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Basic types and principles of copywriting. Basics of online copywriting What rules of communication with the customer should be followed

What is meant by the basics of copywriting? What are the basics of copywriting?

These are some principles and rules that a copywriter should follow.

IN modern internet The concept of “Copywriter” has “spread” quite a lot.

Anyone who has written two or three paragraphs already calls himself a copywriter. On low-quality content exchanges, everyone also calls themselves copywriters...

What does a novice copywriter need to know? What theses should stick in his head?

  1. Always improve your skills
  2. Study new literature on copywriting
  3. Don’t take on cheap work; cheap work is always more trouble than it’s worth.
  4. Look for regular customers
  5. Gradually increase the price for your work. (If this year you type 1000 characters for 50 rubles, then set yourself a goal, for example, in a year, to find customers who will pay you not 50, but already 100 rubles.)
  6. There is no such thing as too much self-education. Attend seminars and conferences that discuss copywriting issues.
  7. Make new acquaintances in this area. This will allow you to improve, as there will be healthy competition.

Friends, I consider these theses to be the basics of copywriting. I'm not claiming copywriter of the year, but I always try to adhere to the above principles.

Let's talk in more detail about the basics of copywriting!

A copywriter, to put it bluntly, is a person who writes texts that encourage the people who read them to purchase the product described in them.

But it's not that simple. Copywriting, as a combination of creative and business, dry and joyful, is a special part of art. It is located where they merge into one whole business relationship and a friendly attitude towards people.

We will try to at least in general terms reveal the essence and principles of copywriting, and the basics of copywriting.

Who is a copywriter and why does he carry out his activities? Which part of a person’s personality must be most developed in order for him to become a successful executor of sales texts?

After all, this way of doing business on the Internet is probably as risky as playing on the stock exchange.

A copywriter is a psychologist

The main purpose of copywriting is not only advertising. In conditions modern life, when the Internet penetrates deeper into our lives, it becomes necessary to promote resources to the forefront. This is the so-called SEO promotion.

And the most reliable way was and remains unique, interesting and useful content for people.

What can give such a result?

First of all, the title. It should interest the reader. There must be intrigue in it. When writing a headline, you should put yourself in the reader's shoes.

In general, such a psychological technique is important throughout the writing of an article, note or slogan.

The title can be selected based on what is on this moment people are most interested in. People most often search for phrases on the Internet that begin with the words “how..” and “what is..”, and further down the list.

By starting your title with these words, you can halfway attract the reader to your article.

Despite the abundance of phrases like “ololo”, “chotko”, and other “padonkaff” delights circulating on the global network, people still prefer to read in Russian. Or in English.

Need I say that it must be unique?

That is, composed at this time and not published anywhere. The main text should be preceded by a short, two hundred characters, abstract. This should be an introductory text, partly revealing a given topic, and partly describing a more general topic, or even a general topic that only slightly intersects with the main topic.

For example, if you are writing about dog breeds, the introductory summary at the beginning may begin about ancient man and how he needed a dog in his constant struggle with the outside world for survival. You can briefly describe the mysticism of the canine family and mention the famous Hound of the Baskervilles...

And end with a question (what led to the creation of the breed) for or a result (this is how such and such a breed of dog appeared).

Search engines focus not only on the relevance and importance of texts, but also on the location of keywords in them. Density, that is, the percentage of occurrence relative to the entire vocabulary volume of the article should be 2-3%.

As a rule, a keyword or “keyword” is close in dictionary content to the title of the article. Ideally, these are one and the same.

Note that people type most often in a search engine, not paying attention to logic, literacy and case agreement. This often leads to the fact that completely unreadable texts come out on top in search engines. But it won't last long.

A real copywriter writes for people. And he selects keywords so that they are positioned as needed. And so that readers enjoy reading.

After all, in the end, resources with such beautiful articles attract a constant part of the audience, providing constant reliable information.

It is enough to know, and you will be able to write quite good texts that will get into the TOPs.

It is necessary to break the article into paragraphs of 3-7 sentences each. Of course, they all must be connected in meaning. Also, sentences should not have an excess of words and punctuation marks.

It is better if the text looks like a beautiful, casual speech. No frills or frills. In this way, a dialogue can be formed between the writer and the reader.

However, it is worth knowing that copywriting is not exactly what it means to work on the Internet - typing. This is a completely different type of activity. It requires more perseverance and precision than creativity. Although the latter will never hurt.

Like any other person in the arts, a copywriter has an epiphany. At this moment, he gets down to work and does it with an A plus. Sometimes there is no insight. And then you either have to laboriously create it, or create it without it.

Instead of inspiration, inductive thinking comes to the aid of the copywriter.

