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Production of disposable tableware from polypropylene. "Plastic" business - production of disposable tableware

Can production disposable tableware be an idea for profitable business? The demand for such products is quite high. For example, disposable paper cups for takeaway coffee have become very popular lately - any coffee shop has them. Sets of plastic forks and plates are regularly required by people celebrating corporate events in the office or going on picnics. How much does it cost to set up a disposable tableware business and what equipment is required?

In some European countries, authorities are trying to limit the use and production of disposable tableware - it is considered harmful to the environment. Indeed, plastic does not decompose, and high-quality wood is used to make disposable cups. But this trend has not yet reached Russia and is unlikely to reach Russia in the near future. Disposable coffee cups and plastic containers seem to have become an integral part of city life.

For this reason, production plastic dishes and paper cups - an idea for a profitable business. Disposable tableware is the same popular product as handkerchiefs or wet wipes. It is hygienic, easy to use, and does not require washing or other care.

At the same time, competition in the field is quite high. A novice manufacturer will have to not only establish a technological process, but also think about marketing campaign. From the very beginning it is important to determine competitive advantages: unusual shape, beautiful colors, printing corporate logos of establishments on glasses (very popular among coffee shops).

Disposable tableware is the same popular product as handkerchiefs or wet wipes

Features of the production of plastic and paper tableware

Sets of plastic plates and forks can be found in every supermarket. They are made from polystyrene or polypropylene. The first material is more fragile, but is resistant to moisture, temperature and is well processed by mechanical means. Polypropylene is more durable and costs less than polystyrene.

When producing dishes from these materials, the same equipment is used. The technological process is similar: melting of raw materials, preparation of sheets, stamping and packaging. We will consider manufacturing technologies in more detail in a special section.

For the manufacture of paper tableware, laminated cardboard with a density of 120-280 grams per 1 m2 is most often used. This material is not affected by moisture due to lamination, and also allows you to print on finished products brand logos V good quality.Cardboard is less harmful to environment: Even laminated material decomposes within 3 years. On average, about 1 ton of raw materials is consumed to produce 100 thousand units of goods.

It is important to note that disposable plastic tableware is subject to mandatory certification. Plastic products must contain a mark indicating the class of material from which they are made. Thus, the most dangerous and suitable only for one-time use without heating, polyethylene terephthalate is suitable for storing vegetable oils and ketchups, and polystyrene is suitable for storing and heat treatment any food products.

A paper coffee cup has become an integral attribute of city life.

How to organize production

The choice of equipment is key to organizing the production of plastic cups and other disposable tableware. Modern production complexes are almost completely automated and do not require much human intervention. You should start organizing your business by drawing up a business plan, calculating expenses and, of course, studying production technology.

The advantage of the business is the almost complete automation of production processes combined with stable and high demand. Among the disadvantages, the leading one is high competition (in the production of plastic tableware it is much higher than in the production of paper cups).


What are disposable cups made of plastic and cardboard? Plastic production includes the following steps:

  1. Heating the raw materials, melting and mixing in the extruder.
  2. The finished raw material is pressed into a plastic sheet.
  3. The plastic sheet is placed in a thermoforming unit, where products (plates, glasses, cutlery) are formed from it.
  4. Products are cut from canvas and packaged.
  5. The remaining plastic is returned for melting.

This results in a fairly simple, almost completely automated and waste-free production. Paper cups made from cardboard are produced slightly differently:

  1. A logo or design is printed on sheets of laminated cardboard.
  2. The resulting sheets are cut to the size of future glasses.
  3. The blanks are wrapped around a round blank, the seam is fastened, the edges are formed, and the bottom is inserted.
  4. The finished glasses are packaged.

Thus, making tableware from cardboard is much simpler in terms of technological process, but more expensive - requires more expensive raw materials. Paper coffee cups require plastic lids, so it would be promising to organize the production of tableware from both types of raw materials at the enterprise.

