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Opinions that the right motivation. The right motivation for success

Lack of motivation can nullify any, even the most promising business. It happens that after some time after the start, passion and excitement in actions disappear. The first serious difficulties appear on the way to the goal. The initial successes have already died down and a long hard way. This is the moment when you want to give up and quit everything. Everyone knows. What to do? How to re-ignite the flame in the chest and continue to conquer the summit? Strong motivation can save the situation. In this article, you will learn how you can motivate yourself.

Motivation is what induces action. Motivation is your catalyst.

There are two main types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

External motivation- comes from outside. The stimulating factor is some external influence. Often this is the result of the activity itself. For example, getting a gold medal at the end of school serves as a motive for doing well in school. Another example: an approaching thunderstorm forces you to speed up your step towards the house.

intrinsic motivation It is a force that does not depend on external circumstances. This is the inner energy that gives impetus and encourages action. Intrinsic motivation is usually associated with the activity itself, rather than with the result. For example, you do what you love because you get moral satisfaction from it and feel happy at that moment, regardless of the level of success in this industry.

If with external motivation everything is more or less clear (set a specific goal, upon reaching which you will be encouraged), then it is somewhat more difficult to develop an internal stimulating force.

Intrinsic motivation is when you get pleasure during the process from the fact that you continue to move forward. Conquer your fears and solve problems. That feeling when you get stronger as you move towards your goal.

self-motivation always based on desire. If you have the same “I want”, then any goal can be achieved without an external stimulus. I picked up 5 simple and powerful ways of self-motivation that really work. I checked it myself 🙂

Ways of self-motivation:

  1. Learn to get high from moving along the path that leads you to the goal. These pleasant sensations and feelings will push you every time you meet an obstacle. The best motivator is your positive emotions. You will no longer look for excuses to start or continue a business if you like it. Started going to the gym? Need an incentive to keep going and not quit? Pay attention to the work of the muscles, not to the pain that happens after training, but to the muscles themselves. You will be amazed at how pleasant it is to feel every millimeter of your body!
  2. use extrinsic type of motivation! For example, do you want to learn foreign language, but everything is either not enough time, or just laziness. List all the pros and cons of the result. Let's say you learn French. What will you gain and what will you lose? It’s hard to find the negative sides ... But there are more than enough positive ones: memory development, you will be able to freely meet French women, 🙂 you will be able to fulfill your dream - to fly to Paris with the confidence that you can easily explain to the French gendarmes in pure French that you lost a bet to a friend and therefore ran through the Champs Elysees at night naked. 🙂 These are all jokes of humor, but the essence is clear: one of ways of self-motivation- clearly know what you will get in the end and why you need it.
  3. Visualization. To maintain the fire in the chest, one must constantly imagine the result and its positive consequences. Unlike the aforementioned method, in which the main role is given to logic and specifics, everything here is based on positive feelings and emotions experienced from the anticipation of the result and satisfaction with it. For example: if you want to lose weight, imagine that you already have the forms you are striving for. Start picking up a new wardrobe, imagine how new things will look on you. Another example of how you can visualize is presented in. In addition, visualization develops thinking and imagination.

By the way, a bunch of 1 + 3 methods often creates a powerful motivational fist. I believe that there is simply no better motivation than enjoying the process, and visualization helps to strengthen and form these pleasant sensations on a subconscious level. And if we return to the gym example, then the well-known Iron Arnie (if I don’t confuse anything) said that during training he imagined how his muscles filled the entire space around. And these thoughts stimulated him to study with even greater dedication and passion.

  1. Another way self-motivation, which is probably familiar to everyone and in fact is the simplest and most popular, is to track your way up. That is, constantly celebrate small victories on a thorny road to the goal. This helps a lot to visually demonstrate to oneself that all efforts are not in vain. And even if at first glance there is no significant progress, then in fact you will know how many steps you have climbed. It is especially important to follow such small steps at the very beginning, when you need to feed your motivation with specifics. The most common example of this method is to keep a diary and note what you have achieved to date.
  2. Well, perhaps the simplest - strong motivating quotes, videos and examples. These are your assistants for every day in conquering the summit.