Based on the many facts collected from various sources of information, the author makes one, the most correct and logical conclusion.

So, there is a desire to write an article that people need and is convenient for search robots. Creativity is broken down into four stages.

  • The first is collecting information about the intended topic from all necessary sources. This could be personal knowledge, Internet sites, newspaper publications, mother's stories.
  • The second is analysis. The most difficult one. Comparing all the knowledge gained and extracting the essence from them is not easy. But it's still possible. At this stage, it is important to look for differences and similarities in information sources. And when they are found, they must be grouped. Conflicting sources should be studied especially carefully. This is where deduction and logic come into play. They will help you find the right answer.
  • The third stage is conclusion. It is done by the author. The copywriter himself brings a bit of his thoughts and feelings even into a dry scientific model of the text. He must remember this. After all, a correctly composed text can push the reader to take certain actions. And if the author has such a good command of words, he should be careful.
  • And the fourth The final stage- confirmation of everything collected, analyzed and summarized. The author must find something that will confirm his conclusion on the essence of the topic and personal opinion. Then the article will remain unbiased and complete...

The symbiosis of psychology and creativity with the obligatory hard work and desire to make the text useful for people will certainly give results and allow the copywriter to avoid many mistakes.

And it doesn’t matter what knowledge the author has about the topic being covered. With a proper, responsible approach to his creative work, he will be able to describe the essence of any problem, each task.

And he will do it even better than a seasoned specialist in this field. Because a copywriter, as a creative person, is free from cliches and cliches.

Of course, this is impossible if a person does not know anything about the basics of copywriting.

Copywriting Basics and How to Write a Great Article!

This truth may be somewhat shocking to you, but professional copywriters are not born, they are made. And this does not at all depend on what type of articles we have in mind - opinion articles, reports, e-books or anything else. The basics of copywriting are essential... I would say vital for your website. And for you, of course.

Believe me, those whom you now admire and whose immortal creations you read and listen to, themselves once understood nothing about copywriting and the mere thought that they needed to put something on paper horrified them.

But this did not scare them and they eventually became what they are now. This shouldn't scare you either.

My goal is to kill this fear in you and give you some effective advice on the basics of copywriting, in order to destroy all stereotypes and obstacles on the path of doubt, torment and lack of self-belief. So that you turn from ordinary people who are afraid to put simple thoughts on paper into real professional copywriters.

These tips, which cover all the necessary basics of copywriting, have already helped many and will definitely help you too if you take the matter seriously. You don’t need to come up with any excuses, you just need to take it and apply it.

The path to writing professional articles, e-books, and reports is not as difficult and long as it might seem.

So, are you ready? Are you nodding? Then let's begin!

1. Know your audience carefully.

You write not for yourself (your beloved), but for those to whom you want to convey your creation. Let’s remember all the basics of copywriting and get started.

Therefore, look at each of your publications through the eyes of your readers. Who are your readers? What are they doing? What do they want from life? How can your article help them? What are their pressing problems to solve? The more questions, the more ready-made answers that will ultimately give you insight into your audience and their needs.

If you answer these questions, your article will be practically “swallowed.”

What I mean. Every day you are puzzled by some problems and questions. Give them free rein without judging or making decisions. This process is otherwise called conjecture.

Problems infect the brain with unprecedented dynamics and open the way to logical thinking.

There are often times when you sit down to write, but you can’t squeeze out even a measly line. This is a lack of mood or otherwise inspiration.

And it happens that thoughts themselves fly into your head like from a machine gun, have time to catch and write them down.

Don't miss such moments! Catch them! Drop everything and focus on the process.

And try to remember the circumstances and reasons that gave rise to such fruitful creativity. This analysis of conditions will save you time and effort in the future.

4. Make a draft. Make a step-by-step plan.

This is very important if you want to succeed in writing really high-quality texts.

Professionals often do this. They simply take the idea for an article and make a plan for writing it, draw a sketch of the future article, and make the first notes.

At this stage, you should not worry about grammatical or spelling errors; you will correct them later.

The main thing now is to outline a short written plan and start writing them in a short, non-detailed version.

Copywriters often become overwhelmed by a lack of information, realizing that they simply have nothing more to say. To avoid this, study the topic you want to write about in more detail.

Read books, watch films, ask knowledgeable people, surf the Internet. These developments will help you both in the writing process and in terms of finding unique information that will make your Internet more valuable and readable.

6. Edit your draft!

After the draft is written, put it aside for a couple of days so that the feeling of authorship is somewhat dulled. If this is not done, the article will seem more perfect than it actually is.

If you put it aside for a week and return to it again, you will find that you are reading it more as an outside reader than as an author. This will open up most, if not all, of the gaps in your masterpiece.

