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Nail salon business plan. Low Start Business Idea: Open a Nail Salon

When a girl decides to own business, then she is often faced with the fact that it is difficult for her to make a choice in favor of a particular case. When the choice is made, the business very often turns out to be too expensive or difficult to implement.

However, there are a number of opportunities available mainly to beautiful ladies, easy to implement and giving a good income. Among them - manicure business at home. Manicure is the very thing that brings girls not only money, but also pleasure and creative self-realization, and you can organize it literally at home. If you are interested in this idea, then now we will tell you how to start a manicure business.


Before opening nail salon at home, you need to calculate the pros and cons. And decide what you need to open a manicure room and.

Let's start with the positive:

  • Popularity among men and women;
  • Opportunity to develop creativity;
  • Availability and ease of implementation;
  • Profitability.

The disadvantages of this business also lie on the surface:

  • Huge competition;
  • The need for special education: at least courses;
  • The problem of competition can be solved either at the expense of quality, or with the help of interesting offers and discounts.

Business plan

Even if you plan to work at home, it is simply necessary to draw up a business plan for a manicure parlor with calculations. In this way, you can spend your funds in the most wise way. Proper distribution of finances is very important, because if you do not plan to take large loans or sell an apartment, then you are unlikely to have a very large budget.

In addition, a business plan for a manicure parlor is needed in order not to miss a single detail. Start by registering your business. Some craftswomen work from home without registering. Most often, before that they worked in the salon, and now they host former clients and women / men who came by acquaintance.

If you still want to collect all required documents, you will need to obtain a certificate of self-employment and a certificate of completion of the relevant courses. It's good if you also have the right permissions and medical book. Not for reporting, but simply to increase customer confidence in you.

The space is the most important part of the business plan, but you won't need to write it out since you're working from home.


Equipment for a manicure parlor is not very numerous and expensive.

First of all, you need furniture:

  • Table for direct manicure;
  • Two manicure chairs - for you and the client;
  • Armchair and coffee table - for guests waiting in line;
  • Cabinet or shelves - two storages of varnishes, washes, lamps and other equipment.

Then, you should have all the necessary tools:

  • Manicure set;
  • Sterilizer;
  • UV lamp for quick drying gel polish;
  • Fraser;
  • Special brushes for drawings on nails and French manicure;
  • Acrylic, gel polishes, ordinary varnishes of different colors, foundations, cuticle softeners, manicure and shellac removers and other cosmetic chemicals;
  • Tips, false nails, nail stickers, etc.;
  • Baths.
Of all the above, furniture will be the most expensive purchase. A table, for example, can cost between $70 and $200. The lamp will also cost you up to $200. Although, in online stores it can be bought starting from 3 USD. e. The Fraser will cost between $10 and $150. If you do not really understand the difference between equipment for 3 and for 300 USD. e. - find a consultant and ask him to help with the selection.

It is good to buy consumables in bulk. Try to negotiate mutual advertising and discounts, look for good and cheap options on websites and in stores. Hint: last season's collections or almost sold out lines are the most discounted.

Don't save. A half-dollar lacquer from the market will peel off in a day, and your reputation in the eyes of the visitor will fail. And the instruments, in general, should be crystal clear: no one has canceled the introduction of unpleasant diseases.


It is clear that in the home salon you are the master. Appearance and behavior should be appropriate so that the client does not doubt for a second: this specialist is a real professional.

For starters, your appearance and especially the nails must be very well groomed. This serves as an additional advertisement for the services, because you most likely do the manicure yourself. If you have at least one (or rather several) courses and a couple of certificates on the wall behind you, this will also raise the prestige of the manicurist. In addition to all of the above, the master must be polite and creative. If the client does not know what pattern she wants to see on her nails, it is you who will have to come up with it and execute it so that the girl is satisfied.


In addition to the master, you may also need an administrator. This person will answer calls, negotiate with clients, record them, keep records, control the financial part of the issue, maintain Internet resources, constantly update them and communicate with users.

It is good if this person is your relative, whom you can trust. This will save you several thousand rubles a month. The administrator is, first of all, a responsible, attentive, accurate person. He must be “on you” with a computer, be able to work on the Internet, enter clients into the database, know all necessary information and be able to answer questions.


