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The selfless cruiser rams an American ship. How Soviet patrol ships rammed American warships off the coast of Crimea (photo, video)

The American military has never been particularly “politically correct.” If there was an opportunity to arrange a provocation, they always went for it. However, more than thirty years ago, Soviet sailors repelled the violators by ramming two enemy ships at once.

Radio silence in the fog

Perestroika, which was announced in our country in 1986, quite quickly led to a softening of morals regarding our “potential enemy,” that is, the Americans. The generosity of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee knew no bounds: soon with his light hand began to cut combat missiles into pieces, turn ships, submarines, tanks and other things into pieces military equipment, and not just combat-ready, but completely new. The country's leadership suddenly decided that there was no longer any threat to the USSR from its overseas “partners.”

In the United States itself, however, they were in no hurry to relax. On the contrary, in the second half of the 1980s, in the Black Sea, for example, many provocative violations of the territorial waters of the USSR by enemy ships were recorded. Most often, such visits were nipped in the bud: Soviet patrol troops simply became a “living wall” in the direction of the intruder, thus blocking the path to our territorial waters. But this was not always possible. And then the corvettes, destroyers and cruisers of the US Navy not only patrolled along our shores, but also made combat turns, preparing installations with missiles and depth charges for firing. In a word, they swaggered as best they could, as if making it clear who the real boss was here.

For the time being, they got away with it - after all, detente was gaining momentum in our country. And the naval authorities, having received the appropriate benign orders from the country’s leadership, did not dare to violate the order and enter into open confrontation with the provocateurs. However, in 1988, our sailors had to deal with a very brazen violator. In February, an escort of American ships, consisting of the cruiser Yorktown and the accompanying destroyer Caron, proceeded through the Bosporus and Dardanelles. Moreover, the ships sailed in complete radio silence and, as if specially choosing the time when the sea was covered with thick fog. And although, thanks to intelligence, it was known in advance about the uninvited visit, it was possible to detect the escort while passing through the straits only through visual observation. Because the locators only record a point, and it is impossible to make out whether it is a warship or a civilian vessel.

Pictured: US cruiser Yorktown / Photo: wikimedia

Unequal forces

We discovered Americans from our ferry “Heroes of Shipka”. Having intercepted a radiogram from the ferry and realizing that they had been discovered, the commanders of the Yorktown and Caron initially decided to “sit out” off the Turkish coast. But two of our SKR (patrol ships): “SKR-6” and “Selfless” were already waiting for the Americans in neutral waters. Apparently, this is why the provocateurs decided, no longer hiding it, to do what, in fact, they had planned from the very beginning.

Having reached our border, the ships, without slowing down, rushed into territorial waters Soviet Union. Our patrol troops sent a warning radiogram to the violators, which, however, had no effect: the Americans were confidently heading towards the shore. It should be noted here that, in comparison with the Selfless, the Yorktown, for example, had three times the displacement, and its crew was twice the number of sailors on the patrol ship. It was 50 meters longer than the TFR, carried on board helicopters, 2 missile and 4 anti-aircraft installations, two anti-submarine and 8 anti-ship systems (Asrok and Harpoon, respectively), not to mention torpedoes, guns, and the Aegis fire control system " etc.

"Selfless", in turn, was armed with two RBU-6000 rocket launchers, four launchers missile complex URPK-5 “Rastrub”, two anti-aircraft missile systems, torpedoes and twin 76.2 mm artillery mounts. So, taking into account the difference in weapons, the sailors prepared for the worst, unsheathing the onboard guns and preparing them for firing (it’s more expensive to use missiles).

In response to these preparations, the Americans decided to take their rotary-wing aircraft into the air: pilots and maintenance personnel appeared on the helipad. Seeing this, the commander of the "Selfless", captain of the second rank Vladimir Bogdashin, ordered a radiogram to be sent to the "Yorktown", in which he warned the Americans that if they took off, they would be immediately shot down. However, the violators did not pay any attention to the warning.