Try different combinations of these methods of motivation. And most importantly, believe in your success and keep moving.

Competitive spirit

Remember your student years. There must have been someone in high school who was getting better, had better grades, and had girls running around like crazy. Imagine that you are standing next to him, he is a little ahead, the muscles are still larger than yours, but now you have every chance to wipe his nose. Use his image as motivation, and you will succeed. If it was you who was the most popular senior, then imagine that you are going to show the class to Arnie himself.

Weight visualization

Do you have someone you hate to the core? The boss, your ex-wife, the postman, or the honest traffic policeman who pulled you over today for speeding? The time has come for this person to benefit you. Imagine that a loaded barbell or a heavy dumbbell is he, she, or something that belongs to him (her), well, for example, a beloved dog. Push the weight with all the hate you can muster.

Success reward

If you really did a good job, nobody canceled the gingerbread method. Reward yourself for your progress with a new jersey or workout gloves. A new shaker, movie tickets, car wash and polish are also suitable as small presents for yourself. We recommend to refrain from alcoholic libations and feasts at McDonald's.

Change menu

Monotonous useful and healthy food tires. Introduce a couple of new foods into your regular diet. No, we do not mean replacing cottage cheese with cakes, but eating a steak instead of disgusted chicken breasts is easy. By the way, search the Internet for recipes, and chicken fillet you can cook delicious food.

Try new sports nutrition

Try a new taste, for example, apple instead of chocolate, or vice versa. Treat yourself to protein bars. It is both tasty and healthy. Or use the old, proven Kachkov recipe: mix cottage cheese, egg whites, skim milk in a blender, add seasonal fruits or berries. Bon appetit!

Motivational film

Watch a movie. Rocky is a very motivating film, and five parts will last a long time. Evaluate the magnificent result of exhausting workouts. And what an amazing form Sly maintains at his age now. Do you want to look like this in 40 years? Go ahead and don't forget to download the soundtrack to your mp3 player.

Set small goals

Formulate a goal for yourself. But without scope, for one or two workouts. Having formulated, it is worth making sure that it is quite real. Of course, “lose 10 kg in 3 days” sounds attractive, but unrealistic. But “I want to increase strength” or even “see the cubes for the summer” sounds more mundane. Unless, of course, you wished for "cubes" at the end of May on a beer belly.

Listen to your favorite music

Choose the most upbeat and driving songs and listen to them during your workout. If your comrades don't share your musical tastes, get an mp3 player and listen to Rammstein or Robbie Williams to your heart's content, no one will say a word to you. Meanwhile, the right playlist is great invigorating, distracting from fatigue.

Take a vacation

Every two months (8 weeks) you are entitled to a vacation. You can shamelessly take a break from training for a whole week. I need to make a clarification: a week without cardio and without strength training. All you need is to rest mentally and follow a diet. Indeed, rest helps to gain strength and start training with renewed enthusiasm.

Exercise for health

In fact, there is no other sport other than bodybuilding that would require you to proper nutrition. So train, eat healthy, and cheer yourself up with the thought that if now I’m nothing, then in my fifties I’ll be generally hoo!

Contrary to and against

Motivation “What, weak?” works great in bodybuilding too. If someone doubts your ability to break your own record a week ago, let them boldly tell you about it in person! The ability to literally effortlessly squeeze out the weight, which recently seemed unbearable, increases significantly after such kindly undermining.

Listen to the inner voice

Memorize the old and powerful saying of the seasoned: “Willpower plus character ...” The continuation depends on the situation. Willpower is a very powerful thing: you had no idea what your inner self is capable of.

Train with a partner

Firstly, it’s more fun, secondly, there is someone to insure a heavy barbell and cheer “come on!” in time, and thirdly, no one has canceled male solidarity in following a diet and training schedule. Well, in general, two mountains of muscles look more impressive than one.

