of maniacs, but the main one is the low spirituality of a person.

– Low planes, like the negative System that is located in the Earth, greatly influence people’s behavior. What measures will be taken from Above to limit their influence in the future and to make people better?

– We are doing this. We now have limited influence low plans deals with people the whole System. And in connection with the limitation of influence, there is a very large destruction of individuals who interfere. But a small part of them still needs to be left, because they are needed for the improvement of other people. A small amount, but it must be left.

– Will they be limited through the application of some laws?

- No. Restrictions must come from the consciousness of everyone. Consciousness is the law. The higher a person rises, the higher his consciousness and the more perfect his actions, more in line with cosmic norms.

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Pavel Sinkin,” the policeman announced.
“So-so,” the civilian flipped through the pages in his folder, “Pavel Sinkin, registered on the X-forum under the pseudonym Lone Wolf.” On April 14, you wrote in a topic dedicated to the shooting of stray dogs to a user registered under the pseudonym Stalker, and I quote: “Yes, you yourself should be shot.” Is everything right?
“P-probably,” Pasha liked what was happening less and less. First of all, he didn't understand what was happening. And secondly, the policeman stayed behind him, and the military man slid in like a snake - I don’t remember exactly... there was a lot of things...
“Okay,” the civilian slammed the daddy and opened the door to the adjacent room, “this way, please.”
Pasha came in and was stunned. A bound man sat on a chair in front of him. The man twitched, his eyes rolled wildly, and desperate grunts could be heard from under the gag.
“This is the Stalker, known in the world as Leonid Strizhikov,” the civilian explained, “but it doesn’t matter.” Dima, come on.
Pasha jerked back, but ran into a military man. Meanwhile, the policeman locked the door, returned and handed Pasha a pistol. Handle forward. A small pistol with a large silencer.
“The cartridge is in the barrel, the safety has been removed, all that remains is to press the trigger,” he explained.
- What are you talking about?! - Pasha squealed, jerking his hands away, - have you gone completely crazy? What's going on here?!!
“You said that you need to kill him,” the civilian muttered coldly, “so take the gun and kill him.”
The bound man groaned even louder and shook his head desperately.
- What are you doing? - Pasha croaked, - you... what are you? This is figurative... this is... meh... metaphorical!
“There were no metaphors,” the civilian said, “there was a direct statement that it was necessary to kill.” Now it's time to back up your words with action. Kill him! Now.
Pasha heard a click behind him and turned around. This was the second pistol, the military man was holding it and he was looking straight into Pasha’s forehead.
“Now,” the man repeated.
Chatting his teeth, Pasha extended a trembling hand and took the policeman’s pistol. He turned to the chair and began to raise his weapon. The bound man no longer twitched, but only trembled violently.
“It’s better to shoot in the heart,” the military man suddenly suggested, “otherwise it will be painfully dirty in the head.”
“Vova, what are you talking about,” the policeman shook his head, “look at him - will he really hit the heart?” Don't worry, guy, shoot in the head - we'll clean it up later.
The bound man made a puddle under himself. Pasha had an unbearable desire to do the same. He tried to take aim, but his hand was shaking so that the front sight was dancing in front of his eyes, and his finger on the trigger seemed to turn into wood.
- Come on, shoot! - the policeman encouraged.
“Shoot,” the civilian ordered.
“Shoot,” said the military man. He took a few steps to the side and now stood to the side, - shoot... or - balabol?
At these words, the muzzle of his pistol dropped slightly.
And Pasha grabbed this word like a straw.
- Me not! I'm a balabol! Yes, I'm a balabol! Just don't! No need to shoot!
“Okay,” the civilian smiled dryly. The pistol immediately disappeared from Pasha’s hands, and in its place a daddy appeared with a blank sheet of paper and a pen.
- Write: I, Pavel Sinkin aka Lone Wolf, sincerely admit that I am a balabol, not responsible for my words. Number. Signature. Order.
The military man took the signed piece of paper from Pasha’s hands and filed it in a thick folder on the table standing in the corner. Meanwhile, the policeman was untying Stalker. The civilian looked through his daddy and frowned.
- Leonid Viktorovich, you are free... And for you, Pavel Evgenievich, one more question. On April 11th, a user registered under the pseudonym Dry Tree, in a topic dedicated to the ban on abortion, wrote to you, I quote: “people like you should be killed”...
Pasha felt strong hands grab him and drag him to the vacant chair.
- No way! - he howled.
“Don’t piss,” the policeman winked, “it’s unlikely... that is, he... or she, I don’t know... it’s unlikely, in general, that he’ll be able to shoot you.”
- What if he can?! - Pasha whined.
“Hmm, in principle, it could happen that it can,” the policeman said thoughtfully, inserting a gag into Pasha’s mouth. But then his face brightened and patted him on the shoulder.
- Well, then you will be the first one!
And he smiled encouragingly.

