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PJSC Gazprom: structure, branches, board of directors. “Regulations on the housing policy of OJSC Gazprom”

« Gazprom» is the world's leading company in terms of its reserves natural gas. Among the main areas that Gazprom is engaged in, one should highlight geological exploration, which makes it possible to find new deposits of natural gas, its production, with subsequent transportation, storage and sales. The company also has the largest reserves of gas condensate and huge oil reserves.

Gazprom sees its main goal as achieving maximum efficiency in the provision of services to consumers not only in the gas sector, but also in other energy resources and their processing.

Official website of Gazprom

The first thing that catches your eye when visiting the official website PJSC Gazprom is a colorful interface, made in the company’s colors, with magnificent landscapes in the background, symbolizing all the power and beauty of Russia’s nature. This is exactly what the website of the country's largest oil and gas company should look like.

As it should be, the main page is a kind of guide to the site, but before clicking on the button for the section of interest, the visitor is invited to familiarize himself with the latest important events concerning both the company’s activities directly and the situation on oil and gas market the country as a whole. Noteworthy is the title entitled “Alexey Miller’s Column”, where you can read short notes about the most important, from the point of view of the chapter “ Gazprom", events from 2003 to the present day. In addition, in the “Gazprom Reporting” section you can find and, if desired, print out all financial statements companies and analysis financial situation, starting back in 1998.

Right on the main page you can get information about the progress of the main projects of PJSC Gazprom, on the implementation of which not only the future of the corporation, but also the well-being of the entire country depends. It's about about the construction of new main gas pipelines such as Nord Stream 2, about socially significant projects for gasification of the country and the development of new gas production centers.

Main sections

By looking at the latest news headlines and interesting articles, you can proceed to search for the section you are interested in, which Gazprom official website offers to choose from the following list:

  • About Gazprom. Information section where you can get information about the main activities of the company, its assets and plans for the future. Here you can find all the registration information that may be needed when drawing up documents.

  • Shareholders and investors. A large section with many subsections, including: “Charter and internal documents of PJSC Gazprom”, “Meeting of shareholders”, “Dividends”, “Financial calendar” and others. In the most prominent place is information about stock prices, dividend amounts and credit ratings, which will certainly be of interest to shareholders and investors in the first place. There is a separate section dedicated to IR releases. In addition, anyone can immediately contact the work departments, both shareholders and investors, whose phone numbers are located right there.

  • Press center. The most important events relating to the corporation’s activities and the country’s energy security, as well as news from subsidiaries, as interpreted by journalists from Gazprom PJSC. Here you can also read the electronic version of the company’s magazines: “Gazprom” and “Gas Industry” or contact the press service. In the “Media Library” section, visitors will find colorful photo albums dedicated to various events held under the patronage of PJSC Gazprom.

  • Protection of Nature. A section entirely devoted to security issues of concern to many environment. Each visitor has the opportunity to familiarize himself with a detailed report on the corporation’s activities in the areas of energy saving and ecology. For example, find out news from the Non-Governmental Environmental Foundation named after V.I. Vernadsky, created at the Founding Meeting of PJSC Gazprom in 1995.

  • Social responsibility. The corporation's activities to support socially vulnerable segments of the population are well known to all Russian citizens. In this section you can read what is being done or planned to be done in this direction in the near future. No less attention is paid to other social significant projects to support sports, science and culture. In addition, in the section you can find information from the Interregional trade union organization Gazprom".

  • Career. Those who want to try to start their working career in the company are invited to fill out a form on the portal. Here you can also find personnel policy PJSC Gazprom, personnel structure, and in a special section read about professional standards, which applicants for company vacancies must have.

  • Contact Information. In the section the visitor will find contacts, both directly from the head office of PJSC Gazprom, and from numerous subsidiaries and representative offices. There is also a phone number and email address hotline on issues of combating fraud, corruption and theft in the corporation's divisions.

The Gazprom team is its main value

Gazprom provides ample opportunities to unlock your own potential
and career growth of its employees. Our team is a team
professionals who implements strategic goal Gazprom -
becoming one of the leaders among global global companies.
OAO Gazprom is not responsible for advertisements posted on other websites.
The readiness and ability of staff to work fruitfully, develop, and learn
new is the key to Gazprom’s long-term success. Therefore the company pays
serious attention to improving the professional level of the team. Except
In addition, Gazprom cooperates with leading Russian universities to
training of young specialists, in particular with the Russian
State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin.

Gazprom is well aware that the company’s team is its main
value. Therefore, in its activities, Gazprom complies with high
international standards in matters of social and personnel policy.
Serious assistance in the formation of social and labor relations between
the company and employees are provided by the Interregional Trade Union
Organization of OAO Gazprom (MPO OAO Gazprom).
We welcome
the emergence in its ranks of specialists whose energy and professional
knowledge will help Gazprom achieve its ambitious
goals. If you want to become a member of a team of professionals
"Gazprom", you can fill out and send to personnel service OJSC
Gazprom its resume.