Dishes made of colored plastic are used in great demand than white

Selection of premises

Equipment for disposable tableware takes up quite a lot of space. To organize comfortable working conditions for employees, you will need a workshop with an area of ​​at least 300 square meters, connected to all communications. It is divided into the following zones:

  • work area with equipment;
  • warehouse for storing raw materials;
  • warehouse for finished products;
  • locker rooms and a rest room for employees;
  • premises for management personnel.

It is convenient to locate production in a remote part of the city, but it is important to take into account the availability of convenient access roads. If an entrepreneur plans to produce only one type of tableware (only plastic or only paper), you can get by with a smaller area. It is important that the workshop is well lit and equipped with a ventilation system. This will make working conditions more comfortable.

Equipment selection

To organize the production cycle for the manufacture of plastic utensils, you will need the following equipment:

  1. Extruder. This machine melts plastic and forms it into a canvas, from which disposable tableware will later be molded and cut.
  2. Thermoforming machine. He heats the plastic sheet and makes indentations in it in the shape of future products. The process takes only a few seconds.
  3. Compressor. Squeezes products out of the web after a thermoforming machine.
  4. Packing machine. Packs finished dishes in batches. Sometimes this stage occurs manual labor, but this is significantly less efficient.
  5. Crusher for plastic. Processes leftover plastic sheets: melts them and forms a new sheet for products.

The cost of equipment for the production of plastic tableware is approaching 1 million rubles

To produce cups from laminated cardboard, you will need other equipment:

  1. Flexo printing machine. Prints drawings and logos on sheets of cardboard.
  2. Glass molding machine. Cuts cardboard into pieces of different sizes for the future product.
  3. Twisting machine. Wraps the workpiece around the round roller, stitches and inserts the bottom.
  4. Special apparatus for the production of plastic caps.

To purchase equipment that produces plastic tableware, you will need from 600 thousand to 1 million rubles. If you add to this machines for paper cups, you get an additional 500-800 thousand rubles. Prices for devices depend on the manufacturer and power. You can save some money by finding used machines. But in general, choosing a cheaper price and significantly cutting costs will not work.

Purchase of raw materials

Plastic tableware is made from polypropylene or polystyrene granules. Buying granules and melting them yourself is much more profitable than buying ready-made film. With this option, the production turns out to be waste-free (the remains of the plastic sheet can be melted down and reused). One ton of granules costs 18-20 thousand rubles, and a ton of finished film costs about 45 thousand. The difference and benefits are obvious. You can buy regular white granules or colored ones (colored dishes sell better).

Raw materials are offered by Russian companies Plast-plus, RosEcoPlast, TIS, EuroPlast.

To make paper cups, laminated cardboard is used, which is purchased in large rolls. An average roll weighing 1 ton is enough for 100 thousand cups. The cost of laminated cardboard is approximately 30-40 thousand rubles per ton.

Required Personnel

Modern production of disposable tableware is highly automated. Therefore, there is no need to look for workers with any special education. Any person can master the operation of machines within a few days. Personal qualities include ability to work, attentiveness and efficiency.

The company's staff must include at least 8 workers, among whom areas of responsibility and equipment are distributed. Modern technology is quite safe, but in any case, safety instructions and short training are mandatory.

Sales of products

Manufacturers of disposable tableware have several options for distribution channels. The simplest of them is cooperation with shops and supermarkets. Through them you can constantly sell large quantities of goods. Most in demand They use sets of plates and forks, as well as glasses. A promising variety is the production of disposable glasses - they are popular at corporate events and buffets.

Paper cups are made from thick laminated cardboard

Customers of paper cups - These are cafes and coffee shops that sell takeaway coffee. They can purchase both finished products and order glasses with their own logos. When searching for your first customers, it would be wise to contact commercial offer to establishments in your city.

Your own website can be a very good tool for increasing sales and finding customers. It will be useful to configure contextual advertising: then advertisements for the production of tableware will be seen by users looking for similar products.

Calculation of enterprise profitability

An average of 1.5 million rubles will be required to purchase equipment. To this amount you need to add the rent of the premises, payment utilities and the purchase of raw materials - approximately another 300-500 thousand rubles. Let’s assume that an entrepreneur spent 2 million rubles to open a production facility.

