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Speech for the presentation of the ecological trail in the dhow. Presentation of the project “Ecological trail on the territory of a preschool educational institution

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Teacher of MBDOU No. 15 “Chamomile”: Volynkina R.Sh. Topic: “Formation of environmental literacy and culture of children through an ecological trail”

Relevance Love for the Motherland begins with love for nature.” It is under this slogan that the country’s children’s environmental movement carries out all activities that are aimed at ensuring that our children learn to love their Motherland through love for the world around them. To lay love for the Motherland, for the native land, for native nature, more effective in preschool age. Environmental literacy is a system of knowledge about the surrounding world, about the rules of behavior in nature, caring attitude towards living and inanimate nature and to man. Ecological culture - system social relations, public and individual moral and ethical norms, views, attitudes and values ​​concerning the relationship between man and nature. One of the interesting innovative forms environmental education is the creation of an ecological trail. An ecological trail is a special educational route in natural conditions where there are environmentally significant natural objects. On these routes, children become acquainted with natural biocenoses, the diversity of plants and animals, the connections that exist between them, and introduce environmental protection activities in practice. The ecological trail plays an important role in the system of accumulation of personal experience for each child.

Diagnosis of children's development of environmental literacy and culture 51% of children have an average level 49% of children have a low level A survey of parents showed: 65% of parents are often in nature, but the basic rules of behavior in nature are not always followed for various reasons - this corresponds to an average level of development environmental competence, 35% of parents are in nature extremely rarely and do not always follow the basic rules of behavior in nature, do not have sufficient information about the nature of our area, region - this corresponds low level Diagnostic and survey results

Problem: Insufficient development of environmental literacy and culture in children. Lack of interaction between children and their parents with nature. Not all parents have developed environmental competence

Goal: developing environmental literacy and culture in children. Objectives: Study scientific and methodological literature on methodological topic. Compose long-term plan working with children and parents. Make a map of the ecological trail in the territory kindergarten, select the most interesting view points for study. To develop environmental literacy and culture in children. To increase the level of environmental competence of parents. Monitor the level of development of environmental literacy and culture in children and parents of environmental competence.

Expected results: Increasing the quality indicators of environmental literacy and culture in children by 20% or more. Increasing the level of environmental competence of parents by 20% or more.

Analysis scientifically methodological literature In their work, they relied on the following programs: S. Nikolaeva’s “Young Ecologist” program, which addresses the issue of establishing the beginnings of environmental literacy and culture in children and their development in the adults raising them. N. A. Ryzhova’s program “Nature is Our Home” involves developing in children the first skills of environmentally literate and safe behavior in nature. Program “From birth to school”, ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

For the purpose of systematic work, we have drawn up a long-term plan for working with children by parents, aimed at developing children’s knowledge about objects of living nature (conversations, quizzes, entertainment, environmental games)

Organization of an ecological trail To organize an ecological trail, we examined the territory and selected the most interesting objects for research - viewpoints: “Mini-vegetable garden”, “Field”, “Garden”, “Vegetable garden”, “Forest”, “Dining room for birds”, “ Anthill". Together with my parents, I made a map of the trail.

Work at viewpoints On the ecological trail we organized a variety of labor activity. The children not only observed the plants, but also made beds, sowed seeds of carrots, beets, radishes, and planted seedlings of cabbage and cucumbers. The pupils enjoyed caring for the beds, watering and weeding them. At the “Forest” and “Garden” viewpoints, currant, serviceberry, strawberry, oak, larch, and cedar seedlings were planted. The children looked after the seedlings: they cut dry branches and whitened the trunks. At the “Dining for Birds” viewpoint, in winter, children and their parents made and hung feeders, and in the spring, birdhouses. \

Subject-developing environment An experimentation corner equipped with a microscope and magnifying glasses, with the help of which we, together with the children, looked at stones, twigs, leaves and cones, and the bark of various trees. “Vegetable garden on the window”, where vegetables were grown in winter time. A corner of nature. Library. It presents children's fiction about nature. These are books by A. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, A. Maykov, K. Ushinsky, M. Prishvin, S. Yesenin, V. Bianki, N. Sladkov, N. Pavlova, K. Paustovsky, G. Snegirev and others. Parents and children have the opportunity to use this literature.