Listen to advice, share experiences, learn useful things, remember necessary information. Bodybuilders, despite their menacing appearance, are sociable people and love to discuss the latest news or know-how spied on Kachkov's forums.

Try to impress

You can repeat like a mantra thirty times a day that you train exclusively for yourself, but that bodybuilder is bad who does not like admiring glances. Therefore, impress: your parents, your grandmother, beautiful girls, no matter who, this is a great motivator not to give up sports.

Use pictures for motivation

Huge field for imagination! If you have already grown out of the posters on the wall, then download cool photos to your phone and put on the screen saver: yourself under the winning light and in a good pose, Ronnie Coleman, the Terminator, or make a collage of all three.

Feel free to help

Avoid Routine

Routine is addictive and depressing. Change your daily routine from time to time, train in the morning instead of the evening or vice versa. Do abs before a workout, not after, or vice versa. Do not forget about the vacation week (see paragraph 9)

Compare yourself to others

No one offers to look at the fellows on the bar with all eyes, but imperceptible evaluating glances will help you find someone you would like to be equal to. There is nothing shameful in this, healthy competition is a great thing.

Train for your own pleasure!

Of course, you should not come to the gym to drink protein, discuss the latest news, sluggishly pull dumbbells and go to the shower. Of course, you will get pleasure from doing nothing. But it is much more pleasant and effective to enjoy an exhausting workout, after which you can squeeze out a T-shirt, from following a diet, because interested girlish looks on the beach will bring incomparable satisfaction!

The article shows just 20 ways to motivate yourself to take care of your own body. Look for your own methods and secrets, do not despair and do not stop half way! Good luck!


Before thinking about motivation, decide on your desires. Are you sure this is exactly what you want? Agree, there is a significant difference between such statements as “I want to enter this university, because it is prestigious” and “I want to study at this university, because only there I can fully master the business that I do.” The first statement clearly shows the influence of other people on your desire: you are doing this in order to earn the recognition of others, perhaps not to deceive their expectations of you, perhaps to prove to others that you are "worth something." In any case, this desire will be imposed on you from the outside, and a “working” motivation can be created only for those desires, the fulfillment of which is significant for you.

Replace the word "need" with the word "want". Be sure to do it mentally. The fact is that “necessary” is what you are forced to do, and the temptation to dodge is so great from the forced. And "want" is what is your need. Even a simple replacement of these concepts will make the upcoming work more enjoyable and easier.

Very often people begin to motivate themselves "on the contrary": "If I do not make this report, I can be fired." It's not worth it to start with. First, create positive motivation. Mentally answer yourself the question: why do you want to do this or that thing? What will you get as a result? What "bonuses" will you get?

Close your eyes and draw a picture in your mind's eye that reflects as accurately as possible what you will get as a result of doing this or that thing. Put your image on this picture - successful, happy, possessing the qualities that you want to acquire. Surround this image with symbols of what will happen in your life if you fulfill your intentions. Use the brightest, most joyful colors, do not be afraid to fantasize a picture that is too rosy for yourself - let it be as attractive as possible. Admire your work, feel its spirit, imagine that everything has already happened, stay in this pleasant reality. Place this picture in the upper right corner of your mental screen.

And now it's time to scare yourself a little. Imagine that you do not do what you planned. Again paint a picture in your mind's eye. Let your image be on it - such as you will become if this does not happen. Surround yourself with symbols of the most unpleasant consequences of your inaction. You can not be afraid to exaggerate, let this picture become grotesque and frightening for you. Get used to the world you have drawn, feel how uncomfortable it is. Place it mentally in the lower left corner of an imaginary screen.

Sports activities are known to improve health, improve well-being and prolong life. There is an opinion that properly selected physical activity helps not only to get in great shape, but also to cope with depression and blues. Unfortunately, for various reasons, not everyone can go to the gym. In this case, training can be organized at home. Doesn't work again? So it's all about lack of motivation.