It makes sense to launch advertising when everything is ready to receive visitors. Make yourself a website and groups in in social networks create an Instagram page. The main thing that should be on all these pages is a portfolio and a price list. There should be a lot of photos so that clients can fully imagine how professionally the craftswoman works.

Establish partnerships with other craftsmen or shops. If an advertisement of their services is displayed on the website and pages of your manicure parlor, they will respond with mutual advertising. It has recently become very popular to offer their services almost for free in order to develop a portfolio.

The client girl pays only for consumables, gets a free manicure, and you get a photo for presentation and advertising. This always works flawlessly and soon you will line up with this girl's friends. If the manicure, of course, is good. A very interesting type of cooperation is with photographers.

If your name appears under a photo of a girl with cool nails, this will again serve as an attracting factor. Make yourself business cards, give yourself a link on special forums. In principle, you can even write reviews for yourself (or entrust this to copywriters). Just be careful.

  1. Follow the trends in the fashion world. You must have a few options from the latest trends that you can offer to the client. If at the same time you can say “But Angelina Jolie had such a manicure on the red carpet last week”, then even the most expensive design will be approved unconditionally;
  2. Always keep a lacquer chart and a couple of glossy editions or photos with examples on the coffee table. Have your guests leaf through them while they wait their turn;
  3. Before opening manicure parlor at home, work in the salon. Experience in the beauty industry is always greatly appreciated;
  4. Create a system of bonuses and rewards.
  5. Provide additional services, for example, you can offer clients, in addition to manicures, also haircuts.
  6. A home beauty salon is a profitable business, if only because you don’t have to share the proceeds with anyone. It is easy to organize such a business, and it is pleasant to do it. Competition can destroy your business only if you are not good enough in your profession. If you are truly a master, then no one and nothing will prevent the business from flourishing. About others

Almost all girls and women use the services of a beauty salon, because the beautiful half of humanity always wants to look beautiful and well-groomed. Every woman knows that her hands are hers business card. Therefore, neat or vice versa, a designer manicure is simply necessary for her. There will always be demand for manicure services, so opening your own manicure parlor is profitable business which will always be in demand.

Where to start organizing a business and how to draw up a business plan for a manicure parlor?

First you need to decide financial problem and find the initial capital. The next step is to find a room for a manicure room. The ideal option would be the central part of the city, where a large number of people pass, there is a large store or shopping center. Renting such premises can cost from 100 to 1000 rubles per sq. m., it is desirable that the premises be transferred to a non-residential fund so that you do not waste time and money on paperwork. Pay special attention to the area of ​​the rented premises. It should not be too small and cramped. You will have to spend from 1 thousand to 2 thousand rubles for the repair and decoration of 1 sq.m.

After repairing the premises, you can proceed to its equipment and the purchase of manicure supplies. Try to choose only the most convenient and high-tech equipment that would fit well into your interior design, your success in this business will depend on it.

But, as the most important component of your successful business are professional manicurists. Hire not only experienced specialists, but also talented and promising newcomers, for whom you can arrange refresher courses or conduct master classes.

Summing up, let's move on to the financial part of the manicure parlor business plan:

1. Rent of premises - average cost - 600 rubles per sq.m per month. Room 50 sq.m - 3000 rubles. per month.

2. Repair of the premises, decoration, design - up to 130 thousand rubles.

3. Equipment (3 tables, 2 pedicure chairs, 2 lamps used for nail extensions) - 39-55 thousand rubles.

4. Accessories for manicure varnish, cream, etc. -28 thousand rubles.

5. Salary for masters - 50% of their earnings per day.

Your manicure office will pay off no earlier than in 1-1.5 years. And then you can already think about expanding the business.

In our time, and in any other, despite the crisis and various ups and downs, women and girls always strive to look great. That is why a business built in the field of the beauty industry is always in demand. Therefore, you can think about how to open a manicure parlor even in our difficult time.