Now you can correct all stylistic, grammatical, lexical, spelling and other errors.

If you already have a more or less working version of the article, find someone who can objectively evaluate it. But be careful, people who love us are unlikely to be too critical of you and objective of the article, therefore, it is better not to say that the creation is yours or to give it to a complete stranger, so as not to feel as if they did not want to offend you.

In this situation, there is a greater chance that a friend will appreciate the article and point out the mistakes that you made and, even worse, those that were not noticed during the editing process.

After this, of course, amendments should be made if you really think that the comments were appropriate.

Again? - you ask. Yes! I don't know where these errors and inaccuracies come from, but even after a second, detailed review and correction, they are happy to appear.

As an example, I want to talk about the method of the American writer Stephen King, who makes 2 draft versions of his book and then the same number of white ones.

In the first case, he writes as if from a machine gun, so as not to lose the thought and sense of the dynamics of what is happening with his characters, not paying attention to mistakes and not particularly caring about a detailed description.

In the second version of the draft, he edits, corrects errors, inaccuracies and inconsistencies.

Then he rewrites it from the point of view of a simple reader, having first forgotten about the book for a couple of weeks.

And in the fourth version, he shortens his book by at least 10% so that it is easier to read and less detailed.

On average, King’s novel is 300-350 pages long. Your task is much easier.

Situations may arise when you need the help of a specialist to ensure the accuracy of the article. For the most part, this happens when the article requires detailed information, certain specific facts, or expert opinion.

Don't hesitate to contact the experts. That's why they are created to help you with advice or opinion.

There's nothing wrong with not knowing everything. If you think otherwise, then the excessive “coolness” of your article will only be to the detriment of its quality.

10. Use the masterpiece for its intended purpose.

So, the article eBook or a series of letters for distribution are ready.

All that remains is to gain positivity and convey it to your readers. Don’t worry that something didn’t work out, that your work will be underestimated and torn to smithereens.

You did your best. Time to reap the benefits!

Well... That's all the simple secrets. Apply these copywriting basics in your practice and you will succeed!

Greetings, dear readers of Vasily Blinov is in touch and in this article I want to tell you where I started in copywriting and give some recommendations on how to become a copywriter from scratch. In the previous article, we looked at it and found out that this work is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Not everyone can learn copywriting and become a professional copywriter. In general, only a few survive at the formation stage, some merge, returning to comfortable work in the office, others change their field of activity. Some people don’t even manage to find the first order and try their hand.

Therefore, today I will also touch on issues with searching for first orders and vacancies on the Internet, I'll give step by step instructions what a beginner needs to do. At the end, you will be able to ask your questions if anything is unclear.

How to learn to write and become a copywriter from scratch

Let's start with small steps that will help you understand what copywriting is, learn the basics and basic skills, find your first orders and begin to gain experience in writing good selling and informational texts.

Answer the question: WHY?

Always, before taking on any business, I look for the answer to the question: why do I need this?

Decide for yourself why you want to become a copywriter? What will this give you? Is it worth it? Make a decision.

You can write the text yourself for free, but who will tell you what is right and what is wrong in it. Therefore, it is better to turn to professionals.

Find the first simple orders

The best place to start your search is with freelance exchanges for copywriters. Exchanges are a tool that brings together customers and performers. On them you can find tasks of any complexity, from writing simple articles for the site and reviews, to complex sales series of letters for sales funnels.

Here you can safely take these orders and not be afraid that you will be deceived. Of course, if everything is done according to the rules of these services.

I don’t advise you to grab expensive orders right away; start with simple and inexpensive ones. These could be articles for the website, comments, reviews, text rewriting, descriptions of products in an online store, posts for social media. networks.

Write articles to sell

When I took a copywriting course, we had the following slogan: “Not a day without a line,” and from that moment on I write almost every day. While you are looking for orders on exchanges, start writing articles for sale.

Some exchanges have so-called article stores, where you can post a finished article on any topic.

List of sites where you can sell articles:

These articles are also well bought by webmasters, but the prices for them are low.

Become a versatile copywriter

Try to take papers on different topics and learn to write about everything. Generalists are valued much higher than specialists in a narrow topic, especially in projects with large volumes of content.

Start collecting your portfolio

When completing your first orders, save the texts with which you will fill your portfolio. Ask clients where articles are posted and copy links to them in your portfolio.

When a dozen works have accumulated, you can clean it and leave only the best. You can also add not only completed work to your portfolio, but also customer reviews of cooperation with you. In the following articles, I think we will talk more about how best to create a portfolio for a copywriter.