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It was at that moment that Bogdashin realized that decisive measures could not be avoided, but they could not be taken. And then he gave a desperate order - to go for the ram. Since the “Selfless” was literally side by side with the “Yorktown”, at a distance of literally ten meters, the TFR simply changed course slightly and at first made only a slight impact on missile cruiser, demolishing his ladder. The American sailors, who had previously poured out onto the deck, frivolously sent obscene gestures at the Soviet sailors and took photographs of our patrol ship, became subdued and hid in the ship's premises. With the second strike, the TFR literally “climbed” onto the cruiser, “shaving off” the intruder’s helipad and damaging four Harpoon anti-ship systems – the blow was so strong. And a fire broke out in the Yorktown's torpedo tubes.

In the photo: the bulk of the TFR "Selfless" on the cruiser "Yorktown" / Photo: wikimedia

At this very time, the SKR-6 went to ram the Caron, although the Soviet patrol ship was four times smaller than the destroyer. Nevertheless, the blow was noticeable. He, in turn, decided not to contact the SKR-6, but to approach the other side of the Selfless in order to, together with the Yorktown, take the SKR in pincers. However, the patrol ship's speed was higher, and it easily parried this maneuver. However, the cruiser’s crew had no time for maneuvers or anything at all - the struggle for the survivability of the ship was in full swing. And after the team recovered from the shock, Yorktown turned 180 degrees and was like that. Caron followed. After this incident, American ships disappeared from our Black Sea territorial waters for a long time.

In the photo: SKR-6 collapsed on the left side in the stern of the destroyer "Caron" / Photo wikipedia

We must pay tribute to the fleet command, which supported the sailors of the “Selfless” and defended their good name before the country’s leadership. And a year later, Vladimir Bogdashin was awarded the Order of the Red Star... for the development new technology. At that time, he was no longer the commander of a patrol ship, but was studying at the Grechko Naval Academy. Subsequently commanded the flagship Black Sea Fleet"Moscow". Now Vladimir Ivanovich, a retired rear admiral, is general director training and research center of the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions.

After the collapse of the USSR, during the division of the fleet, the “Selfless” went to Ukraine and became the “Dnepropetrovsk”, and then it was completely written off as scrap. “SKR-6” also went on pins and needles. This is how sad the fate of the patrolmen who gained fame for the Soviet navy was.

Exactly 30 years ago, on February 12, 1988, in the Black Sea, two Soviet patrol ships SKR Bezzavetny (Project 1135) and SKR-6 (Project 35) carried out an unprecedented operation to displace two of the newest warships of the 6th Fleet of the US Navy - cruisers "Yorktown" (Ticonderoga type) and the guided missile destroyer Caron (Spruance type), which brazenly and deliberately violated the state border of the USSR.

The operation, which took place in the area between Yalta and Foros, is unprecedented in a number of ways. SKR "Selfless" is three times smaller in displacement than the newest cruiser "Yorktown" at that time, and SKR-6 (its displacement is slightly more than 1000 tons) is six times smaller than the destroyer URO "Caron". The enormous technical and military superiority of American ships was countered by the courage, determination, courage of Soviet sailors, and well-structured, skillful tactics of action. As a result, they won, and the American ships, having received damage, were forced to leave the USSR's terrorist waters, and then completely leave the Black Sea.

The general management of the ousting operation was carried out by the Chief of Staff of the Black Sea Fleet, Vice Admiral Valentin Egorovich Selivanov. Prior to this position, he served for seven years in the Mediterranean squadron, first as chief of staff and then as squadron commander. One of the main tasks of the squadron is to confront the ships of the 6th Fleet of the US Navy in the Mediterranean Sea, so Admiral Selivanov knew very well both the TTD and the capabilities of American ships, their history and even commanders.

I think that not only sailors, but even ordinary people can imagine how difficult and dangerous it is to pile a ship on an enemy in this particular case. A huge cruiser, armed to the teeth, with a displacement of 9,200 tons, sees how a patrol boat with a displacement of 3,000 tons is catching up with it. The American sailors are euphoric and smiling; an active photo and video session is underway in anticipation of the beautiful “show.” And nearby, against a destroyer with a displacement of 7,800 tons, there is a tiny, sharp-nosed patrol ship with a displacement of only 1,300 tons. What would have happened to our SKR-6 if the destroyer had turned the rudder sharply to the left side when the patrol ship was preparing for a strike and was on a parallel course?! He could just roll over.