Gazprom is the country's leading gas company, supplying gas not only to consumers in our country, but also to countries in Europe and Asia.

Get a job on a rotational basis in a well-known gas company not just but
It's simply impossible. They don't take people off the street there. Even famous personnel
agencies cannot remember whether they received it from the leading gas company
corporation applications for employment. No, the gas giant is not looking
specialists for work on shifts in the north through recruitment agencies
dubious reputation...
And, if you suddenly “stumbled upon” an ad in
on the Internet that a certain agency is recruiting workers for
free vacancies at Gazprom for a substantial fee, know that this is a hoax!
You, believing in a beautiful fairy tale, send money for the opportunity to work in
Gazprom, without even suspecting that the finances from other “thrown”
dreamers are flowing into the pockets of scammers from virtual personnel
At best, you will be sent to a place at the end of the world
our vast northern part of the country, however, providing work
on a rotational basis, for a low-paid position for some
entrepreneur. You will not look for the truth; you will feel sorry for the lost time, money and your wasted nerves.

Gazprom has its own recruitment agency, conducts employment work
specialists work on a shift basis independently and do not take advantage of opportunities
other labor recruitment agencies.
How do you still get a job on a shift in the North at Gazprom, where the cleaners receive the salary of civil servants?
Every Gazprom employee holds tightly to his lucrative position and has no intention of leaving.
And, if it happens that a person retires, for example, and
If a vacancy becomes available for women or men, then there is a competition for it
cleaner than the Cinematography Institute! Wow!
But life goes on, and
Gazprom people are not made of iron, career and retirement age
opens up vacancies for both men and women. Gazprom is forced
recruit students for shift work - technicians for blue-collar specialties,
despite their “below the plinth” qualification level. Vacancies
students are also provided here. The training of such personnel is aimed at
leading gas company clearly. Training a new employee costs
Gazprom at 130 dollars a day! In order to work at Gazprom
I found you and need some recommendations. Where can you get them, you ask? You should
recommend a person for the position for employment in this corporation
no lower than a major regional official, no lower.
There are no random people there. If you fail, the person who recommended you will be ashamed!
He should describe you as a competent specialist, responsible
for his behavior and actions, a respectable person, in “friends” with
sports leader healthy image life. Working north requires
respectful attitude towards yourself!
If you, a graduate of the institute,
having a diploma from the Oil and Gas Institute, managed to find a job in
Gazprom, then you can count on a salary of $2000. And then how
the card will fall!
Deaf old woman Statistics say that 80% of leading
Gazprom specialists began their working career from the very
"bottoms". This is such a Gazprom tradition. A young specialist must
work in production as a shift worker in the North for at least 3 years, learn everything
subtleties of gas equipment.
This approach turns “raw university material” into excellent engineers and competent leaders in the future.
You will prove yourself to be a competent specialist, skillfully managing technically complex
equipment, you find a common language with workers and management - you can
count on career growth, and after a few years of productive
labor will “arrive in time” and length of service!
Working at Gazprom means responsibility, constant search for new technical solutions, work with
people. This is a direct path to increasing your financial income.
The company has a wide range social services: additional holidays, resorts in
the best health resorts Krasnodar region and Crimea, various benefits for
children. Of course, gas company workers are thinking about changing jobs
Gazprom, no.
What is the “price” in Gazprom now? Oddly enough, but
Gazprom is in need of technical specialists. Construction
gas pipeline requires technically savvy and competent employees.

Mechanics and turbine specialists are especially in demand. Builders, drivers,
welders, assemblers and many others - more than 100 specialties. IN
Gazprom employs more than 300 thousand people. What's stopping you from getting
specialty in this area? Work goes forward to those who knock
doors that open to the most persistent and... persistent!
No matter how hard it is, “gnaw” the material part. Take an internship at Gazprom
lowest jobs. If you show yourself interested
employee, management will immediately notice and note this. How? Available
There are always vacancies for such workers...
The ladder of ranks in the company is not narrow; competent people will find free places on it - vacancies.
Do you want to get into such a company? Is it tempting to work for such a company? But it can be done!

Working conditions:

Housing is provided at the expense of the company.
Shift schedule - 60/30 or 30/30. A shift of up to 6 months is possible.
Employment according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, full social benefits. package, additional medical insurance at the expense of the company.
to the place of work, in case of lack of funds, can be paid
by the employer with subsequent return from your future salary. You
You pay only 50% of the fare. Half of travel expenses
paid by the employer.