Build a customer base and look for customers yourself

Exchanges are the starting point for a remote worker. Don’t plan to look for orders for them all your life; the most interesting and cool vacancies are looked for on your own. To do this, you just need to think about who needs your copywriting services and where you would like to work.

Perhaps you have already been lucky and have pulled out large regular customers from the exchanges. This happens often. Therefore, build relationships with absolutely every employer and collect a client base so that they contact you directly next time.

Where to work as a copywriter on the Internet

For beginners, I will give a few examples of where you can get a high-paying position in the future. If you also become a universal copywriter, capable of writing on different topics, then there will be no price for you.

  • Copywriting agencies
  • News portals
  • Various online magazines, content projects
  • Author's blogs (like mine)
  • Training centers
  • Communities in in social networks

Almost any major portal or blog has an offer to become the author of a project or write an article. If you go down now, you will see the “Submit an article” button, followed by the conditions and an offer of cooperation with the authors. You can become an author on my blog and make good money.

Some sites may not have such an offer, but if you see that it is developing and some articles are published on it, then you can safely find contacts and write them your offer. As the creator of several content projects, I can confirm that there are really few good authors.

Improve your skills and knowledge

Working on a computer remotely requires special skills. For example, I know that for some it is very difficult to get ready for work at home; you need to develop the skill of focusing on a task and be able to concentrate.

It will also be very useful to master a skill such as touch typing; it will allow you to increase your typing speed and keep up with the speed of your thoughts. Sometimes when you type quietly, you forget what you wanted to say.

Increase the cost of your services

Well, the last step is to increase prices for your work. When your work begins to be in demand and clients come back again and again, start raising the price tag. Don't be shy about asking those you've worked with for a long time to increase their pay.

Focus on higher paying orders. When you already have experience, you yourself will understand how to act.


In conclusion, I want to say only one thing, in order to become a good copywriter from scratch, you need to write a lot and analyze your creations. Look at the reaction and feedback from readers. Take negative criticism as a lesson to be learned and not repeated.

If you have anything to add to this article, write in the comments. I will be very glad to see your opinion and experience. Good luck to everyone.

Hello! Today we will talk about copywriting and a profession that will allow a beginner to earn money, realize himself as an author and give freedom of expression and financial independence.

What is copywriting

In our time of rapidly developing technologies and a large amount of information, everyone has probably already heard or read about copywriting, but not everyone knows exactly what this term means and where it came from.

Copywriting This is a type of professional activity for writing and publishing any texts (selling, informational, etc.) that the customer needs.

If we talk about the history of copywriting, it began long before the Internet appeared. Barkers on the street, successful sellers of various goods are the first representatives of copywriters who create effective selling texts.

Now let’s move smoothly from the past to the present and find out what the purpose of copywriting on the Internet is. To keep users’ attention on the page, the owner must ensure that it is filled with quality material that is not only interesting, but also useful to study.

If the owner of a resource wants to increase traffic to his sites, fill them with high-quality and relevant material, SEO copywriting comes to his aid.
Unlike the usual one, it contains special words, the so-called “keys”, which are written into the text evenly and meaningfully, in addition, they are placed in certain parts of the text.

Many resource owners fill their sites with information themselves (if they have the right amount of time and the ability to write texts).

But there is another way out: turn to professionals in your field.

Copywriters can create not only texts, but also product descriptions, advertising slogans, advertising texts of various nature.

Important information: the term “copyrite” meaning copyright and the word copywriting are not the same concept!

The future of copywriting

Gradually, texts will be written not just for promotion, but for the person. And there is a colossal difference between these types of texts. For example: either a person who works in a specific field of activity can write material to help a person, or the customer initially provides the author with as much information as possible.

The second option is rarely implemented if cooperation is carried out through an exchange.

What is the bottom line? It's quite simple. Changes in the field of copywriting will definitely happen. And the only way to prepare for changes is to find your niche in this direction and engage in training and self-education.

Types of copywriting

Content specialists distinguish several types of copywriting, and a professional in his field must master them in a comprehensive manner.

So, more about the types:

  • Rewriting;
  • SEO copywriting;
  • Selling articles;
  • Speechwriting.

Rewriting – Simply put, this is a retelling of what you read in your own words. For the customer, this is a way to save money, but such materials are not always convenient for the average reader.

SEO-copywriting – as already mentioned, such articles differ from others in the presence of keywords by which users find the necessary materials. The purpose of writing and posting them is to increase sales and the number of visits to the resource.

Speechwriting – writing speeches for politicians, businessmen, show business stars. Authors of professionally written speeches often receive high and responsible positions in various fields of activity.

Having considered these types of copywriting, you need to understand that writing articles is an opportunity to further grow professionally. In addition, if a person is well-read, educated, and speaks well, he will be able to write interesting and useful articles that will be in demand.