The pre-planned operation began only when American ships actually entered our territorial waters and did not respond to repeated warnings to leave our territorial waters.

The command from the Investigative Committee is: everyone should put on life jackets. And then the Selfless runs into the cruiser Yorktown. Gnashing of metal. The TFR "Selfless", having dropped a three-ton anchor from the hawse, strikes the cruiser.

A minute after the pile-up, Mikheev reports to Selivanov: “We walked along the left side of the cruiser. The Harpoon missile launcher was broken. Two broken missiles hang from their launch containers. All the railings on the left side of the cruiser were demolished. The command boat was destroyed. In some places the side and side trim of the bow superstructure were torn. Our anchor came loose and sank.”

What are the Americans doing? It was as if a cow had licked the smiles and euphoria with its tongue. The cruiser sounded an emergency alarm. Emergency responders in protective thermal suits water a launcher with Harpoon missiles with hoses. But very soon they began to drag the hoses inside the ship. As it later turned out, a fire started there in the area of ​​​​the cellars of the Harpoon anti-ship missiles and Asrok anti-submarine missiles.

There's no time for smiles anymore. If the cruiser had exploded, it would have been bad for our ship.

Soon Mikheev reported on the actions of SKR-6: “I walked along the left side of the destroyer, the rails were cut down, the boat was broken. Breaks in side plating. The ship's anchor survived. But the American ships continue the passage at the same course and speed.”

Selivanov gives the command to Mikheev: “Carry out a second pile-up.”

Valentin Selivanov:
“After some time, I receive a report from Mikheev: “The destroyer Caron has turned away from course and is heading straight towards me, the bearing is not changing.” "Caron" is heading for a collision. Selivanov orders Mikheev: “Move to the starboard side of the cruiser and hide behind it. Let the Caron ram it.”

Next, the Americans began to clamp the TFR “Selfless” in pincers on converging courses. Mikheev ordered the RBU-6000 rocket launchers to be loaded with depth charges and deployed abeam to the starboard and port sides, respectively, against the cruiser and destroyer. The Americans saw this. The game of nerves continued. The determination of the Soviet sailors had an effect - the American ships turned away.

But the struggle continued. On the cruiser they began preparing a couple of helicopters for takeoff. Mikheev reported to the fleet command post that the Americans were preparing some kind of dirty trick with helicopters. Mikheev told the Americans what would happen to the helicopters if they were lifted into the air. It didn't work. The propeller blades are already spinning. But at that time, a pair of our Mi-26 helicopters with a full combat suspension of on-board weapons passed over the Americans at an altitude of 50-70 meters - an impressive sight. They made several circles over the American ships, defiantly hovering somewhat away from them. The Americans surrendered: they turned off their helicopters and rolled them into a hangar.

The next day, "Yorktown" and "Caron", without reaching our Caucasian sea areas, moved towards the exit from the Black Sea. Under the control of a new ship group of our ships. Another day later, the battered ships of the 6th Fleet of the US Navy left the Black Sea.

I would like the Americans, who are once again frequenting the Black Sea, to remember this history lesson from 30 years ago.

The case that will be discussed in the article, although rare, is very indicative of the Soviet-American confrontation of the times cold war. It's about about the so-called “naval”, that is, a collision of warships without the use of weapons. According to the definition of sea explanatory dictionary a pileup is the contact of ships due to errors in movement calculations. Unlike a collision, damage during a pile-up is almost minimal.

This is exactly the kind of pileup that took place in the Black Sea between Yalta and Foros, when soviet ships drove American ships out of the territorial waters of the USSR.

In general, in the 1980s, American ships were too frequent guests in the Black Sea, especially in the part that bordered the territorial waters of the USSR. But the most famous incident occurred on February 12, 1988, when 6 warships of the US Navy violated the state border of the USSR.

The head of the operation to oust the intruder ships was Admiral V.E. Selivanov.

The Black Sea Fleet command knew in advance about the upcoming voyage of American ships: fleet intelligence monitored all the actions of the US 6th Fleet (it was the ships of this fleet that took part in the incident) and had already decided that in case of violation of the USSR border, the most stringent measures would be taken to punish the violators.