On the ecological trail we played outdoor games “Fox and Hares”, “Garden Round Dance”, “Owl”. We solved problem situations: “Why do trees need leaves?”, “Who is in charge in the anthill?”; they painted “Letters for the owner of the trail” and “Gifts of Nature” on the asphalt. When winter came, we continued to monitor the weather and snow.

We based our work on children’s assimilation of a system of knowledge about nature. They contributed to the formation of labor skills, fostered emotional responsiveness, love for nature, and the desire to protect and increase its wealth. We consolidated the knowledge gained on the ecological trail in the group. Conducted directly educational activities, where children were given the opportunity to compare, analyze, use existing knowledge, and also introduced children to new material that was used on the ecological trail. We widely used riddles, proverbs, literary works, as well as visual aids (pictures, illustrations, photographs).

Work with parents Organized a family club “Spikelet” Together with parents we organized weekend trips to a camp site, to a birch grove (Severny microdistrict); route excursions along the ecological trail in kindergarten; Parents together with their children participated in the “Garbage does not suit the earth” campaign. They made crafts from bottles and bags.

For independent activities of children, we suggested looking at illustrations on environmental theme“Plants of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”, “Animals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”. We prepared stencils (leaves, fruits, vegetables, domestic and wild animals); lacing silhouettes of wild animals; painting stones and seeds; making crafts from natural and waste materials; collecting leaves and making collages, herbariums

Results of diagnostics of environmental literacy and culture in older and older children preparatory groups kindergarten No. 15 “Romashka” Results of monitoring the environmental competence of parents

Conclusions Thus, with the help of the ecological trail, we managed to increase the environmental literacy and culture of children, and to develop the environmental competence of parents. We can recommend our work experience to preschool teachers to develop environmental literacy and culture among preschoolers.

Elena Zykova
Presentation “Ecological trail in kindergarten”

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Department of Education of Yekaterinburg

Municipal budget preschool educational institution - kindergarten No. 561

620146, Ekaterinburg, st. Chkalova, 117 a, tel.: (343) 240-27-56,

(343) 240-36-49, e-mail: [email protected]


Ecological path- one of the modern forms of education and

children's education - work in ecologically significant space, on an educational route passing through various natural objects. By getting to know nature and the features of the natural landscape, children and adults broaden their horizons and practice orienteering.

Ecological trail makes it possible to see an object at different periods of time.

All this contributes to the consolidation and enrichment of speech material, the skills of correct sound pronunciation are practiced, and mental processes develop. Develops in communication with nature childish curiosity, horizons broaden, interest in work manifests itself, and a sense of beauty awakens. Great importance to instill in children a love for their native land.

When organizing work on ecological trail you can use different forms: excursions, classes-experiments, classes-observations, environmental games, quiz competitions, holidays. Ecological trail –

it is a means of moral, aesthetic, and labor education.


TARGET: enrich and systematize environmental preschoolers' knowledge by means ecological trail preschool educational institution.

The main tasks when working with children preschool age are - clarification, systematization and deepening of children’s knowledge about plants, animals and natural phenomena, about the state of the environment, the formation of knowledge about the vital manifestations of all living things (nutrition, growth, development, development of interest in the natural world; fostering a humane attitude towards all living things, a sense of mercy ; through systematic, targeted communication of preschoolers with environment, lay the foundations ecological culture of personality.

Familiarity with plant life is reinforced through classes and excursions.

combined with activities in a corner of nature. Over the summer we collected a herbarium "Medicinal plants", "Plants of the meadow", thanks to which preschoolers’ knowledge of plants was consolidated. Walks and excursions, that is, direct communication with nature, aroused great interest among the children. Children learned to observe natural phenomena, notice new things, establish connections between individual phenomena and convey their impressions. And of course, none of them plucked flowers without a purpose, did not break branches, did not destroy birds’ nests, thus they developed a caring attitude towards nature, towards all living things.