There are several types of copywriting. This makes it possible to work in different directions. But you need to remember that in any material you need to include your vision of the topic, and be able to put yourself in the place of the person who will read it. And you should always ask yourself one question: Am I interested in reading this article? If the answer is yes, then you are on the right track.

Copywriting Basics

Thousands of new users appear on the global network every day. In addition to various information, many of them are looking for.

Having walked around the vast expanses, having tried himself in different directions, the user sees in front of him the mysterious and incomprehensible word “copywriting”.

From this moment the fun begins. In our country there are fewer specialists in this field than in Western countries, and there is even less sensible literature.

Where to start and how to take the first step, we’ll talk further.

  1. Decide on a topic, and then work and write a lot. Yes, you will have to work a lot. This is the only way to develop the necessary professional skills and find stable customers. A copywriter needs to work especially hard at the very beginning of his journey, because competition in this market is only growing, and beginners are ready to write for almost nothing.
  2. Improve your professional level. Study literature and other materials, since they are publicly available on the Internet.
  3. Write in such a way that people want to read your material. To become in demand in your profession, you need to write, first of all, for people, and only then for search engines. If the customer and users like the materials you write, traffic to the resource will increase, and therefore your income as an author.
  4. Don't be afraid to take orders high level difficulties. This will allow you to develop and improve yourself.
  5. Approach texts outside the box. A creative approach to work is half the success.

Of course, these tips only set the direction in which to move, and are not the ultimate truth.

Now let's talk a little about what rules you should follow.

Copywriting for beginners

At the very beginning of writing articles, drawing up a plan will provide serious assistance in your work. The basis of any material will be simple circuit: introduction, main part and conclusion. At the same time, there is no need to make the introduction large; it simply introduces the reader to what the article is about.

The body should be divided into paragraphs, each of which should contain a new idea. This will make it easier for the author to navigate the text, and easier for readers to perceive the material.

The conclusion serves as a kind of generalization of everything that is said in the article. Its volume is usually small, literally 4-5 sentences, or even less.

What rules of communication with the customer should you follow?

This part of our material is written specifically for inexperienced, new authors who often overlook this important part of the work:

  • If necessary, know how to answer “No.” There is no need to work to the detriment of yourself, your health or personal life;
  • Do not take more orders than you can fulfill;
  • Value your time and the customer’s time;
  • Talk directly about payment for your work;
  • If you need to clarify anything, please contact the customer. It’s better to spend time on this than to completely redo everything later;
  • If for various reasons you cannot submit the material on time, it is better to ask for an extension than to send material that you want to throw in the trash in the first minutes of reading. We are all people and if the reason is significant, they will meet you halfway;
  • Do not position yourself as an all-knowing guru; it is impossible to know and be able to do everything, but looking stupid, pretending to be an expert, is a very real prospect;
  • Don't be afraid to take on large amounts of work. To have a decent one, write 8-10,000 characters a day.

How to make money from copywriting or the financial side of the issue

If a copywriter begins his activity through an exchange (and it is difficult for new authors to avoid this), the price for his services will be calculated at a minimum at first. A beginning author can expect a price of 20 to 50 rubles per thousand characters without spaces. This is not a huge amount of money, but as experience is gained, prices also increase.

There are website owners who prefer to cooperate only with those copywriters whose quality of texts does not raise any questions at all. But the pay in this category is much higher. In this case, the customer is willing to pay for quality. Professional copywriters can write at a rate of 100 rubles per thousand characters, but this is not the maximum figure.

In principle, you can earn from 10,000 rubles a month to 2-3 thousand dollars from copywriting. And if your place of residence is a region in which the largest wage 15-25,000 rubles and not everyone pays it, copywriting is a great way to earn good money.

Review of popular exchanges for copywriters

Let's look at several of the most popular exchanges for copywriters, where you can earn stable income.

For a more visual presentation of the material, we will present the list of exchanges in the form of a table, and also compare them according to some criteria.

Table 1. Analysis of exchanges for copywriters

As can be seen from the table, all of these exchanges have certain requirements for their authors. Some are softer, some are tougher. One has only to say that working on the stock exchange in any case is experience, the acquisition of new skills and abilities, as well as the opportunity for growth if the author writes really well.

Now let's move on to important point: let’s analyze the positive and negative aspects of copywriting.

Pros and cons of copywriting

Copywriting, like any other activity, has its positive and negative sides. They are worth considering in more detail, which is what we will do now.


  • Copywriting is a promising field of activity. The author has virtually unlimited opportunities for professional growth;
  • Ability to work from anywhere in the world where there is Internet;
  • Development of horizons and acquisition of new knowledge;
  • Not a bad income.

