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OJSC Fortum is one of the leading producers of electrical and thermal energy in the Urals and Western Siberia. OJSC "Fortum" OJSC "Fortum" represented by

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 11.04.2019

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 65

Operator location address: 123112, Moscow, emb. Presnenskaya, 10, fl. 15, room 20

Start date of personal data processing: 01.07.2005

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: Moscow, Chelyabinsk region

Purpose of processing personal data: For the purpose of: - carrying out the activities of PJSC Fortum within the framework provided for by the Charter and other local regulations, - concluding and executing contracts, incl. to which the subject of personal data is a party - regulation labor relations with employees of PJSC Fortum, incl. concluding and fulfilling obligations under employment contracts, maintaining personnel records management, assistance in finding employment for replacement applicants vacant positions, including the decision to conclude employment contract and its conditions in accordance with current legislation Russian Federation, providing employees and their close relatives with additional various types social guarantees and benefits, providing the opportunity to participate in corporate events, fulfilling the requirements of tax legislation in connection with the calculation and payment of personal income tax, as well as the unified social tax, pension legislation in the formation and presentation of personalized data about each recipient of income taken into account when calculating insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance and security, - ensuring access control.

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: 1. A person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data has been appointed. 2. A document has been developed and approved defining the policy of PJSC Fortum regarding the processing of personal data. Unrestricted access to the document is provided. 3. Local approved regulations and organizational and administrative documents regulating the security of personal data. 4. Employees of PJSC Fortum who directly process personal data are familiar with the specified documents and provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, requirements for the protection of personal data, as well as responsibility for the disclosure of personal data, violation of the procedure for handling documents containing such data, and other misconduct regarding personal data. 5. A model of threats to the security of personal data of PJSC Fortum has been developed and approved, including the characteristics of possible violators. 6. A personal data protection system has been introduced to neutralize current threats, consisting of the following means: - protection means computer technology, providing access control, integrity control, registration of security events, protection of the virtualization environment, anti-virus protection, - security control tools that provide identification and analysis of vulnerabilities associated with errors in the configuration of the OS and PC software and ISDN servers, monitoring the installation of PC and server software updates ISPDn, - network security tools that ensure protection of internetwork interaction, control of use information resources, - facilities Reserve copy and information recovery, - means of cryptographic information protection: Crypto-Pro CSP version 4.0

Categories of personal data: biometric personal data, surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, education, profession, income, health status, - citizenship, - passport data, - foreign passport data, - identification taxpayer number (TIN), - insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS), - information about family members (degree of relationship, full name, year of birth, address of permanent and (or) temporary registration, place of work and (or) study), - information about military registration, - information about the level of proficiency foreign languages, - information about certification, - information about advanced training, - information about professional retraining, - information about awards (incentives), honorary titles, - information about labor activity(start date of employment, relocation, information about incentives, information about advanced training, etc.), - information about places of work (city, name of organization, position, terms of work), - information about income ( wage, bonuses, taxes, tax deductions, social help, bank accounts), - information about transfers to another job, - information about the position and employer, - personnel number, - number and date of the employment contract, - information about vacations, - work address Email, numbers of working landlines and mobile phones, - personal contact information (email address, phone number, postal address), - information about social guarantees and compensation, - information about hobbies - other information necessary for personnel records, including, but not limited to: orders on personnel (grounds and content), information on advanced training and retraining of employees, their certification, official investigations, reports on the personnel composition of PJSC Fortum, - information about visitors collected Internet resources PJSC "Fortum" (IP address, Cookies, User Agent and other technical data transmitted by the browser, data on actions taken when using the Internet resources of PJSC "Fortum") - personal data specified by visitors in the entry forms for the Internet resources of PJSC "Fortum" Fortum" and attached documents.

Categories of subjects whose personal data is processed: - individuals who are in civil law and other contractual relations with PJSC Fortum - individuals who are representatives (employees) of contractors of PJSC Fortum - employees who are in contractual relations with PJSC Fortum - family members and relatives PJSC employees"Fortum", - applicants for vacant positions, - visitors, - users of Internet resources of PJSC "Fortum".

List of actions with personal data: Collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission by internal network legal entity, with transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for processing personal data: Guided by: 1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation, 2. Federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, 3. Charter of PJSC Fortum, 4. Civil Code Russian Federation, 5. Tax Code of the Russian Federation, 6. Labor Code Russian Federation, 7. Federal Law dated 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ “On Accounting”, 8. Federal Law dated 02.05.2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”, 9. Federal Law dated 06.03. 2006 No. 35-FZ “On Countering Terrorism”, 10. Federal Law of December 28, 2010 No. 390-FZ “On Security”, 11. Federal Law of December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ “On State pension provision in the Russian Federation" 12. Federal Law of July 21, 2011 No. 256-FZ "On the safety of fuel and energy complex facilities"