The ships of the USSR Black Sea Fleet took American ships as escort immediately after the latter left the Bosphorus. As expected, they greeted us and informed us that they would continue on the same course. Despite the fact that everything was said with humor, saying, “You are our guest, and according to the laws of Russian hospitality, it is not customary to leave guests unattended,” the situation was already aggravated almost from the first minutes of the meeting.

So, with escort, the American ships approached the area south-southeast of Sevastopol (about 40-45 miles) and began completely incomprehensible maneuvers there. Having stayed there for about 2 days, they moved to the area near Sevastopol and, not paying attention to numerous warnings, violated the state border.

After some time, the Black Sea Fleet ships were given the order to “Take positions to oust the intruder ships.” A combat alert was immediately declared, the hatches were sealed, the torpedoes were brought into combat-ready condition, etc.

Almost exactly at 11.00 o’clock, Mikheev reports: “I have approached the cruiser to within 40 meters”... and then report every 10 meters. Sailors can imagine how difficult and dangerous it is to carry out such maneuvers: a huge cruiser with a displacement of 9,200 tons and a patrol boat with a displacement of 3,000 tons, as it were, “moored” to it while moving, and on the other “flank” a very small patrol boat with a displacement of only 1,300 operates against a destroyer with a displacement of 7,800 tons tons Imagine: at the moment of approaching closely with this small patrol ship, put the destroyer sharply with the rudder “to port on the side” - and what will happen to our ship? If it didn’t turn over, this could happen! Moreover, formally the American will still be right in such a collision. So the commanders of our ships had to carry out a difficult and dangerous task.

Mikheev reports:"10 meters." And immediately: “I ask for the go-ahead to act!” Although he had already received all the orders, he apparently decided to play it safe - suddenly the situation changed, and besides, all the negotiations on the air were recorded by both us and the Americans. I tell him again: “Proceed according to the operation plan!” And then there was silence...

I’m keeping an eye on the stopwatch - I timed it with my last order: the hand ran for a minute, two, three... Silence. I’m not asking, I understand what’s going on on the ships now: briefing and losing on maneuvering tablets is one thing, but how everything will turn out in reality is another thing. I can clearly imagine how the high forecastle of the Selfless, together with the hanging anchor, tears the side and massive bow superstructure of the American cruiser Yorktown (its superstructure is designed integrally with the side of the ship). But what will happen to our ship from such mutual “kisses”? And what happens in the second pair of this sea “bullfight” between the SKR-6 and the destroyer Caron? Doubts, uncertainty... It was thought that with this kind of “mooring” while moving, mutual suction (“sticking”) of ships to each other is possible.

Well, how will the Americans rush to “board”? We have provided for this possibility - special landing platoons have been formed on the ships and are constantly being trained. But there are many more Americans... All this flashes through my mind, while there are no reports. And suddenly I hear Mikheev’s completely calm voice, as if playing out such episodes on cards: “We walked along the left side of the cruiser. They broke the Harpoon missile launcher. Two broken missiles are hanging from the launch containers. They demolished all the railings on the left side of the cruiser. They smashed the commander’s to pieces. boat. In some places the side and side trim of the bow superstructure were torn. Our anchor came off and sank." I ask: “What are the Americans doing?” He answers: “They played an emergency alarm. Emergency workers in protective suits are watering the Harpoon launcher with hoses and dragging the hoses inside the ship.” "Are the rockets burning?" - I ask. “It seems no, there is no fire or smoke visible.” After this, Mikheev reports for SKR-6: “I walked along the left side of the destroyer, the railings were cut down, the boat was broken. There were breaks in the side plating. The ship’s anchor survived. But the American ships continue the passage at the same course and speed.” I give the command to Mikheev: “Carry out a second pile-up.” Our ships have begun maneuvering to carry it out."

Nikolai Mikheev and Vladimir Bogdashin tell how everything actually happened in the area of ​​the “bulk”: By the time they approached the terrorist waters, the American ships were following as if in a bearing formation with a distance between them of approximately 15-20 cables (2700-3600 m), - with this cruiser is ahead and more seaward, the destroyer is closer to the coastline at the cruiser's heading angle of 140-150 degrees. left side. SKR "Selfless" and "SKR-6" in tracking positions, respectively, of the cruiser and destroyer at their left side heading angles of 100-110 degrees. at a distance of 90-100 m. Behind this group, two of our border ships maneuvered.