In an 8-hour shift, modern equipment can produce approximately 18 thousand units of products. They will be sold at an average price of 1 to 3 rubles, with a cost price of 10 kopecks to 1.5 rubles (for paper cups the amounts may be higher, especially if they are made with a company seal). The company produces products worth up to 54 thousand rubles per shift, and up to 1.6 million rubles per month.

With such production volumes and established sales, it is possible to recoup investments and expand production in just 3-4 months. However, most likely the profitability volumes will be lower: in most cities there are already disposable tableware enterprises, the products of which fully cover the local market.


The production of disposable tableware is an idea for a profitable and in-demand business. Having spent no more than 2 million rubles on the purchase of equipment, an entrepreneur has every chance to recoup it in 3-4 months. Equipment for making plastic dishes and paper cups is sold separately or in ready-made lines. Both options are profitable, but first of all, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the machines, the reputation of the manufacturer and its guarantees.

Production of disposable tableware: market analysis + how to register an enterprise + technological features of the production of disposable tableware + raw materials for polystyrene tableware + where to rent premises + personnel search + what profit will the production of disposable tableware bring.

In the 20th century, they could not even imagine that there would be an alternative to heavy ceramic and clay cups and plates. The production of disposable tableware was a breakthrough and a world discovery.

Plates and glasses made of plastic or paper are lightweight, you can take them with you on the road, or use them on trips to nature. The price for such a product is low, so disposable tableware is thrown away after a feast without a single regret.

There is a demand for the product all year round, especially in the summer when people go on picnics, so it can become great business an initiative for Russian entrepreneurs.

We analyze the sales market

In the 20th century, plastic utensils were imported only from abroad, so the price for such goods was too high and there was little demand. In the 21st century, a ban was imposed on the import of polystyrene products into Russia. Many businessmen took advantage of this and began to open their own production of disposable tableware.

Every year, demand from the population has only increased, and this trend - growing popularity - continues to persist.

We can conclude: a novice entrepreneur has every chance to find his niche in the production of disposable tableware.

Who is the wholesale buyer of disposable tableware:

  1. Public catering points.
  2. Street stalls selling fast food and hot drinks.
  3. Outdoor cafes and bars.
  4. Organizations engaged in catering (food delivery and organizing lunches).
  5. Points selling drinks from vending machines.

Supermarkets also buy disposable tableware, which then sell glasses, plates, and cutlery at retail.

Today people have learned to use polystyrene dishes not only for their intended purpose, but also to create unique products with their own hands. This allows us to reduce the harmful impact on the environment, because the product gets a second life.

As you can see, opening your own production of plastic tableware is a profitable endeavor, especially if no one is doing this in your region yet. You will be able to cover the entire region and even neighboring areas by offering them favorable prices for goods.

How to register a business producing disposable tableware?

What to choose - LLC or individual entrepreneur? Much depends on the volume of goods you plan to enter the market with.

If an enterprise aims to fill the market of one city, then it is enough. This is easy to do by collecting a minimum package of documents.

Documents for registration of individual entrepreneur:

  1. Application form No. Р21001 (you can download the example from the link -
  2. When you meet with the tax inspector, you need to have your passport and TIN code with you.
  3. Pay the state fee (800 rubles) You can do it online through special service:
  4. Submit an application to pay taxes according to the simplified tax system or another form of taxation at your discretion.

Do not forget to indicate in your application the activity code 25.24.2 “Production of plastic canteen and kitchen utensils, toiletries."

You do not need to obtain a license to organize production. However, you will be subject to inspections from the Fire Inspectorate, SES, and Rospotrebnadzor, from which you must receive a certificate of product quality and compliance with GOSTs. It is prohibited to start production without permission from supervisory authorities.

The production must have the following documents that confirm the quality of the products:

Payments to clients are carried out, in our time, most often by bank transfer, so it is worth opening a bank account and ordering a stamp in your name.

Disposable tableware production technology

Thanks to modern equipment, myself manufacturing process comes down to minimal effort on the part of a person. Most the work is performed by conveyors and presses.