Devin Weston will come to Franklin and try to induce him to kill Michael, for whom he has a personal enmity. After he leaves, you have to decide how to finish the game, however, you should know that if you kill one of the key characters, you will never complete the game 100%, and the task of killing Trevor or Michael is much more boring than that prepared by the developers in the “Save Both” option.

The last mission and final game in GTA 5

Save both

Go to Lester and watch a short game video where he comes up with a scenario where you kill all the game's antagonists and live happily ever after.

Head to the Murrieta Heights Foundry, but first bring your friend Lamar with you.

As soon as you arrive at the place, you will have to watch the most entertaining cut-scene: Michael and Trevor, whom you are trying to save at the cost of your own skin, have pointed weapons at each other, and a little more, and the irreparable will happen. Franklin, who arrives in time, barely manages to resolve the difficult situation by uniting former friends in the fight against a common enemy. The FIB agents are already close, so it's time to take positions and prepare for the attack. During the shootout, do not forget to switch between characters.

Once you clear the building, switch to Franklin and go help Lamar.

When the prompt appears, switch to Trevor/Michael, all the main characters should be on the street. The longest and most epic firefight in the game awaits you, so don’t forget to stock up on body armor before completing the final mission of GTA 5.

So, after you kill all the agents, general meeting you will decide that it is worth forever silencing everyone who crosses your path. You have 4 targets to destroy: Wei Chen, Harold Joseph (Stretch), Steve Haynes and Devin Weston.

Murder of Mr. Chen

Before killing the triad leader, visit Ammu-Nation and purchase body armor and a sticky bomb.

The best option is to wait until your target gets onto the highway, drive up to him on a motorcycle using Franklin's special ability, throw a sticky bomb and detonate it, and then hide from the triads.

Murder of Stretch

Control will switch to Michael. Just drive to the basketball court where your target is, walk up to Stretch and kill him. Now all that remains is to hide from the Ballas gang.

Murder of Stephen Haynes

Head to Del Perro Pier, where FIB's most corrupt agent films his show. Take a sniper rifle and kill the most annoying asshole in the game with a precise headshot.

Now all that remains is to hide from the police.

Murder of Devin Weston

This is the only sub-task in the mission in which you may have difficulty. Before you go to deal with the main antagonist of GTA 5, visit Ammu-Nation to replenish your ammunition and purchase body armor - a great shootout awaits you. Get to the mansion where the asshole billionaire lives and use a sniper rifle to destroy some of the Merryweather fighters who are guarding Weston.

Then enter the local area, knock out Devin and load him into the trunk of the car.

Drive to the designated place where Michael and Franklin are waiting for you so that you can all deal with this big thorn together. The task will end with you pushing the car off a cliff.

To complete the mission The Last Dash - Save both of them 100% (Gold Medal) you need:

  1. At least 20 opponents must die from an accurate headshot.
  2. Mr. Chen's car is to be blown up with a sticky bomb.
  3. Haynes should die from a gunshot to the head.
  4. Harold Joseph must die in close combat.
  5. The accuracy of your shots should be at least 70%.
  6. The passage time should not exceed 21 minutes and 30 seconds.

Kill Michael in GTA 5

If for some reason you dislike this deceitful and slippery character of the game, then you can end him without a twinge of conscience.

When Michael arrives to meet Franklin, you will watch a heartbreaking cutscene in which his wife calls him and tells him that Tracy is going to go to college, but Franklin is still trying to kill him. The bullet hits the car and Michael manages to escape. Get in the car and catch up with him.