Upon receipt of the order “Take positions to dislodge,” a combat alert was declared on the ships, the bow compartments were sealed, personnel were removed from them, torpedoes in the tubes were in combat-ready condition, cartridges were supplied to the gun mounts up to the loading line in the breech, emergency parties were deployed, landing platoons were in readiness at their scheduled locations, the rest of the personnel at combat posts. The starboard anchors are hung on anchor chains made from fairleads. On the navigation bridge of the SKR "Selfless" Mikheev maintains contact with the fleet command post and controls the ships of the group, Bogdashin controls the maneuvers of the ship, and here the officer-translator maintains constant radio communication with the American ships. We approached the cruiser at a distance of 40 meters, then 10 meters ("SKR-6" did the same with the destroyer). On the deck of the cruiser, on the platforms of the superstructure, sailors and officers poured out with cameras, video cameras, laughing, waving their hands, making, as is customary among American sailors, obscene gestures, etc. The commander of the cruiser came out onto the left open wing of the navigation bridge.

With confirmation of the order “Act according to the operation plan,” we went to “load” the cruiser (“SKR-6” - destroyer). Bogdashin maneuvered in such a way that the first blow landed tangentially at an angle of 30 degrees. to the left side of the cruiser. The impact and friction of the sides caused sparks to fly and the side paint caught fire. As the border guards later said, for a moment the ships seemed to be in a fiery cloud, after which a thick plume of smoke trailed behind them for some time. Upon impact, our anchor tore the plating of the cruiser’s side with one claw, and with the other made a hole in the bow of the side of its ship. The impact threw the TFR away from the cruiser, the stem of our ship went to the left, and the stern began to dangerously approach the side of the cruiser.

An emergency alarm was sounded on the cruiser, personnel rushed from the decks and platforms, and the cruiser commander rushed inside the navigation bridge. At this time, he apparently lost control of the cruiser for some time, and it turned slightly to the right due to the impact, which further increased the danger of it collapsing onto the stern of the TFR "Selfless". After this, Bogdashin, having commanded “starboard,” increased the speed to 16 knots, which made it possible to slightly move the stern away from the side of the cruiser, but at the same time the cruiser turned left to the previous course - after this, the next most powerful and effective pileup occurred, or rather a cruiser ram. The impact hit the area helipad, - the tall sharp stem with the SKR forecastle, figuratively speaking, climbed onto the cruising helicopter deck and, with a list of 15-20 degrees to the left side, began to destroy with its mass, as well as with the anchor hanging from the hawse, everything that came across it, gradually sliding towards the cruising stern : tore the skin of the side of the superstructure, cut down all the railings of the helipad, broke the command boat, then slid onto the deck of the poop (to the stern) and also demolished all the railings with the racks. Then he hooked the Harpoon anti-ship missile launcher - it seemed that a little more and the launcher would be torn from its fastening to the deck. But at that moment, having caught on something, the anchor broke away from the anchor chain and, like a ball (weighing 3.5 tons!), flew over the aft deck of the cruiser from the left side, crashed into the water already behind its starboard side, miraculously not having caught none of the sailors of the cruiser's emergency party who were on deck. Of the four containers of the Harpun anti-ship missile launcher, two were broken in half along with the missiles, their severed warheads hanging on internal cables. Another container was bent.

Finally, the SKR forecastle slid from the stern of the cruiser onto the water, we moved away from the cruiser and took up a position on its beam at a distance of 50-60 meters, warning that we would repeat the attack if the Americans did not come out of the watershed. At this time, a strange bustle of emergency personnel (all blacks) was observed on the deck of the cruiser: having stretched fire hoses and lightly sprayed water on the broken flares that did not burn, the sailors suddenly began to hastily drag these hoses and other fire-fighting equipment into the interior of the ship. As it later turned out, a fire started there in the area of ​​​​the cellars of the Harpoon anti-ship missiles and Asrok anti-submarine missiles.

With confirmation of the order to “act according to the operation plan,” the Soviet ships went to the “bulk.” The impact and friction caused the paint that covered the side to catch fire. Upon impact, the anchor of one of our ships tore the skin of the American cruiser, but at the same time damaged its bow.