Ecological trail located along the perimeter of the preschool educational institution, which allows everyone

children and group teachers constantly observe and communicate with a variety of living nature objects.

Long-term plan for the route ecological path

Name Purpose Objects


"Forest of Miracles"

Fix the names of trees and bushes,

their structure, external characteristics;

Teach children to distinguish between trees and bushes

by appearance

Systematize ideas about

coniferous and deciduous trees;

Cultivate a caring attitude. - Rowan

"Experimental site"

Continue to introduce children to

a variety of vegetable crops

and how to care for them;

Arouse interest in growing

vegetable crops. -tomato;







« Path of health»

Introduce children to various

natural objects.

Develop object classification skills

Various stones




Tree bark

First aid kit "Agafya's Grandmothers"

medicinal plants for healthy


Learn to collect and dry medicines

plants for health

events during the cold season. -mother-stepmother,



"Butterfly Park"

Expand knowledge and understanding about

manifestations of insects.

investigative connections, make generalizations. - flies;






"Alpine roller coaster"

Introduce children to types of wild herbs,

How to properly design an alpine slide and what are its features.

Timothy grass


"Poultry yard"

Observation of migratory

wintering birds,

Cultivate a caring attitude towards

Bird column with



Victory Flowerbed - to instill in children a sense of pride for their country,

Bring up moral qualities. - flowers

Natural material

Doves - as a symbol of peace

"Lake of Desires"- to cultivate a sense of beauty,

Develop imagination and thinking - artificial pond

Natural material

A house in the village to expand knowledge and ideas about

features of appearance, life

manifestations of domestic animals.

Learn to compare, analyze,

establish the simplest causal

investigative connections, make generalizations. -cow

Meteo platform teach to compare, analyze,

set the time natural conditions-vane


Objects for observation: rowan, apple tree, decorative lilac.

Target: Expand and clarify children’s knowledge about trees and shrubs in their immediate environment. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name parts of plants.

Activate children's vocabulary using words denoting breeds trees:

coniferous, deciduous. Foster a caring attitude towards the plant world.

Preliminary work:

Examination of paintings and illustrations about forests and plants.

Observations of trees and bushes while walking.

Making riddles about trees, sayings about the forest.

Demo material: Pictures with trees (oak, rowan, birch, spruce, maple, pine); pictures with parts of a tree (root, trunk, branches, leaves, fruit: cones, catkins, maple seeds, etc.); natural fruits collected during a walk.


Objects for observation: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini, beets, carrots, dill, lettuce, parsley, radishes.

Target: Systematize and supplement children’s knowledge about cultivated plants, plant communities. Show the importance of vegetable crops for human development, growth and health. Develop the ability to care for plants and choose ways to care for them.

Planting seeds on seedlings. Conversations with children about beneficial properties plants and their fruits.

Walk and observe the appearance of plants in spring, growth, flowering, looking at flowers, leaves, comparing different plants during spring. Summer and autumn months.

Examination and collection of plant seeds.

Labor in the garden: planting plant seedlings, watering, weeding. Loosening, preparing the beds for winter. Harvesting.


Objects for observation: pebbles, cones, bark, wood, sawdust, wooden blocks, stones of various structures.

Target: Introduce children to various natural objects. Develop the skill of classifying objects according to various characteristics, sensory skills.

The collection material also serves as visual material. When collecting samples, the following should be considered: Aspects:

Availability of objects for collection. Collections children's gardens should primarily include samples that they can collect themselves preschoolers: stones, plant seeds, dry leaves, branches, dry bark of trees, shrubs, samples of sand, clay, various soils, river and sea shells, etc.

Diversity. It is important that the collection includes (as much as possible) objects of both living and inanimate nature.


