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Where did Maxim Batyrev work? Two master classes from the most sought-after business speaker Maxim Batyrev

From time to time I am drawn to books on self-development, although I am far from the target audience this genre. But I read this book very easily and quickly. I can’t get forty-five pluses, but here are my top three:

1. Stated extremely clearly and without confusion. How many times have I approached various foreign authors and literally drowned in their “right now, now, you will learn how to do it... millions of people did not know how to do it, and suffered terribly, lived on the verge of dismissal and divorce, and then read it in my book, as it should, and everything became different.... " - and here are these soporific mantras for a hundred pages. Here - what a blessing - almost without preamble, the author immediately moves on to his experience. Moreover, the essence of each chapter is included in the title in the form of that very sacred tattoo. That is, you can generally read the table of contents - and, consider, you have learned the main thing. Well, this is really for the budget conscious. Because I personally read the entire book in about two and a half hours.

2. I am not going to and have never intended to become a manager in the sense of a manager/director/boss/chef/manager. But the book gives universal formulations that will be useful in the family, in the company of friends, girlfriends, and in raising children.

3. In my opinion, the essence of any self-development book is approximately the same - “Get up and go, you can.” But there is a big difference in the presentation of the material, in the author’s charisma, in the sense of humor. For me, a good self-development book is one that really makes you get up and do something. Specifically, “45 tattoos” helped me somehow shake myself up after hibernation, to look at the world with slightly different eyes - in my opinion, this is already a great impact.

Cons of the book (I will also limit myself to three):

1. Until about 25-30 “tattoos” everything was very inspiring. And then there was a feeling that it was still the same New Year's soda, only already exhausted, morning. Several times the author mentions that he did something on a dare. And there was a feeling that 45 chapters were written for argument or out of necessity, but in fact there were just 25-30. Some points are slightly outdated, because the world is developing and changing very quickly.

2. The book gives the impression that the author lives by work, such a one-ray person. Most likely, he deliberately did not expose his personal life, hobbies, sports, and family to public view. Well, it turned out that my hobby is reading business literature, family - employees/colleagues, there seems to be no personal life, because I go to work by seven, and from work at nine in the evening, sports - litrball with the team on Fridays and on holidays, where the manager, in the role of a caring parent, makes sure that everyone gets home.

3. In some moments I am in force personal experience I just can’t agree with the author. Perhaps because I have never worked in sales, and it has its own specifics (a word that Maxim Batyrev burns with a hot iron). Well, for example, I saw managers who worked wildly overtime and were successful, but I also saw those who came at nine, left at six, and were successful, and I also saw successful ones who generally came to the office for two hours.

The bottom line is this: the book is simple, but “charged”. I would recommend it to especially ambitious young people sixteen and older.

Author of the best-selling book “45 Manager Tattoos”

Maxim Batyrev is a famous Russian manager, winner of the “ Commercial Director of the Year" and "Manager of the Year", author of the bestseller "45 Manager Tattoos".

Maxim's career - shining example brilliant vertical growth. Worked his way up from an ordinary specialist to a top manager of a large Russian company. The Kommersant publishing house included Maxim in the TOP 1000 best managers in Russia.

Received an Executive MBA from the Institute of Business and business administration RANEPA.

He runs his own blog on LiveJournal. Included in the TOP 30 most “monetary” bloggers in Russia according to Livejournal. “Manager of the Year 2013” ​​according to the International Academy of Management and Volny economic society Russia. Winner of the “Commercial Director of the Year 2012” award according to Salecraft.

Author of the best-selling book “45 Manager Tattoos,” in which he described the rules of business in Russian. These are rules about how to treat colleagues, how to act in certain situations: a set of principles that you should follow if you want to succeed. In 2014, the book won the annual literary award “Electronic Letter 2014” in the “Business Book of the Year” category. The book also received the Runet Book Prize 2014 as the best-selling business book in Russia.

Since 2015, he has been conducting open and corporate master classes, where he shares his practical experience with leaders of Russia and neighboring countries.

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Maxim Batyrev is a clear example of a manager who has achieved a lot without outside help. In 2002, the guy attended an interview, wanting to get an engineer position. But management offered a vacancy for a sales manager. At that time, Maxim had no work experience, and the guy almost failed probation. It took Maxim a year to become a better manager. It was hard at first, but after making a number of mistakes, the novice manager understood how to sell. After another year, the department under his leadership showed the best results, demonstrating the highest productivity.


Since 2011, Batyrev has already held a director’s position, with more than two hundred people subordinate to him. In addition to his main activity, Maxim also kept a blog, which ultimately turned out to be one of the best “money” blogs.