Let us describe the technology for producing disposable tableware in stages:

  1. Raw materials are brought to production in polystyrene granules or other substances intended for the production of disposable plastic tableware. It enters a flat-slot extruder, where the process of mixing polystyrene granules with water under the influence of heat occurs to obtain a special melt.
  2. The finished mixture is squeezed out through a flat slot. The shafts are made from the mass into sheets several millimeters thick.
  3. The sheet must enter the vacuum forming machine. It is at this stage that the material takes the form of utensils - glass, plate, fork, spoon.
  4. Then special equipment recalculates the amount of dishes and then packs them.

Each equipment and the tableware material itself has its own specific requirements for temperature during production, shaft power, etc. The technologist must take such details into account in order to obtain as few defective products as possible.

We will also describe in addition the technology for producing paper tableware.

Let’s make a reservation right away that disposable paper cups or plates are environmentally friendly, and also not so harmful to people’s health. Unfortunately, their production is much more expensive than making tableware from plastic.

This is due to the high cost of the final product, and, as a rule, our people are accustomed to choosing cheaper goods. This is why disposable cups and plates are not as popular as .

Technology for the production of disposable paper tableware:

  1. A design is applied to special laminated paper (material density 120-128 g/m2), and then divided into small sheets. Their size should approximately correspond to the circumference and height of the future dishes.
  2. The finished sheet is wrapped around a given shape, and the seam is welded using a special machine.
  3. The half-finished item is removed from the mold. If it is a glass, the bottom is inserted into it and sealed in the same way.

Although the technology for producing paper tableware is much simpler than that of plastic items, the material is expensive. As a rule, paper is imported from abroad, although recently domestic manufacturers have also been trying to provide raw materials for the production of disposable paper tableware.

Purchase of raw materials for the production of disposable tableware

Granulated polystyrene is the basis for the production of plastic tableware. Outwardly, it looks like small white balls. This material is used in the full cycle of tableware production, including the stage of melting granules.

The average price of granulated polystyrene is 50,000 rubles per ton.

There is also a ready-made film made of polystyrene or polypropylene. All that is needed to make dishes from it is to shape the final product.

The price of half-finished raw materials, of course, will be higher than for just polystyrene granules. But, using film, you can save on the purchase of equipment by purchasing only a dish mold and a packaging machine.

The price of polystyrene film is about 120,000 rubles per ton.

Necessary equipment for the production of disposable tableware

The production of disposable tableware is divided into two cycles - full(when purchasing polystyrene granules) and incomplete(when purchasing ready-made film for forming dishes).

We invite you to consider how much equipment for the production of disposable tableware costs at full cycle.

The line for the production of disposable tableware consists of the following equipment:

  1. Mixer for mixing granules.
  2. Sheet extruder.
  3. Molding machine.
  4. Forming press.
  5. Dish stacker.
  6. Machine for counting dishes.
  7. Chiller.
  8. Compressor.
  9. Crusher for processing sheets or scrap, i.e. for a waste-free production process.

The price of such a kit varies between 6-8 million rubles. You can buy it in Russia or order it from foreign partners. To save money, you can purchase a used line, but in this case you will not have a guarantee for servicing the equipment.

If you want to produce glasses and plates using an incomplete cycle, you only need a forming line and a machine for packaging dishes. In this case, the purchase of equipment will cost 1-2 million rubles.

At the same time, in 1 hour of operation the machine will be able to produce up to 150,000 glasses, but, unfortunately, the strength of such dishes will be far from top level. But in 1 hour of operation, the equipped equipment can produce 30 thousand glasses and approximately the same number of plates, spoons, and forks.

Don’t forget to add comfort to production - buy furniture for the staff, arrange an office for the technologist and accountant. All working personnel must be in uniform, have respirators, and goggles so that harmful substances do not spoil their health.

This expense item will amount to approximately another 150,000 rubles, but you should not save on the comfort of your subordinates.