Collection examples

1. Collections "flying" seeds

In summer and autumn, invite the children to look for flying seeds in the forest, at the dacha, in the park. Flying seeds are plant seeds that are carried by the wind. Using their example, you can show children one of the ways to spread seeds. They are lightweight and have special features for wind transport. There are two main groups in this collection.

The first group is seeds that have "wings" different forms: maple, ash, birch, linden, poplar, pine, spruce.

The second group includes seeds with "parachutes": dandelion, sow thistle, coltsfoot, thistle, salsify (there are meadow and steppe species, butterbur (grows on the open banks of rivers and lakes, similar to coltsfoot, but with larger leaves). Seeds are also carried by the wind poplars (the famous poplar fluff, fluffy fireweed seeds and the seeds of an unusual group of plants called tumbleweeds (mostly steppe, desert plants).

2. Collections of other seeds and fruits

Select as many different seeds and fruits as possible, classifying them according to different characteristics, For example:

Collection of seeds and fruits of trees (shrubs, herbs, collection "nuts"(chestnut, acorn, walnut, hazelnut, etc.,

Collection "berries"(dried berries or their seeds - rose hips, hawthorn, cherry, lemongrass, plum, apricot, legumes (peas, beans, beans, peas,

A collection of seeds, fruits of cultivated and wild plants, medicinal plants, and others. Collections must include pine cones, chestnuts, and acorns that even kids can play with.

There can be a lot of collection options.

3. Collection of inflorescences

In spring you can collect an interesting collection of inflorescences of different trees and shrubs, known to us as "earrings" (birch, aspen, poplar, hazel, willow, alder). Fallen inflorescences can also be found under ash and maple trees. All of them are easily dried and stored well in a dry place. Many of them have noticeable stamens and pistils, which are interesting to examine under a magnifying glass or microscope.

4. Collection of stones

Working with a collection of stones is aimed at play, through which both learning and development of the child are carried out. IN kindergarten collections should serve not just as samples, but as objects with which the child has the opportunity to play constantly: select groups by color, size, weight, etc., toss, construct, knock on each other, squeeze in the palm of your hand, throw into water, etc. In addition, children are very interested in the process of collecting stones, forming collections.

Stones are sorted into natural and artificial pebbles: expanded clay, a piece of asphalt, brick, concrete slab. This will allow you to compare different stones and using their example to explain to children the meaning of the term "nature" And "non-nature" (artificial object).

5. Shell collections

Collections of shells can be varied, but primarily shells can be classified into three types: freshwater (river, lake or pond, sea and land.

6. Collection of dry leaves

Various leaves of trees and shrubs located on the territory kindergarten.

7. Tree bark collection (shrubs)

The bark of different trees differs in thickness, fracturing (number and type of cracks, roughness, color. It is advisable that collections include samples of different species. It must be remembered that bark can only be removed from old, fallen or cut trees (in the forest, on dacha, not from the living.

different, pine (different in thickness, color, has a well-defined smell, - and others.

The collection can be supplemented with branches of trees and shrubs and

bark with lichens, mosses, small growths. The bark collection is an excellent subject for work: Children can identify bark by touch or smell.

8. Collections of sand, clay, soil

Sand varies in grain sizes (large and small grains, identical and different in size, color (shades, impurities) (for example, clayey sand).

River and sea sands are clearly distinguishable. Clay can vary in color (impurities, degree of waterproofness. Soil, unlike sand and clay, is the top fertile layer, which contains rotted remains of plants, their roots, etc. Soil can also be different: black chernozem, yellowish-brownish podzolic soil, dark peat soil, - and others.

10. Collections of lichens, mosses

Samples of this collection can be collected primarily from old fallen trees. In mountainous areas, it is also interesting to look for small stones with lichens of different colors and shapes; in the taiga zone, it is easy to find hanging from tree branches "bearded" lichens.


Objects for observation: coltsfoot, plantain, dandelion; sorrel, calendula.

Target: Introduce the structure of plants, the ability to find differences between them. To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of forming ideas about medicinal plants and their healing properties. Introduce the rules of collection, storage and use.