It is quite possible to make a living just by writing articles. Of course, it depends on what type of service it is in your city average salary and what are your needs.


  • This type of income is not suitable for everyone. If your neighbor Vasya earned money by copywriting for a car, it doesn’t mean that you can do it too, even if you wrote school essays with great difficulty;
  • High level of competition;
  • You need to constantly educate yourself, these are modern realities.

We can say that if you like to write, you clearly formulate thoughts and can transfer them to paper (or Word), copywriting is for you. And in any case, in order to draw conclusions, you need to try, so that it doesn’t turn out like in the old movie: “I haven’t read this book, but I condemn it.”

Therefore, dare, take risks, look for yourself! I wish you success!

Previously, people thought that it was almost impossible to make money on the Internet. Internet users had great difficulty wrapping their head around the fact that they could work and receive payment for their work without leaving home. But times are changing, and now almost every network user has at least once tried to earn something on the Internet. For some, this became a one-time attempt, while others turned it into a source of main income.

Nowadays, this type of income as copywriting is gaining more and more popularity. He represents work related to writing unique original texts.

Pros and cons of business

Pros of copywriting

This type of activity, such as copywriting, is available to almost every person who is familiar with the rules of the Russian language. The main set of qualities of a copywriter are literacy, creativity and desire to write your own texts. If you had problems with presentations and essays at school, then it’s still better not to take on this task, but to choose something else. A copywriter must be a humanitarian.

A significant advantage for copywriters is that they can independently set their own work week with the required number of working days and weekends. At the same time, there is a small catch here, because you need to fight your own laziness. Therefore, this type of activity requires self-discipline and organization. Thanks to these qualities, you can really start working (and earn good money), and not waste your time simply hanging out on the Internet and drinking coffee.

Another undoubted advantage is the opportunity for self-realization. A copywriter is, first of all, a creative and creative person. The author should not just write articles, but make them truly creative and useful for people. This can significantly increase self-esteem and give vent to creativity.

Cons of copywriting

The downside is that it can be very difficult for beginners in this business. Firstly, this is payment. It can be obscenely low, which is why a beginner essentially earns pennies. For the first month, a beginner’s income can range from 300 to 1000 rubles. If a novice copywriter works every day with a more or less intense workload (even taking orders at minimum prices), his monthly income can range from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles. In most cases, a permanent and stable income appears with the arrival of experience and regular customers.

To do this, you need to work as hard and as fruitfully as possible in order to establish yourself. A more or less accomplished copywriter can receive from 10 to 20 thousand per month.

Another disadvantage is that it is more difficult for a newbie to get orders. Customers give their preference to those performers who have the necessary qualifications, a higher rating and, of course, a portfolio. The presence of works is an integral part of the author, since when viewing them, the customer can evaluate the level of skill of the employee. Thanks to this portfolio, you can even find a certain circle of customers at the initial stage, providing yourself with a stable income.


Copywriting is not only Additional income, but also a lot of experience. Nowadays a large number of websites of various companies are being created on the Internet. It is important for each of them to have their own content manager who will fill the site with original texts.

A professional copywriter can make money not only on content exchanges, but also on his own websites.

Copywriting Basics

As mentioned above, copywriting requires certain knowledge and skills. Knowledge of the Russian language must be at a decent level, since texts with a large number of errors can cause not only bad reputation, but also lack of income.

You can get detailed information about the basis of this field of activity and learn how to write texts by watching this video:

How to make money from articles

Every successful website needs original, unique articles in large quantities. If the webmaster monitors the site, adding unique and timely up-to-date information, his site will be popular, bringing the owner a stable income.

Based on this, we can conclude: if there are no new unique articles on the site, then there are no visitors. Each webmaster has dozens of sites that need a large number of fresh articles every day, for which site owners are willing to pay money.

Where can a copywriter submit his articles?

There are special exchanges for buying and selling copyrighted articles on the Internet. As a rule, most exchanges work primarily with customers who place an order for a specific topic and send it to the main feed. In this feed, performers leave requests for work to be completed. Then the customer selects a contractor who meets all the requirements.

Other exchanges, on the contrary, work primarily with sales finished articles. Some exchanges can combine work with orders and sale of articles.

Its varieties


Copywriting is writing your own original text on a given topic. Moreover, you need to write an article from scratch. This concerns preparing information for text, formatting it, and presenting it with your own thoughts. At first glance, it seems that copywriting is rated much higher than, for example, rewriting.

To be honest, the price difference between copywriting and rewriting is not that big. High payment for work primarily depends on the professionalism and experience of the author.