A few minutes later, the next, even more powerful attack occurred, which, rather, became a ram: the blow hit the area of ​​the helipad - our ship simply began to destroy the enemy ship - it tore the skin, cut down part of the helipad and hit the Harpoon anti-ship missile system.

After some time, the Americans began preparing helicopters to take off from the wrecked ship. Almost immediately, the Soviet side issued a warning that if the helicopters left the ship, this would be considered a violation of airspace, and every helicopter that took off would be shot down. In order for the Americans to understand that no one would joke anymore, Mi-26 helicopters were flown into the air, which, only by demonstrating the combat suspension, forced the Americans to abandon the idea of ​​​​lifting helicopters into the air.

Valentin Selivanov: After some time, I received a report from Mikheev: “The destroyer Caron has turned off course and is heading straight towards me, the bearing is not changing.” Sailors understand what “the bearing does not change” means, that is, it is heading for a collision. I tell Mikheev: “Move to the starboard side of the cruiser and hide behind it. Let the Caron ram it.”

Nikolay Mikheev: But "Caron" approached us at a distance of 50-60 meters from the left side and lay down on a parallel course. On the right, at the same distance and also on a parallel course, a cruiser followed. Next, the Americans began, on converging courses, to squeeze the TFR "Selfless" in pincers. He ordered the RBU-6000 rocket launchers to be loaded with depth charges (the Americans saw this) and to deploy them abeam on the starboard and port sides, respectively, against the cruiser and destroyer (however, both RBU launchers operate in combat mode only synchronously, but the Americans did not know this). It seemed to work - the American ships turned away. At this time, the cruiser began preparing a couple of helicopters for takeoff. I reported to the fleet command post that the Americans were preparing some kind of dirty trick for us with helicopters.

Valentin Selivanov: In response to Mikheev’s report, I convey to him: “Inform the Americans - if the helicopters take off into the air, they will be shot down as if they violated the airspace of the Soviet Union.” At the same time, he transmitted the order to the command post of the fleet aviation: “Raise the duty pair of attack aircraft into the air! Mission: loitering over American ships that have invaded the terrorist waters in order to prevent their deck-based helicopters from rising into the air.” But the aviation OD reports: “In the area close to Cape Sarych, a group of landing helicopters is practicing tasks. I propose sending a couple of helicopters instead of attack aircraft - it’s much faster, and they will perform the “anti-takeoff” task more effectively and clearly.” I approve this proposal and inform Mikheev about sending our helicopters to the area. Soon I receive a report from the aviation department: “A pair of Mi-26 helicopters are in the air, heading to the area.”

Nikolay Mikheev: He told the Americans what would happen to the helicopters if they were lifted into the air. This did not work - I see the propeller blades have already started spinning. But at that time, a pair of our Mi-26 helicopters with a full combat suspension of on-board weapons passed over us and the Americans, making several circles above the American ships and defiantly hovering somewhat to the side from them, an impressive sight. This apparently had an effect - the Americans turned off their helicopters and rolled them into a hangar.

Valentin Selivanov: Then an order came from the Navy Central Command: “The Minister of Defense demanded to investigate and report on this incident” (our naval wits later became more sophisticated: report with a list of persons subject to removal from positions and demotion). We submitted a report to the authorities on how everything happened. Literally a couple of hours later, another order comes from the Navy Central Command: “The Minister of Defense demands that those who have distinguished themselves be nominated for promotion” (our wits were found here too: the list of people for demotion should be replaced with a register of those nominated for awards). Well, everyone’s hearts seemed to have eased, the tension had subsided, all of us and the fleet command crew seemed to have calmed down.

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The story that happened on February 12, 1988 in the area of ​​the main base of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol is still remembered by US Navy sailors with a shudder and studied in detail in naval educational institutions.

Then, as if sensing the imminent demise of the Soviet Union, the American cruiser Yorktown and the destroyer Caron boorishly violated the border of the USSR, invading 7 miles into our territorial waters. For which they paid: the Black Sea Fleet patrol ships Bezzavetny and SKR-6 went to ram the intruders. Little-known details of that high-profile incident were told to Komsomolskaya Pravda by Vladimir BOGDASHIN, who stood on the command bridge of the “Selfless” in February 1988.