Of course, most of the entrepreneurs involved in this business are female. But if you are a man, then this is not a reason to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bopening a nail salon. Now many representatives of the strong half of humanity help ladies and not only ladies to bring beauty. In the end, you can open a salon for men, although they rarely resort to the services of manicure and pedicure masters, nevertheless, well-groomed hands are an indicator of high status for a person of any gender.

Business plan

In order to determine the upcoming costs and calculate the profitability of the business, you need to draw up a business plan for a manicure parlor with calculations. First, we will determine the initial investment and monthly expenses for a salon or office for 4 masters.

  1. Registration of the form of ownership 800 rubles.
  2. Equipment and furniture for the salon about 270 thousand rubles.
  3. Room design from 50 thousand rubles.
  4. Rent of premises from 30 thousand rubles. per month.
  5. Consumables about 35 thousand rubles. per month.
  6. Internet and television 3 thousand rubles. per month.
  7. Utilities 11 thousand rubles. per month.
  8. Treats for clients 1.5–2 thousand rubles. per month.
  9. Staff salary from 50 thousand rubles. per month.
  10. Advertising 5 - 10 thousand rubles. per month.
  11. Unforeseen expenses 10 thousand rubles. per month.
  12. Taxes.

As you can see, it is better to have an initial capital of at least 321 thousand rubles - this is subject to the lease of premises. If you decide to buy a room, then the amount, respectively, should be more. Monthly expenses will amount to at least 138 thousand rubles. Taxes must be added to this amount.

With successful placement and good advertising, the turnover of the salon, consisting of four manicure and pedicure masters, will be at least 350 thousand rubles a month. Accordingly, our salon will pay off and start generating net profit in 3 months, which is a wonderful result. But you need to take into account that at the beginning of the salon - the first 2-3 months, attendance will be lower than expected. But when a lot of customers find out about the existence of the salon, then you can count on a good flow of people. For us, this means that it is not worth waiting for payback earlier than in half a year.


Before you open a nail salon from scratch, you need to do all the paperwork. First, we draw up title documents and register with the federal tax service. The form of ownership is easier and faster to choose in the form of IP. To do this, you need to specify the following code of the all-Russian classification of reference economic activity- 93.02 - provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons.

AT modern world The beauty industry is developing at a rapid pace. Manicure services, as its component, are a highly demanded activity.

Today, both women and men strive to maintain their appearance in impeccable condition. Without well-groomed hands, this is not easy to do. That is why so widely and everywhere this species business is gaining momentum.

Features and benefits of business - manicure studio

Despite the global financial crises, in Russia the share of small business in the economy continues to grow. can be found in the service industry. Let's try to figure it out in the service sector. - This is an agreement between the two parties, giving the entrepreneur the right to provide services using the brand of the promoted brand.

Like any type of business, nail service has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before you start your own business, you need to study them. Advantages:

  • business relevance;
  • year-round demand for services;
  • small initial investment;
  • the possibility of providing additional services;
  • the possibility of doing business, both at home and in a separate studio.


  • great competition in this area;
  • the risk of hiring a non-professional master - as a result, the loss of customers and damage to reputation;
  • increase in demand in anticipation of the holidays.

Provision of services at home

Often masters nail service start their activities by working at home (at home or traveling to the client). This is a good opportunity to start developing your business. There is no need to pay rent for the premises. You can work at your convenience. it good chance develop your client base among acquaintances and on the recommendation before opening a professional studio.

However, this situation also has its drawbacks. Firstly, a simple passer-by will not enter your home, therefore, the influx of customers is limited. Secondly, many people are wary of using home services because not sure about the quality and responsibility of the master. Well, and most importantly - working without employees, your income is limited.

Manicure services at home good opportunity for extra income and hone your skills. In the future, for development, it is necessary to open a full-fledged manicure studio.

Manicure and tanning studio

Artificial tanning services can be offered as additional services in the manicure studio. The solarium is currently very popular. Many seek to give the skin a bronze hue, not only in summer, but throughout the year.

But to open a solarium, additional investments will be required. The cost of one device starts from 200 thousand rubles. To retain its customers, it will be necessary to constantly monitor the quality of the lamps and change them in a timely manner.