Availability of cross-border transmission: Yes

Database location information: Russia

1. Provides the Company’s ongoing investment projects with equipment, materials and related services, within the entrusted nomenclature group of equipment, in full in accordance with production needs and Project schedules;
2. Processes and prepares for publication requests for technical and commercial proposals for the supply of equipment, materials and related services, within the entrusted range of equipment planned for purchase as part of the implementation investment projects based on the approved application and technical specifications;
3. Together with technical specialists, creates a list of potential suppliers/partners and determines possible sources of supply;
4. Monitors the compliance of the quality of supplied equipment, materials and related services, within the entrusted nomenclature group of equipment, with the requirements of investment projects implemented by the Company;
5. Selects suppliers of equipment, materials, and related services, within the entrusted nomenclature group of equipment, to be purchased as part of the implementation of investment projects on the basis of an approved application and Technical Specifications in accordance with approved regulatory documents; as well as equipment, materials and related services to be purchased within the framework of operational projects, the procurement of which is within the competence of the PIZ in accordance with the Department of Responsibilities Division Matrix;
6. Administers concluded contracts and ensures, within the boundaries of the department’s responsibility, proper fulfillment by the supplier of contractual obligations in terms of quantity, completeness and delivery time, availability technical documentation, proper execution of shipping and shipping documents, packaging, labeling and insurance, organization of inspection and factory testing, organization of acceptance, delivery, installation, adjustment, testing, commissioning of equipment supplied to the Company’s facilities, training of local personnel, execution warranty obligations, control of payments for supplied equipment, materials and services;
8. Provides organization of warranty Maintenance equipment, materials within the entrusted nomenclature group of equipment purchased by the Investment Procurement Department;
9. Forms and updates databases of suppliers and historical data on purchases of equipment, materials, and related services, as well as generates reporting documents on the selection of suppliers and the administration of concluded contracts;
10. Develops and agrees on unified conditions/regulations for the selection of suppliers

1. Higher education
2. Experience in the construction of large energy facilities within the structure of the customer or general contractor
3. Experience in purchasing equipment, materials, services (in particular construction and installation works)
4. English - upper-intermediate

1. Place of work: Nyagan (construction project of NGRES, where Fortum acts as a customer)
2. Payment for travel and accommodation
3. Medical insurance
4. Accident insurance
5. Preferential insurance

Open Joint-Stock Company Fortum, formerly known as OJSC Territorial Generating Company No. 10 (abbreviated as OJSC TGK-10), is the largest energy generating company in the Urals and Western Siberia. The Company's production assets are located in the Chelyabinsk and Tyumen regions, and the central office is located in Chelyabinsk.

History of development

The creation of OJSC TGC-10 was preceded by global reforms in the Russian energy market related to the reorganization of OJSC RAO UES Russia. By 2006, the restructuring of Territorial Generating Company No. 10 was completed after the assets of the Tyumen and Chelyabinsk regenerating companies were merged. In the spring of 2008, the Finnish concern Fortum, represented by its subsidiary Fortum Russia B.V. carried out a transaction to acquire a controlling stake in TGC-10. After a year, the Company changed its name to Fortum.

In 2010, the Company officially recorded its obligations to the state regarding the implementation of the investment program designed until 2014. As part of this program, in the winter of 2011, a new (second) PGU-190 was put into operation at the Tyumen CHPP-1, and in the summer the third PGU (216.3 MW) was launched at the Chelyabinsk CHPP-3. In the autumn of the same year, the K-110 turbine (+213 MW) at the Tobolsk Thermal Power Plant began operating.

Production figures

The structure of the Company's production capacity is represented by nine power plants. At the same time, five power plants (Argayashskaya CHPP, Chelyabinsk CHPP-1, Chelyabinsk CHPP-2, Chelyabinsk CHPP-3 and Chelyabinskaya GRES) are united into the Ural Energy System - Chelyabinsk Region, three (Tobolsk CHPP, Tyumen CHPP-1 and CHPP-2) are united to the Western Siberia Energy System - Tyumen Region. The most modern Nyaganskaya GRES - KHMAO-YUGRA, which is still at the construction stage, operates separately. The operation of heating networks in Chelyabinsk and Tyumen is ensured subsidiary company"Ural Heating Network Company".

The total rate of electricity generation of all production assets of the Company is 4250 MW, and heat energy – 11.8 thousand MW. When generating energy at the Company's production facilities, it is primarily used natural gas, and only some power plants are also capable of operating on coal - their specific gravity is 5%.

The power and electricity generated by Fortum OJSC are supplied to the Russian wholesale market, and thermal energy is supplied to consumers through Ural Heating Network Company OJSC on the regional retail market.

Investment program

Since 2010, JSC Fortum has been implementing an officially agreed investment program, within the framework of which the construction of modern generating capacities is being carried out. In total, by 2014, Fortum Corporation intends to invest 2.5 billion euros in the development of its Russian project. The result of the investment program will be an increase in power plant capacity to 5200 MW, which is 85% higher than in 2010.

The investment program includes 5 projects, three of which were completed in 2011. The intermediate result is the introduction of new generating capacity in the amount of 600 MW. In the spring of 2013, the first power unit with a capacity of 420.9 MW was put into operation at the very modern power plant– Nyaganskaya State District Power Plant, and in December 2013, operation of the second power unit (424 MW) began. The third power unit of the Nyagan State District Power Plant will be completed by the end of 2014. The fifth project is the construction of 2 power units at the Chelyabinsk State District Power Plant (+ 500 MW), their completion is expected in the first half of 2015.

Shareholders and management

As of September 30, 2013, the Company’s authorized capital amounted to 1,461 million rubles. Share capital formed by ordinary registered shares in the amount of 880.387 thousand pieces. Shareholders - Fortum concern represented by its subsidiary Fortum Russia B.V. (94.51%), DKT LLC is the nominal holder (3.0430%).

Chairman of the Board of Directors - Kuula Tapio Teuvo, CEO- Alexander Chuvaev.