It may seem to some that such success is associated solely with the experience gained in practice, because all business processes were seen from the inside. In reality, it's not just a matter of practice. To become a successful speaker, you must also have certain achievements. Batyrev repeatedly broke records, demonstrating brilliant results in his career.

I believe that a fight is won before it starts, and this happens precisely during the preparation stage.

Maxim himself claims that the master classes deal with cases that any seller is familiar with. The man guarantees that none of those who attend his performances will feel disconnected from reality. The business speaker claims to take a purely practical approach to content. By applying valuable recommendations in practice, anyone can make the work of their subordinates more effective. Some consider such advice to be non-standard, but this does not make it any less effective. Maxim’s performances are scheduled a year and a half in advance.

In one of the interviews, the business coach frankly admitted that he had found his calling, and therefore the strength to work came naturally. No fatigue from interacting with people. On the contrary, it charges with new energy and inspires.

Batyrev attributes his success to the fact that he sleeps little, giving him more time to work. A speaker needs 4-5 hours a day. The man does not understand those who can devote 10 hours to sleep: the body does not need this at all.

What a pity that all the people who know how to run a country are already working as hairdressers or taxi drivers!

Maxim has a wife and children. Batyrev cannot devote much time to his family, but when they are together, all phones are turned off. The man strives to make every meeting with the children memorable for the most pleasant moments, giving himself one hundred percent to the children during a joint vacation. Batyrev is sure that the quality of time spent together is much more important than quantity. After all, many fathers are at home every day, without being present in the child’s life. And he devotes time to children rarely, but qualitatively, believing that this is much more honest and correct.

Batyrev is constantly developing, raising his level. It is very important that there is constant growth and improvement of professional level. But the business speaker has not yet reached his peak, and everything is ahead. At first, Maxim assumed that he would not be a speaker for a long time, but then he realized that such thoughts hinder the success of the business, which you involuntarily begin to doubt. When receiving colossal feedback, it would be stupid to have doubts that this is “not yours.”

Maxim is not arrogant and does not suffer from “star fever”, without at all feeling like a media person. When Batyrev is asked to take a photo together on the street, the man is a little embarrassed and considers such a reaction quite normal.

Among the “tattoos” mentioned in the book, the author considers discipline to be one of the most important and significant, having never met a slack person who managed to achieve a lot. Only those who can muster their will into a fist are capable of anything.

They greet you by their clothes. Yes, and they also escort you based on your clothes. Sometimes very quickly.

They call him Combat. Surely you have heard about him. If not, then it’s all the more time to get to know each other. Maxim Batyrev is one of the most effective Russian managers and the author of the best-selling book for managers “45 Manager Tattoos.” Maxim began his career as a business speaker two years ago and has also achieved impressive results here. More than 30 thousand people in almost 70 cities of Russia became students of the Battalion Combatant. At one of these intensive courses – “How to create a dream team” – “Zhazhda” managed to ask Maxim several questions.

– Maxim, the main participants in your master classes are company executives. How does the approach of business owners differ from that of hired managers?

– Firstly, owner-entrepreneurs invest their money – personal funds – into the business. Relatively speaking, they themselves can sit hungry, but they are obliged to give their employees salaries, because they are responsible for them, and they need to comply with agreements with people at any cost, otherwise they will lose their team. Although I am sure that hired managers are also responsible for what and how often their subordinates eat. But, in essence, they bear no responsibility for this.

How can hired managers really respond? Only work book. And the owner feels fully involved and always works, he has no right to be lazy and feel sorry for himself, often he does not have time to rest. Many people, even on vacation, wake up at 6 am and work, because if he doesn’t earn anything, he and his family will have nothing to eat. And there will be no money to fuel your company with investments. The hired manager may feel sorry for himself: today I have a headache, I’m “out of shape,” and the owner left for training in Moscow - I’ll leave work early. And this position is basically like this – it’s difficult to do anything about it. The owner does not have the opportunity to feel sorry for himself, forgive himself for something, and so on.

– So, approaches to management should be different?

– As for management approaches, I honestly don’t see any difference. Management Models individual entrepreneur, owner large company and the first person of the state are ideally similar - exchanging parts of themselves and their managerial energy for results. Because without investing yourself in our country you will not get results. If a manager, whether he is hired or the head of the company, does not spend himself, then nothing will work out. Both this and other management principles are described in detail in my books.

– You yourself literally a year ago decided to become an entrepreneur, having achieved impressive results as a hired top manager. How was this decision made?

– This happened through evolution. When I was at my best as an executive, I felt like I needed the next level. Who is he next? Rise above your business.