Walk and observe the appearance of plants in spring, growth, flowering, looking at flowers, leaves, comparing different plants during the spring, summer and autumn months.

Conversations with children about the healing properties of each plant. Didactic games: "We are plants", “How is it useful?”, “Whose leaf?”, "Guess what to treat".


Objects for observation: butterflies, chafers, ladybugs, ants, grasshoppers.

Goals and objectives of observations: Create a desire to watch insects; Give an idea of ​​insects and their structure. Bring to the understanding that all insects are living. Show distinctive features insects

Tell us about the benefits insects:

General characteristics of insects.

Appearance of insects: has a head, body, legs, wings.

Preliminary work:

Visual and didactic material.

Quizzes, proverbs, riddles, folk signs about insects.


Objects of observation: meadow timothy, mantle, burdock


Preliminary work:

Didactic and outdoor games.

Quizzes, proverbs, riddles, folk signs about herbs.


The bird canteen is open all year round. Feeders are mounted on trees so that children can freely watch the birds.

Objects of observation: BIRDS - pigeons, crows, sparrows, titmice, bullfinches.

Goals and objectives of observations: Give submissions general ideas about birds. Learn to recognize birds by appearance. Reinforce the idea that birds are alive. Introduce the living conditions of birds.

Appearance of birds: there is a head, a body, two legs, a tail and two wings; there are no teeth, they peck food with their beak, and their body is covered with feathers.

general characteristics birds:

Birds eat, breathe, move - they are alive.

All birds fly and flap their wings during flight.

Birds swim in puddles, bask in the sun, sit on tree branches, jump on the ground, and peck worms.

The birds' bodies are covered with feathers, so they are not cold. In winter, it is difficult for birds to find food. To do this, people make feeders and feed the birds.

Birds make nests. Chicks hatch in them. Birds feed their chicks from their beaks.

Preliminary work:

Conversations. Visual and didactic material.

Didactic and outdoor games.

Quizzes, proverbs, riddles, folk signs about birds


Objects of observation: flowers, natural material, pigeons

Target: Introduce the symbol of peace "Pigeon". Give an idea of ​​the holiday "Victory Day". Strengthen knowledge about colors and their meanings

Preliminary work:

Conversations. Visual and didactic material.

Didactic and outdoor games.

Quizzes, proverbs, riddles, folk signs about the world.


Objects of observation: artificial pond, fountain, natural material

Target: Introduce children to the features of the lake. Cultivate imagination and show interest in the environment.

Preliminary work:

Conversations. Visual and didactic material.

Didactic and outdoor games.

Quizzes, proverbs, riddles.


Objects of observation: barnyard, apiary, rye, wheat, corn

Target: Introduce children to living conditions in rural areas, with pets. Give an idea of ​​wheat, rye and corn, and an apiary. Strengthen knowledge about the characteristics of domestic animals.

Preliminary work:

Conversations. Visual and didactic material.

Didactic and outdoor games.

Quizzes, proverbs, riddles, folk signs about the village, animals, honey and bees.


Objects of observation: weather vane,

Target: Introduce children to the features of alpine slides. Give an idea of ​​the types of wild herbs. Strengthen knowledge about herbs and their meanings

Preliminary work:

Conversations. Visual and didactic material.

Didactic and outdoor games.

Quizzes, proverbs, riddles, folk signs about natural phenomena.

Project participants: children, teachers, parents of preschool educational institutions.

Objective of the project:

Development of the cognitive attitude of children 3-7 years old to nature native land through acquaintance with the animal and plant world of the kindergarten site.

Formation of an environmental culture, which is understood as a combination of environmental consciousness, environmental feelings and environmental activities.

Formation of a system of environmental knowledge and ideas.

Development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, admire it, the desire to preserve it).

Participation of children in activities feasible for them to care for plants and animals, to protect and protect nature.