— Vladimir Ivanovich, why did the Americans need this?

“It was a show of strength.” Show that there is no one cooler than them. These same US Navy ships two years earlier, in 1986, took the same route. And then our people did nothing: they only raised protest flags, warning that passage was prohibited. And the day before, an offensive incident happened with Matthias Rust... It was clear: if we let this happen again, no one will take us into account anymore. And Gorbachev was given the task of reacting harshly to such cases. The USSR Navy worked on this task for two years. The entire system for disrupting such entrances was thought out. But the activities of the TFR* “Selfless” were not planned in these plans!

- Like this?

“When our people learned that Yorktown and Caron were calling again, preparations began for their meeting. And I just returned from the Mediterranean Sea, unloaded the missiles, sent part of the crew on vacation... And then the division commander got in touch: the BOD * Red Caucasus (it was being prepared for a meeting with the Americans) has technical problems, so tomorrow at 6 in the morning you take off and go out for surveillance...

— Was the weapon combat?

- Yes, the only thing is - instead of four cruise missiles I had two. The SKR-6 also had everything combat-ready. He joined us in the Bosphorus area.

— Did they come from Turkey?

- Yes. They arrived in the evening, and the next day the Americans had to cross the Bosporus Strait and enter the Black Sea. Two reconnaissance aircraft were supposed to detect and bring us into contact.

— So you had to sit down and accompany?

- But first - to discover, and with this there were problems. The Americans walked in complete radio silence, and it was impossible to figure out where they were in this large stream of ships that passes through the Bosporus; on the locator, all the ships look the same. Plus complete fog. Then I contacted our ferry “Heroes of Shipki”, which was entering the Bosphorus. And he asked: if you visually detect our guests, inform us. Soon he saw them and gave a signal with coordinates.

- Did they guess about it?

- It seems. They rushed around Turkish territorial waters for a long time, but then headed for Sevastopol, accompanied by us.

“Didn’t you try to warn them in advance?”

- And how! We had constant contact with them.

- “We are not violating anything.” At that time they were on the high seas and really did not violate anything. We walked next to the Yorktown, about 10 meters away, they had 80 percent of the crew on deck. Everyone was taking pictures and making obscene gestures. And when their ships crossed the border, the order came to attack... SKR-6 went to approach the Caron. I went to Yorktown. The first pile-up was light, casual. They rubbed the sides, demolished his ladder, and that’s it.

- What about the second pile-up?

— After the first strike, we received the order to retreat and not make contact. But I had a difficult situation:

"Yorktown" is three times larger in displacement than "Selfless" and twice as large in size. And when I hit him on the left side for the first time, the impact caused the bow of my ship to go sharply to the left, and the stern, on the contrary, to the right. And we began to approach each other aft. This was very dangerous both for them and for us: the “Selfless” had two four-tube torpedo tubes on each side, prepared for battle. The torpedoes could ignite from the impact. The American has eight Harpoon missile launchers on the stern. And if we had touched the stern parts, my torpedo tubes would have entered under its missile tubes... There was nothing left to do but give full speed, turn sharply to the right, towards it, and thereby throw the stern to the side. Our bow went at speed towards it, we climbed onto the Yorktown with a list of about 13 - 14 degrees to the left side. The left side of the helipad was completely demolished and further along the side they began to destroy everything. And before that the right anchor was lowered. From the impact he hit their side, flew like a bullet over their deck, broke the chain and fell into the sea.

- How much does he weigh?

- 3 tons... It's a pity: the loss of an anchor is considered a disgrace in the navy. And the one who loses it is considered a bad commander who did not calculate the underwater obstacles. But I had a different situation.

— And they say the missiles were taken away from the Americans?

- Well, yes, those same “Harpoons”. A new tactical weapon at that time. They were standing at the stern. Four of the eight installations were demolished. The broken heads were dangling on the wires... The black sailors who came running to eliminate the consequences, when they saw all this, immediately ran away. It also seems like there was a fire below deck on the Yorktown: we saw that rescue teams were working in the area of ​​their torpedo tubes.

“They tried to put me in pincers”

— What damage did the “Selfless” receive?