Rewriting is rewriting the original text in your own words, which is priced slightly cheaper than regular copywriting. Sometimes a rewriter does not need to look for material for an article, since the customers themselves provide links to the source text with which to work.

If it comes to deep rewriting, then the performer needs to independently search for information, using several sources and come up with a unique title. Such work should be rated higher than regular rewrite. Some customers do not focus on this and price a deep rewrite at the price of a regular one.

SEO copywriting

SEO copywriting - writing text with the addition of key search queries. Usually in text key phrases are highlighted in bold or colored font.

This type of work requires the author to be able to clearly track the number of keywords in the article. The performer needs to correctly place key phrases in the text, taking into account the grammatical component. Therefore, before accepting an order marked “SEO copywriting”, you need to be sure that the text will be readable (since sometimes there are complex key phrases, such as “sauna guest house project”).

How to start working, what you need for this

  1. First you need to select a content exchange and register on it.
  2. Next, you should choose a topic or topics that the copywriter is well versed in and can write high-quality articles.
  3. Then you need to select several articles for your portfolio. A portfolio is the author’s face, which will attract the attention of potential customers.
  4. After preparing it, you can start writing articles. To begin with, it is recommended to take not too large orders, choosing small ones, the volume of which averages from 1500 to 3000 characters. For a beginner, the price of such orders can be from 5-10 rubles per 1000 characters. As soon as the rating rises a little, you can start taking more expensive orders with prices starting from 25 rubles per 1000 characters. The most important thing is to establish yourself well.
  5. If you wish, you can write articles for sale. At the very beginning of work, prices can be set from 10 to 15 rubles per 1000 characters, a little later - from 25-30 rubles.

Popular exchanges


Advego appeared on the market in March 2008, successfully taking its place in the ranking of the most popular content exchanges. The specifics of the exchange's work include promoting and describing goods and services, commenting on forums and social networks, creating SEO texts and much more.

In the order feed you can find a large number of available and simple work. Orders that have high prices are mostly whitelisted, so a novice contractor will have to make an effort great effort to prove your skills.

The exchange has developed its own program for checking the uniqueness of the text “Advego Plagiatus”.


Today it is the oldest content exchange, as well as leader among sites for selling articles. The advantage of the exchange is that authors can sell articles at adequate and decent prices. The exchange operates an author rating system.


Another platform for performers and customers. It is much easier for beginners to establish themselves here than on other exchanges. In the feed you can find orders that are aimed specifically at beginner performers. The exchange is known the lowest prices.

The exchange has a chat where you can ask questions to moderators or chat with users. The reputation of performers and customers is determined by reviews, ratings, white and black lists, as well as the presence of qualification levels (stars). The most expensive orders are aimed at performers with a high rating and extensive work experience.

Just like Advego, ETXT has developed its own program for checking the uniqueness of the text “Etxt anti-plagiarism”. Withdrawals from the site are carried out within 5 working days, urgent withdrawals occur within 24 hours.

How much can you earn from this?

The average copywriting price per 1000 characters fluctuates at the following level:

  • Rewriting – 15-20 rubles per 1000 characters;
  • Copywriting – 30-60 rubles per 1000 characters;
  • SEO copywriting – 70-100 rubles per 1000 characters;
  • Articles for sale – 25-30 rubles per 1000 characters.

Copywriting is a type of activity that can become not only an additional, but also the main type of income with the right approach to the matter.

Huge information space The Internet gives copywriters endless opportunities for career growth and development. Someone chooses for themselves the path of a universal author and writes without limiting themselves to topics and types of texts. Some commercial writers prefer to work in a specific niche segment.

Let's first figure out what types of copywriting are most in demand in the article market, and then formulate general principles, on the basis of which any text material is created.

Types of copywriting

When we talk about the types of this activity, we mean not only thematic niches, but also some areas of copywriting that authors use in their work. If we talk about topics, many of them require from the creator of texts not only a certain style and professional training, but also a significant level of competence in their field. Of course, you can try writing on different topics at first. However, in order to become a truly sought-after author, experts recommend “finishing up”, that is, improving in this direction.

Business copywriting

The main goal of any business is to increase sales. Consequently, the content creator becomes a businessman’s faithful assistant in solving commercial problems. Therefore, the concept of “commercial copywriting” is often used in this context.

There are so many options for cooperation that any author can choose a direction and earn money. Let's list just a few:

  • Preparation of ad texts and commercial offers to attract customers.
  • , which increase traffic to target resources.
  • Development of landing pages (landing pages), slogans and names for products (naming).
  • Articles for corporate blogs that strengthen the company's reputation.
  • Letters for email distribution.