The ecological trail performs educational, developmental, aesthetic and health-improving functions. It is located on the territory of a preschool institution. The main criterion for choosing the route and objects of the ecological trail is the inclusion in it of as many diverse objects as possible that attract the attention of children, and their accessibility for preschoolers. As objects of the ecological trail, we selected objects - natural and artificially created by teachers and parents.

Stages of creating and designing a trail:

1) A detailed examination of the territory of the kindergarten and highlighting the most interesting objects.

2) Drawing up a map of the path with the route and all its objects

3) Together with the children, choose the owner of the path - a fairy-tale character.

4) Drawing up a passport of all points of the path.

5) Making callout signs indicating each point.

– Use walks to connect children with the nature of their immediate environment and improve children’s health in the fresh air.

– Use observations of wildlife to develop the sensory qualities of each child.

– Introduce various objects of living nature and show its relationship with the outside world.

– Make the child’s communication with nature safe for the child and nature itself.

– To develop feelings of closeness to nature and empathy for all living things, care and respect for nature.

– To develop the ability to convey your impressions of communication with nature in drawings, crafts, stories and other creative works.

– Conduct observations along the trail in different times year, games, excursions, research, theatrical activities and other activities.

Design of the path and equipment for organizing observations.

To increase the interest of children, the teacher together with them chooses the “owner of the path”, and each group has its own owner or hostess: Borovichok, Lesovichok, Sorceress Flora, Florik, Strawberry, Ladybug, etc. The characters stand at the beginning of the route, greet the children, and periodically send writing assignments for children, participating in theatrical performances. At the beginning of the path along the ecological trail there is a plan.

The ecological path of Preschool Educational Institution No. 80 includes the following viewpoints:


Spruce with a nest of wild pigeons

Old tree stumps

Meadow grass

Forest herbs

Maple Grove


Thuja grove

Birch Grove

Stylized and specially created objects of the ecological trail

Flower beds

Alpine slide


Bird feeders

Ethnic corner

Children's weather station

Forest Lake

rural yard

Children's garden

Corner of medicinal plants

Corner of the forest

Insect clearing

We involved adults and children in the selection of objects and their creation: we listened to their suggestions and tried to take into account at least some of them. Thus, we gave the children the opportunity to feel involved in the creation of the ecological trail; the children began to have a special attitude towards it, consider it theirs, and show greater interest

Near each object there is a sign with the name. The information on the signs is short and expressive. At the Vegetable Garden facility there is a calendar of crop observations: time of planting, first shoots, flowering, fruit appearance, ripening, harvesting. On the path there is a “Sign Tree”, where various environmental signs and a wise owl holding the red book of nature are attached:

There is one garden planet

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Birds clique I migratory,

There's only one thing on her th bloom

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise...

Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other one like it!

When creating an ecological trail on the territory of the kindergarten, we tried to make maximum use of the species richness of trees, shrubs, and herbs, which for 40 years have been carefully preserved by more than one generation of employees and parents. We included different species of trees, shrubs, grass and mosses in the plan of the ecological trail. Using their example, we can show the differences between different life forms of plants. Our site is quite large, so we recreated on it fragments of natural plant communities characteristic of our Kursk area (forest, meadow, clearing, pond, lake). This helps teachers introduce children to representatives of local flora and fauna, forest and meadow ecosystems. We also presented a variety of insects, invertebrate animals, mammals, with certain plants as they are associated with certain plants, food and living conditions

As a result of the project:

The level of environmental knowledge about the nature of the Kursk region has increased significantly,

The level of cognitive and speech activity of preschool children has increased;

The mental health of children has improved: the child’s interaction with nature reduced the level of anxiety and had a positive effect on the emotional well-being of children;

The level of professional preparedness of teachers in conducting excursions to ecological trail sites has increased

Development prospects for the environmental project:

1. Creation of natural corners of different climatic zones.

2. Corner "Wonderful Weed".

3. Drawing up the “Complaint Book of Nature” together with the children.

4. Maximum use of the “Pigeon Mail” gaming technique.