— The hull burst in the bow, there was a crack about one and a half meters. There was a hole about forty centimeters in the bow, but it was above the waterline, so it was not dangerous. The lifeline* was blown away and the anchor was lost. During the repair, it also turned out that the powerful bolts that secured the engine couplings were bent by about four centimeters. Already in April, it was discovered that upon impact, the titanium bulb, which protects the hydroacoustic complex in the bow, was torn to shreds. But the repairs were still small.

- What's the story with the explosion?

— The border guards reported him to the shore. At the first impact, they saw sparks and a huge cloud of smoke, considering it an explosion. How the command was misinformed. In fact, the paint smoked so quickly.

— What about SKR-6?

— It is four times smaller than Caron. He poked his nose into the side, flew off, and that was it.

— After the attack, did the Americans immediately leave the territorial waters of the USSR?

- Not really. "Caron" gave maximum speed and went to our port side. They wanted to take us into pincers! I increased the speed to full speed and entered from the other side of the Yorktown. “Caron” calmed down and, together with his beaten “colleague,” left our waters. There was so much welding on board! They had to go through the Bosphorus again and, apparently, did not want to show the Turks that they had suffered badly. Therefore, they cut off all visible evidence of damage to the ship: rocket launchers, helipad fences - and everything was thrown overboard. Then we were replaced by four of our ships arriving from Sevastopol, and we returned to base.

— How did the command react?

— The command position has not been developed. The fleet commander scolded me for the lost anchor. Our international experts generally said that we were insolent. The chief navigator of the fleet handed over a stack of documents: “Here, look where you are right and where you are wrong.” And on February 13, I was called to Moscow. I thought: that’s it, life has not been a success... At the General Staff I get into the elevator and meet the Deputy Chief of the General Staff: “Well, thank you, fleet!” - he shook hands. Two general pilots were riding in the same elevator. He turned to them and continued: “Otherwise our aviation allows all sorts of people into Red Square...” Only later did I find out that this man insisted that I be seriously punished. But Chebrikov (at that time the chairman of the KGB - editor's note) reported to Gorbachev that the fleet had done everything correctly. Gorbachev agreed with him. And everyone finally sighed.

- Which political consequences had a bulk?

— For the USSR, they are very good. The commander of the Yorktown was removed. The American Senate froze for six months the funding of all reconnaissance campaigns of the US 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. After that, NATO ships did not come closer than 120 miles to our shores.

— Were you awarded for your feat?

— A year later, when I was studying at the Naval Academy, I was awarded the Order of the Red Star. “We know why,” said the head of the faculty. - But it says here “for the development of new technology.” No one from the crew was awarded. And my guys deserved it!

— Wasn’t it offensive?

- You know, I love leaders who keep their word. If you set the task of giving a tough rebuff, then don’t turn the tables to please big politics, and especially don’t even dare think about punishment for carrying out orders!

— How, by the way, did our sailors behave?

- No one, unlike the Americans, has drifted! Not a single violation, everything is clear. My midshipman was Shmorgunov - simply superhuman strength! And when these “Harpoons” approached our side, he stood there with a rope: “If only a little longer, I would have hooked their rocket and pulled it out!” I know him: he loaded our 120-kilogram rockets by hand!

- And the Americans?

- They are good sailors. But psychologically weaker. Dying for their homeland is not part of their plans... They were dumbfounded: the legend that they were the best had collapsed. They got it from a group of ships that are smaller than them. When I offered them help (as it should be), they sat in their cabins. The cruiser looked like it was dead - they were so shocked...

— What is the fate of the ships participating in the conflict?

— When dividing the fleet, we handed over the “Selfless” to Ukraine, which renamed it “Dnepropetrovsk” and then sent it for scrap. Although he could still serve. SKR-6 was old, it was also cut up.

— When did you and “Selfless” break up?

- In the same 88th. Then he studied at the Grechko Naval Academy for two years. After her, I was appointed commander of the anti-submarine cruiser "Leningrad", then - to the anti-submarine cruiser "Moscow". And when it was decommissioned, at Luzhkov’s request, I became the commander of the current “Moscow”, the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet (then called “Slava”). This cruiser was a stumbling block during the division of the Black Sea Fleet. But that's a completely different story...

Here is a video of that same ram. The filming was carried out from on board an American ship