Most people at least once tried to start a new life on Monday or next month. For example, do exercises in the morning, go for a run, eat right, stop smoking, finally, etc. But there are cases when, with the beginning of a new week, all aspirations are postponed until later or simply forgotten. According to psychologists, the reason lies not only in laziness or lack of willpower, but also in the wrong approach to the tasks set.

Good motivation is the key to further success. It's no secret that any victory begins with a victory over yourself, your laziness, fears. In order to start moving forward, it is necessary to determine priorities, analyze your capabilities and change your attitude to the problem. First of all, it is important to understand what you want to get from a healthy lifestyle and sports in particular: good mood and self-confidence, harmony and health, the desire to please others, etc. After that, you need to choose the most appropriate type of fitness that will help you achieve your goal. Someone prefers the pool, someone likes strength or dynamic training, there are those who like dancing, stretching, yoga, running, regular walking. The main thing is that classes bring not only benefit, but also pleasure, pleasure. It is also important to tune in to the gradual achievement of the goal, it will eventually give a stable result and become a habit, rather than methods that lead to rapid change.

The incentive for regular physical activity can be, for example, training with like-minded people and friends, publicly making a promise to start leading a healthy lifestyle. So in the future it will be more difficult to abandon the goal and quit what you started. Some people are motivated real stories those who have changed themselves and their lives in better side, photos of slender and cheerful girls, guys from fashion magazines, aphorisms and statuses pasted in a conspicuous place that give confidence in working on oneself.

A good motivation will be the fact that fitness helps to rejuvenate the body and prevents premature aging. It helps to strengthen the immune system, normalize blood pressure, improve the functioning of the digestive organs, maintain joint mobility, relieve headaches, insomnia, etc.

Effective ways to lead a healthy lifestyle

If you want to achieve something, it is important to set specific goals. For example, if you set out to lose weight, decide how many pounds you want to lose. Once a week, sum up the results and even if, in your opinion, they are insignificant, fix them in a special diary and compare your successes with the previous ones. Positive results, ongoing changes in appearance are also good motivation, since progress increases the effectiveness of classes by several percent.

A similar method can also be used by those who seek to pump up or tighten their body, for this, measure and record the volume of arms, legs, waist, and hips weekly.

Since the human body tends to get used to physical activity, over time, the results become less noticeable. There is a so-called plateau effect or stagnation. In this regard, it is necessary to gradually complicate the exercises or alternate different kinds workouts: stretching, cardio, strength.

Fitness instructors do not recommend setting yourself several tasks at once, otherwise it will turn out like chasing two birds with one stone. Lack of achievement can discourage the desire for further studies. Only having achieved weight loss to the required level, you can take on the formation of a figure.

Many people blame their failures on a busy work schedule, a large amount of household chores and a lack of free time in connection with this. However, according to well-known artists whose life is connected with constant tours and filming, you can always allocate 40-60 minutes for good purposes. To do this, it is not at all necessary to visit a fitness club, although group training and the money spent on a subscription are sufficient motivation, but most of the exercises can be done at home. Morning jogging or breathing exercises can energize and invigorate for the whole day, sports in evening time allows you to escape from everyday work and problems. As an alternative, training on simulators will serve.

Having decided on the nature of home fitness, be sure to draw up a schedule according to which you plan to practice and cross off each workout. Of course, discipline in this case will be much more difficult, you will need willpower and a desire to change your life for the better. But after a few weeks, a healthy lifestyle will become a habit.

Failure builds and builds character.

The absence of the expected result is not a reason to give up. For some people, failures serve as an additional incentive to work on themselves. According to psychologists, you need to be mentally prepared for such a turn. It is known that the correct reaction to mistakes or mistakes makes us stronger and more persistent in achieving our goals. In case of an unsuccessful experience, it is worth reviewing the training and nutrition plan. You may need other physical activity. The regularity of classes also plays a significant role. healthy image life does not imply many hours of daily fitness. It is enough to practice one hour three to four times a week to get tangible fruits of your labor and confirm the simple truth that new life begins not at all from Monday, but from our consciousness and motivation.