Finding a suitable workshop

It is best to locate a workshop for the production of plastic tableware outside the city. Firstly, because the rent or purchase price of a building there will be significantly lower than in the urban area. Secondly, the production of plastic utensils is a hazardous industry; residents of nearby houses can file a complaint and complicate your work, or even prevent you from opening a workshop.

The working area should be approximately 100-150 m2. When choosing a premises, a lot depends on the volume of products produced, so take this fact into account before you start searching for the right workshop.

The production facility should consist of the following rooms:

  • Workshop with equipment.
  • Finished goods warehouse.
  • Warehouse for raw materials.
  • Staff room.
  • Toilet.
  • Office for administrative staff.

Manufacturing equipment consumes a lot of electricity, so be sure to electrical network was three-phase
and not less than 380 V.

In addition, the workshop must meet the following standards:

  1. The floor is concrete or tiled.
  2. 1.5 meters of walls from the floor level must be tiled or covered with other material that is considered fireproof.
  3. Due to the massive equipment, ceilings must be at least 4.5 meters high.
  4. Be sure to install powerful ventilation, supply water and adjust the gas supply to heat the room.

You will have to pay about 80,000 rubles for rent every month. The price is average; much of its determination depends on the renovation, region, distance from the city, availability of communications, etc.

You will also pay about 50,000 rubles for Communal expenses– electricity, gas, water, garbage removal.

Personnel for the production of disposable tableware

During the first months of the company's activity, the production director can take responsibility for product sales and accounting. This way you will save on wages for two positions at once. If the founder cannot cope with all the responsibilities, then it is worth hiring an assistant or specialist.

As for the line workers, they will have to be trained independently, because there is no such specialty. Equipment suppliers can provide you with training. Therefore, it is best to hire people in advance so that by the time the line is installed they are already on staff and everyone can learn how to use the equipment.

You can’t do production without a technologist. He must control the entire production process, purchase raw materials, monitor the supply of materials to the compress, etc. In addition, hire those who will take care of accounting at the warehouse of goods and raw materials.

№. Staff memberNumber of staffSalary (RUB/month)
TOTAL: 173,000 rubles/month
1. Technologist1 25 000
2. Accountant1 15 000
3. Accountant2 24 000
4. Line Operator6 60 000
5. Loader1 9 000
6. Driver1 9 000
7. Cleaning woman1 6 000
8. Equipment adjuster1 25 000

Depending on the scale of production, the number of personnel may vary.

Production of disposable tableware.

What equipment is used? Technology
production process.

Calculating the profitability of disposable tableware production

We invite you to pay your attention full cycle production of tableware from granulated polystyrene. Creating such a business will not be easy from a financial point of view, because you will have to make a lot of capital investments. But the profitability of this business will be much higher.
Capital investments Monthly expenses
TOTAL: 7,460,000 rublesTOTAL: 8,229,080 rubles
Equipment purchase7 000 000 Renting premises80 000
Workshop setup150 000 Staff salaries173 000
Opening an individual entrepreneur and preparing documentationFrom 10 000Purchase of raw materials (granulated polystyrene)5 000 000
Buying a gazelle for transporting goods300 000 Public utilities50 000
Payment of taxes2 926 080

Now let’s calculate how many products the production can produce in 1 month of work (24 shifts) with an 8-hour work schedule:

Calculation of the cost of disposable tableware:

  1. To produce 1 million pieces. utensils (glasses, spoons, plates, forks are taken into account) made of polystyrene, you will need approximately 4 tons of granular material. As a rule, half of the neglected raw materials are waste; they are ultimately needed again for secondary products, so for 1 million products it is worth purchasing 8 tons of polystyrene.
  2. To ensure production operation for 1 month, you need to purchase approximately 200 tons of polystyrene. The purchase of raw materials will cost about 10 million rubles.
  3. The price of a glass (200 ml) and a flat plate is about 1.2 rubles. The price of a spoon and fork is about 50 kopecks.
  4. If the goods are fully sold, production revenue will be 19,507,200 rubles.
  5. Net profit will be 1.2 million rubles.
  6. To cover all the costs of purchasing equipment, you need to work for 9-12 months. Only then can we talk about making a net profit.