The chase will cause you to take Michael by surprise and throw him over the tower railing, but he will grab your arm. You will have a choice - reset it or save it. No matter what option you choose, it will still fall.

Franklin then calls Lamar and walks off into the sunset.

Kill Trevor in GTA 5

The essence of the mission is the same: Trevor comes to the meeting, but Franklin misses the opportunity to kill him, and a chase begins.

Now all you have to do is shoot the gasoline in which Trevor lies.

If your game crashes while completing this mission, read all the recommendations in this section.

If you still haven’t decided who to kill in GTA 5, then choose “Save everyone”. It seems that the developers deliberately did not make the tasks of killing one of the main characters epic. This completes the storyline, but don’t worry, there are still collecting tasks.

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Andrew Martin

The first question that needs to be answered is who tried to kill Michael. Some theories may then be put forward about who killed the potential murderers.

As we know by the end of the film, Hyman Roth is behind Michael's hit. There are several reasons for this, the biggest of which is resentment towards Michael killing Mo Greene in The Godfather I.

For this he uses Johnny Ola, his right hand. He sends Johnny to talk to Fredo, Michael's brother, and manipulates him into giving him information that could be used for attempted murder. We'll never know What this is for information. We don't know if Fredo was callous enough to give direct information that could be exploited, or if he was simply evil and careless enough to miss something harmless.

This exchange is all we have. You can decide for yourself how “in the know” Fredo really was:

Fredo Corleone: I have nothing to say, Mike.
Michael Corleone: We have time.
Fredo Corleone: I was kept in the dark. I didn't know much.
Michael Corleone: And now? Can you help me with anything? Anything you can tell me now?
Fredo Corleone: They have Pentangels. That's all I can tell you. I didn't know it would be a hit, Mike. I swear to God I didn't know it was going to be a hit. Johnny Ola ran into me in Beverly Hills and he said he wanted to talk. He said that you and... and Roth were together at a big meeting, and that there was something in it for me if I could help them. He said that... He said that you were tough in the negotiations, but if they could get a little help and get a deal done quickly, it would be good for the family.
Michael Corleone: Did you believe this story? Did you believe it?
Fredo Corleone: He said there was something in it for me. On one's own...

So, now we know three people who were indirectly involved in the assassination attempt. As for who killed the failed assassins, there are several possibilities:

    Fredo- He could have killed the killers out of panic when he realized that the blow had failed. This could have happened in two ways - he could have given Roth information allowing him to gain access to the connection, or he could have allowed the mole to enter and, once he realized what had happened, killed the assassins inside the connection out of fear. Or, of course, he may well have known that the blow should have happened from the very beginning and killed the assassins out of self-preservation. However, if Fredo killed them, the question arises as to how he exactly knew , where they would be (and how he could kill them without knowing the other guard in the compound). If Fredo really killed the murderers, it's hard to imagine that he didn't know there was a murder plot.

    Fredo's Men- Fredo is a caporegim, so under him a lot of men. He could have one of these people kill the killers (then either silence his man with money or kill him to silence him). However, the biggest problem with this idea is that Fredo could offer someone more than Michael could (or could intimidate someone more than Michael could).

    Michael's guards- Of course, it is possible that Michael's guards killed the killers. These guys are mafiosi, they are not trained soldiers. If they have an Assassin cornered and the Assassin picks up his gun, it is unlikely that they will aim for the shoulder or leg. It's likely that this scenario happened and Michael's men killed everyone.

The movie (or books) never says , Who exactly killed the killers, but this conversation takes place after the blow:

If we catch these guys, do you think we can figure out who's supporting them?


This is not a catch - unless I'm very mistaken, they are already dead. They were killed by someone close to us - inside. Very, very scared they ruined it.

What about your people ROCCO and NERI? You don't think they have anything to do with it.


You see, all our people are businessmen, their loyalty is based on that. Now, one thing I learned from Pop is to try to think like the people around you. Now on this basis everything is possible.

So Michael certainly suspects the man from the inside. Given that we later learn that Fredo betrayed Michael, the most likely scenario seems to be that Fredo himself killed the murderers.