The right motivation on the path to success - all about the secrets of fitness to the site

Motivation is a very powerful tool in skillful hands. Sometimes it is very easy for a person to motivate himself, and he remains inspired for a long time. But at times it is very difficult to do this, and the “swamp” of procrastination and apathy slowly begins to tighten it. In this article you will find several effective ways and useful research on how to stay motivated for a long time.

1. What is motivation and how does it work

Scientists define motivation as a drive to do something. In other words, it is a set of psychophysiological processes that induce a person to perform a certain action. However, there is another definition of motivation.

What is motivation?

So what is motivation? This concept is best explored in Stephen Pressfield's book The War for Creativity. He writes: “At some point, doing nothing begins to cause a person more discomfort than doing an activity.”

In other words, sometimes it's easier to do something than to do nothing. It's easier to gather strength and go to the gym than to continue to lie on the couch and get fat. It's easier to overcome embarrassment and call your potential client than lose a bonus due to an unfulfilled sales plan.

Each of our choices has its own “price”, but it is better to experience inconvenience from any activity than to regret later that you did nothing. However, in order to get down to business, you need to cross a certain line that separates the zone of procrastination from the zone of active action. This often happens as we approach a deadline.

This raises a very important question: what can we do to overcome this trait and stay motivated at all times?

Common misconceptions about motivation

The surprising thing is that motivation usually occurs after you do some unusual act, and not before. Many people have the misconception that reading a motivational book or watching an inspirational video is enough to inspire them to do something. However, so-called "active" inspiration can serve as a more powerful stimulus to action.

Motivation is usually the result of some activity, not its cause. As soon as you start doing something, inspiration will naturally develop and you will be able to complete what you started.

Thus, in order to motivate yourself to perform any action, it is enough just to start doing it. Below we will talk about how to apply this advice in real life.

2. How to motivate yourself and start doing something

Many people go out of their way to motivate themselves to achieve certain goals. Without motivation, we spend too much energy and time on the implementation of actions that lead us to the desired result.

According to writer Sarah Peck, many aspiring authors fail to complete their work because they cannot answer the question of when they will next start writing. The same goes for training in the gym, business, art, and so on. For example, if you don't have a workout schedule, then every day you'll wake up thinking, "I'm going to the gym today if I'm in the mood."

It seems that scheduling is a very simple step. However, it will help you organize and systematize your activities. Usually people try to stick to the schedule, despite the lack of desire and motivation. Many studies confirm this fact.

Stop waiting for inspiration to strike, and just make a clear schedule that you will follow. This is the main difference between professionals and amateurs. Fans are waiting for inspiration, but they take action.

What is the secret of famous artists? How do they manage to stay motivated all the time? They do not just draw up a schedule of actions, but develop rituals.

The famous dancer and choreographer Twyla Tharp spoke about her daily ritual in an interview. Every day she gets up at 5.30 am, puts on her workout clothes and leaves the apartment. The girl then hails a taxi and tells the driver to take her to the gym, where she works out for two hours. The ritual is not in the process of training, but in the trip itself. Once Twyla tells the driver where to go, the ritual is over.

It seems to be a very simple action. However, if you repeat the same thing every morning, it will soon become a habit. And as soon as the action becomes habitual, it will be easier for you to perform it regularly, because we do not think about routine everyday actions, but simply do them “on the machine”.

Many famous people developed their own rituals. Much has been written about this in Mason Curry's book Genius Mode. The daily routine of great people.

The key to any ritual is that you don't have to make any decisions about what to do first and what to do next. Many people fail to succeed because they can't get started. If you manage to turn your activity into a habitual ritual, then it will not be difficult for you to finish what you started, even if difficult tasks arise on your way.