Despite the fact that I am a business speaker, along the way the Batyrev Consulting Group company was born in response to requests from people who asked to revive or set up their sales departments.

– Do you regret choosing entrepreneurship?

- Of course not. I believe that I improve the world and the people around me, the entrepreneurs with whom I share my insights and experiences. Judging by the responses, by how many people gather at trainings and master classes and how often this happens, I really do important matter. Judging by the results of my Clients’ work, success in this field is also amazing.

Feedback is what fuels people like me. And she is - simply incredible Feedback. I receive hundreds of letters of gratitude for some specific advice and recommendations. I understand that I am on my way, and I don’t even want to think otherwise, otherwise an internal somatic conflict will begin. People thank, write letters, leave happy, tickets are sold out, Clients renew contracts in 100% of cases next year, and my master class organizers plan our events a year in advance. Why should I think about what is not mine? I'm happy.

– You are training others. Are you learning at the same time?

- Of course. Let's say, due to the questions that are asked to me. Sometimes I get asked questions that make me think. I already have answers to most questions - they are repeated over and over again. And sometimes you come across ones that stimulate you to search for new answers, and you accumulate your managerial experience and put it into words. This is one of the reasons why I love questions from the audience. Thanks to some of them, some insight dawns on me.

In addition, of course, I study constantly. I definitely make time for it. Every year I go to the Nordic Business Forum in Finland - this is already a tradition. This 2-day forum features top speakers from all over the world. I also attend major Russian forums whenever possible.

I also try to look for teachers. This year I planned individual training with a specific person. But I have a very busy schedule - maybe it won’t work out. I artificially surround myself with strong people, and if I can’t reach a person, then with his books. When you have a book, you can learn a lot.

– Returning to entrepreneurship: our magazine is called “Thirst”. How would you decipher such a concept as “thirst for business”? Or maybe there is something similar in your vocabulary?

– There is a concept that I use – “healthy obsession.” When a person does not hesitate to demonstrate his concern for the goals and objectives of the company. Only if I am fanatically devoted to my work, show it without hiding it, and work hard at work, will I be able to infect people with my work in a good way. People love to work with obsessive leaders because they need a strong leader and want to follow one.

As for thirst... I would rather call it “thirst for business.” Because this phenomenon also occurs among hired managers: a person is ready to give of himself more than necessary, more than his salary. Give for the sake of the goals that stand before him and his team. And at the same time not conflict with the goals of the company. Do not bite off pieces of the company yourself, guided by selfish motives, but completely share all the values ​​and path of the organization, follow the company’s mission and fanatically drag your people along with you. Such a leader is a like-minded person of the owner. It cannot be said that he has a thirst for business - he has a thirst for results, a thirst for action.

– Can we say that this obsession is a common trait among entrepreneurs?

- For good ones - yes. For those who achieve success - absolutely. This obsession with business is one of my No. 1 five components of leadership.

There are entrepreneurs who go from, say, a salary of 30 thousand to an income of 150 thousand rubles. And everyone stops because they don’t want to spend more, they have enough for themselves and their family. They can stay at this level for 10-20 years and, in principle, not worry too much.

Such people, of course, are not obsessed - they do not want to improve the world. They just earn money to improve their social status and rise slightly above the total mass. And there are people who know that with their obsession, and therefore their activity, they truly improve the world. This may be a small world: on the scale of a city or even your own street. But they, together with their team, are making the world a better place, and each team member is involved in these changes. Small businesses must evolve, gradually turning into medium and large ones.

– Do you have to?

– I believe that the essence of any living system is development. But there is a conscious position of some young entrepreneurs who believe that they need to reach the bar and calm down. Dedicate more time to family, skiing, fishing and earn 150 thousand at the same time. Isn't that normal? But this position does not suit me.

Such entrepreneurial activity does not move the country. The people who move are those who create jobs, drag others along with them and move to the next level. And they really change something in business, in the urban environment. They create new services or products, and take entire worlds to a new quality level. The world can be small: even in a village there is a world of its own. But, if you have a motive to take your environment to a new quality level, then you are the driving force of the entire country.

- And if main motive– to make the world a better place, will the money still come?

– In entrepreneurship – they absolutely must. Although it is now fashionable to talk about flat management, about the “highest” levels of development of the organization. I don’t really agree with the idea that we should strive to delegate management decisions downwards, assign tasks to working and project groups, etc. I think this is anti-entrepreneurship. Holacracy (an organization management system in which authority and responsibility for decision-making are distributed among self-organizing teams, instead of a management hierarchy. - Ed.) has historically proven to be ineffective. I don’t believe in flat design systems and believe that a company should have a management core that constantly generates changes, new goals and drags people there.