The accompanying product here can be special cosmetics for and after sunburn, and this, in turn, is additional income.

A tanning studio is a good option for expanding your business. This will certainly attract new visitors who may want to use the services of a manicure.

Industry Analysis

Nail service is not a new industry. It has long been widely used among admirers of beauty. Despite the constant increase in supply in this area, demand is only growing. Every year more and more women, as well as men, strive to look well-groomed. This only says that the trend in the development of the industry is very positive.

The very quality of services is constantly being improved. New technologies and materials are emerging to provide a more professional and high-quality service. Well, design sophistication in this area is sometimes simply amazing - nail craftsmen create real masterpieces of art.

Target market analysis

The main clients of the manicure salon, of course, are the fairer sex. Moreover, from young people to women of honorable age. However, today, among men, there are more and more those who care about their appearance.

That's why client base your salon can become very diverse. Well, your task is to take care of each client and leave him a pleasant impression and a desire to return to you again.


As for competition in this market, it is quite high. The provision of manicure services can be found almost everywhere: in a residential area, in the city center, in any mall and even from private masters at home.

A huge number of new masters are trained in this profession every year. But not all of them become good professionals in their field.

If you are thinking about opening your own manicure studio, do not despair about the great competition. Another thing is important - not a one-time visit, but a long-term relationship with your visitors. If you take care of a favorable environment in your salon, the professional staff, high quality materials used, you are sure to acquire a stream of regular customers.

High competition does not mean the hopelessness of undertakings in the field of manicure services. With a responsible approach, everyone has a chance to succeed. Risks are always present in any kind of business. In the field of manicure services, they can be as follows:

  • lack of customers due to an unsuccessfully chosen place;
  • loss of customers due to lack of professionalism of employees;
  • dishonest work of employees and non-compliance with sanitary standards;
  • unfavorable economic conditions, fluctuations in the exchange rate, which will lead to an increase in the cost Supplies, rent of premises and, accordingly, the cost of the services themselves;
  • the risk of bankruptcy due to a poor-quality business project.

Before starting any business, it is important to foresee all possible risks and insure against them as much as possible.

We present an example of the optimal structure - on our own.


The basic profitability of a typical nail salon is 20-25%. It is from this that we must turn away.

The better your salon will be presented to this market, the better the service and maintenance will be in it, the more comfortable customers will feel in it, the higher will be your potential opportunity to increase profits and increase profitability.

Estimated Cost Calculation

The costs, of course, depend on the scale of the planned salon and the range of services provided. Let's take a small salon with 4-5 masters. To rent a room, approximately 50 thousand rubles will be required. About 100 thousand rubles are needed for the purchase of equipment and furniture. Material for work will cost at least 20 thousand rubles at the initial stage. Documentation costs will be negligible.

The easiest way is to print flyers and post ads in nearby areas. It will not be superfluous to make business cards. Creating your own website is a big plus, although costly. However, about 50 thousand rubles. you have to invest in advertising. Learn more about this and other factors of a successful business in the video:

In total, it turns out that 250-300 thousand rubles will be enough to start a small salon. Well, then as you develop, you can invest additional funds to expand your business.

Where to start a business?

You should start by drawing up a detailed business plan. The more precisely all the components of the future enterprise are described in it, the easier it will be to achieve the desired.
A good business plan is half the success of a future enterprise.

The manicure business is a popular area in which many have already occupied their niche. Therefore, before making financial investments, you should carefully analyze the surrounding competition, a suitable location, and consider measures to promote salon services.

The financial part - especially important point. This requires a detailed calculation of all costs and expected profits. Only being confident in a positive result, you can start renting premises and purchasing equipment.

When all organizational matters will be resolved, we formalize our activities properly. We register IP, get registered in tax office, we obtain permits from the SES and fire authorities. Being a full-fledged entrepreneur, you can hire employees. Their selection should also be carried out in advance.

Summing up, we can conclude that the manicure room - good investment funds, provided that everything is carefully calculated. In practice, a small salon with several masters pays off within 4-5 months. Then you start making a net profit. Such a prospect is not a bad incentive to think about opening your own studio.