How to develop a motivating habit

By following three simple steps, you can build your own ritual and turn motivation into a habit.

Step #1. Any ritual should begin with some very simple action. For example, you can drink a glass of water before you sit down to write a novel. Or you can put on your favorite sneakers before heading out for a workout. These actions are so simple that it is impossible to refuse to perform them.

Step #2. You must force yourself to move. Lack of motivation is often associated with a lack of physical activity. Remember your physical state at the moment when you are bored or sad. You don't make any active movements, do you? At such moments, most people just sit on the couch and look at one point. In this case, the opposite is true: if you are physically active, your brain also begins to work more actively. For example, when you dance, it is simply impossible not to feel energized and animated. Physical activity does not always mean doing any exercise. For example, if your goal is to write a novel, then this activity should be directed towards writing.

Step #3. It is necessary to adhere to the same plan of action every day. Their primary task is to motivate you to a certain activity. As a result, you don't have to wait for inspiration. Instead, you simply begin your usual ritual, and then smoothly move on to the main action.

3. How to stay motivated for the long haul

The strategies mentioned above help motivate yourself and get started on a task. But what about staying motivated for the long haul? How to stay motivated?

Imagine that you are playing tennis. If you choose a four-year-old girl as your opponent, then the game will quickly bore you, as the victory will be too easy. Conversely, if you play, for example, against Serena Williams, then constant defeats will quickly demotivate you. Such an opponent will be too tough for you. You will be interested in the game if the opponent has equal abilities. You will have a chance to win if you put in the effort. Thus, challenging but doable tasks help us stay motivated.

People love difficult tasks. But the level of difficulty should be optimal for a particular person. Tasks that are too difficult demotivate us, while tasks that are too easy get bored quickly.

At this moment, a person experiences a special state of emotional upsurge. Athletes usually refer to this by the term "being on a roll". At this moment, a person is so focused on performing a certain task that the whole world around him fades.

To achieve this state, you must follow the rule described in the previous section. If you choose a task of optimal difficulty for yourself, you will not only be motivated for a long time, but also experience a feeling of happiness after completing it. As psychologist Gilbert Brim said, “One of the important sources of human happiness lies in completing tasks at the right level of difficulty.”

However, in order to reach the peak of motivation, you still need to constantly measure your current progress. In other words, it is important that you receive feedback at every stage of the task. Evaluating your own progress is key factor necessary to maintain a state of motivation.

What to do if you start to lose motivation

Motivation to perform any action will inevitably begin to fade at a certain point in time. AT similar cases you can use the tips below.

1. Your brain is a source of valuable suggestions.

Imagine that every thought that pops into your head is a suggestion, not an order. For example, when the author writes an article, the thought comes to his mind that he is tired. From this follows a proposal to leave the job, choose the path of least resistance and give up.

Just remember that none of these suggestions is a call to action. These are just options, and you have the opportunity to choose one of them.

2. Discomfort is temporary

Almost any action you take will end very soon. For example, your workout only lasts an hour or two. Your report will be ready by tomorrow morning.

Now life has become much easier than before. Even 300 years ago, if you yourself did not grow your own food and did not build a house, then you are doomed to death. And today, a tragedy for a person is the fact that he left the charger for his phone at home.

Thus, be mindful of the prospects ahead. Life is beautiful, and any discomfort is temporary.

You will never regret doing a good job.

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Undoubtedly, the best reward that life can give you is worthwhile work". We all want our work to be useful to people, and they respect our work. However, we do not want our attempts to be in vain. Everyone wants a reward, not a hard, repetitive job. Everyone wants to get a gold medal, but only a few want to train as hard as the members of the Olympic team. Thus, remember that the reward is worth the effort it takes to get it.

That's life

In life, we constantly balance between the desire to move away from everything and self-discipline. Life is a collection of hundreds of thousands of small decisions about whether to fight or give up.

Don't underestimate those moments when you don't feel like doing anything. Spend this time so that you can be proud of yourself.