Let us reiterate, however, that this is all just speculation as it is never confirmed in either the films or the books.

Napoleon Wilson ♦

Thanks for the dialogue, it helps me find another answer. ;-)

Andrew Martin

You're welcome!

Mr Kennedy

Great answer, but I fell, it's very unlikely that Fredo killed the killers. It just doesn't seem like his character.

Tim S.

Agreed. I don't see Fredo pulling the trigger on anyone, let alone assassins/assassins.

Daniel N

First, let's rule out who didn't organize or carry out the hit attempt, and then kill the killers.

    Fredo. Fredo is too stupid, inept, weak and cowardly to cope with this. Also, Fredo really loved Michel, although he was filled with resentment towards him for being transferred as the boss of the family. It is unlikely that anyone under Fredo's command would have participated in such a scheme. More than anyone else, they knew what Fredo was, and such a scheme would never work, would blow up in their faces, and they would face Michael's terrifying wrath.

    Frank Pentangeli. Pentangeli was a simple person, loyal to Michael, and he hated Hyman Roth and Johnny Ola. Why should he help Roth and Ole? In addition, Pentangeli is a long-time member of the family. He realizes how capable and ruthless Michael can be. He's simple, but not stupid. He knows that he will lose everything in a fight with Michael.

    Al Neri. Too devoted. Underboss Michael and "Luca Braschi". A man with limited abilities and intelligence, but with great respect from Michael. Ruthlessly efficient and content in his role as the Corleone family's ultimate enforcer.

    Tom Hagen No way. Loyal to death. His highest addition should be recognized as Michael and Santino's real brother. Too smart, loyal and affectionate to Michael to do something like that. In addition, Hagen renounces violence. His policy is to avoid violence as much as possible. He will do everything under the sun to resolve differences through negotiations.

This leaves us with one man who is both ruthless, close, but somewhat obscure: Rocco Lampone. Michael admits to Tom that Tom is the only one he really trusts. He understands that the loyalty of Rocco and even Neri extends only to the extent to which their “business” interests coincide. We're not privy to any tension between Rocco and Michael, but we have to infer that there may be some. Rocco is a street dude. Corporate business is not his thing. He probably longed to be a street boss again in New York. Rocco was in charge of security at the complex. He could easily let the assassins in, position them so they could get a clear shot at Michael, and then kill them both in the post-kill rendezvous. Didn't Rocco or his men find the dead killers? Moreover, a smart plotter like Hyman Roth will never rely on just one operative. He will work at least 2 times, and maybe more, towards the same goal, all the while leaving his accomplices in the dark about each other. Fredo had no idea that Rocco was involved in the hit.

In the final scenes, Michael sends Rocco on a suicide mission to kill Hyman Roth. It was obvious that there was little chance that Rocco would come out of this case alive. Tom Hagen mentions the fact that Roth is surrounded by police, bodyguards and a lot of media. So why did Rocco take on this task? Most likely, Michael confronted him and said that he knew Rocco had orchestrated the hit, but he offered him a deal that Rocco couldn't refuse. Complete this suicide mission to kill Roth and if he succeeds in both the assassination and escape, he, Rocco, will receive a pass for his betrayal and a small financial settlement, he will be out of the family and business even forever. If Michael finds out about him in business again, he will be killed. Rocco will essentially be retired. If he was killed in an assassination attempt, his family will be taken care of. If Rocco refuses this task, Michael will kill him as soon as he leaves the room. It was an offer Rocco couldn't refuse. Rocco carried out a suicide mission and was killed in the process, but he achieved his goal of killing Hyman Roth.

So Rocco Lampone orchestrated and executed the hit on Michael and subsequently killed the assassins.

Dominic G.

I like this theory, but do you have any reliable sources?


I believe that in the scene with the bodies in the stream you can see the throat being slit because there were no other gun shots. I also don't think Michaels Rocco and Neri did it, they seem very loyal. So maybe Johnny Ola (of The Sopranos fame) somehow upset a couple of boys, but the powers that weren't there didn't do it.


I thought the assassins would be killed by other people on their team who were supposed to help them escape. As in a typical conspiracy, the killers are killed by a third party so they cannot be questioned if they are caught. Jack Ruby kills the piercing theory. Just my thoughts.