Gazprom requires:

drivers of all categories, drillers, drilling foremen, technical engineers.
pumping equipment support, geologists - experts, developers -
experts, logisticians, heads of repair and maintenance departments
equipment, engineers, drilling rig mechanics, electrical engineers,
electricians, electricians, insulators, specialists in the department
logistics and equipment and many others

“Regulations on the housing policy of OJSC Gazprom.” Loans and mortgages.

Employees who need to improve their living conditions receive assistance through a mortgage lending mechanism.
Mortgages for Gazprom employees can be issued in any commercial bank, while 50% of the down payment is compensated to borrowers through subsidized payments from Gazprom funds. Subsequently, throughout the entire term of the loan agreement, annuity payments are also reduced by 50% due to monthly subsidies from the corporation.

Gazprom Corporation is among major players Russian and world economy. How is the management structure of this corporation organized? In which cities does Gazprom carry out its main activities?

General information about the company

Before looking at what it is organizational structure Gazprom, let's study the basic information about the company.

Gazprom is traditionally viewed as a global energy corporation. Its main areas of activity:

Mineral exploration;

Fuel extraction;

Gas transportation;

Processing and sale of fuel.

In addition, the corporation also produces and sells heat and electricity. Gazprom has at its disposal the world's richest natural gas reserves. The value of the corresponding reserves is about 18% of the world and 72% of the Russian ones. In turn, if we talk about that, the corporation’s share accounts for about 14% of its global volumes and 14% of Russian ones.

The company is actively developing projects in vast territories - in Yamal, on the Arctic shelf of Russia, in Siberia, Far East. Settlements, whose economy is largely based on the facilities owned by Gazprom - Urengoy, Astrakhan, Nadym, and many others. In fact, it may be one of the city-forming towns in these settlements.

Gazprom has a developed transport and industrial infrastructure at its disposal. The company is actively developing processing facilities. Gazprom's capabilities make it possible to almost completely satisfy domestic demand Russian economy in natural gas.

In addition, Gazprom also has branches abroad. The activities of these structures are also largely related to the exploration and production of fuel. The corporation supplies gas to both the Russian and foreign markets.

The corporation is one of the key players in the European fuel market. Major projects Gazprom's plans to develop fields abroad are being implemented in Venezuela, India, and Algeria. Managers Russian corporation actively interact with colleagues on a wide range of issues: investment, implementation joint projects, exchange of experience in the application of fuel production and delivery technologies.

In the Russian Federation, Gazprom owns one system gas supply. Its total length exceeds 168 thousand km. In fact, the company is the only manufacturer and exporter in the Russian Federation liquefied gas.

Gazprom was founded as public company in 1989. Its turnover during active periods of capitalization was recorded at values ​​of about 3.9 trillion rubles.

The city where the main office of Gazprom is located is Moscow. Largest structures corporations are also located in St. Petersburg. It is known that it is planned to move the main office of Gazprom to the Northern capital in 2018.

history of the company

It will be useful to familiarize yourself with the main facts from the history of the company's development.

In the mid-20th century, Soviet specialists discovered a number of large gas fields in Siberia, the Urals, and the Volga region. They began to quickly develop, and, as a result, in the 1980s the USSR became one of the largest countries in the world in the field of gas production.

In 1965, the Ministry was established in the USSR gas industry. He was in charge of mineral exploration, fuel extraction, delivery and sale to consumers. In August 1989, this department was transformed into an economic entity - the Gazprom concern.

In 1993 it was renamed RAO Gazprom. The corporation's ownership structure has changed significantly over time. Thus, in the 90s, a significant part of the corporation’s shares was sold off as part of the privatization mechanism. By 2004, the state owned 38.7% of shares in Gazprom. Besides, Russian Federation had a majority within the company's Board of Directors. Subsequently, the state's share was increased to more than 50%.

In 2000, the corporation actively increased its turnover. In 2008, in terms of capitalization, it was among the top 3 largest global businesses. In 2009, Gazprom launched the first liquefied gas production plant in the Russian Federation. The European direction of business was actively developing. Thus, in 2012, the company launched the second branch of the Nord Stream highway. Soon Gazprom officially launched production at one of the largest deposits gas - Bovanenkovsky.

In May 2014, Gazprom and the Chinese corporation CNPC signed a large contract for gas supplies to China. The contract price was $400 billion. The agreement is for 30 years.

Owners of the company

Who is the owner of Gazprom? The corporation's ownership structure has the following features.

The main shareholder of the corporation is the Federal Property Management Agency, which in this case represents the state. This department - in fact, the country - owns 38.373% of Gazprom shares. Next largest shareholder corporations – The Bank of New York Mellon. He owns 26.955% valuable papers corporations. Rosneftegaz owns 10.74% of Gazprom shares. The Rosgazification company has a share of 0.889% in the capital structure of the gas corporation. Other persons own 23.043% of the company's shares.