So, if we are talking about a classic organization where there is a manager who is doing something, then the money, of course, will come. Money is always a consequence of the actions you perform. And not only a consequence, but also an assessment of your managerial activities. If you take the right ones management decisions- there will be money. If people in the company start to feel better, there will be money. If you make sure that your employees grow, there will be money. If products and services improve the world, money will definitely appear.

And if they are not there, something is wrong. This means that we need to look differently at products, services, the team, and our internal motives– what do you want to do anyway? But I believe that money is secondary.

– Do you consider yourself a tough leader?

– I probably need to clarify here. What is management essentially? This is the response of the control system to deviations from the standard. Someone was late for work, which means the manager should react to this so that everyone else doesn’t want to repeat it. Well, at least come up and wag your finger that “ay-ay-ay, it’s not customary for us to be late.” As a manager, I worked and reacted.

Someone didn’t fulfill the plan - I have to do something about it. Either punish, scold, or fire. It depends on how many times he has failed to fulfill the plan before. A subordinate attacks his immediate supervisor, goes on a “you” and calls him a goat - he needs to be protected. As a manager, I defend our standards, technologies, management decisions that we have made, as well as everything that is created by the authorities in our organization. If everything is fine - people work, are not late, fulfill the plan, then why should I be tough? I praise them, hug them, carry them in my arms, and I can even fly around the office like an airplane and say how cool everything is. That is, as a manager, I don’t work, but I rejoice at success and simply love my people. But when something starts to go wrong, I am forced as a leader to react to deviations - and here, of course, I am tough.

Until a decision has been made: we discuss, generate ideas, arrange brainstorm, we organize working groups - here I am a democrat. As soon as we made a decision, that’s it, I’m already authoritarian. Because we agreed, as it should be, we shook hands. And if something is wrong, the decision that we agreed on face to face is not implemented - excuse me, but I will be tough. And so, in general, I am kindness itself (laughs).

– What three pieces of advice would you give to an aspiring entrepreneur who wants to become a good leader?

– The first thing I will tell him: forget the words “aspiring entrepreneur”, “young leader” and so on. Managerial responsibility arises at the moment when you take people under your command. All. And if the children of your subordinates have nothing to eat, it’s your fault. Children don’t care whether you are a young entrepreneur, an aspiring leader or not. Catch up with everything at once.

The performance results of your subordinates are your management competence. And if you fail to deliver, your employees and their families suffer. And to cope, you need to pull yourself up to more high level, read, develop, communicate with experienced managers.

The second advice is not to be controlled by power and force. In management, the ability to negotiate with people is valued, and not the ability to push, order, dispose of them. Most often this does not work - for us open market labor, and if you push your people, they will leave, offended by the authorities. We need to come to an agreement. Management is, first of all, conversations.

Third, look for the answer to the question: “My team and I are working to...”. What? Because when people have the answer to this question, they understand the purpose, mission, strategy, objectives. On the territory of the post-Soviet space, the “five-year plan in 3 years” is in the blood, at the genetic level. And if people know the answer to the question “My team and I are working to...”, then they will be willing to give twice as much of themselves as if they just go to work for a paycheck. When there is a clear purpose that takes the organization and the world around it to the next level, then people truly work.

Our dossier

Maxim Batyrev (Combat), 37 years old, Moscow

Russian manager, winner of the “Commercial Director of the Year” and “Manager of the Year” awards.

According to Kommersant Publishing House, he is among the TOP 1000 managers in the country.

Maxim’s blog on Livejournal is one of the TOP 30 “money” blogs in the country.

– “45 manager tattoos”, recognized best business book of the year in the national award “Electronic Letter – 2014”, and also received the “Runet Book Prize – 2014” as the best-selling business book in Russia.

- “45 tattoos sold.”

Since 2015, he has been conducting open and corporate master classes, where he shares his practical experience with leaders of Russia and neighboring countries.

Official website of Maxim Batyrev –


– Main character trait?


– What do you value in people?

When people act towards their goals, rather than deceiving themselves.

– Which trip do you remember most?

Kamchatka. Incredible place.

– Whose master class would you go to?

Sergei Makshanov’s plans include “Philosophy of Life”.

– A gift that you remember?

I love all gifts that have meaning, subtext, some meaning for the person giving.

Main source inspiration?

The picture of the future that I envisioned for myself.

– What do you regret?

Nothing. I'm fine.

- Life rule?

Intentions minus actions equals nothing.

- In 10 years I will...

…continue to help managers move to new levels and deliver results. All my projects will be related to the development of people and companies.