Provide a quote or source why you think so.

Gus Be

The bodies are seen by Fredo's wife, who screams hysterically that they were right outside her window, which in turn suggests a close proximity between Fredo and the bodies.

Mr Kennedy

oooh - good idea! Nice detail.


IMO, the most plausible answer would be that they hunted Michael's men, then discovered the shooters and killed them. However, we don't hear any more gunshots after the bedroom scene, and Michael specifically ordered them to stay alive, so the next most plausible scenario is that the Pentangels left one or more people hidden inside the compound (after he left for New York) to silence the shooters. It is also possible that the shooters killed themselves, especially if they realized they were unsuccessful. I don't see Fredo killing anyone considering how he handled the attack on his father (Godfather I).


This question has always bothered me.

It's true that Fredo doesn't have the stones to kill maybe anyone. An assassin and successful mafia soldier must have a level of composure that Fredo simply doesn't possess. This has been seen many times. Fredo could open the curtains. Pentengele leaving men behind (even just one) is a pretty good theory. This would explain why Pentenghele defends himself later when Michael visits him at Don Vito's house. "Let's hit them now while we have the muscle" is a bit of a desperate line on Frankie's part.


This is 100% Rocco. He asks where Michael is after Michael leaves the complex and Tom has to shout down to him to get him to focus again. Rocco is to blame. And feigned concern for the now safe Michael.

Here's the brilliant part. Those 2 dead clubs in the sewer? Rocco killed them BEFORE killing Michael. The ideal eternally quiet pacis. Probably two transients whose throats he cut.


A few comments are hints for me. "A couple of guys from New York" "We won't get anything from them now" New York's comment sounds like misinformation, so I'm guessing the LA guys are Johnny Ola's guys, thus Hyman Roth. That's how Michael knew it was Roth. Whoever said he had knowledge. It might have been Rocco, and Roth might not have known Rocco, so Roth didn't recognize him at the airport. I don't think I'll ever understand being hit at an airport like that. The above explanation of Rocco's ultimatum is as good an explanation as any. Rocco must have had family or other interests that would have been preserved if he had committed suicide.


You forgot what Johnny Ola gives Michael and Orange when they first meet. He said it was "from Miami."

Oranges are a symbol of death in the Godfather universe.

Thus, it is implied that Hyman Roth will try to hit Michael.


Johnny Ola was there at the estate, meaning he and a couple of his boys didn't shoot into Michaels' room, and Johnny killed the two guys shortly after.

Mariano Paniello

Come on, Fredo didn't have any stones to kill anyone: remember how he fiddled with the pistol when Sollozzo's men tried to kill Don Vito? Also, as mentioned above, there is a clear physical impossibility of Fredo being able to find them, much less kill them, without being noticed - this guy is no James Bond or Ethan Hunt, he can't even control his wife. Besides, Fredo didn't live in the Tahoe complex, so why did he bring his muscles to his brother's house, and why did Michael let them get mixed up with the normal security details even though Fredo brought them? Either this is a plot hole, or the simplest explanation is that they killed themselves to avoid capture; in fact, this kind of self-sacrifice is shown later when Rocco kills Roth, knowing that the police will probably kill him.


From Fredos' response to Michaels' question about what he could tell him, we learned that Fredos knew they had the Pentengels. Based on this, it indicates that Fredo was involved in devising the entire plan from the very beginning, including opening the curtains in Michael's bedroom and getting in and getting rid of them - the killer.


Please edit your answer.

Napoleon Wilson ♦

@Ray Instead of (or at least in addition to) insulting other users, you could of course also correct answer .

Illustration copyright Alamy Image caption Donovan Tavera: "I never thought I'd make a living this way"

Mexico is among the countries with the highest murder rate per capita. Who cleans up traces of blood at a crime scene after the police and investigators leave? Donovan Tavera is the nation's first forensic pathologist. According to him, he experienced an inexplicable interest in blood and everything connected with it from early childhood.

What happens to blood after death? This question bothered me for many years until I finally found the answer myself.

The first time I saw a dead person was when I was 12 years old. One morning we heard that on our street, not far from the apartment building where I lived, someone had been killed.