All calculations are approximate, because no attention was taken to the fact that the products would not be completely sold on the market. However, if you properly organize the production of disposable tableware, then success will come, and with it prosperity.

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Your company can be registered as Individual entrepreneur or LLC, for a small plant it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur.

Suitable code OKVED - 22.29— “Production of other plastic products».

note on regulatory requirements for manufactured goods: in particular, on GOST R 50962-96, which regulates the production of plastic products for household purposes.


A mini plant for the production of disposable tableware takes about 100 square meters. Of these, 70 sq. m – industrial workshop, 15 sq. m - warehouse, the remaining 15 - utility rooms and a bathroom.

Mandatory requirements for the premises

  • Ceiling height from 3-4 meters;
  • Tiled or concrete floor;
  • Three-phase electrical network;
  • Ventilation, sewerage, water supply;
  • Wall decoration with fire-resistant materials.

Renting a building will require approximately 300-400 $ per month, cosmetic repairs - about $2000.

Disposable tableware production technology

There are two main ways: casting and molding. Casting is necessary to obtain thick-walled containers: dense plates, wine glasses, shot glasses, glasses, etc.

For the conventional molding method, the equipment for it is cheaper, and the cost of production is lower.

The production of disposable plastic tableware includes the following steps:

  1. The raw material is fed into the extruder, where under the influence high temperature melts and mixes. Standard color is white. If colored containers are produced, then colored polystyrene granules are added at this stage;
  2. The resulting mixture is passed through a screw press, turning into a plastic sheet 1-2 mm thick. An important condition is the uniform thickness of the product. This is achieved by carefully adjusting the shafts, turning the mass into a solid web (you need to monitor the temperature of the mass and the beating frequency of the shafts). When working with polystyrene, it is easier to achieve uniform thickness than with polypropylene. Therefore, productivity on polypropylene drops by 20%, and the consumption of raw materials increases by the same amount;
  3. The finished sheet, heated in the oven, is sent to a thermoforming machine (also known as a vacuum forming machine). At this stage, blanks are made: the canvas passes through certain molds (depending on the type of finished product - plate, cup, fork, etc.). Using a press, blanks of the desired shape are squeezed out of the film;
  4. In a trimmer, a die-cutting press cuts out extruded blanks from a common web. With the help of special devices (depending on the type of product), the final processing of the product takes place: for example, bending the upper edge of the cups;
  5. Packaging of finished products.

Remains of plastic film after cutting finished products can be used in the next work cycle. This is a truly waste-free process.

Equipment for the production of disposable tableware

Plastic containers are made from granules that first need to be melted (full production cycle) or from finished film, which is purchased in rolls (incomplete cycle).

Let's consider a set of machines for organizing a full cycle:

  • Extruder for producing plastic sheet from granulate;
  • Granulator and crusher;
  • Thermoforming machine (punching presses);
  • Press forms;
  • Packing machine.

On average, a line for the production of disposable tableware costs 5-20 thousand dollars.

European machines are the most expensive, so many entrepreneurs choose options from Chinese, Taiwanese, and domestic brands.

Best lines

  • Longkou Deyi Machinery Co.,Ltd . (China). When producing 500 cups/hour or 350 plates/hour, the price will be about $5,000 excluding molds (another about $2,000);
  • Arc Automation(Israel): from 1000 units/hour, cost – from $10,000;
  • Japan Steel Works(Japan): from 2500 units/hour, price – from $17-18,000;
  • Capuletti(Europe): from 2000 units/hour, cost – about 15-20 thousand dollars for a full cycle line;
  • « Rostekhno"(Russia): 1000-6000 units/hour at a price of 10-24 thousand dollars.

A good way to save money and get good equipment - find used machines from European brands.

For example, a line from Dalaker (Germany) with a set of molds and a productivity of about 2 million units of cookware per month is offered on the secondary market for 15-17 thousand dollars.