Selling copywriting

Of course, this is the basis of commercial copywriting. We have already talked about selling texts and formulas for its creation. The basic rule of such materials is specific targeting. Universal arguments in favor of purchasing goods and services do not work well. A different approach is needed both for a young mother who spends a lot of time at home, and for a male entrepreneur whose priority is profession and work. That is, task No. 1 for a copywriter is to study target audience, and only then, based on the data, emphasize the benefits of the product he is writing about.

SMS copywriting

Due to global distribution mobile communications This type of copywriting for business deserves a separate description. The apparent simplicity of the material in the form of SMS messages is deceptive. You have only a few hundred characters to convince the client to take certain actions: buy a product or announce an event, advertising campaign etc. Secrets of success:

  • Clear goal
  • Valuable information
  • Originality
  • A clear call to action.


Based on knowledge of psychology and neurophysiology. Created as a derivative of the concept of “neuromarketing,” which is based on the use of unconscious brain reactions to certain stimuli to increase sales.

Neurocopywriting techniques include:

  • Gain in the text accent on meeting human needs.
  • Work with objections.
  • Using the principle inertia: The reader is first asked two questions that assume a positive answer to obtain agreement to the proposal after the questions.
  • Minimum particle usage "Not": There is a theory that the brain perceives it poorly.
  • Construction of the text according to the “inverted pyramid” principle, when the most important thing is communicated at first etc.

Medical copywriting

When a customer is looking for a writer for articles on medicine, the preference is often on the side of authors with specialized education and experience. It is ideal for doctors to write about diseases and treatment options, but a medical writer is not the most common option. Yes, the copywriter did not take the Hippocratic oath, but if you take on texts about health problems, then the principle of “do no harm” should be a priority.

If you are not sure, then it is better not to take up work at all than to recommend treating fractures with, say, a decoction of burdock. You can show your creativity in the topic in advertising medical centers, their services and equipment, in descriptions of medicines, when you need a text that is not overloaded with terms for a wide range of people.

Legal copywriting

A niche in copywriting that also requires certain knowledge and training. Of course, unreliable information of a legal nature, inaccuracy in the interpretation of facts and terms will not cause harm to health, but such legal illiteracy can cause considerable trouble. An author who writes on topics of jurisprudence should use legal acts and comments of legal scholars as sources of information, and not mindlessly rewrite unverified texts from the Internet.

Technical copywriting

When creating technical texts, a copywriter balances between simplicity of presentation of complex material and the use of professional vocabulary and terms. The article should be understandable to the average user and not cause a skeptical grin among specialists.

Technical copywriting is, first of all:

Construction copywriting

An extremely popular and broad copywriting section. The thematic richness here is off the charts: from materials on the topic “how to lay laminate flooring yourself” to texts on calculating the vertical and horizontal loads of load-bearing walls.

Copywriters write informational and advertising texts about building materials and services of repair organizations, but the most in demand is expert content based on the opinions of specialists, and light authored articles describing their own experience in the “do-it-yourself” style with step-by-step instructions.

Copywriting for social networks

This is one of the most promising types of copywriting. Communication, photo exchange, pictures and aphorisms in posts are just the tip of the iceberg of social networks. Today SMM (promotion in social networks) is becoming the king of marketing, and texts are its main tool: selling, for blogs, in the style of neurocopywriting, etc. The current trend is the creation native advertising, when a user in his account talks about a product that he supposedly tried and recommends it.

Even the Russian-language Instagram is filled not only with photographs of cats and desserts, but also with articles, pages of online stores, where you can see an image of a product, read its description, and find out the price.

Lawyers, businessmen, psychologists build a personal brand based on information in their accounts. Confidential style, close to conversational, brevity, user reviews sometimes help sell better than explicit advertising on websites. Some copywriters specialize and work only on social networks, having no problems finding orders.

Basics of copywriting and rewriting: stages of text creation

It doesn't matter whether you're working on ad copy or an informational article, the algorithm is the same:

  1. We study sources of information and study the topic.
  2. We make a plan.
  3. We write the text.
  4. We edit and check.
  5. We check (proofread) again and send it to the customer.

The main principles of copywriting

  • Swap places with the reader at the stage of text preparation. Answer the question, what do I want to know?
  • Break stereotypes, don't work according to a template. Start with an unusual fact that may at first glance seem unrelated to the main topic, but will attract attention.
  • After finishing the writing stage, turn off the author in yourself, enable strict editor.
  • Keep a notepad copywriter and record interesting headlines and successful comparisons.
  • Write every day.
  • Try it new.

By following these tips, if you wish, you can make copywriting an additional, and possibly the main source of income.

There are many ways to make money on the Internet, which you will learn about on our website. Here you will find a proven and relevant one, and also learn how to avoid becoming a victim of online scammers.


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