One way or another, the state owns 50% plus 1 share of the Gazprom corporation. The company's management structure is as follows.

Corporation management: General meeting of shareholders

The highest management body of the company is the General Meeting of Shareholders. Its formation is carried out annually. In addition, extraordinary General Meetings are possible. Owners of ordinary shares have voting rights.

All owners of the relevant type of securities, independently or through a representative, can exercise the right to participate in the General Meeting. An event of the corresponding type is recognized as valid if the attendance of shareholders, who together have more than half of the votes, is ensured.

The competence of the general meeting is represented, in particular:

Changing the provisions of the company's Charter;

Determination of the auditor;

Income distribution;

Election of members of the Board of Directors, as well as Audit Commission;

Making decisions on changing the company's management structure;

Making decisions on changing the value authorized capital Gazprom.

The general management of the corporation's work is carried out by the Board of Directors. It will be useful to study its features.

The activities of the corporation's Board of Directors are regulated by separate Regulations. The considered internal corporate structure of the Gazprom company resolves business development issues if they are not within the competence of the higher management body of the corporation - General meeting. At the same time, among the relevant competencies is the election of members of the Board of Directors. This procedure is carried out annually.

The company's management structure under consideration is headed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom. Main competencies of the relevant body:

Approval of the corporation's budget for the year;

Development of investment programs;

Making decisions on the formation of general meetings;

Legal issues.

Audit Commission of Gazprom

There is another important structure that is part of the management structure of the Gazprom corporation. We are talking about the Audit Commission. It is accountable to the General Meeting and is an elected body. The work of the company's Audit Commission is also regulated by a separate Regulation.

In addition, the corresponding structure of Gazprom is guided in its activities by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the company’s Charter, as well as decisions of the General Meeting. The main tasks that this structure solves:

Control over the generation of reporting and other information reflecting indicators economic development the company, as well as characterizing its property status;

Control over the compliance of accounting methods used in the corporation with the provisions of Russian legislation;

Ensuring timely reporting by the corporation to interested structures;

Preparation of proposals aimed at increasing the efficiency of disposal of corporation assets, as well as the implementation of other areas of financial and economic activities of companies;

Preparation of proposals to reduce economic risks and optimize mechanisms internal control in a corporation.

This is how one of the largest companies in the world is structured, this is how its management is organized. Gazprom is generally structured like other corporations of the same size. But taking into account the importance of the tasks that the company solves in the course of its activities, the organization of business management in this case requires the use of the most effective approaches to management.

De jure, the head of Gazprom - the chairman of the company's Board of Directors, as well as his subordinates, solve difficult problems of bringing the corporation's management system into compliance with this criterion.

Company branches

In the course of building the management model of Gazprom, its branches were transformed into independent legal entities. They began to function as regional corporations in the gas sector. Each Gazprom branch is thus de jure independent of the main company, although, of course, it develops in the context of the strategic priorities developed by the corporation's head office.

Migration of management to the Northern capital

The management of the largest Russian gas corporation is characterized by a very remarkable trend - the steady migration of Gazprom’s internal corporate structures to the Northern capital. We already know that the city where the main office of the Gazprom corporation is located is Moscow. But now St. Petersburg has every chance to become a key city in Russia in terms of brand presence at various levels of legal relations. With what it can be connected? What attracts a corporation like Gazprom to St. Petersburg?

First of all, of course, it is worth noting that the Northern capital of Russia is a wonderful city in itself, and this circumstance alone can become a factor in the desire of the country's leading managers to work there. According to experts, the largest Russian gas corporation now occupies about 20% of St. Petersburg offices in the luxury segment.

By 2018, it is planned to locate the company's headquarters in the Northern capital. It is assumed that the new main office of Gazprom will be located in the Lakhta Center building, which is currently being built in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg. The building will consist of a skyscraper and an office complex. total area the structure will amount to about 400 thousand square meters. meters.

At what address in the Northern capital will the main office of Gazprom be located? The address of the Lakhta Center is Lakhtinsky Prospekt, 2, bldg. 3. Construction of the structure began in 2013. It is expected that the center's skyscraper will be the tallest among buildings in Russia and Europe. In particular, it will be 88 meters higher than the Federation Tower, which is located in the Moscow City office complex.

Department address

Actually, where is the headquarters of the Gazprom company located now? Address of the current main office of the corporation: Moscow, st. Nametkina, 16. The building is therefore located in the South-West of the Russian capital. It is possible that after Gazprom moves (St. Petersburg and Lakhta Center are still waiting for this), competent structures involved in the management of the company will nevertheless continue to work in the building of the current headquarters of the corporation .

Gazprom's subsidiaries and departments operate in St. Petersburg.