We went to have a look. There were obvious signs of violent death. The man was not wearing a shirt. What struck me most was the streams of blood that flowed down the street.

But I wasn't scared - I was just very curious. That's when I felt this strange craving for blood.

Besides us, there were police officers and investigators at the crime scene. I waited for someone to come and clean up the blood, but no one showed up. Some blood reached our house, and my mother washed it off with water.

I asked her: “Who cleans up the blood after a murder?” That day I asked her many questions.

When my father came home from work, I asked him: “What happens to blood after death? How to remove it?”

I continued asking questions for several days until he said, "Please stop talking about this. Enough is enough!"

Illustration copyright Alamy Image caption Donovan Tavera: “Before I come, I ask questions: what happened, where is the body?”

And then I decided to look for answers on my own. I went to the library and took out some book on medicine, but it was too general. Then I found a book on forensic medicine. I read about what the death process is and what happens to the corpse. I learned a lot.

Murder is different from an accident - there is much more blood in murder. And diseases can be transmitted through blood. It seemed to me that since someone is picking up corpses from the streets, there must be a special person who cleans the crime scene of blood.

At the age of 17 I started experimenting. I went to the butcher, bought cow liver and bones, and at home began researching how to remove traces of blood.

That's how I became a forensic cleaner.

Over the years, I have invented over 300 different formulas that can be used to clean blood from various surfaces. Some I gradually improved, others remained unchanged.

You'll need to use different methods depending on what you're cleaning - your car carpet, for example, or personal items like watches or rings.

Much depends on how and when the person died. Maybe someone lay dead for a week in a bathtub, in a humid environment. And someone hanged himself with his tie - then it is necessary to take into account other bodily fluids and secretions, such as semen or feces.

Before I come, I ask questions: what happened, where is the body? I also need to know whether the deceased had any illness and whether there is a possibility of infection. This way I can plan my actions in advance.

Illustration copyright Alamy Image caption Donovan Tavera: "Opera helps me relax, concentrate, mentally prepare for work"

I am the last person to arrive at the crime scene. I come after the police have left, after the funeral has taken place.

I am the last person associated with what happened, and often the family of the deceased turns to me partly as a psychotherapist. At first I took everything to heart, but now I listen to them politely and then get on with my work.

I usually do my work with headphones on because music helps me concentrate. I always listen to the same three pieces: "Tristan and Isolde" by Wagner, "666 is the number of the beast" by Iron Maiden and "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath.

Opera helps me relax, concentrate, and mentally prepare for work. But when I put on my uniform and start cleaning, I want to listen to heavy metal.

My work begins only after the authorities give permission to a person not involved in the police investigation to be present at the crime scene. I can’t do my job without this piece of paper.

Several times people called me and asked me to work, but when I asked about necessary documents, they didn’t have any. Instead, they offered me money, a lot of money.

Then I would tell them that I could not work without the necessary permission, and they would immediately hang up. Perhaps they were criminals, or maybe someone was just joking like that, I don’t know.

Illustration copyright Alamy Image caption Donovan Tavera: "I'm the last person to arrive at a crime scene"

People who seek my services are usually in a very difficult situation. From the moment the body is found until I finish my work, they are forced to constantly see blood - on the floor, on the walls, in the bathroom. And she smells.

Once the house is clean and the smell goes away, their mood changes. Often they cry with relief, as if a heavy burden has been lifted from their shoulders. They no longer need to see this horror around them. Of course, they are still in a lot of pain, but at least they have one less problem.

The most brutal crime I had to clean up after was the murder of four people in Mexico City. They were stabbed to death with cold steel. The traces I found suggested that the victims were panicking and trying to defend themselves. There was so much anger and despair at the crime scene.

It took more than 10 hours to clean everything - the work had to be completed that same day. My client was completely depressed and devastated, but in the end we rented him a house in which there was not a single hint of what had happened. My work helped him somehow come to his senses, and after that he thanked me very nicely. The atmosphere was completely different - a kind of lightness, as if everything had happened a long time ago, like a distant memory.

I never thought I would make a living this way. I didn’t even know that such a profession existed until I mastered it on my own.