In the calculations we will focus on the option with equipment average productivity in the price range of 10-11 thousand dollars. You will produce approximately 500 thousand cups, 250 thousand plates and 600 thousand forks and spoons per month.

Raw materials for the production of disposable tableware

The best option– use of polypropylene or polystyrene in granules. In this case, a ton consumables costs about $300, while a ton of plastic film costs about $700.

You can buy raw materials at Russian companies: “TIS”, “Germatrti” (including colored granules), “RosEcoPlast”, “EuroPlast”, “Vista”, “Plast-plus”.

To produce 1.3 million units of goods per month, 7-8 tons of polystyrene granulate ($2200) will be needed.


To work in two shifts you need to hire a manager, a technologist, four workers, a cleaner, and two loaders. Accounting is outsourced. Monthly salary fund – $4000. Workers definitely need health certificates.

Costs and profits

  • (185)
  • (102)

Probably every person in our country has encountered disposable tableware. And it doesn’t matter at all what it was made of: paper or plastic. Before you find out what equipment you should purchase for the production of disposable tableware, let’s figure out why this is worth doing.

Advantages of the presented products

So, among the advantages we can highlight the following:

  • ease of use;
  • very low cost;
  • environmental Safety;
  • convenience;
  • high demand.

Naturally, equipment for the production of disposable tableware cannot be called simple, since it is capable of performing dozens of different operations. However, the amount of possible income completely covers any disadvantages.

What are the dishes made of?

Naturally, in order to stamp products, you must first purchase raw materials. For production, you can use both paper and polyethylene. Moreover, in the second case, production is cheaper. However, paper dishes are safer.

The purchase of raw materials should be made from several trusted suppliers. In addition, recyclable materials are excellent for such production, the cost of which is very low. If you decide to choose polyethylene, then keep in mind that making dishes from it is quite difficult. However, the products are more durable and can be used in the microwave.

What equipment is needed for the job?

In order to organize your own workshop, you need to know what equipment to purchase for the production of disposable tableware. So, you will need:

  • injection molding machine (designed to work with polypropylene and polystyrene);
  • thermoforming machine;
  • extruder - thanks to it, flat sheets can be obtained from polyethylene granules;
  • packing table;
  • crusher - used for crushing recyclable materials;
  • chiller - this machine for the production of disposable tableware provides cooling of workpieces;
  • compressor.

In principle, this equipment is quite enough to start a business. Then you can expand and buy more powerful and functional machines.

How to choose the right equipment?

This question is not too difficult. First you need to decide on the parameters of the machines, and then look for a suitable model. For example, to begin with, low-power equipment with average performance will be more sufficient for you.

However, even it is not that cheap. Therefore, to begin with, it is quite possible to use used cars. Naturally, they should be in good condition, and not break down every week. But here it depends.

If you decide to purchase a new line, please note that you should order a machine for the production of disposable tableware only from a trusted manufacturer who enjoys a positive reputation.

When choosing, try to carefully consider all the devices. The seller must provide you with all necessary accompanying certificates.

Features of the production of polyethylene tableware

It is cheaper both in production and on the market. The manufacturing process of such material is quite complicated. It consists of the following stages:

1. To begin with, the sorted raw materials in the form of granules are thrown into an extruder, where under the influence of high temperature it turns into a homogeneous semi-liquid mass. Mixing inside the bunker is carried out using an auger.

2. The resulting mass is squeezed out through a thin slit. The result is a long and wide sheet, the thickness of which varies within a few millimeters. It all depends on how the shafts are configured, and they must work accurately and correctly. If you have a functional extruder, then with its help you can get a multilayer film. In any case, its thickness should be the same along its entire length.

As you can see, the manufacturing process is quite complicated. The machines must be operated by experienced operators who can operate automatic system using the remote control. Naturally, strict safety rules must be observed during operation.

Features of manufacturing dishes from laminated cardboard

First of all, it should be noted that equipment for the production of disposable paper tableware is produced only abroad. The fact is that in our country such a business is not very popular, due to quite high cost primary raw materials. However, if you still decide to do this, then look for German, American, Korean or Chinese devices.